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This is a drawthread for bad artists, people who don't consider themselves artists, and people who might have nothing more than MSPaint or even just a stick and some mud.

If you want a very detailed, very specific piece of art, try a drawthread for good artists.

If you want a stupid idea drawn, request it. Want something silly or weird or mildly amusing? Go for it. Just remember you're not going to be getting anything of quality in this thread, because even if a good artist decides to descend to here and grace us with their presence, we're going to bully them. Same goes with people who make particularly dumb requests. But, this should go without saying: no real bullying.

This thread is just to have fun and to request/draw stuff for this board (try and keep the requests related to Traditional Games), so let's not take things too seriously. If you've never drawn anything, this is a great chance to start, and if you don't even have a stick or some mud, just hit up a site like https://kleki.com/ or https://excalidraw.com/ and mess around.
Bad art? Count me in.
Drawfag looking for requests. Let's pretend this board is nice and active.
Draw a duck wizard.
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Can I get a shirtless, oiled up Jeff Goldblum hitting a cyberpunk ganger in the taint with a two-by-four?
>pic related
goblin being punted
British soldier in pith helmet fighting T-rex
perfect excellent
a demented looking horsie
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draw me a mean green motha from outer space (and he's bad)
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The only bad drawfaggotry is the one without SOVL behind it. So long as you put your all into those series of squiggles and lines, it can never be bad.
Thank you kindly, I'll just take that on over to Agartha.
Lizardman piloting a giant dragonfly like it's a Huey helicopter. The big eyes are the bubble cockpit.
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lmao, thank you drawfag, first nice thing i've seen on this board in ages
I think that's it for me tonight. I'll probably drop in tomorrow and do a few more requests if this thread is still around.
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i understand if you don't stick around, but thanks for dropping by
If OP or any other drawfag feels like it, I wanna see a janny in the style of a blind monk.
traditional dog-headed janitor, wielding a mop in a kung fu pose, blindfold on under/over the glasses, either works.
It just strikes me as a funny image.
/tg/ - drawings and art
I would like a traditional human Stacy, but she has the head of a snail (still has her beautiful long hair, though).
My personal favorite kind of request is the kind that will deliver an image that more than a single person might want to see, so feel free to make as many of those kinds of requests as you'd like.
You didn't have to make her cute anon, but you did anyway.
And I appreciate you for it.
I tend to naturally err towards cute.
It's weird, I wanna hate it 'cause slugs are gross, but she's cute. Good job drawfag-kun.
Very based drawanon(s?)

If you're still taking /r/s, I'd request a sketch of a fairy being hit with a fly swatter
I wish I could finish this request, but I hated how the composition turned out. I feel like my skills took a dump.
The perspective on the arm is all sorts of funky, mostly with that tiny wrist, but that makes it a good opportunity to practice the hardest part of being an artist: erasing something you put time and effort in and redrawing it.

Of course, if you just want to move on, there's nothing wrong with that. Drawfagging should be about having fun.
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Yes. though It took me time to redraw it over and over. I made the error of overlooking other details. Maybe I do not know how to model 3d characters, let alone properly view them for art like I do with other references.
There's a lot of good 3D poser programs, though getting some of them to work right is often just a step short from needing to learn how to 3D model.

Action figures are also pretty good. I used to have one of those wooden Artist mannequins thingies, but they're really just awful. A good action figure, on the other hand, is the second best way of getting a reference besides using yourself as a model with a mirror/camera.
When you put it like that, I should probably get into posing more often to get the right reference. I will try that. Thanks.
Kill yourself
Are you still accepting requests?
Skeleton knight! Champion of undead everywhere!
That anon in question...

She's perfect!
Ayo, what happens if I make my load extra salty and cajole her into giving me head?
Go for it.
Here's a few notes on requests: just some guidelines to help your chances of me taking it on (though other artists/non-artists may still fufill any request regardless if they also decide to pop in).

1. This is the bad drawthread, so simple requests that require lower skill levels are preferable. Less Sistine Chapel, more Bathroom Stall Grafitti.
2. Ideas from on-going /tg/ projects are especially welcome; really anything that might have a life beyond this thread is ideal.
3. I tend to gravitate towards humorous requests, but cute ones are also nice.

All requests are appreciated, even the ones that I personally end up skipping.
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it's nowhere near ongoing but how about one of the little mice from that thread a few years ago trying to eat a whole strawberry by herself (it's roughly a third her size)
Hmm...How about a goblin outlifting an orc?
Sci fi kobold, optionally in their dragon shaped space ship
Requesting a dragon who is VERY upset about wyverns taking their jobs
A plasmoid on piano singing Just a Friend.
Ok, the main drawthread went to shit. Got any ideas to share?
what do you guys do when you get frustrated with how bad you are?

Like, I look at the art in this thread, and get depressed because if THIS is bad art, then I'm beyond hopeless and should never even bother to try. My art looks like kindergarten scribblings compared to this
Kindergarten scribbles are great. Well, not all of them, but >>94356052
said it best, the only kind of truly "bad" art is the kind without any emotion or feeling behind it.

If you think you don't have any talent when it comes to the technical part of art, you can make up for it with putting care and thought into it. Give it a try, there's no reason to get frustrated here, posting anonymous scribbles on the internet with the only goal being to perhaps entertain a random passerby.

Be a bad artist. Because, being a bad artist is really just the first step to being a not-so-bad-artist.
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I will take the soulful mspaint scribble any day of the week. Quality is nice, but someone taking the time out of their day to do your request is what's really nice about it.
if there's something I've learned in my life it's that your brain doesn't need a reason to make you feel frustrated. I just spent half an hour trying to ask the same question but gave up without posting anything because every time I try to ask a question on the internet, people either answer an entirely different question, or just say "don't" and then pat themselves on the back like they're a genius

for the record, you're doing both of those things. I don't understand why people can't answer a simple question
Honestly for a "bad drawthread" I just feel completely overshadowed by everyone here who drew anything. Including the cube maid.

Anyway if you're here, I would like you to draw Morathi (Warhammer Fantasy/Age of Sigmar) but instead of a snake lower body I'd like her to have a sleek set of tentacles. And also just kind of shrugging at the viewer, like she's going "eh, could be worse'
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the cube maid was an old, old delivery I got yonks ago.
I treasure it still. As well as this.
"Don't" is really the only real answer. It's not a platitude, it's the only real solution.

It's like fear. It basically is just a fear, a fear of not being able to fulfill your own expectations or those of others. Fears don't have to be rational, but there's really no way to get people to overcome a fear other than having them confront it and move past it. There's various methods to do that, with some people trying to "Throw them in the deep end" approach, others trying a more cautious, slow, and safe process of gradually meeting increasing challenges.

If you don't want to overcome your fear or frustration, that's fine. A lot of people don't. But, if you want that feeling of satisfaction that comes from facing a fear and looking back at it and seeing it wasn't that bad, or overcoming a frustration and having a weight lifted off your shoulders, you've got to platitude platitude platitude. Grit your teeth, roll up your sleeves, so on and so forth.

If you're frustrated about how bad you are as an artist, there's an easy solution: Be a better artist. To be a better artist, you need to draw more. And, if frustration is keeping your from drawing more, you need to fix that death spiral by drawing more even if you're frustrated, or better yet, drawing more BECAUSE you're frustrated.

Go on. Draw something. Draw something bad. Draw something quick and bad. It's like working out, where even just doing it for 10 minutes a day can lead to dramatic improvements in a relatively short time. If you've got 10 minutes, draw something terrible, and maybe it'll still amuse someone.
Oh hello, fat fur artist.
Please don't try to stir up whatever retarded drama you're trying to stir up.
Carry on. Fuck Royce. That is all.
very cute, thank you
And it grows.
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Every sapling starts off in the shadow of giants, anon. It is through years of growth, development, and nurturing that we refine our abilities, no matter what they might be.
If you wish to become a drawfag, draw. That is all you must do. It doesn't matter what you draw, how you draw, where you draw inspiration or what you shamelessly steal to modify. Just draw.
Go into drawthreads, pick requests you would find entertaining to draw, and just draw. Take your time, experiment and tinker, figure out just what medium you like to use. Fuck around, find out, maybe you'll meet some cute gal at the art supply shop one day, as an added bonus.
Between slugstacy and the cute mouse girl, you spoil us.
>waaah im such a bad artist
>posts decent art
Are you that desperate for compliments?
It's not like most drawfags are any good at what they do. A drawthread is a drawthread, call it what it is and spare everyone the gay humblebragging disclaimers.
Draw an Elven mecha, and try to not make it look like something from 40k or Lancer.
The point of the Bad Drawthread is to keep the requests and expectations reasonable, while also encouraging less experienced artists to feel less pressure and just throw their hat into the ring. It also helps even experienced artists to feel less pressure to deliver an immaculate work and to just have fun.

It's a low stress, low commitment environment. You can tell by the difference in the requests, with few people asking for detailed and faithful reproductions of their personal characters complete with eight reference images.
But most of all, these drawings all have soul.
make one then
Got a couple different requests, all for a game I am running this Saturday.

The first is a "Busty Druidic Acolyte" being held as a human shield in front of an witch. In addition to being held, this acolyte is tied at the wrists to a nearby pillar, so she is unable to run away even if the witch is slain. They are standing in the ruins of a temple, in front of an idol of an ancient Elven god. In reality this "Busty Druidic Acolyte" is an Incubi in disguise. The disguise is good, but do with that info what you will.

The second is in the crypts below the above scene. There a demonic knight holds the true Busty Druidic Acolyte hostage, performing a foul ritual to create a portal to Carceri in an effort to score a victory in their battlefront of the Blood War. The demonic knight appears dressed in fullplate with a great helm concealing most of their features, and the BDA is a Ffolkish maiden.
Requesting a ninja giving a super hero a talking to.
Woah Anon, you don't have to get upset that people tend not to think very highly of themselves/their art and assume they're attention hogs.
I know my art isn't very good but if you think otherwise you can just say that and people would be appreciative of it much more. Assuming bad intentions like that gets people nowhere.
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Doodled this while bored at work. Having only a pen available helps me push past a perfectionist streak - if I can't erase, I have to settle for whatever lines I draw first.
Wound up being a bit overconfident in my posing - it's supposed to be
>raptor pinning guy against a wall (forgot to decorate) with one foot
>foreclaw against his chest to help stabilize
>her jaws are supposed to be wide around his neck, but I think I really messed this part up
Heh! I was thinking of a big orc guy, but this is better. Thanks!
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Ah, are we posting our bad, vaguely tg-related art here?
Any goblin requests?
a goblin gobblin' gobs of limes in order to become greener.
Draw my goblin waifu selling them dirty water dogs in a cyberpunk Chinatown.
go get'em champ
And slowly, it grows.
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Doing God's work.
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throwing a request: wizard chasing an imp
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Now draw her outlifting a bear.
Hi! Mind making a Slime Fighter, an Ooze Rogue, and a Jelly Wizard?
best thread on /tg/ right now, SOVL
I can relate
Got any orc requests?
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business orc holds presentation about why clubs with nails is better than club without nails.
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cute gob, would trust implicitly

Requesting a monk orc and a chunky werebear brawler in a casual brawling match.
Requesting a kobold showing an adventurer that she's already depicted him as the soijack and her dragon as the Chad
genders aren't important, just wanted to disambiguate the characters
>draw thread for bad artist
>art is better than the old school D&D art
lmfao the ego on artists. Miss me with this feigned humbleness.
Name this band.
Hell yeah, thanks.

The Slippery Sliders.
The Pudding Posse
I wanna see more of that chinese goblin.
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I tried this but I took so long that >>94434064
did it before me.
& also I had to spilt it into 2 pictures.
But here's my go
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idk why it looks so dark
The two teams should fight.

Do you know how to tweak Levels/Curves/Exposure? Any of those could brighten the image.
But it looks bright enough when you expand it I'm ok with it.
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They look like the best of friends.
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Draw Dracula arm wrestling the wolf man.
It's still awesome. Thank you.
Can I get an otter mage please?
this is a masterpiece
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requesting an impassioned orc preacher

cute lad. would learn spells from any day
>Making her sell seals instead of boiled hotdogs
Well played drawfag, well played. I deserve that after asking for a waifu request.
I know it's piggybacking, but can any kind drawanon draw the chinese goblin performing a Spinning Bottle Kick?
I know what you're thinking. Why would any wizard turn themselves into an otter? Well guess what. That's why you're not a wizard. Or an otter.
>Why would any wizard turn themselves into an otter?
they felt like they ought'er.
don't they have other options?
They have plenty of otter options
Raccoon with crossbow and wide rim iron helmet
otter pandemonium
if anyone is around for requests, girl with a big sword and very long hair
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>pure soul
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I'm not that good at drawing mainly because i have a job and a wife, but i like to remember the old D&D campaigns i DMd years ago, been thinking about making a comic on the dumb things that went on but i want to practice first, so if anyone here wants a crap drawing, hit me up.
These bitches are the characters they used on a homebrew 3e, magic-centered campaign that ended 3 months after starting because they blowed up an entire city with the magic equivalent of a nuclear bomb and dying in the process.
You're good, anon. I don't have any ideas other than my retired PCs from years ago (most of them are beastfolks). Are you interested?
excellent use of the circle tool
Give me them descriptions, i'll see what i do
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Alright. I fear this, but lets make it happen. Requesting a bearfolk druid (imagine Sana from Armello) gardening.
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Got you.
A bit of delay since i fell asleep watching a video, i kinda want to fill the page
Good stuff! Thanks!
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10000 hours in MS paint
No one expected them.
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we need to go bigger
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cute weight wife
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Have some of my stuff. Hopefully someone can make use of them.
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Getting some Darkest dungeon vibes.
I request a tardigrade hippo (or hippo tardigrade).
Or if you have any alien-but-not-stereotypical looking animal I'd love it too.
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This thread makes me wanna pick a pencil and draw for the first time since early high school. Back then I had many ideas to throw in a setting to GM (pic related) but I was GMing WFRP at the time and stuff happened that I abandoned many projects and also quit drawing feeling inadequate.

My heart is throbing.

Awesome idea.
I hope my motivation or this thread don't die before I draw it.

>Incubi in disguise.
>The disguise is good, but do with that info what you will.
Seems pretty open to interpretation.

>Captcha: TGRYS
Always just remember what the original D&D art look like and no artist should ever feel inadequate.
Anyone still have requests? I'm not the original anon but I'll try my best
how about a moss-covered defunct golem at the base of a tree, with it having grown around him over the course of time?
>The Deviljho experience
Very nice art
A panda warrior.
If anyone is taking requests, I'd like a D&D adventure party at market. One guy holding too many polearms, wearing oversized armor, and with a sack that is leaking coins.

I've wanted to put that image in with my house rule binder for ages now.
Requesting a cool Monstertruck

man 4chan gave me like 3 900 second wait times before letting me request this monstertruck
Like a whole party?
Could have his party with him, as long as the overencumbered dumbass is the focus
This thread has more soul than the main drawthread.
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Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving
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This is the first time in my life using watercolors. Tell me what you think.
Hand Turkeys will eventually become the most enduring symbol of mankind.

It's art like this which ensures that AI will never be able to defeat humans.
Spicy turkey!
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Eventually? Hand paintings have been one of the oldest known examples of art period. This shit is in our DNA.
a sexy priestess/nun that hates being sexy. IE she's forced to wear a revealing uniform to conform with her order but is constantly pissed off about

(Reposting from the other thread. The worse the better)
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yeah, people feel more free to do whatever they want here
My porn addled mind tricked my eyes thinking it was a sexy giantess wearing a sexy thigh high boot getting kicked by a man.
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stat him bros
The eternal rival of the Cold Turkey.
Twerkey's magical cousin.
I'll give this a go (But I'm slow so this may take a couple days)
Oh hey, cool. If you don't mind, go ahead and keep it black and white as well. And if you saw >>94483303 I could take or leave a full party, as long as there's one idiot like at a market stall or something, loaded down with all the shit he's carrying.

I shoulda had all that in the original request
Very cute. Thanks a bunch, bro.
Draw me a cool evil knight.
Requesting a panda monk.
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You can easily tell he's evil by his plume
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Perfect. Thank you!
Now for a sumo-themed barbarian panda.
You can tell by the way he walks.
He's a skele-tan, no time to talk
>bad art
>op art is both cute and cute AF
strange concept

Anyway, could I get a little bust of a goblin dude with a big babylonian style curly beard with a bat like nose and smallish bat/elvish ears wearing some horned helmet like this? Kinda dwarfish but gobliny energy if that makes sense. If you want to hear the enormous pages of backstory feel free to ask if you want to tempt fate.
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Requesting midget half-dragon sleeping on a treasure pile, or in a treasure chest.
You say this is the bad art drawthread but this is better than half of what I've gotten from drawthreads over the years.
This place doesn't judge any artist for their skills or requests.
I treat it more like a 'no expectation, just have fun' drawthread, the other one has all these rules that make it feel you should treat it somewhat seriously and not just draw a doodle.
i really hoped that it's a gif
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I command (you) to draw the last character you've played!
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Rootin tootin lolibaba oni cowboy shootin. Her name is Dust Devil, daughter of the late Tsunami Toda, a clan of samurai cowboy oni in california.
If there are any drawanons here, I have a simple request. Can you draw a sumo wrestling orc monk, please?
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This one I like. There are other b&w drawings itt that I also enjoy, as I am a b&w enjoyer myself.
Here's a sketch I did yesterday, while trying to fall asleep. It's supposed to be a nurglite gathering of norscans (whfb)
Requester here. This is fantastic. Thank you watercolor anon.
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posting initial sketch to bump
Handsome big orc!
Let's see more of this big orc!
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This is my second time using wattercolors. The original concept is kinda lost. I couldnt decide whether the orc should be leathery brown or green so I chose both.
There are room for improvements, but nothing wrong with trying to mix two ideas into one.
I love it!
Requesting a tree of flesh having branches made of arms and hands.
Nice first go!
Make sure you let the water colours fully dry out before adding more. It's a very slow going paint, yes even if you wanna blend colours. Look up some tutorials online as well. Lastly but most importantly use water colour paper. You can't use printer paper with water colour as it's just too thin, and tape it down to avoid warping. Everything else except this is honestly optional.
Got a really nice start here! Keep it up!

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