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Marching through the Alps Edition

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
Have you ever played a campaign?

>Community Summary of Wargames:
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I just bought Lost Battles. Has anyone played it?
I'm interested in starting to wargame Roman, but I'm having difficulty deciding between Imperial and Republican.
Obviously I like the iconic Hollywood look of Imperial Rome, but I see grogs on here always mentioning Republic Rome is better to wargame. I guess the big deciding factor will be enemy variety.
What are the major enemy differences between early Imperial and Republican?
I'm half tempted to just buy Imperial Romans and use them for all periods like Hollywood does
I chose early Republican (so, pre-Marian reforms) for my ancients, and I recommend you to do the same.
>Best diversity of opponents: you got "barbarian" enemies (Celts, Iberians, Illyrians, Spanish), and "imperial" enemies (Carthaginians, Macedonians, Epirotes, Seleucids, Numidian) while Early Imperial armies only have Parthians and Germans.
>More interesting period: it's an era of expansion and great power competition, with top dog generals like Hannibal, Scipio, Pyrrhus, Antiochus III or Phillip V.
>Greater diversity of miniatures: the legions were levies from the different socii, so you can have etruscan, latins, oscans... for your legionaries.
>Many armies can be easily expanded into other armies. Celts, Iberians, Samnites or Hellenistic Greeks will work for many of the conflicts of the period. So you can start with a Roman and a Carthaginian army, and later buy pikemen to turn your Carthaginian army into an Epirote army, or italian warriors for a Samnite army. A Carthaginian army with lots of Iberians can be turned into a Spanish army for Sertorius or the siege of Numantia. And an Hellenistic Successor army opens the gate to Alexander's campaigns and the Diadochi.


My ranking of roman eras for wargaming is Early Republic > Late Empire > Late Republic >>>> Early Empire
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Early Imperial were constantly shitting on Jews, so that automatically makes then better in my opinion
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I agree about your choice of period, but it's a pain to find good minis for most factions. Gauls are universally terrible for instance.
Do you know that if you don't like the Warlord Celts (fair enough) Victrix, Gripping Beast, Crusader, Foundry, Aventine, Relic... makes them too, right? Celts (Gauls, Britons, Galatians, whatever) are basically the most produced ancients range after Early Imperial Romans.
There are lots of good Gauls
>Have you ever played a campaign?
I am close to finishing all the units for my 1775 Canada Campaign, finally made a map out of little hexes. A year behind schedule, but I am almost there
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Sure but I'd rather play historical games, not fucking Asterix.

That's even dumber.
Have you considered that you might be mentally retarded?
Sorry but that's simply how Gauls looked. Asterix did a pretty good job at nailing the Gallic aesthetic. If you don't like how Gauls looked, well then play another army
So, did they really wear red or is that pure Hollywood?
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According to those >>94382405 >>94382425 geniuses historical sources, they were sometimes green.

I just don't get why napoleobro and others can have so much kino will ancient is stuck in the 19th century.
>Idk why two thousand years old armies uniforms are harder to depict than 200 year old uniforms that still exist in museums and collections and detailed manuals and fine art
Truly a mystery
Don't you see the difference between definitely wrong depictions and (so far) plausible approximations? Do you even like history?
3/10, you tried
mf half an hour ago you were saying
>I'm half tempted to just buy Imperial Romans and use them for all periods like Hollywood does
and now you're pretending that you care about green tunics lmao
I fucking wish I was trolling. I just hope the Perry bros will make ancient someday.
Not him, I will never do something like that. And republicans are sexier anyway.
Speaking of Romans, I love the aesthetic of late Romans and how they inspired Peter Jackson Rohan, but I don't know who they're supposed to fight? I don't know anything about this period of history
Maybe I should ask awg but since it's a supplement to a historical game I figure you guys would know better, I've found a pdf of Billhooks deluxe online but can't find the Fantasia supplement anywhere, can anybody point me in the right direction?
what about byzantine eras?

>Thread Question:
Have you ever played a campaign?

I mean, if you're running like a small merc band attempting to survive (ala battle bros), what counts as a campaign?
I've posted it here and /awg/. Still waiting for someone to get me a copy of Nevermind the Matchlocks. I don't have a Wargames Illustrated subscription anymore so I can't get it
I saw your post on the archive, thanks dude
You're welcome. I really love the game so try to share it to get others to play it as well. I wonder how many of the 65 dudes that I shared it with actually ended up playing a game? I hope lots. No one ever uploads PDFs I am looking for, so I like to be the guy that actually shares
Late Rome has a lot of opponents - if we're just talking from the end of the third century, you have the Alemanni, Franks and Burgundians in Germany; the Sassanids in the East; the Huns, Alans, Ostrogoths and Visigoths fighting all across the West and East; the Vandals who went all the way from central Europe to North Africa and then back again; and then in Britain you had the Angles, Saxons, Jutes and the Gaels.

That's just the most notable ones, but you can find tons the deeper you dig, and that's not to mention the romans fighting themselves as they were pretty vicious in the third and fourth centuries. There were internal revolts both incited by romans and by their subject peoples like the jews, the goths, the burgundians and so forth, and usurpation attempts (sometimes successful) by various pretenders.

In short, if there was a tribe or nation of people around in Europe and the Middle East at the time, they probably fought the Roman Empire at some point.
I'm the same - bought it, but never played.
The articles on each battle are interesting to read, especially how little we actually know about them
So for most wargame campaigns the players have their forces and fight each other with them in a series of battles without any sort of overworld map for maneuvering, essentially just playing through scenarios in order.
I'm I retarded if I think that sounds dumb? The same platoons or companies or whatever meeting each other repeatedly sounds a bit silly. I feel it would make more sense if it was from one perspective.
Not really? It depends on what kind of campaign system you run. I had campaigns with and without maps, both are interesting. But usually the army composition, terrain or victory conditions changes from game to game, and some sort of strategic advantage carries on from game to game. For example, when I ran my Punic Wars campaign, I had a node map with the western mediterranean, the players manouvred armies in it and tried to atract cities to their side by either invasion or diplomacy (abstracted as a dice roll).
The fact they could use elephants was the deciding factor on the Republic for me
They wore whatever cheap dyes were available, sometimes red but also blue, green, black and white. They were less uniform than often depicted
92 replies last thread. Just let it die.
Go and neck yourself if all you can say is 'not good, not good, not good'. Why the fuck are you here even? Go and talk to the wall you massive waste of breath. I'd tell you to talk to your father, but he should be spared.
I'm asking if anyone knows about good and accurate ancient minis and people give me lazy answers (and one guy was just a troll) you dumb mega nigger. I took time to review a bunch, and some heavy gauls are actually decent equipment wise, but they pretty much all wave their weapons and shields around like retards. I'm extremely circumspect of the few carthaginians I saw but I just don't know enough them. All greeks look to be the same, whether you go for peloponesian, medics or italian wars. For massed battle I did look for 10mm since that what I have terrain for and found nothing of value. Also you are a dumb mega nigger but that you already knew.
>and people give me lazy answers
Go ask on reddit you faggot.
You don't belong here, you're autistic, Trump won, post physique
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So is the Bolt Action 3E rulebook floating around online somewhere yet? The club I joined wants me to play with them on more casual game nights, and I want to read the rulebook before paying 50 dollars for it.
>had jobs to do in the nearest (2.5 hour drive) shitty regional centre
>newsagent has wss and wi
>a few local lads buy them
It's an arduous drive but nice to know cunts in a shithole like Burnie are interested
I am looking forward to playing my Chinese in BA 3rd edition in late 2026.
It's massively shit, ask them for a copy of they want to play it they should pay the cost.
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Here, anon I'll spoonfeed you a bit.

Enjoy the dolphin porn, you sicko.
I would if reddit was not even dumber than this place and they probably still are coping for the american elections anyway.

>Trump won
Yeah and that sucks cause 2nd ACW would have given so good hwg... I'm working on a scenario for IDF/Hamas, with human shields and reporter gunning, but I have a hard time finding decent minis for that too.
>>You don't belong here
Ah well, I'll let you retards enjoy Warhammer 40k WW2 edition, no wonder this thread is on life support.
If you can stand 1/72 there are plastics for IDF and insurgents, as well as metal camera crews (e.g. elhiem)
Danke. It's like I'm really there, sodomizing one of the ocean's most beautiful creatures.
Eh I've heard as much, but also the opposite. I'd like to make my own determination. We play lots of systems, as I said.
play 6mm or put a bullet in your head
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>I'm working on a scenario for IDF/Hamas, with human shields and reporter gunning, but I have a hard time finding decent minis for that too.
Edgy bro. Why don't you close the door on the way to /pol/?
>go to bed
>wake up
>check /hwg/
>still no new posts
boomers are dying and posting my wip chinese nationalist army will result in me having hot coals thrown at me by other anons
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>wip chinese nationalist army
I rike the Nationarists, prease post them anon. Those other sarty anons who throw hot coars, I will have their heads chopped!
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thanks anon. here ya go, my wip chinese nationalists
its mostly comprised of copplestones chinese range mixed with the odd eureka miniatures here and there(mainly the unpictured weapon teams)
i clipped off all of the helmets for the copplestone minis too and replaced them with 3d printed finnish caps to make them look a bit more how i wanted them too since i love the caps the chinese soldiers wore back then
the out of frame black primed dudes are unfiddled copplestone chinese who will represent my free levi squad acting as police officers
hope you rike
Nice. Why do you prime the miniature before basing it? you still got to paint the base, don't you?
Those minis are cool but the scale is kinda cancer.
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i primed my minis before placing them on the bases as copplestone and eureka minis all seem to come with quite big metal bases at their feet(part of the moulding process i think) and it makes them look slightly taller than i liked. so i clipped them off and stuck them to their plastic bases after priming
as for painting the bases. idk i used krautcover ruins with some greenstuff world bricks thrown in to give the bases a ruined city look. part of me thinks it might be over the top but the second sino japanese are looked very dirty
Aw yeah man I love copplestone castings Chinamen. Those are awesome anon! I've got a bunch myself, I'm using the fur hat guys + some furry hat Chinamen from pulp figures to make winter Japs in Manchuria in 32.
the big sword dudes from copplestone are some of the best models ive come across lol, i love them. i have some pulp figures too, they fit in nicely with copplestones range dont they. i cant seem to track down their chinese riflemen tho ;(
got any pics?
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Go to crucible crush. They're related to pulp figures and has a bunch of their older lines still for sale. Here's some of my Japs.
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working on something similar but using mine as Manchurians/bandits

is there some good rules for using smaller numbers of minis? like only one or two squads on each side, so I can use them to fight each other
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Here's some of my Chinese bandits too. I haven't worked on any of these guys in a long time. I've got warlord and nationalist troops too as well as a US Navy gunboat shore party and some Shanghai municipal police, had plans for commies and a bunch of others but they haven't come to fruition yet. Maybe some day.
hey look at those. they look fantastic :D never seen that tank before, the camo looks great on it!
>crucible crush
checked it out, and yeah they have the riflemen ive been searching around for a good while now. might need to pick a handful and find somewhere for them
skunk spotted
ohhh i think ive commented on/praised your stuff before. you've done a good with them, i think it was you that partially inspired me to go with making my own chinese force of that era :D
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I use fistful of lead and beyond the empire for my back of beyond china project. Neither are the most rivet counter historically accurate, but both worked very nicely and I've personally enjoyed them. I'm currently using beyond the empire for my Rif War project. There is of course the boomer gold standard of Setting the East Ablaze, and while I have the rules, I've never played them so I can't speak to how good or bad they are very well. They look fun, however, for whatever it's worth.
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Thanks anon, I'm glad I could inspire someone with my autism lol. Keep up the good work yourself, I'm always happy to see more chinamen and more back of beyond out in the hobby world. My china stuff has been packed up for over a year now unfortunately. Moved from having a lot of space to having no space. Kinda why I'm trying my hand at 10mm at the moment.
ye your stuff is real nice, my bandits were painted last year and never got round to properly finishing them, but started on the regulars a couple months ago, 28mm always seems to bog me down and I suppose 10mm is my main scale at the moment
i fink ill do some painting then tomorrow, i shouldnt really be at the mercy of a company like Warlord games anyways when it comes to motivation lol
>My china stuff has been packed up for over a year now unfortunately. Moved from having a lot of space to having no space.
I get ya. I was working on a Japanese force then things happened during covid for me
>I'm trying my hand at 10mm at the moment.
What ya working on?

off to bed now. late here. ill read tomorrow should the thread still be up
laters all
Keep it up anon, you'll get them done when you get them done!

>What ya working on?
The Rif War, I haven't painted anything in a bit but I'm trying to make time to get back at it.
Sell me a WW2 ruleset that plays well with 6mm miniatures at batallion-brigade level and doesn’t make the field look like a parking lot.
Go do your own homework.
The past 6 years the jannies that committed suicide post election made sure that this community, and tg at large, banned people who called out the faggotry of tourists, child molesters and the mentally ill encroaching on tabletop gaming. The board is dying except for the 40k threads who are religiously defending their turf. Battletech fell as the diversity crowd from Reddit ook over with sexualising and gendering everything. There are no more threads that talk about people having fun, like old Story Time threads did. HWG is just another drop in the bucket, where anything remotely calling out woke propaganda was punished by band and comment removal.
Even Santa moved on 2 years ago, as the crowd was no longer worthy of caring for.

Move to a forum and enjoy not having faceless people pushing their agendas. And let this thread die.
How do you guys deal with having to paint your dudes' buttcheeks? Granted, if you have tunics and such you will probably not have that problem, but dudes with pants?
I personally have developed a three-stroke method that goes by a rhythm of "no-ho-mo". Three strokes, no homo, and I am done with it. It's becoming increasingly exhausting the longer I am painting though.
kill yourself
Is there a known source for PDF data cars / TOEs for Spearhead? The mediafire trove just has the rules.
I got what you need.
Thank you very much, anon!
For flames of war does anyone know the answer to any of the following questions?

1. The top armor of tanks seems extremely off to me. Usually heavy tanks have a top armor of 2, mediums and light tanks 1 and armored cars/open topped vehicles have 0. But infantrys AT grenades in assaults are AT 2 meaning they cannot damage heavy tanks at all and can only bail other tanks if they roll a 1 for their save? Is this supposed to be how it works after going through all the effort of starting an assault?

2. Artillery guns seem to be worthless at killing anything except infantry in the open because if I range in on infantry in bulletproof cover to try and flush them out I'm adding +2 to hit because theyre gone to ground and concealed and then I have to get past their saves and then I have to pass a firepower check and I've yet to see an artillery gun that can be taken in a size above 4 so can they even get the re-rolls to hit? They also have low AT values like 2-4 so only the most expensive artillery can actually penetrate a tanks top armor and only on a roll of 1.

3. For aircraft their bombs obviously hit the top armor of things but do their AT cannons? Most have AT 6-9 so the tanks would be practically unable to save against most of these attacks but if you are supposed to hit their front or side armor using the guns then they can't hurt heavier tanks like the Tiger I, KV-1, IS2, Tiger II or Pershing at all. So I'm wondering if aircraft are just very lethal and you need to bring AA.

4. Why do AT guns seem to have such short ranges? most have 24-28" ranges while lots of tanks go beyond that and so the unit thats practically or sometimes is stationary can be attacked while not being able to fire back?

The rules for this game are very poorly written and I don't mean as in bad but as in they do not know how to fucking organize or explain indepth what they mean in this rulebook.
Imperial Romans are like Agincourt, done to death for 40 years because a lot of secondary sources are written in English, buuut... we all subconsciously did other things for long enough now that the old is fresh again. I am cycling back to Romans vs Parthians as we speak.
>while Early Imperial armies only have Parthians and Germans


This was the time of Octavian, Caesar Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Nero, Trajan, Hadrian,and Antoninus.Varus was defeated by Arminius.The invasion of Britain and the revolt of the Iceni.The Jewish revolt of Massada and the sack of Jerusalem.The eruption of Vesuvius.The Dacian wars.What a great time in Roman history!
>For parkinglot of war
The point where I stopped reading.
Wow so fucking thoughtful faggot. Don't even bother responding then.
1. Units without specialist training or equipment are not expected to assault tanks. Unsupported infantry should, all things being equal, be defeated by armour. Heavy tanks are nearly impregnable. You'll be relying on things like PIATs/Panzerfausts/Bazookas, or extra things like AT grenade Command Cards.
2. The roll to hit with artillery is not affected by concealed/GtG, so you will be hitting on the normal score (normally 3+/4+) once ranged in. Yes, AT values are low, as only a direct hit or fairly near miss would seriously impair a tank. Most shrapnel will cause light damage (vision blocks, antennae, etc) at most.
3. Cannons attack the armour direction that they are facing; you would normally want to set up an attack run to face side armour. Yes, they struggle against heavy tanks (for these, you generally want Rockets) but cannon are excellent for taking out light vehicles like SP guns.
4. Most guns have the same range whether mounted in a vehicle or towed. Medium guns (6pdr, 5cm PaK) do tend to be around 28" range, and heavier guns (88s, 17pdrs) substantially outrange them. But yes, positioning units to fire from outside their effective return-fire range is definitely a tactic.

Finally, I agree that the rules aren't well laid out, although in their defence I've generally found the pictures in the rulebook to be pretty helpful with examples.
I am often interested in learning more about the composition of various medieval armies in terms of both organization/ structure and things like coats of arms of officers and knights (so slightly more specific than "period at a glance").

But I can't seem to figure out where to look for this kind of info beyond some of the more famous battles, web searches don't seem to return much and it can be difficult to tell if I'm just dumb or there is scant info about a particular subject (which seems entirely possible a lot of the time). Publications like Ospreys are pretty accessible and interesting to read but sometimes it feels like they only incidentally offer information that might be of use to someone interested in getting a real feel for the force being covered as a whole (names, numbers, heraldry).

I was hoping maybe someone could share their general approach for learning about pre-modern armies, as it just feels like I am missing something.
I see so I was wrong about some rules. but now I'm questioning the balance of this game because all of my german tanks outrange all of my friends allied AT guns by a sizable amount like 12-16" and they have more anti tank on average than theirs while their guns are not much cheaper than my own AT guns that have the better range and AT. And volksturmm seem really OP because theyre cheaper than my friends conscript soviets who have a 4+ save and no AT while every volksturmm unit gets a panzerfaust and has a 3+ save. and if tank hunter aircraft can't hit the top armor can his aircraft and artillery just not harm my tigers at all? I know some aircraft have bombs and rockets with higher ATs but the ones with AT cannons can't even scratch the paint on my actual heavy tanks.

Is the berlin german book just powercreeped because it was the latest one to be released?
The Berlin book is pretty strong, and KTs are - validly - pretty tough. The quality of their training and morale is generally poor, especially by the very end of the war, but they've still got a lot of armour between them and the enemy.

Things you can do against Berlin Germans: against Volks, hit them with any artillery, and then manoeuvre somewhere else as they remain pinned and unable to move closer to any visible enemy. Against heavy tanks: smoke them so they can't contribute. Manoeuvre and flank them. Or just ignore them. Even this late in the war, they're expensive, they're slow and can't be everywhere. You ARE playing with objectives, and not just straight "kill them all", right? Also, focus on the in-formation units; if Tigers are taken as an additional support unit, you don't have to kill them in order to break the enemy's morale.
>new EU regulations are once again causing Bongs not to sell minis and hobby stuff to us
I'm so fucking sick and tired of that Franco-German abomination.
Bongs left on their own though
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I don't know about you but I've had good amount fun with the Victrix Gauls, I also got some of their Persian models to add more Spolas and Linothorax models which they def lack in their Gallic line.
Primary sources, you idiot. Everything was documented, it was a fucking logistics monster.
Beautiful work, anon. Could I see more of those interesting conversions with the Persians? I enjoy more restrained poses than the Victrix kit, especially because I think that it's bullshit that the Celts are usually regarded as wild barbarians with no regards to their own safety, and we know that they fought in pretty close order, at least in the late La Tene period. I'd also love a kit that's not 100% retainers (like the Solduroi/Armored kit), but that it has a bit more organic armor than the regular Victrix kit (which has 50% naked from the waist up and 50% wearing just a shirt).
I like the Aventine armored Celts mainly because they're standing in good order and it shows that they're disciplined.
Oh no we are indeed playing with objectives and I am playing as the berlin germans but I was talking about Tiger 1s not Tiger 2s since they have the same side armor and top armor and they're the main part of my lists.

I only take 1-3 king tigers in bigger games if I feel like it and they are actually more of a burden like you said but being able to take a training company Tiger I for 9 points a tank feels cheap even if they are hit on 3+ just because they can shoot any allied tank or AT gun before it gets into range and have more armor than basically anything except an IS2 and as I said aircraft and artillery seem to have no effect and my opponents soviet soldiers are more expensive than volksturmm and have no AT and the morale doesn't really seem to make up for the lack of anti-tank, the worse survivability and way higher cost.

Its wierd that germany can field larger armies than any of the allied powers too. But are berlin soviets and bulge american more a match for this book because compared to my opponents bagration and d-day books seem like the game has gotten very power creeped.
What system to people recommend for 60s-70s jet combat? CY6 Jet Age seems popular, but what do people like about it so much?
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CY6 Jet Age uses hexes and I think pre-plotting and is somewhat complex and old school.

Might be better off with something like Missile Threat or AirWar C:21, or even Harpoon for larger scale conflicts where you don't care so much about the intricacies of 1 on 1 dogfights
I too am interested in getting into an air combat game. Any recommendations for WWII dog fights? I've always wanted to play some USN vs IJN carrier battles.
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Heres the backside of them, I was attempting to copy some designs I saw from a Celtic Warfare book along with some more natural leather patterns I saw in Divide Et Impera.
>used to play flames of war V2 and loved it
>check the state of V4

What the FUCK went wrong?
Shot self in foot as GW revived with 8e. Many such cases.
/AWG/ here with questions about drone, UAV, etc. combat in skirmish-to-platoon scale. Is there anything for that specifically?
War of the Roses anons, what books should I start with getting into the conflict? I've become very smitten with Richard III and would like to wargame the conflict. Also, fuck Tudors.
v2 wasn't good, it was just a treadhead jackoff time but without even attempt at managing meta year to year

if you think it's better than v4 you didn't understand v2.

v3 was much better than both, and all are better than any bolt action release
I like BA's activation system, but that's about it.

very based, what scale?

absolutely not most wargame campaigns, if any at all

most aesthetic legions too but not as much tactical interest

15 minute post to remain anon now
Well the game is poorly balanced because lots of units are completely overcosted for what they offer most notably anything with good morale and a bad to hit rating but stuff that has a 4+ to hit and crap morale tend to be dirt cheap and criminally undercosted. This used to be ok because morale used to matter a lot more but they made it super fucking forgiving in V4 so having bad morale is not that big of a tradeoff for a better to hit rating. Some other issues plague it though.

1. Lots of historical rules were taken out of books and put into command cards which are rules only found on the cards and act like 40k stratagems
2. Gradual powercreep as late war books were released see bulge Books or Berlin books compared to the D-Day and Bagration books
3. Nerfs to every allied army especially soviets and buffs to germany during the switch from V3 to V4 so lots of allied equipment is now statiscally worse than it was in previous editions and german stuff is now stronger
4. AT guns and infantry were taken out back and shot making the game even more tank focused than it already was

And most importantly was gutting early war and pacific and pushing late war aside and focusing purely on mid war but very slowly releasing books over time so most lists and units were unplayable for months sometimes years. This is the big one because imagine if 40k didnt released indexes when they released 10th edition and any army that didnt have a book couldnt play the game until their book came out, thats what they did.
V4 is much much better ruleswise than V3. Only upside of V3 is the historical lists but gameplay wise all the changes were for the better.
V3 was plagued by always attack, always defend, always always attack etc.
Mission stances and how you choose a scenario to play are huge upsides and provide a really nice feel to them.

Balance wise the game isn't the best, sadly older books have been powercrept and BF intends on keeping late war Russians unplayable, but besides that it's still pretty good. Especially if you set your mind on playing more historically with less soup options and not most cost effective choices.
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There is a Ukraine 2022 game with drones and UAVs. Any game covering Ukraine should have done drone rules

You could look at Lacquered Coffins, Bag the Hun, or Wings of Glory: WW2 for something simpler
These look good, anon, and I think that's a wonderful idea. I think the only issue might be different shoes and the lack of a metal belt that's so characteristic of the Celts, but at the end of the day, it's good to have some organic armor in there. Thanks for sharing.
Most of these guys are going to be in blobs of infantry and sculpting greenstuff bits and changing shoes for these models would be more hassle than I would be willing to do, I could maybe paint the belts a metal color, will try that and see how it looks
>Ukraine 2022 game
Neat. Thanks anon.
>those chits
Hey, I remember that shit!
Not the other anon but play a lot of flames. The Bulge and Berlin books for the allies will have a much better time against the very late war German books, Soviets can turn into a bit of a powerhouse in the Berlin Book.
>implying infantry are bad in late war
lol, lmao even. That’s not remotely true, they struggle a bit in mid war but are extremely strong in late war especially Soviets and Germans armed with Fausts…
For late-war yeah that kind of slipped my mind since I play more mid-war but some infantry are still absolutely worthless to take but thats more just general point cost issues. But in mid-war they are near worthless since most armies barring americans lack like any meaningful infantry AT in numbers to kill even a light tank so they're nothing more than roadblocks and light tanks pack like 3-4 mg shots a piece at like 1 to 2 points per tank so they're outputting the same firepower of 2-3 infantry teams without being vulnerable to MG fire, artillery, and are unable to be pinned and theyre as cheap as infantry.
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The War of the Roses by Dan Jones is the best book for a complete coverage if the WOTR and all it's characters.
The War of the Roses: Medieval Art by Graham Turner is an amazing book for wargamers, full of Artwork by Graham Turner depicting historically accurate WOTR events and battles, armor and weapons, etc.
That shit has now been introduced into the entire Ukrainian education system - all high school students in year 11 and 12 will play it.

An anon wrote a neat article about the whole thing here:
Looking at getting started on some Napoleonics, and I can probably get a couple of mates interested too.
The only system I'm aware of though is Pike and Shotte. I'm assuming there's other, better ones. What would you recommend?

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