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It didn't have to be like this. You could have stopped it.

Archives & Other Resources: https://rentry.co/cyoag
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>94380585
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Scottishanon's final cyoa ever
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where's the rest?
Was Scottishanon Indian or am I imagining things?
Did you check inside your ass?
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I was afk, sorry.
That's the first place I looked.
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Nope, Scottishanon was bri'ish, believe it or not.
>Scottishanon was bri'ish,
That's what he asked
Among the currently active authors. Who do you guys think contributed the most to the general? In terms of content or changing the way CYOAs are viewed or played or even written?
pill picker anon by far
I'd say Italics. He paved the road towards long, intricate and lore-filled CYOAs.
Checked, the answer is me for my contributions of threatning to rape and matepress tok, my ocasional OC is but a side note
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I made this just for you. Enjoy my low effort, poor balance genoslop OC.
Target: A specific group (everyone whose name I write in the death note) -1
Method: Death Note -1
Extras: Elves, Radical, Za Warudo, Glasses, Gensokyo -7
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>Target: A specific group (everyone whose name I write in the death note) -1
He's the main reason why the multiplayer split happened. The Outer Reincarnation multiplayer posting was mega autism.
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he reminds me to take my meds
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Hey guys the Primordial Court members are done, lemme know how they look.
Jesus christ that writing
Fuck off clitty cat!
I hope this world crushes your dick like a grape



>Assets (Pilot)
Low quility Luxury Goods (slushie)
Low quility Badass coat
High-quality Repair Kit

>Assets (Mech)
High-quality Media Player
High-quality Heritage (Flight)
High-quality Launcher
High-quality Codec
Exotic Car


Kiva (Partner)
Goat (Associate)
Jamie (Friend)
Magnanimous (Rival)

Green Zone

I have a surreal gut feeling that Exalted Conquest will release sometime within the next twenty weeks. I am confident that it will surpass even Entropist in quality and spur on a renewed wave of autistic shitflinging, ritualposting, and emergent lore. It may even come to match Outer Reincarnation, in terms of sustained intensity and depth of discussion. All we can do in the meantime, ultimately, is wait and enjoy the other, sooner to emerge OCs on the horizon.
A dream told me that DTA will return and Tomefu will be posted next thread.
Imgchest changed???? Format got worse and cubari doesn't work with it.
I noticed that too. Who is to blame? We, the chimager community, need someone to point at.
If only... so many fantastic authors, gone, like tears in the rain.
Eternity's description still mentions his age, right after the bit about inheriting memories. It's a little confusing, not sure it it's intentional.
I'm bit confused about pictures, weren't pictures on left more 'human' forms of companions?
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AHS for stealing all of tok's upvotes
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Shapeshifting 5 for eternal youth and be the girl, pic realted
Typically yes, but i thought that the space forms look better for eternity and infinity since those are technically their base forms, they can simply take on human forms if you or they desire.

Will fix, thanks
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You're..... actually right... Her lips are too small. I can do much better with my shapeshifting, pic realted
Fuck off tok.
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Anyone got a higher res version of this?
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I just really like this one.
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Isn't it weird that there are 2 void ultima to pick from, but not any normal ones?
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>Was Scottishanon Indian or am I imagining things?
When asked if he was actually Scottish, ScottishAnon described himself as a "bong", from southern England. Out of curiosity, I once Googled the term, and the only definition I could find for was as a potentially offensive slang term for someone from Bangladesh.

(It's one of those words that can have ethnic pride behind, or be used as an ethnic slur, depending on context and the people involved.)

Anyone up to date on British slang enough to confirm that there isn't an alternate defintion?
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>Isn't it weird that there are 2 void ultima to pick from, but not any normal ones?
No - it's a definition thing. Unless Aromage is doing major, major rewrites, any "normal" Ultima has their own Court, and wouldn't need a spot in (yours).

"Normal" Ultima who are allied/arise with (you) are referred to as "Family" in the Ultimate God cyoa. Totally different section of the cyoa.
. . . To be honest, Aromage, the formating of the descriptions is problematic. There are no spaces between paragraphs, or indentations to indicate where a new one begins. Makes it awkward to read, and problematic to find a specific detail.

I do like some of the new art, though, particularly the "real" form of Daoris. Really underscores that she's an eldritch entity now.
>the formating of the descriptions is problematic. There are no spaces between paragraphs, or indentations to indicate where a new one begins. Makes it awkward to read, and problematic to find a specific detail.
Agreed. Also, space > indentation, but I don't know how well that sits with aro's 10000 pixels length autism.
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CYOAs for this feel?
Any of the dark lord-themed cyoas.
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>entropist is my happy place
I'm trying to find an old one-pager. Premise is that (you) can save one - and only - race from a dying fantasy world. And each race is offering (you) a bribe, and saying what they'd do upon reaching Earth.

The options included (at least) elves, dwarves, demons, and dragons. Background was white, and there wasn't much art - like one image per option.

Anyone have a copy?
Bong is 4chan slang for a British person. It's the shortened form of Britbong.
>mfw the perfect cyoa for billions will die
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Hybrid and Incarnation op
This is literally like half of all Entropist builds
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Thank you for the slop!

>Target: Humanity (8)
I could never stop at just one group of humans.

>Method: Shower Curtain Salesman (3)
New and surprising ways to purge! All cyoa authors will be nerve-stapled with their sapience (if any) removed btw.

>Extras: Elves (2), Radical (1), Glasses (0)
Repopulate with superior elves. Glasses are for finding new and even more niche undesirables to remove.
what are the numbers on the bottom for
Again, if you're going to say Eternity is mainly a guy the picture you use should actually reflect what they're going to look like most of the time.
>pls pls make the waifu a guy
how gay are u
Any CYOAs for this feel?
planeswalker rising
They're ALREADY a guy, the picture is just a woman for some reason.
they can be both
but you want the gay picture lmao
I want them to look like what they normally look like. I don't see what's hard to understand about this?
Anon isn't wrong, though. Assuming Eternity spend most of his time with male avatars, his casual attire should reflect that, no?
waifu section mean waifu you fags
Then why even make Eternity primarily male in the first place?
yingyang bs with their sister
time and space are the same anywy
Okay, so there's clearly more to him than just being a waifu.
doesn't matter bc nobdoy want to see men in the waifu section but you fags
But it's not a waifu section. It's a companion section. And I'm pretty sure there are already dudes in there anyway.
You're the one reading "Divine Court" and immediately translate that to "Waifu Section".
>it's not a waifu section
>he doesn't know
>All sections with character bios are waifu sections dude
One day you'll have higher aspirations than Cooming Your Own Adventure.
Today is not the day.
Unironically Surinical. Consistent, concise, imaginative, good graphic design (hands of any characters excluded), and has only interacted with the thread in positive ways (posting CYOAs and creating memes).

I don't even like half his CYOAs, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out he's the best frequent OC poster and the only author that gives the general attention outside of shitstirring.
Based and prosocial. How many other CYOAs could be said to genuinely help people? Few if any.
BTG's CYOAs helped me discover myself.
BMA's CYOAs helped me discover myself.
Tokhaar Gol's CYOAs helped me discover myself.
>get the God cum
>fertilise a woman with it
>second coming of Jesus Christ
>pill pickers ended once and for all
>touching a woman
IIRC Acheld was married with kids so it's possible.
Then again, maybe only authors have spouses.
everyone is author here
I highly doubt that.
You are though, right?
nta but I'm not
at least I'm not published or planning to be, I'm just a worldbuilder DM
Timeline 1:
>Yes I am.
>Okay, prove it.
>lmao it's shit
Timeline 2:
>lmao leech

The time efficient course of action is the second one, disregarding if I'm an author or not.
A real author would take any chance he could to post his work so you're a frayd
Only namefagging authors do that, like Tok or Aro.
OCM's CYOAs helped me kill myself.
Normal dead people don't go to Harahel, only everyone killed when our world ended go to Harahel.
I need that Mastema any% speedrun
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>everyone is author here
It's time to cull the authorcattle. Kots will feast on authorburgers soon...
I don't take a pill.
Was planning on adding indents, but thank you.

I cant even post it here if its longer than 10k pixels, right? Its not autism.

His casual is on the left, his alternate is on the right.
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His alternate form should still be a dude.
Because he's mainly a dude? The picture should reflect what he actually looks like most of the time, instead of just being a random form he could hypothetically take.
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I support this.

They identify as male and thus should look like one.
Didn't know you guys were so progressive, will consider it. At the very least i'll rewrite Eternity to be more androgynous and less male-aligned.
Ah, I must've googled it also and found the same meaning, that's why I remembered it as Indian.
Yeah its really good, surprising leap in quality.
This one?
Tok is kind of cute, not gonna lie. He make cute cyoa!
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So everything is his fault then.
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Starting the Pinnacles, here's Rea and Legion.
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What level do I need to be to beat up the boar chad Ottar in Danmachi
Level 69 to distract freya
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Healthy Pill.
Updated the average.
So what happens to court members if you don't pick them, do they not exist?
She's all grown up...
They're around, if not picked by your Family members.
>t. deadbeat father
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Another one.
>Time runs x16 times slower there
So one second inside is 16 seconds outside?
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>billions of years of life
It's been BILLIONS of years since the start of the demigod/nexus/gateway? Does the ultima transformation process really take that long?
Most Ultima are created when enough multiverses Epox and eject prime matter out into the Void to create a new family, which can take quadrillions of years, so hundreds of billions is on the very low end.
What did you have in mind in particular?
There's definitely times when killing yourself is a viable move, like if you pick the drawback that starts you at the bottom of the dungeon, you can kill yourself to avoid any fates worse than death down there, and after your afterlife timer is over you will respawn above ground in a local chapel instead.
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>The Planes
I shift to a world with a global welfare state that turns everyone biologically immortal, including interdimensional tourists, and that also speaks (something close to) English. Since there's a seemingly infinitely granular variety of universes, I can get one that matches my requirements. "Hello," I say, approaching the young customer service lady, "one unagingness treatment for me please. My telomeres are all itchy and constantly eroding." "Oh my," answers the young customer service lady, "Sounds nasty! We better look at that real quick. Welcome, interdimensional tourist! Enjoy your stay!"

Strictly inferior to The Planes.
I still prefer true immortality.
Due to the suicide clause it's not absolute. At some point after the 8000 year mark you'll give in as pain, boredom and other sentiments get you to pull the trigger. Even within a century, you may well end up as a human submerged in and relentlessly tormented by grey goo that already ate the rest of Earth. A [The Planes] chooser would probably live longer than a [Age] chooser because he won't end up in situations where he'd be pressured to suicide.
I don't care about pain, boredom, or anything else. You don't understand me. I would live eternally in the void with nothing if it means living forever.

But you would be right about others, who are not as obsessed as me.
Is anyone hyped for those two new Italics CYOAs coming out?
That might work with boredom but not with pain. With anything close to normal human neuroanatomy (and even if your thoughts are extraordinary your anatomy probably isn't) I don't think that's possible. Different people can react differently to all kinds of situations at the conscious level, but to relentless overwhelming physical pain they react similarly.
Hard to be hyped for someone that might release between tommorrow and at the heat death of the universe.
LOL, too true!
I like how the author of Danmachi is such a horny shitter he made the sex gods the most powerful type of god. What was his fucking problem, doing that?
ask tok
We shall critical mass of hype when Magi Case got a finalized release month and it happened.
Damn that sucks.
Wat. I’m talking about the actual manga creator. The person who made the cyoa wasn’t Tok either.

I’m saying the mangaka shithead made sex/beauty gods the most powerful due to “lul dating fantasy setting”.

Freya can make the entire city of Orario orgasm instantly if she wanted to.
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Trust the plan.
Arcueid is Italics wife.
>Freya can make the entire city of Orario orgasm instantly if she wanted to.
Gross. The entire place would smell like chlorine and fish. Not playing this cyoa now.
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The glow up is real.
Ah... cummachi and the freygasms.
Why didn't Freya seduce all mortal beings? Never mind seducing the monsters, just seducing all the humanoids would be an instant win.
Because she’s not allowed to. The game is rigged, remember? It’s like middle earth but 1000x more autistic.
Some gods have more leeway than others, tee hee ;)

Some gods get so fed up living in earth they ship out their giant dick as a farewell fuck you before they get yanked back up to heaven
>Shower Curtain Salesman
I want to see GLaDOS somehow harness touhou fuckery and fuck up the Combine in what will surely be Gensokyo’s stupidest incident ever.
The answer I picked on my first playthrough isn’t there!
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>charm 3 to convince gods to use their full power to buff me up before they are yanked back up to heaven
>Trust the-
Trust is earned. My belief in Italics' pace has yet to be challenged.
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Universe Pill.
Updated the average.
Hatred, I will become the shitposter of legend
There is more than 1 version?
Healthy pill but I'm very tempted to make a pill CYOA to pick Magnum dong but healthy fits my Incubus rapist build better so I can't get STDs.

Universe pill. Rape universe.
>A mage of 800 years
>only level 4

Danmachi is actually retarded holy shit
Age has never mattered for levels.
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Fels is one of the best magic item makers in the city, tho. His god is literally the big guy. He’s likely making up for it with that.
Leveling up is a matter of coming across an experience that’s hard to surmount. It is pushing you to your limits, then ding. It is weird that someone would only have a few of those throughout eight centuries. It implies he never confronted any danger in all that time.
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Did this really need to be posted
At least post Mushoku Tensei since it triggers the anime physics hater
How accurate is the Harry Potter cyoa?Can I be as powerful as Dumbledore or no?
No one can be as powerful (in potential) as Dumbledore. The man had all three Deathly Hallows in his possession and he didn’t think of using them. He’s powerful enough not to need to boost his powers with dark magic, implying he’d be even more terrifying than Voldemort had he been a dark wizard like Grindelwald. It’s also apparent that he isn’t totally autistic like Voldemort, as he actually fathomed the power of love (cringe I know, but he still understood it). Probably the biggest reason Voldemort excelled as a one note capital-e Evil wizard.
He has Asperger’s. Him awkwardly trying to hug someone is low key the funniest moment in the movies for me.
Are martial arts in the setting just "swing a sword slightly better" and warrior rely almost entirely on stats instead of special techniques?
Thank you for inspiring me, fellow pill lover. Here is some oc in return!

>The man had all three Deathly Hallows in his possession and he didn’t think of using them.
To be fair he never had them at the same time, and tried to use the Stone (died for it too).
His planning still proved instrumental in the undoing of deh noseless snake man, even after his death, kek
Who would win, Drac auctor or Dumbledore?
I think Dumbledore would win. He understands love, which is the most powerful force in the world.
tok would nodiff him
Reminder that Voldemort was in his 70s when he died and slowly going senile, but still fucked Bellatrix for some reason.
Black pill. At night everything is black and then I control everything.
Yes. This is why you take nature's forge for real magic martial arts.
>but still fucked Bellatrix for some reason
And I will still pretend that this isn’t canon.

Same with the “wizards disappear their poops so they don’t need toilets; they just shit in their pants wherever and whenever they want” Rowling quote.
>expect an all-out fight destroying cities like candies
>it's a chess match with both challengers waxing philosophical musings
I doubt they would fight at all.
Tok doesn't understand love, he'd lose too.
It's in the Cursed Child so it's canon.
Cursed Child isn’t canon. Wizards shitting and pissing their pants isn’t canon. Cope.
No, because you're dumb.

But you do have the power to be as gay as Dumbledore, and even surpass his gayness!
This is where I draw the line. Go the fuck back.
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There are some incurable retards who'll pick high fighting spirit without also rising mana pool.
So neither wins? So they play chess to draw? What are they, top GMs?
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What's this groomer shit?
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— “Hogwarts didn't always have bathrooms. Before adopting Muggle plumbing methods in the eighteenth century, witches and wizards simply relieved themselves wherever they stood, and vanished the evidence.”

Actual, canon quote.
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white pill
Why does George R. R. Martin hate Rowling again? When both appear to have a scat fetish?
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Magi Case is getting an expansion known Redux.

It is supposed to include a list of new content to enhance player progression and interaction with the world and characters through multiple new choices. Italics posted a pastebin of the updates featured: https://pastebin.com/i4ScFfAR

>+ New Section: Impact Events - Uncover events that have transpired to you before your life as an Investigator or after, leaving an impact on the magus world.
>New Section: Investigation Role - Determine why you became a Magi Investigator and what you are ultimately looking for during your time in service.
>New Section: Equipment Storage - Take multiple items from each section to assist you in your investigations; Weapon Equipment, Bureau Equipment, Personal Equipment, Special Equipment, and Holy Relics of Magic.

He also mentioned family ranks outside the pastebin. Basically we decide if we are an Elder or something else in the family we come from.

Italics is basically adding more RPG elements to the CYOA.
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I suspect she meant chamberpots. She's unsurprisingly better educated on history than her average reader.
That's so retarded.
Not even in the middle ages did people do that.
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I watched the first Harry Potter the other week and I’m still weirded out by how the people at the train station didn’t notice people running and disappearing into brick walls. They were literally surrounded by muggles.

It’s to the point where I’m convinced that the setting of Harry Potter is some sort of overlapping reality or fever dream that normal people just cannot access or even see, and any instance of “omg you almost disclosed our world’s existence” is just overreacting for the sake of the story.

The logistics of a hidden magical world in the modern day is just too retarded.
Okay now post the HP cyoa
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It’s an acid trip, yes. Harry Potter may as well be the only conscious person there, and everything else are figments in his over active imagination. This is also why he is the main character, you see.
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Sounds based, I'll check it out!
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I can’t even enjoy Fairy Tail due to all the nakama asspull bullshittery, and how NO thought went into the magic types. It’s all a bunch of lousy surface fluff.
idk, i just wanted to join in on the bit
Rowling won some literature prize that Gurm cared about a lot but Rowling didn't, and Rowling didn't even show up to collect it, and Gurm felt her attitude was disrespectful. Thereafter Gurm wrote a story of Jaime Lannister absolutely butchering Hermione in a duel.

> A sword is not enough, though. This duel is life and death. Jaime is not likely to prance into that clearing smiling and clad only in cloth. He’ll armor himself before the match. His gilded plate-and-mail (this is not a fit occasion for the white of the Kingsguard), a crimson cloak, and a shield strapped to his right arm and emblazoned with the lion of Lannister. And of course he will have a helm. Knights who enter battle without one are soon dead. He can smile at Hermione before the match, then lower his visor. The helm, of course, would be fashioned in the shape of a maned lion. (Oddly enough, the Lannister arms look a lot like those of Gryffindor, which might give Hermione a moment’s pause).

> He’s not going to waste time and effort swatting at birds with his sword, either. He’s encased in gilded steel. What are they going to do, crap on him? He’ll rush right through the birds, and go straight for Hermione. A sword is not a knight’s only weapon. While she’s watching the blade, he will slam his shield right into her face, knock her off her feet. Let her try and mumble those spells with a mouthful of broken teeth.

> And if somehow Granger does get off that spell (cheating, really) and turn him upside down, Jaime is more likely to undo the straps on his shield and fling it at her head then to hang there meekly waiting to die.

> But hey, let’s say everything goes the way your “experts” say it will, and Hermione wins. Sad to say, she will not live long to enjoy her victory. Sometime very soon, when she least expects it, a “boy” she does not know will bump up against her in the corridors of Hogwarts… and suddenly she’ll find a dagger sliding through her ribs, right into her heart. “A Lannister always pays his debts,” Tyrion will say, as he slips back into the shadows.
HP is set in a time before smartphones. Early 90s. They explain it away by saying they're using "concealment charms" and such. Obviously it wouldn't be super viable today given how much surveillance there is, and modern technology has quickly outpaced what magic is capable of.
What I'm more interested in is how the hell they keep magical beasts under wraps. How does anyone stop a dragon from just flying wherever it wants to fly.
>and modern technology has quickly outpaced what magic is capable of
Lol. Not when it comes to biology or just disregarding conservation of mass. The power of wands would end wars before they even began.
Try magicking away a nuke.
They literally can. Before it explodes.
They can't. Those owl mailing fucks probably don't even know what a nuke is.
The Wizarding World literally exists in a parallel world to the real world. Like a normal forest may not contain giant spiders. But the moment you cross the threshold, you might end up in a parallel forest with giant spiders that will murder and eat you.

In some places the two worlds overlap, other times you need to cross a barrier. This is also why people who seen other people die in hospitals and war time videos don't see the death horses that fly around in Harry Potter.
So your logic behind “they can’t” is purely because they’ve never seen a nuke before? They can Vanish anything they know of, anon.
I just want Gil and Celt to collab again…
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>anything they know of
Which is exactly why they can't vanish a nuke.
A lot of you retards forget that OG Harry Potter was supposed to be a light hearted Steven Spielberg adventure series with wizards set in the mid to late 1990s.

Your edgefest galore and muh real world shit didn't happen till later entries in the series and movies. Which honestly ruined the fun and magic.
Anon. If they broke into a nuclear base, saw a few nukes, they are then able to Vanish those nukes.
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Trust the plan
Italics will deliver Ecclesiastes.
He will deliver Cogency.
Trust the plan.
Easier said than done. The country in which the series is set is known to utilize submarines armed with nuclear ICBMs.
This is a slight tangent, but I wonder what the range is for magic in the HP universe. Would spells work in space? Could one port key or apparate their way to and from the space station? Humanity would be better off if muggles and wizards combined their skills to build magitech.
Now you’re starting to sound autistic and in-denial about a lot of the thing wizards can do.
Wizards already do this. The wizarding world is surrounded in magical contraptions. The fucking WAND. There is no simpler form of technology than the stick.
Wizards can teleport across the planet anon. They can breathe water and turn into black smoke that moves like a jet. Christ, they can even turn back time. This series is filled with holes and stupid ideas that Rowling barely thought through with any tact whatsoever.
Amazing, I have not even posted in this thread and yet I have a plenty of (You)s. You guys are obsessed with me. Seek help.
Calm down anon. I was only pointing out how cool it would be to have a wizard space program. You may now return to your little nuke spat.
Post the Harry Potter cyoa NOW !!!!
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How would you fix or how should Italics fix the characterization of these mother figures?
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post gil kino now !!!
bigger boobies
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Sir, this is IHOP (International House of Pedos), and im afraid you and your kind arent welcome here.
stop shilling cumeater
Why are all the drawbacks so awful?
Because you touch yourself at night
>Arobitch still can not go 5 seconds without attentionwhoring
I miss when WIP posting was at least an entire page...
Did I ask?
I will never understand your obsessive love for him anon.
>bigger boobs
Their tits are already big enough
is a well designed drawback.
It means a very clear thing, it has a clear impact on what the player will be doing, it incentivizes strategizing around it (if you aren't in the Demon Continent, then you can't go to fight Laplace there when he wakes up), it's not a drawback that's going to be outright solved (rendered irrelevant).

>Mana Recovery
is a badly designed drawback.
It is utterly crippling normally, but canonically at some point the masked girl will invent mana potions, after which the drawback is solved (mana potions are better than natural recovery even for people without this drawback, because natural recovery is dangerously slow, so you'd want to move over to mana potions even if you didn't take this).
>not a drawback that's going to be outright solved (rendered irrelevant)
worst drawbacks
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They're pretty much like that in canon IIRC (minus the point gain power boost). There's also the indirect cost of losing +25% in all fate categories making them even worse.

Of course some anons still picked several of them because muh points.
mysterious gay man cyoa?
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You seem upset that Luminary and Luminarg will be kino. Go on, cope and seethe more. It won't get you anywhere.
I don't get the meme.
>catposter is cumeater
play tok kino
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Both seem boring and the more you shill them the more my apathy turns into antipathy.
Maybe that's his plan.
kot kino?
Post a sad cat (that hasn’t been posted before) and you have a chance of finding cute gf this month
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A Black Cat by Nigger-man
h-hewwo? a-any fwenly cyoas for me?
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No! Not fwenly! :(
Black Magic remains the zenith of magic CYOAs.

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