After a big battle, the PCs (Level 8 on average) are about to pillage a city of demon-worshippers. I kind of like the idea of the reward being a very choose-your-own-adventure kind of thing, with the sack of the city being an adventure of its own.There's a Way of the Wicked module which had a similar setup, but it's for Evil characters.Any ideas on what the PCs might find?
Obviously defenseless succubi
>>94390775Well I meanSuccubi are never defenseless
>>94390774Fat stacks of jewels, silver, and gold!
>>94390774War crimes, war crimes everywhereWhen looting a city, you go where the money is. Banks, palaces, nobles, temples. But there's also less obvious stuff like food.Also, women count as booty too, so expect a lot of rape and women being rounded up to sell into slavery or prostitution. Heroic PCs can save the prettier ones.If the army is on a crusade, expect all the evil priests to be slaughtered or burned alive.
>>94390774List of neat stuff besides "You find X gold coins>Massive paintings>Stained Glass windows made of gemstones>The finest of chairs in the land>Booze from the four corners of the world>A literal ton of exotic spices>Deeds to land>Skilled hirelings in need of new homes
>>94390774Arcanaloth merchant, competely unbothered by city's situation. Willing to trade in goods and information. Will try to flee if attacked.
>>94390774They should find a legendary blacksmith who was captured and forced to create one legendary weapon or armor that he hadn’t yet finished. If the party takes it as is it’s 2 levels above what they have. If they let him finish it and come back later they’ll get the finished article.Because the evil is in the products finishing touches the parties intervention means the item isn’t cursed.Or make it a plot twist and it was, the blacksmith just wanted his life spared.
You could also have the adventurers find nobles captured from a neighboring but enemy empire. They discover this ritual the cultists were doing was world wide and while they may have postponed it the ritual can be finished without this city.Maybe when the party kill the cultists the city empties completely and ages 30 years or reverses 30 years.
>>94391012>Holy symbols made of gold and sometimes encrusted with jewels (like the gold crosses Vikings liked to steal from monasteries and churches>Gorgeously illuminated books>Rolls and rolls of finest silk>Gowns and robes made of the same>The High Priest's menagerie>Also his prized hunting dogsAlso "deeds to land" wouldn't work. The deed is there as an easy form of prima facie proof; nowhere had deeds as hard proof of land ownership.
>>94390774An artifact belonging to or highly valued by the leadership or powerful faction of another city. When word gets out that the demon-city's been sacked, agents of those powerful groups will start poking around, wondering where that artifact wentDo the PCs decide to return it, hoping for gifts and more plot hooks? Do they acquiesce or bristle under some sort of direct confrontation? Do they kill the agent outright and create a blood trail following them, or maybe those factions simply do not care to negotiate at all and start hunting the PCs down once they know they have the goods?It all depends on how the players want to handle it, and that's the beauty of (good) TTRPGs
>>94390774>Any ideas on what the PCs might find?Fire sword is unambiguously good find. Start fires and kill shit better in most cases, but it's also resisted by certain monster types so it's not too over powered. Flying carpet is a good find for rapid transportation in short bursts, paired with a daily range makes it really good. A permanent marvelous mansion is a good one, too. A ring that lets you summon a minor magical servitor that does cool shit wouldn't be bad, either.
>>94390774A place of power that's difficult or impossible to move, but extremely useful. As examples, some kind of fast travel thing like a stargate or entrance to a Wheel of Time-esque Way would be one example, or a still pool of water in a carefully maintained park that lets you scry people or places by giving it a drop of their blood / a thing from that place.The reason you do this is so that there's something there to keep players interest in the city itself and the what-happens-after. Also, it makes a convenient spot for whichever victorious or opportunistic factions are around to fight over.
>>94390774>A cityGoing by OSR, almost any item.
>>94390774>PCs find a warehouse with sacks full of exotic beans>for whatever retarded reason decide to burn them since they don't know what it is>It actually smells very good
>>94390774A catgirl adoption shelter full of free hirelings.You find:>A fat catgirl>A slightly fatter catgirl>A slightly shorter fat catgirl
I'd say take no plunder. Burn it all. If they're demon worshippers their belongings are tainted, and taking no loot is proof that they were killed as justice, not greed for their belongings.
>>94392254Are you sure that's a good idea given the average life expectancy of a hireling?
>>94392315Players are more concerned with NPCs if they are cute girls and / or animals
>>94391012>>94391558Yeah if they're sacking the city, whoever's in charge of the invading army gets to split up the land however they like. The strong do as they wish, and the wealth suffer what they must.
>>94392340Portable goods can be easily divided among conquerors. Question of land controlled by the sacked city is little more complicated and neighboring cities might want to have their say on the matter. I mean conquerors can declare taking the land, but they won't necessarily be able to hold it, especially if the city itself went up in flames so there's no central fortification to oversee the land.
>>94391780Use google or lurk more you sad NPC.
>>94392315dont worry, they have a pretty strong grapple attack
>>94390774>city of demon-worshippersSlaves, a crazy number of slaves, labour slaves, battle slaves, pleasure slaves, sacrificial slaves.Let the players decide what to do with them.
>>94390774What system?
>>94393737You don't even read the OPs anymore, do you?
>>94393463>>94392254What's with this fat cat? I've seen her a lot recently
>>94390774The ritual the cultists were doing was complete but they were only summoning the underworlds savviest businessman who they hoped would revitalize their economy.If the party slays everyone, when they meet the businessman he will be summonable and will buy and sell the parties junk as well as cursed/blessed items, exclusively.
>>94394067One autist spamming her.
>>94393785The OP didn't specify a system. Don't talk back to me.
>>94394067One chad spamming her
>>94397917The system is clear from what OP said. Use google or lurk more, you sad NPC.
>>94398594Not everyone plays pathfinder.You’re right context clues help but not everyone is able to draw upon thousands of games in dozens of different systems as maybe they only played dark heresy, or god forbid GURPS
>>94390774Make them roll d10 each, then pick something from a 10-position table.
>>94399273Generous of you to assume he plays anything. Don't find excuses for him: he came here to snidely say his piece, even when the answer was a few clicks away, so he's lazy as well as ignorant and in bad faith. Now you spoonfed him with the system, so what shall we do? Surely he will provide an answer, let's just wait.
You find a FAT DOG (she would like to marry you as thanks for removing those demon worshippers)
>>94390774what da aru doin
>>94399374Seethe more, faggot.
>>94403073Still waiting for your answer now that you know the system anon. Don't be shy.
>>94394067I am an autistic chad and I keep spamming her