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why are beackies always so angry while fighting, they are fight ta fun against but they always make ya feel bad fer them because they always full uv hate
the only villian is the wokeness that's trying to invade the hobby

gatekeeping is needed
Just because Slanesh cultists are playable in in the game doesn't mean you should try to emulate them in real life anon.
>not meeting a qt3.14 twink at a convention cosplaying a guardsman
>Not thoroughly destroying their army in the competition that weekend
>Not getting their room number and spare door key slipped to you by a judge at their request
>Not going back to return the stuff and leave but end up getting the best head of your life by a blonde haired, blue eyed twink guard
>Not realizing gay doesn't matter if you are the top
>Not supporting the Guardsman twink bf into bettering their life in multiple ways, through education, job searches, and even getting better at your shared hobbies
>Not supporting the Guardsman twink when they suggest they maybe think they'd prefer being Adeptus Sororitas
>Not having a trap Sororitas gf with natural, milkable titties

IDK anon, couldn't be me
I think the only autonomous entity GW is actually genuinely trying to portray as "the good guys" is the Farsight Enclave.
And they got all kinds of backlash for it because they tone-deafly made space-communists their designated good-guy faction
The idea that the Tau are anything close to space communists is nothing but a collective hallucination of the fandom. If anything they're closer to italian fascists; the communists are the Craftworld Eldar.
We need a trillion aryan boots e-goosestepping into wokie craniums, a billion woke leftist sigmarxists need to be sacrificed to the grift emperor every day!1

Now to get banned because lefty janny tranny can't take a satirical joke KEK
where'd ya get that graph?
...keep in mind, this video is 4 years old., so it's only gotten worse.
How did it get so bad?
>inb4 discord raids
serious fallout start before "discord raids" were thing and before 15 minute waittime before posting. /qst/ was created 2016 so it's not it.
>>94399671 based
cringe >>94399683
/tg/ hobbies are inherently about community building, and when election tourists destroyed the community that was built before many of them left. There was an influx of people during COVID when normies had nothing to do, but once things opened again the normie brains instantly forgot what they were "into" and just went back to sports and drinking. So what was left were actual autists that would fit into old /tg/ without any of old /tg/ to interact with. Now they slowly dwindle away as occasional culture warriors from /v/ and /pol/ come here to shitpost when a new black space marine hits the shelves
To be fair, first 2016 drop is from quest thread being banned and quests getting their own board, then elections look like another drop, but then we have raise and stable levels before covid lockdowns. Only real question is why it have fallen out so bad after lockdown ended, since /tg/ had stable numbers before lockdowns.
For me, it was bumpfag.
I stopped posting here because of that and the mods enabling him.
Will never happen because /tg/ is a minority of the cosumerbase and hates GW and their expensive models. The woke mob is a majority of the consumerbase and buys expensive models. In this game of capitalism you will lose, because you dont have money. GW will continue to pander to their larger and more willing to spend audience and no amount of racist slurs you post here in this echo chamber will change that lol
Most Astartes are biologically incapable of having fun, it's not their fault
>Discord raids
Anyone blaming that is retarded, it's actually the opposite. People retreated to discords because they offered a better and more constructive community than /tg/. Combine that with shit like bunpfag or neckbeardia and that faggot burialgoods scraping or astroturfing threads in order to generate ad revenue on youtube and you kill interest in the board as a whole.
Our janny and mod are nightmarishly shit. Anyone saying the main reason is anything but that is retarded. The janny is a tyrannical sperg and the mod does nothing to curb his behavior. Their combined immense shittiness has driven people away and forced most posters into their general gulags.
Yes, that checks out.
From observation, woke is right wing version of nazi and mean "things I don't like". Baldur's Gate 3 was woke af but everyone was cheering the bear fucking refugee welcome twink vampire sluts game. There are even right leaning folks who do mental gymnastics why BG3 isn't woke, because they can't imagine enjoying woke game. Most "woke" games are just bad games by design before they even include left leaning activism.
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Nice try bullshit artist

BG3 isn’t woke because they have gay characters or you can play a tranny.

Things become woke when you try to shove left politics or Idpol into something. Like suddenly having female custodes where their never were, or making a black little mermaid when she was white before, or dragon age where it lectures the player about handling trannys
you are the bad actor, go back to your discord
>Things become woke when you try to shove left politics or Idpol into something
BG3 is Baldur's Gate in name only. It's completely in line with the Divinte Divinity games, which are equally insufferable. Seriously, BG3 doesn't even implement basic shit like talk to animals in accordance to the spell descriptions from DnD, but they just do it like they did it in their other games before.
So in that sense you can argue that something was shoved into an existing franchise that is completely out of character. None of the other BG games were so sex-obsessed. The Divinie Divinity games also had shit like goblin dominatrixes and whatnot. It's literally a bait and switch using a name from a more recognizable series to sell a divinity game.
Why are leftoids like this? I thought they were champions of the Common Man, yet each and every one is a slavering corposimp salivating at the mere sight of new boots to lick.
If they're so willing to spend then why does wokeshit keep flopping? It seems more like they're parasites relying on the tolerance of the right to fund their gay commie idpol since it only succeeds when slipped into an already successful franchise like a (cyanide) pill into cheese.
>If they're so willing to spend then why does wokeshit keep flopping?
Because most/all mainstream media is woke, you absolute retard. You're just ignoring the successes and focusing on the flops. The modern popularity of traditional tabletop games is mostly based on woke kids and the money that they spend, make your peace with this and move on with your life.
Leftism is a lack of self esteem where you do not believe you are able to generate resource for yourself and hence need to stea.. I mean the govt need to take them from someone else and give them to you.
the left stopped being pro working class once the working class paid taxes.
Holy cope.
Look at veil guard numbers vs DAO.
look at concord, dustborn, etc.
look at how Hollywood is flop after flop.
woke "success" is out of inertia by consumer, not because they enjoy niggertroon
The left still wants to tax and regulate the ruling, just like they have for the past 40 years. The right still wants to give them tax breaks and install them as the new government, just like they have for the past 40 years. You are a tool of the ruling class, and you know this, and you cope by obsessing over liberal-washed products and the liberals who buy them.
lol, yea, you're cope is deep. Now tell me about all the gays and troons who patron your LGS, tell me about the woke troon paypigs who ruined GW, tell me about the Critical Role kids who spend too much money. Tabletop games are huge today because liberal kids spend a ton of money, you retards see the size of the industry and you think "It should be like this but without the liberals, this should all belong to me, the liberals are foreign invaders".
>Because most/all mainstream media has been infiltrated and slowly poisoned to death by woke grifters
FTFY, but thanks for admitting I was right with your scripted response, NPC-kun.
>The left still wants to tax and regulate the ruling
They SAY they do, but then chug corporate boot like its their favorite flavor of soýlent
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Warhammer is more fun when everyone is cartoonishly evil
Keep on pretending that you aren't an odious minority. Your cope will get deeper and deeper as western society continues to move on without you.
Why are games companies hiding the involvement of woke grifters like Sweet Baby if its so popular?
Why are movies downplaying or silencing the woke opinions of actors and directors if its so popular?
Why did Trench Crusade wait until its Kickstarter was successful before rugpulling and revealing their ideological bent if wokeshit is free money?
Why did Trump win the popular vote by such a wide margin if the majority of people like wokeshit?
>an odious minority
Your kind is LITERALLY the minority thobeit. November 5th proved as much
Left-wing candidates favor more taxes and regulations, right-wing candidates favor more power for the rich and for corporations, that's the main difference and the only difference that really matters. You are choosing to hyper-focus on the mainstream popularity of left-wing identity politics in a sad, desperate attempt to frame the left as pro-corporate. Because, while you may pretend to be a capitalist, you know deep down that all of our modern problems were caused by rich cunts and by the voters who gave them too much power.
It's not a man, it's a guardfag
Trump voters are not /pol/, they like legal immigration, racemixing with based black men and based indians, and 100% support Israel.
>Left-wing candidates favor more taxes and regulations
For the middle class, yes. They always build in loopholes and exemptions for their rich friends. How do you think Trump got away with paying zero taxes so many years whilst living in a liberal state? Or are you going to tell me that New York is a neonazi nesting ground?
>if you hate wokeshit you're /pol/!
And this is exactly why your side lost, darlin.
>implying I don't support legal immigration and Israel
big oof
>ummm ACKshully, Trump was the woke candidate all along!
>I wasn't calling him and his supporters literally Hitler just two weeks ago!
Lmao, you guys always do this and it's always so transparent
>Israel is woke again now
I guess the twitch apocalypse flipped that FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA programming REAL quick, lol
I was calling him woke in 2016 tho
Politicians on both sides build in loopholes and exemptions for their rich friends, but the right is a lot worse in that respect. Additionally, the right wants to give more money and power to the ruling class (as a rule), while the left wants to tax and regulate the ultra-rich (as a rule). Additionally, the right is always trying to change the game to make it more favorable to rich cunts (like that whole "corporate personhood" concept that was invented by libertarian justices who were appointed by Republicans so that corporations could fund unlimited political propaganda in secret). This is the main difference between the left and right and it's the only difference that matters. Dumbass.
Every state competes to attract rich cunts. New York is liberal in some respects but it is also extremely pro-rich and always was. The only way to portray the left as pro-corporate is to completely ignore the right, and the only way to portray the right as anti-corporate is to completely ignore the left, if you attempt any sort of side-by-side comparison you'll see that the right is always worse.
>the left wants to tax and regulate the ultra-rich (as a rule)
A rule they have never kept, you mark.
>New York is liberal in some respects but it is also extremely pro-rich and always was.
Just like all leftists, yes.

And no, this isn't me saying the Right isn't pro-rich too you dim whataboutist fool.
i know this is a bait shitpost but ive actually seen leftwing retards on leftists sites claim the Orks are good guys, they are just fun loving punks. With absolutely zero knowledge of 40k of course.
Since orks are clearly modelled after literal fucking nazis.

God damn leftists are subhuman retarded maggots
It's a question of degree. Orks may be nazis, but Imperium is, as per rulebook, the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable so whatever the nazis, pol pot, best korea and so on have done, Imperium is worse. And this makes orkz da best.
where did quoting the hyperbolic blurb text take off.
Since living under orks, chaos, nids etc is worse than the Imperium.

People havent read what orks do to humans they rule,
hint: they turn them into chickens for eating and farm their skin for leather.
>hint: they turn them into chickens for eating and farm their skin for leather.
That's just one retarded HH book, human leather would be flimsy as fuck compared to squigleather anyways.

What they DO like to do, however, is work humans to death making guns for them while killing the rest for food or sport. So not too different from the Imperium, just more brutal and direct about it
nope. its lore all the way back to the 1990s. Orks are complete sadists to humans they enslave.
I mean what do you think happens to a world conquered by them?
The text is not hyperbolic, take it as written or you're making fanfiction to make Imperium look better than it is.
lol, you people are so dumb, you don't understand anything about anything.
it is literally hyperbolic according to Rick Priestly and full of errors like by the will of the gods.
People that keep quoting it are beyond mentally retarded secondary tourists
They're worked to death, become diggas or are eaten. It's like how Imperial citizens are worked to death, become enforcers or soldiers or turned into corpse starch/servitors but faster meaning less suffering overall.
It's not hyperbolic according to Priestley and the will of the gods isn't an error either, try to find a priestley quote saying it is (protip you can't).
so they turn them into chickens
says the mentally handicapped beta leftist faggot
it is, he literally said its hyperbolic text. You are straight up lying now

Will of the gods is an error. You are an idiot.
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>all the way back to the 1990s
>I mean what do you think happens to a world conquered by them?
I literally just told you, retard: they're enslaved and worked to death weapons for orks, eaten, or killed for sport. Just because the Imperium also does all three of these things to its subjects doesn't mean they're not awful fates.
>so they turn them into chickens
They don't even know what chickens are, retard. And nobody in their right mind would make leather out of chickens.
If humies iz worse than da boyz then orkz killing humies iz good.
You are fucking retarded. They bred humans in the same way humans breed chickens.
Is it literally impossible for you low iq dunning krugers to not comment on things you don't understand?
Don't answer you might hurt yourself
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I am begging you to use the proper names of boards, you useless newfag. It's /tg/ not tg, /pol/ not pol.
>the imperium is cruel
>orks are cruel
>I stopped posting here
Did you?
>Politics and Video Games
This but unironically, with the caveat that the imperium is multiracial and muttified so it can't be nazi.
That's just every board post-2015
leftists irl are multiracial and muttified and they are pretty authoritarian
Indeed while it's not nazi Imperium could be extreme left, best korean example shows god emperors are compatible with leftism.
>They bred humans in the same way humans breed chickens.
Humans don't lay eggs you absolute melon. How do you get more retarded with every post?
>I stopped posting here
>Why did Trump win the popular vote by such a wide margin
he had the same amount as last time you retard faggot, the other side just didn't vote because of palestine
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As ever all 40k debates boil down to the fact its all jokes stolen from 2000AD that have subsequently been retconned into poe-faced seriousness. You can get the tone from Nemesis and Judge Dredd, in each case the cure is no better than the disease its just whether you favour the evils of order (Dredd) or the evils of anarchy (Nemesis, notionally a hero but with an odd habit of killing innocent children and not giving a toss).
You could just watch the Filmdeg interviews with RP. The imperial cult is a lie that has gathered its own momentum and probably wasn't what the undead husk at its core had in mind at all. Orcs are terrible, a force of nature that is going to do hideous things to you. There isn't a good choice.

Its all a bit dull these days, I notice even the painting competitions are boring. If you go back a surefire way to do well was to have an orc doing something stupid/hideous/funny or ideally all three.
Nobody with the average white man's intelligence could possibly go from a simile ("they breed humans LIKE chickens") to literalism ("well humans don't lay eggs, checkmate :)").
The entire practice of absurdist thought is french. THE PROGENITORS OF THE TRUE ANGLOID RACE, CHECKMATE, YAKUBBIAN DEVIL
Make sure you lock up their little Cadian a good Sister wouldn't want the temptation.
>still doesn't get it
Shame, your chromosome count seems to be higher than your IQ
>trannyjannies are mad when people call put pedophile troongroomers for what they are

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