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Anyone here ever tried to make a campaign, or just a dungeon, on RPG Maker? Or other engines.
I have a dungeon I'm thinking of making into a Zelda-like top-down game, and I was wondering if you had any experiences or advice to share in translating your tabletop material to digital.

Nope, don't hate myself to this extent.
it doesn't really translate well unless you're playing something that's already very similar to a video game
absolute freedom vs. an incredible amount of restraints in comparison
I've fooled around with RPG maker, last time was to try doing something like Lufia 2's cave of the ancient (the only part of the game that I can actually have fun with anymore lol).
Though honestly I had never considered using it for more ttrpg purposes, maybe I should try it for mapmaking or so on.
But making actual games using it?
Idk to me it feels like the only games anyone cares about that come from it are porn ones.
I was actually wondering if it would be a fun way to provide info dumps in a more interactive way for the players to browse rather than just handing out papers.
Visual novel formal might work better, something like renpy.
Since you're not going to use the RPG aspects anyway, and VN stuff is better with text.
You can still use visuals and music.
It could work if you really wanted to. I still find grid paper to be the old reliable fallback.

These sound cool and I’d be stoked if a GM ever put that much effort in, but that sounds like a shit ton of work to set up. Admittedly I’ve only fooled around with RPGmaker though, not Renpy. I have no idea how easy it is to use.
Renpy is much easier than RPG maker imho
Back in the day, it was the preferred tool by teen girls making shitty yet soulful otomes.
What I had in mind was more like a library the players could visit to get the info on what they wanted to look into, but I guess it can also work for some introductory "cutscene" to set the tone or something, maybe some flashbacks of important setting moments that contributed to make the world as it is now.
>a shit ton of work to set up
Yeah, probably, but it beats just reading from an A4. I'm usually the GM, but another player is the current one, and he tried handing out backstories to tie them all together and start the campaign. Results have been mixed at best.
>What I had in mind was more like a library the players could visit to get the info on what they wanted to look into, but I guess it can also work for some introductory "cutscene" to set the tone or something,
Renpy has a tutorial in form of a game where you can ask the software's mascot infinite questions.
Something like that could work for your a "library" setup with pretty minor reskinning
Plus since it's in first person, you wouldn't need to show the player characters, but can show NPCs if you want.
>>>/vrpg/ is there
There is also >>>/vr/ out there

And I'm not being snide, genuinely trying to help you
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i made a silly little 30 minute RPG once. Just the cliche friends and family npcs in a simple skeleton king attacks our town deal. It was far more work then id like to admit, but its cool to say i made a little RPG once. If you are super super serious about it tho, get a group of as many as you can together (half will quit) and try something silly and small on unity or something.
Some time ago I checked out if there are any DnD or WoD games in RPGMaker and I was surprised by the lack of it, the majority of the games try to imitate JRPGs not anything else
>genuinely trying to help you
No you're not gamelet.
Well, that's why my idea is to just make a dungeon. For as much freedom as you might have in tabletop, a dungeon is a fairly straightforward procedure compared to the wider world.

>I had never considered using it for more ttrpg purposes
>I still find grid paper to be the old reliable fallback.
To be clear, I'm not thinking of using it for tabletop purposes either, and for tabletop I also find grid paper to be the best methos.
I'm thinking of actually making a videogame, which just happens to be a dungeon I've previously used in tabletop and I like the design of it.

A VN format might also be a good way to romance the baker's redhead slightly overweight daughter. You can program whole dialogue tree dates and save the awkwardness of actually roleplaying it on the spot.

Well, I feel foolish. Always thought /vr/ was for virtual reality games.
Thank you, anon.

I'm definitely not super serious about it, but it sounds like it could be a fun project. I feel like I haven't done anything creative in years. Last time I ran a game was I think October of last year, and the last time I designed a dungeon was probably back in 2022.
I think it could work if you had a screen built into your table but I don't see any advantage to using an rpg game compared to prepared maps where you can control exactly what goes where on the fly.
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I ran an 80s karatekas vs wizards (think final fight) in GURPS and RPG maker maps helped me sell the experience I think. You'll be restricted to chibi tilesets, though. Your two choices are blocky modern world or JRPG fantasy land, and none of the DLC can help with that.
RPG Maker MZ has the best map-making tools. The default tileset sucks, so you need the MV one.
Pic related is four out of five maps I used for the finale mashed together. I added the sky and a dark blue layer for the last picture.
>I have a dungeon I'm thinking of making into a Zelda-like top-down game, and I was wondering if you had any experiences or advice to share in translating your tabletop material to digital.
It's three times the work you think it will take. I was on a game jam and it killed me. Each and any deviation from early final fantasy will add 10 hours to your dev time if you aren't familiar with the tools.
>It's three times the work you think it will take. I was on a game jam and it killed me. Each and any deviation from early final fantasy will add 10 hours to your dev time if you aren't familiar with the tools.
This. A lot of the stuff that you think is simple in theory with games can be way, way more complicated once you actually see how it works behind the scenes. If you want to use game dev as a tool for fleshing out campaign ideas, stick to stuff like RPG Maker or other simple engines.
>t. trapped in gamedev hell
Currently using the engine to create a SRPG based on my own art. I have a lot of art done insofar but the plugins are very fiddly.
Ah yes /tg/ - the video games board.
Yeah. I prefer 2k3 and have made some short projects in it. RPGMaker 2k3 is one of the easiest tools that can be used for this, but it does have some significant limitations that anyone using it should know before using it. First, the image resolution and format limits means that much of your projects will be stuck with GBA era graphics. Second, the lack of decimals and decimal math functions requires some creative work arounds. Third is that the lack of engine customization means you are basically building a custom game from the ground up for what is usually some minor thing they could have allowed (a MAG DEF stat means you have to build a custom stat system, a custom battle system, a custom menu system to view it, custom gear, etc). Finally, the lack of variable strings and custom in game text displays will eventually frustrate you.

The Maniacs patch fixes some of these. Later RPGMakers address some of these limitations by default but then add others that basically force you into learning programming by fooling with and troubleshooting plugins. However, all of this burden is for the gain of allowing you to easily port and play on a mobile device in a tool called EasyRPG. Also, if you can understand the basic event structure, and learn how to effectively use picture layering, you can do some amazing things with 2k3 without an ounce of code. In fact, I think you can make almost any top down 2D game in it besides any game requiring physics or dynamic movement.

One final thing. Crimson Shroud is a game for 3DS that offers a neat look at this. It has a very limited story and uses rolls for combat and 'skill checks'. While I want freedom of choice in the projects I create (I insert chance to help with GM), I actually enjoyed the linearity of the campaign and the move away from number crunching. I think CYOA projects would be good in a game tool (someone mentioned the VN tool), but a CYOA will be boring to play when the outcomes are known.
True but I think it could help with autoGMing in soloplay. I think a big problem like you mentioned is the inability to do custom actions in it, if it's not put in as an option, I can't do it. And it is impractical to make every option available every time just so I can do it. It works for a certain type of campaign and ruleset but would be too restrictive in others.

I like paper but its neat to be able to build my own adventures and take them on the go. Really, I think most people would enjoy playing stuff other people build though (CYOAs are low barrier), since without enough randomness, there is a tendency to play optimally.

There's some games that give the 'old school' feel but many focus on the dungeon crawling aspect of that. I don't think there are any that have implemented the true rules of a ttrpg both in and out of dungeon. The dice check events are the easy part, the bigger difficulty is allowing freedom and making the player's choices matter.

My biggest frustration with 2k3 (probably the most accessible RPGMaker if you want to move beyond FF) is that almost anything requires you to build the game from the ground up because of how interlocked the systems are, tripling development time even if you know the tools. However, that effort can produce a more satisfying result and allows implementing custom systems since I'm already having to build a custom menu.

Hush I've actually had this question before and am happy to see someone else ask it. There's already computer assisted GM tools so I feel like it's a reasonable question as long as it is not spammed like every other topic on the /v/ boards.
Can A.I. make good tilesets yet?
The RM community is mostly known for editing assets because the platform archons actively bury any resources that aren't distributed through their store with their endorsement.

The tilesets an AI produces won't be formatted. But anyone who knows their way around photoshop could make them work.
>t. no-talent slopper
RPG maker XP's tilesets look better than VX, VXAce and MV dogshit
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I use at times to make maps for my pokemon tabletop.

I still need to learn how to use it though. Such as importing additional tilesets. I find myself limited at times because of that and am learning Tiled because it allows far more expression, even if the tiles don't line up exactly.

is that the (heavily edited) southern entrance to Goldenrod?
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It's route 34 yea. The idea was that the group needed to help two farmers who crashed their truck and wild pokemon were threatening to eat all the food for the daycare.

Here's another one for Ilex Forest.
>VX, VXAce and MV

People who wanted good looking maps used external programs like photoshop and gimp to make paralax backgrounds for their maps, then used tilesets for events and animation. It worked remarkably well if you spent the time drawing the maps. Some of the best looking games used this method.
Yeah but that's for games.
It's silly to go through that if you just want it for maps like that one anon

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