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Previous Thread: >>94335528

Thread Question: Do you actually run the prewritten adventures? If so, what are your favorites and most hated? If not, why and what is your favorite adventure you created?
I didn't care for the time travel aspect of Haarlock's revenge, but I remember really enjoying the campaign. Iocanthos is a fantastic little setting too - we had a fine time building our own little Mont St Michel, with blackjack and black market frenzon. It's essentially a mad max planet with less fallout, as long as you ignore the numbers - gravity high enough to make normal life mostly impossible and the only serious settlement on the world apparently packs two million people into a single kilometre, while billions run around in roving bands of murder and mayhem.
Pre-written adventures are shit. It's way better to run your own stuff. It keeps things surprising and prevents people from knowing the future. As for favorite adventure, you mean campaign?
Doesn't have to be a full campaign. Your favorite one-shot is equally valid.
Lure of the Expanse is my favorite adventure by far. It has a good premise while being fairly open ended, shows off the strengths of Rogue Trader, and has an excellent cast of NPCs to interact with.
Much more refreshing than the typically railroady Dark Heresy adventures.
Speaking of which, Tattered Fates takes the cake as shittiest module they ever released. A classic “take all the players equipment and throw them in a rail roaded slaughter pit”. The Haarlock stuff is a cool concept but the actual adventures are quite shit.
>what is your favorite adventure you created
I've run a bunch of series. I have no explicit favorite, but one I like to go back to and re-read sometimes is Excelsus: A Midsummer Knight's Dream, because of how small scale and focused it was, and how I screwed up the usual requirements so the characters ended up deeper as a result (I normally ask for 2 sentences max but I forgot this time so peeps made backstories that got interconnected over time). It was ten episodes (plus 3 bonus episodes), where a small street gang goes from a team of literal nobodies to masters of an Imperial Knight House.

Nothing fancy, just a self-contained little story in the Eastern Fringe.
Your DMing is railroady dogshit and your homebrews are the worst aspects of D&D injected into FF’s system. You’re a Tau-obsessed furry-like namefag who became popular and accepted because you pushed counter-cultural randumb humor at a time 40K was at the height of its pompous self-importance. You are shit, the games you tarnished with your self-fellating house rules are commercially dead, stop namefagging, it’s been over a fucking decade, fuck off.
That's nice and all but you realize he doesn't give a fuck, right? Like, all you're doing is actively worsening the thread. Nobody's gonna leave just cause shitter mccockass started bitching about them.
Mock the guy for liking tau if you must, there can never be enough tau hate, but be self-aware enough to realize it's not going to affect anything.
Also mock him for putting gacha in his fucking games, that's definitely a mockable offense. Seriously, what the fuck Shas.
Hoes mad
Oh yeah nah Tattered Fates sucked dick to get into after our party has already established itself and scrounged together good gear, and the finale is railroaded so hard.
Anons, I have a vague memory of a program where you could make pixel art space marine designs.
You could choose various weapons and armor patterns.
There was even sliders for how many awards and various greebles were randomly generated on them.
Does anyone remember what it was called and/or have it?
Probably Chapter Generator.
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Gambling that >>94406875 is correct. That sounds a lot like Chapter Generator.
They look like this?
>Do you actually run the prewritten adventures?
I was lucky enough to have a solid group for 10 or so years. We ran all of Haarlock's Legacy plus a bunch of the smaller adventures like Illumination etc. Our group were experienced role-players had some of us had creative writing backgrounds, so the pre-written campaigns were easy enough to edit around any incongruous elements or railroading plot points.
>If so, what are your favorites and most hated?
I really enjoyed Haarlock's Legacy, both playing and running it. My all-time favourite DH mission was Illumination. It felt like a proper introduction to Dark Heresy. The Frozen Reaches trilogy for RT was also a lot of fun.
>If not, why and what is your favorite adventure you created?
I'd say we were 15/85 for Published/Home adventures. There's too many good ones to list them all.
We had two particularly amazing RT dynasties which spanned IRL years of sessions and in some cases a dozen PCs as characters died off, retired, or transferred to background duties for the dynasty. PCs ended up personally owning/managing entire systems, from creepy acid-drenched research worlds to powerful trading stations and luxurious pleasure planets.
We also had a really long-lived DH2.0 campaign which ran for 18 months. PCs went from newbie Acolytes to fully upgraded max level Throne Agents/Inquisitors. The campaign tied back into another long-lived campaign from DH1.0 and closed the circle on some open questions.
I made the mistake of running Tattered Fates as the start of my campaign and now I wish I simply did a homebrewed rendition. It sucked so much.
It's always worth doing a couple of read-throughs of any published adventure and making sufficient edits.
I just have a companion piece with notes like "Pg 43: replace Hessk the Sly's dialogue with the following...", "Pg 55: Ignore the listed motivations, instead..." etc etc. Just lets you fine-tune it to your liking.
I have even fully re-written the mission, just copying across the stuff I'm keeping and writing anything else I need, then printing it out and binding it.
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Wrath and Glory:
>+2 DN to all attacks for each attack beyond the first. Roll damage once and apply it
to all targets hit.
There's one thing I don't get for this rule: you roll to hit rolls for each attack separately for each target, but once for damage and deal it to all targets. BUT the damage can change depending on your to hit roll. So which to hit roll do you use to calculate your damage? You freely pick the best one? Have to pick the worst one? Or do most people house rule it and roll damage separately for each target?
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I've not played WanG, but from my immediate reading I would say you roll for damage once, then apply the modifier per attack to that static value.

>1st Hit +2
>2nd Hit +1
>Damage Roll is 5
>1st Hit becomes 2+5 = 7 damage
>2nd Hit becomes 1+5 = 6 damage
Sorry but you roll damage ONCE, while you're proposing two separate rolls for the extra damage.

>normal attack: you roll to hit and if you have spare 6s on your to hit roll you can add additional dice at the damage roll step
>so if you need three successes and roll say 4,5,6 and 6 that's a total of six successes, but you can transform one of those 6s into an extra damage die instead of two successes
>so if your weapons deals 10 damage and have one extra damage die, now it has two
>but if you roll to hit each target separately you might have a different amounts of 6 to transform in each roll
>but you can only roll for damage once
Ah, yep. No fucking idea then. That's clear as mud.
I need some advice. Every Rogue Trader game I’ve been in, player or GM, the consensus always seems to be to grab the Repulsive Grand Cruiser as the RT’s ship. How do I convince my players in our next game to try something else? What are some ship recommendations?
Where the fuck are you getting steady and reliable access to grand cruisers? I’ve had entire campaigns where we never upgrade any higher than a light cruiser.
They’re getting them by having enough Ship Points to afford one at campaign start, usually through designing a Warrant that has enough starting SP.
>What are some ship recommendations?
Turbulent-Class Heavy Frigate
Absolute work-horse.
Unless I’m misremembering the warrant creation path, the max SP you can get RAW is 70, 78 if your GM allows a jump. That’s really only barely enough to buy a Repulsive with nothing on it unless everyone goes all in on lifepath options that grant SP.
Even if you did that, the idea of running the exact same warrant with almost identical lifepath options every time just to powergame the flagship would make me want to kill myself.
Yeah? Now you see why I’m asking. I don’t want to out and ban the choice right away, so I’m looking to suggest alternatives before I say “no.”
I suggest you find less faggy players or a different game. They clearly view the warrant as a bunch of numbers and not a roleplay piece.
If they’re the only players you’re stuck with, just jerk off the Dauntless. It’s pretty much the best light cruiser in the game and you can actually afford to fill it out instead of running the SS His Beneficent Barebones with your staggering 22 profit factor and shitty components
I’m also prepped to jerk off the Star Galleon, since it’s described as a gorgeous, ancient vessel designed for Rogue Traders and commissioned by the Emperor Himself. It’s also a pretty solid ship that isn’t nearly as debilitating in points, which would allow them to actually play around with their SP for a change.
Make these cunts roll randomly for profit factor and ship points like in the core book since they don’t know how to behave.
Multiple Attack (default) lets you attack multiple times with one weapon. Damage is rolled once and applied to all successful attacks.

Dual Wield (talent) allows you to attack with different weapons (pistol or one-handed melee only), and you roll damage separately per attack.
Tell them to fuck off and pick a ship from [list of ship classes you want them to pick from].
>consensus always seems to be to grab the Repulsive Grand Cruiser
That's a really surprising choice. Grand Cruisers are hard to outfit as starting ships unless you allow significant stretching of certain rules (like allowing Poor Craftsmanship Components to lower SP costs to 0 or something). If you were going to take one, I'd expect the Avenger since the Cursed penalty on the Repulsive is potentially a real problem for a starting party (again, unless you're hand-waving Warp travel or something). If players are taking bare GC with few or no weapons, you should really be hitting them hard in combat encounters. Just how are they equipping these things?

>How do I convince my players in our next game to try something else?
I do think big empty ship/low PF starts are fun - at least if it's intended to be a long campaign. It gives your flagship and Dynasty lots of room to grow versus something like a super optimized Raider that has no room for additional components. If you want your players to do something else, either require it (this campaign premise requires that you start with a Transport), or offer them a deal where you sweeten other hull options (maybe allow an extra Archeotech purchase if you take one of the Mechanicus LCs, or beef up some of the weaker hulls with built-in components).

>What are some ship recommendations?
Loki with bombers or a Shrike for piratical antics. Endeavour with maximum torpedo tubes if you want a terrifying alpha strike. Lunar if you want something big without going crazy. The Tempest is a baby Lunar and under-priced for what you get. Secutor if you want to pretend you have a mini-Ark Mechanicus.
I actually enjoyed being a player in my GM’s only mildly altered The Soul Reaver. Probably as close as any of them ever got to being “open ended”.
That'd be because the Repulsive is the best hull in the game, and securing it to upgrade later is considered by them to be a logical choice. Most games I've been in tend to be fairly permissive of buying additional ships, but I've also known a few folks who have been essentially stuck with a single hull through a full game. Consider talking with them to see whether or not they have concerns about hull availability for purchase, and consider what you can do to alleviate those worries.
The Conquest is a capable merchant fleet flagship, but I generally dislike it for any other purpose. You can fit it with quad hecutors for an adequate long range punch, but it pales in comparison to any real cruiser. Even the Ambition's better.
>stuck with a single hull
Have they not taken ships off rival Rogue Traders or other enemies of the dynasty? That's the primary way we've got extra ships. It'd be uncommon for the dynasty to not have at least 3 vessels tooling around.
I think their GM might've been a bit railroady. You know the type, 'this is the plot I'm running, take it or leave it' rather than 'you're a rich space asshole, do something entertaining'
Besides, everyone knows a meritech shrike is the best hull in the game WHEE, FUCK THE MECHANICUS POLICE.
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One of my players has deuteranopia, I've tried making it so that the 'city'/'world' level maps are easily distinguishable for him. This is what it roughly would look like for someone with his colorblindness. Does these districts look easily distinguishable to you guys?
>i'd ask him but he just went to sleep
I've got the solution; the Dynasty *had* a Repulsive, but it was claimed by another heir / captured in the disaster that killed your father / lost to the Warp. Now the players know they've got their sweet sweet GC out there *somewhere*, and an asshole owns it.
Maison Demars and Ancienville are too similar, but everything else looks fine.
I always like the "You were going to trade with X to get Y, but Z stepped in with a better/more immediate offer and swiped Y from under you. What do?"
There's no legitimacy to their claim, but the party/PC was snubbed regardless and wants satisfaction plus the thing they didn't get.
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My Dark Heresy setting is going to have a museum from the Logos Historica dedicated to an ancient Earth firearm in incredible condition that one of their expeditions was responsible for uncovering. When riots break out, I'm going to give them the opportunity to yoink it if they want. What are some good choices? The 1911 was my first thought but Starfield already did something similar and that's gay
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Pristine AK47. Have a bunch of rotted/decayed/etc examples from other Kalashnikov family weapons for the museum (SVD, AKS74u, RPK, etc) and have the local PDF's autoguns based on their designs since this would clearly be a huge badge of honor for the planet.
(Storm, Twinlinked, -/-/4 Flintlock)
Do something similar for a Hwacha using Emperor's Light thermal bolts.
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>What are some good choices?
Make it a bunch of Soviet leftovers from WWII recovered from soaked in ancient Cosmoline. Interesting things would probably be PPSh-41s (autopistol with a big magazine), DShKs (Heavy Stubber on a little cart with a gun shield), along with a Mosins, Nagant revolvers and other conventional stuff. Provide heaps of ammunition but make them incompatible with commonly-produced 40K era stuff (at least locally).

Also, you should make the villain an Obliterator who is obsessed with collecting and incorporating antique weapons.
>soaked in ancient Cosmoline
If you're not storing it in a stasis field you'd be wondering why it's not fucked. Or should be.
Aren’t Nemesii blades based on meme katanas. Like the Adamus Temple has a bonafide thousand fold katana sword and it’s sharper than a power weapon
That doesn't answer the question unless you're implying that you can't turn spare 6s into ED when making a multi-attack.
Have anyone had Drukhari PCs? How it went? Any tips?
rape and sodomy
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Yeah, seems mostly alright. Have you considered crosshatch or dots for alternating district patterns? Something like this, where this is the quickest and dirtiest job imaginable?
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>Seriously, what the fuck Shas.
It was the heartiest laugh I had in a long time. I regret nothing.

One time I had a Drukhari player (Kabalite Trueborn), he played up the utter superiority that he felt all the time as a trueborn. He treated everything as a test to improve himself and thus show off his innate supremacy, and utterly dominate his enemies by doing the flashiest possible maneuvers. He would stand in front of hordes and dare them to try and hit him. He would strike enemies in just a way to wound them all so he could kill multiple at once. He would fly about on a grapnel to take on a Wraithknight with just a pistol, all because he knew he would win. He was just built different, and he was willing to prove it. And when his enemies despaired that they would never be as good as he was, their faces reflected in the featureless plate he wore just for that reason, that was his power from pain.
I actually have a relic AK I handed out in Rogue Trader once you can use.

The 47th Autogun
A truly ancient autogun originating from Holy Terra. Time has not been kind to its aged parts but somehow it still functions.
Basic Unique
Wg: 3.5kg Class: Solid Projectile
Range: 90m RoF: S/3/10
Clp: 30 Rld: 1 full
Dmg: 1d10+3 I Pen: 0
Proven (3), Vengeful (9), Reliable
Thank you anons. This was it.
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first time doing something like this. what do y'all think?
>Hunchback of Notre Dame's version of Paris, but those wacky martians stapled Detroit to it.
We've done something similar before. An older dynasty of ours basically became unstuck and lost their flagship, which was just the start of a cavalcade of misfortune. IRL years later we picked up RT again and started a new dynasty, and the GM decided that we had some former servants of the OG Dynasty working for us. We learned where the final resting place of the flagship was, and made it our mission to get out into the reaches and claim it for ourselves. That was a substantial campaign as we needed to make alliances with the Admech to help us service and fit the old girl, and offer a world for an ecclesiastical contingent who'd perform all the manual labour getting the flahship back into shape (we needed approx. 50,000 workers for a full solar year).
It was a nice touch to give us a little power boost but not without investment and planning.
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I like it well enough. Gave it a slight bit of distressing to make it seem more 40k-ish. Also a skull. Not 40k without skulls.
Also needs an edict or prayer or thought of the day of some sort.
>A coward’s only reward is to live in fear another day.
>Every lone spirit doubts his strength.
>Hope is the beginning of unhappiness.
>Life is a prison, death a release
>Only the faithless question.
>Sorrow awaits the foolhardy
>The blood of martyrs is the seed of the Imperium.
>The loyal servant learns to love the lash
I've done that before as well. The PCs had a habit of dropping of claimant buoys in new systems but not really sticking around to stake their claim. So I had another RT show up and stake theirs. What ensured was a series of negotiations, bloody assassinations, and eventually an all-out space war resulting in two hulked out wrecks and the PCs limping home in their wounded frigate.
But by the Emperor, that world was theirs! I think it become a pleasure planet eventually?
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Or, if you want to add your own skulls and doo-dads.
You're going to have to explain yourself better than "Are you iMpLyInG???"
I like it, especially writing out descriptions for the districts and points of interest. What program and font did you use?
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Shitposted an entire psychic discipline into existence, with a focus on enemy debuffs and action economy denial, does this seem playable or interesting enough to stand on its own?
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I play solo Rogue Trader and use the pre written adventures as a basis for my campaigns. I usually have to change them up so that they make sense for my campaign but I'm currently going through the Death Watch adventure Ark of Lost Souls and in the process of wiping out a bunch of orks with my mercenaries and occasionally getting unexplained help from unknown sources. My lads are stripping out the Archeotech they discovered while the Mercs murder anything with green skin and a funny accent. Currently it's a bit hard going but I have confidence that my mercs will win, or at least hold out long enough for me to strip out the good stuff and blow up the rest.
I asked if you're suggesting that you roll only the base ED in a multi-attack and don't got to turn any 6s into more ED when doing that manouver. Is just saying "implying" triggering people now?
This is just telepathy with differing effects, though Catharsis is outright sorcery and Hospice is a little bit mad, though it's not like it's hard for a psyker to lolno randoms with shit willpower anyway.
Go back to explaining what you think 'the maneuver' is. I think you missed something, but we can't figure out what or if it's me if you keep fucking repeating yourself.
I'm only vaguely familiar with the system, but: damage depends on your attack roll, in particular excess 6s get you extra dice. Different attack rolls can therefore give you different numbers of damage dice unless you forbid this.
Why are you being an asshole? There's only one combat option called multi-attack in W&G so we both know what I'm talking about if you know the system. Or do you not know the system and are only here to have an argument?
Fuck me, we both barely know the system. /40krpg/.
>I asked if you're suggesting that you roll only the base ED in a multi-attack and don't got to turn any 6s into more ED
"Each attack of your Multi-Attack must use the same weapon, and you cannot Shift as part of a Multi-Attack."
I'd say that prevents you shifting dice into ED, and Dual Wield only alters how many weapons you attack with and how many times you roll damage.
Thank you, I clearly missed that part.
What sort of classification would a planet like Venus have? Like a world where the atmosphere is inimical to human life and all the colonies are either domed or cloud city type stuff. Death world is only for when it's the biosphere/wildlife that's hostile, right?
Hostile atmosphere can get it classified as a death world. More likely it’s classified as a hive or mining world.
Hindsight. I could just as easily be missing something.
>Death world is only for when it's the biosphere/wildlife that's hostile, right?
Baal is a death world, and while it has mutants and whatever else it's a shitty radioactive desert hole of a planet that makes it so.
Venus is classified as an Industrial World, formerly a Pleasure World. It would probably have a sub-identifier like Greenhouse-type.
Trying to play these games without a table real or virtual kind of sucks
Use tabletop sim, roll20, or foundry. roll20 in particular has a really nice sheet for Rogue Trader.
Yeah I use Roll20 for my solo game and it's very good, although you get the best results from Chrome or Firefox.
How do penal regiments work, like Savlar Chem Dogs? From a quick check of them and the Last Chancers it seems like they have Commisar-Colonels instead of regular colonels. Is this universal to penal regiments? That all the officers are commissars rather than non-criminal soldiers from the regiment's native world?
Like just need some info on how penal legions are organized.
No. Officers can be penal too, but it's not common. There's officers and the prisoner's collars can be set to go off if they die as an example. The archetypal legion, such as it is, is a regular officer core of fucking lunatics and a pile of prisoners who get shipped in as reinforcement after every battle. There's lots of commissars in the imperium, but not enough to make entire structures of commissarial officers.

Commissar-Colonel isn't a common rank. It's been a bit, but it usually boils down to "Your previous officer was so incompetent I have replaced him".
Colonel-Commissar is something that has only ever shown up in the Abnettverse. No other author references such a thing.
Sure, sub in colonel with whatever. I'm using it as shorthand for "Commissar has taken over from the officer for a long period".
>Commissar-Colonel isn't a common rank. It's been a bit, but it usually boils down to "Your previous officer was so incompetent I have replaced him".
Commissars aren't normally part of the Imperial Guard and normally don't have a commission and exist outside of Guard rank structure. They're a part of the Munitorum that was given broad oversight authority over the guard. The idea behind Gaunt is that he got rewarded with a commission by a big important guard general he was friends with. Being a Guard officer and a Commissar simultaneously is extremely abnormal, and very much a conflict of interest, but not technically prohibited - hence all the weird politics and perpetual suspicion surrounding Guant despite him being big hero.
It's also very briefly mentioned by Amberly Skanktits in the Cain books, but not as a direct commissarial rank, just something they can and sometimes will do.
I seem to remember there being some ranks within the commissariat that sound similar but with reversed order like Commissar-General to mean a Commissar who is high-ranking within the Commissariat itself.This Mean your could theoretically have really confusing ranks like a Captain-Commissar-General (meaning someone who is a Captain in the Guard, but also a Commissar-General in the Commissariat). Title combinations might get even worse if a Commissar is somehow some sort of nobleman or a Rogue Trader or owns a Voidship for some reason. Avoid this is probably part of the reason they tend to train orphans for the role.
They probably have no formal organization, since most convicts are given new collars and frenzon, and aren't expected to return. The savlar chem-dogs are a special case since they were raised to participate in the third war for Armageddon and they get benefits for their service. It wouldn't be wild to treat them like Catachans where they form their own chain of command. Savlars won't get medals.
On chapter approved 2003, a blurb mentions a sergeant.

>penal regiments
I will be pedantic for the sake of clarity:
Penal battalions and squads are made up of guardsmen whose crime did not merit field execution and are instead sentenced to military absolution. These units have very little structure as they are not intended to last at all and would likely be attached to nearby regiments.
Penal legions are raised from penal colonies. I would expect them to organize in gunpoint ranks rather than squadrons.
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Can the pict recorders be used to capture video? For my solo Rogue Trader game I want to equip all the merc units with pict recorders on their lasguns that feed back to a central cogitator bank run by the cog boys so they can keep track of where everyone is fighting. Also thinking about creating morale boosting movies out of the footage as well, but that's a separate thing.

All the mercs are currently wearing red bandanas to differentiate them from the orks they are fighting in the bowels of the Space Hulk we are fighting through. They are getting their asses kicked but I have enough of them that I should be able to draw out all the Ork surprises. My Sentinel scouts and Squat Rough Riders have been great at finding the orks before they get jumped.
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Do Genestealers that are impregnated into male creatures, erupt out of the peehole or anus?
Look at Only War / Hammer of the Emperor for the vid relay. It's a pict recorder plus dedicated vox caster.
Genestealers don't impregnate. They corrupt you, and then you go create hybrids.
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Thank you kind anon! That is exactly what I was looking for, and they are a very reasonable Average availability.

Can't equip the mercs with them this war but I will ensure they all have them for the next one. Then keep an eye for the raw footage!
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Yes they do impregnate you. Up the bum if I remember rightly
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I don't know about any of that crap but I remember that there were some old Black Library short stories that implied that the Genestealers were tonguing raping people up the bum. I think it was in a couple of the old anthologies. Maybe the one where the Dark Angel terminators return to their planet to find it overrun with the taint.
At least one variety of genestealer just shoves an implant that slowly turns you into a cultist in under your ribs.
... Anon. Cmon now. They call it the genestealer's kiss because it goes down your throat. Always has. Your supergay head canon has no sway here.
It's neither. Genestealer's kiss is a sting into any victim's place. So, it's a li'l stinging smooch
Moreover, according to Fehervari, 1st and 2nd generations hyrbids reproduce the same way (sting and then victim reproduces with another non-hybrid). So, no monster rape until 3rd gen, unless it's some special strain, like Ymgarl or Necromundians
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Anon's, what are your thoughts on Inheritance of Embers?
Lads, I have never played this but I want to get started. I don't mind crunch since am a Shadowrun player so which edition should I go with?
Play Dark Heresy for the generic 40k mook experience. Play Rogue Trader to pretend to be a rich asshole and bully planets with orbital bombardment. Play Deathwatch to larp as a space marine. Play Only War to die for the emperor. Don't play Black Crusade.
And REALLY don't play WanG
I want to do a villain for a campaign modeled on Scarecrow a bit. You know, the Batman villain. What god would a Chaos cult centered around fear be most likely to worship? The obvious canon group to look for inspiration to is the Night Lords but, well, yeah, obviously they're no help here. Or would it be Chaos Undivided?
It's a published piece of work. They jam a fibrous bundle of fuck you up under the ribs through a cut to slowly corrupt them. It doesn't have to be either or, it'd make much more sense if they were doing that as well as going all Geiger on them. It's a hive fleet after all.
Greetings, fellow abused housewife. Try 1e, it's got the most published material even if it's not the single greatest edition. If you don't mind potentially running some conversions, try 2e and get a hold of liber imperium - LI is technically a different system but it's cross compatible with 2e, mostly, and you can use it to fill in for the blanks in 2e. Dark Heresy is also a lot closer to the shadowrun style of gameplay, except instead of playing "Where's the ant queen in accounting hiding?" when you break into ares, you're playing "Where's the chaos/xenos cultist" and "where's the daemon" and the answer is "everywhere".
Undivided, but possibly some random daemon that thought they were funny and wanted to increase its own power. If you had to go with a specific warp power: Slaanesh cults use an excess of fear to achieve new heights. Khorne cultists use it as a barrier to induction in a warrior lodge - go berserk and kill people? YOu pass! Nurgle cults want you to accept the plague of fear and push through it to accept your place in the universe.
Has anyone ever tried to make damage types outside the normal four? The 40krpgs have explosive, energy, impact, and rending. For example, I look back at the times I played KOTOR, which had energy weapons, impact weapons, and so on, but it had some that did sonic damage, which did lower damage than regular weapons but ignored armor.
Alright, I was looking at W&G since I like throwing a bunch of dice and counting 6s, but it looks like I should be trying out DH2e instead.
Thanks fellas! I will report back.
The thing about wang is that it is basically nailed to the wargame for stats and official material with nothing new or inspired on its own and it tries to do most of everything the previous 40k rpgs do but ends up being just surface depth with everything.
>it is basically nailed to the wargame for stats and official material with nothing new or inspired on its own
Because C7 is expressly forbidden from making anything new or inspired on its own.GW wants you to play the RPG and buy minis to use with it. To them, what FFG was allowed to do was a grave mistake, which is why it's been swept under the rug.
I've seen homebrew that uses chemical weapons with their own crit table. I think t's in Trisdekan Primer.
I've made two and a half new damage types. The War in Heaven has gone into overdrive with Resonant and Prismatic damage. Prismatic causes more crits, while Resonant makes crits better. They're meant to be polar opposites of one another.
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It's got some decent info. I don't play WanG but I'll start porting some of that stuff over to my Rogue Trader game.
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Anybody got stats for the Marauder for Rogue Trader?
>I've made two and a half new damage types.
>Which one is the half?
>All of them.
What's black crusade like if your group instead retarded?
I meant to say: if your group isnt retarded. But clearly it is, as I'm in it.
oops turns out the Repulsives are out of stock! guess you guys have to pick a different ship!
You are collection of selfish, greedy, power-hungry, and very desperate souls trying their best to crab bucket everyone around them. PVP can sometimes be unavoidable even if your players are extremely rational as chaos is inherently competitive and cannibalistic. Things will be edgy but in this case it's a feature.
Also, regardless of how careful they are, at some point in a long running game, one of your players will spawn out.
Slaanesh 100%
an entire cult centered around an emotion and making people feel it? extremly Slaaneshi
Pretty much the opposite of >>94437470 within the party. You set up compacts and external strife such that if they start fucking each other over their allies eat them alive, the foundation of their power crumbles, and they screw themselves over by failing in the eyes of the chaos gods. You give them outlet through rival subfactions within whatever larger group they're supposedly working for.
Impossible to say really as things can go sideways within a warband unless everyone mostly worships the same god. Especially since a lot of GMs seem to enjoy greasing that wheel.
This uses Only War rules, but it should be easy to convert the small differences.
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Nah, resonant and prismatic are the full ones. They're location-agnostic. The "half" is Umbran Dark Matter damage, inflicted by Umbra and their weirdness. It only goes from levels 1-5 because it's an NPC-only deal.
tl;dr of the joke it's a ref to is after someone's first night as a hooker, they've earned $200 and 5 cents. They get asked who paid the 5 cents.
Thoughts on Rogue Trader parties having more than one Xenos in it?
Filthy impure xenophiles that probably fuck grox.
This is warhammer, not star trek. Having one is already too many. Easy red flag to kick players to.
Based if done well
>In late 977.M41 for instance, one Inquisitor Forstav attended a conclave in the Tricorn Palace, attended by a bodyguard of three-dozen Kroot Mercenaries. The response from Forstav’s fellow Inquisitors when he entered the great hall flanked by his savage companions was mixed, but a sizeable number of Puritans denounced him on the spot. Bloodshed followed, and a number of the denouncers were slain. Unfortunately for Inquisitor Forstav, his Kroot bodyguards set to devouring the flesh of those they had slain, as is their species’ habit, a sight that proved too much for even the most liberal of Inquisitors attending the Conclave. Forstav was forced to fight his way out of the Tricorn Palace, a feat which, amazingly, he succeeded in, making it out, severely wounded, with a dozen of his bodyguard at his side. Inquisitor Forstav is thought to be at large somewhere in the Malfian Sub, and a number of Inquisitors present that day are said to be seeking him still.
If an Inquisitor can be unuversally denounced only after his 30 Kroots start eating dead Puritans (based), 2-7 xenos in Inquisitor's/RT's retinue shouldn't be too much of a problem
A lot of people make homebrew material for xenos. There's official material for xenos as well. I take these materials and rename them into HUMAN specializations because xenos should never have been playable in the first place. Tau pathfinder becomes Imperial Guard Scout. Dark Eldar becomes Pirate Reaver. Ork becomes Underhive Brute. And so on. There is nothing that these xenos should be able to do that HUMANS, the focus of Warhammer, cannot do better. This will always be a game about humans and the fight for the human soul, and I will do my best to keep it that way.
Good for you, bud!
Lot of unnatural characteristics found in the Underhive, I suppose.
...yes? There's literally an entire underhive faction dedicated to this?
*on one planet
The rule of "it's a big galaxy and anything can happen" means that other hives can have similar stuff to house goliath, we just rarely hear about them.
I hate NuCromunda so much.
If you make almost every underhive look like Necromunda, you’ve just created uninteresting slop.
Was this before or after the ganger jetbikes, the nu-squats, and the literal lovecraft fishmen?
I kind of like what they did with the spyrers, their suits are now very Necron in form and function. It fits way better with the planet's history now.
>Dark Eldar becomes Pirate Reaver.
How do you account for removing all the downsides of playing a Dark Eldar and are left with an overpowered PC?
Spyrers always looked dumb and pretty out of place. Pretty much anything would have looked better.
He doesn’t account for it because it’s a bait post.
It's still soul drain to chaos, what needs to be changed?
Why the fuck would that happen? There's not a single chaos character, playable or NPC, that suffers from that problem.
There is now, because it's a human! Besides, lost and the damned have their slippery slope into chaos, this is just a different look at it.
If you told me I couldn’t play a knife ear and had to play a human but I could play a “human” with the same advancement tree that still suffers from soul drain and speak not unto the alien, I’m punching you.
Why would anyone do this instead of just playing a regular renegade from BC with the infamy system? Do you still make them suffer from alien talents and just reskin those to chaos too
40k end times when
Can't wait for Age of Imperium.
>their suits are now very Necron in form and function.
NTA, but that they took something that had a range of origins (even if they all looked a bit dorky) and homogenised them is my least favourite thing about nu spyrers.
They're necrons now? How did necrons get to necromunda?
As soon as they get eno9ugh age of sigmar stuff into it. They ruined whf by shoving it full of warhammer 40k stuff and no support and then when nobody wanted to play anymore, they went "oh, okay, so let's make age of sigmar" which is some sort of nadir of human creativity and authenticity. So naturally they'll have to AoSify 40k first, somehow, THEN end times.
It was in the Horus Heresy books. The Imperial Fists had just finished conquering a group of worlds called the Araneus Continuity during the Great Crusade, and were in the mopping up phase, the smoke still burning when the original rebellious inhabitants were banished to the wastes. Then a bunch of dolmen gates opened, and Necron vessels appeared seemingly out of nowhere. They weren't explicitly called Necrons, but the crescent black vessels with living lightning and soldiers of chrome were enough of a hint. The Imperial Fists barely managed to push the Necrons off, but it resulted in the death of every world of the Araneus Continuity except for one, which would be renamed Necromunda.
As per usual, the HH books are a blight.
best 40k lore channel?
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Thank you very much kind Anon!
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Say a Rogue Trader wants to purchase a Land Train from the squats of Necromunda as a tool of diplomacy and war, what would you say would be their availability and stats?
Also anybody got stats for an Overlord airship for Rogue Trader I can use? I figure I should be able to purchase some zeppelin type vessels from either the Votann or Mechanicus.
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Question let's say I have a Rogue Trader unit of dedicated combat troops that are lay person members of the Mechanicus. They are all signed up to having their dead bodies be repurposed as combat servitors to serve along their still living warrior brothers. So the combat servitors would be customized combat servitors revolving around boarding actions and shock assaults. Is this allowed or would there be some issues with having them reanimated as combat servitors?
Power fists or lightning claws?
Power fists, I find lightning claws too edgy for me. Exploding somebody with a punch is more my style
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Best way to kill daemons in FFG? I'm specifically playing Rogue Trader but theoretically have access to all the FFG game lines. I want to give regular mercs a chance against a daemon horde without access to the Grey Knights.
Depends on the daemon but blessed ammunition from Inquisitors Handbook loaded into a heavy bolter is reliable for most threats.
Heavy weapons fuck shit up, regardless of having slightly more TB. Just don't pick the ones that don't.
Dark Heresy Blood of Martyrs and Inquisitor's Handbook both include a bunch of options to gain temporary blessings on a budget that would allow an Acolyte cell or a gang of mercenaries to put the hurt on Daemons if they know to prepare in advance. Blessing bullets, blessing melee weapons, a sermon giving everyone a WP buff... Things like that.
Not that you need to go back to DH when you're playing RT. Faith & Coin will do fine if you absolutely must find something to negate the bonus TB from Daemonic that isn't psychic powers, force weapons, other daemons, or more firepower.
Depends on the system and your build. You can't lightning attack with power fists, and with that bonus to damage depending on DoS on your WS check, lightning claws win out from Only War and on, if you have a lot of WS. Dual-wielding thunder hammers is superior for anything else, though.

Combat servitors with heavy bolters/plasma cannons are cheap and plentiful and work against everything. I don't really know why you'd want to sit on your ass and let a bunch of NPCs have all the fun, though.
Gay. One Orks or kroot is already pushing the limit of what's acceptable in a party.
what's the funniest thing you can do with the sight chapter trapping Raptors get in Deathwatch?
Audible trigger and focal targeter with krak rounds from a stalker bolter to snipe though walls at 1km
I don't think my group's combat will ever reach these ranges but I'll keep it in mind
rn I've grabbed the extra 20 range plus PER bonus to pen and slapped it on a flamer for funsies, next time I'll probably do a extra pen storm bolter with kraken rounds for 15 pen 8 shots up the ass of anything
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Necromunda squats don't have land trains in the conventional sense anymore. Their land trains are now their mobile homes, with their crucibles and votann in them. Instead...you will get this Soyuz-looking thing and like it. Even the Votann Squats themselves don't use Land Trains, they use the Land Fortresses.
Let someone else do it. Then play a Mentors Chapter marine, get Ran-Thawll's Gaze - an auspex that functions out to 1km without penalty from materials that block or inhibit auspex scanning - and take a bigger gun.
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Status check - how are your custom sectors and works going?
Speaking about it, is there any good tools for developing your own sector/subcesctor/planet? Also, how large are sectors and subsectors?
Iis there any good tools for developing your own sector/subcesctor/planet?
There's the sector map making files for use in photoshop.
>Also, how large are sectors and subsectors?
As large as the plot needs them to be. But from what I've seen, the small to large ratio is twenty to eighty worlds or so. FFG's trend towards the higher.
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Fiddling with the Redentor Sector now. Compared to the Mechanicum Demesne, New New Homeworlds, and the Varitia Sector, the Redentor Sector is the least prosperous sector, causing them to advance more carefully than their foolhardy brethren. Rather than rushing forward like the others did, they took the Terran Bunker approach and crawled forward, fortifying as they go. But due to events outside their control, a Warp Storm has hemmed them in. Redentor may be low on manpower and resources, but they have faith, which is good since their main problem is Chaos and sedition on their side of the galaxy. A few have even begun pragmatically trading for survival with the xenos of the south, survival taking priority, since the Imperium here just doesn't have the manpower to assault everything willy-nilly. It's a place on a real knife's edge, which is making it interesting to explore.
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Faith and coin, page 81
>how are your custom sectors and works going?
Going well, in the sense I haven't started making one. I don't want to make Sectors without having the campaign to run for them, and my Rogue Trader campaign isn't for another couple months.

Learned how to make them, though. The backgrounds, the fonts, the whole nine yards.
>Imperium here just doesn't have the manpower
That's such a weird sentence to read
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Oh bro that sucks. I guess I can buy a bunch of those land fortresses. It's not the same though but probably a bit cheaper.
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Anybody run any adventures in the Macharian sector? My solo Rogue Trader game is based there and I'm currently finishing up the first adventure based on the Death Watch adventure Ark of Lost Souls. I had the Space Hulk appear in the Polis system, and my mercs are clearing the orks, we'll not clearing so much as holding them in place.
Hey, I'm kinda new to this thread and wanted to download some deathwatch pdfs, what do I do if mediafire says they're gone due to DMCA?
>hereteks put together an ultralight, twinlinked heavy stubber for me to use
>but I love my single barrel stubber with a built in chainsaw bayonet
Decisions, decisions.
just get the bayonet attached to the new toy me boy
True, true.
But I love my Betty! She has seen me through some real ugly times! She is my friend!
Do you abandon your friends so easily?
frankly, my only experience with a stubber was it being jammed 90% of the time because the thing hated me so I wouldn't call it a friend
I suppose if yours served you well, it's fine to keep it
I have a pattern that overheats, rather than jams, and it hasn't done so yet.
Might be late to the party, but I just had a chance to thumb through the Maledictum Inquisitor book.

What's people's opinions of the new stuff?

I think a psyker with a Servo-Skull Psyber-Familiar could end up having a lot of fun since the skull could sneak a lot of places he wouldn't be able to & still channel psyker powers through. I'm gonna try using one when I get the chance & see how it goes.

Are Graviton weapons the new best weapon? Cause the way I see it, they're gonna ducking hurt & if you try to armor up they are just going to hurt worse. Especially for someone with augments & stuff. I think they need nerfed or better explained.
Why don’t you just play the video game? Surely it’s not that much different than just playing the prewritten modules
Do not speak of that wretched CRPG in this holy place. Those motherfuckers don't even give you a cruiser.
Tbh, it's armed as at least light cruiser
>Port Battery
>Starboard Battery
>Dorsal Macrocannon or Dorsal Lance
>Prow Lance
You're probably fucked. GW used to pay an intern to report copyright stuff, now they just have a slavering fanboy. This is what I have.

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I played it. It's limited, I can't do the stuff I want to do. Solo play lets me run the game without having to rely on other people and I can do anything I want in terms of adventures and stuff. Another anon uses AI for randomness but I tend to just use my imagination and maybe a roll for determining random events.

My current campaign is a continuation of a previous campaign and the Rogue Trader is one of the children of the previous RT who has gained a new Warrant finagled by his house and focused on exploring and building the Macharian sector. Can't do that in the VG.
That's nice and all but I wanted a fucking Exorcist to do carrier crimes with, and I'd prefer an escort or two to screen for me. Six landing bays worth of attack craft on a boat with a shadowfield and an empyrean mantle and the enemy will be playing The Hunt for Battlestar Galactica while I go Wing Commander on their asses.
I'm wondering if it was GW meddling that made them go with a frigate given all the shit that is packed in it.
Haarlock is definitely up there but for RT I do love Lure of the Expanse, though you do need to put in your own work to actually slot the other RTs into the adventures since they intentionally are not put into any of them so you can tailor it.
Favorite adventure I've made is the DH2e adventure to compliment the other Fall of Solace adventures which interweaves both Binding Contracts and Salvaging Solace.
I don't think it was GW meddling this time. If GW had done their model-first approach, then the game should have had a Cruiser instead of a Frigate. It was probably balance-related or something, it's likely easier to balance the small ships in their kludged system.
>Thoughts on Rogue Trader parties having more than one Xenos in it?
First and foremost: it's your game, you do whatever you and your Players want.
FWIW I don't fuck with more than one Xenos PC at any given time. Xenos, especially those who are actually playable, are extremely rare as far as I'm concerned. A Player better have damn good justification for the Xenos being allied to the dynasty, and the human PCs better be damn well comfortable with it.
Trading with xenos, or temporary alliances of necessity, are extremely different things to sharing a ship with them, breaking bread, and accepting their input on tactical or mercantile decisions. Even the most liberal humans in 40k are, in my opinion, suffering from a paternalistic white man's burden syndrome at best when it comes to xenos.
Now in terms of how you could run a RT game with more xenos, I'd lean into it. Have the RT be a human xenophile. Make sure they take the Xenographer alternate career (or something equally suitable). This RT has staffed their council with xenos, but what does the crew think or feel? Are there xenos also working the decks and bilges and galleys? Are there any puritan faithful on board? What are they doing about this travesty? Do more hardline RTs refuse to work with this dynasty? Make the stories and adventures be about the unique situation that has been created. If you just run xenos PCs as human PCs in all but name only, you've robbed the game of the chance to tell a rather interesting story.
We've had two games with xenos PCs (only ever one at a time), and Players did a really good job of running them lore-accurate. They knew when to step out of a volatile situation and let the human PCs handle it, because they cared about the verisimilitude of the game. One in particular refused Sanctioning as they had been a slave for most of their life and wouldn't wear another's brand ever again. A bold decision, one which made the game harder for that PC, but respectable.
>Is this allowed or would there be some issues with having them reanimated as combat servitors?
I think there's literally rules for Murder-servitors in RT, which are exactly what you're talking about. Also you can choose to have dead crewmen servitorised or buried at sea, with the former preserving population but costing morale.
>DW combi-plasma
What logic is there to using one compared to a combi-melta or combi-flamer? It just doesn't seem strong enough unless if you get super lucky with 10s since you can't use maximal with it.
Figure out a way to increase the clip size.
Can Psyber Familiars gain Cyber Familiar upgrades?
>I'd lean into it. Have the RT be a human xenophile. Make sure they take the Xenographer alternate career (or something equally suitable).
You're going to decide a PC's personality and build for him because other players have no sense of propriety?
No, you can just talk to the group about themes and narrative consistency, and if they're receptive they'll want to join in since as the GM you're donating a lot of free time to their game of make-believe and if you yourself aren't enjoying it then they wont either and provided they understand this give-and-take situation between GM and Player then it'll probably all work out.
M8, that's like one group in a hundred you're describing, and if you've got multiple people demanding to play xenos in an RT campaign, you are not in a group like that.
You'd be surprised, I feel. I think most groups are receptive when these things are presented to them. The alternative being nogames. If you're the GM you gotta lay out your standards. If they can't be met, then someone else needs to GM.
>If we're gonna have a bunch of Xenos-PCs then this is how I want to run the game. If we can't come an agreement on that, then either someone else can run the game or we can swap to system XYZ which is more suitable to the Star Trek-esque themes you're looking for.
Now I know you're lying and you don't actually run games. They're not looking for themes, they just want superpowers so they can jerk off to how special the are.
Why does retarded bait like this always get posted in the thread?
Because of the retards
At this point, it's just retard bait landing on top of a stack of retard bait.
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Never mind I found the Macro Hauler which will do the job, especially once I start up armouring the fuck out of them. Still looking for Airship stats for any of the FFG lines. I may be able to use the stats for the dropship in Only War but if someone has already done the work I'd be happy to steal it
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Did they forget?
Xenos Habitats - yay or nay?
>trusting the abominable xenos enough to have TWO of them in your entourage
that rogue trader is a fool that shall soon meet his end at the hands of his so called xenos "allies" remember always to never suffer the xenos to live
Depends. Is it relevant to the rogue trader? Are there any xenos PCs that might want or need something like that? Is the group full of numpties who can't handle nuance?
Maybe. I can never seem to keep track when Cubicle releases stuff.

I wonder what their next source book is gonna be? Fleet/Roger Trader? Guard? I really want an ad mech book
>I really want an ad mech book
This or ecclesiarchy iirc.
If a marine has finished their service with the Deathwatch and earned the right to wear the pauldron when they go back to their own chapter, would they still refer to members of the Deathwatch as "brother?"

I am inclined to say yes, but I wonder if that may change if they're interacting with current Deathwatch while in front of their true gene-brothers.
They better not fuck up the admech book either. I want it filled with augments & comprehensive admech character rules/options. I want rules for xenos tech too. None of this "the admech book is for vehicles" bullshit. The army book can be the funking depot
DH2e heavy stubber anon here!
I expect to have to fight hereteks, techpriests or BOTH because I'm not exactly sure how discriminate I am supposed to be.
The idea is that we are infiltrating a forge with some 'subtle shit', but these people wouldn't know subtle from their left tit (don't ask, it applies here ok?).
So when, not if, it kicks off, and I need to go in all guns blazing... how fucked am I? Now, I'm pretty Tuff (T53) and stronk (S48) and I can shoot pretty damn good (BS44), but how much damage can one tough ombre with some discount carapace (it's not as thick as some) and a big gun (I pet my heavy stubber, I love you, heavy stubber) do, realistically?
Even if only to buy time for the rest of the party who can do stuff besides fight to complete the mission... whatever it is?
>pls note, I'm just a stupid voidman, I fully expect to die horribly in this endeavor the way I should have the past 2 endeavors
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so, if I understand this correctly, it's a +20 on half moves, +40 on full moves and so on, right?
I'd focus more on running away & running fast. I'd never stand & fight on anyone's hometurf but especially not the guys who are an empire within an empire & hold all kinds of crazy ass weapons & tech
The stickler argument would be that is says 20m flat, based on the wording.
I would allow it to multiply as a GM, but the argument is there for it not to, so if you bring this up, be prepared for the answer to be 'No'.
Unfortunately, running away isn't particularly an option, especially if it becomes my job to run interference for the rest of the party. I doubt I will have to hold a line in the sand, but a running gun battle designed to draw attention and Cry Havoc! as possible.
>The stickler argument would be that is says 20m flat, based on the wording.
eh, it's fine
whether combined with the Flyer (12) it gets me 56 meters or 96 meters of charge just delays my plan by 1 turn at worst
First time RT player here, about to have my first game, how fucked am I as an Arch-Militant if I have 31 toughness and minimal/9 wounds?
Not too much, so long as you have access to augments and bump your stats.
This just means you may be better served as a leader type rather than a 'I'll do it myself!' type.
That's a shame, I wanted to get into the thick of it a bit more. Do I get two more wounds after improving my toughness to 40, or is the 2xTB part of my max wounds locked at what I had on character creation?
Locked. Only way to get more wounds is via sound constitution talents
hey that's pretty rad, thanks. if you don't mind my asking, how did you go about underlaying the texture ? just select all the beige color and then layer it under everything else?
watabou city generator for the city itself, then everything else manually in photoshop. TES Oblivion font
That's your sticking point? Not the fully functional STC being openly used by one of the houses? Not the Escher literally resurrecting the dead? Not the race of ancient-alien-cthulu-fishmen who live in the planet's core and secretly run the Delaque as a hive mind?

Nucromunda is a shitshow man, some crappy throwaway moment in the HH novels is the least retarded thing about it.
Get an APC/Getaway vehicle with a mounted gun. Would be nice. You can man the gun while the others are safe inside. If you're just looking for distractions & chaos to hold their attention, explosives beat a big gun every single time.

Program a monotask servo skull with a cabinet full of "tomes" (all fake to give it storage) to drop improvised explosives or grenades
Pick up Guardian and just stay within range of the RT. Grab some power armor and a multi-melta. If someone shoots the RT with something big enough to kill them, take the hit. If you're still alive afterward, multimelta them.
Grab some Airtorch canisters (ITS p.128) for it too to get Scatter on it. Because Scatter fucks severely.
If you die, it means you saved the RT's life, and your job is well done. Roll up another Archie and do the same, or dig into the DH books for cybernetic resurrection and go Robocop on their ass.
Van Saar have a defective STC that gives them radiation
I think it refers to the flier trait it grants since it doesn't actually state the marine's movement rate but rather the jump pack's.
Is there internet in 40k?
Probably depends on the planet. Also, probably quite restricted and government controlled.
Iirc in Warhammer Crime series Enforcers have sort-of-internet web for themselves
Noosphere for cogboys.
The multiply option is cheating for layer blending. I had a few grunge map textures laying around. Photoshop CC is a pain in the arse to keep working, but I think the last photoshop CS was 2016 and it works alright without constant "Haha we know you're a pirate fuck you".

I got bored playing with the skull but you can fade it into the grunge textures the same way if you're feeling creative using edge feathering and progressive fading so it looks like it grows out of it. Just takes a while.
>how much damage can I do with a big gun?
More if you stop juggling the equivalent of 8 hand cannons and get an autocannon.
The jump pack has a default movement rate equal to double the marine's movement rate.
And the Mechanicus give their soldiers cancer-guns that kill them. Some techpriests have modified their bodies so much they can walk around powering themselves with a deliberately unshielded nuclear reactor so that anyone who tries to kill them cooks alive. Van Saar's STC is functional in the only ways the Mechanicus care about: it contains knowledge, it can respond to queries and requests, it can produce devices based on the knowledge it contains.
>Oh boo hoo some of our menials will get sicky-wicky
is not something they would care about. What they would care about is that their literal holy grail, the thing they've scoured the galaxy for, the thing whole fleets spend their entire existences searching for, the thing so sacred to them they'll burn a planet to ash just to get their hands on a barely-legible *printout* from one is right there on an Imperial world where they have an absolute right under the Treaty of Olympus to be told about and to take possession of, and the writers of this slop have so little respect for their audience that their entire justification for their dumbass setup continuing to exist is
>Umm, I guess they just don't know about it?
despite that being comically retarded considering Mechanicus envoys, Explorators who snuck down to the surface, Imperial Fists techmarines, Rogue Traders, cold traders, xenos mercs, rival houses, and countless other avenues exist for that knowledge to reach them.

It's dumb. There is no explanation or justification beyond the people writing it not giving a fuck.
I'm not against anything you said & for the most part I agree with you.

You just said that it was fully functional & I wanted to note the radiation issue, that's all
Pretty sure it was mechanicus scheduled after the =I= book.
Anyone ever made any custom tanks and weapons for the Severan Dominate? The book mentions they make use of locally produced tanks and ground-attack aircraft so I’ve been at work diversifying their arsenal.
What happens if you get a Bulky augment in IM? I don't see any rules for them. If you get the new Strange Anomaly origin it can either be ugly or bulky but a bulky Aug doesn't do anything explicitly. Do you think it's dumb to say if you're an Admech you could "spend" your other Aug to remove the drawback on the special one?
I don't run games anymore, no. Too busy these days. But I ran 40k RPGs for 15 years at least.
>they just want superpowers so they can jerk off to how special the are
That's just a matter of picking the right Players.
Ye. It's a good mechanical solution to a thematic issue.
Might I trouble you for some story time of the highest highs and lowest lows you've seen in each system?
Sure. There's a lot of stories.
The one I've told the most was when we deployed nearly our entire ship's worth of crew in an open ground war. Somewhere north of 30,000 souls sallied forth for the dynasty that day, and only around 2/3rds returned. But by jove we took that fortress. Later the crew rebelled (justifiably so) while we were off gallivanting around - locked us out of the teleportarium. They didn't know about our root-access though and teleported on board anyway. Our Explorator deployed legions of servo skulls and murder servitors to harry and corral the rebels, whilst our Seneschal took the vox to offer them two choices: have the compartments they'd holed up in vented or opened to the murder servitors, or surrender to our judgement. I think around half surrendered, and the rest perished. All in all our crew was reduced to about half, around 20,000 left alive including some rebels who'd surrendered. We were magnanimous in our victory, only executing the ringleaders (who were then servitorised for posterity sake). It took A LOT to get our crew morale back up...
Another time we'd had a particularly rough warp journey and were becalmed above an undiscovered world. We staked our claim while we waited for another ship from our dynasty to show up with repair crews and part. While we waited another RT showed up and tried to stake their claim. Obviously negotiations were in order.
We argued that whilst our rival might win a space battle, he'd risk being too damaged to defend his claim when our reinforcements arrived. We could also deploy to the world and turn it into a protracted ground war (something we now had a lot of veterans of), making the claim to costly to hold. It was decided that the two Captains would duel it out, mano-v-mano, with the winner keeping the claim and the loser leaving. Our Captain was the victor, beheading the rival RT. The enemy Voidmaster accepted this loss and was preparing to give orders to vacate when our Captain, the lunatic he was, claimed that the rival's ship was also now his. Keep in mind that we had this duel on the rival's ship - we were in enemy territory. The rest of the PCs were extremely worried their victory would be the shortest lived one in imperial history, but luckily the rival Voidmaster took it on the chin and told us to get lost. Our Captain sulked the whole way back to our ship and for many weeks after.
The lowest was probably Black Crusade. FWIW I really like the system, but for most of our Players it didn't gel with them for whatever reason. We had two campaigns which just didn't last. I take some fault as the GM for not understanding what the Players wanted from the game. Another Player then GM'd another campaign which I felt was really half-assed and resulted in the game being dropped entirely and forever more - two abortive campaigns is enough to kill any games future.
I think BC needed to be bigger? I feel it would have benefited from being a macro-game instead of a micro-game, with Players being Chaos Lords who competed against other Lords of the Vortex until they had amassed enough power to launch their own Crusade into Calixis. I know you can just run it however you want, and those kinds of stories are possible in the base system, but it's a lot of extra work for the GM to figure out a game at a macro scale.
Ascension too now I think of it. In concept it's a fine idea, but in execution it didn't land. You end up with PCs who can reasonably auto-pass anything given their skill level, so there's some arbitrary difficulty modifier added to make it a challenge again. Also the Talent bloat was real - keeping track of 15+ talents was just a headfuck for everyone, especially as GM needing to keep all that extraneous information for a dozen different NPCs.
We ran one campaign in Ascension, which I tried to blend intrigue and social encounters with technical and combat, but again, the issue of powerscaling kinda killed it. Needing the Magos to make 6 successive Tech-Use tests at -60 just cause they're rolling at 130/100 just didn't feel epic or cool.
I'm not certain what I'd do with it to fix the apparent issues. I think the game just isn't suited to that level of play.
>there's some arbitrary difficulty modifier added to make it a challenge again.
If your context is [arbitrary modifier] rather than fighting on a tanker in the middle of a storm as it circles a giant whirlpool (etc), I'd flat say the problem is yours.
Ascension is also where you wipe multiple talents off your sheet and replace them with a single talent.
Nothing. Augments aren't added to encumbrance. I suppose they're just more noticeable. If you wanted a rule you could just make it so it's slightly easier to repair. Bulky, like a lot of IM, is just copied out of their wfrp 4e book.
>a bulky Aug doesn't do anything explicitly.
You don't fuck ass trying to game the flaw. Take 1 encumbrance you can't get rid of. This isn't unheard of, either.
>Potentia Coils come in many types, from small crystal stack affairs, to bulky electrical galvinators salvaged from vehicle engines. Many a hunchback within the Adeptus Mechanicus is blamed upon a primitive coil.
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How big is the power gap between archetypes from different tiers? Like if you tell players "We're playing a tier 3 game, here's 300 XP, spend it however you like" and one makes a tactical marine, another a battle sister and a third one makes an Imperial guard will they be roughly similar in power if they play to their strengths with the right talents and gear? Or will it be a mess?
I was just wondering if there was anything more regarding them other than the extra encumbrance. There's nothing like "bulky Aug heart do xyz" like they would occasionally have in Dark Heresy/FFG
Production update from C7. Doesn't really say anything.

>I was just wondering if there was anything more regarding them other than the extra encumbrance.
Fair, but no there really isn't. Item flaws and qualities exist so there is no need for specifics.
Apologies then, as someone who's favourite parts of 40K are, in order, the 2nd Ed Sisters codex cover, the Mechanicus, and the original Necromunda it's a bit of a sore point, and
>I mean yeah but it's like, radioactive or whatever so they wouldn't want it anyway...
is the other implied "reason" the nufluff implies why it's NBD for a working STC to exist on one of the most populous and significant industrial worlds in the Imperium without the Mechanicus knowing or caring about it.
How many xenos are allowed in an inquisitor's warband?
There aren't really restrictions for it. Inquisitors can do what they can get away with
No alien hunter worth their rosette would be caught dead without at least one kroot henchman in their retinue.
It's like a White Supremacist having a non white girlfriend. Are you really a White Supremacist without a non white girlfriend?
Up to 3 dozens
What did he think was going to happen?
Pissed off inquisitors, probably, but not pissed off and attacking.
Yeah that's bullshit. Not even the Votann have a working STC to my knowledge
What's the best non-Imperium concubine to have that you can get away with?
I can't wait to see how they fuck up the laundry files rpg.
Not so much, surprisingly. As you go up a tier you have to spend on an ascension package, otherwise a guardsman and a space marine would be statistically the same at level 1. With the provisio that I've played two games of WANG before I stopped, read, the game fell apart.
Votann ancestor cores are stc repositories. The Van Saar one, if I recall, was found years ago in a colony ship, was carefully moved and hidden constantly, spews exotic radiation that kills everyone super quickly.. and can't be moved around anymore now it's stuck in the primus starport. I can't remember if it only builds weapons but I don't think so. Retards. At some point we'll probably see a necromunda/admech crusade as they swarm up.
None of them. Maybe Tau have compatible bits. Kroot sex is just backrubs.
>Kroot sex is just backrubs.
Sweaty backrubs.
>implied "reason" the nufluff implies why it's NBD for a working STC to exist
The biggest thing is that STCs are becoming semi-retconned in the newest fluff. They're not full repositories of ALL knowledge anymore, they're full repositories of basically low-tier survivalist / prepper gear, while the real important stuff was always held by individuals r polities in man's ancient power centers, and was never put into STC format (and is thus truly lost forever). So even if people find STCs, it's really not an issue because at best it will shunt you up to Votanni level. The stuff the Admech is looking for, a full repository of everything, simply does not exist, and they don't even realize it.
What's the Witch Hunter retinue's equivalent of the Daemonhunter's daemonhost or the Alien Hunter's xenos mercenary?
Anyone got a link to copy of Aeldari: Inheritance of Embers?
It was in the pdf share thread a while back, might still be there in the archives
Your general heretics, Chaos sorcerers, Sin Eaters, Hereteks, tainted Psykers... the Radical's Handbook has many examples.
Human & Eldar are compatible. The Old Ones created them as cocksleaves
Found it. Many Thanks!
Any fun and unexpected uses of "Impart Flame" or "Immolation Directive" power?

>You could probably cast it onto things like singular links in a chain to cause stuff to fall.
>Cast it onto someone's clothes/jewelry to explode them.
>cast it into the pin of a grenade for a double explosion!
Our understanding was always that STCs were the 3D printer, and the fragments were the plans.
So finding an STC fragment was like finding a set of schematics for something. It might be a power shovel, or it might be a new Land Raider variant, or a particularly warm set of mittens. It gave you all the instructions and materials required, and as it was an STC fragment, it would be considered kosher by the Admech.
STCs on the other hand were the super massive printers in which you'd feed these schematics and raw materials, and it'd spit out whatever you wanted. It means you wouldn't need a legion of servitors and serfs toiling endlessly just to make a single macro-cannon shell - you could just print one, or thousands, forever.
The fragments by themselves are still incredibly useful and valuable in the cargo-cult stagnation of Imperial R&D, no matter what they detailed. But a fully functional STC would allow a world or system to completely turn the tables in terms of industry output. It'd be a localised industrial revolution every time one of these things were found.
I mean, I pretty much stopped paying attention to what GW write after Gathering Storm was coiled out like a pristine dog egg, but regardless the key point in what you say is "the mechanicus don't even realize it". *They* believe that the STC is the Holy Font Of All Knowledge and will murderdeathkill anyone or anything that gets in the way of them finding one, so it doesn't matter if GW retcon what it is "in reality". If they knew one was on Necromunda they absolutely would do anything up to and including risking civil war with the Imperium by invading to take it by force, and the nuSG fluffsharters knew that which is why they claim it's super sekrit but, and we now circle back to my original point, that's fucking retarded because there's no way you could keep a secret that large even if the Van Saar weren't openly using the tech, which they are.
>there's no way you could keep a secret that large even if the Van Saar weren't openly using the tech, which they are.
They basically can because, surprise surprise, they're not actually a gang! They are a full-on Dark Age of Technology society from the Colony Ship Van Saar, so they knew how to perfectly hide things from the start.
>They are a full-on Dark Age of Technology society from the Colony Ship Van Saar
My eyes rolled into the back of my skull and I saw the still-living ghosts of Chambers, Johnson, and Priestly there shaking their heads when I first read this piece of nuLore.
>If they knew one was on Necromunda they absolutely would do anything up to and including risking civil war with the Imperium
Which would unironically be an awesome Armageddon-style mini-campaign if GW had the balls to run it like they used to.
>Admech v Necromunda (Imperial Fists, Necromunda 8th Regiment, Combined Gangs).
>Winner gets the planet and completely changes the direction of the fluff.
We need more mechanicus lore. I want to know about their societies beyond the tiny narrow niche GW decides to write about. They are literally half of the imperium, for fucks sake. I want to know about their cultures & their less talked about subfactions. Hell why doesn't GW make a few more subfactions? What does an admech psyker look like? What do admech assassin's look like? Tell us more about the dragon cult, or the different cults of thought in general. Like the Electro-Priest schism. Not everything they do is work in a factory & make jokes about being autistic & expendable.
>admech psyker
I'm fairly certain they don't exist due to the fleshy-brain replacement parts killing that piece of you which connects to the warp.
>admech assassin
Aren't Sicarian Ruststalkers that? Also in DH there's a few Admech alternate careers which are more detailed.
>Cyber-mastiff handler: trains and builds cyber-mastiffs for the Arbites
>Techsorcist: studies maelific machine spirits
>Acuitor Mech Assassin: specialty trained admech assassins.
>Cult of the Pure Form: Admech cult which actively remove implants and exchange them for flesh again.
Nta, but the singular talents are just a blanket name for all the talents within it. You still need to track them all.
Regular psykers already have a bunch of hardware in their heads, & the cybermantle is alone the spine anyway. Nothing in the books, the rpgs, etc, limit a psyker from taking augmentations. There's even an argument to be made that a fully robotic body could still be a psyker if the soul stuck around.

To add
There's little known about the gene cults of Luna & all the genetic experiments creating advanced humans. What kind of human+ experiments are there that aren't quite thunderwarrior/spacemarines/custodes, but still far & above regular people? All we ever see from admech is gears & cyber warehouse. I want to see what biologis can do when they turn the human genome up to eleven & add extra organs to a dude. What about xenos based tech? Not just guns but material science & augmentation. Has an admech ever crossed a kroot with a grox?
>they're full repositories of basically low-tier survivalist / prepper gear
Always were. Rogue Trader '87, p270:
>The heart of the STC system was an evolved computer program designed to provide construction details for the colonists. Its prime function was to enable the colonists to build efficient shelters, generators, and transports without any prior knowledge and using almost any locally available materials.
Pretty well so far. I live in an area where 40k is practically non existant, and with the work I do keeping my schedule chaotic to say the least, I tend to pick up world-building and solo rpg as a way to still enjoy the hobby without any kind of group around.

What started as a build for games of Battlefleet gothic turned into around 60 system monster of worlds that I can write about and do solo rpg stuff in if I get the 40k itch and can't find another player for Kill team.

I'm still trying to learn how to use the .psd files that are floating around, in order to make something more like >>94449290 , but for now its enough to doodle on some scrap card paper and write about the different conflicts in-sector.
Ogryns and Halflings breed true and don't require exotic environmental conditions to perpetuate, right? Like it's not implausible for a planet to have self-sustaining minority populations of one or both despite having normal gravity? Presumably their ancestors having been left there during the Great Crusade if not the DAOT itself.
>AdMech psyker
Is a sleave like a sleeve?
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Don't forget
Is this sarcasm? I legitimately can't tell anymore. If you're openly using something in public it isn't a secret, definitionally. The Inquisition should be investigating them based on the fact they use rad weapons - banned by holy decree of the god emperor - alone, and stoating about engaging in open warfare on hoverboards wielding patterns of weapon never seen before by Imperials should be setting off alarmbells all over the place. It's not possible for Van Saar to have kept their super-tech a secret because they don't even try.
Right, and that point was supposed to help illustrate how far the Imperium had devolved from humanity's heights as well - that the holy grail, the absolute pinnacle of what the Mechanicus could conceive of in terms of human technology was basically a repository of scout vehicles, tractors, and Paw's shotgun that he keeps above the fireplace for dealin' with critters to the people who made that tech.

Man I should just stop talking about this stuff, seeing how much GW have bastardised their IP to appeal to normies and dims always makes my soul sad.
Anon, Warhammer was never a particularly deep setting and was always meant to appeal to nerdy midwits.
The only real difference is they stopped taking their own internal consistency as seriously.
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Got some OC for you /tg/; a new update to my smallish book of generators and tables, Temere Numeri. This update brings the loot table up to a total of 366 base entries, rebalances the weapons generators slightly, and adds rules for land mines, Gestalt characters (pic related), and an entire Psychic Discipline focused on emotional manipulation.

It is, it is! Let's all ignore the fact that the scholariate at arms is a single really committed goth psyker away from being a pack of witch hunter robin cosplayers.
Trying to add a little spice to my WANG sessions since the players all wanted to be space marines. I'd like to make it a little more deadly in combat. Was thinking something like kill teams melee mechanics like this:
>To the death!
>use one wrath/ruin point to attempt to make the enemy/player enter into a duel.
>if they fail a (deciding on will test or something), you enter into melee with the active operatove striking first.
>continue alternating melee attacks until one involved operatove is incapacitated
Id like to have some type of risk/reward gamble with it so that is dangerous to do, but valuable if they win. Maybe refresh the players wrath to max or somthing? Or maybe a win gives some glory points?
What actually raises your stat maximum in Imperium Maledictum? The book caps it at 60 but says certain things raise your maximum
>The book caps it at 60
Yes. You're playing scrub league.
The book also says you can go beyond that, but I don't see anything that actually boosts your stat maximums
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What are YOU doing unique in your game, anon?

I'm sending my players kill team to a shrine world without telling the Blackshield in it that the planetary governor is his mom who's going to recognize him and nag him over the vox while they hunt Genestealers.
The same way you could increase your starting characteristics from 20+2d10 to 25 or 30. Not "here's the gear to do it", but "do it your fucking self".
>who's going to recognize him
Give or take a century to go from aspirant child to scout to marine to veteran to deathwatch, sounds dodge.
He carries a small totem from his homeworld and the player gave me the clear to use it for whatever. I'm going to say his mother carved it for him and recognizes her work.

The how doesn't matter that much, what matters is how much shit our Space Wolf is going to give this guy for the rest of the hunt..
Rejuvinants exist
Page 90

>Each Advance in a Characteristic raises the
Characteristic by 1. Unless stated otherwise, the
Characteristics of a normal Human cannot rise
above 60.

So what circumstances allow 60+ stats?

I would say make it his sister instead. Everyone likes a little sister, no one likes a mom
GW never cared about internal consistency. If anything Priestly was against it, as he's said he wanted it ambiguous whether the Emperor was a god or just some guy stuck on a throne, for instance.
It was made for wargamers to mix up whatever historical knowledge they had with 2000AD by gluing lasguns to fantasy miniatures (because sci-fi minis didn't sell).
>no one likes a mom
Oh anon...
The situation where the GM states they want to do otherwise.
Save a pic of you now, and get someone to take a pic of you 100 years from now. They've said it's about some distinctive object from the homeworld no one else could possible have, so moot point.
No one mentally healthy wants a mother mothering them when they are an adult
Not as funny.
You're a funny guy, anon.
I'm working on a Cursed Founding chapter of marines who have stony skin and their most extreme members, Grotesques (abominations by the old Chapter Approved rules), are basically living stone golems/gargoyles.

What would be most likely to produce this mutation? A defective ossmodula? Defective black carapace? Both?
fuck that give him an annoying little brother who wants to tag along with the battle-brothers
If you're doing silly go all out anon.
Ossification of the dermal layer could be caused by whatever it is that toughen the skin in the first place, or as a bad reaction to the black carapace
>A defective ossmodula?
This one. Maybe not even defective per se - you could have it be some AdMech attempted tinkering or something. Trying to jump through hoops to make the black carapace work that way would be a bit much.
Would you allow someone with a cyberarm count as having brass knuckles?
Nah. But if they want to get brass knuckles built into their cyberarm, they could do that.
>What would be most likely to produce this mutation? A defective ossmodula? Defective black carapace? Both?
Why not both? Have it so that the stoney carapace is still fully capable of feeling things and that it can plug into armour as normal, but marines who want to wear armour have to slowly and painfully shave down their stone.
Is there a currency in Commorragh, aside from slaves? Is it all just barter and favours?
Fair enough, as long as we are talking about integrated weapons, would you let a power fist be built in with the Subtle trait?
Where are the stats for an exitus rifle in the inquisition book? Why does Cubicle 7 have such shifty quality control? Am I just supposed to assume the core Sniper Rifle will do? They have special exitus ammo, but no exitus rifle.
Basically. Vect might issue a fiat currency but nobody other than those in his cabal would use it, even for Vect.
>power fist
Pick one.

The smallest pf we've ever seen is in the tempestus scion kit, and I know minis aren't 100% to scale but even this is not particularly small or subtle. Maybe some ultra rare dark age artifact could be special enough to look like a standard hand and also house a power field generator, but regular imperial tech ain't there yet.
Yeah but if you don't have to make room for the person fitting a hand inside it you could probably save a lot of space
An augmented limb with servos and all to function as a hand would still take up a hand's equivalent worth of space. You then have to slap a modern imperial power fist in there, which is roughly two to three times the size of a hand.

Let me guess, you are a) a player trying to abuse having an augmented arm and b) new to warhams?
Page 137?
>would you let a power fist be built in with the Subtle trait?
Not unless it's an archaeotech relic, and those come with issues as you almost certainly don't understand its full usage, ways to activate it, what someone from 10-20 millennia ago considered appropriate protection, or how to properly install it.
>Midath Pattern Power Glove: Consisting of a single sheath that extends all the way to the shoulder, the flexible golden material that makes up most of the glove is of a substance unknown to the Mechanicus. It bends and flexes without resistance, and never crinkles or ruffles, maintaining its smooth, reflective surface at all times. Once active, the glove acts much like a standard power fist, albeit a low-powered one, but as the power field surrounds the entire length of the user’s arm it can be used to parry quite effectively. Unfortunately, it is this same power field that tends to cause damage to the nervous system the longer the glove is activated, limiting its use in extended combat actions.
That's still a glove that's worn over a regular hand. I'm talking about an cybernetic arm with built in power fist ability
Did you just not read what I said and then go looking for something to complain about? fmd.

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