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Monsters of Old Mu Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked cook-off adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, cook off and fight each other for victory (and the best meal).
A campaign mode is currently in the works, hoping to post a first Campaign Scenario within the next week or two. (you) are more than encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc
>Main Lore Doc, including links to anon-written short stories and additional lore in "Recommended..." section
> Unit Spreadsheet - Currently outdated, requires an update
>Unit Design Doc

>What can I do?
Shitpost, meme, get comfy. Read over the docs to settle in.
Familiarize yourself with rules and plan some playtests.
Contribute if you have ideas. Give feedback on contributions if you don't.

> TQ1 : Please suggest names for Map Anon's settlement maps (see next posts). It doesn't need to come with with any large blurb, the name itself is fine, if you have a reason and want to explain it go for it, same for a little bit of lore, but its not 100% necessary.
> TQ2 : Please provide feedback on the suggested rule changes (will repost), in particular Armour.

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>score kill from Profile Cost + Mount, rest to be looted
I think this is a good starting place. Although, that might encourage taking cheap models with expensive equipment over expensive models with cheap equipment too much. Another way could be "half now, half later", where you get half the total cost on kill, and the other half after looting. Personally, i would say you round down when scoring the kill, but that isn't that important either way, i don't think.
>The "or" is the current version, however last thread and this one a few people mentioned it should be Leader only and LP based to make Dread more relevant.
I think taking it away from Characters and Heroes by default is good, but i very strongly believe that it should be "or". The last play test also supports it being "or over "and".
>kill wall priest
Changed my mind. I think he should be fused with Toltiakos. Having the Wall Priest and other such buffing/support units helps justify taking less models. He mostly focuses on Icons, and Icons are all more powerful and expensive units with restricted recruitment. So not only does it work against separating Atlan and Atlantis by weakening the already lose Icon keyword, but it also works against having smaller expeditions. Tolkaikos is the poster child for for the now somewhat disgraced proto-proto-Mayan idea.
Merge it into one 'Iconophile' unit, i say. Take the best from both, and leave the rest.
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> I think it should be reduce all wounds by 2 always
My initial dislike to reduce by 2 was entirely due to it not being linear, I do get that its weird from a representational point of view that a successful armour roll would reduce by so little, but I was thinking about it more, and I think there's a good mechanical argument to make against it as well, in that most source of damage are X or /, so this would not change much from the current state of things, in fact it would be the same as just distributing Concussive on all weapons with a Grievous.
> is to reduce all by 2 if your Armor roll is successful and under your Evasion roll, and all by 1 if successful but over.
Feels a bit fiddly for a general mechanic, a simpler way to do this and keep and the possibility of reducing by 2 would be "reduce by 1 if you succeeded the Evasion roll, then 1 if you succeed the Armour roll".
>I think taking it away from Characters and Heroes by default is good, but i very strongly believe that it should be "or".
I tend to think the same way. Morale can be a bit clunky at times, I want to try and smooth when it kicks in and its effect, so I want to keep an open mind, but I don't see the ability to spend LP in emergency as much of an issue, especially if we make sure there's a huge opportunity cost to it (other LP actions). Its not going to feel any better if your expedition gets all Shaken 2nd turn and it takes forever to get out of it.
>>kill wall priest
>Changed my mind. I think he should be fused with Toltiakos.
>Merge it into one 'Iconophile' unit, i say. Take the best from both, and leave the rest.
This could work very well I think, since its a "legacy" unit change (lol), could we get other anons to weight in? I'm good with it.
I think making the Retiaroi's net ability a bit easier to pull off could also help a lot to counter fast moving opponents without needing to give movement boosts.
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> I wanted to write an intro to the British book that was a bit more general (didn't focus specifically on the Malcolmite Resurgence) and gave a better sense of the faction's spirit, I pulled from parts of other texts as well as including references to various new aspects. The ending is crap but I was running out of fuel. Let me know what you think.

To many Epigeans, Crown subject or not, Britain remains the one herald of normalcy and rationality in these uncertain times. Americans would obviously not voice these opinions publicly, or Frenchmen too proudly, but most are learning to appreciate the Englishmen dogged obstinacy in the face of the current madness. For all the boons Agartha can bring, tenfold curses are just as likely. New vices, virulent diseases, infestations of otherworldly beasts and even enigmatic infiltrators flow upwards from entrances as colonists head below. This has not stopped the British migration Underground, but it has certainly defined it, and made it stood apart from that of other Nations.
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America has the Mammoth Caves, and France has Paris. These entrances are centrally located, safe, easy to access and dedicated mostly to civilian and commercial traffic. Britain had no such luck, early on, with Doggerland being the only access they could claim, and no one had any desire to claim such a hellhole. Once revealed, Iceland proved to be too perfect a target to ignore. Its seizure was claimed to be an existential necessity to the Empire, something few were in a position to do anything about. The Crown bore the diplomatic controversy by stoically ignoring it, an attitude which would quickly turn into its default policy toward anything relating to Agartha, and meant that others would be left with the occasion to direct British affairs in the Underground. Duke Cunningham, 1st Lord of the Admiralty and engineer of the Seizure, made absolutely sure he and his troops would be the main representative of the Empire in Agartha.

Cunningham turned the Snaefellsjokull canal into a multi-layered fortress, designed both to keep out and keep in. The vast majority of the British thrust Underground goes through here, with each ship coming up through the canals being carefully inspected thoroughly when it enters the locks and when it leaves. No chances are taken, both with shipping holdups or chances of infiltration, and as such boats that fails inspections are unceremoniously sunk. The Admiralty also insures that as many Expeditions as possible are given an escort of loyal British soldiers, both to defend British subjects and to report any interesting find back.
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Unconcerned with oversight, Cunningham was able to capitalize on the Empire’s naval might to push the establishment of British colonies further than any other Epigean nation. The civilian population in these tend to keep to the limit of its walls, barely interacting with the Deep proper, leaving the task of securing and taming the outer lands to the contingent of Privates which is invariably attached to it. This resulted in particular in a growing sense of hostility toward Atlantis, and quite a few skirmishes that could probably have been avoided through a minimum of reasonable diplomacy. On the other hand, no one can deny that The so-called “Silent Blockade” has ensured Britain is one of the last places where a veil of normalcy can reign. The only Morlock population on the island exists in the London Zoo, the only Deep Tribals allowed to walk free are those entirely free of abnormality, and the only official place where Agarthan Artefacts can be stored or studied is the Royal Society itself.
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This state of affairs is only beginning to change. For over a decade after the discovery of Agartha, the British Crown refused to implicate in its matters, more out of distaste for what seemed to be an inherently uncivilized land than any other specific reason. Now events have forced Queen Victoria to turn her attention to the Underground and to begin questioning Cunningham’s aggressive expansionism. This change in attitude, among other things, has allowed a new understanding of the extent of the Deep’s influence on Surface matters to be brought forward, as for the first time multiple different British departments pooled their intelligence together in order to present the Queen with a complete representation of the subgeopolitical situation. The Sepoy Rebellion of 57 and the Malcolmite Resurgence of 58 showed how pernicious the influence of the Deep had been, even before its revelation. The Admiralty alone could not be trusted to resolve the Halifax Crisis, not without costing the Empire its strongest, if perhaps most troublesome ally. Its assurances as to the impervious nature of Fortress Iceland were revealed to be exagerated, as artefact and even beast smuggling rings were exposed. The cooperation between the Miskatonic Institute and the Agarthan Society further revealed the threat of Hyperborea, which obviously cannot be contained in the same manner as the Underground. And despite their perceived distance from its source, it was undeniable that British subjects had become affected in some degree by the pervasive madness that seemingly seeps in from the Deep. The signs are much more subtle than with Americans, French or Italians. Eccentricities are exacerbated here and there, usually an early onset sign of Deep Drunkness, but in most cases, this remains stable. (...)
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(...) Students styles themselves knights of the round table and somehow manages to establish an ongoing presence in the lower Layers. Bureaucrats, some of which simply read reports on Agarthan matters, often become impossible to deal with, the institution they head becoming asylums run by the mad.

At the same time, Queen Victoria could not deny that some boons were too profitable to be kept within the hands of the Admiraly alone, or denied purely on aesthetic grounds. Neptunium promises to overtake both coal and petroleum if its exploitation could become more reliable. The use of Prediction Engines was extended to various financial entities, in particular the insurance industry. The Queen has also assented to the Department of Agarthan Affair’s request to form Morlock and Neanderthal auxiliary regiments, who had already been performing unofficial duties in some of the least favoured Expeditions.

The Empire must now find a balance between its Epigean and Agarthan colonial ambitions, between its distrust of the Deep and the growing danger of the Firmament, between the Admiralty’s approach and that of the Queen, between reason and madness.
How about successful armour roll reduces by 1 by default, but add an additional (H)eavy armour rule that reduces by 2 to that location, and rework T and O accordingly?
I like what you're going for with knitting together a bunch of our ideas and such, but I think a grammatical pass or two must be done before this is put in the faction book. Right now it is too disjointed.
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Yeah, you are right. I'll try again, but I'm not the most qualified for it.
In the meantime, anyone got suggestions for Anomalies?
>a good mechanical argument to make against it as well, in that most source of damage are X or /, so this would not change much from the current state of things
Well, that's partly the point.
>in fact it would be the same as just distributing Concussive on all weapons with a Grievous.
You're forgetting that the idea is contingent on Skilled/Sharp being well spread, and that plus Deadly being exempt from Armor reductions. Also, it would apply to ranged weapons too. There was a third idea that was "reduce total wounds received by 2, no exemptions", so that XX would become // instead of being negated, and two Grievous would become XX, and XG would become /X. It is essentially the same as the first idea, only is fairer on certain edge cases.
On Skilled and Sharp, Sharp could be the version that goes on weapons, while Skilled is the version that goes on profiles, functioning identically. The reason for having them separate is that it would allow them to stack.
>Feels a bit fiddly for a general mechanic
I think it would be fine in practice, but it isn't my first choice either.
>Its not going to feel any better if your expedition gets all Shaken 2nd turn and it takes forever to get out of it.
Exactly. And that's with the comparatively better AP only. LP only, or having an LP requirement, means you could very easily get stuck without the ability to Rally at all. Having the LP requirement also makes sniping the Leader even better than it already is.
>How about successful armour roll reduces by 1 by default, but add an additional (H)eavy armour rule that reduces by 2 to that location, and rework T and O accordingly?
That's fine with me, though, ofcourse, not preferred. I worry reducing by 1 will matter very little on models without high Armor values, to the point that it barely feels worth it to roll. Even on models with fairly high armor, after pen, i think it will often feel like a waste of time.
Gas Pocket: Attacking in this hex has a chance of causing an explosion, damaging every unit within d3 of it
Quick Rock: Exiting this hex requires a
strength check or the unit is just deleted
Shine-ren's Call: A patch of difficult terrain that lures units close to it on a failed morale check. Can be destroyed with sufficient force, giving the battle winner some extra silver.
Spring Water: Entering this water hex gives any non flyer the flyer tag for a turn. If they end their turn above solid ground, roll to crash land
Pyroclastic Flow: This magma flow moves towards the nearest unit every turn. If it enters a water hex, it turns into difficult terrain instead and stops.
Time trap could force a model into reserve for an unspecified amount of time and then spit it out wherever the trap has moved (trapped until the model saves or the anom does something?)

An anomaly that lures models towards it would be cool like the Antlion from the Metro books.
Also I can't remember if I answered the question someone asked about the first book last thread but I liked it. It was pretty picaresque and definitely a bit darker than the games in parts but I think the translation held up. (I have no idea if anything major was lost but I never felt confused)
>Spring Water
Fizzy lifting drink?
I think it's better to start out with softer rules, and let people restrict themselves if they want. That's another part of my reasoning for "or". I could see an AP requirement for the first Rally you do on a turn.
Overflow Event: A model killed in this area comes back as a hostile with the Husk keyword at the start of the next turn. scattered 3d6 from the hex it died in (it can leave the game this way).
>Gas Pocket
This page is good inspiration for such things https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firedamp
There are natural carbonated springs. That's how the notion of drinking fizzy water came along. I'm thinking more "You step on the water, you go flying."
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>didn't focus specifically on the Malcolmite Resurgence
To the Lost Men, the Malcolmite Rebellion is perhaps the single most important event in their history.
To the English, it was just another provincial revolt to be blamed on Lemurian interference and Catholic nonsense.
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>You're forgetting that the idea is contingent on Skilled/Sharp being well spread
Skilled/Sharp is somewhat redundant if any of the general armour process is tied to Evasion.
>plus Deadly being exempt from Armor reductions
I never really considered it should apply.
I think if we make such a broad change to the system it needs to be necessary, effective and the simplest way to do so. I definitely do not like the idea of multiple different steps varying damage output to be there by default, it should be set or max 1 step to determine, and if we ever do more than 1 it should be really easy to work out and follow.
If the point was to have more granularity in the result of wounds, having armour lowering by 1 and perhaps evasion too by default will achieve that much more often than armour lowering by 2, and skips the whole thing about Skilled/Sharp. It ends up allowing for the same result but with a bit more variation.
>I worry reducing by 1 will matter very little on models without high Armor values, to the point that it barely feels worth it to roll. Even on models with fairly high armor, after pen, i think it will often feel like a waste of time.
I understand, but I think it would give us tools to vary a bit more unit handling. Right now my preferred version would be
> Either Success or Success + Beat the Attack Roll reduces all wounds by 1 degree
> Success on Armour reduces all wounds by 1 degree
> Heavy Armour have a (H) special rule on top of other that say reduce by 1 further on a succesfull Armour roll.
This way feels the most intuitive to me, and would allow to roll other special rules resolution more easily into it. We might also just want to be a bit more liberal with a third Health box on the profiles that matters.
> "Normal" Armour : Upon a Success, reduce one Wound by 1
> (L)ight Armour : Upon a Success, reduce up to 2 Wounds by 1 (must be different wounds)
> (H)eavy Armour : Upon a Success, reduce all wounds by 1.
I've been out for a while due to work becoming worse. Has there been any suggestions for the map while I was gone?
I need to do one of these for the 5th layer.
I think you got them all.
I suggest Iram of the Pillars for New Mu 21 or 24
Ubar for 22
6 to Z. Just "Z".
12 to Urgench
23 to Ctesiphon
>Iram of the Pillars
I think we already had a sky people city based on that? Or we could always write it as part of New Mu.
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>I think we already had a sky people city based on that?
That was also my initial thought, I was sure I had seen it somewhere, but a crtl-f throughout the old lore doc didn't find any.
Its a weird one because it could fit in 3 different places, thematically. Mu for the "lost cities" angle, Sky-People for the Pillar, and Atlantis, since it was called the "Atlantis of the Sands" (could be a colony stuck in a desert).
Here's a start on the anomalies. For Spring Water how do you see it behaving? Like a videogame geyser, or like some weird water you step on and is projected up?
>An anomaly that lures models towards it would be cool like the Antlion
>Shine-ren's Call
I'm not familiar with the book one, are these similar?
I distorted Iram to produce Errum. I figured it would work as a “people on the surface have had periodic contact with agartha and knowledge of the deep has always wound up heavily distorted until very recently” type thing. We could always change Errum to Iram to cement the connection a little better.
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Does anyone have the Political Compass meme?
I want to show it to my friends to get them interested.

Also, I remember a while ago someone mentioned that they might run a /qst/ for the skirmish gameplay and lore. Did anything come of that?
It's in the 9th archived thread on sup/tg/ if you navigate over there.
Awesome, thanks man
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>I distorted Iram to produce Errum.
Ah, that's part of what I expected, than scratch Iram for Mu, and we might as well keep it as such for now.
>Also, I remember a while ago someone mentioned that they might run a /qst/ for the skirmish gameplay and lore.
Nah, we never went over to /qst/, I try to put any games I play into context, and when it seems appropriate to include small references to them in the lore.
There are multiple campaigns "modules" in the works, I should get back to them its always something that slips to the back of my mind.
What about this?

>Success + Over Attack Roll = Reduce one Wound by 1
>Success = Reduce one Wound by 1
>Success + Under Evasion Roll = Reduce one Wound by 2
(H)eavy Armor:
>Success = Reduce one Wound by 2
>Success + Under Evasion Roll = Reduce one Wound by 3

If the extra step of comparing Evasion Roll to Armor Roll doesn't seem worth it, that's fine, it isn't integral. I think it will feel better to play with Armor if it is there (which is the point for me), and don't think it is too complex. It offers a consolation for fucking up your Evasion, which is good because Deadly would suddenly be much stronger against Armor.
I take back what i said about reducing by 1 not being worth it, that was wrong. In a good number of cases, doing a less than a Grievous is enough for a model to take another hit, and in some cases doing Graze won't really matter (though it is much better than nothing, if only because it feels better).
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>If the extra step of comparing Evasion Roll to Armor Roll doesn't seem worth it, that's fine, it isn't integral.
We can try both ways, with or without it, or perhaps also just having crit rolls on armour being the "reduce by 2/3", which would avoid recalling to the previous roll and would lock armor reducing by 2/3 to 10%. I think comparing evasion to armour is going to be a tiny bit too much for a general rule resolution, but it might work well as an special rule to further boost the survivability of low model counts Expeditions further.
I think what we should do is, instead of a game, we should test this across a bunch of different scenarios and combination of models. Just come up with lists of models to "duel" each other, so we can compare both resolution and see how it'll feel. It'll also let us figure out which model's rules we are fucking up by doing this change and how we could rework it.
I assume I'm speaking to Atlan anon, but I'd also like feedback from other anons as to this, its a very broad change, it might end up invalidating a lot of special rules and mechanics, but at the same time I think it'll give us tools to further define factions apart properly.
For example, Brits are currently themed (in my mind anyways, let me know if it fits) mechanically as
- Awesome Range Output
- Great Morale
- No Survivability
The last part comes off as being the same as other Colonial factions, they have little to no armour, to reinforce this I had to avoid giving them too many special rules that reinforce survival, or only giving them stuff like Bodyguard and Dogged/Tough. There's few ways to make Brits a bit more "fragile" than French or Americans that works well, but if we did something like >>94418355
we could perhaps lower Brit's Evasion rating all over, thus lowering the odds of getting that / reduction, which may be nothing, but may also end up being clutch.
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I'm going to post this one also as text in post to make it easier to refer to.

> The British Empire

> Faction Strengths : Range Damage, Morale, Econ
> Faction Weaknesses : Survivability, Board Control

> General Playstyle
> Combat : Good to Excellent Accuracy. Damage output at range is among the highest and very sustainable, melee is alright but not competitive (little consistent support for it)
> Speed : Alright to Fast (with Mounts.), however pulling off their abilities tend to slow them down a lot.
> Armour : Laughable.
> Morale : Highest

> Faction Mechanics :

> - Line Fire
> - Widespread synergy buffs
> - Bodyguard/Dogged/Tough to limit/control model removal
> - Slight adaptability to situations through Beauchamps & Prediction Engine
> Design Quirks :
> - Faction has good base Discipline and ways to boost it reliably (Lieutenant, Cunningham), so to make Morale a bit more relevant and interactive, spread Fear [Deep] on most models, with some ways to negate it through the game.
> - Faction should have strong mechanical integration of the Soldier/Auxiliary distinction

> Suggested Changes
> 1.Lower Evasion across by 1~2, setting for an average of 4, even 3 in some cases.
> 2.Add benefits to having mixed forces of Auxiliaries & Soldiers, or Auxiliaries and Workers, adding an opportunity cost to running purely Line Fire-based Expeditions.
> 3.Add a few more ways to distinguish between Admiralty/Crown/Private Expeditions.
> a)Press Gang mechanics to turn Colonial Criminals (and perhaps just Criminals, if we add that as a keyword) into auxiliaries for the Admiralty?
> b)Mercenary support for Private? There is already a few strong Econ support models in faction so we need to be careful here.
I also suggest adding a more or less generic [x] Settler profile to all Colonial factions that are missing one (the American Prospector could be the stand in for this one on the US side, for example). Sort of an in-faction Hired Hand (but probably worse to justify taking the Hired Hand instead, maybe not through its stats but because something happens if you don't keep them alive?)
Another thing is a generic weaponless Attack to be defined as available to everyone, otherwise the Dagger was kinda the implied default but a few occasions came up where a model had no weapons and I think this would be better.
> Acc 0 Evasion -3 Pen 0 [Stun / "/"]
Could be as simple as making the Hired Hand notably cheaper than most other worker options. Cheap and reliable, as compared to expensive and exceptional (Steel-Driving Man) or dirt cheap and passable (Titanium Miner) worker options.
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For maps & scenario generation rules, what I was going with was, simultaneously :
Option 1 : Players choose a premade map and add premade scenarios or conditional rules as they wish.
Option 2 : Players choose an empty Biome map and add the features they wish, then play whatever premade scenario or conditional rule mix they wish
Option 3 : Determine the Layers player's Factions might come in contact with each other in, roll on a table, this will give you a list of Biomes applicable, roll between these.
Biomes are the base maps with only 1 or 2 most common terrain types across.
Then you roll on a Landscape list, probably one determined or restricted by the Biome. This determine vegetation, hills, things which are more likely to block LoS and need to be limited a bit. These are added as tokens to the map if you do not have the time to edit the base map. This is where water tile inclusion would be important for Aquatic models...
(I thought about doing some mix of Biome x Main Landscape maps but I think its going to explode too fast too quickly to be reasonable).
Then roll on a Risk table (i.e NPCs, Anomalies, Pits(?)) and a Reward table (i.e. Chests, Ruins, Mineral Veins, ?) and you have your whole scenario.
This might just be me but I find the slopbot's warped take on 19th century maps to fit somewhat well with the setting's aesthetic. I was thinking of editing some of these to keep the borders, add in a cavern's background, and then clear the rest to replace it with the hex map.
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I'll have to get better at these but here's a first try for a completely blank map.
reminds me of how the major general's blog would do painted backgrounds for their wargames.

Also I agree with the earlier anon who posted about hired hands being good enough and not needing a unique worker unit for each faction. (Although I may be somewhat biased since I wrote the unit. My intention was them to be a fairly universal pick since the chart seemed to indicate that)
I was trying to avoid having it be Crit, but if it too much that's a fine substitute.
>think comparing evasion to armour is going to be a tiny bit too much for a general rule resolution
It would be easy if playing physical, for what it's worth.
>I think what we should do is, instead of a game, we should test this across a bunch of different scenarios and combination of models. Just come up with lists of models to "duel" each other, so we can compare both resolution and see how it'll feel. It'll also let us figure out which model's rules we are fucking up by doing this change and how we could rework it.
That's a good idea.
I'm for the in faction settler. I agree that Hired Hand is already good, just by being so cheap and having 5 Labor. Prospector is five times as expensive. I think starting with the prospector as a base, and just changing the Sp.Rule and equipment is enough for now.
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Haven't caught up on the last thread or two, anyone mind giving me a tl;dr of what's happened? I remember seeing something about Atlan maybe getting reworked and some other rules changes.
>I remember seeing something about Atlan maybe getting reworked and some other rules changes.
I was going over Atlan and Atlantis and kinda realized they didn't really stand apart as well as I wanted them to, and suggested we try and bring them back a bit to their original theme of "low-count, little to no-range, high survivability". Remove/rework some movement buffs, make sure we limit the mounts we give to them so it isn't too easy to make a fast cavalry list (or making them fast isn't as well the best way to make them tougher... ), etc...
From a lore perspective a suggestion was made to have the Atlan/Atlantis split be relatively recent (at least, more recent than 7k years ago...) I think it makes a lot of sense if we can find a good justification for it and for Atlan turning out how it is as a result, and save their understanding of the incoming Deluge, but it was across a few post, so I really invite you to go through it and offer your opinion.
Rules wise I've brought forward a lot of different suggestions that had been made, Looting mechanic, Damage types reworks, trying to get a lot more variability in wounds being dealt... All of this led eventually to looking at the basic combat resolution mechanic and armour resolution. The initial idea was to have Armour success reduce Wounds instead of just saving them, and what I want to try right now is some variation of "success/beating on Evasion face-to-face reduces all Wounds by 1 degree" then "success on Armour reduces all Wounds by 1 again", with some tweaks, and see if that isn't too much to go through to resolve. I think it'll be fine and would allow for a lot more granularity in wounds being dealt, and would give some nice space to develop mechanics out of it. I want to see it in action before I make up my mind further however.
Also the thing about tightening the theme of Atlan is not exclusive to it, I want to do this to France, US and Atlantis as well (UK I feel is mostly fine).
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Re the list of suggested changes posted >>94428175 its a bit old it already evolved a bit I think.
> Sharp/Skilled is probably going to be redundant if we go with the 2-step wound reduction system, its already baked in (which is part of why I like it). I think Deadly would need to be reworked as well, possibly as a Crit effect.
> That version of the Armour rework is probably not going to be the one to be used, either success on armour is going to be set to 1/2 by base, or a special rule will boost it from 1 to 2, not a crit.
> For Looting I think the best option so far is to score half now and put half of it on the Corpse token to be Claimed later on. I'm really not sure anymore, its probably the best mechanical way to do it but it feels very weird. I almost feel like it'd be worth it to turn this into a faction gameplay aspect, as in you have to loot even the opponent's models, but factions might have different ways appropriate to their strength to do so... Not sure.
>Also I agree with the earlier anon who posted about hired hands being good enough and not needing a unique worker unit for each faction
>I'm for the in faction settler.
My idea was to represent actual colonists in each factions, a British Colonist, a French Colonist, an Duosicilian Colonist, etc through nearly identical profiles in a way similar to the Medic being shared across the French Brits and Italians. Making them workers was really just the default, and because yeah, the American Prospector kinda already fit by name. I was thinking of workers you want to really keep alive until the end, so something bad happens if they die, something good happens if they are alive by the end of the game? Promotion?
This is part of reinforcing the theme by representing hapless colonists being caught up in the events, but if you guys feel its not necessary or works against that, let me know.
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So the Tiger Brigade Renault clearly needed to be reworked, it and a single crew of Tiger Brigadier ran over half of an American expedition last time it was used. After the Sky-People playtest I think reworking it to a simple transport rather than something you want to charge with all the time is going to be a lot better.
Anons had suggested the "combat cars" a while ago and I thought it could work well as a (much) lighter but meaner version of the Tiger Brigade Renault. Basically a go kart with a tiny Montmigny Mitrailleuse on it. Heavy Traction + Almost No Suspension will make it very variable in its speed.
If it's a lighter version why is it the one that gets battering ram? That seems unintuitive.
They both have it, but the Renault's a bit better because it has Strength 7.
Its lighter because you can stop it in its track with one lucky shot (either immobilizing it or killing it)
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