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Where do you get your battlemats from? What type of mat do you prefer?

There is a surprisingly lacking amount of content on this topic.
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For me, it’s a 4’x6’ sheet of green felt from Joann’s Crafts and Fabrics, got it for $6
That's an extremely good budget solution.
Thanks, if I increased my budget more I would go for foam squares with the realistic train-set greenery sheets glued onto them. Makes it more modular. Battlemats are always a fucking scam I've found, they're always weirdly shiny and underdetailed with no texture to speak of. Stay away unless you want a "buy once and never think about it" solution
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I'm making my own.
Nice, are you following this tutorial?
I bought an actual mat mostly because it looks nice and it's less effort to transport it and keep it in place, plus what I play the most are Frostgrave games set "outdoors" in the frosty city.
I made a bunch of rocky cliffs with foam + white felt on top, and use random pieces of felt for water or weird terrain sometimes.
Might get blue velvet if I wanted to do something more water heavy, I like making rocky cliffs so I could even make some with grassy or brown green foam on top for non snowy terrain.

As much as I like these types of mats >>94411400
they're a bitch to transport, and I already have to transport a lot of stuff for games.
This is cool as fuck.
Yeah, pretty much. I'm using only 1foot tiles but I can finish one fully in a single day.
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The best mats I've found are the Kraken Wargames ones, but I also have a couple of the Pwork mats. They are a bit cheaper, but the image isn't as sharp and colours aren't as vibrant.
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Here's the 2nd tile I've done. Some 28mm oathmark dorfs for scale.
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This is the one that GW used to sell. It's 4x4 and not bad quality. Looks good with basic terrain.
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I'm >>94411443 and the mat I bought was Kraken Wargames, it is indeed pretty awesome
I'll check them out. Do they do cloth mats or only neoprene/mousepad material? If the latter, how durable does it seem when rolled up and stored?
They are mouse pad material, and I've had them for years without any issues. They are probably the most expensive out there, but well worth it.
Anyone know of a place that sells decent quality battle mats with grids? While not Wargaming specific, I'm trying to find something I can use for TTRPG games for outdoor settings.
I just go outside and touch grass and then bring it inside
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Made my own, following that tutorial:
The problem is: it's heavy as fuck and you can't fold it (just roll it).
I'm wondering if it's possible to get roughly as good a result with a linen canevas and sand, stuck using white glue.
honestly, for ttrpgs I think the best choice are just dry erase "parchment" mats so that you can draw or mark weird terrain stuff when relevant
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I have been using this 6'x4' mat. It's a little expensive but it has a decent prints. It's thin neoprene.
I like to put things like a balled up shirt or a small box on the table and then drape the mat over the top to give "natural" hills and valleys before I put out some scatter terrain. It works well for me but, i mostly play d&d so I'm way less concerned with board size.
Anyone manufacture teddy bear fur mats still or did everyone realise they cost too much to make for what they can sell for?
I've been eyeballing this for about a week now. Amazon seems extremely limited on items for this topic, and a lot of the custom websites seem based in the UK.
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I made my own fur mat. If you have the money and time it yields good results,I s very versatile and clean up and storage is easy.

I'd love to do foam boards but I just don't have the storage space

This is how wargamers should play.
I needed a 4x6 hexmat for BattleTech and found one on Deep-Cut Studios. They're a little pricy and delivery takes a while because they're made in Lithuania, but it's a good mat.
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Hey, I managed to find some teddy bear fur in green, exactly for that purpose.
How did you prep it? Did you trim it down a bit, like a lot of tutorials suggests?
I did trim it down but thats because the fur on my mat was 2 inches long. lucky you because trimming down 3 5x9 fur mats was an absolute pain the ass and yours looks short enough that you don't need to. I think you should still comb some paint through it though because the color on yours doesn't really look natural. looks like a darker green so id comb through it with a brighter green. it should darken up over the dark green furs and as it dries but be sure to test it out before committing to a color
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I ordered a 3x3 of this one off Amazon for Frostgrave and despite being in stock it's been sitting at "Order Received" since 7 November, so I think they fucked it.
Shoot Amazon and the seller a message about it and or give them a bad review. I've had items I've ordered that were very good deals get delayed, lost then reposted at much higher prices. It's sort of bullshit.
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How do you guys like my table?
I just set this up for a round of rangers of shadow deep
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I just recently did up a 2x2 skirmish sized and full size 6x4 mat both in the same style with a large woodland scenics grass mat, I think I still want to add some splotchy washes and maybe some pigment powders to the dirt paths
I have a 4x4 neoprene desert one I use for gaslands, but I like a mat with some texture better, and a fully detailed board best but that's not always practical.
What's the ruins? I like how they look.
These are both lovely anons, be proud.
Thanks anon.
I have been doing a lot of painting.

Does anyone have any decent guides or advice for setting up maps? I feel like I just threw a bunch of scatter terrain down without any idea of balancing or flow.
I use fake grass (astroturf?), green velvet tablecloth, thick carpetflex.
>Friendly faces everywhere, humble folks without temptation.
Usually second hand, my country has one spot making them so I had good chance a few times to nab a few second hand for like third of the cost. I granted, do only run 3x3 ones mainly, as my table is smaller.
For mats I like: https://cigarboxbattlestore.bigcartel.com/
Here is a thread with some pics of my miniatures on one of their mats.
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I was going to do up a canvas drop-cloth like this guy
but I ran out of weather for the year, so it will probably have to wait until spring.
Check out his "terrain" tag for lots of cool diy/scratchbuilt terrain pieces.
what could be some fun things to make out of jenga blocks?
I mostly play Frostgrave, the only decent idea I had was making stairs for a ziggurat.
mostly I want big and functional stuff that could be made to look good with enough effort, I don't care about more decorative stuff because I got a lot of it.
Walls, gateways, fallen blocks, quarry with cut stone blocks around, stone blocks in a sculptor's yard/workshop, any kind of primitive temple/building really. Could do a big stone circle or something.
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>jenga blocks
Build a stamp, using a piece of linoleum, representing stone bricks.
Stamp it on the blocks.
You now have the perfect set of modular pieces that can be used for anything

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