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Justice X Evolution edition

Previous >>94378681

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>Special Booster Ver 2.0 questionnaire

Banlist, Errata:

New and Upcoming Releases:

Digimon Liberator:
Latest web comic chapter is Episode 8 Part 1! Next chapter scheduled for November 28th
Latest web novel chapter is Debug 6-2! Next set of chapters sometime in February

BT19 Xros Evolution is out now in JP. Split across SB 2.0 and SB 2.5 in EN

Special Booster 2.0 is out now everywhere!

Special Limited Set is scheduled to be released December 13th in EN, compiles LM02 through LM04

EX08 Chain of Liberation is scheduled to be released November 29th in JP, EN release scheduled for January 10th

BT20 Over the X is scheduled to be released January 31st in JP. Part of SB 2.5 in EN

Special Booster 2.5 is scheduled to be released February 2025 in EN, compiles BT19 and BT20

ST20 Protector of Light / ST21 Hero of Hope are scheduled to release April 18th

BT21 World Convergence is scheduled to release April 25th

Favorite card from Chain of Liberation?
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>Favorite card from Chain of Liberation?
My bug bro
I think they will be cheap because you're supposed to get 2 of each per box. Still, to be safe, I ordered 2 boxes of the set so I can at least get a playset of each.
I ordered 6 boxes. I just want the ruin mode aa simply because shine is my favorite digimon.
The box is actually great value for once since it is cheap and almost all new good cards.
>Favorite card from Chain of Liberation?
Fuck your Aces.

>Favorite card from Chain of Liberation?

Close's AA better have her fucking feet in my face like Lucemon AAs does, I STG Bandai.
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>Favorite card from Chain of Liberation?
It could only be her.
Shit taste in waifu, desu.
>LM set no proto-form
but why
Odd choice indeed.
No clue, I bought my protos immediately after they announced that they we'rent doing reprints.
Close has ugly feet though
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Her feet canonically look like Brie Larson’s.
Please enjoy 2025 Championship Regional and Store Regional events!*

*we will not be bringing them to regions near you
prease understandu
what was the thought process behind releasing millenniumon in its entirety in 2.0 except for exactly 1 card in 2.5?
Buy both sets, gaijin
Thought process?
Wait so to be able to use a multi color option you have to have digimons and tamers with all the color of the options?
They fucked up by making it both Millenniummon and Xros Wars support, and then promising all of the former in 2.0 and the latter in 2.5.
you just tried to play Miraculous Mega Knight, didn't you?
Shademon is shit, they were trying to do you a favor.
>Shademon is shit
Perfect fit for the Millenniummon deck, then.
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No, I mean he's shit for the Milly deck. He's decent for some imaginary deck that doesn't exist, but as Milly support he's garbo.
God playing against hybrids if you don’t have any tamer interaction in your deck(which there still isn’t enough) is so frustrating. They just get to loop the free evo lvl4’s over and over. Feels like bt7 all over again.
I’m still pissed we didn’t get any of the manga Darkknight forms in bt19 so we can finally get a damn Twilight lvl6 that hopefully isn’t a waste of cardboard like Greyknightsmon.
I was disappointed in the Xros half of 19 desu. Nothing not in the reference book already got a card.
Fellow auscunts, is kccollectables the worst possible singles retailer in the country?
yeah, gamesportal is pretty bad too, there are a lot of bad ones, but kc is pretty fucking awful, I can't really think of worse, they seem to be just be the worst in every capacity.

a lot of the ones who aren't gouging prices have just huge other problems, like d-void is always a set behind for some reason. Cherry just guesses at prices and are either super overpriced or super underpriced and there is basically no inbetween, omni has a good selection but charges a high premium, and a lot of them just have an awful selection, like mr present, guf, etc
but kc has absurd prices, bad selection, awful site, and the only good thing I can say about them is they are reasonably quick when you do need to buy from them or if you find a reasonably priced card, but I assume that's just because they have so few people buying that they have all the time in the world. But maybe I have just gotten lucky and they are just as bad there as well.
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One of the guys at Melbourne locals hit Omni up about his pricing being too high the other day and was told “we need to sell at this price to make a profit” to which mate replied you won’t ever sell at these prices so you can’t make money off no sales
He has since been banned from contact
They are so fucking useless
How big is sunariza? Close is supposed to be 1.79
I knew it.
I have less than an entry level knowledge in coding and immediately knew what the problem was as soon as I read that post. How can you seriously be that incompetent.
So why is her name Close?
Probably something goofy like "because she isn't open with her feelings".
>bra outline
Because her name in Japanese is a pun based on the Japanese word for "black", "kuro"
Kurozo etc.
That's cute.
do you think some form of side decking would help with how one sided some of the rock paper scissors match ups?
If you take Unchained referring to her as "little sister" to be somewhat literal, then it could be something like she is "close" to being the same kind of digital lifeform Unchained is. But some mix of >>94418125 and >>94418140 is more likely

No, because it becomes a rock paper scissors via side decking.

Every side deck at a basic level will contain floodgate rookies and floodgate removal.
so basically damned if you do, dammed if you don’t. Unfortunate
I thought they choose their own avatar name
Because everytime Close isn't in the chapter, you close out of it!
yea just wish I would adjustment my ratios for different matches ups if Im being honest. I hate knowing I can build for my bad match ups but then it creates new bad match ups cause I’m having to fit in stuff that doesn’t help against other decks.
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My flawless beautiful wife... I can't wait to get a playset of these...
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>Favorite card from Chain of Liberation?
big bad bear
But the only good card, shade is, like, a common. You can crib that easy off someone who buys a box or two.
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Bring this nigga back
It's even worse, because this game has extremely powerful generic cards that can completely shut down certain decks. Sidedecking would invalidate some decks entirely and only widen the gap between meta decks (less vulnerable to side decking and more flexible with how many side deck cards they can include) and non-meta decks (more vulnerable to side decking and less flexible with how many side deck cards they can include) will only widen.
anon I'm about to kiss you on the mouth
I fucking love Kunemon and Flymon, but they never get any real love. Closest the get is as a vehicle for Stingmon evolutions, but they deserve better (regardless of how cool Banchostingmon is)
I want a ultimate and mega for Flymon
>Sidedecking would invalidate some decks entirely
Leviamon would cease to exist, most definitely.
>I play Gotsumon
>You cannot play any card for the rest of the game
>anon I'm about to kiss you on the mouth
Sorry, I'm not gay
wasn't asking, you're getting smooched for having good opinions
observing from a distance w/ my Bad Opinions
They could fit him into bees, though he doesn't have X Antibody.
Play by effect decks certainly would; any deck with a purple source could just play Biting Crush, not to mention DeathX. Play cost reducing decks like RK and 7GDL would too.

Imagine a world where every deck can just side in Paladin Mode ACE or even Mother + Shoto as they need.
Does not sound like a fun play environment.
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>Imagine a world where every deck can just side in Paladin Mode ACE or even Mother + Shoto as they need.
I'd rather not
Last time we tried sidedecking everyone was using mekanorimon
is it too late too get into the game?
yes. The game's on death door
no. The game's on life door
can you repeat the question?
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>check green eggs
>gain +1000 dp if all opponent digimon are suspended
>gain +1000 dp if no opponent digimon is suspended
>gain +1000 dp if you're suspended
>gain +1000 dp if an effect suspend a digimon
>gain +1000 dp if an effect suspends a tamer
>gain +1000 dp if you play a digimon
>gain +1000 dp if you attack a digimon
Game is fine. Prices still tend to be cheaper than other TCGs. We're about to synch up releases with Japan which should be really nice. I'm looking forward to more people talking about deck building rather than knowing most of the meta ahead of time because you can just look up what's doing well in JP. The learner app is a decent way to try the game and see if you like it. You will need to do some looking around locally to see if stores in your area stock it and do events.
Fuck no. The game is great. If you like Digimon at all, it's probably the best card game out right now. The best decks all do something powerful but have answers, there are tons of fun decks that aren't as good, it's really flavorful, the art is usually quite good outside of the rare anime screenshot cards and anime tamers, the mechanics are great, etc. If the game does die in the next few years, I'm building a collection to play a ton of different formats. Vanguard nearly made me quit card games by the time I finally left. Magic is finding new ways to become an ugly facsimile of its former self. Digimon is sick. The biggest issue in this game is market fuckery because Bandai waits too long to reprint cards with obvious potential. They also don't understand efficient promo distribution. On the fans' side, the biggest problems are that there's not a single website to show you a lot of useful information like MTGGoldfish and players typically don't experiment with alternative formats with the sole exception of Highlander.

Try it out on DCGO or Project Drasil with someone who's willing to teach you. If you like it, look at either the current meta or ahead into the Japanese meta to find out upcoming cards. You usually want to buy cards within 2 weeks of release or immediately after you see an old card become relevant so you can beat price spikes. If you want more info, just let me know so I can point you to the most useful sites. Tbh I just don't remember what I have to do with links on 4chan or I'd have linked them all in this post.
Nope, it's a really fun game, unless you go for alt arts most cards are dirt cheap, and it's still fortunately not ridiculous enough to where strict meta match ups decide everything. Still decently diverse, although obviously some decks are way better than others.
>anon realizes Green's gimmick is suspending and piercing
congrats anon, happy 4 u
Just use one of the memory eggs man.
>Magic is finding new ways to become an ugly facsimile of its former self
I've always found MTG to be a silly card game, and it's always been odd how much people are into it. Infinite combos are easy and abundant, card prices are fucking absurd, effect and stack resolution is odd and stilted as fuck to me and frankly the power of some cards is fucking stupid. "tap like 4 mana, mill half your deck. And with this monster, you have to mill twice that much so you lose lmao GG". and the response to that is "welp, you let him do it, should have had more interaction cards". It's extremely silly to me.
>sole exception of Highlander
That's max 1 copy of every card, no?
>Project Drasil
Is that still running? thought it got shut down a while ago?
>there are tons of fun decks that aren't as good, it's really flavorful,
Fucking game is pay 2 lose.
I saw this as a person who knowing blinged out alter s last year only because it is VERY fun.
No, of course not. The only caveat is that some older cards are difficult to get if you missed out on their release window, but even then, when you compare it to other card games it's virtually a non issue.
>That's max 1 copy of every card, no?
Yeah, and I think you get a rookie and Tamer that act like cards in the command zone in Magic. It's cool for deck diversity. Not really my cup of tea, but it makes for really basic games (which isn't a bad thing). It's a lot of playing to the board. In regards to Magic, I've just played Pauper and a really cheap format I designed a few years ago using only 25 cent cards. Unfortunately, Universes Beyond and Horizons bullshit are slowly injecting more shit I can't stand into both formats.
The creator had to change the name from Digimon Online or something, but the project itself is alive and well. It's great for testing cards since it's manual and that circumvents the possible coding issues on something like DCGO.
Honestly, it's hilarious. The only deck I've ever played in this game that was both very expensive and very good was Sec Con when using 3 or 4 DeathX was the best way to play it. 7 Great Demon Lords, maybe, but even that wasn't absurdly expensive (and it's still good). Crazy how many insane decks are like $150 or less and I love it
Sweet, I remember seeing something about Digimon cracking down on sims and assumed it got nuked for being entirely browser based.
Time to test the new Gallantmon stuff.
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so I just learned there is actually a max field size in DCGO. When you hit the maximum you can't play advance from the egg zone or play any more tokens.
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I really enjoy playing Dinobeemon and the Memory gain minomon egg in Imperial.
>Crazy how many insane decks are like $150 or less and I love it
Yeah, the meta decks are getting a tad more expensive nowadays but that is due to OOP cards moreso than current support. Well that and how they are doing promos post bt10 era.
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>oops all purples
Thanks, I guess
When I play Ancient Guardian Deity, can the play cost reduction stack with AncientGreymon's Digixros?
Yup, how xros works is that you can shove shit inside even if played by effects.
That was one of the reasons why merva anubis is bs.
Thanks anon. That's what I assumed just from reading the cards, but I wanted to make sure it wasn't some kind of hidden rule they don't put on the card.
No problem. just remember the game is very literal with wording.
I never read or watched anything Xros Wars, but isn't the Nene/Bagramon pairing something only from the Xros Wars manga? As in, they might not be done with Millenniummon support?
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Mille bros, I need your lists. I keep seeing people suggest running fewer of the DNA kimera which doesn't make sense to me seeing as DNA into Mille is a big part of why that Mille card is strong.

I have a few promo delta I might put in over Raremon, but undecided yet if I am being totally honest.
You can always replace those rares with the garnets coming out in a few weeks. You did mention that way earlier.
yeah, Garnet will definitely tag in. I guess I'm just torn on my ratios and I appreciate any insight I got last thread as well.
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Make her adult and you get me
BT18 Kimera is paramount
If you have promo Delta, you should absolutely put him in, alongside Ukko as your 3rd level 3.
I don't recommend Nene, you get so little value out of it over the course of a normal game. It isn't unplayable, but there are better options IMO.
For now purple memory boost/mist memory boost, then switch to garnet when it comes out
Pretty cool if true. Please give me a Bagramon I can actually run in Twilight. Getting sick of Bandai’s schizophrenic approach to designing that deck.
>Bt19 dkm inherit can’t play out the Deadlyaxe from the same set.
>LuminaNene doesn’t have Twilight trait
so in summary:

-2 Bt14 Gazi
+2 Bt16 Ukko

-2 Rare
+2 Promo Delta

-2 Nene
+2 Purple Mem boost

Sound fair?
It's not amazing, but bt18 Kimera is funny in machine
Yeah xross is basically "when you would play this" effect, its also prevented by reduce play cost floodgates
Sounds good to me. Obviously purple boost misses on some important targets, but it's only a temporary fix anyway.

Do you mean BT19? Because that is pretty good in purple base Machine.
Wipe board and go into machine for 3 total memory? Hell yes.
Oh, and swap the ratios for a
BT19 and BT18 Kimera. 4 BT18 Kimera is non-negotiable.
Yes. The multiple delets and play from trash is neat. Can't really remember which is bt18 and 19 since they both come from the same physical pack and I don't play millenniummon myself
Give me a deck to play
Anything that’s relatively decent or fun and won’t lose immediately
Purple Hybrid.
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Damn I want her husband to raise my kid.
Please stay on your discord.
Don't lump my taste for finely-aged married anime women with that idiot barking for a dollar store Rei clone.
I want those sweaterpuppies on my face
Tonamikanji snapping with all of his AAs recently.
mimi and metaletemon tamer when
ok so it seems like there is a card game shop super close to me and people still play this game, what deck should I build and are any of the old cards still good because I did buy some when the game first released
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others feel free to chime in, off the top of my head these are the only BT1-3 cards you ever see, some of these (like Matt) hardly ever but have niches

Digimon has become a lot more archetype based than colour so most of these you would only see in one deck type.
kys cuck fag
Done - do I add the Rhihi and other yellow top end or just go for the mills
kys, religious cuck.
Im not cuckanon
Im just an appreciator for some fine sweater puppies
This is a fine list. Also should be mentioned RB01 reprinted most of these so value tanked anyways.
BT3 DemiMeramon and LadyDevimon.
deck doesn’t need memory, that minomon card is bad

Jack raid, gravity crush, hammer spark, blinding ray
Why did bandai memory hole Survive?
Because its a shit VN that goes nowhere until the Chapter 8 route split. 40% of the game to slog through. The tactics portion is amateur at best.
Probably because the delays meant they couldn't prepare synergy beyond the promos that could get dropped any time.
Then by the time it released (between BT10 and BT11) they had already committed to rerunning all the anime seasons.
They also dropped Colon halfway through (never got Abaddomon) and Ghost Game was barely featured so it's not like they were great at promoting those
>Starts playing DCGO
>Opponent hatches the Mother
If I wanted to play a slog SRPG I'd resume my playthrough of Journey West for the PSX, not even the ability for every character to go kaiju mode made me want to stick with that.
What if it was an honest Shoto-less D-Reaper player like me?
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then you're welcome
Cool, I'll give this a spin then. Thanks anons!

Mist whiffing/trashing on Mille doesn't worry me mostly because we have ways to nab it back at least.
Come to think bt11 was the last time we got a set based primarily on the games. Wish they’d do that again instead of doing yet another anime mc focused set. Cyber Sleuth is one of the most common requests for a set theme I’ve seen.
A Cyber sleuth set would be so nice for 02 support without Veemon
Veemon can't not get support in the Veemon card game
Veemon would 100% get support in a CS set because Rina.
>play a slog SRPG
its barley an srpg, its a visual novel first and foremost
Even the /vg/ shithole can sta on topic unlike these degenerates, it's pretty bad when somehow theyre worse than /vg/.
Dead game.
Will effect immunity just become a norm for level 6 digimon?

I hope so. The alternative is floodgate effects on Level 6s (mirage, Venus, hexe, metallic, etc) which is straight up more cancerous
Please gods, reprint promo Morphomon I don't want to spend $160 (CAD) to play a mid to bad deck!
I really, really, really want another RB set, but apparently it bombed.
Give me a gaogaigar/heavyleomon list, now
RB1 was a bad product and unfortunately probably poisoned the well on ever getting dedicated reprint sets again.
>All reprint were bt5 or earlier so a large amount of the reprints were outdated and unwanted.
>All the new cards were much harder to pull on top of not being very good overall. Monzaemon wasn't good until bt15 and Ukko broke Nume in half which is why the price for it skyrocketed.
The reprints being outdated and the new cards being mediocre were both partially results of the fact that the set got delayed, which happened because at the time it was announced people actually WANTED reprints.

The fucked up ratios, though, can't really be explained.
Conceptually, it's very cool - low rarities cards being given foiling, SRs being given texture, and an SR in every pack? It evokes Yugioh's premium boosters where everything is foil, and they reprint a lot of desired cards, but the other circumstances surrounding it were unfortunate.
Supposedly, JP RB01s had two rares per pack, while NA only had one? That absolutely sucks, but reprints of memory boosts, and floodgates were nice, while the digi promos (As dubious as they were) being reprinted established a precedent - there was the POTENTIAL that a theoretical RB02+ could have good promos.
>marketing described it as a SRPG with VN elements, it was actually a VN with barebone SRPG elements
>"Your choices matter!"
>In reality, you telling someone "hey calm down" miraculously has a different outcome than you saying "Calm down, man"
>"SMT morality system!"
>LITERALLY doesn't matter
>balance is terrible, field digimon are worthless unless you force feed them an entire play through worth of fruit, if you don't know to farm Fangmon at the beginning of the game you don't get champion evolution items until late game, MC is a pushover who is pulled along by the plot rather than being an active participant in it, the story has potential but frankly the coolest part was the ending where you become a freedom fighter
and finally
>we got it instead of the new digimon story game which is still in dev hell
I think the "adult SRPG SMT clone digimon game" conceptually has a lot of potential and I'm hoping they try again but Survive got Bandai'd just like every other Digimon product
yeah that's Ulforce support. Veemon needs some nice imperialdramoon support. I'm thinking maybe a Veemon that has an on play effect that let's it digivolve into a ExVeemon from trash, a new ExVeemon with a digivolve effect that let's you play a Wormmon or DNA into a Paildramon from trash, a Wormmon that digivolves into Stingmon from tash, and a Stingmon that either plays a Veemon or DNA into Paildramon from Trash. I'd try and imagine an OP Paildramon but the one we have is already so fucking silly I doubt I could
you forgte to mention how every evo from trash is -1 cost and gains you 1 memory
might as well be unplayable garbage without it
>Veemon needs some nice imperialdramoon support.

You just got a year of near-constant imperial support, stop being greedy.
it's actually all without cost
and the rookies inheritables are "whenever a digimon with the free trait is played, if it's green gain 1 memory, if it's blue, gain 1 memory" (not once per turn)
ah fuck you're right, Imperialdramon does get insane amounts of support. I should have made a joke about that
>whenever a digimon with the free trait is played, if it's green gain 1 memory, if it's blue, gain 1 memory
whenever a digimon with the free trait is played or digivolved*
Paildramon needs “While this Digimon is suspended, it isn't affected by the effects of your opponent's Digimon” in addition to partition, you know because it’s an insect and all.
>staying suspending
anon please, that's a useless ability
at this point let's just skip the pretense
>non OPT when this digimon attacks, unsuspend it
I wish there was a leomon rookie that also grabbed your other rookies. Elecmon's and Liolmon's ability should have been "[Leomon] in text", not "[Leomon] in name"
You need a third Elecmon/Liollmon that does anything at all desu
There's so much material to work with for Cyber Sluts, even more so if you add Hackers Memory which could be a whole other set.
>Aiba's are generic or have something like the field decks with their 3 starters.
>Yuuko and Gaiomon
>Arata and Diaboro(maybe Eaters too)
>Nokia as Omni dna support
>Kyoko and Rie warping tamers.
If I wanted to get into Digimon, how viable are the Bees? Competitive viable, locals viable, somewhere in between, or trash tier?
in my heart? world champs
in reality? local tier
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Digimon World 2 set
>Digimon World 2
isn't Galactimon confirmed for world convergence? If anything it's a DW3 set. That being said, I hope it's all Digimon world games
Mastemon, Craniamon, Rizegreymon, Wargreymon
more like Sneed millenniumon
Locals which isnt a bad thing since most meta decks are really unfun to play against/with.
>Chaos Generals + Chaos Lord deck
>Neo Crimson xros between Chaos Lord, the generals, and Crimson tamer?
>Suka/Nume/Nanimon support via Damien Tamer
>waifu support via Esteena
>Guard Tamer groups for generic virus/data/vaccine support.
>Gaia/Overlord Gaia cards
VGH, kino design space to work with.
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Was wondering if Galacticmon would remain Zenith's ace in Lacuna, or if he'd have a different digivolution path because they haven't shown anything past snatchmon, post-tournament.
Even if it can be handwaved by game logic, it's still kind of weird to have vemmon continue down a path that required specific military installations to achieve? However, specifically mentioning 'Ragnamon' as being his partner instead of Vemmon kind of makes intentions clear.
Be interested to see how they color balance it given that like... Almost every one of the protagonists and their Digimon as well as Owen are commonly associated with Red.
Gammamon definitely needs support but god this means even MORE Imperial and Red Hybrid support.
I think they're going to repeat what they did for BT12
>Nokia as Omni dna suppor
The new Matt & Tai is essentially a better Nokia
>>Yuuko and Gaiomon
What's really fun with her is that because she uses Gaiomon in her own avatar and Machinedramon in her brother's, we can bring back the "Machine or Dragonkin" thing from early sets.
The difference is that this time they're advertising BOTH Tais. V-Tamer doesn't exist. Realistically that probably just means we're getting both WarGreymon and BlitzGreymon, and maybe one of them gets put on a dual Tamer with Matt. And Omnimons.

Also worth noting is that Takato and Takuya both went with pure Red lines in BT12. Because of the extra Tai support one of them might end up half Purple this time around.
>this time they're advertising BOTH Tais
The image was added by the fan account (digicaplayer). The text is the official solicit
This is getting out of hand, now there are TWO of them
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Better than the old one but she’s definitely get a new one.
I wonder how many of these I'm going to want to have. Probably just 1-2 and move them between decks.
How is the current meta?
I heard it's shit and unfun to play?
>How is the current meta?
imperialdramon, hybrid, Loogamon, and apparently Lordknightmon is doing really well.
So, basically the same as the last year except swap Numemon with Lordknight
>I heard it's shit and unfun to play?
Not as bad as shit turbo but not great
Then I guess I won't come back and stick to my original plan of waiting to see if the combined release works
LKM can have some pretty wild turns, but the only one of those decks that feels completely unfun/unfair to play against is Fenri.
They're all fast and strong, but none of them have that same "Oh, you don't have your pieces yet? :)" thing that Numemon had.
Strong deck for locals, not strong enough to be competitively viable, not because its gameplan is weak, but because too many things just ruin its plan for it to be stable competitively and it kind of needed 1 more effect off its big plays for it to really be strong but it just falls short.
Its the kind of deck that will absolutely top a tournament because someone gets a good run with it and doesn't vs its bad matchups or is just an amazing pilot, but its not realistically competitive.
Absolutely great deck for locals though.
How bad/good is Dynasmon?
What is the gameplan for OTK?
What is the gameplan of the control variant?
An SR or a memory boost that had long been out of use except at maybe one or two
So really an sr in every 3 packs
Any soc niqqas around?
Which dorugora is the better variant currently? I know purple is better in a general sense but black can handle blueshit better with bounce resistance and source stacking. Main issue is it cant play tamers from trash and no alliance, both of which are massive drawbacks.
Any opinions?
He’ll get a new thing where the Vemmon line has fused with data from the server to make ultimate weaponry to delete other users (or turn them into oinkmon)
everybody gangster until vemmon starts absorbing matrix data.
I do not understand how the fuck fenrir can place
It bricks every single game and by the time you set up they’ve cleared security and will win next turn meanwhile you’ll be lucky to get 3-4 sec off them
terrible bait

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