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Yu-Gi-Oh! General #560

Rush Duel Downgrades Edition

Previous Thread: >>94317966

Most Yu-Gi-Oh! discussion encouraged. Post OC, write dumb fanfics with bad CAC in them, duel each other, have fun, etc.

>Yu-Gi-Oh! Online Play
Automated Sims:
●EDOPro website:https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●YGO Omega:https://discord.gg/duelistsunite
●Dueling Nexus:https://duelingnexus.com/
●Master Duel:https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel/
Manual Sims:

>TCG Event Streaming

>Alternative Formats
Time Wizard Formats Reference:https://www.formatlibrary.com/

>Useful Links
Current Official Rulebook:https://img.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_10.pdf
Hypergeometric Probability Calculator:https://yugioh.party/
Stock Market:https://yugiohprices.com/
For boomers:https://www.pojo.biz/board/forumdisplay.php?f=10

ALT: https://ygoprodeck.com/

>News Sites

>Upcoming Releases
●Terminal World 2 (Nov 23)
●Quarter Century Trinity Box (Dec 21)
●Alliance Insight (Jan 25)

●Speed Duel: Battle City Finals (Nov 22)
●Crossover Breakers (Dec 6)
●Supreme Darkness (Jan 23)

How much have you spent in the game over the years?
>make mystic mine a default part of the rules
Fixed your game.
>How much have you spent in the game over the years?
I have only bought the Traptrix deck for 7 bucks for the pretty pictures.
So yes I am the most turist of them all.
Maybe about $400? I'm a budget player.
I have been playing since 1996. My investment is incalculable.
Im jelly
Im pretty new even though Im old enough to have been there from the start, I just almost completely ignored YGO back then even though the anime was cool
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I have a fetish for long, straight black hair.
what a degen
would you say this is the only straight black hair monster?
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I wouldn't say that, but she's the only one I know of.
i didn't spend a lot as a kid because i didn't have any money, only getting packs on the weekend trips to K-mart.

I rekindled my love for yugioh this year and have spent a few thousand dollars on rare cards. I dont play the game so I dont waste my time on meta bullshit, I only like collecting Vintage Japanese and rare promo/reward cards.
Currently saving up money to buy a SM-51 Blue Eyes White Dragon ultimate rare and a Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth from the GB promo. Even a mod-play copy goes for $500 so finding a LP/NM is gonna be hard to find.
Good news, bad news.
I didn't think I needed a yandere onahole in my life, but here we are.
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(Machine translation)

Crystal Magic (Veil Magic) Tears of Light
Quick-Play Spell
For the purposes of the rules, this card's name is also treated as a "Magistus" card and a "Witchcraft" card.
(1): You can choose one of the following effects to activate (
You can only choose each of the following effects of this card's name once per turn).
● You can activate this card if you have a "Magistus" monster or a "Witchcraft" monster on your field. Send 1 Spellcaster monster or 1 Spell Card from your Deck to the Graveyard.
● You can activate this card when your opponent activates an effect. Special Summon 1 "Magistus" monster or 1 "Witchcraft" monster from your hand or Deck.

>Witchcrafter E-Tele is real
>Spellcaster Super Foolish Burial is real
>Both of these effects can be duped by Genni
Remember when someone from /dng/ lost to a Youtuber using this?
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Battlewasp anon from last thread here, thank you for the advice bros! I plan on trading for most of what I need this weekend. Any other hot gamer tips?
Are there any good cards in YGO that don't make the game look bad? Some of the unplayable old cards are cute, but the ones that actually matter are all textgore. The game that it turned into just doesn't fit well into the rules/syntax of the game that it used to be.
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Blame the apes that refuse to integrate the OCG's formatting. Numbered bullet points do wonders for legibility and also make it clearer what's an effect and what's a condition.
Numbered bullet points are clearly evil, just by adding them his attribute changed from light to dark.
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>Being evil makes things easier
sleep well, i will be watching for you on the corner
just saw this art... and dont know why it was kind of sad. the generic knight... he is dead... the body count is real... they vored them.
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>Endymion Link-2 is a VJump promo
Fuck, VJump promos are usually ass. Moon of the Closed Sky was only good by accident.
The other two cards they announced are actually good for their respective decks, so I will hold out on the idea that the Endy Link-2 is actually decent. Selene's lineup has always been pretty good generic spellcaster support after all.
The other two cards were for the Premium Pack, not VJump. Premium Packs still usually aren't great but it gave us more playable Sky Striker support than VJump did. The best ones came from the collected volumes, though.
Even still, I'm holding out on the idea that they're actually gonna give a shit and at least make something that makes it easier to go into Selene. Maybe not a mind-blowing staple, but something that you can at least afford to run for setup.
>and at least make something that makes it easier to go into Selene
If you were playing the glorious Mighty Master of Magic instead of the virgin Magistus of Mastery that wouldn't be as much of a problem, especially if they gave the TCG back Electrumite.
I hope that Electrumite never gets unbanned so that we can get Supreme King Starving Venom back, or that we can get both back at 1 copy as a compromise
That Invoked/Shaddoll player from last thread is eating good. Searchable """"Aleister the Invoker"""" that doesn't demand your NS. What a time to be alive.
I wonder if we will ever get another link 6, maybe a link 7
Perharps even reach the mythical LINK NINE????
the moment in vrains where they make the 8 card co link lives rent free in my memory
Ignister has had a link-6 since forever, and iirc the link arrows only go up to 8.
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my mistake, i read "if we'll ever get a link 6"
I mean, we've already got a second one.
No CaC this time?
Oh yeah, for some reason I forgot about him
I'll pitch a Thread CaC:
Thread CaC:
>Create a card that bridges two completely unrelated Archetypes, or two completely unrelated Monster Types
>Do not worry about it making sense
>any hot gamer tips?

-Learn how the deck works so you can build it properly, you've got three 1-card combos (rapier, sting, rebeellion) but resonance insect + any extender can get you to the exact same board as long as you pack doom dozer, picofalena and ultimate great insect, but not every list will look the same, as not everyone runs the ragnaraika cards (they're key part of the combo for me) or considers cicada king part of the endboard (personally i don't, i already have a monster negate that can't be responded to and i prefer stag sovereign's removal)
-The deck ALWAYS needs a bug to discard (meaning it doesn't have "true" 1-2 card combos), so don't be stupid and overload on handtraps and non-engine, this isn't tenpai/snake-eye
-Not all extenders work with the battlewasp cards, basically you only want the "free" ones (pin, scale, guard mantis) and doom dozer
-The deck doesn't need more than a single copy of each soft brick it has always ran (gokipole and praying mantis), as you now have ways to send them to GY from hand
-Battlewasp wind's ruling is a bit hard to understand, but you do need to learn how this card works: basically it can search battlewasp monsters with less ATK than the one you summoned and also turn any of them into a tuner, both effects are very important for the deck, and even though the card says that it can only be activated once per turn, setting it face up off of rapier's effect DOESN'T count as being activated, so you can bounce it with sachi for another normal summon, activate it straight away and get another two searches + tuner conversion, it's VERY important that you learn how this card works, otherwise you will get sharked at locals and you absolutely need wind to resolve twice if going for the resonance + extender line
Oh and don't trade for the battlewasp cards unless you're giving away something you no longer want, 90% of the deck will run you $10, the rest is your 3 copies of sting the poison ($3-$5) and handtraps (you probably already have some) or boardbreakers (droplet is amazing in this deck, but you can run raigeki/dark hole and lightning storm too, which are significantly cheaper). I forgot to mention that the deck can play in either turn as long as you go full gas + boardbreakers or gas + handtraps + crossout designator, don't mix both.
The deck just doesn't have the consistency needed to mix both. Crossout designator plus a curated handtrap selection (the deck dies to nibiru, ogre and impermanence) is enough for me, as they fuck up my opponent no matter what. Obviously you should still side in your evenly playset and backrow removal, but i've sweeped locals twice with my list.
and veiler*
Basically you don't want the opponent to tribute your whole board after the 5th summon, wind is crucial for your plays and a imperm/veiler on sting/arbalest means death unless you have an extender.
Rubedo the Sinful Dragon
"Fallen of Albaz" + 1 "Snake-Eye" monster
2250 atk 2250 def
If this card is Fusion Summoned: You can declare 1 Card name; both players look at their Deck, reveals 1 of the declared cards if there is any, and if so, chooses 1 of these effects to be applied:
● The declared card is added to the hand of your opponent.
● The declared card is placed face-up in its owner's Spell & Trap Zone as a Continuous Spell.
● The declared card cannot be played.
During the End Phase, if this card is in the GY because it was sent there this turn: You can add to your hand from the GY, a "Fusion" card, and 1 Fusion material that was used for a Fusion summon.
You can only use each effect of "Rubedo the Sinful Dragon" once per turn.
Eldwitchcrafter Golem Aruru
>[Level 8/LIGHT/Spellcaster]
>[ATK 2800/DEF 0]
When your opponent activates a card or effect that targets a Spellcaster or Zombie monster(s) you control, or targets them for an attack: You can Special Summon this card, then apply one of the following effects (or if you control "Eldlich the Golden Lord", you can apply both instead)
● You can activate 1 Trap Card that mentions "Eldlich the Golden Lord" the turn that it is Set.
● Return 1 card from the field or banishment to the hand.
You can only use this effect of "Eldwitchcrafter Golem Aruru" once per turn.
Superheavy Samurai - Dark Magician Fox
Level 8
2100 ATK 2500 DEF
You can shuffle up to 2 Spell or Traps from your GY or Banished into your Deck, Special Summon this card from your Hand, and if you do, add one "Superheavy Samurai" monster or one Spell or Trap that mentions "Dark Magician" from your deck to your hand for each. You can only use this effect of "Superheavy Samurai - Dark Magician Fox" once per turn.
While this card and another "Superheavy Samurai" monster is in the GY, when a Spell or Trap is sent to the GY you may banish it instead.
Thought about trying to build a card based on two archetypes with anti synergy and ended up with this... abomination. Was originally bloated with a bunch more effects to make it work with more support cards on both ends before I gave up.
Not for a while. @Ignister just got new support revealed and there really isn't another deck that would realistically get a link 7.
>Ally of Justice SPYRAL Robot Recruit
>[Level 4/DARK/Machine/Effect]
>[ATK 1900/DEF 1900]
>Target one LIGHT monster your opponent controls; Special Summon this card from your hand, then place that card on top of your opponent's deck.
Imagine what you could do with 3 copies of a Link 7 and 3 copies of each Link 6
holy shit why are all yugitubers complete fucking faggots or autistic black people
>autistic black people
the top deck used to be called DAD Return
I'm like 90% sure that no one called it that at the time. Back in the day it was just Tele-DAD.
DAD return was the version that was played before synchros even existed.
Once synchros came out and return from a different dimension was banned the deck was rebranded.
>complete fucking faggots
You're describing youtubers so what do you think?
>autistic black people
Black weebs got into the franchise because it was on public access television in the pre-streaming era and passed that on to the next generations. Relatively speaking there's a larger number of black players in this community than other TCGs as a result. They're still a minority but there's more of them here.
That would have been at most a three-month period between Phantom Darkness and Light of Destruction, when Lightsworns (pure and Chaos) and Gladiator Beasts (now with Gyzarius) took over. Practically a footnote compared to what was to come.
I don't think i've EVER seen a black MTG player, they're not in one piece (funnily enough i've seen a lot of ""stereotypical" nerds playing this, think polo shirts, coke bottle glasses and the like) or that one disney game either (90% female, and i mean real females), maybe they like digimon but that game died very early on at my locals, it didn't even last a month iirc.
What about Pokemon?
Do you actually HAVE black people in your area?
The pokemon tables are on the second floor, which i've never visited. I doubt there's any blacks there either, the clientele is 90% kids.
Yes, but i've never seen them play anything but yugioh.
>be le epic edgy yugioh creator unlike the woke TM libral TM MaleButtholeTounger, Fagfa, etc
>Post content on youtube
>TOS: dont say nigger
>WTF why wont people watch my stuff and why am I banned?

>autistic black people
This >>94427741 and to add, blacks love shonen for cool tropes (see one piece, dragonball, naruto, etc), yugioh is also shonen, they like it too. Occam's Razor.
>TOS: dont say
This is actually illegal under section 230 internet platforms cannot regulate speech on the concession that they wont get sued for what users post in them.
But of course YT abuses people anyways.
You are not a lawyer and you have no idea what that bit of law actually means.
It's not illegal at all to set your TOS to prohibit [things].
Go ahead, highlight your claim to this.
Here's the meat of s230.c.
>(A) any action voluntarily taken in good faith to restrict access to or availability of material that the provider or user considers to be obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable, WHETHER OR NOT SUCH MATERIAL IS CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED; or
>(B) any action taken to enable or make available to information content providers or others the technical means to restrict access to material described in paragraph (1).
I'll even make it super easy. Here's a link to s230 too, it's about 2 dozen paragraphs and you can read it entirely in about 5-10 minutes. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2011-title47/html/USCODE-2011-title47-chap5-subchapII-partI-sec230.htm
I just want to post Master Duel replay dumps.
Then you're fine? Just don't be a retard and follow best recommended practices for youtube IE don't swear in the first 20 seconds, use metadata/keywords/"hashtags"/and more in your description, obnoxious thumbnail with minimal text in red Impact font and an arrow, and whatever else you can find in about 10 seconds of googling "what does well for the youtube algorithm in current year?" (assuming you want big numbers)
Lawfag from just above.
Pro tip: if you want to do this as a job for any amount of money and you're even semi-serious. READ THE FUCKING TOS AND FUTURE REVISIONS, then figure out what you're doing for taxes, to get deductions, I recommend just hiring a tax advisor if your money from YT is greater than the cost of that advisor.
This is part of the job, do the absolutely bare minimum to be up to date on the rules.
Your 2 most dangerous foes are TOS and Taxes, angering either while you don't have other income is reason to use your last dollar to buy rope.

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