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Okay, hear me out - A Mutants & Masterminds game where the PCs are all Nazi ubermensch, the products of occult science, in the doomed romance of Berlin before the Fall.
Could this work as a setup? The PCs are loved as living gods and champions of their race, but the wolves are at the gates and all the nobility of the Third Reich's superhumans might not be able to halt the descent.
But the Thule Society might yet have a plan to save the Fatherland...
Would Godlike be a better choice? I kind of want something like a romantic version of the Uber comic.
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Have sex.
it sounds like a magical realm situation and you would get punched in the eye.
By whom? Your gay boyfriend's?
As long as you tell your players, beforehand, that the end is nigh and the best they can hope for is to flee to Argentina at the end of the war. There is no victory, but the fatherland cannot go quietly into the night.
I honestly could see it working as the setup for a prologue, then they wake up in the future captain america-style and have to deal with the fact that they lost and were the bad guys.
I assume we're in some alternate timeline where the nazi leadership doesn't have drugs or alcoholism or syphilis?
Sounds fucking sweet.

What'd be the end-game though?
Is the Reich doomed no matter what or can the PCs make a difference? Are you expecting to end things with them in a heroic last stand, infiltrating the US after being picked up by Operation Paperclip, fleeing to Argentina, rebuilding their forces in a secret Antarctic/Lunar fortress?
Why would you assume that?
Are you doing a pulp comic bit, an alternate history drama bit or unironic nazi worshiping pageantry?

If it's the first or second I'd give it a shot, but if you're just pining for the Reich it's going to get old really fast.

A bit of a tired premise, but it's got more legs than just the fall of Berlin. It'd be a lot more digestible for players too to be able to sort the culture shock and the origins being something they may have had a part in, but can't do anything about anymore.
>A bit of a tired premise
Is it? I never saw it around, but admittedly I haven't looked too hard.
Usually they go in a modern setting for "X was secretly a nazi and got paperclipped into modern legitimacy" if it isn't going for a resurgent nazi villain plot.

If it works and fleshes out the premise there's no reason to not use it though.
Ah, like "Hitler was a templar" in assassin's creed?
The only good outcome WWII could have had is every single kraut and slav going extinct.
"They are now perceived as the bad guys", I just knew someone would bring this up, not really interested in the whole argument around that.
From OP's description of the current situation. To be fair, that's probably how any brainwashed nazi supersoldier would describe their situation, I'm just wondering if that's what the game world is actually like or if it's based more on real-world nazi leadership. It's cool either way, I'm just asking.
I thought you were saying that you couldn't have the nazi supersoldiers because of retarded nazi leadership, as a premise.
>retarded mulatto untermensch fantasizes about being an aryan uberfraulein who conveniently also happens to be an anime girl born superior to all others merely for existing
Many such cases!
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>romantic version of Über
I don't get how someone can be so brave yet so hideously stupid at the same time
I mean let's face it
The funniest part of Uber is that all the Battleships were some minority, so the author could jerk off to diversity.
The logical lineup would be three blonde Aryan men for the Germans, and three identical copies of Audie Murphy for the Allies.
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Not that guy, but the OP image is from one of the best-selling Visual Novels of all time. It's Fate Stay Night with Nazis.
Like the protagonist is the reincarnated buddy of Michael Wittman, who is also an important character.
One of your love interests in a third-generation sword-wielding half-German samurai girl raised by the Fourth Reich.
What the fuck. Is it written well at least? Why even ask, I can't read moonrunes anyway.
Could you do that? Yeah.
Is a campaign about fighting a doomed fight going to be appealing to your players? This one is questionable.
Are you certain your friends won't spaz out at the mere hint of THE historical bad guys being portrayed in any kind of sympathetic light? I'm betting not.

Players like winning and feeling like the good guys. Even in most evil campaigns, all they end up doing is the same shit they do in good campaigns, treating most other people like the enemy. Getting player buy-in on a campaign where they are actual Nazis, filled with love for their fatherland and mourning for its inevitable demise, is gonna be a very hard sell for most groups.
at least the gigajew makes sense for Bongland
It's Fate Stay Night with Nazis, that kind of answers the question
Fleeing to Antarctica and raising a symbolic number of thralls, possibly a millennium, with neutered versions of your powers and preparing for Round 2 (or Round 3 if you're old enough to remember the Weltkrieg.)
Id play it at least
Yes thankfully the good guys won every war.
Thats pretty much just leadership at that time. Every world leader worth noting that at that time was fucked up in one way or another.
It's a chuunige, and it's much, much more chuuni than Fate/Stay Night, which is a romance novel with some statblocks attached.
If you like ridiculous, over the top powers, numbers like these >>94417212 and characters pulling a villain face before screaming "HIDDEN GOD OF THULE, LEMURIA, MU, AGARTHA, HEAD MY CALL! TRUE THOUSAND FACED AVATAR OF WOTAN, LIMITLESS, DEATHLESS, ALL SEEING GOD OF DESTRUCTION, LAY WASTE TO THEM ALL. THUS SPAKE ZATHUSAHITLER! Haha, HAHAHAHAAHA" then you will enjoy it.
Put like that I might, actually...sometimes some campy over the top action can be nice. Not always in the mood for high literature.
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It's pretty great, the final battle is against Reinhard Heydrich wielding the Spear of Destiny.
>chek it out
>it's actually on steam
Now that's unexpected. Maybe after Muv-Luv.
Band of Blades has a similar doomed set up, though it's not as sure that you'll lose. Though the stakes are a bit higher as you are pretty much the last chance for humanity.

I think it's cool if there are different lose states. Creating a base on the moon, returning to Agartha, keeping papa Hitler in cryo-stasis hidden in Argentina till the time is right to re-awaken him. Would be fun if you had different PCs be predisposed to different goals and slightly work against each other to accomplish them. Also I'm unsure what you mean by Godlike

There's a kino vampire game Notepad anon reviewed.


It's got mechanics that make you play out your sad emo emotions for points. I could see something similar working really well for a game like this.
Back before covid we've done something similar in World of Darkness: Vampire. Players being "wonder weapons" shuffled between theatres as high command deemed necessary, sometimes as boots on the ground to directly support the troops, sometimes as saboteurs behind enemy lines, sometimes as spies or spy hunters in high society. Considerably lower power level than the Uber battleships (roughly equal to the 2 dose "grunts" in Uber, forgot what they are called), but it was fun while it lasted.
I always think it's funny that the Third Reich is canonically one of the only governments in history vampires largely failed to infiltrate. If anything, groups like the Final Reich indicate the nazis were more successful at co-opting vampires.
What does "work" mean here?
I mean, the Nazis weren't really that bad, they were just our enemy. We don't even know if the genocides actually happened: The number supposedly grows every year, and anyway there are still a lot of Jews in the world.
To be honest most of that stuff was just another European war, and you gotta admit they were aesthetic as fuck.
There's, like, a 90% chance it's just a case of winners writing the history books.
Incidentally, are we supposed to be pro-Israel or pro-Muslim now? Because both sides hate each other, and we're somehow in a losing situation where we support them both.
Can't we just let the two desert tribes fall on each other, and deal with the one who comes up top?
Probably a bit of all three, really. We're pretty much starting when the Eastern Front is beginning to collapse, so things are getting bad at that point.
I kind of see the players being able to change history (i.e. Winning the Battle of Stalingard through heroic effort), but it isn't going to be easy.
My favorite doomed campaign was a “you die and have to fight your way out of hell” campaign that died an hour in because the dm forgot to prep anything for hell
That's just an old Ravenloft module
the game is good, it errs on the side of very sympathetic to the nazis but it's very much a case of "world is a fuck" combined with the japanese usual misunderstanding of ww2 dynamics. Characters aren't even real nazis, they are just schizos who infiltrated the movement to pursue their own goals. Finally, despite being peak chuunige, it has a very anti-chuuni message at the end which I found sobering. It's like the bitter aftertaste that comes with eating tiramisu.
You mean is correctly sympathetic to the nazis
>We don't even know if the genocides actually happened
No, we do. We really do. There is no credible evidence against it and there is literally tons of data to support it, and by "literally tons" I mean "the actual weight of captured Nazi documents discussing the Holocaust clocks in at literally several tons".

>The number supposedly grows every year
The numbers have been stable for over fifty years now, the only thing that changes is whether you count certain groups or not. Like, are Soviet POWs or civilians to be counted as victims of the Holocaust, or just war victims? But if you're referring to Jews, the number has sat stable at 6 million since the 1950s.
There weren't even that many Jews in Germany at the time. Be serious, anon. They fled the way they always do, and went looking for sympathy elsewhere. I'll be surprised if more than 1,000 died, at best.
>There weren't even that many Jews in Germany at the time.
Yes, and the Germans famously remained solely in Germany for the whole of 1939-1945.
How many ovens were there?

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