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How do I tell the DM I'm very attracted to one of her NPCs, when she's obviously being set up for a romance with another PC
I'm afraid of sperging out and ruining everything.
I want you to close your eyes for 10 minutes and just think real long and hard about what you just posted. You are literally getting upset a fictional non existing charactor you've never actually seen the visual of likely is going to smooch a different guy. That's as silly as me not dating modern females because i'm waiting for a proud kryptonian or saiyan female to show up in my life. Think real hard how silly this situation you are in actually is and if you actually do bring it up or show upset you will do far more harm than good to your rep and how people percieve you due to you getting upset a made up charactor isnt hooking up with your charactor. My word friend please take a bit of time to really think hard about this and dismiss your upset and move on
Look, I'm in a dark place
Don't ruin this for me
Your character should kill themself in front of her. That'll teach her...
Then you, the useless player at the table, should take your mini and dice, leave, and never ever come back. To that table or 4chan.
If you think there's a chance the GM might let your character sex this NPC instead of the designated McHotty, consider presenting it like that.

Otherwise, let it drop.

Under no circumstances use the words "I am attracted to your NPC".
I'm trying to help honest. Im what you could end up turning into. Im not sure what to suggest but bringing it up or showing upset is a bad direction. However you could politely ask the dm if she would reconsider her plot a bit and have your charactor and her charactor npc become a thing instead. Otherwise its a tough one to sort out when emotions get involved. I hate seeing supergirl and power girl involved with other men so I can relate at least sorta somewhat to your problem.
Are you really attracted to one of "her" NPCs? Or is it your character who is attracted to one of her NPCs? If it's just your character then this is a normal fun complication in a romance story and there's little danger of real-world harm, if it's YOU then you may be taking things too personally.
It's kind of silly, yea, but it's all in good fun as long as it's just a story. It isn't a problem until someone takes it personally. And even if OP is perfectly level-headed, it's still possible that his fellow players aren't, it may be that OP has a story idea which would upset his friends and so he should just bench that idea rather than cause accidental social problems.
Make a move.
>I'm in a dark place
>Don't ruin this for me
>I fell in love with a fictional character and got cucked
How many fucking times are you gonna post this thread? Do you wait long enough for people tp forget ahout you, then repost the same shit worded differently so you can get them to participate in your humilaition fetish?
Kill the other PC. Then you have no competition.
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Did you make these threads too, OP? All of them are about falling in love with fictional NPCs. Like all of them.
Your world must be pretty comfy if you think that there's only one of these guys. Can I move out of my world and into yours?

What this anon said


Do you two really think "4chan autist gets attracted to tabletop character" is something rare enough that someone has been samefagging over it for years? It's not
Its so insanely specific, and the fact anyone admitting this (or making up a story about this) must probably have some kind of degradation fetish. Its incredibky obvious: theres always a recurring element of the love interest being into someone else.
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Ask yourself, is that what your character would do? And if the answer is yes, just do it. Consequences be damned. That's what roleplaying is about.
Acting on this impulse in any way would be ruining it for yourself. Be warned.
Yeah, Ben has schizophrenia and can’t help but make threads like this constantly.
>Its so insanely specific
It really isn't, and it says a lot about you that you think that it is.
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Lean into it, work with the big bad, become the antagonist, duel for her heart, fuck the DM.
Unironically go ouside and get some perspective in your life.
Quit the game. It's over for you.
How terminally online must you be to start believing everyone talking about the same thing in the span of months or years is the same person every time?

Anyway, OP, start separating yourself from your character for a moment, and talk with your GM. A love triangle could very well be fun and/or interesting.
>help i got cucked by the dm
>help i got cucked by the dm
>help i got cucked by the dm
See a pattern here?
Do you mean to say players falling in love with NPCs from tabletop games is a common occurrence, so common in fact that there have been several posts from both the perspectives of the players and dms, in suspiciously similar circumstaces, play out the near exact same embarassing scenario?
You need it ruined for you. This is a bad mentality to have, and you should want to quit being in it.

You, the player can appreciate fictional characters. You should never feel an attraction that makes you try to rationalize trying to hoard them to yourself. They are a piece in a game, and your character is not, and should not be, you. That you're even considering saying "I'm into her" to your GM is a huge red flag.
this guy's right op. a bunch of us have said multiple times to drop this and move on or talk to the dm about changing the plot to your charactor but if you're chasing the charactor as you not your charactor you need to definately step back and get some fresh air and remember its all pretend and these charactors dont actually exist.
Yes, good work, you figured it out.
I guarantee that this kid believes in bumpfag.
>inb4 someone makes a thread about a guy at the table wanting to erp
Wait a minute, are you that same loser that fell in love with an NPC and then threw a shitfit and became suicidal after she turned out to be the villain or something?
Yeah, this guy.

but my character would kill and eat people
Also the fact you're posting some gay elden ring waifu shit really shows us exactly what kind of person you are.

IMO what you should do is play the incel NPC chump in-game who simps over this woman only for her to reject you for the other NPC resulting in serious character development where you turn into a confident chad as a result
the AI slop you posted marked your opinion as worthless
good thing no gens opinions on ai art are irrelevant
>no gens
>trying to act superior over something everyone has access to
>no gen
>thinks he's superior to someone who uses tools to craft cool art
>doesnt use tools but shit talks them like a pleb
go stare at your tiktoks of girls you'll never have a chance with subhuman and stop babbling about things you have nothing to do with. in fact you reveal how pathetic and mentally weak you are to seethe over ai art and showing your bitch made mindset by complaining and whining about it in the actually year of 2024+.
>something everyone has access to
That goes for any sort of high-effort post. You have access to bing ai, and yet you didn't post any gens, because you aren't trying as hard as the saiyan waifu guy.
You genuinely need to see this as a turning point for your life and move on to better yourself
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I use AI now and then. This is mostly about your shamelessly bad taste.

>implying AI is high-effort
>You have access to bing ai, and yet you didn't post any gens, because you aren't trying as hard
Mans if the slop poster is right, you know you've deeply fucked up.
Step back, get your head a bit less twisted.
Its a game. They're not real. If you can't easily separate your feelings for a fictional character in a game of make believe you have to get that sorted out.
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yes, and?
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Every year that passes this shit becomes more prophetic than it has any right to be.
except the number
now $200 gets you one manual and 2-4 miniatures (not including yearly subscription to DnD One(tm))
I don't blame you, I often post stupid exercise routines on /fit/ and imagine the insults I get are shouted at me by buff women.
You are more than likely attracted to your DM
We (the OP and others) need to make a distinction:
The PLAYER should not let themselves become attracted to CHARACTERS.
But, they can absolutely have their CHARACTER become attracted to other CHARACTERS. That can be interesting, and not weird, as long as you are able to separate the two, and make sure your character doesn't make it weird.

If you can keep yourself separate from your character, merely guiding and observing the outcome, then it will be fine. There will always be the desire for your character to "succeed" in their endeavors, but how we have them deal with failure can be excellent for character development.
She's deliberately leading you on in order to cuck you, OP. The other player is laughing with her behind your back!
You should sperg the fuck out and punch a hole in the host's walls.

>teen in 19XX falls prey to satanic older woman mentor
>said mentor is single and lives an upper-middle-class lifestyle in the suburbs; she doesn't seem to work
>tfw you realize the mind bondage spell is sex
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>How do I tell the DM I'm very attracted to one of her NPCs
Anon, this is not normal. It's not just about avoiding a sperg out. You need serious help. This isn't healthy for you. How did you get like this?
Watch Symphogear
Just jerk off with an AI
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This is terrible advice.
No one will listen to you unless you make an impassioned speech at the table.
They need to know exactly how you feel.
It helps if you imagine a scenario in which your character is years down the line with his loving wife and their kids.
If you don’t you could lose her.
I understand needing this and it worked for me.
It’s ok if you raise your voice, people need to know the depths of your characters passion.
One thing I would do is also try and dress as your character, people will see your face and associate it with your character.
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I'm gonna humor you and actually answer your question.
Tell the DM one of the characters are very similar in description and appearance to a nonexistent uncle who abused you and ask if she could keep romance and shows of affection out of the campaign for that character specifically.
It would be weird not to oblige.
Proceed to fullfill the trope she's going for to naturally encourage her to fill the hole with your self-insert instead.
Now, you're a schizophrenic wreck so I don't expect you to actually pull this off. If all else fails refer to plan B >>94420336
>faggot with humiliation fetish spams the board once more
>immediately samefags when called out and pretends it wasn't him
This is why poster count was removed.
Eont listen to the imbeciles saying "she's nit real" YES SHE IS FUCKING REAL, and you're going to deny her romantic happiness because you, an eldritch monstrosity from outside the universe, are a widdle bit jelly??? FUCK you, you ruptured pustules of a being. This is why people kill gods, for shit like this.
>The PLAYER should not let themselves become attracted to CHARACTERS.
>one of my players insists on roleplaying various character pairings when we fuck
Uh oh.
It was me OP. I'm the one smooching your TRPG waifu
Which one of you has the bigger penis?
>shittiest take imaginable
Many such cases!
No need to samefag, lil bro
Definitely her.
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Anon, as a fellow autist who also gets intensely emotionally attached to fictional characters, I feel for you, and want to warn you that you are headed for disaster.

With fictional characters from popular media no one can take the character we are attracted to away from us. We can make fanart and fanfiction to share with likeminded people and the official content just kind of exists for everyone. Eventually we get bored of it and move on, with that character being something we look back on fondly and maybe revisit our fandom of on occasion.

With a DM's OCs from a campaign, we don't have that security, and the fact that another person is actively roleplaying that character with you makes it much MUCH more 'real' feeling and parasocial. The only content you have is that which you and the DM are creating through the game interactions, and the DM can pull the rug out from under you at any moment. Maybe the DM decides to humor you but then pulls a bait and switch on you after you're deeply invested. Maybe the DM never humors you and your desperation makes things awkward for the others. Maybe the DM even comes to practically ship your character and their NPC together, and it's so much fun and everything seems great until you have a falling out with the DM, or the DM just gets bored and quits. Now you have these confusing feelings about this obsession and nothing at all you can do about it. You're left wondering about the story you will never get to see the end of, and fantasizing about game content you were so excited for but never got to play and never will. The only people who know of the character are the players from the campaign, and they might not care as much as you about the character or your investment in the campaign, so you'll have no one to talk to about it.

It's not worth it. Pic related. I became obsessed with this character after the DM played into the dynamic with my character.
The secret is to propose marriage to your DM and ensure that they can never leave you hanging like that.
Gods no. *shudders*
Actually this is the opposite. Parasocial relationships are one-sided because one party doesn't even know the other one exists, or they exist in entirely different worlds. This is like the relationship between a streamer and a donor; an idol and a superfan; an actress and the mentally deranged man who attempted to assassinate a president to impress her.

What you mean to say is that it is a *social* relationship, which is to say a relationship where the other character is aware of your character and they interact, know each other, react to each other, etc.
>but wait, what if the DM denies you?
This is actually true of any social relationship. You could try to befriend or romance any real person and they could just flat out snub you or even laugh in your face. There's no guarantees in a social relationship.
OP sounds autistic enough to try this.
It's not the DM the player is falling for, though, it's the fictional character. So it's really far more like those Girlfriend Experience/ Boyfriend Experience Vtubers, because the person being interacted with isn't real and you don't really know them because the DM is making it up.

Maybe we need a third term for this particular type of attachment, because i do see how parasocial still isn't completely accurate. But it's definitely not the same as just a social relationship. It's not equal footing, and it's fantasy.
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The relationship you have to your game master is directly social. You could argue in a sense that your attraction to the fictional character IS parasocial in the sense that that character doesn't know you exist, but on the other hand, that character actually has no agency and is instead piloted by the person you do have a real social relationship with.

Consider this for example: you sit down to play a board game like Risk or Root or something with some friends. In-character your troops hate each other. According to the rules, you have every reason to ground them into the dust. But maybe if you've won the last eight games in a row and they are clearly distressed, your real life social relationship compels you to throw the game or go easy on your opponent.

The same is true here. When anon talks to his GM about his plans to romance the NPC, he's actually leveraging his REAL LIFE social relationship with a real person to try to get an outcome in a fictional game. What's at stake is actually his real relationship to the GM if they think this is insane/unhinged/autistic. The feelings of the character don't actually matter at all.

What's the etymology behind the 'Marche' part of it?

>but on the other hand, that character actually has no agency and is instead piloted by the person you do have a real social relationship with.

True, but they are still characters who are not us. They have their own experiences and psychology behind the things they do even though we pilot them. They weren't direct self-inserts or anything. They were complicated people with really messy life circumstances in a world of high fantasy/dark fantasy. The thing that made it so addictive was how well my character's personality, goals, and circumstances ended up intertwining with his. It didn't feel like I was romancing the character, it's like we had a really incredible story that was starting to unfold and we were both invested in that story and in both characters, and then my attraction to the characters as the player was meta.

I honestly really wanted to see about turning our playthrough into a webcomic or something, with their blessing, because their core concepts, this character, and the way things were playing out so far were really interesting and I had so many ideas.

>board game example
Honestly I can see how that could play into a situation like OP's. Def wasn't the dynamic at our virtual table, though. I didn't know the DM that well when I joined and my character derailed the story by accidentally joining the changeling mafia and flirting with the leader. Neither of us was taking it very seriously at that point.

>What's at stake for OP
Honestly, depends on the DM and players. Our group didn't find it weird at all for players to end up seducing or romancing NPCs. If real life drama didn't lead to the end of the friendship and campaign, who knows how it would have turned out. But that's the thing... in hindsight there were more ways for this to go wrong than to go right, so I posit to the OP 'Is it really worth it?'
Post the NPC art and character sheet so I can insert them into my game and FUCK THEM
They do not have their own psychology or experiences behind what they do. They're entirely based on your activities. That can seem more lifelike if you put effort into imagining those things but they are still necessarily just parts you are putting together.
Have sex
You aren't understanding what I mean. The characters' experiences are not our own real life experiences, and the psychology we build around their experiences and as innate traits are not necessarily reflective of our own. To suggest otherwise would be to suggest writers can't create varied characters without actually living the experiences of those characters.
I imagine that the lack of it is what causes such posts like OP's, yes.
>literally unable to separate themselves from their character
Your average DnDrone, ladies and gentlemen
Now I wanna see a game where the goal is player suicide lol. Kinda like a deific inverse of "if you lose in the game, you die irl"
Some people unironically purport that. They get shut down pretty fast though, so it's more likely another typical hylic cope rather than a real belief
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>trying as hard as the saiyan waifu guy.
Posting a random image from my reaction folder takes the same amount of effort. There. Now I am trying as hard.
This reminds me of the time I introduced a fiery warrior lady NPC in my campaign, revealing she and the handsome martial artist PC were married in a past life. They had a mystical bond that drew them together, and had some hot-blooded moments like duels and sparring matches. But then the airship captain PC, a cross between Tony Stark and Han Solo, took an interest in her. And despite having a massive advantage in the ensuing love rivalry, the martial artist repeatedly failed to win the NPC over. Meanwhile, the airship captain had excellent chemistry with her. So despite the mystical bond, the NPC went for the captain.

I made a waifu for one PC, but the other PC worked harder for her. Maybe your GM is open to that twist in the story. Maybe your GM would think that is kind of fucked up.

If the GM is a close friend, you might tell her what's up, promise you'll try to be cool about it whatever the outcome. If you're not close friends, then I strongly recommend you keep your lips sealed.
i'd say you kind of missed half of the point, the first thing i'd get from that is that he's asking how to get the dm to target the romance at him because he wants it, not because he feels cucked by the other dude, those are completely different things
Yeah this realistically. I don't understand how people can be pathetic enough to waifu the fragments of a concept of a character, and I have an unironic waifu.
This is the only answer
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Some of you are extremely mentally ill.
We know.
very aware of it friend. I do my best to contain it to myself and when im alone
Yes but sometimes people come along that are more mentally ill than us so we get to laugh at him.
Bring it up as a love triangle, women love that stuff.

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