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What setting has the most complete list of Elven subraces?
this board is dead RIP
Forgotten Realms has at least 11, plus another if you count the Fey'ri (elf/demon hybrids).

>Sun Elf/Gold Elf
>Moon Elf/Silver Elf
>Star Elf
>Wood Elf/Copper Elf
>Wild Elf/Green Elf
>Dark Elf
>Sea Elf
>Flying Elf
>Werewolf Elf
>Astral Elf
>Snow Elf

There are also several sustained hybrid populations (i.e. half-elves marry other half-elves and have more half-elves instead of half-elves coming from elves and humans boinking).

Erfworld also has at least 8
>Shady Elf
>Woodsy Elf
>Eager Elf
>Luckless Elf
>Schlemiel Elf
>Lofty Elf
>Altruist Elf
>Superfluous Elf
The setting with the most complete list of Elven subraces is likely the Forgotten Realms, a Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting. Forgotten Realms boasts a highly detailed taxonomy of Elven subraces, often tied to their distinct origins, histories, and magical affinities. Here's an overview of its breadth of Elven subraces:
Core Elven Subraces in Forgotten Realms

High Elves (Sun Elves and Moon Elves):
Sun Elves (Gold Elves): Arrogant and aristocratic, favoring magic and tradition.
Moon Elves (Silver Elves): More adaptable and approachable, often serving as diplomats or wanderers.

Wood Elves (Copper Elves):
Nature-centric and stealthy, preferring secluded forest homes.

Dark Elves (Drow):
Associated with the Underdark, infamous for their connection to Lolth and their intricate, cruel society.

Wild Elves (Green Elves):
Primitive and reclusive, deeply attuned to the wild.

- Aquatic Elves:
- Amphibious elves who inhabit underwater cities.

- Avariel (Winged Elves):
- Rare, angelic elves with wings, favoring open skies.

Additional Elven Subraces

Forgotten Realms includes more esoteric subraces and offshoots, including:

- Lythari: Elven werewolves with a deep connection to nature.
- Star Elves (Austori): Elves from the Plane of Faerie, mystical and otherworldly.
- Fey'ri: Descendants of elves and demons, often with infernal traits.
- Shadow Elves: Connected to the Shadowfell or similar planes.
- Snow Elves: Adapted to icy climates, though their lore varies between sources.
Ghost Elves: Ethereal beings connected to the spirit world.

Comparison with Other Settings

While Forgotten Realms is arguably the most expansive and detailed, other settings like Eberron and Dragonlance also feature unique interpretations of elves:

Eberron introduces Valenar Elves (warrior-focused) and Aerenal Elves (death-obsessed).
Dragonlance offers the Silvanesti and Qualinesti as culturally distinct groups.
I'm looking looking for something outside FR desu. FR elves are kinda underwhelming except for the Drow.
Few settings are as overwhelmingly detailed and autistic as FR.

TES has
>Altmer/High Elves
>Bosmer/Wood Elves
>Dunmer/Dark Elves
>Orsimer/Orcs (count as a kind of elf)
>Maormer/Sea Elves
And historically
Aldmer/"Ancestor" Elfs
Ayleid/Wild Elves
Chimer/Aldmeri heretics who became the Dunmer
Dwemer/Steampunk Elves
Falmer/Snow Elves, currently degenerated into alleged animals, though they still use magic and build tools and weapons and houses
Cantemeric Velothi/March Elves
Sinistral Elves/"Left-Handed Elves", nothing known about them
I guess what do you mean complete? Do you just mean the setting that has the most?
Forgotten realms has everything as it’s been around forever
Ok ChatGPT
elf posters should be fucking banned at this point. not a single recent elf focused thread has been good or actually about games.
My elf thread is explicitly about games and game related things like miniatures
I feel cheated; it didn't even use the word "delve" once.
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Elf-posters =/= coomtards.
But thanks to relentless shitposting, anons automatically assume they are the same.

Now watch as this thread gets bumped for a week straight while completely ignoring OPs prompt.
>deleted pic
wait but that wasn't even porn

Janny is fucking deranged. There's no rhyme or reason to his psychosis.
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All elves are unique individuals with their own backgrounds, experiences, values and personalities so it's wrong to divide them up into groups on arbitrary grounds
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>Soon to be Dead Elf
>Finally a Dead Elf
Anything else is irrelevant.
Chloe is for tender love only, and please, please touch grass if you can recognize hentai characters at a glance
OP pic got deleted despite not breaking any rules (it was pic related). I think I had enough of this gargantuan retard who thinks the board is his discord server.
>no cheese elves
>no postal service elves
>no towel elves
>no maple tree elves
And you can this a complete list of elves?
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>still no comprehensive list of elf minis
>still no comprehensive list of wargames featuring elves
>still no comprehensive list of RPGs featuring elves
>still no comprehensive list of boardgames featuring elves

FR invented most of them and they're setting specific, so it's either FR or the use-anything-generic-setting-greyhawk core setting from 3.5.

That's just the entire site at this point
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how many types of elves do you need in a game really?
>There's no rhyme or reason to his psychosis.
>FR invented most of them and they're setting specific, so it's either FR or the use-anything-generic-setting-greyhawk core setting from 3.5.

Was FR the first to have random-ass [Biome] Elves?
No, that shit's mad old. But it's a separate tradition to FR that FR isn't downwind of.

I'm interpreting
>complete list
As actually meaning listing something out and calling each thing an elf explicitly. If we don't do that then the TES route of calling your broad category of something 'elves' and then listing every fey in the setting as a different type is going to win, but that's neither a list nor is it complete.

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