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Are there any of the systems that aimed to replace 5e after the OGL debacle that actually have something going for them? Like artistic direction, a good setting or just not being soulless? You know, at least to bring something somewhat new to this heroic fantasy genre instead of a copypaste 5e without OGL?
How many of them were again? At least 3 from relatively large scale operations, yeah?
>OGL debacle
This shit was so performative and cringe
There are at least three yeah, Tales of the Valiant, DC20, MCDM and probably a few more. They are all extremely samey.
File: dc20.png (7.03 MB, 1232x3104)
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7.03 MB PNG
Jesus fuck
Can always just...buy tales of the valiant and then homebrew the rules as you see fits to work.
Or just homebrew a fantasy game taht works for you?
Why are people so against making up their own fantasy game because of D&D existing? Are the people who utilizing their imagination that dense that they can't just make up a rule set for a circle of friends they enjoy playing games with???
They are consumers. They don't really into a thing till it gets popular.
God I hate e-celebs so fucking much. I swear exposure to these faggots passively shrinks your testicles over time.
DC20 is basically a homebrew 5e and I was liking because fixing 5e isn't that hard but I gotta admit that once the new 5.5 rules got out I actually liked most of the changes to classes and forget about DC20. I might still use one of it's ideas on my 5.5 games though.
>just make your own game bro
Nobody wants to learn your shitty poorly-balanced homebrew.
I despair.
Honestly from all of these supposed 5e alternatives only Shadowdark was somewhat interesting, but I can't stand stupid gimmicks and timeboxing in an RPG is the dumbest shit I have ever read. Plus the stupid grimderp shit is way way WAY overdone.
It's always
too, why not shitstorm, or fuckup, or even fucking "controversy". Makes me think it's one drama farmer pushing a narrative, but idk
>captcha TGSAP
Are you on the spectrum by any chance, Anon?
Isn't that OSR? Kind of a far cry from the heroic high fantasy games that intended to literally be the new 5e
Nothing came out of it either, beyond Paizo using it to shill a mid-edition "upgrade" to grift their own customers again.
>Isn't that OSR?
No, it's stripped-down 5e astorturfed as OSR by the author's wife's """journalist""" friends
Fuck if I know. I heard something about the Critical Role guys writing their own system, but I don't know how that's turning out.
Nearly every single faggot on this collage took a paid sponsorship from Hasbro to hype up the new D&D books. They also flapped in the wind on the OGL issue, taking the side of the outraged when it seemed like they were going to win and kill D&D, and then instantly running back to gargle WotC's nuts after they said "we're sowwy ;-;" and claimed it as a win.

Wave a dollar in their face and they'll hype up anything you tell them to.
1) Why make something when someone else can? Game design is hard, balancing is hard. Sure, if you don't want any proper rules, play PbtA or some other story game. Some enjoy proper rules though. And there exist 1001 fantasy RPG. Why reinvent the wheel?
2) Why reinvent the wheel indeed? These used to be called heartbreakers. Usually not good, and no one would like them except the creator(s). Maybe. Because often the creators had a fight about what it's supposed to be.
3) If you're making an RPG, go for a niche that doesn't exist or isn't over filled. Why the 1002nd fantasy RPG? People still play 3.x and AD&D. Hell, people still play BECMI. Most OSR games aren't played by anyone. Or the 100th cyberpunk one? Cyberpunk and Shadowrun exist. Why not Gladiators? That's almost unexplored. Cults? Only Mythras really. Base building? Microscope, ACKS, and Make Yu Kingdom are the only ones I can think of. Merchants? Always either tacked on and bad, or overshadowed by the other stuff, usually travel and combat. Pirates? Very few. Ninjas? Ninja crusade is too esoteric at times, Shibobigami is anime, Ninja burger is a joke, L5R is about political intrigue, not spying and assassinations, and yes, you can play one in most fantasy RPGs, but that doesn't make them ninja RPGs.

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