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Vampirism is a divine punishment. The only way to become a vampire is to commit such horrible atrocities that even the Devil is scared to let you enter Hell after death. Vampires are undead and their victims simply die.

Vampirism is a disease, actual or supernatural. Vampires are technically undead, but you wouldn't know it, as they look and act perfectly human. Their victims turn into new vampires unless they die of blood loss in the act of feeding.

Vampires are goth elves. They are alive, fuck and have children as all normal people do, except they need human blood to feed. They used to hunt people in the past, but now they just make artificial blood or buy it from blood banks.
>good vampire
Vampirism is a divine punishment.Vampires are technically undead, but you wouldn't know it, as they look and act perfectly human. They used to hunt people in the past, but now they just make artificial blood or buy it from blood banks.
Popcore I guess, it saves time explaining how vampires are actually different. Don't fix what isn't broken and all that.
>The only way to become a vampire is to commit such horrible atrocities that even the Devil is scared to let you enter Hell after death.
What? That's not traditional vampirism at all. Who told you that?
I lean strongly towards Tradcore.
Some long-forgotten deity cursed a civilization o become vampires (and ghouls) but it's so long ago now that no one, not even the vampires) remembers who the god was or what the crime was that caused the curse.
So they just cling to whatever sanity they have left as their numbers dwindle throughout the millenia or succumb to their hunger and thirst and become barely-sentient ghouls.
All of them asking "Why?" yet knowing full well that there is no answer forthcoming.
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>undead, in league with the Devil, immortal unless killed, look young and human if they feed/ghoulish and decrepit if they dont, has supernatural powers and inhuman strength, is usually an aristocrat or a knight/female ones are seductresses, have a gothic aesthetic with lots of black etc
This is the only vampire that counts. Anything else is fake and gay.
Vampirism is a necromancy ritual in which you have to sell your soul to an evil god in exchange for (false) immortality+superpowers. The evil deity would only accept an strong-willed and absolutely corrupted soul as a gift, there it's impossible to have "good" vampires.
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>Vampires are goth elves. They are alive, fuck and have children as all normal people do, except they need human blood to feed. They used to hunt people in the past, but now they just make artificial blood or buy it from blood banks.

Are they also autistic and capable of hibernation?
we haven't had a tg lit thread in a minute, huh
or maybe we have and I just have so many fucking filters up these days I didn't see it
>only version of vampire that counts is specifically bram stoker's, as realized through a specific movie adaptation
I don't think even stoker himself would have agreed with that.
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Popcore, vampire conversion is kinda hot
Sentient psychic crystals that eventually destroy whole planets.
Vampirism. Why does it have to be blood? Why not youth? Why not mental energy? Why not semen?
Why not pure lifeforce? And why limit it to humans? Imagine a vampire that could survive by consuming the pure lifeforce of anything, even animals and plants. They could even make it more grotesque by making them consume the physical manifestation of their prey; really tearing them apart and destroying the physical representation of that "life."

Imagine, a whole race of creatures that goes around killing and consuming the bodies of pigs, cows, chickens, carrots, and onions.
>Vampirism is a divine punishment. The only way to become a vampire is to commit such horrible atrocities that even the Devil is scared to let you enter Hell after death. Vampires are undead and their victims simply die.
Vampire fiction has always, always, always been a not-very-covert exploration of homoeroticism. And the victims almost never die.
I recall a webcomic way back in the day where some nerd got transformed into a demon that was constantly sucking the life from everything around her, even bacteria and shit just up and died if it came within a few feet of her body.
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They are elves, of course they're autistic.
I'm pretty sure Slavic faerie tales were not about homoeroticism and everyone there actually died. In fact, the most famous Serbian vampire specifically became a vampire because he was turned down by a girl.
I like weird versions like the jiang-shi or aswang
Is this from something? I can't find a source and I'm impressed if it's AI.
>Slavic faerie tales
And you're pretending that's where pop-culture's vampires come from why?

They don't. They come from vampire fiction. Particularly Dracula, but also Carmilla, The Vampyre, Varney and the like.
NTA (and he is wrong)
Slavic vampires were about disease. Also, they more or less just ate corpses, they didn't really kill people. The people who killed people were people, generally.

Every vampire story is either a disease metaphor or just the debiru (e.g. dracula).

Jiang-shi are more in line with being a zombie version of the lifeforce-vampire slutghosts than they are actual vampires. The moral of their story is that greed makes you effeminate and bitchy.
I am 100% right. Vampire fiction has always been straight up gay. Hell you can wikipedia it, if you haven't actually read any.
>Why does it have to be blood?
Symbolic connotations.
>Why not youth?
Because youth is not something physical that you can literally drink
>Why not mental energy?
Because this is not a thing at all
>Why not semen?
Because vampires are not taoist alchemists
You might want to check out where the word "vampire" comes from.

Don't lecture me on Slavic culture, I'm Slavic.
>You might want to check out where the word "vampire" comes from.

But that's irrelevant to the fact that vampire fiction, not slavic fairy tales, are the source for vampires in modern culture. Dracula is the most popular, but also The Vampyre, Varney and Carmilla were influential as hell. All four of which explored themes of homoeroticism through discussing vampires. Because vampire fiction has always been about homosexuality.

This isn't a discussion or debate. This is me telling you a fact you're ignorant of.
Ah, the VtM approach, save for the Sabbath
Vampire fiction is about discussing homoeroticism during an era of sexual repression. Those overtones absolutely were not lost on the popularization of it in early horror movies, although universal's need for more and more sequels eventually dropped all content in favor of "more monsters!" The modern revival began because of two influence: Anne Rice and VtM. In both of which, once again, is Vampirism overtly used to explore homosexual themes.

You are ignorant. It's ok though, anon: I'm here to educate you.
lurk more
>captcha: XX2GG
You have only made a clown of yourself by denying the Slavic origin of vampires. I'm not reading the rest of your blabbering
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>Is this from something? I can't find a source and I'm impressed if it's AI.
I guess you're impressed.
What? Who is denying that slavic stories have vampires? No one in this thread.

But A: buddy we've got creatures you could describe as vampires in stories as far back as the Akkadian Empire in 3000b.c.e.
And B: popular culture's depictions of vampires have fuck-all to do w/ slavic stories. They're based on Dracula.
Dracula starts off in Romania, which has a Slavic culture. And the first half of the novel is more on less faithful to the folklore, it's only when he goes to England that it becomes a racist fanfic.
>Dracula starts off in Romania, which has a Slavic culture.
And? Are you trying to pretend that popular culture's vampires aren't based on Dracula and 19th century vampire fiction, but instead are based on obscure fairy tales from Hungary that no one had ever even bothered translating into English until after the explosion of vampire fiction thanks to Dracula, Varney, Carmilla and The Vampyre?

Because your chronology is all kinds of stupid.
You are astonishingly stupid. The very word vampire is a borrowing from Serbian and it was first appropriated into English to write about Balkan vampires. If you insist that Dracula invented vampires, still in this novel he's obsessed with a girl. Not to worry, though. This is the last hysteria of a faggot whose world order is crumbling in real time.
No one is "insisting Dracula invented vampires."

Pop culture's vampires, as in the vampires depicted in popular culture, are not rehashes of Slavic myths. They are rehashes of Dracula and other works of Vampire Fiction that became popular in the 19th century. That is the origin of the monsters as are currently portrayed in popular culture.

That does not take away from the fact that other depictions of vampiric creatures have existed in virtually every culture of the world, at some time or another. You are correct: Slavic people had vampire stories. You are incorrect that those stories are what the popular depiction of vampires is based on. Here's a fun game: name one of those stories, and poll how many people have read it. Now do the same with Dracula. Then shutup.
I mean wholly shit: what's in the OP picture of this thread, even? Is it Упыpь or the Vjesci, or is it Dracula? Hmm?
The first half and the ending of Dracula could be from a genuine Slavic myth. The only big invention by Stoker is that Dracula could turn into a bat. In Serbain fairy tales, they're associated with butterflies. Everything else is legit.
Again: what is your point? Mine is that popular culture's depictions of vampires are based on the popularity of vampire fiction in the 19th century, where vampirism was consistently used to explore homoerotic themes, of which stories Dracula is by far the most popular.

Yours seems to be "other people had vampire stories too that weren't about that topic." Correct. No one is disputing that other people had other stories, too. But popular culture's vampires aren't based on those stories. They're based on the popularity of the gay ones.
I'll lecture you on cultures you don't understand all I want, fagtron
Next you'll say it serves as an allegory for sex, and especially rape.
Actually for murder. When a farmer shanked his neighbour over a sheep and that neighbour bled to death through a wound in his neck, it was much more convenient for everyone to pretend that a vampire did it.
In Gothic literature is was definitely sex. Reread Carmilla and Dracula.
>Vampirism is a divine punishment. The only way to become a vampire is to commit such horrible atrocities that even the Devil is scared to let you enter Hell after death. Vampires are undead and their victims simply die.
So vampires are truly immortal in this? Because they could simply kill themselves to bypass said punishment. But if they are immortal and on Earth, then they can use this invincibility to kill thousands. Which makes it a divine punishment for others, not the vampire.
He saw a TikTok video where someone claimed that's what happened in Bram Stoker's novel
To be fair, that is where the Cain as first vampire thing comes from, in a George RR Martin novel (which I freely admit to never having bothered to read).
Junkies chasing a high no earthly drug can ever offer them and knowing that it's a race to the bottom that will destroy them
This sort of shit is what makes vampires trash in ficiton. People should stop trying to think they're being clever by forcing them to be an analogy for something else, and just have them be evil, undead, blood-drinking monsters.
>People should stop trying to think they're being clever by forcing them to be an analogy for something else, and just have them be evil, undead, blood-drinking monsters.
If you were talking a game? Fun. If you're talking fiction? Fucking terrible. No one wants to read your description of violence. It's pathetic. Have something to say.
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Midjourney has gotten pretty good.
I hate the boring run of the mill vampire and lich. I prefer that their desire to consume the souls of the living is not only driven by their evil that led them to becoming that way, but a real since of urgency that only gets worse as time goes on.

In this case for my own setting, consuming the soul of a person not only gives you powers but also super charges your own soul....Which causes it to degrade and degrade at an ever increasing rate so you have to eat more and more to stave it off.

so, more than simply hubris and carelessness being their downfall is their desperation and realization they are fighting an uphill battle or the nihilistic acceptance of their choices allowing them to commit horrors beyond imagining.
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How about this film and book it's based on?
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pic related has all those and some more ideas.
The ship designs in that were excellent. I have nothing of actual relevance to add.
A George RR Martin novel would hardly be what is call “traditional” vampires.
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If I'm going pulpy vampire killers, I'd rather full Dusk Till Dawn.
Nah not at all. But it is an idea that lots of things since VtM have gone for, so it's worth mentioning the earliest version that I'm aware of, at least.
I prefer vampires born from a disease meeting the modern times.
Unironically the vampires from Blade - underground techno-listening blood fetishists, with 90% of them considered subhumans (subvampires?) as they are mixed bloods, and purebloods hate them. Which is what I reckon would actually happen should such vampirism be the case.
The best representation of vampires is the traditional one or vampires as a race, direct, cool, gritty, dark. The worst representation is anything that is similar to WoD and its hundreds of "allegorical" portrayals as this anon >>94428073 says.
Pretty sure it’s Adam Sandler.
Best idea I’ve heard is that vampirism is a curse that can be spread like a disease. It originated with a terrible sin in the past.

When you first turn you are a goth elf. Sunlight makes you sparkle, and you have minor powers like strength, speed, and charisma.

Then it advances. Your skin turns pale, sunlight starts to burn, and you develop a kinship with creatures of the night. Humans begin to be repelled by you, unless under the suggestion of your hypnotism. If you’re a guy you get a gnarly widows peak, both genders get black and grey hair and fangs. Need for blood increases.

Then, after a while, you go full orlock. Get wild mystic powers, but at the cost of losing your humanity completely and becoming a wretched monster.
Depends on the game really.
So I prefer the original, old school, Slavic Vampires. Undead come back because an untimely and unnatural death, or through incest. Full of lust and revenge, going around drinking and raping, with the only way to stop them being steaking them, the sun weakening but not killing them, and the only way to kill them when awake, via an exorcism, while being burnt. Or if you really want to go old school, Mesopotamian blood gods. But I use that as Vampire gods, not Vampires themselves.
The only other version I even remotely liked came from a hentai series I saw probably fifteen years ago. Invading army, small Duchy. Then the lord and his Knights swore a blood oath to their sun god. Vampires are basically perpetually young, handsome people. More Elf than Vampire. Handsome, always youthful, not immortal but long lived, and pointy ears. What is it with Japan and giving Vampires pointy ears? They reproduce via sex. If they don't feed they are mortal. If they do feed (which can also be cum, it's a hentai after all), they get to be strong, night immortal, but still not weak to the sun. If they overfeed they become ugly, misshapen, hated by the others. Think Nosferatu. And they also become weak to the sun. A curse of their god. But this is also racial Vampires not curse
freshly tanned

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