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>writing an adventure
>big town famous for its blacksmithing is in the middle of an uprising and need assistance
>not many details about who or why
>players arrive to the town blacksmith council to talk about the uprising
>turns out its an armor uprising
>as in, armors got sentience and now they are marching with protest banners outside the warehouses
>they demand healthcare for rusty ones, syndicates to stablish fair working hours and good quality oil for cleaning and maintenance
>"if war horses get basic healthcare and dignity so should we"
>we take literal hits for you"
>there are two factions of armors
>a level-headed one that wants to coexist in peace with the people and wants respect and dignity for its kin and everyone
>leader is called optimal primaterial, colors are red and blue
>the other faction is a more radical one that think armors are superior to organic beings and want to escalate the conflict to a full conquest war
>leader is called metaltron, colors are metalic purple and light grey
I think there's something but I dont know where to go from the initial setting, what do you think?
Play Linkin Park in the background during sessions
4/10, weak bait but got me to reply.
Sounds far too reddit for my tastes. I'd shop discworld fans for players. This would definitely be up their alley.
Speaking honestly, it seems strange to me that the initial premise is "sentient armor wants better healthcare" but then you veer into Transformers out of nowhere. My advice is pick a lane.
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>My advice is pick a lane.
yeah, you are right on that, I ini9tially started writing this advnture as a jab to one of the players who is a huge corposlut and would lose his shit if he suddenly had to support workers right, but because the other players are your average wagie, one of them a huge marx whore even, I know they would be onboard with joining the living armors strike and chaos would ensue
It sounds like you read your first sci-fi novel and are trying to reproduce it without understanding it.
The concept is cool, but even as a Transformers nerd, those references gotta go. Keep the two factions, that's cool, but none of the comic book stuff, unless that's really what you're going for with your campaign. Even the "healthcare" bit seems odd, it's not like people are just neglecting and discarding perfectly good armor, assuming your fantasy setting isn't also somehow a modern capitalist paradise where you buy and throw away everything you can.
Pratchett pretty much already covered it in "going postal", a significantly better implementation of the idea. RIP pump, my boy died too young
nah, the transformers bit is the only good part. his players will fall asleep otherwise.
Sure, if he's as bad of a DM as you are. The plot outline is nowhere near as important as the presentation.
Cool. What system?
The joke is that this is just the backstory of the Transformers show where the Cybertronians were made to be war/construction machines sold by the Quintessons who later gained sentience and fought for control of their world, which later works imply was a result of the Quints shoving glowing rocks from the planet into their robots because they made they ran the bodies better than AI.

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