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Spirits Edition

>2024 PHB Scan (Gencon copy, not DnDshorts)
>Cropped and rotated, but more artifacty

>2024 Official free rules
>2014 Official Free Rules

>2024 UA

>2014 Errata

>5etools (2024)
>5etools (2014)

The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md


>Previous thread: >>94406593

What happens after death in your game?
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Souls drift into the Sun known as the All Saint where they live in an eternal, blissful slumber. Along the way they may be caught in Divine or Caustic threads which will turn them into Angels or Friends/Demons respectively, and in a rare circumstance may be caught at an intersecting point and turned into a Fey. There are also minor deities that do their own specific things with your souls if you promise it to them.
I'm going to make a mary stew elven love interest, then have my self insert DMPC cuck whoever tries to go for her.
Holy based, also kill the family of any PC that tries to go for her
Most souls pass through the house of Baeti (God of death) who decides whether they get reincarnated or judged. Reincarnation is pretty straightforward, except they might get traded to another universe if there's a need.
The judged are pretty rare, but you basically get dismantled for parts at the soul level and reforged in the hopes of becoming something better. The new soul is then reincarnated.

Some sound get picked up to become celestials or fiends by agreements with entities, and the fey make bargains that pull souls out of the cycle for a lot of reasons.

Some sad souls get caught by necromancer, but without divine backing can't really do much with them except use them for batteries, which causes no lasting harm, and is considered a minor delay from most gods perspective.
>a hero’s sacrifice
but this ability requires no sacrifice of any kind. its the equivalent of a 4th level spell and casts revivivy, haste, and other benefits. it doesn’t even mention concentration for the haste.

i think its a cool item but the name doesn’t fit, you’re trying to push a vibe that isn’t there.
>there still isn't anything that can match the feeling of Melee Mystic UA punching someone back 50 feet
Feels so fucking bad man.
P cool anon

It's referencing the sacrifice of the original wielder, but both Tensers Transformation and Haste have post-spell consequences
If there are any sisters or daughters, they won't get killed. Instead, my DMPC will "shelter" them for the player, only for them to never show up ever again.
eh, fair enough. my apologies anon.
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Does Baeti have a nice Mahogany desk?
Sadly no.
She mostly sits at campfires in people's dreams, distributing quests and rapidly aging between a small child and an ancient crone.
Have you considered Colvilles other homebrew?
If not, could you and let me know what you think, because I don't want to expend all the brainpower it would take when I need it for the upcoming sessions.
Take the homebrewpill
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Here's your D&D adventure, bro
If it doesn't punch someone 50 feet, I wont even bother reading it I also can't find it on 5e.tools
It might, until someone opens it, it's schroedinger's homebrew!
>Main menu>utilities>manage homebrew>big blue "get homebrew" button>type "talent and psionics">small blue "download" button
Pretty sure the Anon's Bullshit brew has a couple of ways to do that.
>One time use spell for the max reward
>From the man who is so wealthy he can afford live for eternity as the Great Gatsby
At least give them a participation trophy or something.

>more in depth bookmarking, especially focusing on making rules and variant rules as easy as possible to find, the things you might need to find asap at the table
>lore glossary individually bookmarked
>magic items individually bookmarked
>page order fixed, whoever scanned it got some of the magic item section out of order

Same password.
And again since some people have bad reading comprehension, it's all lowercase, just 1 word.
Not a punch, but you can grand slam someone pretty far in 5.5 with the right combination. Obviously not super good outside of this one niche, but workshopping it just to see what's possible. So far I've got Warlock with Repelling Blast on Booming Blade for 10 feet, another 10 for Push Mastery on a Push/Bludgeoning weapon, Crusher for 5 more, Battlemaster levels or the Martial Adept Feat for Pushing Attack which on a failed save adds 15, and Barbarian Brutal Strike (Forceful Blow) for 15 for a total of 55 feet (possibly up at a diagonal if a DM lets Crusher's any direction count as changing what angle "directly away from you" is). (Could swap the Warlock for the new version of the Charger Feat for also 10, or if I can somehow figure out how to get Bladesinger style Extra Attack into the build to make the cantrip count as part of the Attack Action maybe both)
Once again, thank you!
That's because that shit is fucking stupid. So sick of this faux masculinity where all these bearded söy fat asses want to do grappling builds or throw boulders or bull rush a dragon 80 feet off a cliff like in their fucking animes. Whatever happened to being a normal pulp fantasy hero and having cool fight scenes that aren't trying as hard as possible to remind you that it's unrealistic and shit? Also if you use a battle grid for your game that's gonna almost knock the creature out of the battle arena and annoy everyone. Oh but I forgot, TRVE CHADS use theatre of the mind, not like the soulless battle mat users who probably play 4e (which was uhh actually good cause at least it wasn't toxic 3e or grognard AD&D which was unfun).
You pass into the Divine Realm where you are essentially isekai'd. You then have to duck, dodge, and consume other souls in order to grow in strength least you become another feed stock for the souls who have transcended into what can be called godhood and were the ones pulling the strings of the gods you knew in life.

If you are lucky, your soul was shuffled into the waiting arms of the Celestials who will slowly drain your soul away unlike Demons and Devils who will suck you up like a juice box and toss you aside.
>punching someone so hard they turn into a red smear on a wall 50 feet away is "faux masculinity"
Just dont use words if you dont know what they mean.
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>grappling builds or throw boulders or bull rush a dragon 80 feet off a cliff
>Your party traverses trough the city slums
>You all fail a save and fall flat on your asses due to banana peels or something, all of your possessions coming loose and getting strewn about the busy streets
>A swarm of dirty beggars descend upon you, attempting to grab whatever they can and run off
What do you do?
>laughs in monk
Oh no! My spear and shield! Where ever will I find more?!?
How do you guys run Fog of War?
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>Unarmed Strike rule Shove +5ft
>Tavern Brawler Origin feat Push +5ft
>Strike of the Giants feat Stone Strike + 10ft
>Crusher feat Push +5ft
>Charger feat Charge Attack +10ft
>Martial Adept feat Pushing Attack +15ft
>3rd level Open Hand Monk Push +15ft
>Immortal Mystic Brute Force Knock Back +70ft
>Total - 135ft of knockback
That's definitely far from everything, I didn't account for any race's bonuses or anything.

On a related note, why the FUCK doesn't Monk get access to the Unarmed Fighting fighting style? I can see their Martial Arts kind of mimics the effect, but if you take a dip in Fighter can't you just add 1d8 to any of your attacks on top of that with the feat?
Anon, that isn't even close to how the rules work.
IRL? Do you mean like dungeon exploration or creature/object locations becoming unknown to the players?
Sure it is, why not? Okay maybe Strike of the Giants doesn't work there as a weapon attack, but for any feature that says you push the target "up to" X feet away, I take that to mean it's simply the maximum that feature can push it, not the maximum you can push it with a combination of features.
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Explain god-aligned clerics and paladins to me. Are they slaves of their deity, devoid of their own will? Are they servants, performing a service for magic powers reward? Or do they geniuly that their deity's (For example tempus, god of fighting stuff?) vision of the world is the way to go?
Depends completely on the deity.
>Or do they geniuly that their deity's (For example tempus, god of fighting stuff?) vision of the world is the way to go?
So they just accept that fighting is the best thing in the world and go around punching people because that's what Tempus stands for?
The only benefit a Monk would receive from the Unarmed Fighting Style would be the bonus damage to grappled targets. They don't add any dice to their attacks.

see specific deities for how each god is worshipped / what orders exist.
Good work, thank you
(I now know that I have no interest in buying 2024, so you've saved me some dosh)
>They don't add any dice to their attacks.
What? I get they roll a Martial Arts die in place of the normal damage of their unarmed strikes or Monk weapons, but why would they not add relevant dice to attack rolls? You can maybe argue Tavern Brawler and the Unarmed Fighting style aren't added to the Monk's attacks because each of them say "instead" of standard Unarmed Strikes damage, and Monks don't use the standard damage, but still.

Also the reroll a roll of 1 on Tavern Brawler is surely applicable.
Why would they?
Wait, does that include the cursed necklace?
I'll count my blessings and run. hopefully I'll get far enough before one of the beggars touch it to avoid the explosion.
Playing with something because I think divine order is lame
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What would be Bobby's subclass?
Officially, Berserker according to the Uni and the Hunt for the Lost Horn premade character sheets.
path of the berserker
Granted, all of the premade ones from that are just the one that's officially free, but the ones that are officially free are probably the most "the class, but more of that" of all the subclasses
They're still Unarmed Strikes, just using a different base damage calculation.
How are you this fucking stupid?

>Monk Level 1: Martial Arts PHB'24 p101
>Martial Arts Die. You can roll 1d6 IN PLACE OF the normal damage of your Unarmed Strike or Monk weapons. This die changes as you gain Monk levels, as shown in the Martial Arts column of the Monk Features table.
>Dexterous Attacks. You can use your Dexterity modifier INSTEAD of your Strength modifier for the attack and damage rolls of your Unarmed Strikes and Monk weapons. In addition, when you use the Grapple or Shove option of your Unarmed Strike, you can use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to determine the save DC.

>Unarmed Fighting PHB'24 p210
>When you hit with your Unarmed Strike and deal damage, you can deal Bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 plus your Strength modifier INSTEAD of the normal damage of an Unarmed Strike. If you aren't holding any weapons or a Shield when you make the attack roll, the d6 becomes a d8.
Why would it add any die?
Well, up until Monk 5 they'd bump the die size from a d6 to a d8, then at 5 they'd be equal, but that's much less useful in 5.5 than it was in 5e when it was a damage increase all the way up to Monk 11. But yeah, it's either use the Fighting Style die or the Martial Arts die, which 99.999% of the time you're going to choose the larger one (there could be *some* niche scenario where dealing a d6 or d8 instead of a higher die or a 1 might be useful, but I can't think of any)
unarmed fighting style isn't why you should be dipping 2 levels of fighter as a monk
>INSTEAD of the normal damage of an Unarmed Strike
Yeah that's right. You aren't using the normal damage of Unarmed Strikes, so you should be able to use Unarmed Fighting. With so many other features that add damage die to weapon attacks, why not allow a 1d8 for Monks?

So why, just action surge?
>So why, just action surge?
And second wind. And bigger hit die. And a fighting style that is actually useful.
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Hey, how's the 2024 PHB?
Is it better balanced? Better laid out?
Did it flop?
I'm one of the guys who jumped ship to other RPGs, just curious.
Well, one if that's all you're going for. But yeah, definitely better reasons to do so, and it's not even the best choice among the Fighting Styles since it becomes basically useless after only a couple levels in 5.5 (Blind, Two Weapon Fighting, or Dueling all seem much more potentially useful)
good, much so, way better, no, return to 5e and enjoy a good game.
>is it better balanced
better in some ways, worse than others
>better laid out
i personally think so. i still dont understand why they dont organize spells by level and alphabetically instead of just alphabetically.
>did it flop
Jesus fucking christ. He literally highlighted everything for you and you still don't understand.
You're not a Monk if you use weapons, simple as.

Also fuck the Fighter dip, BarbMonk is where it's really at.
quarterstaves are an incredibly monk-coded weapon though
Yes, stickbros get a pass.

That's what they all say before the raging Monk goes God Hand on their ass.
>that's what nonretards say
I know
Is this too much shit for 1st level?

Note: this is unfinished. ignore any grammatical errors
>You're not a Monk if you use weapons, simple as.
there is literally an entire definition/category called "monk weapons"

Not to mention Spears, Quarterstaves, and Greatclubs are actively better than unarmed striking until level 5. Not to mention incredibly Vorthos in terms of flavor.

And throwing daggers (i.e. kunai) are equally vorthos and objectively monk's best ranged option (though you should still carry a shortbow for when they're way the fuck out of range and it's not advantageous to close the distance, such as firing at an enemy ship.)

Dumbass. RTFB. Unarmed Fighting Style does not ADD 1d8 to your unarmed strike.
It sets your unarmed damage to 1d6 instead of 1, 1d8 if you're not holding a weapon or shield.
It's like how armor doesn't add to your 10+dex AC, it sets your AC to a different number.
Tavern Brawler is the same way (the rerolling 1s is a separate effect however, so it does stack)
Even Monk's martial arts is the same way.
It's a replacement effect. They're all replacement effects.

If it says "instead" it's a replacement.
If it says "extra" it's additive.
how do you cast when you can't have a holy symbol with the vow of poverty? They all cost 5gp.

also, literally ALL cleric spells ever published have verbal components. Vow of Silence just locks you out of clerical spellcasting entirely.

The only vow that actually functions is Nonviolence, because it's basically just Sanctuary except you're allowed to cast non-damaging spell.
>And throwing daggers (i.e. kunai) are equally vorthos and objectively monk's best ranged option
Only with a dip for weapon mastery, otherwise javelins are better for the 30' short range.
Javelins only get to make two attacks.
Daggers are light. You can TWF and get 3.
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>monks don't use weap-ACK
handaxes are light too, and 1d6 with 20/60.
You have much better bonus action options on monk than 1d4+nothing.
>Monks can't use glaives, a quintessentially monk weapon.
Is there any reason to play a Genasi now that Goliaths are the way they are now?
yes, they can
>bigger hit die
Two entire HP, wow. Three if it's your starting level!
At 20ft range?

>You can't martial arts punch, melee only
>you can't flurry, melee only
>patient defense is likely overkill because you're not in melee. Maybe if the enemy wizard is chucking around fireballs.
>step of the wind is redundant unless the enemy has more than 30ft movement, you're already way out of reach for most creatures locked in melee with an ally and almost at your max possible effective range so you don't need to run further away, and as for closing in, if you could close the distance and were willing to close the distance you'd already be punching or sticking them instead, the quality of your range weapon would be moot.

So unless you're talking Sun Soul... no you actually don't.

no they can't. It's not a simple melee or a martial melee with light. it's not a monk weapon, so it turns off Martial Arts.
No dex, no punches.
Thank you for reiterating my point. It's nice to hear retards parrot things that people that know what they're talking about say.
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Point to me the exact sentence where the book explicitly says monks can't use a glaive.
>how do you cast when you can't have a holy symbol with the vow of poverty

you only need a spellcasting focus if the spell has a material component with no cost

>also, literally ALL cleric spells ever published have verbal components. Vow of Silence just locks you out of clerical spellcasting entirely.

okay, that's a good point. I'll change it so they can cast spells silently, but don't get the stealth/initiative bonus
No, at 30' range.
>You can't martial arts punch, melee only
Most of the time this is true, but if you have movement left and need to change target's it's technically possible, edge case though. same for flurry.
>patient defense is likely overkill because you're not in melee. Maybe if the enemy wizard is chucking around fireballs.
Enemies have this thing called movement. They can move and then attack you.
>step of the wind is redundant unless the enemy has more than 30ft movement
Many do. You're also assuming you didn't use some or most of your movement to get in range, which is a stupid assumption.
I will take 10 more feet of range over an extra 1d4+nothing for almost every encounter and calling dagger "objectively" better is simply ignorant.

You know exactly what that poster meant don't be a fucking pedant.
Yes, anon meant that it is literally impossible for monks to use a glaive, which is objectively false. Don't be a retard and say retarded things. Monks can use glaive, only only a retard would say otherwise or defend a retard saying otherwise. Don't be a retard.
now that the dust has settled...
will kensei be back in 2024?
I want to play an Arcane Archer for an upcoming 5e campaign because it would perfectly suit the character I want to play, but I'm a bit underwhelmed that your main feature basically doesn't improve at all as you level. Would it somehow break the balance if instead of being locked into only 2 arcane shots all game I ask the DM to let me use it an equal times to my proficiency bonus? I want to do more than just be an arrow dispenser in combat.
I also can't decide between two feats. I either want Martial Adept to lean into the kind of showboat archer I want to make, with the maneuvers as trickshots, or pick Fey Ancestry to lean more into the magic archery. I'm almost certainly taking Sharpshooter as my other feat because it's strong, fun and definitely suits what I'm trying to play.
Again, if you're ending your turn anywhere closer than 30ft from an enemy on fully traversable terrain, there's no point in using ranged when you have ludicrous monk speed and especially with free bonus action disengages.

The only time you use ranged as a monk is when:
A. You literally cannot get closer due to a physical obstacle that is nevertheless permeable by thrown weapons, such as lack of ground to walk on or being inside a barred cage.

B. you're staying as far away as possible, using your movement to barely enter thrown range, attack, then exit again back to your starting position, so that on enemy turns you're 40, 50, maybe even 65 feet away, always safely out of 30ft travel + melee reach range, and ideally even out of range of thrown weapons and some spells if they can't approach without provoking opportunity attacks.

C. You started your turn so far away that even bonus action dashing will not get you to melee range of your target, and by extension your single move cannot get you into thrown range. This is when you pull your shortbow, lack of monk weapon-ness be damned, it's literally your only option.
RPGbot has a list of general possible improvements to arcane archer, including improved level scaling
consult your DM if the buffs would be ok, if he goes
>nyoooo its designed that way for a reason
tell him to go fuck himself
it's literally the same change they made to bladesinger. the only difference between the two is arcane archer didn't get a Tasha's reprint.
so i'd say it's fine, yeah.

The only thing Arcane Archer can do that's "game-breaking" requires team combo synergies that specifically requires a melee martial ally built not to deal damage but just spend his entire turn every turn shoving people around willy nilly. Since no one would ever build that in a vacuum, it only exists in whiteroom magical christmas land where you get to make the entire party and pilot them exactly how you want, you know, effectively playing with yourself (and you know what they call people that play with themselves, big ol' wankers), arcane archer is basically unbreakable in its current state. Kind of like '14 Champion and Banneret, or PHB Ranger and Tasha Ranger where you can literally gestalt them and it's still only mid.
>martial adept
How has this edition been out for a decade, and people still don't make maneuvers and sup die as part of the base fighter class?
>make the most picked class and strongest non-caster even better
It's the most picked from DnDbeyonds free options, and champion is the most picked subclass becauseit is free. So an entirely pointless and irrelevant observation. And if you're complaining about making noncaster more powerful, you can go suck Crawford's cock.
you got weapon masteries, which are basically exactly that but at-will at the cost of no bonus damage, and you still aren't happy.

You have never played 5e
Do you think fighters don't get subclasses or something? Or do you think that champion isn't a subclass? Or do you think that those aren't the free options? Or do you not even understand what you're trying to say?
You're right, anon. I'm still not happy that casterfags get pissy when martials are useful. I'm still not happy that in DnDnext maneuvers were a base feature and it got removed in 5e. I'm still not happy that after a decade, people still aren't using maneuvers as a base feature. Yes, I am still unhappy with the fighter class, even if the more uses second wind does help.
>Again, if you're ending your turn anywhere closer than 30ft from an enemy on fully traversable terrain, there's no point in using ranged when you have ludicrous monk speed and especially with free bonus action disengages.

>B. you're staying as far away as possible, using your movement to barely enter thrown range, attack, then exit again back to your starting position, so that on enemy turns you're 40, 50, maybe even 65 feet away, always safely out of 30ft travel + melee reach range, and ideally even out of range of thrown weapons and some spells if they can't approach without provoking opportunity attacks.
This is a common way to play monk.

>C. You started your turn so far away that even bonus action dashing will not get you to melee range of your target, and by extension your single move cannot get you into thrown range. This is when you pull your shortbow, lack of monk weapon-ness be damned, it's literally your only option.
You're being presumptive again. Instead of dashing 90 into melee you can move 45 into thrown weapon range and bonus action dodge. Can't bonus action dash+dodge unless you're 11th level open hand, and even then you may not want to extend that far away from your party even if it gets you into melee.
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I want a large golem to "quiz" and "test" my players. It's a leftover from a Gold Dragon who was a total history nerd and did a bunch of mock battles with the nearby town. How can I run this for my players? Do I have them participate and try to historically re-enact the battle?

pic unrel
Fighters don't get subclasses at second level. >90% of builds with fighter are two level dips. You have never played 5e.

>waah waah casterfags
lmao the story never changes yet it was never true
>I'm still not happy that casterfags get pissy when martials are useful
Yet what you're asking for is specifically that the worst martials get pushed even further out of the game, with literally no impact whatsoever on the lategame caster/martial dichotomy.
>90% of fighters never play past level 2
lmao, typical nogames projection
>complaining about shit classes
True. Monk, Ranger and Barbarian shouldn't be classes to begin with.
actually not a bad idea, i could just throw them into water or punish them in ways that don't damage if they don't make a check or read up on a book or smth
>the solution to martials being bad is to remove martials
Damn casterfags keeping the martials down!
>typical nogames projection
That is what you have progressed to, yes. I love how you even call it 'typical' when you already firmly established that you didn't understand what I was talking about (because you have never played 5e).
It's more Crawford's fault than the casters themselves. And yeah, it's typical of nogames to project that onto others. Hell, you just did it, you should know. Now please continue this retarded spergout, it's funny.
I just got done watching a series that explained the history of DnD's different versions. What was remotely toxic about 3e even ironically? Where did that come from?
only multicolored hair having anime watchers like those things
But the Hulk is Marvel/DC shit.
There was some hullabaloo about 3e being too complex for people and encouraging elitism (=sexism?) or something along those lines. It was a direct comparison between 5e and 3e though or the statement wouldn't make sense, since every way in which 3e is more complex than 5e was basically still true of 4e (and of course, all the ways in which 3e is more complex than 4e are true of 5).
Unironically it's not entirely unreasonable, I saw 2e groups of semi-retarded parents and their teenage children get filtered hard by 3e. The resource economy was too complex for people who basically saw spells per day as "how many times can I cast magic missile/fireball" and who couldn't comprehend e.g. metamagic, let alone actually reading their spell list. They spent years and years casting 3.0 third party spells from their description without ever even reading the rules for this defacto homebrew. Wild shit.

>crawford wrote AD&D
You've earnt your (you)
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What are some creative applications a level 2 character could do with the following spells and features?
- Magical Tinkering
- Prestidigitation
- Shape Water
- Minor Illusion
- Unseen Servant
- Find Familiar
- Mending
- Guidance (for good measure)
Assume a reasonably lenient DM, but not extremely so.
Ma'am, this is the 5e thread
There is no rule on 4chan that says we can't talk about Weenie Hut Jr from within Weenie Hut General for a moment, they're literally the same franchise.
I'm not the one that asked about the comments on 3e (in relation to 5e)?
No, but you are the one who brought up AD&D for no reason.
Or if you want to talk about AD&D balance issues with caster v. martials you can go to the AD&D thread.
Optimized martials were just as good as casters in 5.14, but the changes in 5.24 make casters significantly stronger and it isn't even close now.
Technically this all started from someone bitching about Melee Mystic being "too anime", whatever that means.

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