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TT: Post IC as a Vampire from VtM. Namefaggotry is encouraged. Need more info? Refer to /WoDg/

>V20 is the generally accepted continuity
>Each thread represents ~1 week of nights
>There is no author; we are acéphale
>Nictuku will be diablerized on sight

I bet you some weird old Toreador would pay a fortune for that thing.
2nd for Vicissitude chads rise up
What a privilege it is to work with someone who actually understands thaumaturgy. I am delighted to declare my sincerest gratitude for the competence of the magister who runs the lab 'under' the lisbon chantry. When I started I thought this delivery would consume a year or more, yet confronted with the miracle of someone who can actually perform rituals I find myself unchained in these few meager months.

I'm hanging around until the end of the week while we see if anyone wants to put their hands on me for something else, but with how far ahead of schedule this was I doubt it's going to eventuate. Not sure what I want to do. All this talk about koldunism and lupines has got me wanting to look into spirits again, but less time I tried the available sources could be neatly classed into "stupid" and "suicidal". Warlocks and the temple either have a very poor grasp on what a spirit is, based on antiquated lore that was never properly verified, or they won't show me the good stuff. I have reason to suspect the latter for the setites, but pressing that kind of issue enough to get an answer definitely approaches the later category. I know where some of the reasonable dogs are, but dropping in on them unasked for and unannounced sounds hardly more appealing than confronting a hierophant.
Might have to give up on it again. The tremere who owns this PC says that there's a good chance that I'm either going to get possesed, or more likely people will start to think I might have been possesed and I can't afford that kind of reputation if I still want to make any kind of progress in society. This isn't an unreasonable concern either. The whole thing is very frustrating.
I can't fault this logic. I hadn't seriously considered it since I don't have childe or plans therefor, but you're right. Which authorities do I respect? The daitya, but he doesn't enforce the traditions. Some of the archbishops, but they invented shovelheads. The tremere, but they keep a tight handle on their acolytes, almost all of which were ghouls. If there was a genuinely powerful prince, but I imagine that I'd be avoiding his territory in the first place.
I don't have a stable of ghouls or anything of the sort, but if for some reason I wanted a childe, I'd make one. In the not unlikely scenario that I then had to move, it's not like I'd be taking them with me; if they did survive, they'd be yet another hapless fledgling washing up on these digital shores. The anarchs put the lie to any image of the vaunted great power of the methuselahs, so I have to imagine that this attitude isn't uncommon among elders and it'd trickle down from there.

>Are you one of the settites?
Yes, precisely. Lapsed in some ways, albeit.
I think you could have a noddist priestess? They're big on sin so I doubt they'd follow the catholic restrictions. Could have been a lasombra using the same title, though I doubt they'd keep those kinds of mild relations with kine. But yes, I was initiated as a priestess of Set, served, and with freedom in body and mind still believe in the master of liberation.
>the ministry
Excuse me?

>both the Camarilla and the Sabbat
This is a bit of a strange way to put it, since they've been hunted since before there were either, and the independent clans don't like them any better.
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So y'all are both an order and a clan. Interesting! I haven't had much introduction to noddists, so they are a mystery to me. If you desire, I might send you some copies of our lesser texts. My sire treasures his modest collections, and I have some on lease from a tutor he put me in contract with.
>the ministry
My apologies if I insult. That is simply how I have been taught about your clan. In the US they are known as such.
I wouldn't trust the tremere as much as I can bury them, but I do know they have applied the scientific method to their stolen form of blood magic and thus have delved further than any other kindred into the workings of it.
>pic related how I feel about the tremere
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Good evening all, I am Professor Jamison Brown, mycologist and scientist of the Clan of The Hidden. It is with great pleasure, I intend to share with you all the findings of my research. I must apologize for I only was testing members of the Camarilla's Vitae.

Journal of the Gentlemen’s Society for the Rational Investigation of Super-Natural Matters
Vol. 87

Sanguinary cultivation: Study on the Process of infusing Vitae into Euglenoids

Written by Dr. Jameson Brown
Childe of Reginald Wilson
Grandchilde of Claudette Blanche

Abstract: To better understand the effect that Vitae has on plant life, a study was conducted to understand and to record the effects that the vitae bacteria that is found in the body of hemophagic entities has on plant life. Blood was sourced from various willing hemophagic entities from seven different strains of the contagion of equal infection ratings. These sub strains will be referred to by their common nomenclature (Ventrue, Brujah, Gangrel,Toreador, Tremere ,Malkavian, Nosferatu) in this paper. A sample of non-infected blood provided by a willing source who will not be named due to privacy reasons (as well as the fact that blood bags are not labeled with names) was used as a Control group for the experiment. The procedure was conducted triple blind with the assistance of my sire and my broodmate. The blood was injected with 5 ml of euglenoids and placed in a 70° incubator for 6 months and checked biweekly for growth or progress. The data concluded that the vitae bacteria causes an increase in the growth of Euglenoids as well as a pigment change from green to red after a period of 3 weeks growing in vitae. Furthermore, different subspecies of the vitae bacteria have various different effects on the growth and cellular composition of the plant cells found in green algae. This proves that plant cells, similarly to animal cells, can manifest different biological traits when exposed to the vitae bacteria.

Interesting that vitae has effects on simpler lifeforms. Tell me, have you done any work on bacteria? Furthermore, is there a point at which the vitae has no effect? Is it strictly effective only on eukaryotes?
Oh an one further question,
>vitae bacteria
Expand deeply on this. I feel noddists would be surprised that their curse from God is merely a new form of tuberculosis.
Now this does sound interesting, it makes sense vitae would effect any living thing. I even once saw inanimate objects gain a simulacra of life when enough vitae was applied to them. Care to explain this "vitae bacteria" claim? That's a new one to me.
>This is a bit of a strange way to put it
I don't talk history with fledgelings, none of them care about the nights before the formation of the sects. It's hard enough to get neonates to care, and they've been around long enough to know that some of the vampires who were present in those ancient nights attend the same parties as them.

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