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Dm mentioned that an upcoming monster will "share hit points with the group". How are we supposed to kill it without dying?
Better question is how he's going to stop you from hurting yourselves to defeat it!
Monster starts with HP based on the party's current total? Just make sure everyone in the party is constantly on the verge of dying in case you run into the monster and it should be a cakewalk.
instant-kill attacks, depending on the system, don't touch HP at all. Alternatively, if you have some way to lobotomize it or drain its mental stats, you might be able to render it braindead without killing its body. Depending on how the shared-HP works, maybe it has an effective range, at which point teleporting it into space or somewhere very far away will cause it to no longer link HP with you. Overall though not enough info, you'd need to do some research on the exact mechanics, since HP isn't even a real thing in-character.
What system, unironically? 2nd and 3rd have save or die but I have no idea what the fuck you're doing.
Temporary HP isn't HP. Just cast Heroism or whatever system-appropriate spell gives you 'fake HP' and you'll outlive the monster.
Well, this is the one thread where "what system" is an actual important question lmao.
Can't you find a way to incapacitate it without actually lower its hit points?
>no womb hitbox

I'll critically hit your womb.
kill it via a game mechanic that doesn't involve hit points.

Probably tell us what the fuck game you're playing if you actually want help finding one.
What game?
Modern females don't have wombs.
Neither do you have penis.
Restrain the monster.
Grapple it, tie it up and just drug it.
You are gay now
If it mirrors just HP total and not exact specific injuries, dismemberment might be the way to go. You'll easily earn both you victory and complementary fucknugget.
You're not supposed to kill it, you're meant to disable it without affecting its HP.

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