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How does it work & how do u prevent it from being overpowered? I want to create a scenario where the BBEG vampire travels to various time periods and recruits warriors & notable figures into his faction as his lieutenants; but how do u even begin to defeat someone who has access to time travel?
Only fags say "BBEG"..
U need to go back lil bud
Nah, time travel is gay.
Even divination is super restricted (very very few people can do it accurately, and those who can know that any events they see can be altered through enough willpower).

Dude you already have undead shit, just go further with that and have him do shit such as capturing the souls of famous people from the past to turn them into his undead servants.
You're creating a point in time/space via the memories of the location. The more you learn the more filled out it becomes and the more connected you are to the moment the more immersive it becomes.

You can't take anything from these simulated experiences but they make for an great investigative tool. That said, you can't force someone to share their memories or recollections of a given situation and prove the interpretation of that past event is correct.
>time travel is gay
U have some self exploration to do
You know, I feel like you're overlooking a very simple non-time-travel dependent solution here: He could raise the warriors of legend and what have you from the grave. I think that also gives more chances for adventures of all levels, ie. players have to defend a graveyard from bonesnatchers, or maybe they have to track down a hidden grave somewhere so that the warrior there can't be resurrected for the evil army.
Unless you want to rip of Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicles and have the players jump around time and settings following the vampire to stop him enacting EVIL plots in the past, present, and future.
>ow do u even begin to defeat someone who has access to time travel?

You can't. If you could, you already would have but since you didn't it's because he would never let it happen. You can't change the past without changing the future, meaning, if you change the past, your reason to go back in the future doesn't happen, so you don't travel back, except you did so you create a paradox, which destroys your reality and probably inserts you in an alternate one, which will be different from your own. Create enough paradoxes and you might find yourself inserted into a reality where you never existed and *poof* you're dead.

The trick to making time travel work is having everything that happens in the past be the result of him going back in time. In other words, everything the players experience is the altered timeline. You can't have things happen and then suddenly they didn't or happened differently, that's not how time travel works. It's a line that you experience and everything you experience in it is set in stone, except in a strange way is wasn't, sort of.
return home roody poo
I've promised my players I won't do a time travel plot again after the last one.
>if you change the past, your reason to go back in the future doesn't happen, so you don't travel back
I don't think that's true. I think you become marooned in time. Going back in time and killing your grandfather might result in a timeline where you're never born, but you the time traveler nevertheless remain.

It's just more interesting that way.
What is it with basedlets and their allergy towards time travel? It's literally fun
No if you were never born how did you travel back? Think about it.
Make it so that it's linked with a specific phenomenon like a passing meteor or the aligning of planets.
That way he can go to certain periods of time to grab the baddest mother fuckers of their era but he can't go back to a week ago and stop the PCs from burning down his shed.
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For starters, I'm not even sure why you need time travel for that. If the villain is a vampire and has powerful magic on top of that, then you can just say that he's lived through all of those time periods and recruited those notable figures while they were alive. Or in the worst case scenario, he's too late, but just uses necromancy to revive them instead.

Adding time travel to the mix just risks opening up questions that are a pain in the ass to deal with.
At best, you could say that he's limited to plucking people from the time stream at the moment of their death, so history stays unchanged, but that still just feels like necromancy with extra steps.

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