Anyone have examples of well written anthropomorphic races/characters in fantasy? The best I can think is just either Dark Crystal, Tauren in Warcraft, or Charr in guild wars.
Iksar from Everquerst are the best lizardfolk.
>>94430400It's for a campaign. I have players who are wanting to be tabaxi, leonin and a lamia so im trying to get inspiration for making their cultures.
>>94430437Oh, that's piss easy. You make the players write it for you. They want to play a race you have no knowledge or in-built lore for, so you make each player responsible for being the resident expert on their character's race and its culture.
>>94430437Cool. What do the rulebooks say about those cultures? That's a good starting off point.
>>94430437lamia as the man eating desert monster worshipper of demogorgon?on the other 2 it's easy:leonin are either "proud warrior culture", insert-african-culture like Mali, Songhai, Ghana, Benin, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia or Aksum or grab another warrior or exotic culture from outside africa to add some spice, like siberia or steppe nomad mongols. for example, i made cossack/kievan rus lionmen on my setting
>>94430849tabaxi just make them whatever brazilian stereotype you can think of
>>94430855Shout GGGGGGGOOOOOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLL!!!! whenever you hit a nat20.
>>94430450That'd be convenient but their hopes/ideas for the setting I'm mostly not a fan of (its homebrewed by me and another DM who switches off). A lot of our areas are based on fictional and real cultures that we tweak, and the table keeps asking us what the worlds parallel for Japan is. We keep saying we don't have one, so i know if we give them any ounce of creative control we're going to end up with a furry japan.>>94430849The man eating snake man/woman variety. The siberian take on leonid would be cool we wanted to do Mongolian steppes style eventually so that'd be a good opportunity for it thanks for the advice.
>>94430997What's the problem with that? Seems like enforcing creative control is leading to tension.