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It's time for Star Wars to end but keep the games edition

A thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.

Previous Thread: >>94370185

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

Star Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)

Other FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)

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Thread Question: What star wars game are you enjoying most at the moment?
Anyway, I'm enjoying the fuck out of Shatterpoint at the moment. Wish I had more matchup variety though.
I've been buying up a lot of cheap XWM stock in preparation for the X-Wing Alliance fan-project release. Even if that should bomb i will have enough Imperials, Rebels and Scum to set up games on my own at the FLGS.
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>*shits up Star Wars in your path*
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>Dave Seloni
>shitting up star wars
Dude, if if it wasn't for Dave Seloni Star Wars would still be Sequals-levels of dead. At least now we got cool Rebellion and Endor interbellum-era worldbuilding to use in our own games.
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He was the real phantom menace all along.
>Legion goes to shit copying Clone Wars art style
>SWU goes to shit copying Clone Wars art style and focusing on Clone Wars content
I'm legitimately surprised that we've never seen a shistavanen in a cowboy hat given Filoni's track record.
Been keeping an EotE campaign goin for 3 years now so that's my favorite. But I'm still a big fan of Legion and Armada.
This is legitimately worse than the sequel trilogy.
>a game not having new shit shoveled at its players every month means its dead
GW and video games have destroyed everyone's minds. But really I think the issue is the same with all IP-licensed games. They go through all of the official material from the movies, then get stuck because they either don't have the permission to create new things, or try and suck at it and nobody buys it.

All licensed games seem to have this lifespan, but Star Wars has so much going on even in just the original trilogy that they shouldn't run out of material for years.
>At least now we got cool Rebellion and Endor interbellum-era worldbuilding to use in our own games.
From what? Sorry I think you're implying that I've watched any of their new trash lmao I gave up completely after one season of Mandolorian and a few episodes of Boba Fett.
>Legion goes to shit copying Clone Wars art style
Impressive, what are your players playing as?
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Clone Wars seems more popular with the zoomies than the OT. I play Battelfront still and Clone Wars era stuff is the most heavily played. Thank the Spongebob zoomers and late millennials that grew up with it, anon.
>SWU goes to shit copying Clone Wars art style and focusing on Clone Wars content
It's a clone wars set, what do you expect? The two sets before this were not about the clone wars
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Have a weebum
I'm exaggerating a bit, but Legion has started going with cartoon over movie designs since AMG took over, most noticeable in the crab droids coming out.
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fuckin awesome thanks anon yours is bigger lol
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From left to right
>Schizo Battle droid Heavy Gunner + Pilot, is the Captain of the crew after the original captain died
>Clan lord Human Mandalorian Heavy Gunner + Melee guy, is the third character of this player
>Man out of time Clone trooper Heavy Gunner + Team combat buffer
>Runaway addict Twi'lek mechanic + swordswoman, is the second character of this player
>Newly sentient Droid slicer and demolitions specialist
>Ex-corrupt senate employee Balosar Politico, the group's face both externally and internally to their rebel cell
Clone Wars is just cooler for war scenarios
>Two faction relatively even in strength
>Both have kino aesthetics and a wide variety of cool units to pick from
>Huge variety of sub-factions within those factions. Different clone legions and republic loyalist planets vs unending corpo branded droid legions and separatist loyalist planets
Zoomers such as I also love the OT, but it's more fun for low-key games about being a criminal or a rebel or an imperial just patrolling something. Clone Wars is THE era for wars

OT would be more popular if the rebels weren't so bland and boring
You absolutely overestimate his inflluence commpared to KK, and the damage done by JJ's and RJ's movies far outweighs anything ever dreamed up by Mr Wolf Cowboy Hat.
>original rebel alliance is more boring than a bunch of literal clones
KEK, this is your brain on zoom
you're just a retard that grew up watching the Clone Wars cartoons, which made it cool.
your clones v. robots is soulless and awful and the OT wars are so much cooler its unreal, we just didn't get to see much of them. The Hoth ground battle was the only proper battle we even got in the OT. If they made an entire series about the OT wars, it would be miles better than your soulless prequel trash.
It's too easy to hate KK.
Real ones understand that Filoni is just as bad.
one more people in this convo are talking about the Clone Wars (the era) and not The Clone Wars (the show)
Clones are kino
Droids are kino
They are a little "too sci-fi" for most OT boomers to understand, who just wanted to jump up and down watching vietnam in space over and over again.
Again I love the OT, but it's hardly a war, most of the battles are a handful of rebels getting raped by a vastly superior force of Imperials. It's an insurgency without any of the kino themes or aesthetics of IRL insurgencies. OT does deserve a proper clone-wars esque anthology series
Every zoomer thinks the Empire is awesome, but I've never seen someone who likes the rebels. Legion got it right, the only people who give a fuck about the rebels do so because they're the mooks that follow Luke and Solo around
I'm not a zoomer, but I think the prequel era does lend itself better to wargames, with the exception of space dogfighting like XWMG. The prequels had two sides with roughly equivalent armies fighting a full-scale war against each other, while the OT had the rebels fighting a guerrilla war against the Empire. The latter is good for roleplaying games and for games like Imperial Assault, where you can play a small team of rebel specialists doing stuff like infiltrating and sabotaging Imperial bases or assassinating the enemy commander, but for a typical wargame where you're expected to have two roughly balanced armies facing each other, it doesn't quite work when one side has tanks and walkers and endless legions of stormtroopers and the other a bunch of guys in stupid-looking helmets and some special characters, with at most some speeders that are the SW equivalent to a Toyota Hilux with a machine gun bolted on.
Yeah this is a good breakdown
PT is good for wargames
OT is good for ttrpgs
ST is good for nothing
>muh KINO
no, they aren't zoomer lol back to /v/ with you. Shit was terrible across the board until Tartakovsky's Clone Wars series and the later CG cartoon made it cool.
You do have a point about the insurgency nature of the Rebel Alliance, though, like this anon expanded >>94432407
though there were massive pitched battles, just in space. They tried to expand the rebellion in EU and RPG stuff, but most of the time it was terrible.
>Shit was terrible across the board until Tartakovsky's Clone Wars series
So...during the original release of the PT? Kek boomoids are so retarded
The CG Clone Wars didn't make it cool, it was mostly residual from all the clone wars stuff that came out during the PT.
The CG clone wars was just there to show that clone troopers were still individuals with their own personalities and such. But ultimately is the aesthetics of the PT wars that make them much more popular than the OT "wars"
>still individuals
You mean *that* they were individuals (which sucked). They weren't before unless they were higher ranking, ARCs or Commandos.
>though there were massive pitched battles, just in space.
That's why I specifically made an exception for space dogfighting. That's something OT does lead itself to well since there's a lot of iconic moments in the films and books featuring space combat and both rebels and the Empire have some really iconic starfighters. Meanwhile if you look at the rebel armies in any of the ground combat wargames, it's clear even the designers have a hard time coming up with anything for them beyond Luke and Friends. You got the guys from the Tantive IV boarding scene, a bunch of units that only fit some very specific scenario like snowspeeders and ewoks, and a bunch of ugly space-technicals like the Jihad Bus.
You could play space fighter combat in prequel era as well, but there really isn't anything nearly as iconic as X-Wing vs TIE Fighter. The GAR has the Y-Wing (which the rebels also have), the ARC-170 (whose design is basically "we have X-Wing at home"), and some "literally who?"-tier fighters, while CIS has Vulture droids (which I do actually like the design of, but that alone wouldn't be able to carry the game), Hyena droids (which is literally just Vulture droid, bomber-edition), and Tri-Fighters and that's literally it.
>Ex-corrupt senate employee Balosar Politico, the group's face both externally and internally to their rebel cell
Kino, is the twilek girl actually played by a girl
>Kino, is the twilek girl actually played by a girl
No but he does a good job of not being weird about it. Funnily enough the Battle Droid PC's GF also played a twi'lek in the original party of 4. She left after giving ttrpgs a try and didn't care much for them.
>Legion got it right, the only people who give a fuck about the rebels do so because they're the mooks that follow Luke and Solo around
Well, as someone who played Rebels in legion I did because it had Luke Skywalker as a playable piece. Boy they fucking sucked to play though.

But really, as a faction I like them better than droids at least since the droid designs don't really work for me a lot of the time, whereas with rebels you get a whole bunch of cool weird aliens with squid heads and shit
>(which sucked)
>They weren't before unless they were higher ranking, ARCs or Commandos.
EU fan-fiction sloppers not being retarded contrarians challenge (impossible).
Filonifags not being tasteless glazers challenge (hilarious).
You like tranny clones with clown haircuts.
Clones having personalities came from Lucas, not Filoni. And there was no tranny clones in Lucas' Star Wars. And being a tranny is not a personality, but a mental illness. You have one. Try again.
Meanwhile OT fags are hyping up the faction led by karens
Don't care, you like tranny clones with clown haircuts.
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>the prequel trilogy was actually good!
Fuck off retards it was fucking HORRIBLE and spelled the beginning of the end for Star Wars. Just because Disney Wars™ is so awful as to be beyond comprehension doesn't make formerly terrible movies suddenly good.

>muh aesthetics
You mean the aesthetics of Dollar Tree stormtroopers that all have the same face fighting cartoon robots in Napoleonic-Wars-tier line battles with the goofiest and most ridiculous combat vehicles to ever grace the big screen? It's like they saw how tactically ridiculous the AT-AT was and said "hold my beer." I mean wtf even is pic related? It's turbo retarded.
That shit is 100% nostalgia because of your lost childhoods, sorry to break it to you.
Good post. You are right. The New Republic stuff could've been so cool, which is what the sequel trilogy really should've been. Again, that speaks to the absolute staggering fuck-up it actually was. They had an entire universe to play with and create, and what do they do? Reboot the OT but make it far worse. What a fucking joke. Disney could've been printing money for the next hundred years.
kek, have to give you that one
in that regard, Holdo was par-for-the-course right along with Leia and Mon Mothma. It's funny that the feminist leaders of the Rebellion are rescued and hard-carried by Luke, Han, Wedge, and all the other men.
>Don't care
Concession accepted.
>you like tranny clones with clown haircuts.
Source? Never read that shitty book where it came from. Might be up your alley, Karen.
>Napoleonic-Wars-tier line battles with the goofiest and most ridiculous combat vehicles to ever grace the big screen?
But enough about the Battle of Hoth
And by anon's admission so does Lucas. LeL eUfAgs PwNd!!!!!!!!
Meanwhile every other faction is led by cool jedi and wizards with cool all-male armies. Rebels are the gay faction, every zoomer knows this
Wait, I just realized, why wasn't Luke a general for the rebellion?
He was, they call him General Skywalker in Rotj
Already covered pleb. The AT-AT and AT-ST are stupid and impractical, but at least they had thicc armor and were designed for the purpose of terrifying defending troops. What was the point of ANYTHING in the prequel trilogy? None of it makes any fucking sense and is just there because it can sell toys and might look cool if you don't think about it for two seconds.

In the goofy world of Star Wars were they don't really appear to have any guided over-the-horizon weapons, I guess thanks to shields, the AT-AT might actually work for its one single role of direct frontal assaults on fortified positions, but even then it was shown to be stupidly weak to simple air attack, akin to the big battleships during WW2, but the Empire would have so many troops and resources as to not give a shit and be able to afford making things just to be scary to throw at enemy forces.
Like imagine if instead of building two stupid Death Stars, they took all of those resources and just made endless Star Destroyer fleets and ground forces? The Rebellion would've had to fight them literally forever, if it wasn't crushed outright.
That checks out. It's been a minute since I've rewatched RotJ.
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This thread is going so slow no one will notice that Rebels are gay.
>they had thicc armor and were designed for the purpose of terrifying defending troops
Killed by logs and tow-cables
>What was the point of ANYTHING in the prequel trilogy?
To look badass and provide unit variety in awesome wargames, unlike the little tranny skirmishes of the OT
>muh toys
/tg/ buddy, flee to /tv/ if such concept trigger you, also
>star wars
>mad about toys
And finally
>Like imagine if instead of building two stupid Death Stars, they took all of those resources and just made endless Star Destroyer fleets and ground forces?
Then the era would be even more boring, what is it with OT boomers and trying to make their favorite era even more watered down and boring
>What if instead of stormtroopers they kept the epic imperial army!
>What if the rebels didnt have a fleet and stuck to more epic guerilla attacks!
>Visions 3 is back to being all Japanese Studios
Thank goodness
prequel babbies are so adorable trying to stick up for their retarded movies
>completely defeated, low energy response
It's over, you're done
Oh look it's the same argument again
>star wars
>mad about toys
Seriously, why is this so common nowadays?
We have a plague of /tv/ refugees that try to fit in but let it slip pretty consistently
I'm from /tv/ though and I understand that Star Wars is supposed to be toyetic.
OT boomers can't seem to accept they have 0 cool ground battles. They have plenty of cool space battles and its why Armada was OT focused, but PT is where ground battles shined
Are there any species in star wars, eu or otherwise, that have some resistance to radiation? My players are attacking an irradiated imperial world and I wanna throw in a rebel NPC or two that don't need the environmental suits
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HAHAHAHA are you serious? YOUR response wasn't any sort of comeback. I already acknowledged the weaknesses of the walkers, but at least they make some sense for their intended roles of urban pacification and psychological terror. You had no response to what point any of the stupid prequel vehicles served.

Then you got triggered about toys, which I only mentioned once. You know you can make cool toys of realistic things in movies too? Making something cool doesn't mean that thing also has to be retarded.

>Boring boring boring
>Even MORE boring
It's not boring to begin with you ADHD retard. Your prequel movies were so exciting with their endless political debating in galactic senate sessions, trade disputes, and soulless Jedi incels crying about their mom HAHAHAHHAHAHA
The only other answer I have is autists who think star wars is supposed to purely realistic business. It's the same types that love the EU missile dildo ships.
The Battle of Hoth was the coolest sci-fi ground battle ever made up to that point. Keep coping about your terrible CG cartoons kiddo. Then you had an army of sasquatch jumping onto giant bug robots and all kinds of other stupid shit I don't even remember because it was made for ADHD zoomoids like yourself.
>STILL malding over nobody caring about his headcanon of trying to make star wars realistic
kek, yeah they definitely use those walkers for urban pacification when we see that 0 (zero) times. Every single OT ground "battle" is
>A few dozen rebel infantry get obliterated by ATATs
It's boring, nobody cares about the OT in a wargame setting. That's what we're talking about, I know your boomoid lead poisoning is making that difficult for you to remember
>Armada was OT focused
>uh besides the tons of PT ships and PT starter box
>uh besides that massive space battle at the opening of Episode 3 that was one of the coolest in any of the movies
>Legion is focused on PT because of muh ground battles
That's a big 0 for 4; can you say anything that's actually true?
Wrong, PT was made for and by Lucas. ST was the trilogy made to pander to ST boomers and we saw how that went
Armada launched with OT and released multiple campaigns for the OT, the OT has doubled the amount of kits as the PT. But you prove a good point, the PT manages to have actual cool Space AND Ground battles, whereas the OT can only really claim to have cool space battles.
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>we see the vehicles used in the context of the story
yeah sorry kid it's not a documentary
again, continue talking about trade disputes, senate hearings, committees, votes of no confidence, slavery, and the force being an STD. You're really winning the argument
>it's over Anakin!
Yeah and in the context of the story PT vehicles and OT vehicles are used the same exact way, as armored vehicles supporting infantry. And the stuff outside of the battles in the PT could be boring, meanwhile the OT battles themselves are so boring they put people under the age of 60 to sleep
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Only because you pretend that the Battle of Hoth is somehow not cool anymore compared to your CG cartoon WWI-tier retardation with clones vs. robots. That is hilariously fucking false and Hoth established a massive chunk of Star Wars lore and will be legendary in global culture forever while no one will remember your gay CG clone shit. Cope.
Hoth is the best ground battle of the main films quite easily
Hoth was super fucking boring man
>4 ATATs walk forward and kill everything
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>to pander to ST boomers
nobody asked for that trash and nobody liked it except for the tiny minority of onions bugmales
blacks and women didn't even like it and they were the ones actually being pandered to hard. white males were le not welcome chuds mmkay sweaty
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I think AT-ATs are cooler in the mud.
>nobody asked for that trash
Except for the hordes of OT boomers that whined non stop about the prequels being too different for decades
Attack of le Clones battle so neat a bunch of cartoon clones run into a bunch of cartoon rabbit robots and everything blows up, if you can even tell what the fuck is going on the screen is so full of CGI diarrhea
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>if you can even tell what the fuck is going on the screen is so full of CGI diarrhea
Do boomer brains just explode when more than one things moves concurrently on screen? Is that was Hoth was so exciting for them?
By too different, they meant terribly bad and lacking soul because Lucas had no creative restrictions and no team of people to count on and just did whatever he wanted. The story of the prequels is fine and could've been awesome. Anakin should've been fucking Captain America, not some whiny bitch. The prequels just needed a little more soul and a little less childish CG shit, and they would've been great. Again, that was the first round of cosmic missed potential.
Aren't those just The Vex from Destiny
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>prequels literally have their own AT-AT
>comic book shit brings back OT AT-AT for memberberries
And then we got the focused, character drama with no world building or actual cool battles in the ST that the gay boomers wanted
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why do they have hourglass figures with hips?
anime has made everything gay
>focused character drama
>all of the characters are one-dimensional and horrible
>all of the OT characters show up as old farts to get killed and embarrassed
fuck you idiot you've gone full delusional
Holy shit this thread has turned to shit.
>NOOOOO you can't use prototype versions of vehicles before the OT AT ALL!!!!
AT-TE's are in the same pic, by the by.
If you look at the ST as anything else but an attempt to appeal to OT boomers you are delusional. It's literally just the OT again shot for shot. You need Lucas kino to make it work though, like how it worked in the PT no matter how much the lead-brained gay boomers thrash and cry about it
No it's called having taste and mental health, which is why everything we made was actually good and why everything you make is spastic hollow dog shit.
It was appealing to the lowest common denominator modern movie consoomer. You appeal to boomers by making something that reminds them of their nostalgia while building something new, not by getting their nostalgia out and shitting on it in front of them in the worst hack remakes of all time.
>Hoth is the best most exciting battle ever
Sure thing
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>looks quite literally exactly like the vehicle from 20+ years later in the timeline
It's shit. AT-TE is the prototype and a predecessor. Just like Venator is the prototype and a predecessor of the Star Destroyer. And V-Wings were the prototypes and predecessors of TIEs. But lemme guess. EU shit also had literal Star Destroyers from the OT, too. I remember seeing one in some shitty Empire at War mod.
>The PT worked
Lmfao people hated those movies because they sucked and always will suck. You are full revisionist just flat out lying--the literal definition of cope. You have ironically become a rose-tinted glasses boomer in your argument.
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>Lmfao people hated those movies
Yes I know gay boomers hated them for being different and actually having a cool war and battles in Star Wars. If we go way back to the beginning you will see this stems from the simple point that the PT is the most popular era for wargames and war focused vidya for that main reason: The OT battles are lame as fuck and held down by how bland and boring the rebels are.
it's ok i understand, i knew you were always on the spectrum
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What practical benefit would I get from believing your lie?
are you autistic? idk man that comment accompanied with that image just gave me the aura of one and i'm a good judge.
>prototype is a much clunkier-looking version of the regular one people know and love, allowing the OG to be the superior design
Based implementation, actually.
Prototype AT-AT skipped leg day hard.
>the PT is the most popular era for wargames and war focused vidya for that main reason
Objectively false again, kid. Virtually every successful Star Wars game like all the different Battlefronts have had both PT and OT, and the vast majority of successful games were OT like Empire at War, The X-Wing and TIE Fighter series, Rogue Squadron, Jedi Knight, Shadows of the Empire, etc..
Try to not just blatantly lie like that or you just lose arguments immediately.
honestly didn't ask and don't care
>Virtually every successful Star Wars game like all the different Battlefronts have had both PT and OT
And everyone just plays PT because rebels are gay and nobody wants to play them outside of a few special snowflake characters
>Empire at War
Great game given lots of longevity by PT and EU mods since vanilla OT is boring
>Boomer ancient cult classic games
May as well say Republic Commando is proof that PT is more popular
a lot of shouting into the void going on
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>The OT battles are lame as fuck and held down by how bland and boring the rebels are.
This is the most zoomer comment I've ever seen. You are clearly just a retarded kid. The Rebels were a well-equipped guerilla army and fought battles accordingly. Every battle in the OT shows they had to use creative tactics to overcome superior Empire forces, like the secret Death Star plans, the harpoons and Ion Cannon on Hoth, the Endor strike team and Ewoks which, while stupid, represented a basic counter-insurgency strategy of getting locals recruited by special forces to assist you in achieving your military objectives.

The prequel shit existed solely for the purpose of cool toys and LE ORDER 66. That's it. I bet none of you retarded kids even remember WHY the Separatists were trying to secede from the Galactic Republic in the first place, or why a bunch of robots would want to secede, or why Palpatine played 9-D chess to cause all of the bullshit to happen at all when he already controlled the Separatists and created the clone army to basically fight himself.
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your entire argument is
>OT and Rebels are gay because of my nostalgia and feelings
stop typing so much when that's all it amounts to in every reply
Oh sorry I forgot the Mon Calamari capital ships, the fucking awesome and iconic fighter wings, all the freaky aliens and fish people and unique designs, all of this made the Rebels extremely diverse and interesting compared to the strict regimentation and uniformity of the Empire. It's literally the opposite of what you said, but I guess CGI clones all wearing the same outfights fighting CGI robots that all look the same is FAR LESS BLAND AND BORING™ to you, lmfaooooooo.
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god tortanic designs are so fucking shit LMAO
you got a problem with it, take it up with my secretary
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better than coomerposting anon at least it's actual talk about Star Wars

to make a topic about gaming, I've been looking at Imperial Assault for awhile now, but I don't want to buy all the crap and play with the big ass 32mm scale, so am planning on reproducing it in 15mm scale because that's one of my favorite hobbies.
Anybody have experience with Imp Ass? It's basically Descent but done a little better, a 1vMany dungeon-crawler with Star Wars drapes on it, but it seems to scratch the itch for some basic SW adventure for a lot of people and has some nice models and components.
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Would (you) try and date a ISB agent?
I just had to mention coomers.
I don't get it. Why did they go with the animated design? Unlike the aqua droids we have realistic crab droids from RotS.
>OT boomer pretends his movies weren't made to also sell toys
Kek, also rebelfags must be desperate to say the fucking Ion Cannon is an example of how badass they are. They have no cool toys for ground battles, just a bunch of mook infantry which get slaughtered while Luke blows up the death star, ATATs and such. They're a background extra faction meant to job to the Empire while the main characters do everything.
>or why a bunch of robots would want to secede
The boomer ability to comprehend the PT everybody
Rebels suck for ground battles, all their cool toys are in space battles where they are almost always outnumbered and getting raped by the Empire
>Diversity is our Strength!(TM)
God rebelfags are so fucking gay, you have infantry with different heads and big boring dildo ships nobody remembers. People only care about X-wings and maybe Y-wings. Empire mogs everything the rebels have, which is a bunch of boring bullshit and puppets
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>Kill yourself now, you must.
Back in the day I thought he was Lucas's tard wrangler.
Turns out it was a mutual tard wrangling scenario
>Turns out it was a mutual tard wrangling scenario
Unironically the best scenario and it's why ttrpgs are so fun
Miss Kenobi…
>The boomer ability to comprehend the PT everybody
you know you're on 4chan when you have some coping zoomie retard literally touting the intellectual complexity of the prequel trilogy
God I wish Ninth Jedi got to be its own series. Pretty sure I heard that the director of the episode actually has a whole outline for it.
Wasn’t it for a bit filoni was considered the chosen one? Now almost every hate post in 2008 against TCW almost feels vindictive now. Like they actually were right in the end. Hating Ashoka, hating the art style, hating the mandolorian stuff, hating how clone troopers acted.

It’s like the hate from 2008 came back to haunt us but it’s becoming popular opinion now
Filoni being "the chosen one" was a way for fans to cope post-TLJ thinking things could get better because Hatguy Wolfman worked under Lucas/they grew up with TCW and that was "good", so surely he couldn't do anything wrong or worse, right?
But they conveniently left out all the shit that happened with Rebels, ignored Resistance and gave themselves false hope with Mandalorian.
Itt was more that he as the guy whoo included qt waifus, at least for a while.
KK just made everything gay and added Modern Women.
i'd say the height of his popularity was around the period between mando S1 and S2

you had his input on both those seasons (with the cameos of ahsoka and luke making redditors cream their pants) as well as TCW S7 releasing inbetween them

the shattering of this hype I would say came at around the release of the book of boba fett, even though he wasnt as involved with it as mando
people saw the flaws of the show, how the volume looks like ass, how AI deepfake luke looks horrible and ahsokas inclusion was wasted and un-neccessary, making those arguments people made for years of "shes forced and in every show" validated, and the arguments of "mando S2 was cameo of the week" retroactively making sense

then mando S3 came out, and his fans trued quickly to throw jon favearu under the bus and that filoni could not take any blame whatsoever for its production

then ahsoka came out, the show that no one else could be blamed for its quality, and this is where we are now
What other media or RPGs have you adapted to Star Wars?
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I will stand by this, id rather watch the "worst" of early TCW than stomach even Season 7, Rebels, Madolorian Season 3. Its so odd that the very grogs and haters id argue with ended up being right. I defend the clone chips, I defend Dee Bradley Bakers voice, I defend a lot. However, speaking as a TCW clone fag the Bad Batch was an utter kick to the balls with everything. It made the clone troopers gay and just so boring the very clone troopers that basically carried early TCW ended up being something I hated. Id rather watch the fucking Malevolence Arc with the retarded WW2 submarine tribute episode on repeat than bad batch

Honestly, its almost like I reverted back into being a Tarkovsky Wars 2003 grog, it doesnt have any added baggage to me. It really does feel like all the hate posts 2008 got for its early seasons really came back to spite me at the end of the day since Filoni like his master Lucas needed to be reigned in. Its the rule of two yet Filoni never got his own apprentice.

Also Ashoka turning into one big Rebels run back also ticked me off since I really do hate Rebels
post that one deviant artist with all the pictures of the TCW characters dying horribly to legends characters. Is he still around by chance?
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They said he was too insane, too spiteful, too much HATE....to me he was the VISIONARY!
Disney destroying the clone trooper fanbase you know the guys who will fucking spend so much money for tiny little half skirts on lego mini figures or army build with $20 action figures a piece will never not amuse me it has to be out of spite.
This picture is so fucking based.
Nihilus talking is hilarious.
I first hated him in 2018-2019 when it was revealed that TCW S7 would only have 12 episodes and 8 were focused on ahsoka
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You are like most of this general now so much guys tried clinging to everything, defending it, and slowly each one has crumbled.
Filoni isn't the one approving budgets and handing out episode counts. That one, like the show's cancellation itself, is entirely on Disney. They were more interested in making their own show, The Bad Batch (appropriate name lmao). TCW S7 was just a backdoor pilot and something to lure people in for Disney+.
he said in an interview that the episodes being made and the amount of episodes was his decision
I really disliked them making Cody leave the empire its what started to turn me off of bad batch
Yeah, retard, he can't just go and outright say, "well, those jews went cheap on us".
I sincerely doubt that it was "his decision", since The Bad Batch S1 concept art is dated 2019, which means they worked on S7 and TBB S1 concurrently, and TBB had 16 episodes. So it was 28 episodes in the pipeline, and of course, the majority of it would be handed to their own, new series, over the one that they cancelled in the first place. Which also puts into perspective that they took two of the most "ready" arcs, Bad Batch and Ahsoka's walkabout, which required minimum effort. Whereas the rest of the arcs did not even have the story reels, with the exception of Crystal Crisis.
people like Starkiller?
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Bad Batch is a dogshit show written by a woman for women.
Yeah, although I can see why people don't.
Personally I think Vader test-running a secret apprentice is better than Anakin having a padawan.
you also forgot dark disciple having story reels
you also forgot that ahsokas walkabout got reworked to include the mexican sisters
His actor just really carries the role

hes also darth maul
Dark Disciple had story reels only for the first four episodes with temp voices. It was an 8 episode story. And the story of Dark Disciple had already been told in its entirety in the novel. So you can't have 8 episodes about fucking Ventress in a 12 episodes season that exists for only two purposes: to act as a backdoor pilot for their new shitty show and to show the fucking series finale that was always about Ahsoka and Rex since 2012 when it was conceptualized with George Lucas. I smell Ventressfag here.
I think you're just being too conspiratorial without having any evidence to back it up

>filoni didnt make that decision, disney did!
cool, evidence?
>words words words
cool, evidence? I need evidence here not babbling
Looking back, the force unleashed's story is hilarious if you see it as an autistic man falling in love with the first woman that gave him the time of day. I think it would have made more sense for him to be paired up with Maris Brood, since they were both apprentices that got thrown into a situation they didn't want.
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Does he deserve forgiveness?
What did we do to trigger Robbie this time?

Wook says Chagrians (Mas Amedda’s people) are, and there’s probably a few other ones. Or they could just be a droid.
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The Mandalorian is my favorite Ghibli film
>autistic man falling in love with the first woman that gave him the time of day
this describes luke, anakin, ezra, cal, and that kid from resistance

notably it does NOT describe cassian or mandalorian, which were the only two Disney shows that were good. curious
I didn't like Starkiller for being a Mary Sue
Ahsoka is more of a Mary Sue than Starkiller ever was and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
>notably it does NOT describe cassian or mandalorian
>or mandalorian
>torpedoes entire character agency to give crown of his people to a terminal failure domestic terrorist
that was NOT the first woman to give him the time of day, that was the lady in the village in season 1 who actively wanted his babies
Mando never showed any signs of wanting to rule Mandalore, and didn't even understand the significance of it when he took the Dark Saber from Gideon.
Starkiller was never a mary sue
Overpowered and overly relevant to the plot, absolutely, but he doesn’t have the failure of character writing to complete the trifecta.
Also correct.
>I don’t want to be king so I’ll give the throne to a complete retard that’s never succeeded at anything and follow their every order
No wonder these cocksuckers almost jobbed the last of their civilization to birds and refusing to leave hell land
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>but he doesn’t have the failure of character writing
lmaoooooooooooooooooo even
It's okay for Vader to lose.
Why doesn't this fucking gay thread ever talk about Star Wars GAMES?
I'm going to play SWU for the first time on Sunday at my FLGS. What do I need to know beforehand.
Because it's all /tv/ refugees baiting each other.
Seriously what a bunch of fags.
Because there isn't a currently supported Star Wars RPG.

Back when FFG was still publishing content for Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, etc., we talked about games all the time.
pass = skip this action, opponent takes an action, comes back to you
take initiative = skip all actions for the rest of the turn, but go first next round
the round ends when both players skip an action back to back
Is Star Wars 5E any good?
I sure don't, never did
What do Australians have to do with this
Did they? I only remember him being a Commander in ESB, don't recall any Ep6 statement.
They do not, you can look at the script and the only generals are Han, Lando, and Madine.
Never played 2, can’t really comment.
Somehow went over every boomoid head in the world
It's better than Saga d20.
Overall, it's fine if you like 5e. If you don't like 5e, you probably won't be won over.

But them, I have the most experience in SW RPG with FFG's game system.
He would if he had done something useful in the finale after losing his hand.
Yeah there's only Star Wars Legion, Star Wars Shatterpoint, X-Wing, Armada, Unlimited, and every other fucking game under the sun to talk aboout. You guys are seriously some retarded fucking faggots. Are you all just like 14 year old zoomers or wtf? I genuinely don't get how this many retards congregate in one general.
It didn't go over anyones head. Nobody cared enough to pay attention to all the stupid details because the movie sucked and wasn't enjoyable. You have to get the audience invested with a good movie with solid characters. It didn't, and it sucked, therefore nobody gives a fuck about whatever senator needs to make whatever emergency vote in the senate.
No one fucking cared because the movies were retarded and insulted the audience's intelligence.
Anyone got any good recommendations for WEG D6 star wars adventures that works as oneshots? I'm planning a 4-5ish hour segment at a FLGS get-together in a few weeks.
Honestly I preferred Saga d20 to 5e Star Wars. Helps that Saga manages to hit most eras, has no Disney, and if you really need something from the RCR d20 you can convert it fairly easily.

WEG is better than either though.
It has to be the same 3 or 4 people, this thread has been the worst in a while. Think these faggots are asleep right now.
The issue is that the Rebel Alliance is just far less cool than either the CIS or the Republic so it's harder to sell stuff involving them that doesn't feature a main character. Legion tried to alleviate the issue by fusing them with the Mandos, but the best parts of their motorpool remain scraps from the other factions.
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I get his point; Wookies are cool, Mandelorians are cool, even Ewoks can be cool if played as man-eating Vietcong dwarf bears. The starfighter pilots are cool. Lord Helmet's cousin once-removed who ties them all together as a group is lame.
I actually love the Rebels and think they have the best-written characters of any faction in SW, but painting everything like safety vests and manning them with dudes who wear uniformly inoffensive security outfits is a weak aesthetic. The corporate security dudes from Andor look cooler than this.
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I don't think the intent was ever to recton away vehicle designs aside from maybe the Sunkiller, just change the context in which they were used.
Even the derpy AT-PT is still canon as the AT-RT's predecessor
It's insane how big a downgrade this design is from the movie version. Totally ruined my hype for them as a release.
This comic is 20 years old, anon
Instant Adventures is a good place to start
They should lean into rebels being hero hammer desu and buff their heroes even more and make them more expensive
Hard reverse, they should make heroes cheap enough that you can run several, instead of each character being 1/3 of your list.
Let's say some Saw Guererra-esque rebel warlord with a grudge finds and reactivated a lucrehulk with its droid crew and fighter bay intact. He then proceeds to strap whatever warheads he can lay his hands on (proton, ion, baradium, concussion etc) to the 1500 vulture fighters onboard and use them as suicide drones against Imperial installations and shipping.
How would the Empire respond?
All my FLGS stoped selling SW Legion during this year, what the fuck happened?
Disney is really bad at handling SW.
Legion is going the same way as XWM, e.g ded gaem no news. It's just happening at a slower pace then XWMs
Robbie's hands posted this
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I liked Rogue One almost exclusively because of the space scenes, I especially liked how they tried to mimic the OT camera shots.

Does B&N even carry X-Wing anymore? I remember five or six years ago it was popular enough to even challenge 40k in some places, then everything evaporated even before TROS came out. Such is life (in the tabletop gaming industry).
Dunno about B&N but Atomic Mass Games dropped XWM support, all minis are now OoP and the last official worlds tournament is coming up in Q1 2025. There is however a fan project called X-Wing Alliance that is trying to keep the game alive with point updates and there are a shitload of good 3d print files.
It was thriving until AMG killed it, there was a good year or two where nothing released at all
>heh, the prequels are retarded movies that insult your intelligence
>which is why I struggled to follow the plot
Kek sure thing boomer
>a lucrehulk pops out of hyperspace
>1500 vulture droids leave and attack our little hyperspace waystation
>send out 30 TIEs to fight them
>tfw the vultures dont even try to dogfight they just fly through and suicide ram out station
They'd send an ISD or two to swat it out of the sky. ISDs are designed to kill other capital ships by virtue of their massive firepower, since successfully targeting other big ships was one of the problems the Republic had during the Clone Wars (based on how Venators died in fucking droves to other capships). Once the lucrehulk control ship itself is gone, the droids won't be able to get their processor signal.
I was wondering if it would have done better if it wasn't a licensed game, then I remembered how often developers screw up their own games. Still I don't think I can recall another case where a company fucked up something so popular and successful.
It was mostly due to Corporate fuckery, AMG was wholly dedicated to Shatterpoint when their parent Corpo decided to take all the Star Wars licenses from FFG and distribute them across their companies. It took some time for AMG to get the ball rolling and we're finally getting releases again. Plus they basically launched Legion 2e as a surprise. The game still has a following, but man did those corpo shenanigans kill all of it's momentum. Doesn't help that the 40k refugees all fled back once 10e came out.
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This is absolutely fucking criminal. When are gamers going to stop being paypiggy morons and stop supporting companies that do this? Star Wars has literally been around for just shy of 50 years, and they can't keep a fucking game going for more than a few years when people drop hundreds of dollars to invest in it and have competitive tournament scenes and endless social media support. I really think companies like this need to go bankrupt and get serious backlash for this crap. They are no better than the most unethical video game devs turning their games into casinos and dropping support for the most hyped-up overpriced games in history after a year or two.
Toxic business practices need to be checked by consumers, but absolute manchildren idiots just keep on buying shit so they just keep doing it.

It's fucking infuriating and shows how just being a dumb consumer with no discretion ruins things for everyone.
They just got a huge rules update with big changes and the scene seems to be thriving still.
>Doesn't help that the 40k refugees all fled back once 10e came out
Which is funny because 10E is a dogshit game of nothing but spamming meme lists and doing stupid shit like dropping a single unit in the enemy backline to farm secondary points while you throw everything at orange circles in the middle of the map to win. It's fucking awful and worse than many board games, and not a "wargame" in any sense of the word.
X-Wing was killed because gamers stopped paypigging into it just to paypig into it after Asmodee stripped it from FFG and dumped it on AMG, who didn't have the manpower or interest to keep it, Armada, Imperial Assault, and Legion running along with its own Star Wars Marvel: Crisis Protocol clone it was working on.
So while it's fine to shit on AMG, it's Asmodee who really deserves a lot of the hate. Those cunts are the EA of the tabletop.
At least there's a cool Chain of Command rip for Legion-scale models, so it's not like people have just taken it sitting down
Agreed, 10e is the most boring fucking version of 40k yet, but it's easier to understand than 9e so normies slopped it up
>Le legion is... le dead!
>announced new kits until the first half of 2026
>all the soft plastic stuff is getting remade into hard plastic
>new edition
>the other half of the cards getting a remake in 2025
>new missions incoming
>new faction specific army organisation options and advantages incoming
Man I should stop visiting this general. You guys suck. Legion is fine. You're a retard if you think that AMG can match the amount of releases GW has.
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severe burn out, basically.

Filoni makes pulp, he's the pulp short stories guy. Literally everything he ever did up to Book of Booba Feet and Bad Batch are pulp short stories. He can have original ideas but he was never, ever, meant for longform storytelling. He did anything longer than animated 3-parters
Problem is, he (and KK) never found a successor, and since the main franchise movies were sucking, he got shoved up into TV where he initially was well received since mando S1 is really just more pulp, but since every other show was either massively expensive or a hollywood circlejerk (kenobi), Filoni, the pulp guy least suited for a leadership role in the era of longform TV shows, somehow ended up becoming the flagship writer for DisneyWars.
This quickly led to burn out as Filoni already spent 20 years at Star Wars doing the same thing and is too damn old to do something different now. Even WORSE, since he's the animation-to-tv guy he knows he's out of place, but the one attempt at doing something different (ashoka) ended up having one of the two main actors intended for the New Thing dying irl.

I think he understands he's way out of depth and is preparing to retire now. The thrawn movie is likely gonna be his last
I agree with everything you said and I enjoy it nonetheless.

i find this mentality that absolutely everything someone produces must be emmy award, aisner nominated, GOATY to be just retarded.
I watched Ashoka and got exactly what I expected because I don't think SW is the fucking Foundation or Lord of the Rings. Same way I enjoyed the KOTOR comic when it was out even with the absolutely retarded ultra edgelord dark jedi antag. Same way I enjoyed Force Unleashed being a complete shitpost of a game with great visuals and I clearly remember the haters back then.

Way people itt behave, if the EU classics were being published today they'd take a single at the amount of shit being pushed side to side with the good stuff and declare the entire franchise shit.
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>preparing to retire
Thank you Jesus, I hope this is true.
Coming to Star Wars on a film nobody wanted and leaving on a film nobody wants will be the sweetest type of vindication for a hater like me.
17 years of garbage will be his legacy and I will finally be able to rest.
Do you expect different in the game of digital games?

People buy non-rpg tts for collecting purposes. Companies know this and only plan for short term.

Something like 80% of the peaks of star wars in the last 15 years are all Filoni senpai. I don't know your reasons to hate him but you are operating entirely on wishful thinking here.
>Coming to Star Wars on a film nobody wanted
kid me was hype af at the idea of more battlegrounds-related content. yeah the movie sucked but LA was breaking new ground here, the first tries were known to suck.
And those "peaks" were on anthills and shitheaps compared to the mountains before them.
They mean nothing.
>breaking new ground
>by replacing all the old clone wars content
You deserved Disney.
>compared to the mountains before them.
I have the feeling the only EU you ever consumed was old republic related.
I was actually referring to the films, but if you want to throw KotOR in there that's cool, too.
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I didn't mention the EU at all, you did.
Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension.
>mountains to molehills analogy
>immediately thinks of the expanded universe
Nice to see someone else admit the EU was better than anything Filoni did.
Because I thought you were educated enough to to know that for nearly half TCW Filoni wasn't more than the idea guy for George Lucas.

If you are parting from the movies as a standard of quality, then I'm afraid to tell you it's literally more of the same. Really weird how hard people dismiss' Lucas' role in TCW.

Where's that Lucas interview dissing people complaining about kid shit on his movies.

Only a chunk of it, I refuse to believe anyone thinks the vong or skywalker family autismus is a peak at all
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Really weird how you think I'm only talking about TCW, here.
Take a step back from your hill a minute.

I say
>Something like 80% of the peaks of star wars in the last 15 years are all Filoni senpai.
you reply:
>17 years of garbage will be his legacy and I will finally be able to rest.
>i'm not talking about TCW
The fuck? TCW by sheer volume is STILL more than half, if not 3/4ths, of EVERYTHING filoni ever wrote. A chunk of the remainder is rebels and the rest is everything else

Either you are nta and engaging in mild tomfoolery or you are just contradicting yourself

And if it's the latter, only conclusion possible is that something recent triggered you so badly you retroactively declared filoni to suck. At least have the decency of telling us what.
You quote my first and most straightforward point
>17 years of garbage
and still think I'm talking about just TCW.
Take a break from the computer, anon, your brain is overheating. I can tell from all the typos and reddit spacing.
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Did you lose your way to /tv/ again?
Let me help: >>>/tv/
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Holy fuck I REALLY got him mad.
filonifags are known to throw tantrums
To bring this back to /tg/
Can you use other 5E campaigns and modules with SW 5E or do they have to be converted with new rules?
Starkiller was overpowered by the standards of the normal continuity, but TFU is clearly set in an alternate reality where almost everything is simply more badass than normal.
>I refuse to believe anyone thinks the vong or skywalker family autismus is a peak at all
Funny, Lucas and Filoni thought the Vong were good enough to belong in The Clone Wars before it got cancelled.
Stay mad Robbie
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>17 years of garbage
>and still think I'm talking about just TCW.
>i'm not moving the goalposts you ar- i mean j-just gb2 leddit
Glad to see you haven't cooled off.
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no idea who you talking about and I agree he's likely a schizo, but so are you
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I'm not Robbie, my name is Tyler.
someone's begging to get IP wiped
I think it's been said here or last thread. Conceptually the Vong are GOOD. In practice they were a disaster
It wouldn't let me mass quote Robbie so I had to reply to him post by post
this, it's gonna be great
but you quoted to the entire reply chain...
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What I actually want is starfighters and waifus.
Anyone have that image of the Jedi and imperial officer having a sword fight in front of a staned glass window?
If Filoni retires he will be forever remembered for making TCW and the good parts of Mandalorian, since the bad parts are easily and verifiably be attributed to corporate meddling. He will have a golden reputation and memory, meanwhile EUtists will continue to make a mockery of themselves everywhere they go.
anons are being dramatic, legion is still alive and has more players than any of their other games, the GT here recently was packed.
It'll be the third best day in modern Star Wars' history when Filoni finally gives up and goes home.
Second is Kathleen getting fired and blacklisted.
First is Star Wars being sold off again to someone that cares.
I think there are good and bad parts of all the eras. You can send my medal to to the usual address.
He will also be remembered as the primary force for bringing the good parts of the EU back to disney canon.
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I don't think he's a Jedi, but a Tapani rake.
I don't usually describe things this way, but that rake looks so gay.
>the good parts of the EU back to disney canon
Disney brought back Kyle Katarn, Revan, Zonama Sekot, and Mara Jade?
yes but rise of palpatine did that
he's like 3 different characters now
>mara jade
>but rise of palpatine did that
>he's like 3 different characters now
And? I want him back.
>mara jade
She made Luke a better person than he is in Disney's Canon
>mara jade
Yes, Luke getting some help forgetting that he kissed his sister is good.
The longer you stick around, the more of an opportunity people get to notice your problems, and the harder it becomes to just write those problems off as flukes or teething troubles
Sweet, thanks Anon!
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Space Yamato Nadeshiko returns!
I know this is stupid, but i'm starting up a star wars d6 campaign and I'm having some trouble understanding the space combat. Could any of you give me an example of what a group of ties should look like. In terms of rolls, maybe a decent turn count?
You aren't stupid, I on the other hand can't get around the space to ground mechanics in the Empire at War campaign
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Father vs Son
(The Son stomped)
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>Luke that is not what I meant when I told you to smash that ginger
Convince me rebels are a threat without plot armor
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How is shatterpoint?
Even if they lost all the big battles they still are a galaxy wide insurgency slowly bleeding the empire all over. The empire was struggling so much they committed to blowing up entire planets just to get people to stop fucking with them. The losing condition for the rebellion is the empire committing suicide
Read about any large scale insurgency, and remember that the Empire didn't have a solid grip on the entire galaxy.
The other responses are good for the grand strategy threat they pose. At a tactical level, the X-Wing is a step-change that the Empire had no answer for. It's an excellent multirole platform, capable of handling enemy starfighters while also packing enough punch with the proton torpedoes to smoke smaller starships and planetary installations. To make matters worse, though, they're hyperdrive capability gives them exceptional range, allowing strike packages so small they're almost impossible for the Empire to stop to appear basically anywhere in their back line, "safe" areas and wreak havoc. It's the starfighter equivalent of a third-generation fighter in a galaxy that's only flirting with second-generation fighters at the time of its introduction.
how do you make female rebels a menace?
Kyle should had been Andor's friend or something that took up his codename after he got yeeted on Scarif.
That is wrong. TIE fighters are already nearlt as good at dogfighting and TIE interceptors flat out shit all over X-Wings
What are the good parts of the sequel era?
It ended. Not that anon, but I'm finding it difficult to see anything that good about the ST era, if I'm being honest.

Speculation wise, it leaves the First Order remnants (if they weren't all killed over Exogol) as a powerful Remnant, with ground troops, vehicles and maybe some sort of Command structure still leading. The New Republic became a corrupt and inept dump in 30 years and it didn't accomplish squat, except making itself weaker military wise. And then it died with a whimper and then Leia died too. Who is there to lead it now?

The only factions that are powerful are probably the massive crime syndicates and criminal families such as the Hutts.
>Purpose built machines are as good or better than a multirole
I'm not surprised, but I do find the X-Wing the perfect fit for the Rebels for the most part. If you have a small pilot corps then you need them to survive, and be able to fulfill several mission types. The only real strike against X-Wings for the rebels is its maintenance intensive for being the primary fighter.
Anon, female revolutionaries need no help being a menace to anyone
The Empire blew up an entire Core World planet. Even if the Death Star hadn't been blown up afterwards, it still would have been later because of that single fuck up.
Palps could have had his Empire and done whatever he wanted and he fucked it all to pieces by building that thing and letting someone with no restraint run it.
>its maintenance intensive
It isn't at least parts-wise, a plethora of shit for it is widely available and it's also almost idiot proof, Luke has never flown one before and he still handled it fine simply because the control setup is the same as his old T-16 skyhopper. Plus X-wings get astromech droids to do maintenance on them.

A-wings and B-wings are the maintenance heavy ones.
LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT A-WINGS. The A-wing is so bad its propensity for being the fastest coffin money can buy survived a canon revamp through sheer will.

The A-wing, or "How to look cool and die fast" is what happens when a Kuat engineer sneaks into the back of Sienar systems to see the assembly of the first TIE Interceptor and thinks “a cheap fast and basic starfighter with the survivability of wet paper, great! Let's make it faster, let's make it not cheap, let's make it even faster, AND let's make it without the numbers that TIEs are built around" and his Rebel friend, hearing all this, decides "Yeah we ain’t got Empire pilot numbers but I sure do like going fucking FAST!”

Fast but not easy, you're basically flying two engines strapped to your dick when it just saw two twi’leks kissing. In a navy that is FULL of "I'm the best pilot ever but fuck discipline" jocks there's only one way to compensate for the missing inches of limp-dicked decent piloting and "well I can fly an A-wing and not die" is there for people who have a hopelessly high rate of optimism and a will already written.

The most famous victory of an A-wing pilot is driving himself into the bridge of a Star Destroyer. This is actually remarkable as it came at the end of the war between the Empire and the Rebel alliance, since it is frankly fucking AMAZING A-wing pilots survived this long. In the new canon they are given a fresh introduction, and promptly do nothing but fucking explode.

A-wings are the thinking man's suicide note. In a desperate struggle to be the slickest spacer this side of Duros young hotshots sign up for a one-way ticket into either ploughing into the fucking ground, being the first into the fray and into the fire in the wet tissue paper tiger, and just generally being the coolest guy in the dogfight because they're already exposed to the vacuum of space.
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Well yeah but MAN those Twi'leks were hot.
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A-wings are pretty specialized and new, and the B-wings are still very new, and stuffed full of cool new gadgets.
The most important B-wing feature is that you can fly with your waifu.
This is the same mistake Spreyfags made back in the '70s. The MiG-17 also shit on the F-4 in a dogfight, but it was shorter-range, lighter payload, and an over all less-capable design.

Similarly, the TIE/ln has no life support, no shields, no hyperdrive, nothing but a few sublight thrusters and a couple of blaster cannons. In a straight dogfight it can handle itself, but that's all it's good for, and it's gonna need some fat-ass mothership to get it anywhere for it to be of use to you. There is more to battlefield victory than "my plane beats yours in a dogfight."
Imagine an improved A-wing
With an even bigger reactor and more thrust.
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That's just a Delta-7 with the cockpit in the front.
B-wings always looked stupid to me.
How do you know it wasn't male Twi'leks in the pasta anon?
'Cause actualfags are a minority; so are fujos in paramilitary groups. Seemed a likely thing to assume.
I think my favorite thing about Andor is the depiction of Syril. He's just an honest mall cop going after a murderer. Dedra's after Axis and the Rebels in general, while this guy is simply trying to arrest a cop killer who killed his coworkers. And his dynamic with his lieutenant is great.
It's the best "why would a normal person support the Empire" story Disney has done by a huge margin.
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Play some X-wing
The fanmade points are fun.
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The fighter mafia analogy doesn't work in Star Wars because BVR fighter engagements aren't a thing. Fighter on fighter engagement in Star Wars is very much about dogfighting. X-Wing's still a revolutionary fighter within the SW setting giving the Empire a problem it wasn't prepared for. The Empire's problem isn't that it has TIE fighters though, it's that it doesn't know where the Rebels are the vast majority of the time, giving the Rebels the opportunity to pick their fights and really do a lot with a small number of versatile fighters. TIE+SD doctrine doesn't preclude the Empire from effective alpha strikes, it just means they rely on hyperdriving SDs into turbolaser range of Rebel capital ships. If they have the pilots prepared before the exit hyperspace, they can basically start vomitting out TIEs the second they exit hyperspace which should have them in the air by the time Rebel fighters can respond. The reason this doesn't happen very often is because the Empire plainly doesn't know where the Rebels are. What TIE+SD can't do is the run part of hit and run because they need to collect their fighters before fucking off, or leave them behind. The TIE doesn't have all those bells and whistles because that's not required for its mission profile, a key part of which is being cheap. It exists to support Imperial capital ships and guard facilities. The Empire supposedly has 25k SDs and if each of those needs 72 TIEs, that's 1.8 million TIEs. This doesn't include all the TIEs needed for smaller or larger ships and every facility and station that needs guarding, as well as all the ones they'll need to have in reserve to replace losses. Imagine if they had something like the X-Wing to fill the same role, then they'd have to increase the total cost by almost two and a half times.

I realize I'm ranting, but I have seen too many shit on TIEs and even though you really didn't do that, the Sprey comparison got me going.
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I think you're overstating the dominance of TIE Interceptors. I figure they match up to X-Wings the same way X-Wings match up to TIE/LNs. No fighter seems to totally dominate any other and we see at least a TIE Interceptor or two get shot down by Y-Wings over Endor.
The TIE Interceptor (and Fighter as well) is designed as a short-range interceptor for protecting capital ships from enemy fighters, so it doesn't really need a hyperdrive. It really shouldn't be operating far from a capital ship since its entire purpose is to intercept fighters that try to torpedo said capital ship.
And the shields on the A-wing are largely superfluous, to the point of A-wing pilots being known to remove them in favor of more speed. Shields or no shields, an A-wing isn't going to be good at taking hits, so its best defense is to not be hit in the first place.
The Interceptor is probably the better for actually intercepting enemy fighters, since it's only slightly slower while carrying enough guns to actually kill the fighters it'll catch, while the A-wing's rather lacking in firepower.
The Imp ISD + TIE swarm approach is optimized against an orbital base or planet. It even makes sense if you think about it in teh context of the the Imp navy did for twenty years: Smash seperatists and smash pirate hideouts.
And patrols/customs/inspections/etc, which is where all teh frigates and cruisers come in.

>I realize I'm ranting,
It's cool, as long as you're ranting about spaceships and starfighters.
Yeah, whether it was planned by Lucas and friends or not, it retroactively seems like the Imperial navy in the OT was designed to fight the Battle of Coruscant.
This. And I agree, his dynamic with his lieutenant is easily my favorite buddy relationship in the franchise. I hope they don't fuck that up in any second season.
God I love fighters so much. I forgave Rebels all of its flaws and gladly because it had more of them.

I used to not understand why the Rebels were the ones with the expensive cadillac of space and the Empire had cheap shitpiles, until I realized this.
The X-Wing is not really a fighter, it's a pocket capital ship.
It can jump in, hit a target and be out before the Empire knows they're there, and conversely it can move to reinforce a target as long as it has enough warning.
How it does in pitched battles is not as important because we see that happen once or twice a year at most although clearly it's capable of it, even more so in the EU with "this is the 12th Star Destroyer Rogue Squadron has taken down this week lmao"
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gungan > EwaIk and I will NOT apologize.
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Such a bold stance to take when the thread is on autosage and down at page 9!
I think Star Wars is mental illness.
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As a Star Wars fan, I am fine with this.
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I want to like them. I really do. But the weirdness of the design turns me off. They're supposed to be extremely difficult to fly, and whoever added that bit of lore was right to do so.

Now, the K-Wing, that's a design which makes the 40k Ork in the back of my head very hard. Pretty sure it didn't get made until the New Republic, though.
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