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It's time for Star Wars to end but keep the games edition

A thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.

Previous Thread: >>94370185

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

Star Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)

Other FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)

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Thread Question: What star wars game are you enjoying most at the moment?
Anyway, I'm enjoying the fuck out of Shatterpoint at the moment. Wish I had more matchup variety though.
I've been buying up a lot of cheap XWM stock in preparation for the X-Wing Alliance fan-project release. Even if that should bomb i will have enough Imperials, Rebels and Scum to set up games on my own at the FLGS.
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>*shits up Star Wars in your path*
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>Dave Seloni
>shitting up star wars
Dude, if if it wasn't for Dave Seloni Star Wars would still be Sequals-levels of dead. At least now we got cool Rebellion and Endor interbellum-era worldbuilding to use in our own games.
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He was the real phantom menace all along.
>Legion goes to shit copying Clone Wars art style
>SWU goes to shit copying Clone Wars art style and focusing on Clone Wars content
I'm legitimately surprised that we've never seen a shistavanen in a cowboy hat given Filoni's track record.
Been keeping an EotE campaign goin for 3 years now so that's my favorite. But I'm still a big fan of Legion and Armada.
This is legitimately worse than the sequel trilogy.
>a game not having new shit shoveled at its players every month means its dead
GW and video games have destroyed everyone's minds. But really I think the issue is the same with all IP-licensed games. They go through all of the official material from the movies, then get stuck because they either don't have the permission to create new things, or try and suck at it and nobody buys it.

All licensed games seem to have this lifespan, but Star Wars has so much going on even in just the original trilogy that they shouldn't run out of material for years.
>At least now we got cool Rebellion and Endor interbellum-era worldbuilding to use in our own games.
From what? Sorry I think you're implying that I've watched any of their new trash lmao I gave up completely after one season of Mandolorian and a few episodes of Boba Fett.
>Legion goes to shit copying Clone Wars art style
Impressive, what are your players playing as?
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Clone Wars seems more popular with the zoomies than the OT. I play Battelfront still and Clone Wars era stuff is the most heavily played. Thank the Spongebob zoomers and late millennials that grew up with it, anon.
>SWU goes to shit copying Clone Wars art style and focusing on Clone Wars content
It's a clone wars set, what do you expect? The two sets before this were not about the clone wars
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Have a weebum
I'm exaggerating a bit, but Legion has started going with cartoon over movie designs since AMG took over, most noticeable in the crab droids coming out.
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fuckin awesome thanks anon yours is bigger lol
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From left to right
>Schizo Battle droid Heavy Gunner + Pilot, is the Captain of the crew after the original captain died
>Clan lord Human Mandalorian Heavy Gunner + Melee guy, is the third character of this player
>Man out of time Clone trooper Heavy Gunner + Team combat buffer
>Runaway addict Twi'lek mechanic + swordswoman, is the second character of this player
>Newly sentient Droid slicer and demolitions specialist
>Ex-corrupt senate employee Balosar Politico, the group's face both externally and internally to their rebel cell
Clone Wars is just cooler for war scenarios
>Two faction relatively even in strength
>Both have kino aesthetics and a wide variety of cool units to pick from
>Huge variety of sub-factions within those factions. Different clone legions and republic loyalist planets vs unending corpo branded droid legions and separatist loyalist planets
Zoomers such as I also love the OT, but it's more fun for low-key games about being a criminal or a rebel or an imperial just patrolling something. Clone Wars is THE era for wars

OT would be more popular if the rebels weren't so bland and boring
You absolutely overestimate his inflluence commpared to KK, and the damage done by JJ's and RJ's movies far outweighs anything ever dreamed up by Mr Wolf Cowboy Hat.
>original rebel alliance is more boring than a bunch of literal clones
KEK, this is your brain on zoom
you're just a retard that grew up watching the Clone Wars cartoons, which made it cool.
your clones v. robots is soulless and awful and the OT wars are so much cooler its unreal, we just didn't get to see much of them. The Hoth ground battle was the only proper battle we even got in the OT. If they made an entire series about the OT wars, it would be miles better than your soulless prequel trash.
It's too easy to hate KK.
Real ones understand that Filoni is just as bad.
one more people in this convo are talking about the Clone Wars (the era) and not The Clone Wars (the show)
Clones are kino
Droids are kino
They are a little "too sci-fi" for most OT boomers to understand, who just wanted to jump up and down watching vietnam in space over and over again.
Again I love the OT, but it's hardly a war, most of the battles are a handful of rebels getting raped by a vastly superior force of Imperials. It's an insurgency without any of the kino themes or aesthetics of IRL insurgencies. OT does deserve a proper clone-wars esque anthology series
Every zoomer thinks the Empire is awesome, but I've never seen someone who likes the rebels. Legion got it right, the only people who give a fuck about the rebels do so because they're the mooks that follow Luke and Solo around
I'm not a zoomer, but I think the prequel era does lend itself better to wargames, with the exception of space dogfighting like XWMG. The prequels had two sides with roughly equivalent armies fighting a full-scale war against each other, while the OT had the rebels fighting a guerrilla war against the Empire. The latter is good for roleplaying games and for games like Imperial Assault, where you can play a small team of rebel specialists doing stuff like infiltrating and sabotaging Imperial bases or assassinating the enemy commander, but for a typical wargame where you're expected to have two roughly balanced armies facing each other, it doesn't quite work when one side has tanks and walkers and endless legions of stormtroopers and the other a bunch of guys in stupid-looking helmets and some special characters, with at most some speeders that are the SW equivalent to a Toyota Hilux with a machine gun bolted on.
Yeah this is a good breakdown
PT is good for wargames
OT is good for ttrpgs
ST is good for nothing
>muh KINO
no, they aren't zoomer lol back to /v/ with you. Shit was terrible across the board until Tartakovsky's Clone Wars series and the later CG cartoon made it cool.
You do have a point about the insurgency nature of the Rebel Alliance, though, like this anon expanded >>94432407
though there were massive pitched battles, just in space. They tried to expand the rebellion in EU and RPG stuff, but most of the time it was terrible.
>Shit was terrible across the board until Tartakovsky's Clone Wars series
So...during the original release of the PT? Kek boomoids are so retarded
The CG Clone Wars didn't make it cool, it was mostly residual from all the clone wars stuff that came out during the PT.
The CG clone wars was just there to show that clone troopers were still individuals with their own personalities and such. But ultimately is the aesthetics of the PT wars that make them much more popular than the OT "wars"
>still individuals
You mean *that* they were individuals (which sucked). They weren't before unless they were higher ranking, ARCs or Commandos.
>though there were massive pitched battles, just in space.
That's why I specifically made an exception for space dogfighting. That's something OT does lead itself to well since there's a lot of iconic moments in the films and books featuring space combat and both rebels and the Empire have some really iconic starfighters. Meanwhile if you look at the rebel armies in any of the ground combat wargames, it's clear even the designers have a hard time coming up with anything for them beyond Luke and Friends. You got the guys from the Tantive IV boarding scene, a bunch of units that only fit some very specific scenario like snowspeeders and ewoks, and a bunch of ugly space-technicals like the Jihad Bus.
You could play space fighter combat in prequel era as well, but there really isn't anything nearly as iconic as X-Wing vs TIE Fighter. The GAR has the Y-Wing (which the rebels also have), the ARC-170 (whose design is basically "we have X-Wing at home"), and some "literally who?"-tier fighters, while CIS has Vulture droids (which I do actually like the design of, but that alone wouldn't be able to carry the game), Hyena droids (which is literally just Vulture droid, bomber-edition), and Tri-Fighters and that's literally it.
>Ex-corrupt senate employee Balosar Politico, the group's face both externally and internally to their rebel cell
Kino, is the twilek girl actually played by a girl
>Kino, is the twilek girl actually played by a girl
No but he does a good job of not being weird about it. Funnily enough the Battle Droid PC's GF also played a twi'lek in the original party of 4. She left after giving ttrpgs a try and didn't care much for them.
>Legion got it right, the only people who give a fuck about the rebels do so because they're the mooks that follow Luke and Solo around
Well, as someone who played Rebels in legion I did because it had Luke Skywalker as a playable piece. Boy they fucking sucked to play though.

But really, as a faction I like them better than droids at least since the droid designs don't really work for me a lot of the time, whereas with rebels you get a whole bunch of cool weird aliens with squid heads and shit
>(which sucked)
>They weren't before unless they were higher ranking, ARCs or Commandos.
EU fan-fiction sloppers not being retarded contrarians challenge (impossible).
Filonifags not being tasteless glazers challenge (hilarious).
You like tranny clones with clown haircuts.
Clones having personalities came from Lucas, not Filoni. And there was no tranny clones in Lucas' Star Wars. And being a tranny is not a personality, but a mental illness. You have one. Try again.
Meanwhile OT fags are hyping up the faction led by karens
Don't care, you like tranny clones with clown haircuts.
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>the prequel trilogy was actually good!
Fuck off retards it was fucking HORRIBLE and spelled the beginning of the end for Star Wars. Just because Disney Wars™ is so awful as to be beyond comprehension doesn't make formerly terrible movies suddenly good.

>muh aesthetics
You mean the aesthetics of Dollar Tree stormtroopers that all have the same face fighting cartoon robots in Napoleonic-Wars-tier line battles with the goofiest and most ridiculous combat vehicles to ever grace the big screen? It's like they saw how tactically ridiculous the AT-AT was and said "hold my beer." I mean wtf even is pic related? It's turbo retarded.
That shit is 100% nostalgia because of your lost childhoods, sorry to break it to you.
Good post. You are right. The New Republic stuff could've been so cool, which is what the sequel trilogy really should've been. Again, that speaks to the absolute staggering fuck-up it actually was. They had an entire universe to play with and create, and what do they do? Reboot the OT but make it far worse. What a fucking joke. Disney could've been printing money for the next hundred years.
kek, have to give you that one
in that regard, Holdo was par-for-the-course right along with Leia and Mon Mothma. It's funny that the feminist leaders of the Rebellion are rescued and hard-carried by Luke, Han, Wedge, and all the other men.
>Don't care
Concession accepted.
>you like tranny clones with clown haircuts.
Source? Never read that shitty book where it came from. Might be up your alley, Karen.
>Napoleonic-Wars-tier line battles with the goofiest and most ridiculous combat vehicles to ever grace the big screen?
But enough about the Battle of Hoth
And by anon's admission so does Lucas. LeL eUfAgs PwNd!!!!!!!!
Meanwhile every other faction is led by cool jedi and wizards with cool all-male armies. Rebels are the gay faction, every zoomer knows this
Wait, I just realized, why wasn't Luke a general for the rebellion?
He was, they call him General Skywalker in Rotj
Already covered pleb. The AT-AT and AT-ST are stupid and impractical, but at least they had thicc armor and were designed for the purpose of terrifying defending troops. What was the point of ANYTHING in the prequel trilogy? None of it makes any fucking sense and is just there because it can sell toys and might look cool if you don't think about it for two seconds.

In the goofy world of Star Wars were they don't really appear to have any guided over-the-horizon weapons, I guess thanks to shields, the AT-AT might actually work for its one single role of direct frontal assaults on fortified positions, but even then it was shown to be stupidly weak to simple air attack, akin to the big battleships during WW2, but the Empire would have so many troops and resources as to not give a shit and be able to afford making things just to be scary to throw at enemy forces.
Like imagine if instead of building two stupid Death Stars, they took all of those resources and just made endless Star Destroyer fleets and ground forces? The Rebellion would've had to fight them literally forever, if it wasn't crushed outright.
That checks out. It's been a minute since I've rewatched RotJ.
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This thread is going so slow no one will notice that Rebels are gay.
>they had thicc armor and were designed for the purpose of terrifying defending troops
Killed by logs and tow-cables
>What was the point of ANYTHING in the prequel trilogy?
To look badass and provide unit variety in awesome wargames, unlike the little tranny skirmishes of the OT
>muh toys
/tg/ buddy, flee to /tv/ if such concept trigger you, also
>star wars
>mad about toys
And finally
>Like imagine if instead of building two stupid Death Stars, they took all of those resources and just made endless Star Destroyer fleets and ground forces?
Then the era would be even more boring, what is it with OT boomers and trying to make their favorite era even more watered down and boring
>What if instead of stormtroopers they kept the epic imperial army!
>What if the rebels didnt have a fleet and stuck to more epic guerilla attacks!
>Visions 3 is back to being all Japanese Studios
Thank goodness
prequel babbies are so adorable trying to stick up for their retarded movies
>completely defeated, low energy response
It's over, you're done
Oh look it's the same argument again
>star wars
>mad about toys
Seriously, why is this so common nowadays?
We have a plague of /tv/ refugees that try to fit in but let it slip pretty consistently
I'm from /tv/ though and I understand that Star Wars is supposed to be toyetic.
OT boomers can't seem to accept they have 0 cool ground battles. They have plenty of cool space battles and its why Armada was OT focused, but PT is where ground battles shined
Are there any species in star wars, eu or otherwise, that have some resistance to radiation? My players are attacking an irradiated imperial world and I wanna throw in a rebel NPC or two that don't need the environmental suits
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HAHAHAHA are you serious? YOUR response wasn't any sort of comeback. I already acknowledged the weaknesses of the walkers, but at least they make some sense for their intended roles of urban pacification and psychological terror. You had no response to what point any of the stupid prequel vehicles served.

Then you got triggered about toys, which I only mentioned once. You know you can make cool toys of realistic things in movies too? Making something cool doesn't mean that thing also has to be retarded.

>Boring boring boring
>Even MORE boring
It's not boring to begin with you ADHD retard. Your prequel movies were so exciting with their endless political debating in galactic senate sessions, trade disputes, and soulless Jedi incels crying about their mom HAHAHAHHAHAHA
The only other answer I have is autists who think star wars is supposed to purely realistic business. It's the same types that love the EU missile dildo ships.
The Battle of Hoth was the coolest sci-fi ground battle ever made up to that point. Keep coping about your terrible CG cartoons kiddo. Then you had an army of sasquatch jumping onto giant bug robots and all kinds of other stupid shit I don't even remember because it was made for ADHD zoomoids like yourself.
>STILL malding over nobody caring about his headcanon of trying to make star wars realistic
kek, yeah they definitely use those walkers for urban pacification when we see that 0 (zero) times. Every single OT ground "battle" is
>A few dozen rebel infantry get obliterated by ATATs
It's boring, nobody cares about the OT in a wargame setting. That's what we're talking about, I know your boomoid lead poisoning is making that difficult for you to remember
>Armada was OT focused
>uh besides the tons of PT ships and PT starter box
>uh besides that massive space battle at the opening of Episode 3 that was one of the coolest in any of the movies
>Legion is focused on PT because of muh ground battles
That's a big 0 for 4; can you say anything that's actually true?
Wrong, PT was made for and by Lucas. ST was the trilogy made to pander to ST boomers and we saw how that went
Armada launched with OT and released multiple campaigns for the OT, the OT has doubled the amount of kits as the PT. But you prove a good point, the PT manages to have actual cool Space AND Ground battles, whereas the OT can only really claim to have cool space battles.
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>we see the vehicles used in the context of the story
yeah sorry kid it's not a documentary
again, continue talking about trade disputes, senate hearings, committees, votes of no confidence, slavery, and the force being an STD. You're really winning the argument
>it's over Anakin!
Yeah and in the context of the story PT vehicles and OT vehicles are used the same exact way, as armored vehicles supporting infantry. And the stuff outside of the battles in the PT could be boring, meanwhile the OT battles themselves are so boring they put people under the age of 60 to sleep
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Only because you pretend that the Battle of Hoth is somehow not cool anymore compared to your CG cartoon WWI-tier retardation with clones vs. robots. That is hilariously fucking false and Hoth established a massive chunk of Star Wars lore and will be legendary in global culture forever while no one will remember your gay CG clone shit. Cope.
Hoth is the best ground battle of the main films quite easily
Hoth was super fucking boring man
>4 ATATs walk forward and kill everything
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>to pander to ST boomers
nobody asked for that trash and nobody liked it except for the tiny minority of onions bugmales
blacks and women didn't even like it and they were the ones actually being pandered to hard. white males were le not welcome chuds mmkay sweaty
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I think AT-ATs are cooler in the mud.
>nobody asked for that trash
Except for the hordes of OT boomers that whined non stop about the prequels being too different for decades
Attack of le Clones battle so neat a bunch of cartoon clones run into a bunch of cartoon rabbit robots and everything blows up, if you can even tell what the fuck is going on the screen is so full of CGI diarrhea
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>if you can even tell what the fuck is going on the screen is so full of CGI diarrhea
Do boomer brains just explode when more than one things moves concurrently on screen? Is that was Hoth was so exciting for them?
By too different, they meant terribly bad and lacking soul because Lucas had no creative restrictions and no team of people to count on and just did whatever he wanted. The story of the prequels is fine and could've been awesome. Anakin should've been fucking Captain America, not some whiny bitch. The prequels just needed a little more soul and a little less childish CG shit, and they would've been great. Again, that was the first round of cosmic missed potential.
Aren't those just The Vex from Destiny
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>prequels literally have their own AT-AT
>comic book shit brings back OT AT-AT for memberberries
And then we got the focused, character drama with no world building or actual cool battles in the ST that the gay boomers wanted
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why do they have hourglass figures with hips?
anime has made everything gay
>focused character drama
>all of the characters are one-dimensional and horrible
>all of the OT characters show up as old farts to get killed and embarrassed
fuck you idiot you've gone full delusional
Holy shit this thread has turned to shit.
>NOOOOO you can't use prototype versions of vehicles before the OT AT ALL!!!!
AT-TE's are in the same pic, by the by.
If you look at the ST as anything else but an attempt to appeal to OT boomers you are delusional. It's literally just the OT again shot for shot. You need Lucas kino to make it work though, like how it worked in the PT no matter how much the lead-brained gay boomers thrash and cry about it
No it's called having taste and mental health, which is why everything we made was actually good and why everything you make is spastic hollow dog shit.
It was appealing to the lowest common denominator modern movie consoomer. You appeal to boomers by making something that reminds them of their nostalgia while building something new, not by getting their nostalgia out and shitting on it in front of them in the worst hack remakes of all time.
>Hoth is the best most exciting battle ever
Sure thing
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>looks quite literally exactly like the vehicle from 20+ years later in the timeline
It's shit. AT-TE is the prototype and a predecessor. Just like Venator is the prototype and a predecessor of the Star Destroyer. And V-Wings were the prototypes and predecessors of TIEs. But lemme guess. EU shit also had literal Star Destroyers from the OT, too. I remember seeing one in some shitty Empire at War mod.
>The PT worked
Lmfao people hated those movies because they sucked and always will suck. You are full revisionist just flat out lying--the literal definition of cope. You have ironically become a rose-tinted glasses boomer in your argument.
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>Lmfao people hated those movies
Yes I know gay boomers hated them for being different and actually having a cool war and battles in Star Wars. If we go way back to the beginning you will see this stems from the simple point that the PT is the most popular era for wargames and war focused vidya for that main reason: The OT battles are lame as fuck and held down by how bland and boring the rebels are.
it's ok i understand, i knew you were always on the spectrum
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What practical benefit would I get from believing your lie?
are you autistic? idk man that comment accompanied with that image just gave me the aura of one and i'm a good judge.
>prototype is a much clunkier-looking version of the regular one people know and love, allowing the OG to be the superior design
Based implementation, actually.
Prototype AT-AT skipped leg day hard.
>the PT is the most popular era for wargames and war focused vidya for that main reason
Objectively false again, kid. Virtually every successful Star Wars game like all the different Battlefronts have had both PT and OT, and the vast majority of successful games were OT like Empire at War, The X-Wing and TIE Fighter series, Rogue Squadron, Jedi Knight, Shadows of the Empire, etc..
Try to not just blatantly lie like that or you just lose arguments immediately.
honestly didn't ask and don't care
>Virtually every successful Star Wars game like all the different Battlefronts have had both PT and OT
And everyone just plays PT because rebels are gay and nobody wants to play them outside of a few special snowflake characters
>Empire at War
Great game given lots of longevity by PT and EU mods since vanilla OT is boring
>Boomer ancient cult classic games
May as well say Republic Commando is proof that PT is more popular
a lot of shouting into the void going on
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>The OT battles are lame as fuck and held down by how bland and boring the rebels are.
This is the most zoomer comment I've ever seen. You are clearly just a retarded kid. The Rebels were a well-equipped guerilla army and fought battles accordingly. Every battle in the OT shows they had to use creative tactics to overcome superior Empire forces, like the secret Death Star plans, the harpoons and Ion Cannon on Hoth, the Endor strike team and Ewoks which, while stupid, represented a basic counter-insurgency strategy of getting locals recruited by special forces to assist you in achieving your military objectives.

The prequel shit existed solely for the purpose of cool toys and LE ORDER 66. That's it. I bet none of you retarded kids even remember WHY the Separatists were trying to secede from the Galactic Republic in the first place, or why a bunch of robots would want to secede, or why Palpatine played 9-D chess to cause all of the bullshit to happen at all when he already controlled the Separatists and created the clone army to basically fight himself.
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your entire argument is
>OT and Rebels are gay because of my nostalgia and feelings
stop typing so much when that's all it amounts to in every reply
Oh sorry I forgot the Mon Calamari capital ships, the fucking awesome and iconic fighter wings, all the freaky aliens and fish people and unique designs, all of this made the Rebels extremely diverse and interesting compared to the strict regimentation and uniformity of the Empire. It's literally the opposite of what you said, but I guess CGI clones all wearing the same outfights fighting CGI robots that all look the same is FAR LESS BLAND AND BORING™ to you, lmfaooooooo.
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god tortanic designs are so fucking shit LMAO
you got a problem with it, take it up with my secretary
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better than coomerposting anon at least it's actual talk about Star Wars

to make a topic about gaming, I've been looking at Imperial Assault for awhile now, but I don't want to buy all the crap and play with the big ass 32mm scale, so am planning on reproducing it in 15mm scale because that's one of my favorite hobbies.
Anybody have experience with Imp Ass? It's basically Descent but done a little better, a 1vMany dungeon-crawler with Star Wars drapes on it, but it seems to scratch the itch for some basic SW adventure for a lot of people and has some nice models and components.
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Would (you) try and date a ISB agent?
I just had to mention coomers.
I don't get it. Why did they go with the animated design? Unlike the aqua droids we have realistic crab droids from RotS.
>OT boomer pretends his movies weren't made to also sell toys
Kek, also rebelfags must be desperate to say the fucking Ion Cannon is an example of how badass they are. They have no cool toys for ground battles, just a bunch of mook infantry which get slaughtered while Luke blows up the death star, ATATs and such. They're a background extra faction meant to job to the Empire while the main characters do everything.
>or why a bunch of robots would want to secede
The boomer ability to comprehend the PT everybody
Rebels suck for ground battles, all their cool toys are in space battles where they are almost always outnumbered and getting raped by the Empire
>Diversity is our Strength!(TM)
God rebelfags are so fucking gay, you have infantry with different heads and big boring dildo ships nobody remembers. People only care about X-wings and maybe Y-wings. Empire mogs everything the rebels have, which is a bunch of boring bullshit and puppets
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>Kill yourself now, you must.
Back in the day I thought he was Lucas's tard wrangler.
Turns out it was a mutual tard wrangling scenario
>Turns out it was a mutual tard wrangling scenario
Unironically the best scenario and it's why ttrpgs are so fun
Miss Kenobi…

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