If you like them lewd I don't wanna hear it.Just a little inb4 because I know you fuckers.
>>94531269Currently using them as an ancient and defeated race from before the epoch of man. Real tall, more towards unique domains and responsibilities like classic greek titans. One living but detached head in a powerful witch's basement the players know about and want to get at. Another potentially passed out and grown over as a snoring hill but turning in its sleep/waking up due to a recent large magical war.
>>94531269I like my Giants to be big hulking rape monsters with enormous cocks. Futanari, of course
>>94531331>he has a 16th century icelandic christian magic-rune for wayfinding on his headlol
>>94531269>How do you like your giants?Decapitated
I like them being fairly intelligent and not falling for the false dichotomy of if you're big and strong you must also be dumb.
Pretty basic and all and all. Split into several different varieties. Frost and Fire giants are opposed and, depending on the setting, mythic quasi-deitie sort of creatures. Cloud/sky giants tend to be rare and roughly analogous to giants because I like the whole 'fought a war over the world before the age of men,' cliche. "Just normal giants," tend to be a bit less than twice the height of a man, grey skin tones, nomadic cultures often enough. Usually all but the cloud giants have horns of some kind as a distinguishing feature, but don't do it for every setting. Players tend to only deal with the smallest kind, and with women. I often represent them as patriarchal and with a superiority complex. Doing cooperative 'adventuring' and managing trade and diplomacy with smaller folk is woman's work. Same as managing slaves of smaller races at home. This attitude falls off as you get to more individually powerful races of giant.
Big, mean, and clever.
>>94531905Yes, well done, you've posted it again. Now fuck off and let people talk about giants, often used in traditional games.
>>94531269I like them as precursor races, with a few individuals left roaming, the rest trapped in some magical prison (usually in the sky). They range from idiots to geniuses, just like people, but they're all partial to the taste of human bones (the smarter ones prefer to boil their victims first so they can get the clean bones).
>>94531269I like my giants actually fuckin giant. I wanna fe fi foe and crush people to death with a tree trunk one handed.
My current campaign is all about giants. The players are exploring a vast untamed taiga in the north that ancient maps leave blank and just call "zigantia" or "the land of giants" in modern tongue. The story, unbeknownst to the players, is that there were 8 rephaim, giants of divine heritage, that fought for the right to ascend to godhood there in prehistoric times. whole civlilizations rose and fell at their whims and conflicts. In the end there were no victors.The giants that remain there are terribly degenerated and in the worst cases utterly muted into hideous monsters.
ice-giants are real
>>94531269i dunno what about you???
giants are wokethat is why they always announce theyr pronounc when they enter a roomFE FI FO FUMTHESE ARE ALL MY PRO-NUNS
>>94531453I was under the impression those were older than that but incorporated by christian proselytizing. Not a scandiweeb though. Just read Mouth of the Whale by coincidence (was in the laundry bookshelf), which was an interesting portrayal of mixed pagan magical thinking, hedge wizard magic and early modernism in an isolated island.
>>94532838>absolutely mind broken since may 2024
>>94531269In which games?
>>94532270There is no talk. Only anons posting opinions on stuff that does not matter. No replies. No discussion. It's empty.
>>94531269>How do you like your giants?Tiny.
>>94534339Some giant balls too, forgot about those
>>94531269>Among the inhabitants of the Plane of Ysgard, fensirs are commonly called trolls, despite the fact that the two kinds of creatures are completely unrelated. Fensirs are giants—albiet cultured and intelligent ones that desire only to be left alone. The two different kinds of fensirs are normal ones (males and females) and the dreaded rakkas—female fensirs that undergo a hideous transofrmation that turns them into gigantic brutes that rampage around the countryside.>3.0 MM2
>>94534241You're confusion "talk" with "conversation". The former needs no replies.
>>94531453It's not the Helm of Terror?
>>94531331>>94532286These, but they built things and taught people.Then they left. Where did they go? Elsewhere.They travelled to other realities through elf-mounds, giant's circles and caves. Someday, they may return.
>>94531269You've heard of giants, haven't you lad?Tall, towering men and women, so tall that their heads scrape the clouds... but their feet are planted firmly on the earth.Their ambitions go no further than that. Remember this well boy. Though the sky is far above our heads, unlike the giants, he strive to reach even heigher than the clouds. Giants never look up. They're always staring down, at the earth, at us. But humans, aye, humans, we stare up. Not at the giants, but at the stars. The stars that we shall one day, sail among, to travel, to trade, and conquer. But even when we are so far above the giants that we would be a mere twinkling in their glassy eyes, we will never look down. We shall look up, up lad, for above the stars we've conquered shall be the stars we've yet to conquer. Then that will be our destiny. Aye lad, remember these words well, and when the time comes. Pass them on.
>>94531453That's not vegvisir.Also, vegvisir is a stave and not a rune.Also also, the earliest attestation of vegvisir are from the 19th century, not 16th century.Pseud.
>>94531269They're my favorite monster, but in play they're just a sack of hit points and their size doesn't play in at all.I tried to run them as shadow of the colossus-monsters able to be climbed on and able to be tripped to gain + to hit their weakpoints but it just became convoluted and didn't work well. Frequently I get visions of giants sieging a castle or the like and get inspired but then I remember they're just shit.
>>94550645dumb frogposter
>>94534241>Only anons posting opinions on stuff that does not matter. It matters to me and everyone discussing it >No replies. Wrong >No discussion.Wrong >It's emptyTo you, go back to whatever general or political bait thread you got lost on your way to, subhuman swine. Sorry but some of us like to discuss fantasy on the board that was originally made for scifi and fantasy lore fags
>>94531269Went to another dimension for some unspecified reason. Only one of each kind stayed behind in a self-imposed exile.
I actually prefer the bog standard fantasy depiction of them. 3-4 times the size of a man, tribalistic/prehistoric tech level and culture. Balancing out their size with lower intelligence just feels intuitive and right to me. I don't really need a forced spin on them.
I remember when I saw Force Awakened, at the scenes introducing Snoke before it showed to just be a hologram, I thought he was actually a giant and thought that seemed like a fucking cool concept, like does he have a lightsaber with a 20-foot-long blade, what's fighting him going to look like
>>94559999nice digits, pseud
>>94560243I know! Fuck those shyster shylocks for all this mystery box baiting.
>>94531269Big loveable, forrest gumps to their teammates and absolute scary fuckers to fight against.
>>94559999Holy BTFO, quads of truth
>>94551307>half a boat as a helmet>weilding an anchor>the other boat half is a bracerBe still, my aching heart.
>>94531269I like all giants. Both the big, bumbling, comic relief grunts working for the big bads and the impossibly skilled and wise titans mentioned in myths. Whether they’re ugly, big nosed brutes or just "humans, but really tall and beautiful."They’re just infinitely cooler than dragons imo. Also, yes. I do like lewd giants.
>>94560186So, something like this?
>>94531269People but bigger
>>94531269In what game?
>>94579211Pick one, retard.
Couple of giant dum-dums.
>>94548476Bump for interest.
>>94555864>Frequently I get visions of giants sieging a castle
Green man and wild men are almost always gigantic in stories.
>>94555864Have some slingers, then.
More Ice-giants.
>>94564811You might like this one then.
>>94531269they shouldn't just be "exactly the same as a regular person just 15 to 100 feet tall" cause that's fucking boring, they should have some weirdness to them, especially if it's in the vein of having physiology adapted to their larger size
>>94591904best one yet. slings are awesome and giants using them are basically just trebuchets with more mobility
>>94531269sizeshifters are a neat concept. id love to see a attack on titan style world with meat mechas but more medievalalso pieck is peak waifu
>>94531269a good Giant is a Diet God
>>94599608Based and Titan-pilled.
>>94599608Or maybe something more loosely defined as "near-god"?
>>94594573If you think this is boring...
>>94594573>>94603037...you're gonna end up with giants like this.More of an elemental horror in my opinion, but you do you.
>>94603052Disney's Hercules came out when I was a kid, and ever since then I've seen Titans as elemental giants.
>>94603080Indeed, he's no Ouranos.Why on earth would you want to save jpeg as a png?
>>94594803holy shit titanslop has jumped the shark
What are some good mechanics for dealing with interactions between creatures of wildly different scales? Like, not just in combat, but also just in general.
>>94611034aot has been finished for a while anon. any shark jumping is in the past. the pictured cart titan was present in season 2 already iirc
>>94531269Dead but not yet gone, and serving as parts of the landscape. Can be communicated with if you possess the proper knowledge to temporarily bring them back from their eternal slumber.
>>94531269Nearly extinct and absurdly powerful If giants had banded together they could have crushed the world, but now they are too few and too scattered
>>94618478>get to the top of a big canyon, cliff, or mountain>wait for the wall titans to get close>use a glider to go straight over them with ease>survived the rumbling
>>94560243Great, now that you said this I can't stop wanting this. A fight scene against a giant lightsaber wielder would've been kino.
In my world, I tend to make Giants somewhat like Nordic Giants and Greek Titans. However like Dragons, their race though see as powerful and wise. Is rare and isn't strong enough to fully control anything but small parts of land. As they tend to live mostly alone or in a small groups rather then group up with other families and make settlements.
>>94613290Looks more like a troll than a giant
>>94622754And so you begin on your journey to learning they stem from the same sources in folklore...
>>94531269I like to use the more social giants in d&d (ie stone, fire,ice) as sort of a respected yet excluded part of major metropolises that I have included in games.For example a capital city once had an enclave of stone giants living in a walled section near the main keep, they very rarely left this area but were supported by the duke and some of the merchant class in exchange for being on a sort of military retainer. They didnt share any cultural allegiance to the rest of the city, just lived in what amounted to a luxury reservation, with some traders having deals with their crafters for giant made goods.Have thought about trying to implement a similar thing with fire giants in a new game.
>>94623728Same areas would be better description: they come from same folklore, but are distinct entites in that folklore.At least in nordic folklore I'm familiar with.
>>94531269>Half these picturesIf the fucking creature isn't bigger than a barn, it's some kind of Ogre or troll, or similiar at best.A "Giant" most be taller than 5-6 story building.
>>94623728Akchually...>Giantfrom Hellenic cthonic mythological creatures noted as large>Trollfrom a Nordic adjective referring to something magical or otherworldy, be it a person, an object, an animal or a mythological creatureSo not even remotely the same thing in the sources, let alone from the same sources.>inb4 ettinsNot all trolls are ettins and not all ettins are trolls. But 'ettin' does mean 'consumer', which could be seen in a cthonic (entropic) context.
>>94628624>cthonic (entropic)You must be 18 or over to post on this site
>>94628673>I'm baffled by words that I didn't get from MTV, so therefore you're a childIf the children you're chatting with know Greek and understand Hellenic mythology, they're feds, anon. Well educated feds, but feds nonetheless.Direct yourself to the myth of Persephone if you want an easy way to see the link between cthonic and entropic concepts in the Hellenistic world.
>>94629192Nice projection, retardChthonic (with an h, retard) refers to being underground. It has nothing to do with entropy, and neither does hades for that matter.
>>94629202>death and decay has nothing to do with entropyok bro
>>94628508If you look in a bit deeper, you'll find they were originally synonymous. Angrboda was often described as both.>>94628624>Akchually..You need to be right to use that. Giants = jotun = trolls. Feel free to look it up.
>>94630647>look it upGladly. Name the original source that makes it explicit that there is 100% overlap between Hellenic gigantes, Nordic ettins and Nordic troll-things/beings (you won't). Stop relying on shit translations and fantastical interpretations, anon.
>>94631058Why are you bringing Greek giants in?
>>94632067So you're completely unaware of giants in Norse folklore?
>>94630647Jötnar = Jotunn = Jotuni = Jatuli = ~Giant =/= Troll,Sometimes trolls could be giant-sized, but Jötnar and Troll are still two distinct entities in nordic folklore.If you had truly red - or heard - the folklore you'd know this.
>>94633417Or, as seems to be apparent, you've not actually "red" enough of Norse folklore and myth to know anything more than a really superficial level, and that's put you well outside of this particular topic. Good luck on your journey to learn more, though. I've started with some simple basics for you to begin with, they'll help clear up your confusion as to the related nature of trolls and jotuns.>https://www.academia.edu/1259123/>https://archive.org/details/dictionaryofnort0000sime>https://www.academia.edu/1348105>https://archive.org/details/icelandicfolktal0000simp>https://www.jstor.org/stable/1260141
>>94633225>goalpost movingSo no source then?>giants By definition, all Gigantes are Hellenic chthonic proto-gods, not Nordic at all. If you just mean "a supernaturally large being", that's fine, but you'd still be hilariously wrong to say that all trolls are ettins and that both are enormous. So once again: primary source please?
>>94633609No goalpost moving at all. The discussion is that in Norse folklore, trolls and giants are synonymous. You're getting confused because you're incapable of following extremely blatant context. So here, go educate yourself like the other anon: >>94633528
>>94633528>no primary sources>only translations of opinions>on post-christianization folkloreOh wow you've got us convinced about pre-christian Nordic mythology anon!You probably speak many Nordic languages right?
>>94633633>No goalpost moving at all.Still no source? Just take the L man.>The discussion is that in Norse folklore, trolls and giants are synonymous.You're already forgetting your own retarded claims. >>94630647 Probably for the best.I'll follow your lead and forget your braying too.
>94633528Mmhmm.First source clearly delineates differences between Thursar, Jötnar, Risi and Tröll.Second is a dictionary, not a source.Third is source why Trolls and magic are intertwined, and why we have trolling in the language today.Fourth source is cut short.Fifth source might have something to support your theory that Jötnar = Tröll. Care to cite it with actual citation?You will not, because you are defenitely not a giant.
Holy samefag, Batman. I guess you've gotten a little hurt over this.>>94633667>no primary sourcesSorry, did you want me to tell you to read the Prose Edda? I didn't realise you were THIS unqualified to talk on this.>only translations of opinionsWhile you have... nothing?>on post-christianization folkloreOof, painful to try to dance away from admitting I was right, with such a despearate gambit.>>94633708>Still no source? Just take the L man.I gave you 5. Are you blind as well as ignorant?>You're already forgetting your own retarded claims. >>94630647 (You) Probably for the best.Amazingly dishonest for you to not link to >>94623728. You're the retard that tried to shoehorn Greek giants into what is very clearly a discussion on Norse giants.>>94633763That's just sad, man.>First source clearly delineates differences between Thursar, Jötnar, Risi and Tröll.Wow, you really are just a liar. Page 185: "This seems to be a big, stupid and ugly race, that may in turn be called “riser”, “jotnar” and “troll”, without any special need of sub-categorisation.">Second is a dictionary, not a source.A professor of Scandinavian mythology, having written multiple volumes of translated Norse myth, uses the primary source in his work but isn't a source, because YOU say. So glad to have your input!>Third is source why Trolls and magic are intertwined, and why we have trolling in the language today.Page 44: "“In medieval Iceland, the word Troll can have the same meaning as in the post-medieval Icelandic folktales, i.e. it can be synonymous with jotunn or mountain-dweller…”">Fourth source is cut short.And? Try actually reading it. Page 77: "In Iceland, the word ‘troll’ always denotes a giant...">Fifth source might have something to support your theory that Jötnar = Tröll. Care to cite it with actual citation?Yep, like the other 4 you didn't read.You're a desperate, lying, little idiot.
>>94633894>did you want me to tell you to read the Prose Edda?Yes, that's how sources work. And nowhere in the Prose Edda does it say all "Giants = jotun = trolls".>While you have... nothing?One cannot prove a negative sweetie. You made a claim. Prove it or tuck tail.>inb4 post-medieval Iceland is representative of all Nordic mythologyuh huhYou're literally the 'let me tell you about your country' amerimutt meme kek. You know only burgerspeak, and you've never seen a jættestue in your life. Rend og hop.
>>94635727>Yes, that's how sources work. And nowhere in the Prose Edda does it say all "Giants = jotun = trolls".Okay, so you want me to tell you to read an entire collection of stories and poems that you've never even heard of before but still think you can comment on, despite you being unable to even understand the 5 extremely simple sources I've already given. Your hubris is as great as your ignorance.>One cannot prove a negative sweetie. You made a claim. Prove it or tuck tail.Saying "trolls and giants are different" is not a negative, "sweetie". Provide sources, because so far you're behind by 5.>>inb4 post-medieval Iceland is representative of all Nordic mythologyYep, confirmed for not knowing what the Prose Edda is. I'm English, by the way. Good luck learning about Norse mythology, you've very clearly got a long way to go.
>>94636924>I'm a foreigner, by the wayTydeligvis.>still no sourceAk og ve.
>>94637678>Tydeligvis.Ah, I see now, you're embarrassed that you got schooled on what you consider "your" culture's myths. It explains a lot.>Ak og ve.I know, right? I've so far given you 5 different sources, and directed you to enjoy the Prose Edda that you've never read (even heard of before). You've given... nothing. Sad.Know when you're outclassed, boy.
>>94531269weird thread
>94633894“Identifying the Ogre: The Legendary Saga Giants,” Fornaldarsagaerne, myter og virkelighed: studier i de oldislandske fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda.Ármann Jakobssonp.186"Gudbrandur Vigúlfsson noted: "In popular Icelandic usage risi denotes size, jötunn strenght, thurs lack of intelligence...""Later in the same page, Motz distnguishes four categories: jotunn, tröll, thurs and risi.Dictionary of northern mythology,written in Vienna in 1950s by a German, with an original title of Lexicon of German Mythology.Needs no further comment.“The Trollish Acts of Þorgrímr the Witch: The Meanings of Troll and Ergi in Medieval Iceland,” Saga-Book 32 (2008),Ármann Jakobsson,p. 44"In Hjálmthérs saga ok Ölvis and in Bösa saga, for example, trolls are listed along with elves, norns and mountain-giants..."Clear distinction of troll and giant.Icelandic folktales and legends,edited by Jacqueline Simpsonseems nice, but ultimately a pop-folkloristic book. I'm sure it's a nice read, though.Giants in Folklore and Mythology: A New Approach in Folklore, Vol. 93, No. 1p. 70Lotte Motz:"This present study... aims to affirm following points: I. Folklore giants and Eddic giants are indeed related II. Size is not their most basic quality..."Size not being essential to giant? Right, this is unforseen level of academic cope.Ármann Jakobsson seems to be arguing that troll was being used as an adjective and was being associated with malicious supernatural deeds and beings - not a category of being neccesarily in itself.Thanks for the sources, I'm sure their references make for nice reading later.So, do you prefer to be called thurs or troll?
>>94638593Oh look, the lying coward is back.>"In popular Icelandic usage..."Irrelevant.>written in Vienna in 1950s by a German, with an original title of Lexicon of German Mythology.By someone with more expertise in this than you.>Later in the same page, Motz distnguishes four categories: jotunn, tröll, thurs and risi.Let me actually quote what you're once again lying about:>“The unknown fourteenth-century author of Barðar saga argued for a clear distinction between nice “riser” and nasty “troll”. […] In clearly distinguishing between “riser”, “jotnar” and troll, Barðar saga is unfortunately less typical than Hjdlmther’s saga. […] The author of Barðar saga is something of a rebel when he makes a conscious attempt to distinguish between “riser” and “troll”, and uses “thurs" as a pejorative term.”Again, the "distinction" you're lying about was by a single author and is notably atypical and clearly implies that if a distinction is necessary, THERE WAS NO DISTINCTION BEFORE. You probably won't get that.>Clear distinction of troll and giant.*Mountain-giant, since your reading comprehension is awful.>seems nice, but ultimately a pop-folkloristic book. I'm sure it's a nice read, though.Dismissed because once again, it proves my point and you can't refute it.>Size not being essential to giant? Right, this is unforseen level of academic cope.It would certainly be unforeseen to layman, but all it does is reveal your lack of knowledge in this topic. To those of us who have studied this, the debate regarding the size of jotun is extremely well known and requires context to discuss.>Thanks for the sources, I'm sure their references make for nice reading later.I highly doubt you'll ever read them. Not that it matters, the field of study for Norse mythology isn't actually impacted by your refusal to accept established facts.
Like a few other anons have said, it's pretty boring if they're just humans but really big. They should have some inhuman proportions and faces, I think skyrim really nails it well.>>94535853>>94535861Not quite a man but big, not quite an elf but big, while also close enough to both that it doesn't look like a troll or ogre. They have their own style going on
After defeating and imprisoning his sister, the goddess of dragons, the god of mankind was seduced by her. Their children were the first Hill Giants -- hideous, hateful creatures with long hair, serpentine heads, and scaly yet hairy skin. They can only be killed by mortals and are immune to the power of the god of mankind and their many half-siblings -- instead of killing them, the gods imprisoned them in the physical realm, where they rape and/or eat any mortal foolish enough to be near them unprepared.Some of the giants, who attempted to rape the goddess of earth, where captured and tortured, magically transforming them into savage yet loyal servants of the gods. The goddess of earth created the prideful and alcoholic Stone Giants; the god of water created the sadistic and cruel Frost Giants; the god of fire created the deadly and powerful Fire Giants; and the god of wind created the greedy and reclusive Cloud Giants. One might find the rare Frost or Cloud Giant who does not wish harm upon mortals, but all other types are inherently evil.
This is how I giant.
The giant gave me a sword forged from great ambition.The knicks and kinks only seem to sharpen the blade.
Normal giants bore me. I want my giants to be so giant that their corpses become landscapes.
>>94629372>>death and decay has nothing to do with entropyBeing spent, exhausted or immobile and incapable of movement is not linked to death to Ancient Greeks, because many unliving and undying beings are such (Aristotle's God for example). Also, strictly speaking, they might not have understood death as inertia given that expansion and compression were the most basic forms of motion.
I played a one shot once where we had to kill 3 giants. I had to climb up the giants leg hair and cut open his ball bag. That was the only weak spot that didn’t require a full days climb and wouldn’t be immediately swatted with a fist.Split the dudes ball bag wide open and rode down his descending testicle to his shin, where I was unable to grasp his leg hairs because of torrents of blood and fell to my death. I left early that session and never played with those guys again.I hated that game.
>>94531269Everybody is always talking about giants as monster encounters in the wild. I don't think they have anything in particular over other giant monsters in that department.What I think makes the most interesting aspect of a giant is his lair. Fighting giant vermin under the floor boards, scaling a giant dresser, raiding a giant pantry. These are the things that turn simple farmboys into seasoned adventurers!
>>94531269Giants in my setting are sort of a rare mutation which can crop up in a child regardless of race. They start out normal sized as a baby but quickly grow, usually reaching about three to four meters in height. Despite this massive size they are characterized as being absurdly strong, fast, tough, smart, and basically are instant folk or even national heroes who lead their communities to victory, so usually your child being a giant is seen as good omen (or just a warning shit's gonna go down and they'll be needed for it). Giants are actually one of the few things that can consistently go toe-toe with dragons and have an even odds of winning.Unfortunately, around the time of their twenty fourth year, they start to experience gradual decline in mind and personality, becoming dumber and more brutish and basically becoming the stereotypical barbaric savage by the time they're in their early thirties. Most Giants try to go out of their way to be killed in action beforehand, or alternatively end up running off into the wilderness where they transform and grow in size in semi-peace.
>>94653564>missed the point againHades is the land of the dead, an explicitly chthonic place. You're just being an obstinate faggot and deleting people pointing out your retardation.
>>94531269Femaleand misanthropic
>>94670203Why are you suggesting he has an issue associating Hades with chthonic? He very clearly takes issue with you claiming both are entropic.>deleting peopleWhat? We can't do that here, you're probably thinking of reddit.
>>94658573This does not seem conducive to the end goal of making the heroes fight on top of a giant dining table, wielding giant silverware.
good thread
>>94651567That's how I ogre.
>>94658573So do giants still vary in height proportionally amongst each other depending on their race, i.e. halfling giants are half the size of human giants?
>>94677918A bit, but not really as much, as mentioned, in their prime they tend to be three to four meters tall, but that's still a heck of a range. Once they kind of get over that hill and start to degenerate though, signs of their parentage increasingly vanish as they grow huge and monstrous.>>94671038It is proper size for them to pick up cannons and use them as small arms.
>>94678181>but that's still a heck of a range.Yeah but less than what their non-giant kin have.
>>94670370i have to say anon, some people might misconstrue this as lewd
>>94531269I like them lewd and I don't care what you want. Fuck you.
>>94534241Just because you head is empty does not mean there no discussion of games.
>>94699962I preferred the "discussion" on trolls.
>>94531269My favorites are dwarf giants, basically they are bearded mid-sized men who build structures out of hardened clay and wood and fight with standard armaments like spears and swords.
>>94706938... so neanderthals.
>>94713670Yeah, what?
>>94532851The silence to this post was pleasing.
>>94531331Considering how many cultures have myths of giants as a precursor race, it fits the mythic trope.
>>94564811...Why did you have to choose those words?
>>94736086It just means he loves the aesthetic.
>>94736749I know, but given the artist's heart ripping in half it was a painful thing to read.
>>94739130>the artist's heart ripping in half>Miura died due to acute aortic dissectionWhy lie?
>>94739799I exaggerated slightly.Man literally died of a broken heart while making the saddest chapter.
>>94740011>Man literally died of a broken heartYou're doing it again.
>>94655365Svalbard has no trees, though.
>>94532697>The giants that remain there are terribly degenerated and in the worst cases utterly muted into hideous monsters.This is something I like to do with giants, there's a lot of myth and folklore about monsters descending from giants/gods, it feels like something that should be explored more.
>>94531487I do the same with them being intelligent, but I have them slow in their thinking. Not slow like stupid, I mean literally slow, so they can scheme and strategise like a human could, just taking ten times as long. You can't outsmart a giant, but you can speedsmart them.
>>94539672If you follow C.S. Lewis' vision of them, they'll wake up from under the hills of the land to help destroy the world.
>>94531269I am immensely proud that this thread has lasted over a month, and it's not even mine.
>>94753611Maybe they like to think everything from every viewpoint. Every possibility etc., so they just don't answer fast "yeah" even for casual questions. Maybe they just dislike fast conversation, it needs to be worth it to say it out loud or something, kinda like ent speech. It would take them loooong time to insult you, but it would practically make even narcissist to die from shame and self-hatred.
>>94531269in my setting, giants are a subspecies of humanity, and the theme i always had for stuff with them is that they are "human in excess". theyre more jolly and more sad, brighter and cunning, yet stupid and foolhardy, and so much longer lived yet eager to squander the years. not all giants are TERRIBLY large, but the tallest are probably one to three chains tall. theyre built like humans in proportion, so they need to eat a lot. however, giants are a lot more magical than humans in general, so many have means to magically feed themselves (either by summoning feasts for themselves or using their navel chakra to convert magical energy to calories)far after the ancestors of man and giant alike faded from history, but before man's advances as the leading race under the sun, giants created a mighty empire, and laid the foundations for those to follow them. the elder giants wrote many of the earliest research on magic, alchemy, and spirituality; some even communed with the gods themselves. as for the younger giants, however, many grew brazen, content in that which their forefathers had created, yet absent of the skill or wisdom with which they had done it. they looked upon the other races, lesser in size, strength, and wit - and decided that it was naturally their inherent duty to lead them. they proclaimed themselves the new gods of the world, and for their hubris the other races lashed out. a bitter war broke out, with the gods taking part in mortal matters for the last time to force peace among them.in the end, the giants were magically banished to the northern continent of thule, where the elders still live in quiet isolation, and the youngsters try time and time again to seize control of all they believe theirs.
>>94759738I was thinking more playing on the concept of size-speed ratio. Smaller things tend to be able to react much faster than humans, mice, flies, even cats, so presumably we appear much slower to them. By comparison, we would then be the mice/flies/cats of giants, seeing them slower as well. They react and move slower to us, but to them we just seem irritatingly quick. It would help explain why "giant-slayers" could be a thing.
>>94761610It seems to be a common trope that huge things end up in some frozen landscape, and I suppose it has something to do with mammoths, and polar bears, and elephant seals being huge, and the cold conditions help with heat management. But the largest land animals are elephants and live in hot Africa and India, and largest birds are ostriches again in hot climates.So surely giants would make sense also as living in some huge sinkhole or unreachable plateau in a tropical climate? Something like the old The Lost World book does with dinosaurs.
>>94560171The unspecified reason needs to be made less mysterious, it's too vague. At the very least, we need to know if they left willing, or were driven into exile.
>>94531269I like them as body horror undead boss fights. Sadly I can't really find a body horror giant miniature to represent them on the tabletop roleplay games. So I may have to commission a 3D STL designer if I can find one.