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Aurora Blaster edition

Previous >>94566935

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>Special Booster Ver 2.0 questionnaire

Banlist, Errata:

New and Upcoming Releases:

Digimon Liberator:
Latest web comic chapter is Episode 9 Part 1! Next chapter scheduled for December 26th
Latest web novel chapter is Debug 6-2! Next set of chapters sometime in February

Special Limited Set is out now everywhere!

EX08 Chain of Liberation is out now in JP. EN release scheduled for January 10th

BT20 Over the X is scheduled to be released January 31st in JP. Part of SB 2.5 in EN

Special Booster 2.5 is scheduled to be released February 2025 in EN, compiles BT19 and BT20

ST20 Protector of Light / ST21 Hero of Hope have been officially announced. Scheduled to release April 18th

BT21 World Convergence has been officially announced. Scheduled to release April 18th.

Thoughts on the first wave of BT20 reveals?
>that new jesmon
Im the anon who has complained about jesmon since bt6 being weirdly consistent in my friends hand, jesmon needed it and at the same time, i hate it.
TQ: My main thought is how nice it is that they're being simultaneously revealed in English lmao
Not particularly excited about any of them but they are new decks plus Jesmon that I hate so whatever
The focus on big lvl7 DNA’s is neat even though Looga sure as hell doesn’t need more toys right now. My interest is definitely peaked by dedicated Chaosmon deck. UltimateChaos is a hell of a card that just doesn’t have a good home currently.
>Thoughts on the first wave of BT20 reveals?
I hate effect immunity
A-AAIIIEEEE!! RoyalChads, I kneel!
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Only interested on the beautiful dork so far.
>Vmon Doro
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>beautiful dork
Look at my eyes anon. She is not worth your time. The purple slut is temporal but the Shinomiya enjoy is eternal.

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>Thoughts on the first wave of BT20 reveals?

>Proto into gankoox over Flaremon
>Mirage and hexe immune to Digi effects for a turn
It's odd how much of a toolbox the galaxy engine is.
It's funny how the new Gankoo/Jesmon just invalidate the Sistermon series. Like now all the keywords bar Decoy are just handed to you for free now.
>Thoughts on the first wave of BT20 reveals?
So they've just ditched Blast DNA Digivolve as a mechanic, haven't they?
>Slam down Pyramidimon
>They attack into it with their big ass stack
>Tank it with Fragment and then kill the stack with De-digivolve
>They zap it with Heaven's judgement
>Trash a bunch of the eggs to get more memory to rebuild
Man, this deck is so fucking fun.
>Lunamon shits out up to 4 memory a turn
>tamer sets memory and lets you evolve into any Digimon for free as Iong as you have a Light/Night Digimon to degenerate
Not that odd, unfortunately.
I don't think GX is usually a DNA, it's just made that way so that you can get more Royal Knight sources.
As a counter it's pretty weak: add a source and delete 1 Digimon. Compare it to RagnaLoardmon and Omnimon and it makes sense to not have the harder condition of Blast DNA. I'm sure Takemikazuchi will be Blast DNA and do crazy shit
He was a Jogress in his V-pet debut, but V-pet Jogress rules usually don't apply to other media. In Chronicle X (which was a companion to the V-pet series he debuted in) and the more recent New Century game, Jesmon X apparently digivolved into GX when Gankoomon pulled some kind of "X-Antibody power" transfer. No clue how that's supposed to work. The rest of the Royal Knights then gave him their energy to do his ultimate Spirit Bomb attack.
>The rest of the Royal Knights then gave him their energy
So power of friendship. I don't buy that bullshit.

>I'm sure Takemikazuchi will be Blast DNA and do crazy shit

Watch it be ruin mode or set the memory to 1 on your side.
>>He was a Jogress in his V-pet debu
I wouldve known if they actually fucking release the goddamn x3 in retail english.
[Laughs in P-Bandai]
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There's no stopping her.
>Was expecting cold standoffish girl
>Got chuuni autist instead
Pleasant surprise.
Is this site reliable?


I'm wanting to order one of the limited release playmats just because i'm a fan of a certain Digimon despite not playing the TCG, and the prices it has are much lower then what ebay has
Yes. Just check the sellers history.
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Shoto drawn by poroze alert!
Interesting that they're kind of revisiting Tai&Kari's design.
Good failsafe as a Scramble-lite and way to suspend Digimon that are immune to Digimon effects to Vortex into
bros is there puppet support in this set or is the next arisa chapter too far away
Expect nothing unless you either see it on the box or see it mentioned in the marketing blurb
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Seems decent for the deck it's meant to be in.
Still not worth having no cards in hand, especially with that 6 memory cost and restriction.
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It's time to add a floodgate against playing tamers by effects
Is he fucking making the Jeb! pose?
>Loogamon just adds tamer to source and OTKs you

That would stop tamers out of security too.

I propose more tamer removal. That ancient option that lets you re-add a hybrid and drop a tamer is pure stupid.
>That would stop tamers out of security too.
Ryugumon is funny as fuck, we need a second Decode MarineBullmon ASAP
>Won't have my LM stuff until Friday

Feels bad fellas. I just want to play proper Mille, Ragna and Galactic with the new stuff.
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>All my millenniummon cards are being held by Canada Post still
I know that feel, bruv.

I bought some ryugu AAs before they exploded in price, and then the strike happened. Genuinely hope they are not lost as Fish is the only deck I am close to having blinged out (as much as I want to anyways)
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I've had tons of packages delivered from Canada Post over the years, and I've never had them lost, but it's a fear that has been gnawing at the back of my mind ever since the strike started.
same. I have two other little bundles of stuff I am waiting on that have yet to be shipped out, but I fear it will take a long ass time for them.
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yey, my package from cardmarket arrived! Now I can make retarded-budget ultimate chaosmon, some pure angel and lady devimon X-honkers decks.
And evo Homer into Lanamon, only for the lols.

Also the Seraphimon Ace card looks much better in person than in photos, the gold holo effect is really nice.
>going after tamers just because hybrids are poorly designed dogshit
The other Lanamon is better, having Aquatic and a second searcher is really helpful.
Homer is okay if you're running a mpre Xiangpengmon oriented deck with non Aquatic 3's (Betamon, Biyomon, Gogmamon, Labramon) but I find Swimmon better despite Evade being pretty useless.
I already have the newer Lanamon, I wanted the old one too because I want to make an ancient Mermaimon deck. I only make themed decks, and I want to go as pure as possible, which means 8 lanamons, calmarimons, mermaimons, ancient mermaimons, etc.
6 seems a little expensive but I dig the design of this so much.
>some pure angel
While it does vary from person to person, I rec bt14 seraphi over ACE for pure angels since the sec+1 and -7k is very very good.
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Fortitude on a Mind Link target is pretty neat synergy, actually.
All Turns? Maybe the Eiji/Leon mind links on play or when a Digimon is played
Nah we should floodgate Digivolve via effects. Prevent meme chain evo decks from pulling otk bullshit or Antibody decks from shoving a card up their ass and digivolving.
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okay this is getting ridiculous
Notably this doesn't function with non-Loogamon SoC or Dark Animal level 4s. You have to play it in either a pure Loogamon deck or in the SEEKERS trait deck.
combo now has immunity to security options as an inherit. Fuck that's strong
If you use something like Marvin to discard it, BT17 Chaosdramon can grab it from the trash. You could technically also work around it by getting lucky with BT15 Megadramon.
You lose out on the other two SolLoogamons' inherits that unsuspend.
oh not that it will likely matter but this means there's finally a deck that has a reason to run Grape Memory Boost
God forbid Looga players have to risk actually interacting with their opponents.

By the way, if you have Looga players at your locals and you want to screw them over, pick up Millenniummon. You can hard slam it for 10 turn 1 and they cannot do shit for the whole game.
If you REALLY wanted to you could probably build a really janky version of Imperialdramon (mixing R/P and B/G, somehow), Gallantmon (all the Purples plus Medieval), or BT18 "Red" Hybrids (with only the Purple Agunimon and Green Kazemon lines).
which millenniummon? and how so?
I'm going to use both, I just want to add more ACEs to my decks in general, because they're a fun mechanic.
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Sword dog is here
The whole Millenniummon deck.
If he's the only body, they have to do -16k when they go into Takemikazuchi, which will trigger his on deletion to come back out and delete Takemikazuchi, ending their turn. If you happen to have other Digimon in play for them to neg, all you need is to have a machinedramon in sources and they can't attack without doing the same. A typical Fenri build has no out to Millenniummon.
Not really, apparently.
Strong card, doesn't really contribute to the OTK.
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AvengeKidmon P-170 P <04>
Mega | Virus | Dragonkin
[[Digivolve] Lv.5 w/[Three Musketeers] in text: Cost 4]
When this card would be played, by returning 3 cards with [Three Musketeers] in their texts from your trash to the bottom of the deck, reduce this card's play cost by 6.
<Raid> <Blocker> <Retaliation>
[On Deletion] You may play 1 [Three Musketeers] trait Digimon card with a play cost of 12 or less from your hand or trash without paying the cost.
[(Rule) Trait: Has [Three Musketeers].]


Magnadramon P-172 P <04>
Mega | Vaccine | Holy Dragon/NSp
[[Digivolve] Lv.5 w/[NSp] trait: Cost 3]
[[DNA Digivolve] Yellow/Red Lv.5 + Green/Black Lv.5: Cost 0]
When this card would be played, if [Nature Spirits] is face-up in your security stack, reduce the play cost by 4.
[On Play] [On Deletion] 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -5000 DP for the turn. Then, delete 1 of their Digimon with 5000 DP or less.


Boltmon P-174 P <04>
Mega | Data | Cyborg/NSo
[[Digivolve] Lv.5 w/[NSo] trait: Cost 3]
[[DNA Digivolve] Black/Yellow Lv.5 + Purple/Red Lv.5: Cost 0]
When this card would be played, if [Nightmare Soldiers] is face-up in your security stack, reduce the play cost by 4.
[When Digivolving] [On Deletion] <De-Digivolve> 1 of your opponent's Digimon. Then, delete 1 of their level 4 or lower Digimon.

Pukumon P-171 P <04>
Mega | Virus | Mutant/DS
[[Digivolve] Lv.5 w/[DS] trait: Cost 3]
[[DNA Digivolve] Blue/Black Lv.5 + Purple Lv.5: Cost 0]
When this card would be played, if [Deep Savers] is face-up in your security stack, reduce the play cost by 4.
[On Play] [When Digivolving] Trash the top 2 digivolution cards of all of your opponent's Digimon. Then, delete 1 of their Digimon with no digivolution cards.


RustTyrannomon P-173 P <04>
Mega | Virus | Cyborg
[Digivolve] Lv.5 w/[Tyrannomon] in name: Cost 3
<Collision> <Piercing> <Blocker>
[When Digivolving] <De-Digivolve 4> 1 of your opponent's Digimon.
[All Turns] (Once per Turn) When your opponent's Digimon are deleted in battle, this Digimon may unsuspend.


Hina Kurihara P-175 P <04>
[Start of Your Turn] If you have 2 or less memory, set it to 3.
[Your Turn] When any of your Digimon with the [Rock Dragon] or [Machine Dragon] trait are played, by suspending this Tamer, 1 of your level 4 or higher Digimon may digivolve into a Digimon card with the [Rock Dragon], [Earth Dragon], [Machine Dragon] or [Sky Dragon] trait in the hand with the digivolution cost reduced by 2.
[Security] Play this card without paying the cost.
Magnadramon and Boltmon are pretty meh but the others are all solid.
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>When your opponent's Digimon are deleted
>this Digimon may unsuspend.
Mai Boy keep hit the gym.
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>3 Musketeer support
Aw man another promo Rust? Thus one seems a lot better than Ace at least.
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>[(Rule) Trait: Has [Three Musketeers].]
Why is this a thing when this fucker >>94623219 has 4 traits on the regular trait space?
It's a lore thing. They want a card to support a certain strategy without contradicting the lore.
good point
Ah so that's how they dropped Mangadramon on us NSpfags. Credit where it's due, it's the best they could do with what they had
wonk-budget ultimate chaosmon deck finished! Black-purple, the new machinedramons are really good for this. Dark Masters searchers, some purple cards for drawing+trashing, and all this should be enough to *sometimes* do the dna of ultimate chaosmon. The seller I got them from only had 2 copies, I wanted a whole playset T_T
>the new machinedramons are really good for this
Now you do know that doesn't have the DM trait, right?
Dark Masters searchers are the Scorpiomom/Gigadramon etc that add 2 level 6's to the hand
Yes I know, but BT18/BT19 Machinedramon do not have the dark master trait, and therefore cannot be played to the breeding area.
I know, but they're good because they're purple/black, meaning they can evo off ladydevi and gigadramon. Their colours also let them dna evo into ultimate chaosmon. Other level 6s can only evo from one or the other.
for the record, I'm >>94624486 and >>94624768. >>94624668 is some other anon.
Holydramon and RustTyranomon are my favourite of this batch. Hina is a nice addition. Not a fan of AvengeKidmon.
><De-Digivolve 4>
holy shit
is this the biggest dedigi effect yet?
Metallicdramon has the same.

Depends on how you would factor "de-digi 1 on all of your opponents digimon" or "de-degi x where x= # of digimon you control"
Does this mean that while the card isn't on the battlefield, it's not considered a Three Musketeers? Or is there another difference?
Wow that hina aint great. I maxed out my links recently and this doesnt impress.
No, just treat it as another trait even in hand. Metalgreymon alterous mode has the same thing.
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It is always considered Three Musketeers.
To use a counter example from that archetype, EX7 Deputymon is only a Three Musketeers while in play on your turn.
There were also faux dual colour Digimon before BT8 that had effects that made them the other colour during your turn, and BT15 Omekamon which is only treated as Omnimon when it is revealed from the deck.

It has since changed, but this card used to be treated as Numemon everywhere except the breeding area. The LM reprint has it as a Rule box so now it's always treated as Numemon.
numemon bros... goldnume, and shellnume will save us. trust the plaN
thanks for the details.
Glad they fixed it in the long run
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what i really want is a nume scramble card
seems like a card made in heaven for him but the very specific colour requirements make it a bit awkward

sepia boost feels nice at least, no more bottoming decking nume X on yellow searches
between that and stealing all the puppet support its been a fun deck for locals still
I wish this thread was a bit faster. No way in hell I'm going to plebbit to discuss DCG
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These threads and reddit are both really shit so there's almost no differenc eoutside of an upboat system.
If you have room go for it. Im already stacked to the brim with my build so yeah.
Is there really any reason to run Ophani ACE or do you just do it so you can say it's a 3GA deck?
>These threads and reddit are both really shit so there's almost no differenc eoutside of an upboat system.
I can say nigger and shit on any race/gender I want, that's a big and important difference
Also the memes are way better
>pic of deck
>10 level 6s
Ain't that a bit much? How is the rest of the deck looking?
>These threads and reddit are both really shit
Not even fucking close
what is that font either way? does it exist or is just the logo?
Pretty much the latter, she has been handy and actually made my opponent's life hard consistently but I honestly can replace her with literally anything fucking else.
>I can say nigger and shit on any race/gender I want, that's a big and important difference
Also the memes are way better
I unironically got banned several times for racism from this thread because of that and it was for a fucking meme that wasnt to insult anyone so I stopped.
>Ain't that a bit much? How is the rest of the deck looking?
My deck has been top heavy for a while now ever since the TK nerf where i run a billion level 5s. It actually works well.
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Forgot pic. I posted this months ago and adjusted the ratio ever since.
Actually I made it. I was making a Polish version logo and needed a few more letters, so I made them from the existing ones. Then I also had enough for good old nigger, so I figured why not. If I make a T letter we can have faggot too. Maybe I'll look into how to make a font and actually make a digimon font (or maybe I won't, I dunno).
>I unironically got banned several times for racism from this thread because of that and it was for a fucking meme that wasnt to insult anyone so I stopped.
I never got banned here, but on reddit it was a one time thing with posting "jap", which was short for "japanese". They are such sensitive pussies its insane.
>10 level 3s
>8 4s
>12 5s
>10 6s
Man, those are some weird ratios. Maybe I'm a boring bitch, but I almost always go for the standard 12, 10, 8, 6. I guess you like hard playing 5s, then baiting an attack, huh?
Anyhoo, I want to make a pure male angel and bitch angel decks. So angemons/seraphimons and angewomen/magnadramons. I don't have ophani aces and if I had I'd still need a few more 6s. bt2 and promo Ophani is trash, Falldown mode is somewhat alright, but it wouldn't be a pure angel deck anymore so still no. Once/if I get Opha Aces I'd use them, but for now its furry noodles.
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No nume. . . Luche.
>I never got banned here, but on reddit it was a one time thing with posting "jap", which was short for "japanese". They are such sensitive pussies its insane.
Yes the mods there are total shit and so are the ones here. The ""racist"" meme I posted that got me banned for wasnt an accident since I posted it again and got banned once more, people also were confused that I got banned for it (reason: racism btw).
>Maybe I'm a boring bitch
Nah, it varies on how you wanna play it, this weird ass ratio and the normal ratio has been proven to work so play as you please.
>. I guess you like hard playing 5s, then baiting an attack, huh?
Kinda, The first thing you have to do is get dominimon on the board ASAP so if you get the normal chain just do it but if you can just slap a magna on the board do that instead. The problem is that the draw power on the deck is pretty abysmal if you dont digivolve so you have to pray to god if you dont get your pieces together.
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Wanna foil cendrillmon deck since octuber, order the few cards i need, dude ask for the ship info, never confirm he did the ship too late to make a post in groups because he is admin and they would be by his side, its over...
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gimme the REAL nume tamer
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Rust digivolves off of a Tyrannomon for 4, not 3. 3 would be insane.
I think AvengeKidmon is the first card that can get both Raid and Collision without retarded deckbuilding. I just think that's funny.
>his ace digimon isn't even a jokemon but GranKuwagamon
>You can steal his digimon from him
I don't get it
Commander Damien is a recurring character in Digimon World 2; the first time encountering him, he fields a p-sukamon, warumonzaemon, and a nanimon. You fight him several more times, and although he does swap in some non-joke digis like ogremon, cherrymon, grankuwagamon, he usually has an etemon or warumonzae on his team, and supplements it with other junk digis like garbagemon, or redvegiemon.
>redvegie isn't a joke-digi
being a recolour of a 'mon that comes pre-loaded with Party Time lowers my opinion of you (judgmental)
Anyways, his tendency to field garbo beasts has imprinted his status, as THE garbage man, in my mind.
RedVegimon is literally the shitmon of Pendulum 4.0/4.5. Then Cherrymon is what you get if you manage to salvage your RedVegimon.
That's just how angels play
Angels and yellow vaccine have such strong lvl 5 and 6 ACEs they can have a different ratio and not care. Angewoman and Seraphimon ACE are monsters that are hard to deal with even with the memory gain when you kill them
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I just want to say, I'm so happy that I can see this in English as it releases instead of waiting for translations that are sometimes incorrect due to Bandai not spending enough pixels on the release image quality. Most importantly, I really look forward to having more meaningful conversations about deckbuilding here and at locals as everything is happing live instead of waiting for it to trickle down to here
Im excited to finally see a good grademon. Fuck, last time alpha was relevant was like 2 years ago right?
The language on the Grademon is rough. Pretty sure it means in the "then" statement that if you attack, the rest happens. Not sure if any attack with any digimon would count or if it has to be the Grademon
>On Play/When Digivolving
Play Doru/Ryudamon to empty breeding space
>Then, if this was played (by another attacking Digimon) or digivolved (during the attack, like from X-Antibody option)
1 of your Digimon gets 5000 DP and Sec+1/effect immunity
Thanks for the clarification. Going to save it for future reference because it's going to cause issues at locals.
They're pretty much made to be used with the new Ginryumon. I wonder if it'll be worth running X-Antibody so you can digivolve twice in one attack. I guess it'll depend on the level 6s.
If nothing else, it's backup in case you have to digivolve then on top of a different level 4.

It occurs to me that the combination of Black/Yellow and Red/Black gives these two the ability to digivolve into a LOT of X-Antibody Royal Knights. Of course there are any Black RKs like Gankoomon X, LordKnightmon X, and Alphamon, but Red/Yellow also allows for Dynasmon X and the new Gallantmon X. And from there, you have access to both Jesmon GXes. You could even run Magnamon X as a semi-brick; you can still digivolve into it without immunity in a pinch, but if you stick it into the old GX's stack, GX will see the Magnamon X it's copying as Magna X and get the immunity AND the unsuspend before it Blitzes.
Her time has come.
do you think it's intentional that if they theoretically gave these cards a way to be played/evolved when an opponent's Digimon attacks/during counter timing they would get the 5k DP and effect immunity
Not really. The only effect that exists in game currently that triggers it is the original X-antibody. An ACE trigger would be a different digimon. The chunk of the then clause as clarified by >>94629546 shows that Bamco is probably spending less than they used to on translations. I don't know Japanese so I have no idea how it reads in that language. In English, it's fuck-y
>The only effect that exists in game currently that triggers it is the original X-antibody
X-Antibody was just an example. The new Ginryumon and BT5 LordKnightmon do too, they evolve and play Grademon "during an attack", respectively.

There's no reason to think it wouldn't apply during your opponent's attack. If you hit Kaiser Nail in my security and I played Grademon from sources, it would happen "during an attack" and I would get to give one of my Digimon 5k and effect immunity.
The question is whether it is intentional and the deck will play/evolve level 5's during your opponent's attacks somehow.
I get it, but I have a dying locals due to an incompetent judge/TO that really doesn't understand what cards do, a store retard/cheater that will push any advantage he can due to his misunderstanding and there being too many effects for causal players to track, and myself being autistic and not wanting to start too much shit. I've started being more aggressive on checking the cunts because it's killed the entire scene at this point, but it's too little too late I fear
Misplays happen but damn does it suck that someone is taking advantage of them to ruin your locals
>The question is whether it is intentional and the deck will play/evolve level 5's during your opponent's attacks somehow.
I feel like it has to be intentional. The last Oryumon card we got, the Digipolice one, also plays a Digimon during either player's attack, it just has a DP limit that doesn't let you hit this Hisyaryumon (and has a type requirement that disqualifies Grademon). It definitely feels like they're trying to play in the same realm as the Digipolice Oryumon, so you can still mix them with the Chronicle Oryumon line if you don't want to play the pure Chronicle deck.
Just got my 2 boxes of the Special Limited Set. Pulled both Ruin Mode and DeathX (1 in each box). Also got the Quantumon and Chaosdramon X AAs, which I kinda wanted as well.
Blessed boxes.
Is the promo Ryudamon worth running in this. Can swing with from rookie and climb up to this Hisyaryu for only 3 memory.
Potentially, but we haven't seen the new rookies yet so it's hard to tell. The new Raptordramon namedrops Kota tamers though, so it may be more worth it to run the old searcher Dorumon, or the searcher Ryudamon if it turns out to be a dual tamer.
Just so you know, you can't get when attackings off of new cards you evolve into when attacking.
You can evolve into Ginryu and that's it.
With X antibody in sources you could do it, but that's a lot of investment just to effectively skip level 4.
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>then, if during an attack, until the end of your opponent's turn
Aight, I'm not playing with these cards, this language is just too annoying and weird, I don't care how it's "supposed" to work.
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>The problem is that the draw power on the deck is pretty abysmal if you dont digivolve so you have to pray to god if you dont get your pieces together.
I guess that's why I like having normal ratios, I like drawing cards and not bricking.
>you have to pray to god if you dont get your pieces together.
>in an angel deck
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How many traits can a digimon have? there a limit?
Don't care for royal knight slop.
Does deep savers work with the old fish stuff or is it more of its own thing?
Dolphmon, Seadramon, MegaSeadramon and MetalSeadramon ACE work with it, the rest doesn't.
Whamon and Aegisdramon have compatible traits/colours but their effects only hit DS.
Yao is probably an okay memory setter for the deck though.
>playing Alliance vs Lucemon
>hit Dead or Alive as their 4th security
>they only have 8 cards in the trash so can't cheat out a Lucemon
>I only have Cherubimon and a bunch of level 3's so they can't delete anything important
Has a new Valdurmon been release with the new Valdurmon Arm Chaosmon?
Still to be revealed. So far all we have are the rookies.
>Bakemon is bad
>Soulmon is bad
>Phantomon is a literal vanilla
They absolutely need to fix this. Add in a NoblePumpkinmon too.
It's pretty fucking bad with no draws at many times, I switched out all my eggs to be tokomon because of that.
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are you a wizard
Is it finally time to see Violet's real deck?
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So are this going to for Violet deck, guess is the next one if phantomon, level 6 Metalphantomon or Noblepunkimon?

Also Violet or Yuuki, which one give you more Satanichia vibes though?
It would be funny (and yuri-coded) if Violet has a Purple/Yellow NoblePumpmon that also counts as Ghost-type, but I feel like if they're going to go for that it won't happen without more on-screen "friendship" development between her and Arisa. Though I suppose it's not very clear how long Liberator is supposed to go on for.

MetalPhantomon seems like the most likely filler level 6 for Vi's Ghost deck, aside from the unknown new species we know she has.
Man I hope Violets deck doesn't just become part of generic purple slop pile.
I hope its a female digimon, perhaps a ghost bride?
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>Play various decks in DCGO
>Want to bash my head against the wall
>Hate playing the game, feel like everyone always has an answer to whatever I do and I can't do shit about it
>Decide to give it one more try and assemble a Diaboromon deck
>I'm actually having fun now
>Games feel like a real back and forth
What the fuck it feels like I managed to find the missing piece of a puzzle
Although honestly I feel like de-digivolve is too strong of a Keyword
Just means you're improving. Diaboromon is decent, but by no means meta.

And De-Digi is very powerful, but it is still balanced by the fact that
1. it doesn't remove the body on its own
2. if the Digimon for some reason has no sources, you can't do anything to it
>Though I suppose it's not very clear how long Liberator is supposed to go on for.
If it's a traditional 3 act structure, we should be about a 3rd of the way through, as they just finished the basic setup.
Zenith still hasn't done anything and there's that blonde girl on the Novel image we know nothing about, so We'll probably get 1 or 2 more arcs after Impy Black gets beaten
I don't mean to imply that Imperialdramon virus (or Unchained, more likely) is the main antagonist, just that the general setup is now in place for the story.
They haven't explicitly stated anything, but it seems like it'll run at least 2 years since the product description for BT21 mentions that Liberator is "nearing it's second year" (as opposed to "reaching its climax" like Seekers in BT17). Up until this point it was up in the air since Seekers only ran for a year and similarly, Digimon Comic is only scheduled to run for a year.
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Is aa Nene worth to pay?
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Dorumon BT20-048 U <04>
Rookie | Data | Beast/X Antibody/Chronicle
[[Digivolve] Lv.2 w/[X Antibody] trait: Cost 0]

[On Play] Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 card with the [X Antibody] trait and 1 Tamer or Option card with the [Chronicle] trait among them to the hand. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck.
Inherited: [Opponent's Turn] This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
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Loogamon BT20-064 U <04>
Rookie | Virus | Dark Animal/X Antibody/SoC/SEEKERS
[[Digivolve] [Bowmon] or Lv.2 w/[SEEKERS] trait: Cost 0]

[On Play] Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 card with the [SoC] or [SEEKERS] trait and 1 [Eiji Nagasumi] among them to the hand. Return the rest to the bottom of the deck.
Inherited: [Your Turn] This Digimon gets +2000 DP.
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Huckmon BT20-008 U <04>
Rookie | Data | Small Dragon

[Start of Your Main Phase] By trashing 1 card with [Huckmon]/[Sistermon] in its name or [Royal Knights] in its traits from your hand, <Draw 1> and gain 1 memory.
Inherited: [Your Turn] All of your Digimon get +1000 DP.
We knew the set wouldn't have a Chronicle digiegg because we've already seen Kapurimon take that spot instead, but it's still kinda interesting to see we'll be getting a Seekers egg. But probably not surprising.

But the Chronicle Option card part is a lot more interesting.
Got a bit disappointed that the only Justimon cards in the upcoming set are ACE and there's no special alternative art version like the ones they made with cool effects. Gallantmon has a good one but compared to the ones in the previous two sets are way lamer
Honestly a Chronicle egg would just be a waste of cardboard anyway, because we all know good and well you're just running BT7 Dorimon.
Actually perfect for my puppet deck. If they drop on us another Sistermon Blanc then I can actually take advantage of this.
Well teach me Necro Magic and trade me for Crabmon.
Now just make sure Phantomon is good.
Is it really? The new chronicles based support doesnt shove stuff into the source unlike the old playstyle unless you run kyosuke.
I hope im wrong when the new ouryu or alpha is revealed though since stack manipulation was really fun.
You will certainly still do some source tucking, both old Dorugreys are still great. The new Ouryuken is probably a blast DNA, but I'm sure you'll still want the old one, which means you'll need to tuck Ouryumon into sources.
>Locals hasn't fired for an entire month
There's supposed to be some new player event coming up right? Do we have any sort of details about it?
It's not listed on the official site, so no idea.
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Please tell me already which one have more Satania vibes Violet or Yuuki
ogremon should never be depicted with his mouth closed; his mouth should just be open at all times, and words should just come out.
OP has all but killed off digimon at my local
I don't like the one piece card game despite reading it since I was a child,
I even had the first volume before the 4kids dub
Surprisingly OP never really took off in my area outside one local. Combination of prices being awful and it just being a less interesting game than Digi.
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Reveal my waifu. Alphamon. Now.
Sorry anon we havent get the cyber slut trait in the game yet
I'm surprised there was enough product for One Piece to do that well in your area. Sorry to hear it.

Bit of advice for helping your local scene , bring bulk every now and then and just let people take it. Buying low rarity and low value cards online sucks because the shipping costs more than the cards. However, being a bro and just giving people cards helps make the local scene more friendly and makes it easier to play the game.
Same, I enjoyed one piece for like 20 years? but the game doesnt interest me at all and looks boring. I know it is the dcg and all but my friend tried both and opted to play digimon instead because he also found op tcg boring.
I don't understand how it got a game in the first place.
Mad money. One Piece is a massive IP. Anything related to it will print money. Combine that with how much of modern TCGs is directly connected with a luxury and pseudo-investment economy, it's guaranteed to make a shit ton of money.
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>Easier dna for level 7 now
Now please save alter s
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Pretty sure other level 5 pieces for Examon had a similar effect. Seems to guarantee an ACE Examon. Also, Examon decks need to hit their level 7 to function, so having an easier time getting there is fine.
I taught a kid digimon with a jesmon deck. I had a custom deckbox with symbols of all 3 sistermons. He asks about the third one (Noir). I tell him the bizarre censorship thing and that Noir functions the same as our Ciel.

So he asks if he can just colour his Ciel black. And he did it, so now he also has Noir.
This was so pure and funny, holy shit.
Good job anon. You're the hero this TCG needs.
Bandai for fucks sake, make a new green lvl 5 inherit.
Hope the chaosmon deck gets the same treat the all turns effect is pretty good
looking forward to BT25 where they print a veemon that counts as exvee and a wormmon that counts as sting for dna digivolution
The other level 5s counted as level 6s, but only on [Your Turn] and didn't count as the name (which will probably matter, assuming Examon is an Ace).

But they also had an EoT Jogress effect that these don't (but Examon being an Ace with Blast DNA would make up for that, somewhat), and these won't qualify as Blast DNA material when they're in the hand. So both versions should still have their uses. As will Slayerdramon and Breakdramon, of course.

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