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love to see 'em
post 'em and discuss 'em
I'll start us off with a couple of decent ones I've found. First off, picrel.
It is what it says on the tin. The rules are straightforwards without sacrificing depth, and character creation is fun without getting into the weeds.
It has a neat core mechanic where building up Rule of Cool through cool actions significantly improves your combat capabilities. I like it when systems reinforce their intended experience through their mechanics, which is a simple baseline that a disappointing number of systems fail to pass.
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Next up, Deadly Revelation, a Danganronpa fan system.
I'll be honest, I still haven't grokked the mechanics yet. However, I respect this system for actually having the balls to codify actual mechanics for trials, which seems to be a cursed design space.
Most other systems ostensibly about trials tend to say "just roleplay it" with no guidance, which really grinds my gears. Why even publish a system with no support for its core conceit?
I also appreciate that this system aims to base the mystery solving off of discovering an objective truth, as opposed to something like Brindelwood Bay that has no set answer, instead asking you to roll to see if your theory is right or not.
Once I figure out the mechanics, I'm looking forwards to running a game to see how it plays.
And this one, I just found, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure The RPG.
I love that they added panels from the manga for flavor, it's a really charming touch.
As for the system, I'd actually have to play it to see. From what I can tell, it does seem to have a focus on clever Stand usage rather than brute force, which is promising. Doesn't seem all that hard to grok, but I do wonder how balanced it is.
In any case, I just adore fan systems because of the passion of writing up a whole-ass system so that people can roleplay in their favorite franchise, which is really soulful. Hope you guys know of more, or are willing to discuss the ones already shared.
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Define "fanmade systems". You mean stuff made by fans of specific media? You mean amateur games in general? You mean people that are fans of specific game that toy with the concept to make their game work with specific media?
Either way, pic related is effectively a combination of fanfiction and fan material that ultimately ended up being the official licensed game with the full blessing
Am I allowed to shill here? Made a Bloodborne system.
I'm not too picky with definitions, lol. It's really cool seeing fan material ascend to being official material.
As an aside I find it kind of funny (in a resigned way) that a lot of official RPGs tend to phone it in and hack 5e, or maybe PbtA if they give enough of a shit. Like, from a financial point of view, I kind of get it, but it's a real damn shame.
Yeah of course! Though I would hardly call it shilling if you're not selling anything. Anything about your system in particular that you'd like to show off?
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>Anything about your system in particular that you'd like to show off?
Sure. Aside from the combat working as I wanted, being very quick while still having some meaningful decision-making thanks to the stamina-system (the holy grail of game design: quick, deadly, but tactical combat).

Really like how the Insight-Beasthood stats correlate. The system takes some liberties, but it tries to replicate the mechanics of the game itself within the frame of a d10 game. If you don't know Bloodborne, then what follows might be gibberish.
Insight is a currency and stat that you gain within the game for witnessing certain events, reaching new areas or encountering bosses. There is some CoC stuff going on, with your Insight displaying how much your character learns about the hidden world and see the true horrors that lie beyond. It can be used as a resource to spend for certain items. Amassing more and more Insight also leads to your character seeing and hearing more strange stuff.
Beasthood means your character becomes more beast-like, does more damage but takes more damage. It relies on certain items and gear to unlock.
Beasthood and Insight also limit each other. More Insight means less Beasthood. They are polar opposites.

In the system, both operate on the same 10 scale. If you have 3 Beasthood (temporary or permanently), then your maximum Insight is 7. However, Insight in the system is also your level-up currency. Beasthood is like a shortcut in power, but reaching 10 of it means your character turns into a beast and needs to be put down. On the other side, the more you leveled up, the more Insight you need, and the more susceptible to insanity effect your character becomes.
I wish I could explain these things in a short and concise manner.
i tried to play the unofficial elder scrolls rpg with some anons from /TESG/ and it was the most painful thing ever
I think it speaks well that these systems are woven together in multiple ways, I think it's really thematic. I also like the usage of stamina, not something most systems take into consideration.
Yeah, that's kind of the rub with these amateur efforts—most of them leave a lot to be desired. What kind of stuff gave you trouble in that system?
>What kind of stuff gave you trouble in that system?
The fact that I was playing with /tg/. The system was ok.
I really like this ruleset, it's really easy to play and run, without feeling lacking. I guess that's called elegant game design?
There's some people who hacked this ruleset to make their own version of a RWBY RPG (Paradigm or something?), but I think that it's way too bloated for little gain and completely misses the benefits of using the original ruleset.
Like, I can't really think of anything the original ruleset is lacking.
There was an anon who made a Blue Archive system some threads back
Wonder how it's doing nowadays
Is there even enough meat to Blue Archive to warrant an RPG? Like, what would you even try to emulate? Maybe it's because I've bounced off of so many in the past, but most gacha games seem pretty paper thin.
>Most other systems ostensibly about trials tend to say "just roleplay it" with no guidance, which really grinds my gears. Why even publish a system with no support for its core conceit?
I don't have any fangames to contribute, but I just wanted to say that I really, really feel this. I found this Japanese RPG about lawyers debating via the medium of mech battles (in Australia), and was really hyped. Like, that's cool.
What I found inside was a mech battling game with "just roleplay it" rules for the debate portion. Fuck! You can't just release a game with debating as a core part of its identity and not have rules for it!
Anyways, I'll take a look at this system to see if I can use its debate mechanics for my own usage, thanks.
there was an anon who made a valkyria chronicles rpg
funny thing is that i think they made it by hacking their own rpg, something about guerilla fighters?
didn't save it at the time since i hadn't played the games yet, but now that i have, i kinda wish i did
It's been done for a while
That's right here
Done by the same wannabe e-celeb that did this >>94621847
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Can I shill here too? It's not a fanmade system but this is a still work-in-progress system I've been busting my ass on for weeks. Just spend 8 hours rebalancing all of the classes, actually.
>Pax Cybertronia
Parts of it seem incomplete or like they're from mismatched versions, but I still really like it as a Transformers RPG
Started reading it and skimmed over a number of things, didn't find anything on how to actually roll tests and such. Yes, d20, but nothing really tangible.
Jesus, I looked at his page and he has made so many systems.
Excellent, my dude. Funny dice mechanic and a way to keep track of time traveling shenanigans that seems like it would actually work.
Sure, anything in particular you want to show off about your system?
Neat. Slightly tangential note, I love the Transformers wiki. They know how to have fun while still being informative.
Noted and addressed. I've been meaning to go back and fuck with a lot of early things that were written down before the rules got kind of out of hand.
From all of the people that have playtested the system while I'm writing it, the fan-favorite mechanic seems to be the Combo and Counter-Attack system, and all of the different ways that it affects combat. It gives Martial characters the ability to stack damage and debuff effects to ridiculous levels, and it also helps balance Caster characters into a weaker state by forcing them to rely on team mates to protect them against highly aggressive and dangerous enemies.
With the right knowledge and some good rolls, mid-level Martial characters with only moderately damaging weapons (think; 1d8 per hit) can deal up to 35 or 40 damage per turn, which is absurd in such a low-number system.

Another thing that the players are really enjoying is the freedom of action and choice. There are 8 player classes, most of them having ~2 different playstyles attached to them. 2 of those player classes start with a choice between 4 subclasses, and the Wizard gets a choice between 5 different magic schools.
That adds up for a total of 21 different starting player options for their class, and that's not even including different playstyles and build types that you can get from the same classes. Including those, the amount of character choices a player gets from level 1 is ~40 soft decisions.
When creating a character, there are also 12 default stat-layouts that a player has to choose from as well, although I'm personally less happy with that system than they are. I think too many of the choices are redundant but it's really good for roleplaying.

The fact that many character building rules are also heavily tied to character backstories has forced them all to come up with their own stories has made them all feel more engaged while still allowing them to do cool things on a regular basis without any artificial limitations
I don't want to go on a big tangent, but something I've been working on yet haven't implemented yet are mechanics to de-limb enemies and methods to insta-kill enemies through Critical Hits.
In general, I want to balance the combat around high lethality and high tensions, for both the players and the enemies. Players must maximize the length and damage of their Combos to get the most out of their turns in order to quickly dispatch foes, while using Counter-Attacks to deal extra damage out-of-turn. Due to the large number of monsters per encounter and the high damage of the enemies, players would be encouraged to take them out as aggressively and swiftly as possible, and be rewarded for doing so by satisfying numbers and increased defense.
This also adds an extra element of teamwork, as Caster characters cannot take advantage of Combos the same way that Martials can. Instead, Martials should be trying to attract attention of enemies far away from the Casters so that the Casters can maximize their own Spell Combos as much as possible, overall increasing the health and survivability of the entire party. If the Martials can play their part properly, Casters can more swiftly and more cheaply cast very powerful spells to kill large groups of enemies, which offsets their low HP.
Each Martial class can and should approach the method of attracting enemy attention and taking melee aggro in different ways, whereas the Caster classes all serve slightly different purposes in either buffing and supporting the Martials or providing huge amounts of damage after a large buildup.
All of this is to maximize the amount of raw fun and 'cool factor' that players can experience in each combat encounter, allowing them to do cool and flashy things on a regular basis no matter what class they choose to play.

I am a little disappointed by the lack of exploration mechanics but those are going to be expanded on soon. Things like torchlight timers and secret hunting and stuff.
>shill here too
Chances are, Gra Wyobraźni is older than you. It never got released outside of Poland, and it only has a single edition.
No one gonna post Dungeons: the Dragoning?
>that a lot of official RPGs tend to phone it in and hack 5e, or maybe PbtA if they give enough of a shit
That's just licensing for you, sex bomb. It makes perfect sense from the corporate point of view
>We've got a product N for market X
>We need it to release in as product N' for market Y
>Ok, so let's see what's the biggest thing on market Y
>Contact the people making biggest product of market Y
>Sign a licensing deal - you have a tested an popular product O, that has a paint job of your product N, making it a double-bubble for making money off market Y
And in 4 out of 5 cases, this also guarantees a product to a certain industrial standard. Not great, but still workable and still with easy money to a certain level of expectation from consumers of market Y.
This really isn't rocket science. Besides, developing custom systems is rarely worth it in the first place.
D:TD is the Ur-System, it doesn't need to be brought up in a thread like this, it doesn't need a special light shone upon it. Everyone worth talking about games with already knows of it.
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Yep, Furby fans rejoice, Furby RPG.
They seriously made a Furby game? Why?
I haven't the slightest. Honestly, it's actually pretty good, comes with a simple Furby conlang. I think it really encapsulates that bizarreness that straddles the line between charming and creepy, just like a Furby.
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Looking this thread, I'm feeling inspired to make my own RPG. How do I get started?
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First, you have to see a niche that isn't filled by any existing RPGs, or some subject that you feel passionately about.

Alternatively, you can roll 3d500 and force yourself to make a game based on this table.
A friend of mine added a custom perk system to add a bit more to character progression for longer games, and it was good enough that I got his blessing to nick it for a few of my games that are similar (but different in many ways) to the RWBY one.

Speaking of, here's my drive folder. It's got my own takes on systems for:
>Kamen Rider
>Metroid (Untested)
>Sonic (Currently undergoing a massive revision)
>Halo (Untested, guy who did the RWBY homebrew stuff is running a game sometimes in early 2025 when he gets back from deployment in whocaresistan)


My de-facto solution to "I want to run a thing but I don't like my options and don't want to touch GURPS/HERO system" has basically become make my own system.

Notably, the Kamen Rider and Transformers systems are built with crossplay in mind (and I came up with this before Habsro made E20 so they can fuck off), because it's my autism and I can choose the kind of autism I have fuck you.

I've also got my completely untested Modern Fantasy system that is on my to-do list/docket. I'm just running a lot of games right now, so I need an open slot is all.
if it's anything like GIrls frontline then there's plenty of meat.

GFL has a 3x3 grid system, you can have 5 units in a party, and their position DOES matter. Some units are just better as a result, namely the free story ones (i.e. M4A1, SOPMOD) that cover MASSIVE swathes of the grid.

Squadbuilding in GFL is a minigame in and of itself, with these position having squares on the grid near them they affect that give passive buffs. Some units are also better frontliners etc.

I think BA is made by the same people so it's likely the systems are similar.
I should specify the first part of the post is about the RWBYTTRPG which I also say is a favorite of mine. It's 1:30 am and I need to go to sleep.
Since this is a system about fan-games, you probably already have an idea about what the game is supposed to be like; the conflict, the tone and setting, the structure and missions, what player characters should be capable of.
Now, you just need some mechanics and rules that support and justify all this. This can start with picking the right resolution mechanic at first, the right amount of die, and build up from here, adding mechanics and content that fits the supposed game.
I remember playing a Fire Emblem fan made RPG that was made a year or two before Awakening was announced. It was kinda terrible but sovlfvl in the way that fan made games often are. Wish I had the PDF still.
Open up a word document and hope you've got enough ideas to fill up a couple pages worth of bullshit
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I've always wanted to play in a TTRPG set in Project moon's city pic/PDF related is a system meant to recreate playing a agent in Lobotomy corpBasically korean SCP except you fuck with the anomalies to generate power to well power a super distopian city

and here's a system for the more general setting in which you can be like a fixer or a syndicate guy or whatever very cool setting, I will never find a play group for it unfortunately

and here's Another fanmade system also made for the project moon setting tho this was made by koreans and was later translated into both english and japanese
>custom perk system
interesting, care to share more?
is it something like specializations?

I doubt he'll mind. He also has stuff to make NPCs a bit deadlier, though with enough RoC Dice anything is a steamroll.
they ever update the fixer ttrpg to limbus stats?
interesting. do you use alternate movement rules? desu, i never really liked ranged band positioning in any rpg, gets too hard to track if you move independently of other entities
I rolled Hell twice a owls once...
>masks of destiny
Not to be confused with masks of destiny the vidya. Or mask of destiny the news site. Seriously, why can't Bionicle fans come up with unique names? Something like Kanohi Power or something
I didn't see you roll so it doesn't count.
Steal from existing ones as needed?
World of Five Nations, a Naruto system. Very crunchy but very faithful to the source material.
Take a look at a close look at a system you like, or at least know. Open up a word document and start describing the task resolution and how to create a generic character in it. Then start building all the options and abilities you want in the game on top of that.
Nice, thanks!
I have never made a system from scratch but I do like to make small mini-game systems for cool one-shot's. Are there any tabletop wargames/rpgs that have combat trains riding rails alongside each other while trading blows? I had the idea for my cyberpunk crew to travel along the maglev rail lines throughout America and deal with bandits trying to take them out, or maybe hitting a corporate transport. Cyberpunk red is so bare bones it might as well be fan-made at this point.
I remember this from back when it was first being developed and playtested live as a quest on /tg/, back when quests were still allowed here. Nice to see that it's come a long way since then.
Any anon know if anyone ever made a system based on the God Eater games?
Are there any good Genshin Impact systems out there?
Nothing branded for it as far as I can tell, but you can run it perfectly fine with OVA or BESM.
Like FLCL?
this was a 72-hour RPG made based on the TV show.

Thanks! Any particular books you would recommend?
As someone who doesn't play Genshin, what in particular do you want to emulate?
There is nothing for OVA or BESM 4E, but if you use BESM 2E use the Fantasy Bestiary to get some premade monsters you can reskin into the monsters from the game.
Has anybody made a good Pokemon RPG? The ones I've looked at are either too cumbersome with bookkeeping or just complete fluff.
If you weren't a newfag, you'd know this discussion was had to death when I first started work on the system, you know back when /tg/ wasn't all nogames off-topic culture war garbage.

Also, the news site is Mask of Destiny. The video game is called Masks of Power. Regardless, Kanohi Power is a retarded name that sounds like a shitty half-baked cartoon for 5 year olds. It has the same vibe as Rescue Bots.
Depends on the type of system you want. My workflow generally is rather inefficient. I start at the introduction and work my way down. Order is usually:
What is the game
What do you need to play
Skills (if relevant, some of my systems lack these and do stat + Stat for skill checks)
Other options
>Core Mechanics
Skill Checks
Exploration and whatnot
Any sort of metacurrency or similar gimmicks.
Special stuff (movement, distance, etc)
End of combat (Defeat, victory, death, etc.)
>GM guide
How to run the game
Making NPCs
Tips on making fun adventures.
Are there any good fan-systems for an Owl House game, complete with both spell circle magic and glyph magic (the link here https://theowlhouse.fandom.com/wiki/Magic can explain it better than I could if you’re not familiar)? Or at least some systems that aren’t just generic ones like FATE that could be made to work relatively easily, especially for a conflict between the tyrannical government and those seeking freedom in their magic, or seeking to survive when a god-child takes over the land? Happy Holidays!
kill yourself bumpfag
Nothing specific I can think of, anon, but I would just use "Kids on Brooms" for it.
Nobody likes you.
I don’t play, can someone give me a rundown of Genshin please?
I do. Bumpfag needs to go fuck himself.
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Genshin Impact is a Chiense gacha game. It's a character action/spectacle fighter set in an open world. I know jack shit about the story since I played it only for a bit about 2 years ago and dropped it when I dropped all gachas. The designs are steeped in Chines/Korean fantasy but the world is supposed to be western fantasy (until you to get to the not china of the setting).
The game is not worth playing, and the wafius are fine enough. Just look them up on sand panda or iwara.

Your boogeyman isn't real, and you should play more games.
Thank you for this, could you tell us more about the kind of fantasy it's steeped in? And what other similar games can we think of that do this, aside from the one already mentioned? Thoughts?
As cancerous as he is, you arrogant newfag secondaries absolutely deserve him
Impressive! Can’t wait to see the finished version!
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You didn't even sage your post properly, and you call other people a newfag? That level of projection is downright pathetic.

The Ultima BRP game exists
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Pokeroll? https://www.mediafire.com/file/lmy748dyica8wu6/POKEROLE_COREBOOK_2.0.pdf/file (I'd upload it but it's 60mb, and catbox is down).

I'm guessing you've seen this and it's probably what you'd consider heavy bookkeeping but I've been really successful with a few groups using it, and it always made battles feel tense. If you want to cut down on bookkeeping, tell players they can only have 1-3 Pokémon, maybe even only 1 on them at a time if it's a big party. Yes the game does detail every Pokémon and move up to a few years ago, but you're not required to interact with anything except what's currently in front of you (your Pokémon+moves, and if you're the game master the NPCs and their Pokémon+moves). There was an excellent discord bot for randomly generating any Pokémon, even something unlikely like a beginner Dragonite, so random encounters actually work and aren't suddenly homework for the game master. I've gotten quite a few non-/tg/'s to play it and they all understood it pretty quickly. My only complaint is that this file a few years ago and if you want updates you need to go to the discord which is pretty gross. I guess my other complaint is that there is an economy (prices for potions and items) but actually rewarding battles isn't given any guidance. Something that I really like is the training system where you can raise a Pokémon up to your current skill level, and then place the points into attributes and skills but then you can respec them really easily. So depending on enemies, you could make your favorite pal into the proper threat and even have them learn the right moves. Watching players come up with training plans was cute, too.
These threads have often disappointed me with how even passion-driven projects end up being bland and samey, falling into the same pitfalls over and over again. It feels almost like a waste of time to take twenty minutes to read through a system to see whether it's more than a needlessly complicated means of flipping coins.
Anyone here familiar with Avatar: the Second Age? It's a Gensys hack.

Also, are there any non-Avatar fan-systems with an elemental focus out there? The closest I've found is Elementara, but it's a 5e thing.
at least get the most recent version dummy
I think that's just rpg design in general, desu. There aren't really any good rpg design communities where they actually innovate, they just tend to become echo chambers.
RPG design is a solved problem. Innovation game design is consistently devolves into reinventing the wheel with septagons or removing the game part so much the it turns into an improve promt.
Yeah. Not like I'm playing the designers. I know from experience that while it's not labor intensive, it's really rare to stumble upon an innovative idea, and you mostly just end up with derivatives of the exact same rolling mechanics with no thought put into how it differs or how it REALLY plays. That bloodborne RPG is the perfect example.

It's not solved, ideas are just hard and most people are boring.
>It's not solved, ideas are just hard and most people are boring
Prove that it's not solved. Come up with an innovative idea right now that is neither a shitpost nor just an existing idea made worse.
Prove your positive, retard.
wtf is the solution anyway, fucking 3.5? It's hardly a perfect game.
Feel free to prove it is, I don't indulge the requests of the retarded.
RPGs being solved is self evident by looking at perfect games like Ryuutama and Hero6E. You can't iterate those without making them worse. So you're just admitting that you're boring losers who can't iterate ideas. You're both pathetic.
You wouldn't know since you've never played either, nogames troll.
Is that projection I smell? It sure is! Now fucking engage with the point. Now try to prove me wrong and show me how (You) would iterate a game to make it better. You are here to talk about games right? You're not just (You) faring?
Cry more.
it is not
if it were, where's the perfect exploration system? crafting system? legal combat system?
Violently peeing your pants in public now. How sad.

GURPS Dungeon Fantasy
Albedo 1E
Next questions gamelet
>legal combat
yeah, let's run ace attorney in fucking any of those lol
Whoops, that was just the first version I found in 4plebs, sorry. Here you go. BTW, do you know any non-Avatar element-based fan-systems please?
whatever made you think I needed the most recent version when I gave you the fucking download link you sped
I was just sharing it for the benefit of the thread.
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The Blam! RPG for the BLAME! manga has a simple 1-100 system where the margin of success determines damage and effects.
It's giving me some classic White Wolf vibes. You're this supernatural monster living in the modern human world, and you have your own special words for everything.

The conlang was something Furbies already had. It's just one of the things that makes them more intimidating, not knowing what the hell they're promising to do to you.
>unironically thinking ryuutama has the best exploration
Yikes. You probably think TOR is the next best, too. Imagine being so easily tricked into bean counting. Might as well be using 5e's mess.
Please stop replying to obvious bait. It's just pathetic.
How is it? I'll read it myself in some free time but I wouldn't mind hearing some opinions before it. I once theorized how a RWBY RPG would work mechanically and I knew that aside from the usual stats you'd need one for aura (maybe it replaces HP and without it you're just one hit away from being knocked out, two if you have some special quality), a system for transforming weapons (two forms minimum, three for additional investment and one if you want some character creation points to invest somewhere else) as well as some special flaw and advantage options. But the most expansive system would have to be the semblance because it has to allow for a lot of creativity while remaining somehow balanced.
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Epic, thanks!
while not a fanmade system, i made a mod for "QIN: the warring states" to run my avatar games.
im quite satisfied by it.
also made a setting + system mod for fallout using the l5r 4th edition mechanics.
I like the idea of this system but I think it's way too crunchy for me to play.
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/2019/64763346/ Hollow Knight TRPG
Pretty cute character generation.
Thanks, love that game!
>I have never played Ryuutama or TOR but I want to make my retarded insult sound like it has merit by namedropping a game most people haven't played.
Even if the guy you're talking to is a tard, you're so much worse.
Does anyone happen to have an English translation of the Brazilian fan-made Adventure time system?
Do you know Spanish?
If so, all it takes is reading Portuguese aloud and you will figure out 90% of it.
French, im trying to find a good english or french translation, scoured around but ive sadly found nothing.
Didn't they also do a Steven Universe one? I've been looking for an English translation for it forever!
TOR isn't some obscure indie like Ryuutama, you fucking moron. It's The LotR Game.
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>It's The LotR Game.
NTA, but thanks for clearing that up.
This thing is one of the very few examples of complexity being worth the hurdle. The resulting gameplay is very engaging.
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If modifications to existing systems count, Elementara is an elementally themed mod of 5E. Are there any other good elemental-based fan-systems out there, I know that some Avatar ones have been mentioned, what about others?
where does this element obsession come from? Please try to explain your fascination.
What are some other examples of complexity being worth it?
/v/ is thataway
He's a sped. There's no explaining why his brain is stuck on something, it just is.
>RWBY system
alright that activated some nostalgic almonds in me.
How is the unofficial tabletop RPG? I might try to invite some friends to play it.
Wasn't there a pdf listing off all these kinds of systems?
>RWBY came out in 2013.
Oh man take me back.
RWBY was also my guilty pleasure.
How do I wrangle some other RWBY enjoyers to have them try this game out when they have only played DnD5E?
of course you'd like ruby, you giant faggot.
Thanks anon. It's slow coming but the playtesters are really enjoying the system too
File: 1651439960342.pdf (2.29 MB, PDF)
2.29 MB
2.29 MB PDF
Just for (You)
NTA, but thanks.
>you want to play RWBY with your OCs?
don't even pretend that you don't have at least one OC if you're a RWBY fan
Frankly a RWBY fan that didn't make one, even if it was just a fleeting thought, is not to be trusted. It suggests that you fundamentally lack whimsy in your heart.
I love that one of the "fanmade" games for streetfighter is just a polishing up of the actual, licensed streetfighter game.
I have made some.
Honestly the RWBY setting makes for a great TTRPG if you think about it.
Digimon Digital Adventures
>Digimon Digital Adventures
Didn't know that this existed, thanks.
>Dragon Ball Paper Attack
They updated that one into "Dragon Ball Universe" with a lot more Z and Super stuff

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