What is the most grimdark, bleak, and soul-crushingly depressing TTG setting or system to live in as an NPC?
>>94619506black sun deathcrawl
>>94619506Wraith: The Oblivion. You're dead, like actually dead-dead, and it just gets worse from there.
>>94619506Hmmm... AdEva campaigns are probably high up there because the default formula is that a mini-apocalypse has already fucked up the world once and the for-real apocalypse is still coming and is actually narratively unavoidable. A lot of settings have things *getting worse* or *already bad*. Most campaigns deal with an end of the world that is *impending* but the players are fighting to avoid and if they make the right choices probably will save the planet from.I can't think of another game where the actual, real end of the world happens as regularly as it does in AdEva. Even if you do everything right, you WILL see Third Impact of some kind go off at the end. The one question is whether there is a way back from it or not.
>>94619506Xars Irkalla has got to be up there.
Real life
>>94619848Xas Irkalla, not Xars Irkalla.
>>94619817I was going to mention that setting where all the stars have snuffed out and the Final City is situated on a bleak dead rock, but this anon has a good one too. The bleakest settings are the ones where the world's been hurt and forced to limp along until it either succumbs to the wounds or whatever hurt it finishes them off. It's the effort to continue the Day to Day that makes something feel bleak. You can point at Warhammer 40k as technically bleaker, but the people in those settings have no other frame of reference for what life should be. You eat corpse starch and die at the job. That's what everyone does.But AdEva always takes place in a world where people still like, want to go watch movies. They want to eat McDonald's, or go swimming. They're still people - kids, if you're playing it right - but the world's just worse than what we've got now. Some campaigns present a world where the sky's a perpetual shade of piss-yellow, or you need respirators to go outside, or the ocean's turned toxic and the mass extinction event is so recent it hasn't quite hit terrestrial creatures yet. But people still want to play video games, or have Halloween parties, or any number of other things.So I guess to stop rambling, the bleakest settings are ones where society still tries to emulate normalcy, but the effort is starting to crack because the resources (or simple willpower) isn't there anymore.
>>94619861Thats a good point. For a setting to be properly bleak, there has to be something left to lose and then the feeling of that loss being unavoidable still matters. If an entire hive world gets incinerated in 40k, why should I feel anything? Every bit of lore I have ever been given has done nothing but tell me that every waking moment of all of those 6 trillion lives was horrible and that they almost certainly welcomed death. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tl9nVK5Lx1c
>>94619506Call of Cthulhu if you're in the know.
>>94619506Someone made an OSE module for The Night Land, which is pretty terrible.
Kingdom Death. Even before I actually played it, reading the synopsis over at Tv Tropes creeped me out. Just the sheer absurdity and bleakness and hopelessness of the situation. IMO it was even worse back then when the lore was thin and little of it was explained.
>>94620049Everyone's hot and fucking constantly in KD. Yes they'll die horribly but until then life doesn't seem that bad.
>>94619506Black Sun Deathcrawl, Xas Irkalla or Kingdom Death.
>>94619982That's just terrible writing and a terrible group of losers who feel compelled to bring up that crap.It's actually a pretty boring setting since there's nothing worthwhile outside, and even the "terrors" are pretty lame and have even lamer names.
Memento Mori, you are a guy with a Behelit, but instead of a Hehelit, it's the black plague that grant wishes, and you can trade your name away for a burst of strength. One of the way to meet the final boss is to get pregnant and give birth 80 times. Your goal is to die with some semblance of humanity and fulfill a wish before you die (warmth of a mother, some food, getting out of poverty etc)
>>94619506Kingdom Death: Monster is pretty up there
>>94620458Go away, Dying Earth schizo. This is a thread for fucked up super bleak TTRPG settings, not a thread for you to jack off your Night Land hateboner.
>>94621240Fuck off, shitspammer. Go read something good so you can stop trying to drag shit into discussions.
>>94621447>spammerI don't think you know what that word means.
>>94619506Mork Borg isn't fun for pretty much anyone.
>>94622012Especially not for the players.
It doesn't work that way. It's like asking for the tallest dwarf. At a certain point you just go "okay shit sucks who cares" and it has no impact on you anymore. No one's getting seriously emotionally worked up over what happens in Rapeworld: into the rape vortex.
>>94620362It's all fun and games until the hot chick you're fucking turns out to be an incarnation of Satan.
>>94623607>inb4 I was the gigasatan incarnateKDM's gratuitous lewdness combined with absurd levels of bleak grimdark combined are ridiculous to me but I understand the appeal
>>94623932wtf, there are so many baddies that there's no way anything can function at all
>>94619976I mean, Call of Cthulhu is the one setting that is 100% guaranteed doomed with literally no way to remedy, but like, when the doom happens it's not particularly painful or long-lasting. Humanity just kinda ends.
>>94620484>Memento MoriThis looks like it's still being backed and not out yet but is there anywhere I can read it? I found the free sample PDF but nothing about the stuff you're talking about.
>>94624884It's out, you can probably find it in the Share Thread along with its supplements.
>>94623972it's what happens when all the worldbuilding you do is so you can stat bad guys
>>94619506Agony: The Gloomy RPGhttps://www.rebel.pl/gry-rpg/agonia-ponura-gra-fabularna-wydanie-2020-116353.htmlOriginally started as a joke parodying such things, but since Poles can't into humour, it became a dead-serious game instead
>>94625296is there a translation
>>94619506>What is the most grimdark, bleak, and soul-crushingly depressing TTG setting or system to live in as an NPC?the ravenloft domain called bluetspur, its described in an adventure called Thoughts of Darkness. Its hellish. that place fits as a domain of hell its a small part of the ravenloft setting, but its the worst place to beRavenloft, 2e Thoughts of Darkness adventurehttps://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/91669877/#91669877
>>94623972>>94623932Fantasy campaign settings feel like low-hanging fruit since the entire point of the setting is to offer DMs a plethora of adventuring options, which will of course result in every other city having a horrible monster lurking just outside the city walls.
>>94619506A bit on the nose, but The End of the World series is consistently bleak if only because the player is hopelessly vulnerable. It’s very easy to become too damaged or traumatized to survive in scenarios full of things that will kill you, and the various minisettings range in hope for livability and freedom from merely very uphill battle to inevitable, horrible doom. Alien Invasion, for example, ranges from the Atlantean scenario where you’re fighting for limited land space and resources on the surface but managed to reverse engineer some of the alien’s tech to fight them to the Martian scenario, where after a very alien-biased ceasefire both species are attacked by the same biotechnical species that nearly drove the former to extinction in the first place, with far more lethal technology and that only cares about slaughter and harvesting organics for resources
>>94619506the grimdark. 40k. duh.
>>94626489The most grimdark scenario from that lot has to be by far the nanobot one. 90% of the planet (including the oceans and the mantle) is converted to grey goo while what's left of humanity has to eke out a miserable existance on the frozen poles before inevitably succumbing to an ugly, undignified death from starvation and exposure.
>>94623972the baddies are very incompetent and all the ones who arent author's pets get killed immediately to be fair
>>94620458ignore this spamming schizophrenic with a bone to pick The Night Land is awesome
>>94620484Don't forget all the horrible demons who find you absolutely delicious.
>>94620458The Night Land is awesome
>>94624871> Call of Cthulhu is the one setting that is 100% guaranteed doomed with literally no way to remedyUnless you have a sufficiently large boat.
>>94619506There's a setting where the stars have all gone out and the players are the last humans alive in the universe, looting the last derelict stations in the universe, with nothing to possibly look forward to except maybe finding the coordinates of another station and supplies to get there. It's Crippling Depression: The Game and I'm just not scandinavian enough for it.
>>94631317What's it called, out of curiosity?
>>94631300Nah, the stars just weren't right, the boat thing barely did anything.IF that even was Cthulhu.
>>94628122>>94631272Samefagging lies doesn't make them become true.
>>94631416If I knew I'd have told you. Some anon linked it here years ago. I wanted to say Death in Space but I looked it up and the core setting isn't quite that bad - everyone's trapped in a worthless system but life is still limping along. Maybe it was a supplement for that which turned up the grim to max.
>>94631317>>94631416Not a trpg but that sounds remarkably similar to the setting for the game Iron Lung
>>94631427The stars were right.The story isn’t called “The Call of Probably Cthulhu but maybe not”The boat might not have killed Cthulhu but seeing as the whole story is framed as a survivor writing down the tale weeks or months after the fact with no mention of world-ending, it clearly knocked Cthulhu off of his game.Sorry, Cthulhufags.
>>94631996>The stars were right.The stars explicitly weren't right. This alone tells me you never fucking read the story and you're just a memespouting whore from whatever backwater subreddit still parrots this stupid shit.
>>94632112The stars were ehhh close enough
>>9462713040k being honest with you isn't as bad as half of these.
>>94619856came here to post this
>>94632112The stars were literally right, cthulu got hit by the boat and the moment passed and he was left seething on the island while it sank againRead the book.
>>94634473It is because it's much vaster in scope. Most of the above are contained to a single planet/world. In 40k, not only is the entire galaxy a crapsack horrorshow but Chaos (aka the Afterlife for most folks) is heavily implied to infest across the entire multiverse, wherever there's sapient life.Literally inescapable horror.
>>94634473Oh, you're new to this setting. Here, listen and think again: https://archive.org/details/david-attenborough-warhammer-40k-lore/creating+a+servitor.mp4
>>94634830the boat barely slowed him down, it literally said that after looking back Cthulhu was quickly recombining in his evil form, once again if that even was Cthulhu.That entire narrative is a retelling of a retelling, and the guy who actually "saw" Cthulhu didn't know what Cthulhu was, the assumption that that thing was Cthulhu was made by someone else piecing shit together, but it is in no way a guarantee.And the stars weren't right. they were close enough to being right for the city to emerge for a few hours, but that was absolutely not them being truly right
>>94637480>It is because it's much vaster in scope. Not...really? Xas Irkalla features multiverses which regularly collapse and fall into the setting, which acts as the inescapable graveyard of all realities. Kingdom Death has both a multiverse and explicit meta-shit. Black Sun Deathcrawl is specifically isolated to one universe by the gods because if the Black Sun escapes, it will consume all existence. Etc.The scope of Warhammer's grimdark is much smaller on the big scale than you think. Even Chaos with its infinite multiverse stuff cannot use said power effectively, with AOS going further and outright giving them a way to permadie if you're powerful enough to blow up their Corpus. There IS a way out for Warhammer. Not so much for these settings.
>>94619506The one where you have to dig downwards to escape the expanding black hole sun’s cancer rays and kill yourself to end the session.
>>94619506Anything /tg/ makes because 99.9% of the people on this board are joyless terminally online faggots.
>>94619506Takes the cake by virtue of taking place within a scat fetishist's magical realm. The Warhammer inspirations are secondary.
>>94619506If you ask palladium playing YouTubers it's apparently splicers:>Forced by killer robots to larp as a possibly racist chariacture of your ethnic ancestors did several centuries back.>Except the machine release nanobots that make any metal any animal touchs explode or grow spikes or become a robot that will kill you >Also you will be killed if you leave the village by the robots>The people that want to free you from the robots use horrible monsters and use a feudal clan system.>These guys, the splicers, spend half their time fighting eachother as much as fighting the killer robots>And they snoop around your village trying to recruit you into fighting for them.>Although the machine is also very insane. If it finds out the monster suit guy is snooping around or if the wind blows the wrong direction that day the machine will kill you and your village in an instant.>Also, the cherry on top, the splicers use biotechnology exclusively. That means words like anus are going to now be used in many different situations in your daily life.
>>94631585>for the game Iron LungYou want my theory? I think what actually happened in the great disappearance is that the world the player is in is what ACTUALLY disappeared, while everything else is continuing as normal in real space./spoiler]
>>94642003Forgot pic
>>94622976People get worked up about the UK all the time.
>>94619506Nechronica comes to my mind, but I'm not sure if it counts.
>>94619506For a short campaign I adopted a setting made by my brother where lights outside the galaxy suddenly disappeared, and even after FTL was invented, they went to the edge of the galaxy and discovered a wall of stone that completely encases the entire galaxy inside it. They then proceeded to drill into it to see what they could find.(Without spoiling, it did not end well)
>>94641976Well you're not wrong.
Abandon All Hope is a pretty grim dark one. You play "criminals" and dissidents of a future dystopia/utopia as written by a libertarian, jammed into a giant spaceship that just detoured into hell.
>>94655886Abandon All Hope also has some weird fucked up metaplot doesn't it?
>>94660923Oh, I'm not sure, I've just read about it over the years and glanced through a pdf. It's a weird fucking setting.
>>94622976for me personally, I feel thats why the question should be "whats the grimdarkest setting that is still compelling?". Thats a debate actually worth having vs this which is p much "well no one can beat goku."
>>94661121Do you have a candidate? It is an interesting question.
>>94619506Every single setting without chubby catgirls
It's not as bad as a lot of these, but Shadow of the Demon Lord is pretty bad>The planet will inevitably be consumed/destroyed by the demon lord in a matter of when, not if>While this happens fucked up things start occurring based purely on the fact the demon lord has noticed this reality, like people becoming more evil and violent, ancient evils awakening, and people turning into degenerate beastmen>The world's leading religion was actually invented by the literal devil to trick people into worshipping him>On a meta level you kind of want aforementioned literally-satan to win because he's seemingly the only being powerful enough to face the demon lord (but will definitely still lose) >The afterlife is fucked up because the fae were scared of the prospect of mortal reincarnation >There's a spell that makes you painfully shit yourselfFor the average citizen it's not too bad, other than the worshipping the devil part. Unless you're an orc, then your entire race is built to suffer.
How grimdark could a setting be and still be fun to play in?
>>94619506Any of the ones where its just real life but worse.
>>94619861>>But AdEva always takes place in a world where people still like, want to go watch movies. They want to eat McDonald's, or go swimming. They're still people - kids, if you're playing it right - but the world's just worse than what we've got now. Some campaigns present a world where the sky's a perpetual shade of piss-yellow, or you need respirators to go outside, or the ocean's turned toxic and the mass extinction event is so recent it hasn't quite hit terrestrial creatures yet. But people still want to play video games, or have Halloween parties, or any number of other things.I'm looking for fantasy in my table-top, not real life
>>94637796if we go by lovecraft's lore, cthulhu is just a lesser god, eventually humanity dies anyway and then millions of years later the bug people who inherited the planet also die because azathoth blows up the earthand the multiverse is swarming with horrors and countless alien civilizations the majority of which worships the gods of the void, humanity's ignorance of the true nature of the world is actually a pretty unusual circumstance. most thinking beings in existence are more similar to what humanity would be if we all started worshipping cthulhuhonestly after doing a deep dive in lovecraft's worldbuilding i prefer it to the chaosium fanfictions
>>94619506Xeelee Sequence.
>>94662411Kingdom Death is about as far as you can get.
>>94619506Paranormal Order. Even with all the anime bullshit powers and experienced heroes, the setting is not only doomed, it's railroaded into always being doomed since nobody has free will.
>>94619506I was going to suggest the Scarred Land - a post apocalyptic world that being slowly repaired has been sundered by a war between the Gods and their parents the Titans(now imprisoned but after a century they still have followers out to release them) but compared to the threads examples its rather tame, plus their is still hope in the setting despite everything - even if the TITANS return is inevitable
>>94683840Kinda funny how if you were to describe this setting without specifying "post-apocalyptic" I'd have thought you were describing Scion instead.
>>94670600TTG setting or system
>>94686435Could easily describe Exalted as well. No one ever accused White Wolf writers of originality.
>>94620458oh so youve never read The Night Land
>>94662411I could tell you anon, but I'm not sure that you'd want me toBecause the answer is a matter of personal opinion and you're a retard for asking
>>94624871Unless you have the misfortune of playing in The Cruel Empire of Tsan Chan
>>94688324That's been obvious for years, ever since he first showed up.
>>94693596Insane schizo with a multi-year long hateboner for the Night Land has been entering any thread where it's even remotely mentioned to shit on it and anyone who likes it. You can typically notice him by the fact he keeps trying to force comparisons between it and the Dying Earth subgenre, often to make some shitty novel he likes that nobody else read look better. Notice how we no longer have Night Land threads here? That's because of him.
>>94696678This. I am amazed at the depths of that one dude's dude's hate-filled obsession with that obscure piece of Victorian-era science fiction; and his ability to appear in any thread where it's mentioned, meaning he must be browsing /tg/ every day for hours a day fuelled by pure autism.He reminds me of Barneyfag, but Barneyfag became a meme at some point and people started impersonating him for laughs, I don't think NLfag has that same sort of notoriety.
>>94620458The night lands is terrible but not for the reasons you stated, it is clear you never read it.The worldbuilding is pretty great. What is lame is that it has this sort of writing style common in the late 1800s, early 1900s, I don't know if there is a name for it but you see it in all sorts of "long voyage" stories, where the story becomes bogged down with mundane and tedious descriptions of things like, the protagonist waking up, hiking, eating dinner, then sleeping, repeating a dozen or so times. Modern books would just gloss over this in a paragraph with a general description, "he hiked for miles with little food and little rest", but older books are absolutely laborious about it
>>94696784It's a matter of presentation, honestly. Barneyfag was at least comically antipathetic towards those shows. NLfag was just mean-spirited and a buzzkill instead of someone you could banter with, even for laughs.
>>94619506Star trek
>>94696763>>94696678What I find amazing is the cancerous cyst that's grown on /tg/ that is the Night Lands and its handful of retarded fans.It's awful. Trying to get anything good out of that lump of barely-readable text is like trying to get blood out of a stone, and yet there's a handful of people here who keep trying to pretend it has any value or merit. They react like a kicked bee hive whenever anyone properly confirms that yes, it is in fact shit, and then go on and on about how amazing it is and how it's the pinnacle of horror, and just lining up anyone interested in it for the biggest disappointment when they actually try reading it.The problem isn't really the book itself. It's bad, but so are millions of other books. The problem with the Night Lands is the losers here who keep performing the practical joke of pretending its great, and then laughing when some idiot actually takes there lies seriously.
>>94696784>The worldbuilding is pretty great.No, it's pretty awful, especially in the context of wanting to try and turn it into a setting for an RPG. Most of Hodgson's writing is just vague mysteries, but without any hooks to make you want to investigate further. Everything is excessively deadly/hazardous as well, not simply discouraging exploration but making it incredibly stupid and self-defeating.For example: The Place Where the Silent Ones Kill.Whoa, intriguing name, right? What could be there?A line with some distant figures or rock formations. Narrator doesn't really know, it's too spooky for him to ever get close, and he runs away.What about the far less intriguing Place of Gas?It's a place. Of Gas. Probably deadly gas. Narrator never finds out and doesn't care, because it's just an obstacle. It's really just an entire setting of obstacles, with most of them being quite lame, with several varieties of places of fire or mist/smoke/gas, with them just being "places to avoid" but with palette swaps.Hodgson's writing is really like his setting. It's block after block of painfully dull text, which you trudge through in the vain effort of finding anything worthwhile. But, there's no rewards here; just more dull shit that actually gets worse as the "mysteries" of the setting collapse to reveal that there's nothing inside.
>>94696763You can also notice how he just repeats the same arguments and bullshit over and over and over again. It's like interacting with a bot, except you can at least break a bot's scripting if you push it enough. Sadly, nobody has ever managed to do that for the NLfag.
>>94696763>>94696828I'll also add that he's not just doing this on /tg/ - he's constantly browsing /lit/ too for the slightest mention of Night Land.
>>94619506tacgnol is gnoooool
>>94696678>>94696763>>94698162>>94698171What causes someone to become like this?
>>94698162>The truth hurtsNight Land sucks and you're a fag. No amount of "HOW DARE YOU" outrage will change that, especially when you're hit by arguments you can't really counter just by getting more upset by them.Go read some actually good books. There's been a few already mentioned in this thread.
>>94698318When your pet book is as bad as the Night Land is, of course you're going to act like a retarded faggot in its defense. You can't actually call it a good book without opening yourself up to all the ways it's actually terrible, so its ad hominem all the way.
>>94698318/tg/ is just filled with autism. For instance, there's one anon who always replies to any 40k/fantasy thread with an immediate "You missed the general." I think its the same one that replies to any thread that doesn't specifically mention a game with "What game?" in the most passive aggressive way. There's also another anon who always posts his slop AI photos of elvish women with abnormally long legs.
Not a ttg or system just an imaginative worldbuilding alignment chart, but the setting fits OPs description.
>>94698666I have more pics on that setting, seems like a really cool world anon created.
>>94698674I'm interested, where can I get more?
>>94698710I don't know, anon. All I have are pics from the threads. I'll post what I have for you.
>>94698847Last thing I have. If anyone has more, please go ahead and post.
>>94698547Sadly it's not a /tg/ specific thing. This sort of behavior is site wide, though it's more noticeable on /tg/ compared to some other boards because of how niche the schizo's obsession subject is (see /awg/ on a bad day).
>>94698853Thanks anon, appreciate it
>>94698352>>94698367Kindly get a life beyond thinking everyone who wants you to fuck off is the same conspiracy group of Night Landfags trying to make you specifically miserable.>>94698547It's not just /tg/, because you can find this sort of fsggotry literally everywhere on the site now.
>>94699952Retard, you're the faggot trying to say everyone who tells you that your shit book is shit is a single person, so quit it with the hypocritical accusation that I'm the one trying to play a numbers game when that's the only card you're able to play.I can admit to having said that Night Lands is shit in the past, however, this was alongside other people, and I actually find it pretty amusing that you've been run out of /lit/, a board I never visit, because even the people there immediately recognize the book is shit. And, I've seen from you the same defensive attempt all the worst posters on this board try to do; they leap to try and create a circus of inventing a boogeyman, because apparently you run on the logic that an opinion's validity is determined by the conventions of a popularity contest, and you're hoping to brute force your way to minimize the appearance of the other side as much as possible, likely under the hope that if you can accuse the opposing side of being a single person, outside observers will think "Well, even if it's not just one person, it must be a small number."This is abhorrent behavior, which is why you're the singular and only person to do it on this board. You are the boogeyman of /tg/, responsible for all the shittiest opinions, combined with the shittiest attempts to defend those positions: complete with hysterical theatrics, nothing even close to resembling a coherent argument, and copious (emphasis on the word "cope") amounts of same-fagging to try and pretend you are not a singular boogeyman.
>>94700272>you're the real boogeyman
>>94700272>You are the boogeyman of /tg/, responsible for all the shittiest opinions, combined with the shittiest attempts to defend those positions: complete with hysterical theatrics, nothing even close to resembling a coherent argument, and copious (emphasis on the word "cope") amounts of same-fagging to try and pretend you are not a singular boogeyman.Holy autism
>>94700341>>94700365>two separate and clearly different people both lack the ability to detect that the final paragraph is satirical despite the preceding paragraph making it quite clearAt least samefag subtlely, because you're making my satirical boogeyman accusation sound less hyperbolic and instead scarily accurate when you do.
>>94699952>>94698937You guys are right. I'll never forget the day when someone on /v/ was shitting on the PSP when some brand-faggot posted literal child porn in an effort to get the thread nuked. It didn't work and I thankfully did not look at it. Thank you to all the kind anons who commented on it before I could even hover over it. /div/ also has some insane nutjobs. Holy moly there are so many unhinged, lonely, and sad people there. It's quite depressing to read their conversations. Damaged and unwilling to heal. I'm sure this unhinged behavior exists elsewhere on the internet, but it seems so prevalent here.
>>94700392>samefagA critical sign of autism is being fundamentally incapable of recognizing that multiple people can disagree with you or hold opinions and values that are not your own. Or in this case, everyone mutually agreeing that you're a psychopath who needs to be institutionalized.
>>94701286>A critical sign of autism is being fundamentally incapable of recognizing that multiple people can disagree with you or hold opinions and values that are not your own.Ah, sweet irony.Truly, satire is a glass wherein beholders do generally discover everybody's face but their own
>>94701286This wasn't a case of multiple people disagreeing on an opinion. It was two people making the same dumb mistake within minutes of each other.
You couldn't penetrate The Night Land, that's ok. It's got some difficult prose for the contemporary reader
>>94700272Anon, we can tell users apart pretty easily when they've been here for years due to their consistent posting style (vocabulary, grammar, etc.) and hyper-fixated autism on a singular topic.>>94698547For a few years there was also a guy who would respond with abject rage whenever trannies were mocked and you could tell it was the same person because he would always use the exact same images and phrases in response.
>>94700341>no john, you are the zombie
>>94703382Anon, you personally can't tell people apart and you also have no incentive to, because you don't care about accuracy when you're trying to play a numbers game on an anonymous image board.
>>94703857Anon, there are people who will literally use the exact same arguments, the exact same phrases, even, often verbatim, literally every time you engage with them. NLfag is probably a bit less autistic than these people, he is a bit more eloquent, but he still has his tells.Most people when faced with something they don't like would just say "it's a shitty book and it's overrated" and move on, which I generally agree with, though I like the premise of psychic far-future humans holding out a last stand against demons and monstrosities (it's sounds a lot like 40k actually), but going on a massive hate-crusade and making paragraph long rants about it is something that happens with more regularity than you'd expect from such an obscure and inoffensive piece of fiction. Stormbringer gets talked about a lot. It's kind of campy and dated but you don't see hate crusades from non-fans. Drizzt, or Forgotten Realms in general is cheesy fiction but it doesn't get hate crusades. In fact, any book inspired by a TTRPG, is usually really bad by book snob standards. I could name off a dozen books off of /tg/'s recommended reading list which hardly qualifies as literature, but of these only Nightlands will evoke a hate-filled rant every time it's talked about.
>>94698666>>94698825Honestly, I wasn't sold by the alignment chart, but reading the lore, an awakened AI discovering an impending alien invasion, learning blood magic, and trying to evolutionarily jumpstart humanity by turning the world into a blood hell is surprisingly compelling.
>>94700272> You are the boogeyman of /tg/, responsible for all the shittiest opinions, combined with the shittiest attempts to defend those positions: complete with hysterical theatrics, nothing even close to resembling a coherent argument, and copious (emphasis on the word "cope") amounts of same-fagging to try and pretend you are not a singular boogeyman.Based insane schizo
>>94698666>>94698674Gave me an idea while I was warming up for drawing something else.>One of the greatest tests the Haemothurge bestowed upon mankind was the Grand Speaker, an angel who had great power over the mystic words. His descent upon a workshop capital was foretold by a string of whispers that rose to a vicious screaming chaos, and all the citizenry where compelled to affirm his words until they were exsanguinated in the streets. The terror was only ended when a foragemaster, driven by rage over watching his thralls turn, hammered sheet upon sheet of precious metal, until he had forged a massive shell and a gun with which to launch it. With one last angry strike, he fired his gun into the Grand Speaker, breaking his holy blind and temporarily immobilizing him. The remaining forge hands quickly took to silencing the angel, nailing his mouth shut so that he could never speak again, hauling his body in the wastes, and leaving him forever more. Many years later, after his defeat passed into legend, there are those that seek the site for two truths: what lies beyond the veil of an Angel and how does one construct a weapon capable of harming one? The Silenced Speaker can answer neither and only can desperately try to reveal either truth with cursed sigils it manifests from blood.
>>94704073> Stormbringer gets talked about a lot.Rarely actually, and at bare minimum it's an incredibly important work in the context of post-Tolkien fantasy, and basically set the tone for dark fantasy for a few decades. It's "campy", but it's also good, and should be discussed far more often than it is.The Dark Elf Trilogy is likewise a solid set of fantasy novels, especially in the context of an RPG-tie-in. They have plenty of flaws, but for young adult fiction it's entirely understandable how Drizzt managed to become such a beloved character. The latter books increasingly become trash, but no one ever talks about them, and people rarely even talk about the good books.>only Nightlands will evoke a hate-filled rant every time it's talked about.Only Nightlands gets revered as some sort of great work of fiction, constantly brought up here whenever horror, Lovecraft, or just books in general, when it's complete and total shit. Nothing about it is innovative or imaginative if you're even mildly familiar with the literature of the time (and decades before), and the only reason it wasn't entirely forgotten is because Lovecraft namedropped it because he saw more in the work than there actually was. It's a shallow, poorly-written, poorly-conceived work that is amateurish at best, and at worst it's an example of all the worst kinds of writing with all the worst elements. Hell, even its fans understand this, with multiple attempts to try and rewrite it and re-imagine it, which are ultimately wasted efforts.From a distant concept, I can understand WANTING to like it. The vague premise of a journey through a spooky danger land should be enough for a great story. But every actual component, from the language, to the plot, to the characters, to the actual setting and not just what you hope it would be, is such a disappointment that calling it inoffensive is being far too charitable.
>>94704073>Most people when faced with something they don't like would just say "it's a shitty book and it's overrated" and move onAnd people do that and have. But, the weird thing about the Nightlands isn't the low quality of the original work, but the rabidness of its fans and how much effort they put into not just promoting the wok, but defending it. Even in this thread, one post was enough to set off an entire swarm of upset samefagging and crying.Nightlands gets put down harder because its fans put more effort into trying to prop it up. The sad thing is that when it comes to defending the work, they'll do it in such roundabout methods because the uncomfortable truth for them is that yes, the book is pretty weak, but they can't admit that and also justify how much effort they put into doing insane things like trying to make it relevant to traditional games just so they can discuss it here instead of apparently being bullied on /lit/.
>>94705064Take your meds, schizo
What TTG has pic related vibes?
>>94705043>>94705064We really need to start putting schizos on so many meds they basically become incapable of doing anything solely to keep dogshit posts like these from circulating and ruining good threads.
>>94705064Let them like it. I really liked the book up until around the point where the main character set off from the pyramid of cool into boringland.I think it has a lot of potential to act as inspiration for something better, at the very least. Elements of it can be drawn into other things, which is what Lovecraft did.
>>94705310Unironically, my pick for the most depressing to live in setting: Rifts
>CTRL-F "Kult">0 results/tg/, I am disappoint
>>94620362Not in my settlement they arent. I hope i can get them there though. I gotta say, starting a campaign in the winter really adds to bleakness and im hoping to get snowed in this year so i can suffer in blackness.
>>94623901I look at that stuff like the attention grabbers, the lights and sirens to get your attention but the game can become so stressful (for me atleast) that the tits and stuff really just fade away.
>>94708855They said most bleak and soul-crushing setting, not game to actually play.
>>94713805It can be both, and is!
>>94619856NPC here. Can confirm.
>>94708855Yeah, I was waiting on this one to be mentioned.
>>94620458>never read Night Land>barely ever post in these sort of threads>am still instantly able to recognize the posting style of this specific guy right herewew lad
>>94708855KULT is weird in the context of this thread. Because yeah, it's dark, bleak, and you'll probably die before achieving anything.... But every human is also an immortal nascent reality warping god and it's pretty much not a question of if the species will reclaim their power but when. So despite its blatant darkness, it's arguably not even "grim" at all.
>>94717244Imagine being that assmad that people like a thing you don't>>94719432True, but it's also a setting where not-so-nascent reality warping things are all over and actively malevolent.
>>94619506>>94626489(me)As an addendum to my post because I can’t sleep, the way I rate survivability of the various scenarios is based largely on its latter campaign stage: each scenario has an apocalypse and a post-apocalypse, the former of which is can vary in lethality a lot depending on the current situation but across the books are more/less equally disastrous. To use Alien Invasion again (the only one I’ve read fully), whether the active apocalypse is pissed atlanteans blasting and drowning you, giant ants eating you, reptilians getting you to kill each other, pod people harvesting you or pissed marrltians disintegrating you, the situation is always so bad that most of humanity doesn’t survive. Given their post-apocalypse outlooks, rated by the transformation of the world and resources left to the continued presence of the world ender, they vary in hope for the future quite drastically, from my own perspective from most to least hope atlanteans>ants>reptilians>pods>martians. Scenario 1) most of earth is flooded because even though atlanteans were winning with only minor losses the decide to melt the icecaps, drowning most of humanity and a great chunk of the other life. The survivors occupy the most inland, high elevation parts left, naturally flooding those nations with any refugees that don’t take their chances on the oceans. Scarcity is high in both territory and resources which naturally leads to tensions among forced neighbors, and the aliens started installing military posts on now drowned land. But someone was able to reverse engineer some of the secrets of their tech (which mostly works because their tech was the progenitor of a lot of 20th century tech anyway) namely the force fields and armor strength to withstand ocean pressure: this leads to an emerging but high risk practice of small raids on alien vessels and bases, with the floated hope of eventually taking their cities and making them livable, hence being the most hopeful “doom”
>>94619861You do raise a very good point. The average prole of most grimdark settings doesn't even know what he's missing out on. Nothing lost, nothing gained.
>>94619506The Slavjank settings fit the bill.
I will point out that Nightlands is not really that grimdark because the main theme is that no matter how bad things are, there is always hope and love (it's downright sappy at parts). And there is never any immediate threat to the last redoubt, it is pretty secure and its people live comfortable lives. Also a benevolent alien or psychic force (never explained) is protecting them.
>>94725014That's the feeling I got when I read it, though I very much disliked the incredibly sappy ending. It is initially portrayed as an incredibly bleak and apocalyptic scenario, but the only horror you're ever confronted with is the terror the main character feels as he is compelled to step out of the comfort of the Redoubt to find his love.I agree to a very extent with some of the criticisms schizo-anon has been parading in this thread. The Night Lands feels like a sword & sorcery/low fantasy/hero's journey novel with a light smattering of horror. The MC never confronts horrors that aren't directly in his path, but is aware of the horrors that exist as he journeys. I feel like it'd be a pretty dumbly written story if the MC directly goes out of his way to explore the House of Silence. But how much time is spent describing the House of Silence, it's unknowable denizens, and the feelings of the protagonist as he passes it - multiple times throughout the story - kind of feels superfluous.Where I disagree with schizo-anon is that the bug doesn't invite thought about any of the horrors portrayed. There's a lot there that is still intentionally left up to the readers imagination so they can wonder and theorize on how the world came to be, what strangeness lies further beyond the redoubts, what the house of silence actually is, etc.
>>94619506Exalted 2e.You are a prayer battery. That's your objective purpose.Also the world is completely fucked with a variety of apocalypses.If you grind and get very lucky you might become a heroic mortal who can be trivially killed in any quantity by a starting character of the weakest type.All your gods are crack heads.And a bunch of obnoxious Shonen antagonists rule the world.
I just tried my first butcher attempt in kdm, nothing could be more bleak than hack city. 18 hits, i had to roll for 18 wounds and then the severe damage table with each hit my survivor slowly became more debilitated and slowly accrued the 5th and final bleeding token. Im not sure if i will be more tense or more relaxed pon my next attempt but fuck man, the butcher was doubling its draw and then adding another draw and adding its speed. So early on it had 7 mov, 5 sp and 2 ai each turn with my only hope being a lucky ai reshuffle. If i could get an extra hunt and craft a few more gear cards...maybe id live through it.
>>94619848checked this out based on this, looks neat. thanks friend
>>94619506a lot of anons already mentioned it but I think KDM would be the worst one to be a random NPC in.
>>94711745Are we talking about core book only SLA or when it starts adding the asylum stuff?
Cruel Empire of the Tsan Chan is pretty bleak. Its like a good version of cuthulutech, a bit less anime, more baroque but still a bit weeb. Post apocalyptic cluster of mythos stuff where humanity is stuck being grimderp in a small chunk of the world to hold out against the inevitable. Does low level investigation, high powered halfbreeds fighting monsters, war for the mountains of madness, etc. in neat ways.
>>94726396Average "random" NPCs don't have it too bad, decent chance of relatively healthy life of variable length without pains of aging cut short by swift violent death at tooth and claws of beast twice their size. Not unlike our caveman ancestors getting jumped by sabertooth tiger. Or you get to be pampered bitch in Dragon King's harem, or spectator in traveling arena.It's the unfortunate few that get stuck in shadow cocoon or turned into semi-conscious meat puppet by some force beyond comprehension for eternity that make the setting terrifying.
>>94726218>I just tried my first butcher attempt in kdmMy condolences. Nothing prepares you for your first Butcher.
>>94725127Mystery boxes don't qualify as good writing. If the only good thing about your writing is what was left unsaid, that's pretty damning.
>>94729680Retard alert
>>94729680Uh oh boys looks like we've got a 5 on our hands
>Dark_Souls_Fanboy has entered the chatlol
>>94619763>wraithI think you mean prometheans. Reality itself hates you and the only thing you can do is make something that hates you even more so you're slightly less lonely.
>>94730030>>94730036>>94730106You seem really primed on making sure everyone knows you're actually insane.
>>94727772Yeah, it was a brutal day but i think ive got a decent idea of how to handle it this time. Maybe i didnt use my rawhide helmet correctly, maybe i shouldnt be so stingy with my founding stones (but i wanna keep them) which when i did use one whaddya think i hit? The friggin cleaver. Ah well, i still had fun.
Which TTG will let me play as a satanic nazi?
>>94731354Vampire the Masquerade
>>94729680Anon, there is a thing called atmosphere and in many ways it is more important than lore. I'll take an emotional "Zanzibart forgive me" over a 10 page long infodump any day.
>>94731354The satanists were the freemasons that rule the west. Isn't washington's streets literally shaped like a pentagram?
>>94734054>I don't know what a pentacle is
>>94734120Not him but aren't a pentagram and a pentacle the same fuckin thing?
>>94729680The only kind of person who could ever take a Borderlands 3 writer’s advice on storytelling seriously is a predditor who’s mind has been reduced to mush by obsessive-compulsive soi drinking, IE (You). Go fucking back
>>94737343Do you want to try again and make a post that doesn't sound weirdly butthurt over a humorous tweet?
You see, BL3’s story is a flaming dumpster fire. Ergo, anyone who hadn’t a hand in it deserves to be ridiculed and ignored, especially where storytelling matters are concerned. The same goes for sycophantic cocksuckers who try to plaster his retarded tweet everywhere, like you. So go back to your self-fellating ouroboros of a website, faggot
>>94737532I'm sorry he raped you, but no matter how upset you get, you'll never be able to unrape yourself.
>>94620484>ttrpg>final bossSomeone failed the assignment
>>94731354There's mechanics to play occult nazis in Call of Cthulhu, if you want to be a satanist nazi in a casual anything goes game for laughs in a one shot it'd just depend on the table. >>94732436Inarguably one of the funniest images ever put to print
>>94736870They are both five-pointed stars in a circle. The points of a pentacle represent fire, earth, air, and water for the four sides, and the central point is for spirit, and points upwards towards heaven. It's a symbol used to ward off evil -- you can find it around old Amish buildings here and there. The pentagram inverts the pentacle so the spirit point is aimed down instead, and commonly adds a goat's head, and optionally other symbols.
>>94623607I can fix her.
>>94739571Sure but the words mean the same thing senpai.
>>94622976But who is the tallest dwarf?
>>94746367Danny DeVito
>>94739740No anon, you can't. Also it's very likely they'll be the one fucking you since Satan loves making its incarnations herms.
Seconding The Night Land
>>94619506Nechronica.>>94619856Can also confirm. Please hold me.
>>94746711According to Twins, Arnold Schwarzenegger is the tallest dwarf.
>>94750682oh no!
>>94739740No you can't.