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Archives & Other Resources: https://rentry.co/cyoag
AllSync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Multiplayer Compilations: https://rentry.org/MCYOA_Comp_Comp
In Case of Emergency, Break Glass: https://rentry.org/mcyoagCanary
Threadslave Rentry: https://rentry.org/ThreadKeeping2
Backup Rentry: https://rentry.org/ThreadKeeping3
Civil Discourse Edition
Previous Thread: >>94601436
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Additions: Gibbous Moon, Founding Families, Broken Ritual, Creeping Night, Odd Lineup, Stray Servant, Mind of Steel and Fake Priest are active but don’t affect point totals.
Location: Oxford, Britain
Year: 1880

Deadline: Unlimited
Cycle End Condition: Spiral Opening
Lesser Grail: Chalice Replica
Greater Grail: Sky
Homefield Rules: Away Only
Assassin Rules: Any Assassin

Master Points: 750
Servant Points: 750

Additional Rules:
Pseudo Servants are banned unless taken with misplaced container, Successors and Dead Apostle Ancestors are required to take mind of steel.

William Dafoe (Master of Hassan) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94518849
Homura Masafumi (Master of Fenrir) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94538225
Yingyue le Fay (Mistress of Maitreya) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94496848
The Delightful Godfrey Children (Masters of Bobblewobble Zibblezobble) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94546757
Liu Chongzhi (Master of Chen Rong) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94539334
Barthomeloi Adelaide (Mistress of Baphomet) https://rentry.org/igr6a7nb
>Magic Users
Griffith le Fay (Master of Raim) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94487156
Alana Irvine Mortimer https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94558655
Sabrina Sabanto (Mistress of Charon and Cyrano) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94499697
Jacob Davies (Dead Count Shapeshifter, Fool-Errant Player) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94476200
The Herald of the New World (Master of Calliope) https://rentry.org/v4bmth4u
Kai Revan (Master of Wayland the Smith, Priest/Psychic) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94464024
Michèle de Saint-Méran (Priest/Psychic MoS) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94469597
Benjamin Jowett (Master of Hannibal, Priest/Magic User) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94546358
Cordelia Magdall (Mistress of Hrungnir) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94559458
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>MASTERS (Cont.)
>Dead Apostles
Abel? (DAA) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94502345
Judas Iscariot (DAA) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94503508
Giulietta di Rosa (Mistress of Commodus) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94504732
Ampy (DAA) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94539908

Wayland the Smith (Servant of Kai Revan) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94588999
Maitreya The Enlightened One (Servant of Ying Yue Aldrich) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94526889
Cyrano de Bergerac (Servant of Sabrina Sabanto) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94505294
Fenrir (Servant of Homura) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94572999
Bobblewobble Zibblezobble (Servant of The Delightful Godfrey Children) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94546955
Charon (Servant of Sabrina Sabanto) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94517722
Hrungnir and Gullfaxi (Servant of Cordellia) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94588161
Hannibal (Servant of Benjamin Jowett) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94574864
Raim, the Demon Thief of Treasures (Servant of Griffith le Fay) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94518867
Calliope (Servant of The Herald) https://rentry.org/v4bmth4u
Hassan of the Spider's Web (Servant of William Dafoe) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94463071
Commodus (Servant of Giulietta di Rosa) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94463933
Chen Rong (Servant of Liu Chongzhi) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94520861
Baphomet (Servant of Barthomeloi Adelaide) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94489131
Michael Roa Valdamjong (Dead, Wanderer/Recorder) https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/94468881

>Relationship Charts
>Giulietta di Rosa

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>Carriage Ride (Kai Revan, Michèle de Saint-Méran)
>Train to Nowhere (Yingyue)
>Spider's Loom (William Dafoe, Hassan of the Spider's Web)
>Masked Covenant (Hassan of the Spider's Web, William Dafoe)
>The Spider's Design: Monday (Hassan of the Spider's Web, William Dafoe)
>The devil prowls around like a roaring lion (Kai Revan, Michèle de Saint-Méran)
>A Still More Glorious Dawn (Griffith le Fay, Raim)
>Oxford's First Blood: Prelude to Roa's Demise
>Galeott0 (Giulietta, Commodus)
>Plans Change (The Delightful Godfrey Children, President Bobblewobble Zibblezobble)
>A Memory of Sin (Judas, Abel)
>Spider's Design: Tuesday (William Dafoe, Hassan of the Spider's Web)
>The Girl in the Snow
>Sabrina Sabantos Successful Servant Summon
>Twisting Nature's Limbs (Raim, Griffith le Fay)
>Spinning a Yarn (Yingyue, Maitreya)
>Maitreya Responding to her Summoning (Maitreya, Yingyue)
>Train to Somewhere (William Dafoe, Hassan of the Spider's Web)
>Morituri te Salutant (Giulietta, Commodus, Herald)
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>MHA Rentry

> Timeline: Just Another Story
> Location: Japan
>The Hero Students are at Shiketsu.

Instructions + Template for Making Cards: https://pastebin.com/NQ6JNH8r

>New Stuff:
>New Writefags
>The Lord is My Refuge, Part 2(Class 1-D, mostly involving Last Rite, Ryukishi, Archangel, Rush, Maru, and Orochi)
>Busy Night (Reaper, cameos of Forget-me-not and Desolator)

>New Teacher
>Ramona Castillo Escobar Siachoque, HN Xpresso

>New Art (? Maybe, I'm not sure)
satoru https://i.4cdn.org/tg/1734560442346125.png

>The Archive Link so you can keep using the funny numbers for builds (use this before complaining about dead links)

>CHARACTER PROMPTS (feel free to answer these whenever)
Class 1-D Prompts 1-50: https://rentry.org/mhamp
Class 1-D Prompts 50+: https://rentry.org/mhamp2
Everyone else's prompts: https://rentry.org/mhamp3
Same password for all of them (mha4)
>Older Prompt Links Are in Here
>Fighting Style Prompt (Leaving this out because it might be useful for anyone writing a fight)
>Class 1-D Timeline
https://rentry.org/itmttw7n (Backup)
>Class 1-D Character Summary

>Newer Version of the CYOA (Both the old and new versions are legal for builds. Use whichever one you want)
Version 4.2: https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/post/92012978
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>Chihiro Mitsurugi HN Ascetic Sword Hero: Yako
>Soujyuuro Imai HN Wise Eye Hero: Mahoudeva
>Bobby Samson HN Sunlight Man
>Sora Tanaka HN Area Denial Hero: Orbit
>Kaylee Suzuki HN Flying Force
>Shinkan Sen HN Crazy Train
>Hifumi Takeda HN Warp Blade Hero: Challenger
>Minerva Kim HN Spark
>Hailey Chang HN Recoil
>Faith Kang HN Drone
>Maxine Nguyen HN Radius
>Edith Lee HN Arena
>Noah Abrams HN Archangel
>Victor Sigurd HN Hydra
>Inigo Myoga HN Dragon Hero: Ryu-kishi
>Christopher Cain HN Mirror Devil
>Son Jugo HN Aspara
>Genma Go HN Goldorado
>Ashleigh Katsuragi HN Blackout
>Atsushi Orochi HN Hard to Destroy Lizard Hero: Yamata
>Nyoro Hoge HN Maru(maru)
https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/88273837 + https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/88758766
>Yui Sagara HN Binding Hero: Capture Cloth (Held Back)
>Kyoda Hiro HN Overdose (Held Back)
https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/88193619+ https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/91985145
>Sally McCathy HN Last Rite
>Takara Tame HN Android
>Ian Takenaka HN Rush
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>Students (Cont.)
>Class 1-D?
>Nijimura Mahoko HN Cool Boost
https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/91685518 + https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/91685973

>Class 2-D
>Suzuki Nene HN Ghostly Cat Hero: Bakeneneko

>Class 1-E https://rentry.org/p6dwm

>Class 3-B (U.A.)
>Top Smile
>Nekiro Nishi
>Madoka Mikan HN Heartbeat
>Itō Sukemochi HN Warpden
>Li Yinzhen HN Jiangshi
>Katsumi Hachizaki:
>Cormelia Busujima

>Class 1-F
>Suki HN: Sukeban
>Runt HN Dust Devil
>Rob Williams HN: Velvet Worm
>Haiiroshi Kinzoku HN Fullmetal
>Igarashi Ryosuke HN Araken
>Tatsuya Yamashita HN Bad Touch
>Azuma Hisa HN Beach Day
>Daigo Ulmeyda HN Fly 1 Million
>Kiyoura Shidehara HN Icky Hero: Slimenuts
>Higa Umeko HN Slip-N'-Slideasaurus
>Nayuki Kyoko
>??? HN Meteoric Hero: Cube
>Misato Fukushima
>Susana Sato HN Silver Stream
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Students (Cont.)
>Class 3-D https://rentry.org/vx255
>William Dustice HN King Billy
>Johanna Hilt HN Gauntlet Hero: Weiss Schwarz

>Class 1-C (Shiketsu)
>Okimoto Chisaka
>Isabela Nakahata
>Lilinah ‘Riri’ Inoue
>Ysmir Dragonborn
>Daniel W. Rain

>U.A. Teachers:
>Yunikon, the Brilliant Hero
>Dr. Seto Kawata

>Shiketsu Teachers:
> Anzu Nishima HN Karaburan
> Aiko Aimi HN Motivational Hero: Rosethorn
>Pierre Vachon HN The Gentle Way Hero: Ippon
>Masanori Kitamura HN Hijack
>Yasashi Koibito HN The Laser Hero - Majestic
>Junko Hongo HN The Overly-Enthusiastic Tokusatsu Hero, LocaLoca (NPC)
>Omura Tadao HN Deceptive Hero, Conman
>Riku Washizawa HN The Steel Talon Hero: Skycarver
>Takahashi Mako, HN Ersatz
>Ramona Castillo Escobar Siachoque, HN Xpresso

>Unaffiliated Heroes
>Kenji Shako HN Strongest Shrimp Hero: Magnum Shrimp (and Water Fowl Hero: Flamingal)
>Yuusei Atsushi HN Spring Dragon Hero: Seiryu
>Kalianne Sato HN "Flame Strike Hero: Honoken"
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Pro Heroes (Cont).
>Akagi Sanpatchi HN "Popsy"
>Ryusei Sugiyama HN Smokin' Sexy
>Roland Walker HN PsyKing (Sandatsu'd)
>Ernst Hennig HN Impakt
>Junpei Ozu HN: The Standstill Hero, "Floor"
>Taichi Kyoryu HN Cretaceous King, Saurus
>Kurogane Keisho HN Yoshizumi
>Tosuke Jinai HN Compound
>Yosuke Shirai HN The Lustrous Hero, Wavelength
>Mash, Renji Kurokawa

>Lady Astoria Belmont
>Rika Eichi
>Aura Curie (Student)
>Just "The Doctor"
>Endless Horizons Ltd.
>Emilia Busujima
>Holden Deckard
>Satoru Tani (Student)

>VILLAINS (Villain Name):
>Turncoat Agency:
>Keiichi Tano HN Racer V / VN Getaway
>Tenshi Chisio HN Caduceus / VN Sawbones
>Jack Dunn HN Three-Sixty / VN The Asset

>Pax Organization:
>Eugene Kurtz VN Pax and Mercy

>Unaffiliated Villains:
>Bruno Garcia VN Mauler
>Karuga Ito (Teacher - Shiketsu)
>Recino R. Percutio
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Villains (Cont.)
>Nakata Yumiko VN Walpurgis
https://desuarchive.org/tg/post/88191796 + https://pastebin.com/nMZq81Jt
>Miki Ginrei VN Fluegel
>Ginji Gō VN Desperaido
>Jack Mitchell VN Marshall
>Kazuma Oomori VN Charlatan
>Hattori Ume VN Broad Daylight
>Kōkishin Yuuki VN Shoggoth
>Paul Crémieux VN De Jais (Jet Black)

>Horrific 5:
>Samuel Wilson VN Desolator
>On Giết Năng VN Tether
>Erika Murakami VN Nox
>Maddie Griffiths VN Maddox
>Edmund Muller VN Mercury

>Momotaro Tachibana VN Nebulous Storm
>Junichi Takagi VN Marrow
>Miriam Slowburn Hakase VN Prologing Evil: Big Hat (NPC)

>Helene Lysingen VN Noctiluca
>Takigawa Shion VN Shapeless Blade: Aquarius
>Toru Imaishi VN Kampai
>Rebecca Weber
>Yushi Taneka VN Blazing Bright
>Sasha Azanami
>Kaori Kaoru
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Villains (Cont.)
>Night Parade:
>Cammy Link VN Karma
>Haruka Pulch VN Tatarimokke
>Sebastian Needle VN Greenfinger
>Okane King VN Midas
> ??? VN Maw
> ??? VN Bogey
> Tomi

>Wild Hunt
>Sandatsu Owari
>Mio Katsuragi HN Forget-Me-Not
>Hiromi Hitomi VN Feral
>Dr. Isaac Ivanov VN Drekus
>Ookami Shizuka
>Ivan Trup VN The Prophet

>Early writefags here (19 Pages)
>”First Test” Comp
>Questionnaire Comp
Else check the rentry

>The Blinding Lights (Desolator, Reaper, Maddox):
>That Old Saying About Memories (Mammogar, Maru(maru)):
>Clouded Mirror (Mirror Devil)
>The Sickly Light of a New Dawn (Karaburan, Rosethorn, 1-D, and special guests):
>Battle Against a True Dragon (Flying Force, Yamata no Orochi, Feral):
>Nyoro Leaves (Maru, Rosethorn, and 1-D):
>Mimic Meeting (Mash, Ersatz, Yaju)
>Rooftop Repose (Capture Cloth, Bakeneneko)
>The Surgery (Overdose, Yamata, Hijack. Small cameo of Ryu-kishi, Capture Cloth, Bakeneneko. Mentions of Reaper)
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Writefags (Cont.):
>Those Without Sin Cast the First Stone(Last Rite, Android, Mirror Devil, Agent's Law and Waver, Yako, Maru)
>Gurē (mentions of Reaper)
>Introduction (Rush, Ryu-kishi, Challenger, Sunlight Man, Overdose, Mirror Devil, lesser cameos of Last Rite, Archangel, even lesser cameo of Yako and Marumaru, mentions of Reaper. Special guest star Aspara)
>A Monstrous Premonition (Mirror Devil):
>A Flash of Green (Ryu-kishi, Luccione, Conman, Maru(maru), The Boys, 1-D, Karaburan, Rosethorn, Brightly, Agent Law&Waver, HYDRA, a bunch of others)
>Massacre of the Innocence (Challenger, Marrow, Tomi, Recoil)
>For whom the heavens may shine (Yamata, Nabiki, Aoi)
>Everything right with the two of them (Reaper, Forget-Me-Not, Desolator, Feral, cameo of Karma)
>After all this time, you and I (Capture Cloth, Yamata)
>Shiketsu Loser's Club (Orbit, Crazy Train, Rosethorn)
>Happy New Year (Challenger, Recoil)
>A Flash of Gold (Luccione, Ryu-kishi, Shoggoth, Bogey, Tattarimoke, Maw, Midas, Tomi, Greenfinger, Recino, Desperaido, Karma, Lilinah, Ysmir, Isabella, Okimoto, Heartbeat, mentions of 3-B / 1-C)
>Chrysalis (Rebecca Weber, Ryu-Kishi, Maru (Maru)):
>Internship gossip 2 (The Clique) :
>The World She Saw (Mirror Devil):
>Clown Days 1.5 (Ryukishi, Maru(maru), Challenger, Mirror Devil, Smokin' Sexy, Sunlight Man, Impakt, Popsy, Rosethorn, Android, mention of others)
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Writefags (final)
>Rob Writes Home Again:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-w3kU8X4dBNjtfqeLgIxgNIFcDP2ns7Cldy-xaTB2Vk/edit?usp=sharing + https://rentry.org/b4wd2t6v
>Hot Sands, Interrupted (featuring Uplift, mention of Desolator): -
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xiCdAvo-l_t00UxCIkDqdQ4_t4o2ZavxXqhi_7dvj94/edit?usp=sharing + https://rentry.org/ehfqnfe9
>Weightless Heart (Orbit, Yamata)
>Gentle Ruthlessness (Yako, Maru(maru), Last Rite, Marrow, Reaper, and various mentions.)
>Eyes In The Dark (Ryu-kishi, Capture Cloth, Desolator, Rosethorn, Orbit):
>A New Job (Flying Force, Saurus, Crazy Train, Desolator)
>The Moon Saw (Mirror Devil)
>Blood, Sweat, and Tears (Challenger + cameos of: Sunlight Man, Ryu-kishi, Endless Horizons Ltd., Rika Eichi, Recoil, Yako, Last Rite, Mirror Devil, Maru, Karaburan, Orbit, Flying Force, Yamata)
>The Lord is My Refuge(Part 1): (Last Rite, Yako, Android, Satoru Tani, Archangel)
>Dead End Salvation 1 (Yamata)
>Sins of the Mother (Mirror Devil, Flying Force)
>Dead End Salvation 2 (Mirror Devil, Overdose, Yamata)
>If Only He Could Walk Away (Desolator, Maddox, Nox, Mercury, Tether, Marrow)
>Podcast (Desolator, Mercury)
>The Tournament Part Six: Semi Final Shockwave!
>The flame has a living heart? (Yamata, Overdose)
>The Lord is My Refuge, Part 2(Class 1-D, mostly involving Last Rite, Ryukishi, Archangel, Rush, Maru, and Orochi)
>Busy Night (Reaper, cameos of Forget-me-not and Desolator)

More masters.
More servants.
Fate forever
100 years Grail War
Masters and Servants running around
Fate Time
All day long forever
100 days
Fate forever
Over and over
fate is gay
it makes you gay
Just re-read Blood, Sweat, and Tears. I liked it even more than last time. It's the attention to detail that really elevates it to the best of the Training keycode.
Tonight I'm going to make a new Creeping Night fanger to be a midboss for the human builds along with the Herald.
dude we have so many fucking fangers
Which of our builds, likely Fate, has the highest Tier?

Charon feels too easy, and the Fangers are boring.

Anyone from MHA hitting Tier 8?
Tomorrow I'm going to make a jobber Homunculus Mind of Steel build that will die to establish one of the fangers as a villain.
I have no idea what that means.
>Anyone from MHA hitting Tier 8?
What does this mean?

Vs battles shitposting, we have it every now and then
There are about to be a lot more

Zamn, zased

The new fembrat
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How gay can we get
We could get really gay in this fate run if we tried. Plenty of girls matched with girls.
In that case, the ones I'm aware of are Feral and Kaylee in Battle against a True Dragon tearing up a residential area, including roads, cars, and houses. Sandatsu at the same point scales above Kaylee with all his stolen quirks, so him as well.
Karaburan was mentioned as being able to create a storm capable of leveling at least Shiketsu, so throw her in.
I'm fairly certain I read somewhere about Gigan being able to do something similar, so him (but not Inigo, just to annoy him)
Other characters I reckon fall into the category are: Bobby, Maddox, Shinkan, Hailey, Sora, Jugo, Chris (depending on quirk loadout), Majestic, Saurus. Those are the ones that come to mind, may be more.
No gay
Gay bad
Give your best you and yuri pairs.
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>Give your best you and yuri pairs.
Me x Jo Yuri
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Ying and Maitreya feel like they have potential with the whole mutural respect level and stuff.

Also Yings heartrate was already rising just at first sight before she even spoke! Absolutely the type to crumble behind closed doors for all her self confidence, the fact that Maitreya can make her feel Content might reign her in a bit. Maybe even hint at the potential that the two halves can be brought together.

Maitreyas entire thing seems to be that Evil or Good doesn't really mater as long as you are yourself or whatever?

Its presented as a doomed yuri that actually ends up being 'I can fix her' with a bit of 'I can make her worse'
Gil is 100% heterosexual
Archer makes me question my heterosexuality
Okay Bobblewobble Zibblezobblenon
You're all not ready for the A2 Ashley agenda
What about him makes you question it? Is it his slick and fluffy white hair? Or is it the tan skin? Shoulders?
Everything anon
For me, it was Lancer. Now I can’t get over spears.
>thread revives for MHA
>instantly falls halfway down the pages when it's Fate hours
I'm noticing.
What are you noticing?
That MHA anons only care about MHA probably? That was not a secret anyway.
Not really. Fate is just shit, like I say every time. It really isn't multiplayer in its design and the setting could not possibly be more trash. That'd be fine if we ignored the setting like we do for so much other franchise slop but the very worst anons are married to it and go full wikifag over it. This run in particular is garbage. Very little of it isn't openly shitpost dumps.

I don't respect anyone playing that because clearly they don't respect themselves. Bad design, bad setting, bad builds. That adds up to a bad game. I don't play bad games on purpose.
So if a player makes a build about a historical figure because they like them, the player suddenly has no respect for themselves and their build is bad? Why?
Thye issue is that people simply won't make enough top dogs to replace the canon ruling classes
MHA has custom super villains, custom top heroes (Except Endeavor I guess), so many heavy hitters canon remnants are phased out
Fate discussions however are still sullied by canon stuff that not only is heavily inconsistent due to Fate being Fate, but requires metric tons of wiki diving to understand
>Very little of it isn't openly shitpost dumps.
This is just seething. Most of the builds are played entirely straight. The only obvious shitposts are that one servant and ampy.
>so many heavy hitters canon remnants are phased out
You forgot how Inigo dragged the little girl with the horn into the plot kicking and screaming.
>Fate discussions however are still sullied by canon stuff
No any more than mhafags talk about the basic way in which quirks and society functions in the setting. The only thing I can recall about canon being brought beyond mechanical shit is the roa dump. What does this fate run have to with canon besides using the a grail war? Anons even replaced the families that set up the grail shit with merlian x Morgan shit and some priest dude with his own version of the Clock tower. That's no more indulging canon than mha keeping the school setting and just having it take place somewhere else.
He should die or retire so we can have some changes in the top hero scene, and maybe a new hero billboard chart
Archer would make an amazing house husband
New Hero Rankings would be pretty fun, and a way for pro-herofags to actually get some content not about Shiketsu.
Majestic off the rankings when?
It must be so hard to go through modern life without being able to read. I pity you.

There's no way you actually believe that. Even if you wanted to argue that certain builds are redeemed by effort, that isn't backed up by what's actually happening in the threads. There's maybe two entire effortfags that aren't trying to make themselves into nothing but jokes, where the gag is that no one will call them out. And one of the played straight characters is attached to one of the worst offenders, like a coerced vaudeville act. Fate sucks, but this round of Fate in particular is an abortion.
NTA, The new master is Bartholomei, and before the switch to le Fay, Yingyue was an Aldrich. Both are canon magi clans.
>And one of the played straight characters is attached to one of the worst offenders, like a coerced vaudeville act.
This made me go look at Rosethorn which made me realize her hero outfit is skimpy. I never really mentally pictured her in anything but like a suit I guess.
Sure, but replaced by who? Most of our pros are not at that level. And they're not talking, drawing, or writing about their climb either.
It's dishonest to pretend any canon slop has detached itself from canon lmao. None went of their way to greatly change te setting. A couple have done things like change who the hokage is or whatever, but it's not like it mattered. The top heroes in mha are a bunch of unused dumps, and mha sill makes heavy use of a canon character in its plot. It couldn't be a worse example of ignoring canon. Worm 1 diverged way more from canon than mha and the s9 and all the canon major factions were still elements of the plot. I think nardo, fate, and fairy tail might be the only slops where canon characters haven't shown up in the actual plot.
At the very list some of our existing top 10 would move up probably. Except Majestic who obviously moves down possibly even below top 10 with how often he gets his ass whooped and all the scandalous rumors.

I think we also have atleast two or three top 10 that we could remove but to replace with who?
If we wanted to diverge from canon, we would've done something like african warlord MHA. Instead, it seems we enjoy having a fair degree of canon in our scenarios.
>fairy tail
surely if I finished Beach Episode Part II it could revive the MP
Actually with the fact that apparently Rosehtorn had a very crude brawler phase when she started being a Pro hero and its reflected in the outfit she still wears, its honestly kinda painting a picture of why she's putting so much effort into wrangling these stupid kids who keep breaking the law and shit. She was probably doing the SAME EXACT THINGS back in school with the others in her agegroup.

Her infinite well of patience comes from understanding.
>There's maybe two entire effortfags that aren't trying to make themselves into nothing but jokes
Say what's actually so horrible besides you not liking fate the builds being bad because reasons.

And how exactly is that any worse than using existing clans in Naruto? The Le Fay clan still isn't actual clan in Fate and the Barthomeloi are literally backgorund fluff with almost nothing being known about them.
I'm not saying you're wrong in spirit, because I agree that wikifags have never let us get away from franchise burdens entirely. But in MHA, quirks themselves don't work the same way, which is a pretty significant divergence.
You actually got so mad that you forgot how to write an English sentence. That's pathetic.
I wasn't judging, just tried to help out with the question of:
>What does this fate run have to with canon besides using the a grail war?
To be fair, our quirk stuff is more of a loose guideline than something we follow completely. It cant really show growth or anything with just the CYOA.

All the students are stronger than when they first started probably even if their actual quirk didnt change.
>But in MHA, quirks themselves don't work the same way, which is a pretty significant divergence.
Anon, I've seen the discussions about vestiges and awakenings. Those are canon concepts.
nta, but if you don't have anything at all even relating to canon, then why have it be a CYOA/MP based on that setting?
If you can't decipher that because I dropped "and" I'd question whether you're actually familiar with english. Regardless, the real reason is that I'm on my phone and you've failed to supply a reason beyond "they're shitposts because I said so."
Oh and I meant before she was switched to le Fay, but I just realised I mixed up Aldrich and Archibald. Sorry about that.
They're canon TERMS. That's inarguable. But honestly, they work kinda more like shards than mha quirks, probably because the effortfags interested in those concepts were wormfags first.

God, I hate Worm. Reddit garbage.
Ask the anon was complaining about canon. None of these have actually separated themselves from the basic setting because that's the entire point lmao. No one's looking at mha so that they can create their totally original space opera mp.
>wikifags have never let us get away from franchise burdens entirely
Nta, but it's a franchise cyoa. It doesn't surprise me that some people want things to remain somewhat consistent to said franchise rather than going full blown fanfiction with OCs to the point it's only vaguely recognizable to the original setting.
nta, and this isn't directly related, but I think there's a distinction to be made between the setting and canon. World physics (how powers work, how they're acquired, how they interact, etc.) should be part of the setting. So using canon events and characters as a guideline for how powers work isn't a big issue, at least unless our thread canon or the CYOA diverges from it.

Real canonfagging is bitching about canon characters and events themselves and how they'd directly impact our setting. Stuff like saying Zelretch is gonna dust you because he's OP or that someone's backstory is impossible because of some story from canon. That shit can go.
>But honestly, they work kinda more like shards than mha quirks,
That's essentially how they work in the canon example from what I saw.
That's because space opera also blows chunks, with or without franchise shit. You know what the MHA cyoa would be good for? Pulp fantasy horror-westerns.
nta, but explain further please. I'm intrigued.
It's not a surprise but I can still be disgusted by it. They should free themselves and maybe they'd learn how to creative again. I can't imagine being outplayed by four year olds at recess, but they are every single day for years.
Sure, but most Fate discussion across all mps has been about world physics. Dead Apostle talk was largely talk about special gimmicks. Zeltrech was brought briefly this run and pretty much everyone said it was a dogshit idea to have him show because it would be cooler for pcs to deal with problems.
Four year olds have recess? Aren't they too young for school?
>Ask the anon was complaining about canon
I wouldn't learn anything from asking a shitposter, however.
Then there's no issue. Fate is doing perfectly fine in terms of canon fagging.
Private educational childcare before public schooling is big business and basically required for anyone at a livable income. That's why "public preschool" keeps cropping up as a hot-button issue in the anglosphere.
You're the only one in the conversation so far, pretending disagreement is shitposting. This isn't the website to frequent if you need to be hand-holded in a hugbox.
Jesus you two get a room.
But we're not finished yet, handsome.
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no. i must complain about franchises and gloat about everyones lack of reading comprehension
U got nothing to gloat about brother.
Someone should ask a thread question about what builds are fans of.
We should do a Rance or Taimanin mp.
You missed the most obvious possible unlabeled sarcasm.
I just wanted to seethe because your image reminded me of homosuck.
that's clearly an isekai character
Homestuck is an isekai.
why would you curse me with this knowledge
...Shut up.
We had a CYOA for that before. You'd fight some spooky supernatural beings that seek to fuck reality in the ass, while you'd get to choose your skills, items, and special abilities. The builds ranged from pretty solid archetypes (druggie detective, fast food cook that made the only real writefag), to some wackier stuff (Crazy german scientist, super aged schizo baby, a drugged schizo in batman suit literally called "The Niggerman").
Yeah I remember that cyoa. It wasn't a Western and also the system fucking sucked.
It was blatantly unfinished.
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I propose we try and make an MP out of a one-pager.
There's nothing stopping you from just making it set in the west, but it'd make it being relatively expensive to own and operate a gun a little awkward. If a decent amount of the builds in a western setting aren't gunslingers with menacing or silly titles it just isn't the same.
I kind of feel like making a pro hero, I could make em a top tenner.
You'd need a better one pager than that.
Should I make a sophmore?
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>Master (Mind of Steel)
>Addition: Creeping Night (Allied, an army of his spawn)
>Extra: Target of Obsession (Chen Rong, the avatar of China)
Name: Genghis Khan
Role: Dead Apostle
Appearance: Male, Mature, Strong, Crude
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Residence: The Streets

Common Sense
Martial Arts
Driving (Riding)
Firearm Proficiency (Archery)

Circuits: Non-existent
Element: Virility
Origin: Awakened (Conquest)
Foundation: Profane
Magecraft Extras: Formalcraft, Familiars

>Dead Apostle
Growth: Successor
Ancestor: Other (He once fucked a jiangshi under the full moon)
Impulse: EX (Genghis Khan yearns not only to feed, but to reproduce. The benefits to his physical capabilities he experiences from being well-fed are tripled.)
Depth: A
>Idea Blood: The Great Progenitor (Anti-Unit, Summon, Passive, EX)
The maximum potency of virility. Genghis Khan is able to impregnate anything. Despite being a Dead Apostle, Genghis Khan has retained the ability to reproduce, and gifts this property to any of his spawn, or to any of his fellow Dead Apostles he takes as lovers. Children born as Dead Apostles sired by the Khan age until they reach their physical peak, then stop.

>Wish: Other
Genghis Khan wants to fuck and impregnate Gaia, as the ultimate expression of his conquest of the world.
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Horror MPs fundamentally don't work.
MPs can have horror themes or builds with horror themes, but it won't work if they're all horror themed.
Have we tried every non-shit cyoa already?
Yep. It's time to go back to our ol' friend shit.
VGH... spongebob rentry slop... is it time?
Kill yourself.
This is just Herald of the new world but somehow worse
Please do. I want more pro intrigue and big stunts.
Horror MPs can work but it needs to be because the horror is the builds themselves.
What a bizarre and antiquated racism. Are you a Han or something?
Better, still not good enough.
Why would a Han be angry at dear old Grandpa?
That would require other active pro heroes. One anon's build won't bring that.
If I wasn't an MHAphobe I would make a pro hero to play with anon.
But I am.
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I'm going to spam them in your direction, now.
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This does not actually look that bad, it could work and I don't think it needs any additional rules. It may need a better description of the setting as it is a bit too vague right now but it would not require much. I am not sure how willing the rest of the thread is.
I am not sure how this would be used, it a bit too vague and meta.
What the hell is this? If we really want underwater adventures we do have fakeSpongebob, cleaning that up seems more interesting than whatever this is. I do remember another one pager that is underwater but I don't rememember the name, and I am not sure it would be any better.
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This thread needs a hero
Bro just post Traveler or something. That's a REAL mans cyoa we havent done yet.
update never ever ;_;
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William Dafoe Relationship Chart

Upcoming writefag plans:
>William meeting Team Sabanto during a monster hunt
>A fight between the Oxford University Alliance (Jowett, Griffith, Delightful Children, Barthomeloi and their Servants) and the Herald's horde
Also, from
>Jowett, Griffith, Delightful Children, Barthomeloi and their Servants
any information on fighting styles and how they would approach defending an area with civilians from attack would be appreciated.
Vgh... the hero Fate needs...
Nice. William's got pizzazz.
I can have fun on my own with hero dumps, don't you worry.
If chrisanon can carry the entire villain scene on his back, then I can believe in this rando.
Ok, i REALLY need to write for Hrungnir now, my fraud-o-meter is breaking
>“I fucking knew it,” ... “It’s aliens.”
Lmao. I loved that entry. Great chart anon.
Jowett would undoubtedly put the civilians' safety above all else. He might be essentially what is a clocktower lord but it should be remembered that he is a priest, not a mage; he has moral lines that he simply won't cross unless absolutely necessary. Fighting style wise, this early in the game he'd assuredly be holding his cards close to his chest and will probably be acting as nothing more than a support/healbot for Hannibal, he might even act like he doesn't sense Hassan's presence despite the fact presence awareness and University of Oxford mean's he almost certainly does. He might occasionally bring out the black keys and sacraments but he will intentionally make himself look as out of practice as possible.
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Finally caught up with all the Fate writefags. There's a lot of good shit. Really tired, so I'll probably post more indepth thoughts in the morning. Finished up Hannibal/Benjamin writefag, had to cut stuff I wanted to write because work is beating the fuck out of me. After tomorrow though, should be way more free to write and be active since I'm off work for a few days. Goodnight for now tho

Benjamin summoning Hannibal writefag

Kino. Will respond with Hannibal's fighting style in the morning.
I dumped Sisyphus ages ago and never bothered to go back.
Has the general vibe of being made by Cityanon's favela neighbor
>open link
yep, it's esl kino time
It looks actually sorta cool aside from some silly stuff like being Asexual giving you you 2 of both eldritch and chi points, its not like being gay gives you points so why does being ace give you points?
Because it was made to troll with.
Is there an imgchest version with all the mutations and complications visible?
No but someone on /cyoag/ is making a static version so you can wait for that if you want. It was first posted on reddit
prolly wait for that so I can make my normal as fuck person with like 3 insanity
That reminds me of Memento Mori.
vgh... memento mori... kino...
>It's not like having ADHD gives you points so why does having schizophrenia?
Its one of the strongest drawbacks though Anon.
Are you people really that unwilling to give up sex that I get two free points in both stats?

The insanity fits though.
>Are you people really that unwilling to give up sex that I get two free points in both stats?
Yes. What's the point of being a spook if I can't start a family?
How the fuck am I supposed to read that? KIRE Takukoun?
NNO Kou A Takushaku?
Actually kinda interesting. Wouldn't mind trying it out some time.
The random makes it unusable for making characters following a theme.
>How the fuck am I supposed to read that?
You are not supposed to read that, it's supposed to be "beyond human comprehension" but it's not.
The same author made an eldritch interactive CYOA before, I think we should try that instead. The power selection is better.
>The flame has a living heart? (Yamata, Overdose)
Unfortunately, I don't really have time to write a review of the usual size, but if you'd like one, I can try to do so in a couple days.
For the language/style, I see some errors and stuff that personally irks me, but I've seen some people already pointed some stuff out, and they are likely much more competent at this than me, so I don't think there is a need for me to.
As for the content. This is our first 2D piece, right? I guess their reputation didn't change much over the spring break. We got some more insight into the animalistic side of Awakened Orochi. She seems surprisingly straightforward under all the angst. Also, I find her faith in her friends heartwarming (and Hiro's in her). Some proper shonen power of friendship vibes. She's not a very well trained snek, but she's a tamed and loyal one, who believes in her friends who believe in her. I look forward to seeing how she uses her new "gadget" from Hiro. It's cool that we're getting more support gear, especially when produced by other player characters. It's been a year of work for them, they deserve a treat/to show off.
Thanks for cooking.
And Nigga used nip letters for that instead of some Zalgo text or whatever it was called?
Yes, it's retarded on his part, but it's not even the worst part of the cyoa.
>Gain 5 power potential for being ace
I would expect this to be like full emotional death, not just 'You dont feel like fucking and cant knock anyone up'
Ace pilots are just better than normal pilots.
I'd like your usual length review if you eventually feel like it.
>free points for having a hormonal imbalance
kek just go to the doctor nigga

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