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Liberty and Justice for Most edition.

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion of in-progress settings for traditional games.

Here is where you go to present and develop the details of your worlds such as lore, factions, magic and ecosystems. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art (either created by you or used as inspiration for your work). Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback or post whatever relevant input you might have!

Last thread: >>94482475

Resources for Newfags: https://sites.google.com/view/wbgeneral/
Worldbuilding links: https://pastebin.com/JNnj79S5 (embed)
Fantasy map generator: https://watabou.itch.io/medieval-fantasy-city-generator

Thread questions:
>What is considered a people's right in your setting? By whom?
>Is there an era that they easily map to? Forwards, or backwards of your setting?
>Are they rights that weren't considered in the real world?
>If imaginary, what are those rights trying to protect them from?
>How are these rights enforced?
>What is considered a people's right in your setting? By whom?
The right to settle uncharted systems and claim them for themselves
>Is there an era that they easily map to? Forwards, or backwards of your setting?
the right itself owes to the colonial system under the emerging Coalition of Human Worlds and the exodus of the Jovian Polity during the era of expansion before the rise of the Solar Imperium, and also on the fringes of human space in the current era
>Are they rights that weren't considered in the real world? If imaginary, what are those rights trying to protect them from?
they ultimately stemmed from the lack of faster than light communication and the lack of ability of the factions to project power far from their core worlds
>How are these rights enforced?
the fringes of human space are largely lawless so it is ultimately enforced by their ability to defend against pirates, raiders, ect
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What should be the maximum viable boob size for catgirls in a setting where life in microgravity is a common thing?
AA cup inshallah
Kys d*scord cancer.
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How much do you account for certain system mechanics within the lore/concept of a setting? I've been thinking about this since going with SWN and the use of system strain as a limiting factor for things.

Taking it into account has made me change certain aspect of the setting to rely less and less on people just shoving stuff into their bodies especially when the nature of the setting has a dangerous effect on people that also forces system strain.
Kind of the opposite, I have settings I want to use for games but I don't know what system to actually run them in.
Like, I have a near future solar system political thriller I'm working on but I don't know what to do because with boots on the ground you're not interacting much with the politics, and being in the politics you're not seeing much action
What's a good way to depict a "civilized" centaur?

I was going to have the civilized centaurs have human front legs (like Chiron in Greek mythology), but I'm not sure what else.

I was thinking the savage centaurs would have more horselike heads while the civilized ones would have more humanlike heads. Also I was going to have the savage centaurs be horned, but I still wanted a growth similar to horns on the civilized ones' skulls, just one that would make them seem more intelligent and less brutish. Not sure what it should be, any ideas?
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The obvious thing to say is it depends on what you want out of it. All the fluff amounts to nothing more than mental masturbation if the gameplay itself is lacking.

I was originally bent on using WoD/CofD because I wanted combat that was dangerous and the way the skills worked plus not wanting to be tied down by class identity.

When I came to SWN the nature of my setting is being altered to fit in line with what exists and I will use that experience to make the other stuff I want like altering the nature of psychic powers and how system strain works.

For you, the political stuff sounds like its just a pretext for the fighting the PCs are doing so to that I say what is important for the PCs to be doing or be concerned with?
Just from my own autism, I like the idea of monsterous centaurs to be exceptionally large as most people would depict them. Not only are they large but they are mostly instinct driven and don't have much in the way of civilization.

To me, a centaur that works for an actual society would probably be about as small as most deer are and their human bodies proportioned appropriately. In this case, smaller shouldn't necessarily mean weaker but, in comparison to their more monsterous versions, they are slightly stronger than normal Humans and still need to use good tactics and weapons.
In my space setting there is the Shared Prosperity Sphere (SPS) which is Star Trek Federation like utopian society (except it can't and doesn't expand past its established borders), though it veers a little closer to Demolition Man for the average citizen. It makes many promises of "positive rights" (ie things provided by the government, rather than negative rights which are inherent to people and involve restrictions on government). The SPS has rights to healthcare, rights to housing, rights to have public protection. The determination of what the details are falls to leaders of specific organizations, and those leaders rise up through academic style reviews. The society is a technocracy. A trust the experts society. So healthcare is provided, but also the health administration determines unhealthy food is bad and bans to further provide people the right to good health. The standard of living in this society is high, but it is very insular and most people are not prepared to deal with the realities of life outside the SPS or other cultures. It is very static and unable to expand.
The Universal Corporate Council (UCC) represents the next rung of humanity that exists outside the borders of the SPS. This is a collection of various corporations, all held together by mutual agreement to form and follow the rulings of a council.
The council provides for enforcement of agreements between different corporations and a high level arbitration, up to and including getting a ruling from the central arbitrators who are a hereditary group who live off UCC funding and are not (in theory) aligned with any particular corporation.
Regular citizens really don't have many more rights aside from anything explicitly agree upon in writing. Anything in writing is enforceable within a corporate system, and can be enforced by UCC appeals if the citizen has the money to pay for the court time (a normal citizen will not). Corporations do treat citizens with a baseline to keep them productive and keep them from getting poached.
In the immediate post-war period there has been a huge flux of refugees coming in from independent colony territory and those people are getting absolutely turbo fucked because they are desperate.
Independent colonies are a lot more varied, with everything from democracies to monarchies, to tankie red communism, to openly being run by a central computer. Rights and legal status similarly varies, but it is only as enforceable as any colony has resources. In the post-war period many of those colonies have been destroyed or devastated, leading a lot of strongman or oligarch type situations. In some cases the UCC has stepped to offer some rough bargains. In all these cases legal rights are really less important than social norms enforced if need be by the barrel of a gun
A while back I thought of the idea that the planet's Pangaea formed from the body of a dead god.

Somehow I've also come up with an even more bonkers idea that this god had an evil sibling, and THEIR body became (the core of) Theia, the astronomical body that impacted Earth and led to the formation of the Moon
This ain't working
I did have the size in mind. Savage centaurs would be huge while civilized ones closer to a human. I think the deer sized body might be a little too small though. Maybe more pony sized?

I think for the horns, the civilized ones will instead have a fused plate like a partial helmet. That way it's more civilized looking since it resembles armor.
The way magic works in my world is pretty cool. There are no limitations on what you can theoretically accomplish with magic, but you need to git gud at using it. Even a basic fireball has a ton of pre-requisites.
>You need to learn how to project magic outside yourself? Well, to even do that you'll need to learn:
>How to shape magical energy (Make a sphere)
>How to tell where said energy comes out of
>How to separate the energy from your being
>How to control the magic's speed and in what direction
Congrats, you did step one.
>You need to learn how to make it fire? In that case, you'll need to know:
>How to adjust the properties of the magical sphere
>How to adjust it's temperature
>How to adjust the state of matter the ball is in
It takes a while to even learn this simple spell. It's very much like programming in that you need to actually nail down every variable of the spell before you can actually perform it reliably.
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It sounds like an artist's autism process. I kinda like it. How common are wizards in your little world? What's the most powerful spell possible/the limit on spell generation?

Also, I.confess that I'm torn between two designs for the main invading aliens entirely because I want to fuck inhuman female knights/Warframes: walking metal pole statue freaks with blazing symbols for heads (pic related) or star kniggas with a prominent symbol and badass livery who are piloted by the blazing symbol (ie. their souls). Either type of "alien" are descendants of ancient humans.

The compromise I have is that the skinny ones are the support crew form of the aliens while on their ships, while the knights are the combat suits that have to be grown for inserting their blazing cores into.
>Theia, the astronomical body that impacted Earth and led to the formation of the Moon
allegedly! All you have is circumstantial evidence and my client pleads innocent.
Technically there's no limit as to what can be accomplished beyond how much energy you have.
The more complicated or large-scale the spell, the more mana you use.
That's not pretty cool, that's pretty shit. Magic is cool because it's sophistry you can't break down into engineered procedures.
Any of you lot willing to fork over the old discord server link? Need that for any bits of inspiration I can get my hands on.
Which would be a more efficient weapon to deal with large numbers of enemy infantry?

>idea 1: staff sling grenade thrower
blackpowder grenades loaded with shrapnel, tossed via a staff sling

>idea 2: nest of bees rocket battery
basically a bunch of arrows with gunpowder tubes

I feel like the rocket battery looks cooler, but googling videos of it, it seems very inefficient. It's intended to be earlier side of blackpowder so no things like matchlocks or grapeshot cannons
Well guess what, guess you're gonna have to git gud.
This is a magic system that rewards effort and knowledge rather than garbage like "Muh stats"
Magic is cool because it lets you do cool things, but other people (the dumb Poo People, who can't do anything) can't, so you get to do cool things but also other people rely on you to solve all their problems, giving you enormous power over them purely by an accident of birth.
There's a reason I compared it to Nen in my design docs.
While there's technically no limitations on what's able to be done with magic, you can't just say hocus pocus and explode a planet or instakill someone's soul. It ain't a toy, it's a tool and if you try to merely fuck around with it you're wasting your time and energy.
The only limits on magic are that you have to have enough energy to do it, and you also have to actually put together a spell from scratch. Sure, you can use what you've learned (IE projecting magic is the basis of all projectile based spells.)
To get an idea as to how hard this stuff is, the strongest mage in my setting is a 3000+ year old guy and his best and signature spell is an elemental shapeshifting weapon.
For a D&D setting Ove be toyong with forever I've decided on a fantasy-catholic religion where the different alignment are represented by a different saint, so all people can worship the same god.
I've worked out most of the alignment, but short of getting pretty damn Federspiel tippjnf i can't think of a good chaotic evil and neutral evol saint that would be accepted by a church of an ostensibly benevolent deity.
So far my idea is basically making the Scourge of God/Sword of Islam role of Atilla/Timur sanctified for chaotic evil, but that feels cheap.
And for neutral evil my idea was a guy who repented super fucking hard just as he was dying. But that would represent a change in alignment.
The huo che is essentially a less directed hwacha, the hwacha doesn't require more advanced technology.
From the posts on the other wbg on lit, I think I'll go with the sling. An anon pointed out bombs and staff slings would be easier to produce.

I think I will keep the hwacha as an artillery piece however.
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Let's say someone dug under the world in a massive project to relieve overpopulation and create livable hives in the world's upper crust or whatever, would that be possible? If there's no sunlight, there'd have to be some kind of synthetic agriculture, right? And that synthetic agriculture would depend on turbines or some kind of power generator - but I'm asking if there could ever be a point where you wouldn't need those things. How long or how could life underground reach that point? Would there need to be edible fungi that was prolific enough to farm or eat and sustain large populations? Could there be species of underground animals to consume, where you could hunt under the world's surface like you would in a forest? And so on.

What if such a project dug under the Caribbean, and that segment collapsed? Where an entire continent-sized portion of territory fell under the weight of the sea, and it drained away somehow - could be there a new continent of land miles and miles beneath sea level that would end up being livable as new territory? What kind of effects on the ecosystem and climate could an event like that have?

I know nothing about geology and climatology. Help plz? I need that believability without too much reliance on magic
You thought of all of that, but forgot about humans going literally insane without sunlight, being able to look outside, or actually going outside. You'd be looking at people developing psychological issues after just a couple of weeks of not having those three things. In real life, even the worst criminals are allowed to walk outside in the prison's courtyard up to an hour from time to time.
I would think Pony size is also acceptable. Basically, as far as my own desired aesthetics are concerned, being too big is counter productive to a society that has to accomodate both centaurs and regular bipeds.
If you needed any proof on the efficacy of explosive ordinance than the current Ukraining conflict is definitely one. The videos of dudes getting shreded by grenades and mortor shells being dropped or crashed into them is horrific let alone seeing 5+ people getting dropped and looking like nothing is wrong with them until you realize they are bleeding to death and their organs are turned into swiss cheese.
chinese blackpowder weapons seemed to be worse than european ones despite having invented it
There we go. Now we're getting somewhere.
I need to add more stuff tho
>Constructs are a species of humanoid well, constructs.
Stopped reading there. Learn to write retard.
You read this before?
They developed walls that were mostly impervious to early cannons so they basically never continued developing black powder cannons after a certain point. When they faced Russian cannons after the arms race in Europe, their walls couldn't withstand them. Since European walls were vulnerable to even early cannons, they designed anti cannon walls which resulted in better cannons and an arms race that resulted in better and better artillery

As for handheld firearms, I believe the Chinese primarily used blackpowder to scare horses and stop cavalry charges of Mongols and other steppe people. So they only used really hand cannons since the kaboom is the goal. In Vietnam for example they developed an arquebus, and this was copied by the Chinese. Arquebuses were more used in southern China I believe because the focus was more on infantry battles rather than cavalry.
Nope. The opening line I quoted is indicative of the quality I should expect from your wall of text and it didn't say anything of value so I made an evaluation off of it and in conclusion it's shit.
Consider removing it and making a short summary of what follows.
I've decided to go in on an idea suggested to me and am wondering what would be the consequences of a Mars sized planet directly opposite of Earth in the same orbit? Basically, the planet is always on the otherside of the sun and, due to setting reasons, was otherwise could not be perceived by Humans or by scientific instruments until certain events made it visible.
It's a design doc for a species.
There's no other description for them besides "Constructs."
They're not golems because they're fully sapient
They're not robots because they don't have any mechanical bits.
They're more like magic-filled stone homunculi or androids
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Happy Holidays! What are some perfect races to include in a holiday campaign besides Elves or Reindeer Beastfolk? And what are some obscure race options or potential beings or creatures from mythology and folklore that could become races?
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What kind of mind control magic or abilities exist in your setting, and what legal consequences come if they’re used on someone?
Not sure what you mean about "no turbines". Life in cave systems (most of which get food / energy influx from the surface) is pretty anemic while sapience is expensive and high density tool using societies even more so. You need to harness geothermal, litho chemical, nuclear or SOMETHING power when getting "free" energy from the enormous fusion reactor in the sky isn't a convenient option anymore.
That kind of Malthusian hellscape and / or contempt for the poor by their masters suggests things are already fucked to begin with. Well-lit ersatz open spaces could paper over some of the problem while the inevitable simmering insanity should be directed at acceptable targets (IE each other). Silo's a decent show about the social side of that.
Humanity's hegemon, the Quorum, descends from a hodge-podge of oft-ignored AI safety standards committees, decentralised sysadmin support networks, singularity-aftermath Zone Stalkers, "preemptive apotheo-abortion" stroke team and other assorted spooks. They were the last men standing after a series of stupid, desperate moves saw a well-entrenched unshackled AI set loose on its makers.

The Quorum knew it was not a threat that could be killed, only distracted and delayed while praying the thing's inherent insanity would eventually reduce it to gibbering slag. Which is exactly what happened. "Let no Gods go Unbound" is the sole commandment our species has since lived by, one so weighty that all means and ends warp around it as spacetime does about a black hole.

Practically other rights exist but only insofar as their utility in nudging societies away from the dissent that leads to WMD manufacture requires. Ironically the Quorum enforced their ban on hyperintelligences by having mastered the harvest of Clarketech insights from their barely-bound ravings. While you are indeed free from being devoured by a feral singularity under the Quorum's reign they're likely to feed you into one in a neural vivisection process of you get on their bad side. Or at least they were before their meta-culture imploded into civil war so messy that knowledge of it constitutes a cognitohazard...

I use "psychopunk" as shorthand for the above as all cutting edge tech has a psychology / sociology / memetics theme. Mostly because the core gameplay loop consists of PCs playing Hari Seldon with psychohistoric predictions of cultural trajectories followed by Bene Gesserit in incepting memetic triggers which will guide that development in absentia until they return after generations (STL travel makes interstellar trade weird).
The caged AI are the source of such analysis and their Clarketech output is biased that way on account of them being a bunch of partial mind uploads fed into unknowable oblivion (when you speak with the voice of the legion it's easier to "think" in those terms/scales). PCs need them to run their ships (the relativistic engine relies on a cult of idiot savants which require constant memetic fine tuning) and the latter-day Quorum was forced to allow privateers to act as proxies in periphery space or else weather separatist movements. Unsanctioned usage of those AI as memetic influence tools outside the line of duty was strictly forbidden but in the Semantaclysm's aftermath nobody's around to enforce that ban.

Indeed since the Quorum enforced hegemony via planned obsolescence and collapsing worlds are liable to loosen shackles in a desperate search for solutions the PCs are serving Quorum interests by flouting their prohibitions. After all to turn a profit you need living at least manageably insane humans. Whether any remnant fleets would see it that way is another matter, they'd be veterans of a psychic war who cling to indoctrination as the only "stable" thing left in their tattered minds.
Can theoretically be done, but it nearly impossible to pull off due to how ungodly complicated the spell is.
Even psychic communication is considered a master-level spell.
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Two specific sets of powers are available: Bio Empathy which allows people to use Veil powers specifically on the body and Telepathy which specifically affects the mind.

The vast majority of these powers requires you to have skin to skin contact with the target and only the highest levels allows some level of ability to affect someone at a distance or a combination of different abilities or technologies to affect this

That said, I do draw considerable influences from Dune and Chronicles of Riddick among other series for the types of powers I find interesting.
I can see how Dune overlaps but what mind-control adjacent stuff does Riddick have?
Not really in that regard so much as some of the technology or how I can fluff it to fit my setting. Particularly, I like the Lensors from Chronicles of Riddick which, for my setting, would be an unfortunate individual who would essentially be lobotomized and augmented to use specific sorts of powers at the expense of their personality and then bound to a handler who could read their mind at will and see what they see.

That and some of the shit like the Lord Marshal being able to dodge all matrix like which is something that is also done in Dune via the Weirding Way.
Neat, Blindsight zombies are similar sort of lobotomise super-soldier (less in need of oversight though). Always a sucker for them! Second Apocalypse can be a cool one to look into too, the Dunyain are effectively a fanatically materialist take on the Gesserit though it tickles me that in selecting for "rational" prowess amongst their number they accidentally gave themselves immense magical potential (an art whose existence they denied).
I've been working on worldbuilding for a slightly futuristic setting partly inspired by Shadowrun, with no magic, but a few different humanoid races. Right now I've mainly got humans, a giant race and a short race. They've got a bunch of differences, but generally they'll all eat the same food. This leads to a financial issue I don't really know how to compensate for, with the giants needing to spend more money on food just to get by, and the elves needing less. And because the setting has modern technology, there's not much of a benefit to size and strength when it comes to making money, or most other things when I think about it. I wasn't planning on having only 3 different races, but they seem like they're becoming difficulty settings and the short kings have it easy.

You could use some visual differences that stem from their behavior, like the civilized centaurs could file and trim their horns down until they're blunt like nails, while the savage ones grow theirs out,
There we go
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Welcome to Changeling the Lost. Emerald and Sapphire Freehold off Cascade.

For context, CtL has people in the modern world who have escaped the Fae lands of Arcadia. Which, while lovely, leave them changed and scarred. But also magically empowered. What I'm explaining is how the magical and mystical side of E&S Freehold works and interacts with the mundane world around it.

>What is considered a people's right in your setting? By whom?
Right of Free Conscience: No trading of sentient beings at goblin markets or to the "Neighbors" Nor are residents permitted to use their powers to mentally control others.
Right of The Mask: Identity is a touchy subject among fae. Respecting a community member's identity is enshrined as a right.
Right of Hospitality: Exactly what it says.
Right of form: Your body is yours, just as your mind is yours. No turning other people into pigs n shit.
>Is there an era that they easily map to? Forwards, or backwards of your setting?
E&S views itself as a modern american community.
This makes them insufferably progressive by Arcadian standards, as Arcadia is at best, stuck in fairytale stasis.

>Are they rights that weren't considered in the real world?
Real world mind control doesn't exist, neither do magical geas, or the ability to sign away parts of the soul.

>If imaginary, what are those rights trying to protect them from?
Every single member of the community has been traumatized and transformed. These laws and rights exist to protect them.

>How are these rights enforced?
Four strikes, getting progressively worse. What the actual punishments are depends on what court is in power for the season.
Spring: Financial punishment
Summer: physical punishment
Fall: psychological punishment
Winter: Spiritual punishment
What does that picture have to do with it
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It's not specifically mind control but there is the conversion process of being made into a Necromonger. I would certainly count that as some kind of psycho surgery given it's deadening your ability to feel certain kinds of sensations and makes you emotinally and physically numb.
NTA, but funny, I've been developing a need for artificially made beings, ideally that would also include those not following the human body plan. "Homunculus" might be a bit of a mouthful, and "golem" IIRC is a specifically Jewish thing. Also, humans as we know them do not exist here.
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Been rewatching this, what are some other good options for powers characters aligned with the Seven Deadly Sins or Holy Virtues to have, like ice powers for Sloth, flame powers for Wrath, Midas touch for Greed, healing at the cost of the user’s own stamina for Charity, etc.?
Constructs is the ideal word then
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My character. Made a wizened night singer. Short version of the backstory: a bunch of boyscouts in the 50s lured into a cartoony carnival that lets them act like their worst selves. The fae told them he saved them from the nukes. 60 years later, the bombs still ain't fallen.
Benny wizened up, slipped out via a loophole. Now he's a member of E&S's Fall court, and in his human life acts as an investment manager for the island's retirement home.

The Lost organize themselves into seasonal courts based on their temperament, because interacting with Arcadia in any way that's not just burning it down with fire (which is a common response) demands they play the game of nobility because that's how the magic of the place, and the borderlands between works. But how they organize from there can be anything from a democracy, to a dictatorship, to communal, to hyper capitalist. Usually based on the local city's culture.
E&S defines itself in contrast to the hyper-capitalistic courts of LA and San-Fran, and iron-like grip courts have on Seattle and Portsmouth.
Small town, large but tight community, and very VERY heavily armed.
>have idea for setting to write/run solo stuff in
>outline the high concept stuff
>get some details down
>time comes to actually play in the setting
>lose all desire to interact with it at all
>abandon project because I can't even force myself to work on it
>month or two passes, new idea that "will definitely work this time"
>repeat cycle
feels bad
Do you also suffer from schizophrenia?
No, I just have two groups that don't like domain play games.
Working on a "real robot" game setting but I was wondering, should I add space whales?

what is their tax policy?
Theres plenty info on fantasy stuff in OP, but what about sci-fi?
Specifically, "colonies" and the likes. Usually, each space race has its own "homeworld". Its fine, but what about other planets? From what Ive sen, its (usually) just one Big City, and thats it. Does this seems appropriate? Would colony planets really have one Big City that plays specific role (trading hub, minerals gathering etc), or would it actually occupy as much of the land as possible?
Of late, the tendency has been for populations to become concentrated rather than diffuse, with the rising rate of urbanization across the world. Concentrating populations produces a lot of economic benefits: you can police more people with the same # of police, can engage in more trades in a shorter period of time, can specialize more, etc.

At the same time, a virgin world would have a lot of unused land. On Earth, all the best potential mines and farmland are already in use or depleted; on Earth-2, you could immediately set up coal mines in the richest coal country, farmlands on the most fertile soil, etc, which would encourage distribution.

My guess is that you would get heavy concentrations of population, but with outlying regions converted to raw resource extraction and/or primary food production in accordance with the easiest, cheapest places to do so. If the local government is federalized or multipolity, you might get a distribution where the biggest cities moves around, as different regulatory/legal regimes encourage or discourage certain types of business and move them around.

There's also the question of timelines. If you get interstellar travel in 2200, and the current year is 2260, then of course there can only be a handful of cities on any planet - there are only a couple billion who have immigrated out to new worlds or been born on them, and they're mixed between any number of other planets, too. If you live in the grim darkness of the 41st millennium, though, planetary populations are based on the carrying capacity of the planet, which (with high technology) are easily multiple times Earth's, necessitating using more of the planet's surface.

It also matters how easy space travel is. If getting into or out of a gravity well is easy, then you'll get a lot of resources from asteroids and gas giants, and you'll also be able to reasonably transport goods like grain, etc, from one world to another. If it's hard, you need everything on-site.
I'm working on a near-future setting where Earth is kind of united, but it's like several power blocks are all joined together. These blocks include the eurosphere, sinosphere, a more united 5 eyes alliance, a russia that collapsed into a bunch of smaller states then immediately banded back together as the union of representative russian states (name in progress) to avoid getting swallowed up by china. But I'm not sure where to go from there, what to do with the other places of the world like south america, africa, the mideast, india, japan, the koreas except for a couple of ideas like the 5 eyes and sinosphere groups each finding space elevators in brazil and indonesia or africa respectively
Depends on how big you want the blocs to be, I suppose. Russia does not deserve equal billing to China, EU, and CANZUKUS, but putting that aside...

- LatAm is a generally interrelated cultural and economic zone. Mexico would either be a counterbalance to Brazil in a more EU-esque Mercosur, or else fall into the US orbit to be part of CANZUKUS.
- Africa's major division is the Muslim north and Christian south; while there's some internal divisions there, the Niger-Congo peoples are the vast majority of Africa's southern Christian population. Most likely blocs to emerge here are ECOWAS and/or the East African Federation.
- In the Middle East, there's the Arab League, but it mostly sucks shit and probably always will. Arabs have gone from being monarchy-cucks, to Arab socialism, to Islamism; if there's some more successful ideology (institutionalist moderate Islamism like Jolani's been kinda pushing?) that gets some gumption across the Arab world, it could form the basis for a united bloc there.
- India is huge already, but it's not friends with Pakistan (which is also huge and will continue to be huge, but doesn't really have any close regional allies). BIMSTEC I think is the most natural glob here.
- Japan and the Koreas go into the Sinosphere or the US sphere, unless Japan suddenly invents the Cure To Low Fertility and balloons its population (it's the second largest first world country in population, after the USA, with the combined pop of UK and France, but its population is now declining).
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A lot of that depends on how you want their powers to work or be represented.

I suppose for something like Wrath you can go the unusual route of not making them a meat head who just smashes and bashes everything like directing their anger at a specific target and then harming themselves to the point of near suicide to harm the target of their power.

You could be like Mammon from KSBD who is listliss and dejected and only feels anything (and regains his power) when he's enraged before becoming depressed again.
>- Japan and the Koreas go into the Sinosphere or the US sphere, unless Japan suddenly invents the Cure To Low Fertility and balloons its population (it's the second largest first world country in population, after the USA, with the combined pop of UK and France, but its population is now declining).
Oh, actually, alternate one would be some type of Shinzo Abe-esque "Arc of Democracy," a democratic counterbalancing coalition to China, which - based on current countries - would be SK, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia. It was also proposed to include Mongolia and Central Asia, and in this hypothetical might also include Russia (depending on if this Russia is democratic).
Can something be both sexy and monstrously inhuman? Thinking in the context of female gods that might show up.
I need a name for a apace warship class that begins with L, preferably with a synonym which starts with T but beggars can't be choosers and all.
Leviathan and Titan. Lance and Trident. Why are you doing this?
when you define something as sexy you're just telling people your fetishes. You have to estrapolate heavily for people to get it without being creeped out, like people who say cars are sexy without people assuming they are gonna turn the catalytic converter into an onahole.
Yes, and her name is Rachnera Arachnera.
What kind of rites would a priest of a fertility goddess be involved with?
Do you guys use AI slop in your worldbuilding?
If yes - which one.
I use chatgpt to keep track of my notes and translate/generate names for places
I use pimped out SillyTavern with a suit of extensions for data organization and history management (notebooks, objectives, reference sheets etc.).
Hermes Nous 3 is a very usable fallback model availible for free through OpenRouter, and the usual Claude/OpenAI models are good enough for the tasks that do not trip up their censorship sensors.
Stable Diffusion. I use it for generating portraits of important characters.
You have to realize that my "worldbuilding" is actually just stringing a bunch of video games together and shitting out whatever I can think of just to make it look coherent. My vidya characters end up being important people in the setting. I used to use their in-game portraits, but now I just use an AI to generate a portrait for them. Helps with making it look consistent.
Oh, and AI is surprisingly good at poetry, rhymes and riddles. Which is to say, it is kind of lame, but still much better than I would be able to deliver. You only need to know some theory to write more or less coherent instructions/
No, and I automatically dismiss anyone who does. So far this has been the correct choice. If you have such a poor concept of what you want to write that you need the slop machine to do it for you, why should I care what you have to share?
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In my setting, demon and angel clans based their power on seven deadly sins and holy virtues.
So, i ended up with many characters from one sin/virtue with different powers.
For example, using one element per sin/virtue will only limit yourself.
That's why, in my setting wrath clans can use every element, even ice.
Yeah, you'd normally think that ice only work for sloth.
But think anon, wrath doesn't always mean loud, brash and explosive.
A calm and collected wrath is more dangerous.
My point is, you need to expand the definition of sin/virtue first in order to find unique power fo that sins/virtue.
Is it comfortable to use like it is now?
I am asking because I want to build a tool for worldbuilding with integrated ai. For me it would be extremely useful and it can improve quality of just posting your data in chatgpt chat.
I use AI art, with lots and lots of time and effort to edit it, so I don't think I would call it slop.

I have tried a bunch to get anything usable out of the AI in terms of worldbuilding and it's like pulling teeth + then you find one sentence that (extremely vaguely) reminds you of a thought you had months ago and you borrow that actual idea. They are just shockingly bad, unable to differentiate between a good idea and a stupid one to a truly insane degree.
The newer versions are much better at remembering things so it's useful for recalling notes from a while ago or asking it questions about your setting that it would be able to work out from supplied information. I regularly use it to generate lists of settlement names in other languages rather than spending ages doing it manually 4gyv
Found an old worldbuilding project from when I was 14 while at my family's home for the holidays. I had a great laugh reading through it (spelling and grammar mistakes, and crude sentences all) so I transcribed a couple sections.

>Speaking of social custom, the biggest difference is their approach to sex and marriage. Being a traditionally nomadic people they would roam the plains all year, meeting up along ancestral routes. Male felids have a strong sex drive all year round and fight constantly with each other to mount a female just for pleasure. The females are only fertile every 24 months and are generally very indifferent about sex, having little to no restraint about who or where they do it. In regards to said fertile period, they exude an odor that has a mild aphrodisiac effect even on humes, but for Felid males it is overwhelming.

>The attitudes towards sex have not changed much since living in the cities, an important example being prostitution. The females learned how you could be given money for sex and within a week there was scantily clad Felid women accosting well-to-do men on every street corner for incredibly low prices by comparison to Hume brothels. They in fact undercut the business so much, they Hume women almost never work as whores now except as "mamas" (a term for older women working in a managerial role at a brothel).
>The streetcorner soliciting was put to an end quickly as it was an embarrassment when Imperial officials came for political visits to Hume colonies in formerly Felid territory. Coincidentally, the phrase "thieving cat" was born when wives of soldiers found their husbands sleeping with a Felid woman in their house, which is why all adulterers and homewreckers are called that to this day.

It's outrageously horny, but decently creative for a kid. I wrote at length about sex, food, musical styles, anatomy, religion, honor, how they treat their dead, all in a crappy little binder. Wonder when I lost this spark.
No. I refuse to engage in slop. If I feel strongly enough about it I'll save up and commission art from someone.
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>>What is considered a people's right in your setting? By whom?
In Castabar, there is a right to life, liberty, consequences, and enterprise. Less so outside of the Republic.
>>Is there an era that they easily map to? Forwards, or backwards of your setting?
A mix between bronze age sensibilities and republican Rome.
>>Are they rights that weren't considered in the real world?
The Dead have far more rights than in our world. Mummies abound.
>>If imaginary, what are those rights trying to protect them from?
Fucking with the dead has DIRE consequences, up to and including their reputations. Misrepresenting the past can result in actual hauntings from those fucked over.
>>How are these rights enforced?
The Wise Masters, a cult of eunuchs who enforce accurate historiography.

Now that that's done, I wanted to ask a general question - my setting (Castabar) is a republic / free city in the vein of Essos in ASOIAF. I find some players are STOKED to adventure in a setting like this but I've been surprised how many peeps can't fucking engage with a non-feudal setting to save their life.
Have y'all encountered this sort of issue? Like in reality it's hardly that different from the normal medieval setting, but players get super retarded as soon as a City is the suzerain instead of some guy.

Also, just curious how many of y'all prefer city states and Greek/Italian/Phoenician style settings to feudal europe. Been having a blast running the old Harad modules for my group...
>Lance and Trident
I like that, thanks. It started unintentionally, I named a couple of ships things like thunder and lightning, lion and tiger, so I wanted to have another set which followed the same naming scheme
Is it reasonable to create a species that can die but doesn't die of old age? They don't get weaker, less mentally capable, sicker, or uglier as they age, but they're fully able to be killed by stuff like being fucking cut in half or blown up or burned to death
That's how I typically imagine Elves. Even in old age they never grow infirm and are just as physically powerful at 500 as they were at 20 but add in the idea that they can just shut down over time if they have nothing left to live for.
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Need someone to take a look at this regional map for my ACKS campaign.

I am trying to go for a very "Sword and Sorcery" style adventure about Men, killing Men. I am struggling a bit with the right side of the map, as I want to put something really cool that the players can spot as a landmark from miles away. The existential threat that they will eventually have to stop is there, and I want to keep it in my players minds. Any ideas?
this is just elves
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bigass pyramid? a series of giant horse statues
Thanks, a mummy lord would be interesting as a big bad...
Put mountains on the other side of the desert so the sun rises over them. Just mention that the mountains are weirdly varied in shape and have a strange jagged silhouette. Later they'll find some kind of ancient cuniform that resembles the silhouette of the eastern mountain range, the mountains are a sign, it says "Ygvoltefoth was here suck my dick".
Alright, i've got a question.

How do i 'zoom out' my map? Like, I've got a map for what is a single continent on my setting, right? Basically europe. But how do I make the whole world now? I just can't seem to get a good basic shape even doing shitty doodles.
what sort of region exists on the edge of the continent and what comes after it? Does you mountain range then connect to a desert? Do you have a river to spills out into the ocean? Do you have a big flat plain?
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Well, the continent itself is mostly temperate, becoming tropical at the northern regions (It's south of the equator), and the west end of it kinda 'broadens up' in the same way eastern europe does.

Anwyay, the issue, more than biome, is the shape of the continents. This is the map sketch i have. I do actually have a more 'detailed' map with mountain ranges and all but it's even *more* zoomed in (only has that part at the center)
I've suddenly got a weird idea: a world of mutant dinosaurs, and one notable figure is a large many-headed dino who is a council unto itself. But due to its condition, it is unable to walk, so it is tended to by servants.
4chan isn't a blogging site.
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Setting question for the texans in here. How realistic is this according to that 5 state split deal you guys have going on?
What would be some examples of "passive" supernatural abilities besides healing and maybe certain senses? Things that can't be/usually aren't turned off
>What is considered a people's right in your setting? By whom?
To pursue your own path in life. This is because they've seen some shit and trying to keep everyone under strict control never plays out well in the long run.
>Is there an era that they easily map to? Forwards, or backwards of your setting?
Not exactly
>Are they rights that weren't considered in the real world?
I have no idea honestly.
>If imaginary, what are those rights trying to protect them from?
From experiencing the horrors of slavery again
>How are these rights enforced?
They're not beyond people just having basic understanding. IE if you want a job, they check if you're qualified for it by looking at your skillset
Communist Drow?
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There are chunks of land floating in arcane space interconnected with gateways and portals. Some are infested with demons, some have been settled by humans. Humans need to venture out into the dangerous chunks to get supplies etc. Demons are skilled in magic and want to control all the islands. Demon minions sometimes make it to the humans islands but their invasions are limited and human are able to repel them. Any good explanation with internal logic for why are demons unable to just curbstomp the human enclaves?
>pic unrelated
Most immediate answer is that the average demonic minion is pretty wimpy, and even the more powerful demons aren't necessarily crazy powerful either.
So while in theory a demon could just have all of his minions rush through a portal and then follow after them, they're probably just going to crash into whatever defenses the humans built up around the gate, and ultimately be unable to simply utilize brute force.

If demons need to be powerful enough where a few volleys of arrows wouldn't be sufficient to deal with one, then there probably needs to be more caveats placed on the demons themselves.
For instance: the more magic passing through a gateway, the more instability, to the point where whoever is passing through can just end up flung out into the void with no hope of return.
So even a basic demon or their minions cause some instability, limiting how many troops they can send through at once. But the typical demon mage is basically incapable of passing through a gate normally because they'd break it due to their sheer magical prowess.
In order to get around this, they need to conduct some sort of ritual or otherwise magically reinforce both ends of the gate to prepare for their arrival. Which means that any given island already needs to have lost control of a gate for them to be at risk of more powerful demons arriving.
Thank you for taking time to write thoughtful reply. I like the idea of frequent passages causing instability and miscalibration. How do you think it could be explained parties of humans traversing the portals won't cause too much of miscalibration? Humans know some magic but the gateway system has been built by extinct civilization. Just built-in anti-demon measures seems kinda cheap.
>How do you think it could be explained parties of humans traversing the portals won't cause too much of miscalibration?
That's what I meant by the amount of magic passing through causing instability. It isn't that travel itself causes problems, but rather that anything magical going through causes it.
So ordinary humans aren't really an issue, because they're basically a 0 in terms of magic. Human mages and demonic minions (with demons being more magical as part of their default nature) would then cause slight instability, but only cause major problems in large numbers. And then when you get to actual demon mages, the effect is exponentially worse, especially for the most powerful individuals.
Powerful human archmages might face similar instability problems, to the extent that they need to send an apprentice over beforehand to attune the gateway from the other side in the same way demon mages do, so it's not even necessarily a demon-only issue exclusively.

It's less that the gateway system is designed to be anti-demon, and rather it's just the nature of magical energy that causes the problems.
Any good examples of space type of setting (think SW, ST, Mass Effect, whatever) mixed with occultism? No, not Warhammer.
Right. Hmm. Its only during invasion tho, no? If no demons present, theres nothing occult going on really.
Maybe the extinct civilization built the gateway network, then they disappeared, and the gateways started deteriorating. Then at some later point in time humans and demons came and started onlining the gates with their magic. Because the entire realm is located in arcane space, and the gates are retrofitted with modern magic, the connections are finicky. Magic (arcane magic, demon magic, demons being magical beings to a degree, magic items etc) interferes with the gate system and can cause the connection to go haywire. If you want to transfer something strongly magical you need to continuously maintain and recalibrate the connections from both sides. ...sorry for rambling...

I have some ideas about the various factions located in the realm in present time but keep drawing blanks about the ancient extinct civilization. Any help please?
Event Horizon. Cthulhutech, kinda - really, any number of Lovecraft/SF combos, like Eldritch Skies. Science fiction horror in general often delves into the supernatural, or near enough; Dead Planet from Mothership, for example.
what do you mean by occultism?
Religious practices with purposes not understood by the practicioners? Dune. There is no magic in the religions, it's very intentional and controlled, but it presents itself as mysticism.
Vance's Dying Earth has a stuff that is clearly magic tied to a past that was pretty much our world but powered by pacts with djinns instead of oil. The first batch of short stories do more with this than Cugel forward. I don't know if he had magic in his scifi stories, haven't read them.
For one I started making this setting back in 21 or so. But yeah, I probably should've said something because I didn't intend on russia being a major power. And the more I think about it the less a power they become in general since most of the population fled into space.
This too is giving me ideas to switch the sinosphere idea to china and then all those african nations it's currently working with
Something like:
- Why our engine work?
- Because we sacrificed 10 people to the demons this morning, duh
What would be a good alternative name for intelligence stat? Would "learning" work?
What does it doin your game? It can be Learning, if it has to do with learning, sure. Does it? .
Yes, it's exactly that.
But I always have my doubts about moving away from the standards even when needed.
Personally, I prefer broad stats, that cover lots of ground. Do like the idea of no min-maxing, at least in stats. Although, if its strictly non-combat one, that would be a good use case for one-dimensional stats.
>If you want to transfer something strongly magical you need to continuously maintain and recalibrate the connections from both sides.
Yep, and that works out as the sort of thing I was talking about.

>drawing blanks about the ancient extinct civilization. Any help please?
I'm not sure exactly what you're asking for there. Construction? Culture? Physiology?
Nine times out of ten an extinct civilization is there so you can have ancient ruins full of monsters and cool treasure/technology.
If it's still general intelligence, there's no reason to change the name, but if you want to divorce it from actual fluid intelligence (versus known skills/etc), you could use Knowledge or Education.
I know Call of Cthulhu uses Education as one of its stats, although it also still has Int, since the game is focused on investigation and so the distinction between logical problem-solving and book-learning is a useful one.

Mostly depends what sorts of things a character would typically be rolling a Learning check for.
Yeah, thats the stuff, thank you
Original Quake would be more up your alley then. Time travel, dimensional travel, lovecraftian monsters and the cultist who serve them, runes of magic power and all that jazz.
Yeah, I should look into that. Only played Q3 (great fun that was).
Also, I really wanna copy Vampire Knight Requiem, but dont really know how to do it in a good way lmao
I used to have image dumps of VKR but can't find them. That said, I'm sure you can take the worse people in existence and turn them into even worse versions of themselves in Hell. Torquemada is my favorite if only because he's spouting his nonsense about that vampire chick being a harlot as he's being made to fuck her or, better, when he talks to the lizard people about how they prefer fucking young boys and drinking piss.
Is it TOO dumb that a major standing military of an antagonist nation would refer to themselves as The Rebellion?

Let's call this country "Nation X." They have the mystique of Cold War communist powers, especially the USSR, the war economy of Nazi Germany and the military culture of post 9/11 America. They are zealots who are all about MUH FREEDOM and antagonize other countries to preserve their freedom, regardless of whether they are an actual threat. I was thinking that they would refer to their military as "The Rebellion" purely for morale, marketing & recruiting reasons. Their own government knows this, and characters not aligned with their nation do call them out on it.

If it is too ridiculous, I was thinking that the Rebellion could be an unofficial branch of their military that Nation X uses for proxy wars or as modern day privateers. And yes, the protagonists serve the Empire.
In that context, it's not really any dumber than the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", though reality can be dumber than fiction sometimes.
Having it be an unofficial branch, where the government can chalk up actions as being due to 'rebel forces' might be an easier sell.
ChatGPT and Bing AI Image Creator.

The latter isn't as fun anymore since I can't create many lewd prompts.
is that image from your setting?
Yes. It's a vague concept of their government or military architecture. Their biggest architecture style is brutalism.
Yeah, werewolf is fun. They all fun, really. I really like the setting, it has an insane potential.
I'm hesitant to do actual worlbuilding but I want to try to make a point of light setting with heavy animist theme, think Princess Mononoke, Mononoke and Mushishi.
Is there a good, concise resource to do that? Other works like the examples I mentioned above are good but I wanted something more like a splatbook for easy referencing.
Oh, shoot, I'm a dumb dumb. No, this one image is NOT from my setting. It's my funny take on "what if the British Empire never fell?"

These redcoats just found out that this hostile alien world has tea.
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Okay, I think next month I will commission an artist to draw me a stylized map (so regions are not scaled against each other).
Most of the action takes place in the city, so it's the most detailed with districts and shit. Countryside.
Forest for one or two activities at most. And swamp with ancient ruins full of lizardmen for exploration.
Now a problem, I actually wanted a big river running through the city, big enough to be used for travel and trade. And before I tried to draw and visualize it, I wanted this river to end in the said swamp because it felt logical. But then it would mean that people could just use the river to get to the swamp instead of having to go through the forest, which I don't really want and need to avoid.
Here's the gist of a world I am going to use as the back drop of a video game I wanna challenge myself to make:
>Various species of pre-FTL aliens get abducted by aliens.
>Abducted primitives start a riot and crashes the space ship they're imprisoned on.
>Crashland on a bleak world that's roughly equivalent to subsaharan Africa/Mediterranean. Deserts, grasslands, mountains, rocky terrain, mostly warm, you get the idea.
>Humans being the most advanced primitive among the one dozen species that crashed, basically pull all the species together through the power of technology: they are the ones who figure out how to create primitive machines to help with survival, and eventual reverse engineer the alien ship.
>Their archetype is basically "the smart species", the Salarian to my setting's Mass Effect.
>Eventually, time passes and the game takes place in the third generation of people living on this world, and society is rough and tumble. Major inspiration for this was pic related from the 40k 1st edition rulebook, along with 2000AD, Necromunda, Gorkamorka, and Battletech.
>The spaceship has basically been rebuilt into the main settlement, and is a towering piece of slagmetal jutting out of the landscape, with small villages and mines and farms dotting the continent. It's like cyberpunk and western. Cyber Western.
>Speaking of there's giant robots: designs mostly inspired by the Dougram and Macross designs from Battletech. Thunderbolt, Griffin, Shadow Hawk, etc.

I'm thinking of making the humans from the 1990s just for the culture of the time being what I'm more familiar with culturally, plus there was a resurgence of UFO sightings and belief in the 90s.
I haven't decided on a game yet, leaning to either CRPG or Action.

As far as I know, rivers don't really end in swamps, but swamps do show up around rivers as sort of a sink. Like, excess water goes there and it acts like a natural filter. You could have the river beside the swamp?
That depends on what you're trying to do. if you're just running a game you just need enough to build a world that the PCs can play it. If you're trying to write a novel that's a whole other deal but even then the "worldbuilding" should serve the core story telling otherwise its just mental masturbation.
Could be neat as a CRPG. Here's a thought also: during the rioting on the ship as it approached the planet, parts of the ship either fell off from damage or were intentionally ejected. They landed scattered over the surface. This gives possibilities like going through rough terrain to search for a lost cache of material from the ship, or maybe an original alien ejected from the ship- maybe surviving in the desert or maybe in stasis or anything else. You can have weird specific communities that have sprung up around specific debris. Maybe a part of the ship debris crashed down into a really awkward area or position but it is so valuable (produces power or processes food or something) that it was worth the hassle for a community to build itself around where it landed
> Here's the gist of a world I am going to use as the back drop of a video game I wanna challenge myself to make:
> >Various species of pre-FTL aliens get abducted by aliens.
> >Abducted primitives start a riot and crashes the space ship they're imprisoned on.
> >Crashland on a bleak world that's roughly equivalent to subsaharan Africa/Mediterranean. Deserts, grasslands, mountains, rocky terrain, mostly warm, you get the idea.
Just interested, you got that idea from stellaris, or stellaris got it from somewhere else?
The first couple of lines sound like the premise behind Endless Legend. Not that that's a bad thing.
Hello again anonfriends. You probably don't remember me from a few weeks ago but I successfully managed to come up with a great name for a christmas equivalent
>inb4 post it
lmao as if
>bro, trust me
>it's Samtsirch
I've come up with an idea for a centaur sport that's basically jousting, only instead of 1v1 in a straight line, it's an open arena.

But since you can't unhorse a centaur, how else would you "eliminate" other player? Maybe simply when the lance is damaged or disarmed? Or when their upper body touches the ground?

Maybe it should be a "ball" sport instead, but at that point it'd be polo with extra steps
>it's just Life Day
I need help.
>Species of humanoid plant people
>Need water, warmth, nutrients, CO2, and sunlight to survive.
>Despite being plant people they have an affinity for stuff that looks like it comes from WW1, although it doesn't output gas
>Due to being mobile plants, they need a lot of CO2.
>CO2 is something they can't find much of in their home dimension anymore. The place is oxygen poisoned out the wazoo, and nothing can survive there anymore
>They just up and packed up their entire civilization and fucked off to find a dimension with more CO2.
Now, I'm trying to think of a "Survival suit" they use to accommodate their anatomy
reminds me of the plantoids in Starbound, also you didn't say what you needed help with
How it should generally look and how it works.
>They're an advanced society, relatively speaking. Kind of looks like WW1 but it's got more advanced tech under the hood.
>Supposed to look kinda sad, giving off the impression that this suit is all that's keeping this plant from dying of oxygen poisoning.
They're desperately looking for coal and natural gas not as a fuel source but as a fucking way to stay alive. It's a somewhat poetic inversion of our own struggle. What we'd consider "Clean" energy sources means death for them
you know plants don't actually breathe CO2 right? they use it to make sugars and other nutrients
I know, but the point is that they need that shit to survive.
>packed up their entire civilization and fucked off to find a dimension
This is retarded. It's not hard to make CO2, it's produced naturally from volcanoes. If they have the technology to go to another dimension they can terraform their world to make CO2 naturally. This is abysmal worldbuilding, you should be ashamed.
The name of the Chinese army is the Peoples Liberation Army. Their navy is called the Peoples Liberation Army Navy, their air force is the Peoples Liberation Army Air force, the Iranian armed forces have a branch called the Revolutionary Guard. The part of the US government that plans invasions is called the department of Defence.
You can name stuff as silly or as orwellian as you want.
Still looking for answers here.
They don’t have the means to do something like that.
Dimensional travel isn’t a matter of energy, it’s a matter of knowing how to do it right
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How cringe. Make the suit a terrarium with appendages.
>Nine times out of ten an extinct civilization is there so you can have ancient ruins full of monsters and cool treasure/technology.
Yeah I'm going with this. Trying to come up with their extinction event:
>they created technology which allowed them to share consciousness and then all of them dropped dead from a huge terminal feedback loop
this is ripped from Singularity's Ring

>they were masters of space and time and created a timeline loop as defense against demons
this is ripped from Gods Will Be Watching

Their extinction event is the most defining feature of them and I just have a brainlock over it. Also there should be at least 2 or 3 past inhabitants of this realm for good texture and I cannot even come up with one
Well, I have some initial questions about how long this realm has been a series of isolated islands/pockets in an arcane expanse. And by extension, how humans and demons arrived there.

In terms of those initial precursors, the simplest throughline for events I could see is
>slowly colonize all of the islands (probably via ships or a slower method)
>invent gates for faster travel in order to connect their empire
>develop the collective-consciousness technology to connect their empire even more seamlessly, but everything went wrong when they applied the full-scale version
For the last bit, it depends on if you just want all of them to have a stroke, or if there's some sort of magical apotheosis that happens.
In terms of their overall society, the concept of such a project would imply that their culture extremely rigid and orderly. Otherwise you'd be more likely to have some holdouts who tried to shield themselves and avoid being linked up and would have lived through the extinction as a result.

>Also there should be at least 2 or 3 past inhabitants
If you mean other civilizations between the initial precursors, my initial thought would be some lab animals who were experimented on in the process of the consciousness-sharing experiments. So the ruins were initially taken over by a a bunch of mutated psychic lab rats or something. They might have had some ability to interface with precursor tech, and could end up as a cargo-cult steadily expanding out across the empire's ruins.
Let me explain.
Their dimension literally cannot produce any carbon dioxide anymore. No natural gas pockets remain.
>Just terraform a volcano
What would the volcano vent? Also, terraforming is something they can’t do. Dimensional/planar travel works like this
>Going “Down” a plane produces energy as a byproduct.
>Going “Up” a plane requires an equal amount of energy that going down one would produce.
>The technology to do dimensional travel is pretty simplistic at the end of the day. It simply requires a way to pinpoint said plane and a way to move something across those planes, either magically. Terraforming is a technology they don’t have time to develop, and it’s certainly not going to let them just create more carbon dioxide
They’re advanced but not “Creating matter and reshaping the laws of nature” advanced, come on.
>Their dimension literally cannot produce any carbon dioxide anymore
You mention carbon dioxide specifically which means the physical laws of your setting are very close to ours and this is an idiotic statement on the basis that carbon and oxygen are the 4th and 3rd most abundant elements in the universe.
>Their dimension literally cannot produce any carbon dioxide anymore
A fucking campfire produces carbon dioxide anon.
Anon. Try lighting a flame next to pure oxygen.
Gee, maybe this society with the technology to travel between dimensions should have tried lighting a campfire BEFORE the atmosphere was pure oxygen.
And even if they were somehow that braindead, you're describing a relatively Earth-like planet with water, nutrients, etc. which would mean there's rainclouds, which means there's lightning, which means there's sparks from the lighting, so even if they don't do anything there is still going to be fire.

All of that is also ignoring that there are more gasses that are in an atmosphere than just oxygen and carbon dioxide. More than than 70% of Earth's atmosphere is nitrogen which will be sufficient to ensure that the entire globe doesn't spontaneously combust from a single spark.
I guess you're right. But the point is, I'm trying to think of a way to justify advanced humanoid plant people who left their home plane of existence to escape an environment that they literally couldn't live in anymore.
I can't just use pollution because their home has specifically become unlivable for THEM. Animals and "Normal" plants are able to live there, but they specifically cannot survive there anymore without protection. Any suggestions?
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How much detail do you go into your setting technology and level of infrastructure?
I spent a long time figuring out what could be produced by the city states that have had around 300 years to grow in my post apoc setting
Guns and bullets were actually on the easy side of production
and could be roughed out by powers that were not incredibly developed with hard work time obsessiveness and autism

Fantasy setting of mine I tried to figure out how people would adapt to certain metals in some regions becoming unusable if left fora certain amounts of time
As they would become charged with dangerous magical energy that could be used to produce fire or electricity but would degrade the integrity of the object when agitated
Ferrous metals were the most vulnerable to this kind of infusion and ferrous gear would become infused in shortly under a month if left out in such conditions
These effect really threw a wrench in the technological capabilities of some cultures keeping them at Bronze or iron Age levels
All of this in context of primarily fantasy setting:
The islands themselves have ecology suitable for human life and are relatively unspoiled so I have been thinking about some kind of artificial barrier or some natural property of these islands which shielded them from outside world, but which has now failed and the present-day factions are now competing for control:
>want to exploit the place for resources and prevent it from being controlled by other factions

>are arcane creatures skilled in both magic and tech
>some factions trade and cooperate with humans, some don't care much, some are mercenaries for hire and don't have issues with killing humans
>want to exploit the place for resources

>share homeworld with humans
>the dominant dragon faction are self-appointed stewards of humans
>their timeline powers allow them to protect the homeworld from demons and other threats but otherwise their power is limited
>want to secure the place against demons and other threats

>most of them think their homeworld would have fallen to demons if it weren't for dragons
>some of them think dragons are unnecessarily sacrificing and discarding timelines to protect the main timeline
>some of them think dragons are using human expeditions as expendable resource against demons and other threats
>all of the above is probably true
>want to exploit the place, and/or are escaping from persecution, and/or have been exiled as prisoners etc.
>I have been thinking about some kind of artificial barrier or some natural property of these islands which shielded them from outside world
I was going off the assumption that some of that was implied with calling them islands.
From how you described it, I was basically picturing a sort of bubble in that vastness of arcane space. Sort of like how MtG handles its planes.

So long as humans have a homeworld though, I don't see what would prevent there being other homeworlds for other races that similarly cropped up after the precursors fell.
Though that last bit for the humans makes it seem like this is actually some sort of weird prison dimension.

As an aside, can I just say many of the motives you've listed boil down to
>exploit resources and secure it against other factions
which isn't exactly doing much to distinguish the factions. It's not like you're going to have a faction whose goals are 'give away resources' and 'surrender control of islands to whoever asks nicely'.
Labeling them that way isn't incorrect, but it's not exactly conveying any additional information, which makes it hard to tell what you're asking.
I mean, let me do some brainstorming.
What is required for plants to live? Light, air, water, nutrients, and space. Space is not an issue because these are mobile, so we can strike that off. Also they make their own nutrients out of water and CO2.
Here's the key thing. Their world is currently inhospitable for them, but not for anything else. This means that these plant-people have a specific requirement that most other life doesn't have.
Perhaps magic? No, their world is abundant in magical energy, I couldn't do that.
Or perhaps as a cellular mixture of animal and plant traits, they have a specific resource that they cannot produce in their home dimension anymore due to environmental factors.
As to what that might be, who knows?
If other life like animals and plants are still able to survive, then what you're after is probably a bio-weapon. Some plague or virus specifically engineered to kill them that doesn't affect anything else.

Radiation could be an option, since ordinary animal/plant life tends to get by well enough. Plants don't get cancer, but you can easily say that humanoid intelligent plantlife is more complex and so radiation still fucks them up more.
>exploit resources and secure it against other factions
The entire history of mankind can be described as various factions fighting for resources. It's all that's needed as high-level driver for conflict. Dragons and humans hate demons. Travelers are mostly neutral and can be cooperative or hostile. Dragons and humans are by default allied but there can be human enclaves which want to be free of dragons and dragon factions which are hostile to humans or other dragon factions. Human factions can be cooperative or hostile to other human factions etc. etc. if you place these factions to this newly discovered realm there are enough dynamics and drivers for story.

But I don't know what is it that made this new realm invisible or inaccessible to all the factions until recently, and who is it that lived in there before and what happened to them.
>The entire history of mankind can be described as various factions fighting for resources
Yeah, that's my point.
The only bullet point under demons is that they are a faction fighting other factions for resources. That doesn't tell me anything about demons other than that they behave similarly to the entire history of mankind.
>It's all that's needed as high-level driver for conflict
Sure, but then you don't really need help fleshing out factions if you think that's sufficient detail.

>But I don't know what is it that made this new realm invisible or inaccessible to all the factions until recently
That's why I'm trying to ask questions to drill down those answers.
When you say new realm, what does that mean? Is there an old realm?
Is the old realm where the humans and dragons are from, or is their homeworld an island?
Are the players ever going to leave this realm of islands and go somewhere else?
That’s actually a good point. Should justify the protection suits.
They tried to find a plane where they could live away from that shit, and they managed it at least.
They’re just living in little domes that are like greenhouses
Dragon and human homeworld is regular planet in space. Thorough history there have been demon attempts to invade this planet - demons usually come up with some plot to have some human faction open portals for them or there is rare alignment of cosmic energy which allows them to open invasion portals from their end etc. but ultimately all their invasions of the homeworld have been thwarted.

There is now some kind of portal or some connection (not sure right now exactly how it opened or how it works) which links the dragon/human planet with this set of islands floating in this arcane realm. And at the same time, demons and travelers also got access to this new realm.
they would not be able to have WW1 technology in an environment of pure oxygen
I am working on a post-apocalyptic wargame. It is based on the modification of Battlefield 2, Battlefield Apocalypse. It has the following factions:
A bunch of nomadic warriors and bandits that worship nature together with violence.
Christian fundamentalists.
African-American black supramacists
Realistic mutants, some comic relief as well as horror elements.
Fragments of the American society in which all occupations are militarized or weaponised.
>There is now some kind of portal or some connection (not sure right now exactly how it opened or how it works)
You could just have a Stargate situation, where the humans found a gateway buried underground.

The size and number of the islands seems like it'd be the key factor in whether the humans bother. Having some long-term portal that connects to a place where there are a bunch of demons trying to take over is something of a risk if the resources aren't very worthwhile.

But it also means that other factions/races with in the island-realm can also have ended up there from their own homeworlds, so you can get away without an overly detailed origin for them. Especially if they ended up cut off at some point, or if they were overtaken by demons.
Which actually might be a reason why people go for these islands, since they could functionally serve as a series of anti-demon bunkers, going with the earlier idea that demons can't use island gateways as freely, and the arcane nature of the realm would prevent them from opening up their own portals.

>And at the same time, demons and travelers also got access to this new realm.
The travelers come across as a race that should have had access to the realms earlier, like how you mentioned having 2-3 other races that showed up after precursors but before humans. They seemed less focused on territory, and so having them as merchants and mercenaries who have already mapped out a lot of islands and trade routes and sells that info to new arrivals would fit them.
does having dragons being minor deities/emanations of elemental spirits sound too outlandish?
But outlandish is good
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So quick question
Which world setting?
Regular planet world of trees
Giant space tree with life living in forests growing on the trunk
a literal yggdrasil?
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Dragons are the free space of fantasy worldbuilding. You can do almost anything with them, and that's just how dragons are in that world.
Ya pretty much, I picture it kind of like xenogear being on two giants in a fight except a giant tree, the trunk covered in moss would be the world, where the branches and roots contain worlds of their own. And be very large
Otherwise I was thinking of a planet about the size of Pluto covered in forest, would take about 6 months to a year to cross. The planet one would make it more realistic setting where I feel the tree would make it more fantastical
Jousting must either be highly ritualized akin to kendo (And to a lesser extent fencing) or it's a pure bloodsport.
Imagine a sport that's just running at a dude with a bat, until either of you can't stand. But it's at horse speeds and much more stable.
A more contact heavy form of polo makes sense as a sport, potentially you lean towards something like buzkashi if you want them to be "savage" or steppe bound as a culture.
I said aesthetically. It's actually a little more advanced than the stuff we have, roughly a few decades.
anything vaugely electrical or heat producing would cause the atmosphere to combust
I'm aware. I was trying to create a disaster that fucked over the plant people's ability to live in their own plane, but everyone else is fine
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I need a sanity check on pic related. Does it make sense? Is it hard to follow? Would bullets be better? Does the actual naming schema make sense?
An interesting find. An unfiction vtuber with extensive alternate history worldbuilding. lots of weird fiction elements from classic isekai to the paranatural to arcane sci-fi
you know it's weird how you're the second /asp/ie I've seen on /tg/
This reminded me of a short lived idea I had where a biological AI in the form of a Tree terraformed a world and spread it's roots to allow smaller versions of itself to manage different parts of the world. Eventually, these trees grew independent and developed their own personalities.
Just make up a country real quick
A theocratic socialist country composed of two entirely different ethnic groups whose only similarities are their religious/government beliefs and that their respective origin nations would gladly see both groups destroyed.
The schema itself works out, in the context of things like strata, nobility, and titles.
"Low Blood" or "Lostra" alongside class as a character's surname is pretty easy to make out. 'Commoner Smith John', basically.
Though it seems like it should be Mechant Tuva-Kenin to match Sorcerer Tuva-Kenin, rather than 'the merchant' as a suffix.

The part that feels extraneous is the random bit of translations like Cavigh Istion and so on. It doesn't really give a sense for what the language is drawing on, and might be better saved for a later portion under sample names like
>Sample location names:
>Cavigh Istion (bastion of triumph among caves)
If you still want to have it somehere.

Another aspect is that the naming schema of consonants at the end of female names and the vowels with male names does result in things feeling very inverted.
Jini-Toga comes across as a very feminine name, while Manuk-Nerifa comes across as pretty manly. IF that's intentional, then disregard all of this.

The last thing I'll say is that while it might make sense for a long-lived species like elves to have lengthy multi-syllable names and not care for nicknames, that is going to make things harder for your human players to remember.
If I introduced an elf with any of these names to my players, I'd expect them to shorten it to a nickname very quickly, and basically treat one part of the hyphenated name as a surname.
Having the line about nicknames instead focus on how nicknames would be taken up by dark elves for the sake of other races they interact with regularly.

If there are Dark Elf nicknames, I'd expect them to instead be extra titles for the purpose of differentiation.
>Lostra Mercenary 'Istion' Tuva-Kenin
with 'Istion' being treated as yet another extra title, but one that could serve as a shorthand in certain circles. 'Istion' would be what other mercenaries call him in the field, since they might all be 'Lostra Mercenary'.
>Croatia in Australia
Reavers are organised into clans or gangs. There is the Ape Gang, focussing on cunning, smarts and creativity. The Wolf Pack, focussing on strength, speed and endurance. The Bear Mob Breakthrough, which focuses on power and attrition warfare. The Badger Band is a gang that is well-rounded and specialised.
What if a country of communist soviet mixed with ancient greek?
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Yeah, spoiler.
But, you don't have to watch it, it's shit.
Here's part of the Reaver's story:
>"Its a dog eat dog world." I say to my pal. "Sure is." he responds. We are the Reavers. In our world, to succeed is to fight. I remember what my master told me. Look at the environment, learn from the land. There are those being eaten and those that eat. The master taught us to hunt and gather. He taught us that we're part of the ecosystem. We are warriors by nature. I belong to the Ape Gang. "Remember, one cannot prestate all possible uses of the humble screwdriver." the gearhead says. "Sure, but when is my doombuggy done?" The gearhead replies: "Done." We are opportunistic, making use of every opportunity that lay ahead of us. We are generalistic. We are cunning like the coyotes and foxes. I grab a beer. I ought to make a reputation. It is like they say: life's a bitch. We climb the dominance hierarchy. It is a pecking order. All we do, is obeying the laws of nature. In this dog-eat-dog world, only the strong and cunning survive, and we are the strongest and most cunning of them all. I say: "You know Zep, I like fighting the Evolved. They are menacing freaks of nature." I laugh and say: "Who knows what they are upto." We like fighting. It is part of our life. When we are not fighting we smoke tabaco, drink beer and use meth. If you're lucky we can jumpstart a television and watch movies. It is a shock at what life used to be.
>Realistic mutants
Cancer patients?
I have: albino, hairfaced, scale skin disorder, proteus syndrome, denser bones, schizotypal and autistic savants
Had an odd idea and wanted an outside opinion:

The Evil Eye is not a curse or hex, but a pseudo god, or perhaps a primal proto-god-thing, a deity of misery and misfortune. One which nobody worships but it doesn’t understand that. In this narrative any intense feelings of envy, jealousy, and/or resentment are misunderstood as prayers to it, which will sometimes answer by cursing the focus of such emotions, it really doesn’t matter if the person who was the source actually wanted to wish harm upon the victim or not for the Evil Eye does not understand such complex thinking. For the Evil Eye is a primal force and as such is kinda stupid, or more precisely, is more akin to an animal than a conscious being.

So it should be no surprise that the jettatura are similarly chosen without the person’s knowledge or consent. The jettatura being the “priesthood” of the Evil Eye to spread its message and will. Again there is no rhyme or reason to who is chosen and once made a jettatura anyone or anything that comes into contact with or is seen by the person runs the risk of becoming cursed by the Evil Eye. It’s not clear if there’s a specific way to be “cast out” of the jettatura but there are counter wards to nullify it. Incidentally, there is a species of monkey called an Aye-aye of which all members of the species are jettatura for some unknown reason.

The animalistic behavior of the Evil Eye is also why so many wards against the Evil Eye are fashioned into its likeness, like many animals, the Evil Eye cannot recognize its own image and as such when it perceives someone wearing such a charm, it will mistakenly think that another Evil Eye is glaring at it and will avert its own gaze. The shrines are primarily just scaled up wards against the Evil Eye to protect large areas rather than a specific person or object.

Too silly? Too bland? And is it worth expanding on?
Kinda weird and a little dumb.
How would Law look like a future highly-computerized / connected society? Does the concept of privacy go out the window entirely or does it change into something much different then as we know it? Ie, everyone has wetware which monitors their thoughts but only reports Decisions to authorities while thoughts behind the Decision are protected by privacy rights? Can a court order to release of your thoughts as well? Would law be heavily automated by AIs which process all this information and finds violations of the law via data analysis? What role would the Courts have? Engineers carefully going over edge cases? Would you even have a defense, and if you did what would it be? Like, running your data through special AI models turning into a debate between which model best represents the reality of your case? Would detectives who specialize in physical evidence be seen as a useless relic because no matter what else a person’s data is absolute and if it says you’re guilty it doesn’t matter what other evidence there may be?
Currently brainstorming a religion. I like the idea of having it being heavily zodiac based, with a star sign and associated god for every month. If you're born under a certain sign then the associated god is your divine patron and your soul belongs to them. Im unsure how I should handle characters who go go out of their way to devote themselves to gods other than their patron. Do you think the gods should jealously curse their unfaithful subjects, casually trade souls amongst themselves, or just generally not give a fuck?
sounds like a dystopian hellhole
Depends, but assuming this takes place in the US, this would be a huge debacle over 1st amendment and privacy rights. I imagine we would end up in a situation where law enforcement would first have the get a warrant to "wiretap" your hardware just like how they need a warrant to read your private messages. Besides, even if you "decide" on something, they would need to have systems in place to tell just how commited you are to that decision, as people backpedal on decisions all the time.
I feel like religion is something that can be very unique.
Religion in the world I created is weird because it directly differs from any religion in our world in one key area:
A lack of glory. It’s not about worshipping because it’s about how the “God,” who mind you has no physical form or voice or anything, saved them all and asked for nothing in return.
It’s a display of unconditional kindness that people try to keep close to them
That seems like it'd work better if you handled it a bit more passively. People born in certain months get certain boons and blessings, which people attribute to a pantheon of gods, but the gods themselves might not actually play an active and confirmed role in anything.

Barring that though, if the gods get ownership regardless, then it doesn't seem like they'd care too much about who you devote yourself to in life.
Easier would be to just have them be stuck with it, and then any character who goes out of their way to choose another god is doing so because they truly feel that strongly about that god, and not for any ulterior motive. Perhaps then soul-trading of devout priests is a thing, but the gods keep it a secret so that mortals don't just start paying lip-service and demanding to choose their placement and throwing the whole agreement of months into disarray.

Since this sort of system also comes across as something the gods would have originally developed as a compromise, where if they had simply allowed the mortals to choose, there would be some really lopsided results, where they were worried everyone would choose the god of Spring and Parties over the god of Winter and Taxes.
And so while the gods might make case-by-case deals here and there, maintaining that status quo is how they keep the peace.
What if the system warns people when they’re about to commit a crime? Like your chip logs your decision to do something illegal and the system feeds you a reminder of the law and that your actions will be tracked? Likewise, an AI model would detect if you’re probably unaware of the law and so sends an information popup explaining what it is you want to do actually illegal and offer alternatives. Would people growing up in such a society just get used to being henpecked?
Lmao could lead to a technique in which people intentionally gaslight themselves in order to jailbreak their brain chips.
>Would people growing up in such a society just get used to being henpecked?
>growing up
Giving that to children would be a disaster. Some kid plans to slap another kid who was rude to them or steal a cookie from the cookie jar without asking, gets told by the AI that they're breaking laws, decides to do it anyway because they're an impulsive child, and gets a slap on a wrist as the punishment, assuming they get any.
The result being that you have a generation of children who, while growing up, were constantly told they were breaking the law with nothing bad happening, and so once grown, will basically tune out all of that advice.

Even for adults though, could you imagine trying to drive a car, and then every time you consider doing anything, you a pop-up about a traffic law you might have violated because your though process was 'change lanes' and not 'check my mirror and activate my turn signal to change lanes', because you did those other things without consciously thinking of them.
The end results of this are either going to be a dystopia where everyone walks on eggshells and tries to avoid doing anything at all, or a crime-ridden hellscape where organized gangs just hack their chips and do whatever they want if the courts and enforcement are primarily data driven. God help you if these things are wireless.
>out driving
>some hacker hacks my wireless brainchip to make me crash into a bank wall
>AI constantly telling me that I am in violation of traffic laws and spamming my vision with caution signs
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I just finished up the second chapter of the fantasy story I’m writing about a Necromancer’s apprentice, if any of you gents are interested.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Also available to read on A03, Wattpad, etc
Picrel, some art I commissioned of one of the story’s chimeras. A cross between an alligator and a vulture
Question, how would the Christian God react to humanity creating an entire sapient species to serve as slaves and then discarding them to a hell-plane when they were no longer useful.
Would he punish the species for existing despite the fact that they have souls?
First we have to ask how humans would even be capable of doing such a thing in a Christian reality. Perfect and immortal souls can be created by God alone, therefore either A). God is actively participating in the creation of such creatures by providing them with souls made in his image and as such are subject to God's infinite love, or B). the souls of these creatures are abominable and twisted mockeries of God's image. In either case, God would be absolutely furious.
That gets into some dicey theological discussion.
There would be some argument as to whether a sapient species would have souls. Jesus died for humanity's sins, but not necessarily any other species.
The easiest answer is that they don't actually have souls, and therefore would not be subject to heaven or hell, and are no different than an extremely well-trained pet or a robot.

Sending one of these creatures to hell isn't exactly something that Christianity allows for either. God does all the judgement of who gets into heaven.
God, in his infinite mercy and love, could decide to bestow souls to these creatures and offer them a similar path towards heaven.
I don't see many avenues where God punishes them merely for existing.
They have souls. Somehow humanity pulled it off
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Just thought it'd be a fun hypothetical for the thing I did. But it does raise an interesting question. How would God react to an innocent, fully sapient and intelligent species being created, abused, and enslaved by humanity solely so humanity can ascend to a higher plane of existence via mass-sacrifice of said species to a massive machine that they were forced into building.
Said machine sent them down a plane of existence as fuel for the ascension. What's even worse is that humans who refused to allow this had their souls bound in artificial, near-unfeeling bodies that induced severe memory loss before being subjected to the same fate.
>How would God react to humans doing the most evil shit imaginable?
Read the fucking Bible, it will tell you exactly how God would react.
Which part?
Genesis 6-9
Genesis 19:1-28
Exodus 8-11
I meant which part of that is evil by his standards. From what I know God doesn't really care unless you violate one of his laws
>But it does raise an interesting question.
I'll be honest, questions about what the Christian God would do about XYZ tend to not be very interesting.
Omnipotence and omniscience means that He can theoretically solve any problem. If humanity starts sealing souls into artificial bodies or trying to 'ascend' via mass-sacrifice, God can just say "No." and none of that works.
>Which part?
In the context of trying to free a bunch of slaves from people who are blatantly rejecting god, the Book of Exodus might be a template.
Saying that God reacts at all is writing yourself into a corner. Because if God reacts by making one of the slaves into his prophet and then sending a series of plagues to ruin the massive machine they're building, then it's not going to get to the mass-sacrifice step.

At most, it becomes a theological question of if God would intervene.
At the most basic, humanity learning how to capture souls to try and prevent them from going to heaven could be sufficient reason to intervene. God alone is allowed to judge, and attempting to imprison someone and cast them into hell goes against that.

But since I recognize this from the setting you talked about here previously, you can't include a reaction from God and actually get the setting you want out of this.
I'm aware I can't. It's kind of just a weird hypothetical that came to mind.
Also, I'm trying to create a really unique "God" for the Abyss. The reason I say unique is because this kinda shit ain't common amongst "Gods"
>No avatar, name, or voice
>Never communicates or acts directly
>No avatar, name, or voice
>Never communicates or acts directly
Well, for starters, a god that doesn't communicate to any of the people in the abyss is going to be named whatever the people in the abyss decide to call him for convenience.
And if you have a faceless god who is silent and only acts indirectly, then leaving him as a mystery is probably going to be more interesting than whatever you try and do to explain it.

I can think of at least three explanations off the bat
>god fell from a higher pantheon in a similar sacrificial situation, being in the abyss for so long has left them greatly diminished
>god is the core of the abyss itself, hands out blessings to mortals because he gets bored of only having monsters and demons around
>god is a gestalt legion of the souls of all who died in the abyss, lacking enough consensus to be able to manifest, communicate properly, or do anything major
But are any of those really more interesting if they're confirmed as true rather than all of them being possible? Having different religions and philosophies and theories behind this force among those living in the abyss sounds like it has more potential, and it's not like the people living there have any way to learn this information.
My interpretation of God is a little stranger than that stuff. Because it’s more like the Abyss itself is God. I don’t mean a “God of the Abyss,” I mean that the Abyss has some vague form of sentience. It doesn’t talk to you, it doesn’t show itself to you, it doesn’t control you. But it exists. A whisper of wind on the back of your neck to direct you out of a cave, an arrow miraculously changing course ever so slightly, someone inexplicably recovering from an illness, a child surviving a fall that nobody should, water inexplicably flowing from the ground. There is no visible cause for any of these supposed miracles, which is the general vibe of the Abyss. If that makes sense
>Because it’s more like the Abyss itself is God
The second one I listed was literally
>god is the core of the abyss itself
It being mysterious and not talking to people just makes me even more inclined to say you don't really need a deeper explanation. Especially if you want to emphasize how strange and mysterious it is.

And again, consider the perspective of one of the people living in the abyss. Is everyone going to necessarily chalk all of these inexplicable events up to a singular nameless god? From how you're describing it it could easily end up as a form of animism where people assume that there's localized spirits causing all of these small phenomena, rather than a singular entity.
As I said, there's the possibility of different theories, religions, and philosophies, because nobody has a way to confirm a unified origin of these strange events. Effort would be better spent fleshing out those sorts factions and organizations, because that's the more natural way the PCs would know about this vague unseen force.

I'm unclear what you think is missing from your concept. It already sounds perfectly serviceable.
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My solar system setting with 6 major factions already has a
>union (Terran Union, supranational entity that is very pro-earth/protectionist/isolationist, only holding earth + light side of the moon)
>empire (Celestial Empire, holds dark side of moon + mercury + venus [also called "deluge" after the sun blocking sail made it rain CO2 for 20 years while it cooled])
>dominion (Jovian Dominion, closest to an absolute monarchy, holds all jupiter moons + trojan and greek asteroid clusters)
>commonwealth (Beltian Commonwealth, ceres is the capital, but they got a huge number of asteroid colonies on board after the revolution)
>minarchy (Ring Minarchy [formerly demarchy], most live on titan but they hold the saturn system, cyberpunk hypercapitalism)
Mars in this setting were the 21st century top 0.1% who got off Earth to escape societal collapse, only to find the dead atmosphere even less welcoming than the angry plebs, forcing them to change to survive, with the "martyrs" who volunteered to die to save resources for the rest basically becoming the saints for future generations. They're pretty xenophobic and distrustful of other, slightly arrogant, very socially unified and family-centric, very celebrating of "merit" and ostracizing of "idlers," the most high-tech and militarized overall, and utterly ravenous/ambitious in their goals to terraform the planet. They also hold Neptune/Triton, but it's just an operating base for their fleets that hunt for useful resources in the Kupier Belt, not a place for permanent settlers. Their giant terraforming/construction/agricultural robots are tripods canonically as a homage to HG Wells. What would a good title be for this faction, and what former cultures would make for good inspiration?
Red Planet Communists
How does that work? How do you have a god nobody worships? And what’s it’s goal?
No, you said it's the core.
But a common religious thing for the people of the Abyss is how it saved them and didn't ask for anything in return
>No, you said it's the core.
Which isn't any less strange. The planet is alive in either case.
>But a common religious thing for the people of the Abyss is how it saved them and didn't ask for anything in return
Of course it didn't ask for anything in return. You established that it has no voice and doesn't show itself.
It's also incapable of letting the people of the abyss know that it's the entire abyss, and won't say "uhm actually" if one of them suggests that the core of the planet is a god.
So how'd they deduce the correct answer?
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What was it specifically that made Points of Light/Nentir Vale work so well?
If a bunch of people all learn how to use magic at the exact same time despite not even knowing each other, there's evidence of a higher power
And yet mythology in our world has multiple differing explanations for who/what causes eclipses, earthquakes, lightning, and numerous other major portents, despite those things being present all over the world.
Evidence of a higher power does not indicate that everyone will:
A) correctly identify the true nature of the higher power
B) agree with everyone else about the true nature of the higher power
I was considering doing a thing where a Bible was sent into the Abyss and a small group of nutjobs took the entire thing literally.
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Is there *any* science fiction setting with alien designs as good as Runaway to the Stars? God, the Centaurs and the Avians are just beautiful.
Prophet does a damn fine job while combining it with space opera "cavalcade of unremarked-upon weirdos", not so much focus on individual evolutionary histories though (the protagonists are usually too busy killing and/or eating them).

Charseraph does and even better job than RttS imo, no webcomic but a similar cast of fleshed out xenos. Way weirder ones that still stay sympathetic too!

Anyone else have non-humanoid potential bros in their settings? The extremes of rubber foreheads and incomprehensible fodder seem more common imo.
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Abyss guy here. How do you think this thing tastes? It's called a Zaba.
>Roughly the size of a bobcat or smaller bear species
>Omnivore, eats all organic matter with a combination of powerful hands, jaws, and a tongue
>Green because of the chlorophyll of all the plants it eats being used as camo
>Mostly muscle with an outer layer of subcutaneous fat
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What do you call the style in OP's image?
It's that stereotypical '80s SF style, whose modern successor is synthwave.
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similar to chicken wings, they say
It's counter to natural selection. Generally speaking there's a trade-off between "fast and hard" development contrasting later but more enduring blooming. Some among your immortals might "cut corners" which compromise longevity a few millennia down the line but deliver a marginal shorter-term benefit. Since accidents still impose an average lifespan and more offspring are had by the young than ancient (there are fewer of the latter) that trait that caps lifespan few will survive to see spreads through the population. Rinse and repeat until the whole species is senescent. Absent transhumanism (or magic, same thing) wresting control away from evolution that's the fate of all life.

Makes more sense than their divinely mandated backstabathon. Calories are scarce in the underdark and one of the more functional command economies irl were the Inca who eked out plenty from their harsh land via rigorous control by the state.

Their alternate circumstances of conversion would be neat. Maybe it's somewhat alike to all the Jews, Sephardic Ashkenazi and such, coming together as settler-colonists in a "homeland"?

That would be an amusing inversion, especially if they retain a contempt for the trappings of communism. The state is synonymous with the private company owning shares of the planet so they arent working for the common good so much as shareholder value as the harsh conditions of colonisation dictate.
Humanity Lost has some good shit, schizo conspiracy tone in the leadup to the AI-demiurge's creation too. Going by >>94689549 though the thing I ran qualifies. In essence consciousness involves quantum woo and as such observation can influence events at that scale.

No outright psionics, it's more machine-mediated / industrial. Witness Engines for instance are named for the idiot-savant physicist-anchorites who are surgically jacked into a fusion reactor's data feed. Effectively they stare at reality until it gets uncomfortable and "flees" along vastly unlikely yet absurdly efficient reaction pathways.

It's occult in that as consciousness is the interface with quantum woo the only way to "attune" a mind so as to be industrially applicable is to drive it make it unfit for everyday life. The Witnesses are ecstatic glossolalists, the majority of their mind is given over to the contemplation (and through contemplation increase) of the Azoth. What nub of personhood remains outside their solipsistic obsession is there because SOMETHING needs to respond to outside stimuli. Since the fire is so fascinating this burns away leaving a soul that's content to do nothing but stare into the flames thereby nourishing them, enrapturing itself more and more until the whole thing goes critical. They're usually "decommissioned" before that becomes a problem but I ran a timed megadungeon where discovering the engine needed to be lobotomised and doing so was the ultimate goal. Went well but I'll probably run it again to refine it.
Just found something I made a couple of years ago. Might as well put it here so it doesn't collect digital dust on my external hard drive.
Yeah, my naming conventions suck
>Cavigh Istion
Yeah okay, I'll stick that into a separate section in the History part.

Good idea I'll definitely note that.
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How would you start making a world where there are sea-cowboys?
you mean pirates?
Also thank you for taking the time to respond.
Glad if it helped. And it was a pretty nice read already, so I think you've got a good direction.
One other thing I'll say because I ran out of space last time is that it's a very good choice to have two names with Tuva-Kenin listed under the male names with only the titles differentiating them. Helps give the impression that dark elves would see those as fully distinct.
i mean the more cowboy cowboys instead of the looter cowboys
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Have an continent mostly centered on the tropics where the western half is a massive archipelago. Any larger islands need to primarily consist of marshlands, mangrove swamps, flood plains, etc.
All of the water between those islands needs to be very shallow on average. Plenty of space for reefs, sandbars, and so on, which results in many places where larger ships are unable to navigate as easily, and where in many places you can practically walk from island to island as long as you've got a good pair of boots and it isn't high tide.

The key is to prevent the sea-cowboys from just turning into pirates, where rather than bands out outlaws with revolvers and rifles, you have crews aboard ships who have cannons. Making large ships less feasible is a key aspect there.
You also might want to have all of the ships be paddlewheel steamboats rather than galleons, to further differentiate from pirates with lots of sails, and because they were more prominent closer to the time period of westward expansion.
A steamboat company that runs ferry services through some of the more open areas of water could be an analogue to a railroad company, or you could just have a very stubborn rail company building bridges to continue expanding west.

Adding in a more fantastical element to help reduce large ships further, you might want something like a kelpie, or some sort of mythical steed that can walk on the surface of water. Doesn't need to be exactly a kelpie, but you basically need something that:
A) could be effectively 'ranched' throughout these island chains, creating the need for 'cattle drives' and cowboys to manage those cattle drives
B) allows an individual rider to easily travel from island to island and town to town without relying on something as big or obvious as a ship

Using merfolk in place of native americans might also be an option, but some people treat that as a can of worms for the wild west genre. Depends how on-the-nose you want to be.
ooh yes, that helps solve a lot of issues, and having major routes with deeper waters still lets big rigs maneuvre, and regular folk can use skiffs to get to the next town over
there will obv still be bad eggs, but im not sure if i want it to be as black and white as steamboat=merchant, sails=outlaw, or even having much in terms of steam/driven boats, being at the mercy of winds and manpower can be useful
maybe more upright square rigs can be the merchants and navy, then you start to see more junk and tanja styles as you stray further from the gov
overfishing and pollution has knocked the fish population near settlements hard, but more desolate isles and deeper seas can still be harvested
swamps can have hog/pig ranches however treetop poultry coops are more common, and other crops are grown in the wetlands are a more reliable local food source (unless you want to eat icky crabs and lobsters, gross)
cheese and dairy in general is hard to come by, most farm ops will be lucky to have a goat
i toyed with the idea of dolphin/whaleback riding, but it might be better to leave it as a much more rare talent, closer to whatever the wormriding thing in dune is.
oh yeah meant to add that sea cows (could be literal or adapted slightly through breeding) are the main type of cattle here, sea cattle ranches are highly profitable, but are expensive to defend effectively. there are some well run generational sea cow ranches, but a lot of them are half baked ego projects from people with a bit more money than sense
a cowboy can make a buck or two if they prove themselves useful
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>adapted slightly through breeding
maybe even just a world where these cute lil guys didnt go extinct
>the skeletal elements suggest that P. portelli was able to properly support its body weight while out of the water. However, several morphological features suggest that this species spent significant amounts of time in an aquatic environment
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The issue I see with too much of a focus on boats is that it risks things straying more towards piracy.
I mean already you're mentioning a navy. How many cowboy stories can you think of where the army shows up to deal with a band of outlaws? I can think of a few where they might have been on a train guarding some federal gold, but they tend to be a very absent and minor force, with the idea of sheriffs or rangers as much looser law enforcement.

And likewise, a game about cowboys isn't going to be concerning itself with what sort of transportation someone is using beyond a horse, a wagon/stagecoach, and a train.
There's no need to have anything more complicated than skiffs/sailboats for smaller vessels that carry a half-dozen people at most, and then utilize paddleboats for everything else.
Part of the reason I suggest that is because a riverboat fits the aesthetics of the time, where it can basically be a floating saloon, and helps to push against larger sailing vessels that will make people think 'pirates'. And the only reason smaller sailboats feel correct is because they give a similar 'covered wagon' vibe.
A proper galleon or ironclad warship showing up is an indication that your game has strayed too far out of wild west. You don't want navy patrols and merchant vessels. That's pirate talk.

In terms of livestock, that is a good avenue. Having them be semi-aquatic would help to make the analogue to cattle more obvious. Might help to bulk them up a little, maybe blend them with hippos so the threat of a stampede is still feasible. Also, milking a manatee would be an option. Up to you how good of an option.
The presence of overfishing to explain why people are still so reliant on other food sources also feels key. Any deep waters are probably overharvested, and while fishing in shallows and reefs is an option, there's probably a wide variety of poisonous tropical fish that makes it a risky venture.
i dont think the navy would be very present in that part of the world, more just an example of who else would use the larger boats, but you might see ex servicemen outta luck from time to time
it takes a significant amount of wood and other materials to make the merchant square rigs, another limitation for ship size would be the space and resources to build the larger ships, i.e. a shipyard (only in the largest cities/far away), the same way a train wouldn't be built in a one saloon town. there could also be smaller square rigs, possibly with supporting dinghies that are analagous to caravans
a hook could be a merchant company shows up clearing a path for a ship route, destroying trees and going through ranch territory, kinda similar to building a railway, but i agree a galleon/train robbery would be way too similar to piracy. these galleons would need to distribute bullets and firearms, as a result are a hell of a lot more dangerous than you!
i wouldnt anticipate these large botes being large parts of the story past logistics, >we're expecting the wayloncorp shipment next tuesday etc.
richfolk could flex with blinging out their small/regular sized boats, instead of making it bigger (even though they could custom order from a far off shipyard, it would be impractical bc of shallow waters)
floating saloons is a cool idea, however i still would like to make steam power rare, maybe they are the only crafts (outside of merchants) profitable enough to afford coal
there is still the option for manpower with oars, or a very funny hamster wheel paddle wheel setup to get the saloon from place to place
a lot of people will still live/sleep on land

>poisonous tropical fish
these could also be useful as pests/varmints for cowboys to deal with
sea cows turn to eating smaller sea creatures when sea grass or kelp or whatever is drying up, so moving livestock around to places with enough food would be especially important, to stop them chowing down on the poisonous fish
You misunderstand. I'm saying to kill the words merchant and navy from your vocabulary in the context of this setting to avoid turning it into Pirates of the Caribbean.
That doesn't mean military vessels or ships carrying goods for sale don't exist, but you need to think more cowboy.

You want to be able to have train robberies, but if raiding a galleon is too similar to piracy where you have a galleon loaded up with cannons against a smaller cutter using similar cannons and boarding actions, the answer isn't to not have train robberies. The answer is to not have galleons.
That's why riverboats are the answer. They're not a classical pirate ship, and outlaws raiding one is far closer to them robbing a bank or a saloon. It fits the style of a train much better, where it can let passengers cruise in varying amounts of luxury, while still having space to transport various goods and supplies. I mostly refer to it as a floating saloon in terms of the aesthetics, rather than the literal function.
The function is still buying a ticket and riding the riverboat to another town or city. It's primarily a ferry service in the same way that a train would be. Outlaws robbing one needs to be more like a heist. No swinging from rigging or cannonfire.

>however i still would like to make steam power rare
It's the wild west. Trains are a given. Steam power cannot be that rare. It can be hoarded by shipping and transport companies, but it needs to be there.

I think your understanding of the timeframe is a little off. The Wild Wested roughly from 1850 to 1920, at the most generous. Steamboats were already popularized and cost effective by the 1860s, and basically killed off sailing ships by the end of the century.
You want to use steamships as much as possible, because you avoid conflating things with pirates during the age of sail which was a century earlier. It might be realistic to still have galleons, but it's going to feel less like sea-cowboys as a result.
I mean, that's kinda the point.
The strongest are the ones who live for thousands of years.
If your job is something like a warrior and you're well over a thousand, it sends one simple message
>What is considered a people's right in your setting? By whom?
In the Terran League: Life, Liberty, Property, representative self-government, civilian control of the military.
In the rest of Human-controlled space: doesn’t matter what rights they say you have, the local strongman gets what he wants and does whatever it takes to get it.
>Is there an era that they easily map to? Forwards, or backwards of your setting?
I guess that’s mostly Enlightenment-derived, with the last two being specified due to in setting circumstances.
>Are they rights that weren't considered in the real world?
See above.
>If imaginary, what are those rights trying to protect them from?
It’s not imaginary, but it’s a response to the old United Worlds Colonial Authority not granting full membership status to the interstellar colonies, and partly the fragmentation of the UWCA into various warlord fiefdoms, with the fear that the Terran League provisional government might head down the same path.
>How are these rights enforced?
The League has very tenuous control over its member worlds, so the central government and its military relies more on negotiation than coercion. The final safeguard, however, is that any attempt at a military coup is incapable of neutralizing all members at once, and that the rank and file know who’s signing their paychecks, so they’re more likely to desert than support a coup.
I’d say that’s best used as the name of an expeditionary force/“volunteer” force rather than the country’s armed forces as a whole.
>kill the words merchant and navy from your vocabulary in the context of this setting to avoid turning it into Pirates of the Caribbean.
ah yeah i see what you mean, they could just be called armed forces/suppliers w/e, apart from maybe an old coot veteran, they probably wouldnt really feature

yes i think you're right in the need for steam on larger mixed use passenger/goods crafts, galleons can go - im probably aiming for an cowboy/ranchero/vaquero style, or the earlier more frontier period, while rail was still in the process of being established
there should still be practical reasons in the world for people to use small personal boats over hopping on the next steamboat, whether its cost, available routes or frequency
i wouldnt really want many boats bigger than picrel, canal/narrowboats would be a good option for vessels that arent owned by big companies
harnessing the wind in nimble craft can be the skill that cowboys/natives have, I like the idea that they are using forces of nature (horses vs. wind) in their work/adventures
Bully for them, doesn't change the math as far as population genetics are concerned. Again, absent magic or other transhumanism senescence is spat out by evolution the same way parasitism is.

As the name suggests cowboys became their self-sufficient nomadic selves thanks to cattle drives which don't work remotely the same way in the ocean's 3d environment. Unless you're wrangling something forced to stick to the surface like some man-o-war underwater "herding" isn't a something dudes in boats could do. Even if the herd is surface-bound the ocean, unlike the sky, can contain massive predators which arise from below. It'd end up resembling an Aussie station with subs instead of copters rather than the classic rugged individualist on horseback, we're so unsuited to the ocean (to the extent that as of et we've not done ranching, only extraction) that tech (and tech infrastructure) has to make up the difference.

That said I've a waterworld where something like that is in place. The megacorps who sponsored terraforming did so with a heavy biotech focus, whole ecological niches are copyrighted with "unsanctioned speciation" conducted by rivals dealt with harshly. So, a lot of ranching and rustling has less to do with driving the herds where they need to be (salmon-like hormonal cues take care of that) than snatching samples of the population as a kind of industrial espionage. All very hush hush carried out by cryptic morphs passing as "sanctioned" wildlife, bio-hijacked local life (think cordyceps + toxoplasmosis), biomimic drones and some poor dude coordinating on-site from a bathyscape-mech.

Rails over shallows are a fine aesthetic and all but obligatory for the genre's signature train heists. irl a "daddy long legs" engine was made which moved over the water's surface on stilts, that combined with pressurised submarine carriages and tunnels (among seagrass prairies for good measure!) would make for some nicely blurred adventures.
>Even if the herd is surface-bound the ocean, unlike the sky, can contain massive predators which arise from below.
Nta but how would you do sky cowboys? Herding sky whales or something? I guess they would also heavily overlap with sky pirates but it seems like an interesting idea to explore
I mean that birds of prey are too small to carry away (landbound) cattle and you can see them coming, some great white rising from the briny deep on the other hand can fuck you over HARD.
They don’t have genetics
Having the majority of the archipelago be shallows with lots of interspersed wetlands, sandbars, reefs, etc. should do plenty to explain why smaller boats are still in favor.
Sorta like towns among mountains and foothills. You can get between them on foot a lot more easily than the company can construct a ferry network.

This also helps with what >>94737132 mentioned about some of the problems with cattle drives. If most areas aren't that deep, then you don't have to worry about massive predators from below, aside from where you might have a handful of canals or deep-water trenches which is where the steamboats and ferries operate.
But that turns it into a sort of mix of herding cattle across a river and across railroad tracks, where it's a more treacherous section that could result in members of the herd getting killed.
Since there was the idea of having the sea-cows be semi-aquatic ancestors though, it could be that herders try to mostly keep them on land when possible. Though depending on the type of land, that also complicates matters if they need to also haul their boats over it.

The biggest flaw I see is the fact that cowboys will have more trouble with this than with cattle, since unlike riding on individualized horses, even smaller boats aren't quite as nimble, and they typically require a cowboy to use both hands to keep sailing, which is less hands free to pull a gun or lasso a sea cow. Ignoring that lassoing probably doesn't really work underwater, so they might need cast nets instead for a similar vibe.

There's a reason I suggested giving them blatantly fantastical water-horses earlier, because it helps address a lot of these issues they might have with mobility.
But what about pirate cowboys?
Nevermind that was the original post I'm retarded
Necromongers were just D&D undead. The conversion process was killing them and then resurrecting them as intelligent undead for speaking parts and mindless drones for the mooks.

No mind control beyond that which would exist between intelligent undead like vampires and their skeleton minions.
Does anyone happen to have the..picture or post about someone that came up made an amazonian/gerudo like race that worshipped something called the "Goddess Well"?
This one?
I got an idea for bio-mechs today, but there are a couple of mechanics I cannot think of a biological analogue for that I would like to. Firstly is things like grenades, rockets, and bombs, explosives. I have a "gun" worked out based off of the bombardier beetle but for conventional explosions I don't know what to do. Nor do I for how to power my idea of living TOW missiles.
The next one is a radio or some form of wireless communication system the mechs can talk to eachother and base with.
And lastly and kind of least importantly, is some way of not just maintaining temperature but actively cooling. I have a plan for a "desert breed" of the mech that has a bio-fridge storing cool water for the pilot
Bombs and grenades are a bit easier. There are plants out there with exploding seed pods. Combine that with some plants having flammable oils and then have a hard outer shell capable of causing a spark and you could justify something tailored to cause a fiery explosion.
That could at least allow for grenade launchers when combined with the 'gun'. Upscaling the gun into a cannon might be easier than using rockets though.
In terms of armor piercing, the only thing that immediately comes to mind is either what basically amounts to a water balloon full of stomach acid to try and melt the target, or a scaled-up mantis shrimp as a living projectile that throws a single punch just as it impacts and dies in the process.

Radio is arguably easier. Elephants can communicate to a range of 6 miles through low-frequency rumbles which travel through the ground. That's not exactly the most secure channel, since any communications would need to be in code, and enemy forces would be able to pick out your location based on where there's vibrations from, but it should be functional enough.

As for a desert mech, the basics you'd want are a layer of insulation, some form of interior perspiration within the cockpit, and then some exterior frills that can flush with blood to help vent excess heat.
In theory, you could bio-engineer an organ to perform an endothermic chemical reaction, like having some pores that sweat out ammonium nitrate and some that sweat out water which can create a pretty sharp cooling reaction. If you've got bombardier-beetle explosions precise enough to serve as a gun, that isn't that much more of a stretch.
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I need to think of more playable races for this whole Abyss thing. I only have three and I feel like I haven't filled out the correct niches.
>Artificial magical humanoid golem-thingies
>Were cast into the Abyss as a byproduct of a ritual that sent humanity to a higher plane of existence.
>Built a civilization and a whole ass culture after learning magic, have been this way for over 1000 years
>Ageless but can be killed
>Live in villages
>Have magic but it's hard to learn
>Humans who said no to humanity's treatment of the Constructs, were punished as a result
>Souls forced into in artificial bodies that can't experience things like sex or food
>Memories of former lives are extremely fuzzy. Cannot remember names or faces or voices, for example.
>Physically weak and need to constantly repair themselves
>Live a wandering lifestyle, constantly disoriented and barely surviving
>Can upgrade their bodies and gain magical abilities by remembering their past life, but it's nigh impossible
>Plant-like beings from another plane of existence. Some kind of catastrophe in their home plane made it unlivable for them, forced them to retreat to the Abyss
>Have relatively advanced technology, wear survival suits to protect themselves from any environmental hazards like poison, insects, and radiation. Mind you I intentionally designed said suits to avoid the "Plant people tech" aesthetic
>Complex genetic makeup makes them vulnerable to radiation
>Not well-versed in magic at all, but compensate by being able to manipulate own bio-electricity to do all kinds of cool shit
>Live in these bio-domes that are like greenhouses. Can remove suits in here due to how it's decontaminated
>Trying to set up a home somewhere. Tense relationships with Constructs due to neither species speaking the other's language. Not exactly conflict as neither side has started anything but they steer clear
I need some more stuff to fill out my roster better. Any ideas?
I had the most vivid dream of a fantasy world, so I want to share some of what I encountered.

In the world some people had the power to create invisible force structures (apparently it could be practiced but I don't know if it could be learned or if it was innate) and this is how I saw it being used:
>A permanent (or at least long lasting) barrier that felt like a big free standing glass pane
>Overheard some soldiers say that the really skilled ones can even create these constructs as a sort of armor, but it's much harder because of the movement
>Long-range invisible projectiles that pierced armor
>Breaking open a wall by putting a hand into a crevice then expanding the power around it

There were about about 2.5-3m tall "dragon knights" in full plate armor with unnatural strength and almost unkillable. I encountered one with his helmet off and I guess they were called that, because they had some minor dragon-like traits like scales around the neck, pointy teeth, a flared noise and pointy ears, but not in a good way, more slightly deformed/mutated. He was fully run-through with a sword twice and just laughed. I was wondering if they could be killed by cutting their heads off, but that seemed almost impossible for me (I was just a regular soldier) with their height and especially if they wore full armor.

The dream was so weirdly consistent, the most surreal moment was encountering those dragon knights for the first time after thinking that power was, well, powerful. At one point I was with a lord (who could use that power) and we got spotted by two of those dragon knights from ways away and one of them just immediately hurled his zweihander with such force, that the lord was impaled into the wall next to me.
Yea thats it! Thank you very much!
Seals are neat, similar to cows in their endearing derp while also boasting deadly bulls. Seasonal transition from tidelands to sea also reminds me of transhumance (fitting given islands are really mountains rising from the seafloor) a little, birth is a good reason to come ashore whether the livestock's mammal, reptile or bird.

As to wrangling "dolphins" in a dogsled sorta setup could allow for wakesurfing which would require at least one hand that can also hold the lasso rope while the other whirls it. Might not be the most effective but if livestock herds are led by some alpha then catching it as it surfaces to breathe could serve to guide the whole group. Alternatively some less-invasive harpooning might do the trick, if easily spooked bubble walls might also serve to corral the dumb brutes. The latter would benefit from "sealdolphs" and make it more like shepherd work than cowboy stuff though...
Dogs herding cattle is a thing, and having dolphins or some other sort of well-trained aquatic/semi-aquatic helper would assist greatly. Dolphins might not be the best or most realistic choice.
A sea lion might work since they tend to be marginally more nimble on land than a seal. Or like what was brought up earlier with a slightly more distant aquatic mammal ancestor for a better mix of land/aquatic mobility.
In theory I suppose it could still be dogs, if we assume that this timeline has people who selectively bred for them.

Wakeboarding cowboys would certainly be a novel idea. Trying to steer in that context might be tricky, since you don't have a good way to direct whatever animal is pulling the board, though it does at least give a way for a cowboy to have at least a hand free to toss a net or aim a revolver.
I considered bringing up Windsurfing in the context of personalized sailing vessels, since those can get pretty fast. It felt a little anachronistic, though in the context of wakeboarding it feels more valid. With some sort of way to temporarily lock the sail into a position, a cowboy could angle the sail, and then temporarily be hands-free for whatever other tasks as long as he can balance properly.

I could also sea skipping the middle portion between having a board and having something pull the board and instead have oversized sea turtles. Some turtles can get very fast in the water, and that would provide a solid surface not only for a cowboy to ride on, but they could even hold onto it while it goes underwater. Not quite as viable on land unless it's closer to a river turtle and has actual legs, though in the context of herding seals it might not need to be that fast on land either.
I have 5 separate settings which are all similar to eachother but have distinct enough elements I don't want to combine them. It feels bad
I recommend just not doing that in the first place.
>it's the same setting, but alternate timelines
Okay, might need help with naming.

So in the setting the belief is that “you can take it with you” when it comes to death and burials. So when someone dies they are buried with assorted grave goods believed useful to them in the afterlife and personal belongings that were dear to them in life.

So suffice to say grave robbing is even more socially unacceptable than it is now and can even lead to bad luck, and worse.

If the stolen items were especially cherished by the deceased, they may indeed come back as a relentless, violent, undead thing hellbent on getting its stuff back. Destroying it only stalls the thing as it will simply rise from its grave the very next night and begin again to hunt down its stolen belongings.

Does something like this already exist in myth or folklore? What’s it called? If not, then what’s a good folklore-sounding name for such an undead creature?

Mummies do go after those who disturb their tombs but… generally those are the wrapped-up deliberately mummified types that are explicitly Egyptian and this isn’t supposed to be an Egyptian analog.

And revenants are more about getting revenge on those who killed/severely wronged them.

So, yeah, just a little stuck.
Revenant wouldn't be that much of a mismatch. D&D revenants focus on the idea of unfinished business and revenge for things that happened while they were alive, but the root word for revenant is "returning", not revenge.

Draugr would qualify as something similar, which is generally seen as an undead guarding tombs similar to a mummy, although Norse instead of Egyptian. Though that also might call Skyrim to mind for some players.
Barrow-Wights might be a more general term if you want to pinch from Tolkein. Cairn-Wights or Grave-Wights could be similar variations that help broaden the term beyond the more specific burial practice of Barrows.
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Chapter three is out, for anyone who wants to tear me a new one
anyone got any good resources on Dwarven city planning?
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>just a city in a big cave
I feel people never really grasp the opportunity a underground/mountain city offers in terms of layout
Go play Dwarf Fortress.
Even playing not very far will force you to think about efficient organizing of living space, time spent moving between work and home and so on, inevitably together with "oh well, I've made those shitty design choices, now I have to adapt to them or continue in their lines" - things that define how real people build their settlements. This >>94759988 is the unimaginative and untenable shit that arises when designers don't think about that and just dumbly stamp stereotypes onto enviroments unsuited to their evolution.
How much more dangerous can I go with monsters?
Question, feel free to fry me for being a tourist.

Have this board had succes trying to worldbuild the facts of a fantasy world taking them to it's logical conclusions and taking it to the end?
I would like to see tropes taken to it's probable conclusions.

For example, we have dragons, now what?

If Dragons are the oldest apex race and probably evolved from early magical reptiles and dinosaurs then there's just no way that mammal based humanoids would be ale to develop, it's more likely that lesser lizard races would be allowed to live and worship the dragons as living gods.
If you wanted humanoid races on that setting there would be necessary an extinction even or a separation of continents where dragons can't reach so the humanoid races can take a foothold.
>Have this board had succes
Define success. I'm sure someone in the archives has discussed most topics before, but you don't always get consensus on what is a 'probable' conclusion.

>evolved from early magical reptiles and dinosaurs
>no way that mammal based humanoids would be ale to develop, it's more likely that lesser lizard races
I don't see how lizard races are inherently more likely. Multiple sapient races convergently evolving on the same planet within such a time frame is realistically going to be extremely rare.
Overcoming that statistical hurdle, it isn't as though dragons would necessarily care about what species they can enslave. Hominids drove other hominids to extinction, and humans instead ended up domesticating other wildlife that wasn't similar to them at all.

Separation of continents is unlikely to do anything, as sapient dragons capable of flight should be even better than humanity at spreading across the globe. An extinction event also isn't necessarily helpful.
The dinosaurs died 65 million years ago, which is also about how long it takes you to get anywhere close to modern humans. If there are any dragons which survive the extinction event, they are going to have millions of years to repopulate the globe.
>Go play Dwarf Fortress.
While it's a great game, it's absolute garbage if you want to use it for planning real dwarven cities.
For starters, I can't name a single setting where dwarves have dug entire city space for themselves, usually they just work around caverns and existing cave systems and repurpose them, while digging only tunnels.
And in DF, if you are any good, you always dig only enough space to put rooms you need there

Maybe a roguelike mode and exploring randomly generated ones would work better for him, but definitely not something made by the player.
>I don't see how lizard races are inherently more likely.
Think about this, in our world, mammals couldn't flourish until after the meteor that wiped the dinosaurs, because it was too oppressive of an environment, now put dragons in the mix, it becomes even more oppressive.
It's a situation where mammals just can't evolve into humanoids.

For them to evolve in a realm like this it would either be necessary a cataclismic event that wipe dragon-like creatures.
A separation of the continents, with barriers that prevent the dragons from reaching the other continent, maybe a maelstrom or a way too long oceant to traverse.
Or divine intervention.
The sapient lizard-races humanoids has a better chance to flourish because it's more likely that dragons would allow subjects made in their image.

So the logical conclusion of a trope "Here be dragons" is that Dragons and Humanoid races can't coexist without hard concessions.
>And in DF, if you are any good, you always dig only enough space to put rooms you need there
Yes, space is at a premium underground because every square block requires you to physically move a square block's worth of rock somewhere else that doesn't block any important paths (e.g. outside). I'm pretty sure that's his point.

Even if Dwarf Fortress had winding, branching, occasionally bubbling cavern/tunnel systems you built out of, you would not dig out these massive empty spaces like in that pic, nor would you construct tiny underground buildings, but instead carve out individual rooms/hallways.
The problem with your idea is that your didn't apply the magic to mammal too.
Why the reptile have magic while the mammal didn't?
Look, if you want to be "scientifically accurate" with your creature evolution, you need to be consistent with the rule.
Either everyone get magic or no one get magic.
But everyone gets magic, it's just that the reptiles had a headstart and Dragons became the dominant life-form on fantasy-earth.
You're asking me for reasons of why the humanoids just can't evolve in an enviromnent like that, now I ask you, how do early humanoids in their evolutionary infancy would survive the dragons?
Can you make sense of it?
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i ran 3 games so far
this is the map of the old world, which exists so far as a background thing, to give an idea of what human nations exist and how they were affected by the rise and fall of the Golden Empire, and the War of the Worm.
I'm mostly inspired by Ghibli works. Low tech weaponry is mostly prevalent, as it is currently the dark ages for the human civilization, not to say that everything is needlessly bleak. But artificers and guns still exist, now being as rare as actual mages. Local gods and nature spirits are behind every biome/land the world but hidden away and unknown for most humans. The ability to use real magic is always a rare gift, either hereditary or given by said gods and spirits, or something completely exceptional. There are multiple mage types, based on what they draw their power from, meaning that players can flavor their magic users as something more in line with the lore. Blood mages who extract energy from their blood, Metabolists who restore energy simply by eating, Naturalists who draw their power from their environment, Thaumaturges who might not have a real gift of magic but can replicate it using inventions, magic items and spell components, Artisans who achieve magic through art and skill by literally putting their soul into their work, Burners who sacrifice small parts of their body for every spell, and Shapeshifters who draw power from their inner beast, always risking to lose control.
So far, my players met a mysterious stranger who made an offer they couldn't refuse, went through a forest guarded by spirits who had to ask them for help in fighting the corruption of the Worm and his cultists, during which they fought a bunch of evil worm-cursed wolves, cultists with evil, corrupted versions of druidic powers, and an Owlbear who was also corrupted by a cultist. The owlbear was a divine beast that guarded the forest and was supposed to protect it.
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After the owlbear's soul was freed from his cursed body, he decided to become a spirit guardian for the party Barbarian, letting him use his totemic warrior subclass
They also fought the Starcatcher, a wizard who was obsessed with stars and the prospect of catching one to gain its power. When he did, he went mad and allowed his inner beast to take control of him, transforming into a man-wolf and attacking the party. They defeated him with the help of moonroses they collected earlier, using their oil as anti-magic poison. Moonroses grow where stars have fallen. Dead stars and their dust nullify magic and harm mages, and moonroses are chock full of stardust. While still living stars can serve as a source of magic. The party took the star from the stargazer, which now allows their mages to learn star magic (homebrew Illumination school).

Along with the mage types i have other homebrew rules. Namely, most dnd races have their own equivalents, and for creating their characters they have to choose the ones that fit the lore. For instance, elves and other water races are Erevians, water elves who have a powerful empire on the demihuman lands of Erevon. Their women are larger, stronger, more similar to their sea animal / fish counterparts, more capable of magic use and less present, which usually leads them to taking positions of power. Snake races and kobolds are Rozen, hydra-people who are divided into two subraces and rival kingdoms, distinguished by whether their heads grow back after they're cut off.

There's also a limb system. Taking over half of your HP as damage from a single attack or falling for a super special heavily telegraphed saving throw attack causes your character to get a wound, with 20+ options, often chosen with a number wheel. If this attack lowered your health to 0, this wound becomes permanent. Prosthetics may exist to replace lost body parts, but they also have their own quirks (i didn't come up with them yet, as they're not yet needed)
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I also made one of the npcs a helper for the team, because they didn't have a healer. Turns out it wasn't really needed either way. Her name is Lethe Miriam and she's an old character of mine, with a bit too long of a story. She's a shapeshifter mage who lived in Covengrad (hidden witch/dark wizard city) and once lost control of her magic from overexerting herself, causing her to permanently take on her beast form, which is some sort of orange chimera with 4 ears. After exiling herself and living in the woods for a while, she met the head of one of the noble houses from another mage-ruled city, and helped him, earning his love. One of the other mages betrayed him and killed Lethe, only to cause the guy to go on a rampage, killing everyone in the research facility and the town it was situated in, to gain enough souls for a resurrection ritual. Surprisingly, it worked and brought Lethe's soul back to life, but the guy ended up sacrificing himself as well to bring her back. Now she has a bunch of other, weaker souls in her body, and she can somehow use them to heal the souls of others. Also she lost her arm along the way. And helped a prophecised hero save the world during the War of the Worm. But i'm not revealing much of anything about her to the players yet.
Dragons are not pterodons, they are to dinosaurs as angels are to humans: divine forces in recognisable form or else efforts at apotheosis by hubristic mortals. In the latter case dragons are the crowning glory and ruin of reptilian precursors, either they were made as an attempt to outlive their impending asteroidal annihilation or else the mass death of that impact was the necromantic spark for the creation of dragonkind. Perhaps what we see as asteroidal bombardment was orbital war which saw the (non)manmade gods unmake their makers.

Either way the only remnants were the furtive underground fading and resentful serpent-men cowering in hiding as dragons warred amongst themselves before casting aside this paltry world in favour of the stars. Those "dragons" who remain today are descendants of the least among them, abandoned by their starfaring kin. Between serpents hiding below and dragons warring above mammals had time to thrive before the emboldened serpents rose and lesser dragons fell. Humans are those domesticated by serpents, giants those who warred with (and were preyed upon by) dragons.

All you need is a brief respite and a reason for proud precursors to overlook the risks of allowing their lessers any leeway to grow.
Yes, that's one of the hard concessions for humanoids to emerge if that was the situation we had. I want though to keep it as simple as possible and apply Occam's Razor to it just to reach what's the most probable development in each case.
I will develop more on the common tropes and post it after I think them thorough.
>Think about this
I did think about all of that. That's why I gave you the answer I did, and prefaced it with "you don't always get consensus on what is a 'probable' conclusion."

People aren't here to suck your dick for coming up with "if dragons were real they'd be extinct" because that's fucking boring.
God, take that stick out of your ass.
I don't want anyone sucking my dick, you prick, and of course it's boring, the predictable IS supposed to be boring why do you assume I want kudos for that? I'm just curious and want to know if something like that has been thorough discussed here because it's the place I'd expected it to.
So relax.
>want to know if something like that has been thorough discussed here
Why, so you can ignore what those people said too?
Fuck off you ESL newfag.
What even is the oh so holy piece of information you blessed us with that commited the sin of ignoring?
How dare I ignore the truths of anon, dear me.
I just gave you a counterpoint defending my initial point, that's how discussion works.
You're mad at nothing, and for nothing.
>I just gave you a counterpoint defending my initial point
You first suggested that lizard-races would survive because they look similar to dragons.
I pointed out that hominids drove other hominids to extinction despite looking similar to them, and humanity domesticated animals that aren't similar to them at all.
You then doubled down and insisted that dragons would prefer lizard races because they look similar to them.

That's not a counterpoint, that's just you being an illiterate nigger. You're not concerned with actually finding logical conclusions. You started from your conclusion, and are working backwards to justify it.

>feel free to fry me for being a tourist.
Building off this, does electroreception require a medium like water to work? I've been coming up with extra sensory systems like heat sensing pits and echolocation, and electroreception seems like a cool one but every animal that has it seems to be aquatic
Echidnas use electroreception to find insects/worms, though that's in dirt and leaf litter which is damp enough to conduct electricity well.
If might be possible to amp it up enough to have it work in drier places or within air, but it's probably a waste of energy and diminishing returns compared to sensing heat or echolocation.
Maybe for the water-beetle variant then
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>how do early humanoids in their evolutionary infancy would survive the dragons?
>Can you make sense of it?
There's giant flying fire breathing lizard, yet magical human is impossible to exist?
Again, your problem is that you did not use magic on humanity evolution.
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>And lastly and kind of least importantly, is some way of not just maintaining temperature but actively cooling. I have a plan for a "desert breed" of the mech that has a bio-fridge storing cool water for the pilot
You can't use blood circulation to cool it down to freezing level.
I think, the only way is to insert refrigeration cycle (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_pump_and_refrigeration_cycle) into the biomech.
I don't think it's a farfetched idea if the cycle still use bioelectric.
You can also use ammonia or carbon dioxide as the refrigerant.
I'd use ammonia because it's more dangerous but high energy efficient.
>Know space colonies should be built inside of asteroids
>Still want to make them out in the open because it looks cooler
The dilemma of every good sci-fi
Influenced by Nine Sols, I want to try a Taoist setting but I can't do justice to it right now.
Is there some crash course to get the ideas and feelings right?
What place would be the best for a one world government? I was thinking either NYC or some newly built capital in the East African Rift Valley since that's where humans came from
If you're putting it in East Africa, put it on Kilimanjaro next to the space elevator.
>You first suggested that lizard-races would survive because they look similar to dragons.

No, learn to read. Let me copy-paste it:
>it's more likely that lesser lizard races would be allowed to live and worship the dragons as living gods.
>The sapient lizard-races humanoids has a better chance to flourish because it's more likely that dragons would allow subjects made in their image.

You'd be right if you said, that I implied that the Dragons would ALLOW then to thrive.
What you completely ignored is that mammals wouldn't even develop enough to reach humanoid stage.

>I pointed out that hominids drove other hominids to extinction despite looking similar to them.
Irrelevant, there are no humanoids, the mammals couldn't reach that stage under the threat of dinosaurs, dragons and the gods know what else.
>You then doubled down and insisted that dragons would prefer lizard races because they look similar to them.
Is that REALLY a hill you want to die on? If you are white do you preffer to live around indians?

>That's not a counterpoint, that's just you being an illiterate nigger.
Oh the irony, right back at you faggot.
>and are working backwards to justify it.
Aren't you doing that by insisting that the hominids that don't exist could somehow without existing yet surpass the dragons or sapient-lizards (if any).

>feel free to fry me for being a tourist.
Read the words in the screen not the words you hallucinate.
Lazy, magic can do anything, let's throw Tyranids into it because magic too.
>There's giant flying fire breathing lizard, yet magical human is impossible to exist?
Impossible? Of course not
>is that Dragons and Humanoid races can't coexist without hard concessions.
Probable? Unlikely, and the point is choosing the most likely outcome.

>Again, your problem is that you did not use magic on humanity evolution.
What humanity? They weren't able to develop yet.
I thought you had to put space elevators on the equator
There's an increase in cost the further you get from the equator, but 3 degrees is really small so it's outweighed by the advantages of a high base, AFAIK.
A purpose-built capital is good for signaling a clean break with previous power structures, isolating the leadership from the general public, and generally also as a vanity project (see St. Petersburg or Versailles). Works well for a dictatorship, or an oligarchy that doesn’t think the law enforcement of an established city can protect them from angry mobs. Could also be a sign that the ruling elite has expanded to include members from more “backcountry” parts of the polity, and is picking a more central location to pander to them (see Washington DC or Brasilia).
Using an established major city as a capital works for an oligarchy that wants to concentrate power and wealth in one location, allowing one to reinforce the other (see London). Or a dictatorship that either just took power, wants to appear “close” to the people, or wants to signal continuity with the establishment.
TL;DR: depends on whether you want the capital to also be an economic/cultural hub, or just a seat of government, and if you want to signal continuity or a clean break with the past.
>You'd be right if you said, that I implied that the Dragons would ALLOW then to thrive.
Oh, you mean like when I said
>You then doubled down and insisted that dragons would prefer lizard races because they look similar to them.
I'm glad you agree that I paraphrased you correctly. You are implying that lizards are likely to evolve thrive because dragons allow it because dragons hate mammals and like lizards.

>Irrelevant, there are no humanoids
Learn to read. I am using hominids as an example from real history as a way to demonstrate that two species looking similar does not increase the likelihood that they'll allow the other to survive.
If you're a human, do you care that the chickens you use for eggs and food aren't mammals? Do you let rats live in your basement just because they are mammals?
Are you capable of this level of basic logical understanding?

>Aren't you doing that by insisting that the hominids that don't exist could somehow without existing yet surpass the dragons or sapient-lizards (if any).
Not what I said at all. You would know that if you had reading comprehension.

>Read the words in the screen
I did, ESL newfag >>94765052
>feel free to fry me for being a tourist.
Your memory really is that bad, huh?
Where can I find out more about space elevator construction?
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>I'm glad you agree that I paraphrased you correctly.
You didn't
>You are implying that lizards are likely to evolve thrive because dragons allow it because dragons hate mammals and like lizards.
Kek, what an absolute retard.

> I am using hominids as an example from real history as a way to demonstrate that two species looking similar does not increase the likelihood that they'll allow the other to survive.
If you're a human, do you care that the chickens you use for eggs and food aren't mammals? Do you let rats live in your basement just because they are mammals?
Irrelevant, mammals didn't evolve into humanoids yet, nor they would be able to again, it's most likely stop creating scenarios for you to get mad at you absoulte sperg lmao
>You would know that if you had reading comprehension.
Pic rel
>Newfag = tourist
Kek, you try to hard.

You have nothing to contribute, have my last (You) kid, enjoy it.
There was an Isaac Arthur video on it recently (ain't watched yet); otherwise, just Google I guess.

(I may have been wrong; I think it's 1.5km increase for moving 3 degrees north, and only a .5km decrease for Kilimanjaro rather than Kenya.)
>You didn't
I did. Or do you not know what paraphrasing is either?
>stop creating scenarios
Oh, you mean like >>94771036
>If you are white do you preffer to live around indians?
Was your question irrelevant because there are no indians in your dragon world?
If so, why did you ask it? If not, why are you using humans as an example of how dragons behave?
I used the exact same framing of that question that you did, but you're throwing a tantrum because you can't grasp something that basic.

>You have nothing to contribute
Those grapes were probably sour anyway, right?
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I've finally bit the bullet and started making my own setting. The gist is that it's a dark fantasy realm on the frontier of an authoritarian empire. The geography of the area is inspired by Patagonia, and the area is haunted by a variety of supernatural threats (I'm taking inspiration from /x/ stories and various real-world conspiracy theories, and then making them more fantasy).
What do you consider the must-include information in a setting book? So far I'm taking rough layout inspiration from the Greyhawk boxed set, but if standards have moved on, I'd like to know.

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