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Been playing classic traveller recently and wanted to make a thread about it! Loving it so far and so are my players. Any memorable adventures you have from the system, anons? Classic Traveller in particular is very lightweight and is a great break from D&D.
Traveller is fun. I ran it a few times. Once was a campaign where the PCs got into smuggling in the very first adventure. They only asked for triple the normal rate for shipping illegal weapons to rebels, and had bomb collars attached to their legs that could only be unlocked by the recipient so they couldn't just abscond with millions of credits worth of high tech weapons. They then proceeded to try to get the bomb collars off, almsot get detonated, after telling their marine NPc crewmate about it. She demanded they turn themselves in, so they did, had to hire a lawyer, made up some bullshit how they were coerced with violence, then had to pay a 50k credit fine, and participate in a sting operation where they almost got killed. Then one of them was actually killed when the rebel group eventually tracked them down for retribution.
god damn that art's ass
it's a video still, because OP is retarded, as is this thread, just like your bump
What? No it isn't, it's the cover of the latest edition.
One of my systems I Always wanted to play. Classic or Mongoose it doesn't matter, I just want to try out space adventures.
Started to play traveller is there a consolidated list of what books have what? Or should I skim them all?
Mongoose in charge of art
I hate that they own Traveller now
The only potential excuse you've got is being legally blind. If you aren't, shame on you! Compare that still to the actual cover, or at least look at the filename.

Which Traveller era is supposed to have had good art? Polish the rose-tint off of your glasses and have another look.
The background is slightly different, but that's the cover art my dog. That's what it looks like. If it is a still from something, it's a still that looks exactly like the 4 characters on the cover, so it that anon thinks that still looks like ass, that anon will also think the cover art looks like ass. You're a miserable pedant.
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>let me defend bad art with a tu quoque
If you want cool Traveller art you can just ask
>defend bad art
Fuck no. Just calling out a liar.

>MT era
Ah yes, certainly no bad art there, ever. Player's Manual cover, a true masterpiece. Imperial Encyclopedia, nothing but bangers...
That particular one's not half bad though. Where exactly is it from?
What the fuck are you on, that somebody saying that some clearly shitty art was shit is somehow "lying?"
I like the Rob Liefeld rocks hiding the feet
It looks like a first draft with a bunch of Photoshop done to it.
Claim A)
>No it isn't
Yes it is. It's a video still. Filename, reverse image search, take your pick.
Claim B)
>it's the cover of the latest edition
No, it's not. This is >>94661369

That's two lies.
Whether it's "shitty" or not is not something I even commented on. Most Traveller art is pretty damn bad, and always has been, if it even existed in the first place. Mongoose being in charge of art certainly didn't make things worse.

>That particular one's not half bad though. Where exactly is it from?
You're like a deranged Mongoose fanboy if you think that the existence of bad art in other editions somehow lets this piece off the hook for being shitty. It's a non-sequitur but you keep repeating it.
I don't give a fuck about that other bullshit you're babbling about.
>That's not the cover! This other picture that is exactly, pixel for pixel the same except for the background is the cover! Reeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Every time there's a Traveller thread, somebody makes a joke about Mongoose, and then some nerd gets furious and leaps to their defense.
How many Mongoose editors does it take to change a lightbulb?

None. They never show up to work, so you have to change it yourself!
You idiot, that chapter is obviously a list of options for your Spaces Raft!
Listen, Don Quixote, no one defended that particular piece, much less all of the art that went into print since Mongoose took the reins. Instead of fighting imagined points that no one's made, how about facing reality? Traveller was never famous for its art. On the contrary, Traveller has always featured bad art, no matter the edition. People've been making fun of it for ages, and that's got nothing to do with Mongoose.

This one >>94661333 is quite nice, which is unusual, and I'm still interested in where exactly it's from.
>I didn't call someone a liar for no reason, double down when called on it, and act generally deranged, what are you talking about!

You're a real nutter, bud.
>I'm still interested in where exactly it's from
They won't tell you. Not only because they don't know, but also because it's NOT Traveller art. It's "Traveller-adjacent" at best not really - maybe if you squint, like, a lot and appeared in Challenge Magazine #37.
Artist is Rob Caswell, who did do art for Traveller from time to time and for tons of other RPG lines, but that one ain't one of them.

And yes, some Traveller art is shockingly bad, especially the early stuff.

Don't wanna get called out for lying? Don't lie, simple as.
>didn't call someone a liar for no reason
You're right about that. I wouldn't have called him a liar if he hadn't lied at least twice. The lies, they're the reason.

Thanks for the info! It made finding this easy

>it's NOT Traveller art
Oh, the irony...

>Challenge Magazine #37
That explains why I hadn't encountered it. Never really got into mags.
>You're a lying liar REEEEEEEEEEEEE

This thread needs to die, it's just a schizo talking to themselves.
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Will you start doing that at some point? So far there's one (1) piece of Traveller art in this thread, and it can't be found in your post.
Til then you can have some official unedited and not fucked with non-Mongoose T5 goodness, on the house!
I always liked the Spaces Outrigger option when I bought a Spaces Raft.
So what supplements are actually worth pirating and looking into?
The great rift actually sounds interesting for a giant void. Rife with the possibility of weird shit and pirate BS like cobbled together ships floating in a dead zone - multiple vessels with their life support systems brutally stitched together to act as a forward operating base
Better, someone makes a comment about fucking art in a game book, and idiots take the bait.
Most of it is shit, in all games, everywhere, always been. Now move on.
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Pulling from T5 is a dirty trick. Everyone knows that art is way too modern, it's got to be shit. You have to go back to Classic Traveller to find the stunning space vixens.

No anon, it's all Mongoose's fault!
>it's all Mongoose's fault!
Recognizing that Mongoose is notorious for doing lazy shit that was rushed out is not blaming them for everything, stop being retarded. This is the company that sold a full price splatbook where about 60 of the pages were a single table copy/pasted over and over.
And the existence of shity art in other editions doesn't excuse Mongoose for doing it. Any eight year old could explain to you that two wrongs don't make a right.
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Who's defending Mongoose, child? And I thought we're shitting on bad official Traveller art in this thread.

If you want to talk about bad editing and such instead, why don't you tell us about the GDW errata process? Or maybe share some of your experiences with T4. Hell, spin us a tale about how the Traveller5 kickstarter went!
>anon makes a single crack about Mongoose's lazy art
>jump up and sperg for a day and a half about how other editions did it too!!!!
>"who's defending mongoose, child?"
Why are you such a tremendous faggot?
So you still can't point out where anyone supposedly defended Mongoose (BUT MOOOM, THEY DEFINITELY DID!), and you haven't got anything worthwhile to contribute either.
Begone, tourist! Leave the Traveller hating to people who know what they're doing.
Everyone can see what you're doing
And what is that? Do try and be precise, Mr. MakingShitUp.
Stop feeding the troll and let this shit show thread die, dude. They ruined the fucking thing yesterday, arguing with a schizo is pointless.
>They ruined the fucking thing yesterday
The fuck kinda thing do you think you had going on, totally not Mr. MakingShitUp?
I saged, but yeah, his "teehee what am I doing" routine isn't worth a (You)
Can't have shit on /tg/ anymore
This is still unbelievable. I mean, there's "normal" bad art, and then there's... this. I'd go as far and say Cyberpunk V3's action figure shots were better than whatever this is.

Clowns don't enjoy being made fun of.

>Can't have shit on /tg/ anymore
Quite a lot of shitty Traveller art in this thread by now. Still amazing that the cool one wasn't even Traveller.
>I saged
Breaking the rules now, are we?

>I'd go as far and say Cyberpunk V3's action figure shots were better than whatever this is
Possibly the only product ever that loses to CP3 in the art derpartment.
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>call him a schizo
>now he's literally talking to himself
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kek, that art, gorg
gonna add some high tier gurps trav garbage
and props for ignoring the ai slop guy

>Clowns don't enjoy being made fun of.
when you try kicking off a stupid hate circle jerk and your ignorant ass ends up being the jerk people laugh at
>gonna add some high tier gurps trav garbage
The more the merrier! As long as it's actually official Traveller art that is.
Please, sir, I want some more.
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Here you go, lil' Oscar Tango. But don't eat it all at once!
This is gold, thank you sir! Not a G'naak, so no eating the kitteh, promise.

In unrelated musings, how did the thread collectively decide to ignore that >>94661328 can't count to five?
holy shit

counting is like extra hard when you're blind
I started reading the Expanse series of books and it reminded me of traveller and that i got that humble bundle of all the pdfs for a few bucks last year. anyone ever tried hard gravity rules to make the space faring more realistic for lack of a better term?
Making fun of the disabled is usually not worth it.

Easy but boring. You can cut out pretty much everything that makes Traveller Traveller by capping the TL at the appropriate moment. No J-Drives, no M-Drives, no grav plates, just R-Drives. Play in a single system, at least until the gates come into play. But at that point you could just not play Traveller and simply use a dedicated Expanse game.
Sounds like a classic Traveller Adventure. Well done.
First campaign I did with my DnD group was Pirates of Drinax, should be easy to port over to Classic

I've also done some parts of the Traveller Adventure which is good.
>Pirates of Drinax
How many years did it take you and what was the outcome?
Playing weekly it took us a little over a year but they went off the rails a little as we were all figuring out the system and I let them get a little too powerful, and things ended up fully off the rails.

But they basically ended up running a shadow government behind the very comatose / half dead king. One of them was "exiled" with some of the "extremists" of their crew for some war crimes in the finale against the Aslan, but in reality they operate like that one Pirate Lord giving Intel back to the new Kingdom of Drinax.
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>Traveller Adventure
Ah, yes, a classic. Has got some outright iconic art as well. Almost emblematic.
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The Japanese version of classic
I wish i could draw at least half as good. Or at least visualise something as complex.
Holy fuck, is there any more?
Well post'em, so we can have a look. The internet says it's mostly the same art.
>The interior illustrations of the English version are preserved

Then let's hope you're not calling yourself an artist.
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Failed the assigment. While it might just be official, it's not shit enough. Do better.
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There you go, this should fit the bill. T4 this time.
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try not being a huge seething faggot

Why so angry?

If you want to contribute, maybe try something that hasn't been reposted over and over for at least 9 years.
You do actually play the game and open the books from time to time, right?
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>I'm not mad, u mad!
t. seething
Better image of the handbook cover from Japan
He just can't help it, he has to randomly repost old stuff, angrily.

So, what's your current crew up to?
>stop posting thing, it makes me mad!
>ur a nogames!
still mad? have some more good shit
Poor little thing, you're coming undone! Calm down, touch some grass, have someone hug you.
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If my posts break your rules, you can use your mod powers to delete them
I hope so. I don't think we had any T4 so far.

Stop toying with the cranky old man and enjoy some more prime CT art instead.
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Her(?) hands! What's up with her(?) hands?

Guess you're right. Let me go back to Traveller 5.10, unedited, right from the book.

Now you're getting it. Reposted for 10 years, but at least you've picked a hideous one. Proud of you!
I miss the Chris Foss art from T4
I wish they had used more of it
I wish their ship book had better deckplans that matched the illustrations better
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Guess I forgot the most important bit: The art, untouched by any form of goose!
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that's how I would fix T4 (on the artistic level)
You'd fix T4 by spamming non-Traveller art that's mostly older than T4? They had already licensed some of his work, didn't help much.
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the primary literary sources of Traveller were from the Silver Age, so popular 60s artwork seems appropriate

it would have been possible to create campaign worlds based on even earlier Pulp and Golden Age era settings, though Lensman would seem more superheros than typical pulp action adventure characters like John Carter, Tarzan, Conan, Sam Spade, or Doc Savage

i've always thought that the flexible character generation and personal gear/equipment systems could handle adventure(rs) from Mary Shelly's Frankenstein through all of the Pulp and Movie eras up until the superhero and transhuman era, though you would have to customize the campaign details based on genre power level assumptions and whether or not you wanted to do crossover adventures/campaigns
Someone got too close to the Empress Wave. Can dementia lead to sudden outbursts of spam?
You'd prefer a dead thread?
Again, T5 is cheating. But that pic gets even better when you realize that it still has the Cassildan's mouth in it.

Guy got so caught up in his hilarious herpestidae hate that he just popped.

Yes? Obviously? Or do you actually have anything worthwhile to contribute or discuss? Important: Said 'anything' should directly relate to Traveller.
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I ordered the classic traveller book, the one that bundles 1-3 together. I'm hoping that this will be the game I get to run atleast once. I read through all of The Expanse and it got me jonesing for some gritty steely eyed space men in space.
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All hail Naoyuki Kato! (Studio Nue).
Co-designer of the Starship Trooper Powersuit, designer of the spaceships for Legends of the Galactic Heroes, the first one to paint the Yamato in the iconic forced perspective. He worked on a lot of excellent SF book, game, and anime releases.
A fucking science fiction legend.
was supposed to quote
not that other bs.
had Death Station planned as starter, players went sideway to explore world, finally remembered they had to brought food after month of adventuring
went better than expected, thought had to make eaten most crazies on station due to time elapsed
I'm actually in an upcoming Drinax game that is restarting.
Had some... problems, due to players and mismatching assumptions, so hopefully this round will go smoother.
>>This other picture that is exactly, pixel for pixel the same except for the background
So, how long have you been retarded for?
Are there any insetting swear words?
I just need to cuss, dammit.
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Nice, thank you.
pointing out that you are a tool isnt the being mad
although if someone had to be in the same room with your sand paper soul id understand being mad
try not to be a huge seething faggot
axe murder in space
best show
I never particularly see anything about augmetics and the like in Traveller; are they just not worth the money, unless you have considerable windfall to blow?
could you borrow stuff from the Traveller version of Mindjammer?
Is there any significant difference between Classic and Modern Traveller?
It seems the 2d6 system is pretty consistent. Barring some fluff there shouldn't be any issues moving resources or modules from new to old or old to new depending on what you're running, correct?
Mostly. Ships are built a little different, and animal encounter stats are totally different for no good reason. But most things are easy to port over.
It's got some different assumptions about difficulty. A character in classic only gets a bonus from his skill. A character in king trav gets a bonus from his skill and his stat. It's pretty trivial to start with a +3 or +4 in at least one thing in mong trav. It's also a lot harder to make a shit or even mediocre character in Mongtrav, and there isn't a reenlistment roll, so if you're smart about it and the ref doesn't throw a cap on terms served, it's possible to make some insane characters.

In a lot of people's opinion, the GM facing stuff in classic is a lot better.
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GM facing stuff doesn't sell books, so in modern RPGs the GM gets sterling advice like "I dunno, figure it out, you're the GM" while players get tons of books catering to them with options and shit, and the GM has to deal with balancing and handling all of it.
Yes, I mad.
Tbf, mongoose 1st edition actually has some pretty excellent gm stuff, and it's broadly system agnostic. But I do not like must of their current line.
a comparison of the pre-Mongoose editions of Traveller
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congratulations, you finally found out what that 'non-functional' TL25 Ancient artifact was made for
it is a bit funny how Mongoose Traveller really heavily incentivises you to play a person who should've retired 20 years ago
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you obviously gotta get the skills and benefits*

Pirate Sergeant Mohamed Dimitri Bolivar Santos Rios 779661 Age 46
7 terms Cr50,000

Skills: Brawling-3, Gunnery-1, Revolver-1, Ship Tactic-1, Spear-1, Zero-G Cbt-2

Benefits: 8,000/yr Retirement Pay, Mid Passage, Mid Passage

Service History:
Automatic Enlistment accepted.
Voluntarily reenlisted for second term.
Voluntarily reenlisted for third term.
Voluntarily reenlisted for fourth term.
Commissioned during fourth term of service as Corporal.
Voluntarily reenlisted for fifth term.
Voluntarily reenlisted for sixth term.
Promoted to Sergeant.
Voluntarily reenlisted for seventh term.
Mandatory retirement after seventh term.

*we had a campaign with Ringworld style chargen Imperial characters... massively skilled and yet quite vigorous well into their second and third century—anagathics and regeneration were saved for the 'mature' 400 yr old characters

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