Merry Christmas/Unholy Satanmas Edition>What is Trench Crusade?An alternate weird history 28mm/32mm tabletop skirmish game still in a pre-release playtesting phase but with the full release slated for this year. Based on the art and lore of Mike Franchina, whose illustrations you may have seen floating around on /tg/ for a several years now, and designed by Tuomas Pirinen, one of the original creators of Mordheim. It's grimdark, it's visceral, it's awesome, and it's very Blanchitsu.>What Trench Crusade is notTC not an excuse for you to discuss IRL religion, history that didn't occur in the game, culture war shit, or discord bullshit on /tg/. Keep it on topic.>What's the QRD on the background?The Knights Templar turned heretic and opened the Gates of Hell when they took Jerusalem during the First Crusade. Over 800 years later the war is still ongoing as technology has developed to a pseudo diesel-punk WW1 standard and a third of Humanity has sided with the Infernal Princes.>How do I get started?All the files are free online, but are split between the website and the discord. They have all been collected here for your convenience:>third party sources for making trenchers:>Trench CompendiumCompendium: Form:>Previous thread:>>94588282>Thread Question:Get any hobby stuff for Christmas?
>>94656388>Get any hobby stuff for Christmas?Someone got me the GW skulls kit in my friend group's secret santa exchange. Gonna use them as skull helmets for some cool satanic bitches. Currently getting buckbroken hard by my 3d printer, if I ever succeed to print shit I can start converting.
>>94656228Ah, thanks. It was looking really silly for a second.>>94656089I really like the look of the Anchorite, but it just seems so limited. I wish those Methodius upgrades (or at least some of them) were standard instead of limited to that procession.
Merry christmas everyone.>TQDidn't get anything tabletop gaming related. I might get sone funds for 3D printer later.
Looked into the game today and Artillery Witches caught my attention, so dug out some old cultists and painted a Witch to match. Just need to get a War Wolf, Priest and either a Death Commando or Chorister sorted now.
What are the strenght of NA? All the other factions have some really good heavy hitter (War Wolf, Communicant, Brazen Bull etc.), and NA troops while generally a bit better than others suffer from not having easy action to Strong, and their armory is kinda meh.And NA is not cheap enough for a more horde style warband, and the playstyle doesn't synergize with fireteams.Does fireteams and concentrated fire really makes up for the lack of heavy hitting units?
>>94659428Easy access to Strong*Guess that's what I get for phoneposting
>>94659428>armory is kinda meh.Anon, they have a fantastic armory what are you talking about? Unlike most factions, the best guns in the game aren't locked behind glory, so at the beginning of the campaign they are rocking more SMGs, grenade launchers, heavy shotguns, sniper rifles, etc than every vanilla faction, and even the variants like the Naval Raiding Party only get a portion of that at some cost of the rest of their forces. Not to mention your Lieutenant and 3 other soldiers can be in Mechanized Armor which is incredibly durable.
>>94659428They have access to a lot of equipment that is easy to replace, and have fewer items that require glory so they can hire mercenaries and utilities way easier. As a campaign progresses NA will start to be decked out in lots of equipment, even the chaff will be carrying med kits, shovels, gas masks and grenades as standard. NA doesnt have to be precious with its weapons since none require glory, you can slap a sniper rifle on a yeoman and get more diverse with what kind of roles you want for each of the objective games. Like you have way more flexability than other factions because of what gear you have available.
>>94659428>Does fireteams and concentrated fire really makes up for the lack of heavy hitting units?NA do have heavy hitting units; sniper priests aren't big, fuck off monsters like war wolves or anchorite shrines but they have the same level of effect in that whatever you point them at usually dies, and if you really wanted to you could put one in machine armour and give him a machine pistol to make him a melee beastAnyway, fireteams and concentrated fire really is THAT good; bloodbath means you don't have to worry as much about armour piercing weapons, and it can turn units like Yeomen Trench Moles into actually formidable foes. Giving a grunt something like a flamethrower is usually not a big deal, but giving a trench mole a flamethrower and then having him fireteam with a heavy infantry with a machine gun is a very real and legit threat to almost any unit in the game, and that becomes even more amplified since you can do that twice.
Crusades? In MY trenches?
Trenchbros, anyone got cool black grail conversions/alternate models? Them and Court feel the hardest to convert to me
>>94661170Seen these used as thralls for BG.
Decided that I wanna go with Iron Sultanate for my warband and settled on this for being my 700 ducat start>Yüzbaşı (Alchemist Armour, Halberd Gun w/ Alchem Ammo) >Alchemist (Reinforced Armour, Sniper Rifle, Shovel)>Janissary (Standard Armour, Siege Jezzail w/ Alchem Ammo, Great Sword)>Janissary (Standard Armour, Siege Jezzail w/ Alchem Ammo, Great Sword)>Lion of Jabir>Lion of Jabir>Azeb (Jezzail w/ Alchem Ammo, Trench Knife)>Azeb (Jezzail w/ Alchem Ammo, Trench Knife)Thoughts? I'm not sure if I should trade a Lion out for a Sapper with an alchem jezzail, trade both lions out for 2 sappers so I can just plant bombs everywhere to defend my gunline or If I should keep the lions and have them act as a screen or to keep any units that get knocked down by gunfire locked down so I can potentially force a cheeky morale test
>>94661939Looks decent enough, maybe not optimized, but that shouldn't be the main priority.As long as the list fits a theme, and you have cool ideas for the models, then you're gonna have fun.
>>94662179Sweet, decent is good enough for me. I know it could likely be optimised more since according to some mates the list is dog shit since going for great swords over great hammers is apparently a trap and I should supposedly just be spamming Azebs, but I wanted to use the units I thought were cool primarily.>As long as the list fits a theme, and you have cool ideas for the models, then you're gonna have fun.Hell yeah, was mostly going for just a scouting party type deal. As for the models I'm gonna be using the actual TC models for the most part since they look great (Azebs and Janissaries especially look awesome) but for my Alchemist I was thinking of converting up pic related a little (replacing the wire cutters with a shovel, having a rifle slung on his back, including some wind amulets/gold charms etc.)
as a nogames, can someone give me a qrd of how campaigns work? My only knowledge of war games is kill team and from my understanding you're basically just battling your dudes with the other dudes.
>>94662474Im also nogames as of yet but campaign basically means instead of "on-off" games where you just battle with your dudes. Its a prolonged campaign made up of several battles over it's course. The main appeal is it makes you feel like you are playing a narrative or story between your guys and your opponents. After each battle each warband can gain experience, battle scars, skills and they can explore no man's land and find various upgrades. Also your total ducat value goes up after each battle. So you can add more models to your warband or buy better gear.
>>94659311Got the grenade launcher Priest done.
>>94663028As well as a Chorister, so just the War Wolf to go.
>>94662474To sum it up as simply as possible, every player starts with a warband comprised of less ducats then usual (700) and then you battle against other players also in the campaign who are preferably at the same amount of games as you. You randomly decide a scenario to play based on what game number you're at, and then you play a game out as usual. At the end of each game, a bunch of things happen, the most note worthy being injuries and deaths. When a model is taken out of action, at the end of the battle you roll to see if they're still alive or dead, and ELITE models roll on a special injury table that can give them a whole bunch of debuffs that last the whole campaign, dying usually only after obtaining a certain amount of injuries also known as "scars". After determining casualties and scars, survivors of the battle get the chance to improve themselves; normal troops get a chance to become promoted to elites and elites earn experience that lets them roll on tables that give them permanent skills that last for the rest of the campaign. After that you then get a choice; your warband can either reinforce, which means giving up all loose equipment you might have on hand and then getting to fill your warband up to whatever the new maximum ducat threshold is for your warband (this usually increases by 100 ducats after every game), or they can loot and scavenge, which gives them the chance to get special rewards from rolling on loot tables and to earn ducats. If you reinforce, you automatically skip the trading/buying stage, whereas players who chose to loot then get to spend their earnings on getting models, gear, mercs etc. After that, then you repeat, playing games until you reach the threshold for a "final battle", and then after that you tally up each player's total VP that they earned from every mission played and then decide who won.>>94663028That priest looks great anon, nice stuff
>>94663028Really nice models, anon. Could you talk a little about your recipe for the metals?
>>94663192Sure. Basecoat a dark silver (I use Iron Warriors from GW). Wash black, or brown, or both. Mix of Nuln Oil, Agrax Earthshade and some diluted Black Templar for these. Stipple/highlight with a bright silver, like Runefang Steel. Put a bit of a more opaque brown was in some places, I used Mournfang Brown.
>>94663028Really digging that grenade dude, sick
My friend with a 3D printer is out of the country for another month. Have any of you had a good experience with any 3D printing services online?
How is this list for a campaign?I don't want it to be the absolute best, but since my group have all agreed to jump into a campaign without any practice games, I want to be sure my list is not getting tabled every game.So basically is it usable? The other participants are playing Iron Sultanate ((House of Wisdom (?))and Heretic Legion (Knights of Averice),Main idea of the force is to run up the board, yeet nades and spew auto shotgun attacks (backed up by the MG), and run into close combat to finish them off through Concentrated Fire. Basically get enough mediocre attacks per activation to Bloodbath heavy targets.But 7 blokes, non who are too heavily armored (except the Lieutenant and Mech Inf) seems a bit fragile. Pic related is a shitty picture of my warband so far. [ ELITE MEMBERS ]Trench Cleric | 92 ducats -Standard Armour (15 ducats)-Sword/Axe (4 ducats)-Shotgun (10 ducats)-Trench Club (3 ducats) Lieutenant | 138 ducats 0 glory ----Rapid Assault (5 ducats)-Automatic Shotgun (15 ducats)-Sword/Axe (4 ducats)-Sword/Axe (4 ducats)-Reinforced Armour (40 ducats)[ INFANTRY ] Combat Engineer | 125 ducats-Shovel (0 ducats)-Engineer Body Armour (0 ducats)-Submachine Gun (30 ducats)-Satchel Charge (15 ducats) Mechanised Heavy Infantry | 145 ducats-Machine Armour (10 ducats)-Reinforced Armour (0 ducats)-Machine Gun (50 ducats) Shocktrooper | 80 ducats 0 glory ----Rapid Assault (5 ducats)-Grenades (7 ducats)-Sword/Axe (4 ducats)-Sword/Axe (4 ducats)-Standard Armour (15 ducats) Shocktrooper | 80 ducats 0 glory ----Rapid Assault (5 ducats)-Grenades (7 ducats)-Sword/Axe (4 ducats)-Sword/Axe (4 ducats)-Standard Armour (15 ducats) Yeoman | 40 ducats -Bolt Action Rifle (0 ducats)
>>94665345Oh probably should have mentioned I'm running them as Stosstruppen.
>>94665345Your Combat Engineer feels extremely stacked for what's basically just a regular guy. If you replace that SMG for two sets of standard armor for your Shocktroopers and then swap the satchel charge for a more standard gun like a semi-auto, you could beef up your Shocktroopers without wildly changing your list. You could then just acquire the SMG and charges later in the campaign.
>>94665899Shocktroops do have some armor.Satchel charge is there to have something to throw at hard targets.Maybe I could downgrade him a bit and get some smaller upgrades like combat helmets or giving the yeoman an instrument?
>>94665345It's alright, it's kind of hard to offer any real critique or feedback on it because of your unit selection though. Expensive troops like combat engineers and heavy infantry need to start decked out otherwise they're just a points sink, but then that kind of restricts the rest of what you can take in a substantial way. I'm noticing a lack of sniper priest in your list which is slightly sad to see; they're very good in Prussia (flat 2+ ranged dice for grenade throwing, can use pistols in melee to be absolute combat beasts, can work in tandem with an infiltrating shock troop to get early kills with sniper/auto rifle), so unless you don't like them for a particular reason I'd honestly suggest swapping the yeomen and the armour on the shocktroopers out for one.If you don't like sniper priests, then my next suggestion would be to just get rid of the Yeomen so you can bling up more of your units (upgrading trench cleric's shotgun to an auto shotgun, giving heavy infantry a satchel charge or polearm, giving infiltrate to your shocktroopers etc.). As is right now, the Yeomen isn't going to contribute a whole lot beyond just being an extra activation, which isn't really worth it all that much in the first game of a campaign, especially when he can be killed so easily. Gas masks and helmets aren't really something to consider unless you can confirm your opponent is going to take weapons that will use those elements against you, so sink points into other gear first
>>94661438I'm wondering if there's any models to represent the Dirge's Thralls as they can take Viscera Cannons and other ranged weapons?
>>94666277Thanks for the suggestions!The reason the sniper priest isn't in my army is simply because I couldn't find the points.The yeoman can go, no problem, but wouldn't removing the armor on my shock troops make the way too fragile in an already fragile list?Right now the Yeoman is there to just grap the odd objective and plink a few shots. You're right in that I don't have a particular plan for him, but just had 40 points left over and thought 6 dudes sounded a bit on low side.
>>94667762>but wouldn't removing the armor on my shock troops make the way too fragile in an already fragile list?That is a risk yes, but waiting a game or two and delaying adding a sniper priest means you're going extra games without earning experience on them which will hurt, especially when other warbands start bringing their models who are loaded with skills. You very likely won't be able to promote a unit for your first 3 or so games, so getting those elites in initally is important, especially since they're unlikely to die as such due to the scars systen and as such you can risk running them without armour, especially cheaper elites like sniper priests. Its why I'd suggest taking armour off of your elites at first and reallocating it to your shocktroopers if you are really concerned about them, but do remember that you kind of just need them to survive ONE game; after that initial game, you're gonna get an average of 80 - 110 ducats if you roll middling on the loot table, which is more than enough to cover armour costs and grab some extra goodies and maybe even a yeomen or a shocktrooper if you roll higher. Reinforcing after the first game is also honestly a valid strat, since you don't have much in the way of loose gear to give up, so you can risk throwing your shocktroopers into the meat grinder and then bringing them + some extra friends back into your warband post-game via reinforcement.This is of course if you're trying to maximise your gameplay and management as much as possible though. Just be warned that a fair few warbands will be starting with units that ignore armour since they're often the most expensive to get, so standard armour wont do much against units like artillery witches, war wolves, combat engineers, fidai assassins, anti-tank hammers, gas grenades etc.
>>94667829Thanks!Must admit the whole "win the war not the battle" aspect of a campaign is kinda new to me, so didn't really factor in to get elites early on to level them up.Removing the yeoman and armor from the shock troops would give me 70 ducats, Priest cost 50 which leaves me with 20 ducats left. Should I buy nades and two pistols (machine pistol seems too expensive at 20, no) or go straight for the sniper (would need to source an additional 15 ducats)?I'm more inclined to go for the dual pistols solely because a blind Kimbo priest seems rather rad as a modeling opportunity.Pic is the Yeoman who will now probably not start in the warband.
>>94667922>Must admit the whole "win the war not the battle" aspect of a campaign is kinda new to me, so didn't really factor in to get elites early on to level them upIt's fair not to consider, most people get so swept up in trying to make that first game "perfect" because they're still looking at things as if they're playing a one-off match>Should I buy nades and two pistols (machine pistol seems too expensive at 20, no) or go straight for the sniper (would need to source an additional 15 ducats)?Having a sniper on a sniper priest is always really nice (go figure) since they're basically always gonna hit something whenever they take a shot, and having a long ranged unit to cover with and coordinate fireteam attacks with is always great, but with your current list you don't really have much in the way of fireteam synergy; your heavy infantry more likely wants to be buddy-buddy with the engineer, your shocktroops are better off moving up in a pair, and the same goes for your close quarters cleric and Lt.If one of your shocktroopers had infiltrate that'd work but that's more ducats you need to strip off your warband which you can't really do anymore without compromising it further. On the other hand the grenade + pistol loadout would fit much better currently; you could fireteam with the engineer and trigger a bloodbath off of a single hit from his submachine gun (grenade toss = target on 3 blood markers, then charge with pistols for bloodbath on 2 attacks). Keep in mind that you won't be able to use the second pistol for shooting until you get the gunslinger skill specifically, and that the second pistol would only come into play during melee as it can then count as an off hand weapon. You can then grab a better ranged weapon later to switch to long range support or continue using pistols and use him as an unconventional but cheap melee beast. Definitely a cool and underrated playstyle>a blind Kimbo priest seems rather rad as a modeling opportunity.Fuck yeah
>>94667988Actually scratch the engineer, working with a trench cleric in a fireteam would technically be better>shotgun means it's more likely to hit because of ranged bonus to hit>cleric can take grenades meaning it's even easier to set up a bloodbath as opposed to having to the engineer needing to choose whether to use a valuable satchel charge or not>trench cleric can provide fearless so fear units don't mess with your priest during melee>cleric can pitch in and help with the melee if needed because he has +1 melee>you can then fireteam the engineer with the heavy infantry and dakka-down an enemy with blood markersDo that instead!
Is a Strong Castigator with a Punt Gun and Anti Tank hammer good for it's ducat cost?
>>94668025110 ducats for a pretty killy unit isn't bad; you wouldn't be remiss to throw some armour on him however since he'll likely be a high priority threat your opponent will target relentlessly. Keeping a communicant close by could help also
>>94668047Having a punt gun Castigator, Communicant, and War Prophet with anti tank hammers would be pretty intimidating. I'm just not sure if the War Prophet should get a semi auto rifle or a bolt action with a war cross, mostly because it'd look cooler.
>>94656388Heretic priest is extremely lame model (I think is the worst one of all the range) for being the leader of any heretic warband. I need proxies, inspiration and conversions to make my own.Bonus points for not GW stuff.
>>94667988Nice!Gonna take the Akimbo Priest.Pic related is a quick kitbash I did of him (should have removed mold lines before gluing the bits on though)
>>94668280Looks promising anon. Wishing your sniper priest many successful gun-kata encounters with enemies of the church.
>>94668188Art looks too much like something out of Dark Souls.
>>94668432better than the uncharismatic fuck that we have now.
>>94668432That's a good thing.
>>94667178Could just be a literal cannon that is connected to the unit and wheeling around. I liked the idea someone had of using landsknecht or Napoleonic models and also their weapons. The faction gets blunderbus', which seems perfect for those eras, and cannons would also fit.
Friend of mine is looking at picking up a small TC force to get games going in their area, and I'm considering a few models just for variety painting. The Kickstarter images were very low res for the models themselves, and it looks like Etsy sellers and the like are largely recycling the Kickstarter images for their listings. As a result both of us are having trouble seeing a lot of the fine detail. Is there anywhere that has good-quality renders of the official models? Did a bit of searching and found a few individual renders of specific models, plus some scattered painted examples, but no "everything in one spot" answer and a lot of missing stuff.
>>94668939Dark Souls is for /v/ermin, models should look like Warhammer.
>>94669037Nice b8 my M8.Have a you.
>>94668432That seems to be the aim anyway. There are models looking like characters from Berserk. There are models looking like conehead knight from Blasphemous.It's basically all going harder into grimdark, because GW is basically stopping making it all grimdark.
i've never printed or painted anything beforebut i think my trench ghost skeleton heretic legion are looking good
>>94669352Nothing wrong with you liking them. It's about the thematic approach anyway and these skull soldiers do work.
>>94669352They nice for a first time painting. Good work.
>>94669352Very nice anon, hope you have plans for a cool thematic priest too.
>>94668188How about this guy?
>>94669352These fellas would be great for a game of Firelock 198X.
Got a War Wolf done.
>>94668188I'm in the process of converting pic related for mine. He's on a 40mm base but still looks good shrunk down to 80% his original height. In theory all I really need to do to replace the top of his staff with something more evil, though since I got the hell kitbash kits I'm planning to look through those for some more bits.
>>94670530Cool, but looks more like war crocodile.
Starting work on an Abysssinia force and testing out GW’s contrast paints. Kinda happy with the results so far.
>>94671122Pretty good anon, what are the models?
>>94671254“Great Holy War” on cults. And thank you.
Is anyone selling Trench Crusade mini prints?
>>94673117Yes, there's even an official shop for it. But their pictures are garbage, hence >>94669033.
>>94674741Very nice, the knights were the sole reason I was interested in BG.
Hey, as anyone made size comparision shot between official stls and popular wargames atlantic/warlord/perry plastic kits?
>>94656388This game seems very astroturfed
>>94659311What did you use for that Witch? It's stellar and I vastly prefer yours over the official one. The game also caught my attention because of her art specifically.
>>94659311how did you get that witch done? is it a custom stl or some handmade bash? looks way better the way it is in the art
>>94676484The kickstarter lists the heights of every single stl they have, Anon.
>>94669352awesome models,where are the skeleton beret heads from
>>94676625The models released only recently.
>>94676625Not really, no.
>>94669368>>94669423>>94669640>>94670481thanks! i just need to get the heads for the non-legionnaires printed but they're being a painas for the priest i was just going to use the middle guy with the larger base because i can't find something that fits with what i'm going for>>94678041 and scaled and digitally bashed together
Luce would be a great Trench Pilgrim
What are cool builds and strats people have been enjoying in games?Did a homunculus with three greatswords, was pretty silly but fun
>Went back to look at the STLs to see if they updated any of the problems.>Desecrated Saint file is now 1.22 GBFucking excuse me? How complex is this STL? The Praetor isn't even 200 MB
>>94676625Bro his art has been getting posted here for years before any inkling of wargame was in the works. It's been a long time coming.
>>94656388How many basic mooks is a good number to have/too many?
>>94676625It's literally a forced meme by a janny, yeah
>>94678243Luce is the desecrated saint
>>94680388>good number7 is a good number I’d say; some people swear by 8 but it’s obviously different for every faction
>>94675132Yeah I'm honestly shocked at how badly they're promoting their models. Low resolution, one side, unpainted stl renders.Would it really be that expensive to commision painters and get some proper photos of all the current minis?
>>94680388With campaign games Ive played you do not want it so that every time a unit dies its something that was actually important and being upgraded, or you get precious with since injuries could completely screw you over for future games. You should have at least half of your forces be "dissposable" for running objectives and fulfilling the role of "tie down that unit, we just need to hold for another 2 turns". Lots of cheap chaff just means you can throw them at anything and it not eat through your budget.
>>94667178Stationforge has corrupted guard cycle for 40k that has chaos guard variations.Bestiarum has a lot of grail-looking alternative stuff, but none of them have guns.
>>94676625Very much so. The website dev. posts here and the early TC threads were blatantly curated by supportive janitorial. Game rules are okay, the list building and meta discussions are a strong indicator of how it will unfold compared to the kitbashing roots but I've gotten some good model building inspiration out of it. Ideally it will be the shark jump for blanchitsu grimderp and the arts grift crowd will move onto something else after. The unfolding issues with the KS stls, costs and whatever else happens over the next few years of those ever shipping will be idle entertainment.
hi, I bought the physical trench crusade models on the kickstarter but I have heard some bad news about the prints being brittle/melting due to resin inside. so I am a little worried about that and was wondering if there is a place to get the stl's (doesn't matter if they break if i can just print more)
>>94682188I dont get why people have a hatred for this game, maybe you could explain it.>people are making their own stuff and like the setting of a game, guys art has been circulating for about a decade, and then 2 people got together to make a game around that art>"heh, its only a matter of time before they all leave and quit this fake shit for the trash it is. Fuck this game and fuck the developers."I dont get it.
>>94682568I don't hate it so its not really for me to explain. There are things to dislike about most things, but that doesn't mean its useless or uninteresting to me, or that there aren't things to like about it as well. I think overall TC is a fascinating unfolding example of art, design and games interacting with contemporary social media campaigns and PR and how they effect each other. Its been fermenting for a while in the various indi game circles and is a familiar enough pattern from various 20th century pop/sub cultural shifts as we became more globalized consumer oriented. The unknown that I think will be interesting to see if if the kitbashing diy indi side can persist/coexist with the more standardized consumer profit design, or in what ways it manages. Your green text opponent might be able to fill it in a bit more if they exist. Garden variety internet trolling might be what you've encountered, they don't really feel much about anything, its just stimulus response to whatever you put in front of them. There are a few ideologically motivated /pol/ types but that's on all sides and I generally ignore them, they can't really discuss or engage, they can only entrench (lol) their established binary.
>>94682568I have a feeling it’s mostly in part to all the cringe content creators that were calling trench crusade “the next 40k” and “the best replacement for 40k” etc. All of that obviously click bait type stuff that is just looking for easy views gives the game a bit of a pretentious aura to it, and people then just naturally wanna see it fail and just kind of say weird and irrational shit since everyone lacks the restraint to just ignore things they don’t like.Also about 2/3rd’s of the people who regularly visit /tg/ don’t actually play tabletop games and just kind of uses this place as a weird forum where they can just go off about shit they dislike for games they usually don’t play to kill time and make them feel like they’re a part of something or validating themselves.>>94678786Kind of a simple go to but big fan of the sniper alchemist; they’re basically sniper priests but with access to flaming or gas bullets which helps a lot with getting blood markers down range. I had a friend running knights of avarice taking annointed with satchel charges and wind charms which was an actual nightmare>getting bombarded by gas grenade launchers and artillery witches>melee annointed move up the board quickly with stolen wind amulets and open up with satchel charges before charging in with great hammers>hack apart anything that something hasn’t been turned into a crater
>>94682188>the list building and meta discussions are a strong indicator of how it will unfold compared to the kitbashing roots but I've gotten some good model building inspiration out of it.>Ideally it will be the shark jump for blanchitsu grimderp and the arts grift crowd will move onto something else after.I guess we gotta disagree -that'ss precisely what I don't want to happen. Say what you will about 28mag's politics, etc. Doesn't matter much to me - my own encounters with their extended/adjacent communities have been overwhelmingly positive. They're some of the only people running narrative, kitbash-forward events that are also advertised/organized well enough for actual attendance. They do cool shit in the really oldschool style, with narrators/referees and a strong storytelling focus, where it's nearly an RPG instead of a wargame. All about the emergent story and making the coolest models possible. And if your charge is half an inch off? "Nah bro, I think it'd be cooler if they fight. Go on." I want that attitude to keep existing, as an alternative to comp-first tourney meta.Seeing all the newcomers drift away from that attitude makes me pretty disappointed. People on facebook talking about "Modelling for advantage" and what kitbashes they'd allow. Theorycrafting the most optimal lists, lore be damned. Asking for more standardized / strict map layouts so it's "fair". Lots of 40K players, maybe Bolt Action players if you're lucky, who come from a world of perfectly symmetrical foam-block battlefields. Some of them will "get it", but a lot won't. It makes me nervous that the first officially endorsed Trench Crusade event is a tournament.>But you're just another flavor of gay elitist, just for the other styleI'll admit to that right now.
>>94682419The STLs are all over telegram by now. But they definitely won't be printing the damaged ones - they've already repaired most of the flaws
We got a megafile or trove for stl files yet? Hoping to print an ammo monk in anticipation of phys models coming in the mail.
>>94676625>>94682188>>94680460>The website dev. posts hereFan who made the army builder, not a website dev>blatantly curated by supportive janitorialSorry you’re still mad about your constant derailing getting deleted, I’m sure we’re all worse off for you shitty pol-history and off topic religious arguments begging deleted. Try not to cry too hard about people liking indie/28 stuff.>>94682568There’s a very dedicated Anon or two who fucking despise anything Blachitzu-related and that’s not corporate-slop. Try discussing Turnip28 in /awg/ and you’ll see them. It’s the same losers who like to post that fake discord screencap about “40k disruption” raids to defend GW from the slightest criticism.
New versions of the Dragon Hunt and Storming the Shores. Dragon Hunt v2 is too large to upload, but they're both in the mega.
>>94687886The dragon scenario seems like it’s much more balanced now in terms of VP. Was sort of raising an eyebrow initially when I saw that basically whoever killed the dragon just won. Awarding VP for downs on the dragon makes much more sense.
>>94687886the rat swarms seem like an interesting mechanic, seems like you want to just have a flamethrower guy in your warband for games where they can show up.
>>94683680>I guess we gotta disagree -that'ss precisely what I don't want to happen.We'll have to wait and see! You'll need to figure out how to make it persistent as a fresh and innovative style with gameplay and avoid the increasing hype/marketing. The most likely is it fades quite a bit but sticks around with enough fanbase like anything else such as tiedye shirts or whatever. The actual diy aspect will end up moving onto other things they're doing themselves because its primarily creator driven and they get interested in new things. That you're already parading >oldschool style is a strong indicator you got on the bandwaggon late and because of marketing. Only one way to find out though. glhf.
>>94685563>off topic religious discussion in the religious war game lmao This is the sort of stuff that gets endless chuckles from me. Its the hubristic mix of self righteous indignation while being just as inane as whatever flavour of soda you dislike.
>>94688961TC has nearly a millennia of divergence. No one cares about your impotent need to shit the bed over the reformation and the 3rd crusade when neither happened in this timeline. Learn to okay with not being a retard on purpose in front of people.
I'm just looking into trench crudade, idk anyone who plays IRL and will be trying to get my friends into the game. I've only played one game of 8th ed warhammer and some killteam.I was looking at making a list for one off games for teaching and learning the game before doing campaigns and would like feedback.I was looking at making a New Antioch list that looked something like this:lieutenant & trench cleric w/:-sub machine gun-armor-trench shield -bayonetThese guys would be pushing and fucking with my enemy's plan x2 trench moles with armor, shovels, and machine gunsthese guys would basically be plopped on the map to defend an objective and/or pressure a part of the map making my opponent go elsewhere. thinking in terms of killteam, if I could basically lock an opponent off of an objective and defend a home objective, it would be worth the points. They could move slightly if need be, but the with the shovel, armor, and being somewhere near the far back, i figured they'd be mostly stationaryx5 shock troopers with armor, bayonets, and semi autiomatic rifles. (or some mix of gear)These guys would be my own objective/mission players. I know this set up doesnt really take advantage of assault drill or their +1 dice to melee, but I figure they would be decent enough all round units. My take away from killteam is some mix of shooting, charging, fighting, and taking an objective are all great uses of a turn. These guys would be trying to do that. Shooting an enemy, charging another, possibly fighting, and hopefully charging an enemy on an objective.I also like the idea of running 2 combat engineers, but would have to cut something. maybe go down to one trench mole with machine gun? I would like to avoid mechanized heavy infanty in favor of normal infantry dudes, but if that puts me at a severe disadvantage im open to listening to for the glory, i figured id take the anti material rifle mercenary and get some random shit to fill the rest
When is the book going to ship
>>94691955Its not necessary, but for a campagin you will want as many elites as you can squeeze in to your starting list, simply because they gain XP and the earlier you have them the faster they will level up. Non elites can level up but it takes way longer and they are more likely to die in the process, also armour for everyone at the start of the game just means you lack options to upgrade those units later where you couldve used those points to even add another unit in. Also MGs are a long range weapon that is expensive for something that youre giving a unit that will be very likely to die, if you want to give a weapon to trench moles make it a close range weapon like a flamethrower or SMG.That said, play to a theme with campaign games, always, this is a fine list for an armoured theme warband, you could just add the mechanized infantry in subsequent games, same with the engineers.
>>94691955Don't sleep on Sniper Priests. They're only 5 ducuts more expensive than a Shock Trooper and can take armour plus any weapon they wish (despite sniper being in their name, their bonuses are locked to sniper rifles). They're a good way of getting some decent fire power into the warband. Even a single Sniper Priest with a Machine Gun or Grenade Launcher, if you can fit the cost, is a real good investments. I'd certainly say Sniper Priest + Machine Gun over Trench Mole + Machine Gun. +2/+4 on a Machine Gun melts groups of chaff.
WIP three armed worm homunculus for my alchemist force.I wish i was good with greenstuff.
>>94676760>>94677837It's a free stl floating around. Was on cults and got removed but you can find it with google.
New Prussian lore dropped>++ PRUSSIAN HAUPTMANN ++>"To be Prussian is an honour but not a pleasure.">The Heretic forces lead the Faithful in the arms race of tanks and other armoured vehicles. They are heavily armoured, fast-moving and often armed with terrifying hell-forged Sacrilege-type tank mortars. These weapons are designed to penetrate trenches, pillboxes and other defensive structures by employing technology that briefly tears through reality to puncture the defences. They target the occupants within using ammunition that unleashes echoes of the reversed words of God's Creation, reverberating at bone-shattering volume throughout the structures under attack. Specifically designed to undo divine work, they peel away skin, nervous systems and finally the flesh and internal organs of any mortals, layer by layer for each word as God’s creation is undone, causing excruciating death as their target slowly becomes unmade.>To counter these armoured threats that have been used time and again to break through their lines, the Prussians have developed many battlefield innovations from anti-materiel rifles to specialist close quarter Gardekorps units. As the Sacrilege cannons are slow-firing and hard to aim, the Prussians counter them with lighting-fast close quarters tactics.>The swords of the Gardekorps, commonly called ”tank-splitters”, are specifically designed to disable or destroy enemy armoured vehicles. Developed by the Prussian Institute of Metallurgy, their edges are orichalcum and titanium alloy, and these near-monomolecular blades can cut through most vehicle tracks and armour with ease, disabling them while the rest of the unit swarms the tank with incendiary grenades.
>>94695283>Speed is of essence here, as Heretics are well-aware of this tactic and counter such attacks with elite Legionnaires of their own, who compete with each other in capturing rather than killing the specialist Stoßtruppen, so they can be sold to the agents of the Court of the Seven-Headed Serpent as punishment for their audacity.>Though the Free State of Prussia is governed by an outlandish system called democracy (a relic from ancient Hellas) where each citizen can vote for representatives on the Landtag to decide state affairs, the nobility maintains a strong military tradition and has funds to buy officer’s commission. Many families can trace their lineage back to the Teutonic Orders who once conquered the lands of Prussia.>Depicted here is Frau Hauptmann Frederica von Goltz of the IV Gardekorps of Königsberg. Many units of the Prussian army disallow women in combat units, but scions of noble lineage often exercise their privilege of joining any regiment they wish. Von Goltz’s armour is hand-crafted by her personal armourer and, unlike the mass-produced suits of the rank-and-file, it allows sufficient speed and mobility for the furious and bitter melee combat the role of the unit requires. Mensur duelling is used to assess the required bravery of candidates of the tank-splitter untis, and Hauptmann von Goltz carries many scars on her face to prove hers.
>>94695283>>94695290They’re really buckling down on the Prussian stuff huh? It’s cool as hell so I don’t mind it one bit.>The Heretic forces lead the Faithful in the arms race of tanks and other armoured vehiclesI wish they’d show what some of said vehicles look like; I wanna make some burnt out tank chassis’ as scatter terrain or for a potential dragon substitute for the dragon hunt mission but I don’t want to buy a mark I tank kit and then find out nothing of the sort was ever made
No idea what I'm doing but does this look "playable" and will I have fun?
>>94695685It’s playable; obviously some stuff could be optimised but I think there isn’t anything offensively wrong with your list and that it plays to most of NA’s strengths. Having a great sword on your trench cleric is a bit rough though; no moving and throwing grenades so long as he doesn’t have strong, so you’d likely be better off not taking them in the first place and spending the points on something like a shovel for your sniper priest. Your points value looks like it’s 900 ducats but I’ve noticed you haven’t spent your 8 glory on anything, what’s going on there?>spoilerYeah; fireteam each heavy infantry to one of your elites (I’d suggest the lieutenant and sniper priest) and gun down enemies while your Yeoman take pot shots and rush for objectives. Should be a good time. My suggestion if you can spend glory is to grab a communicant tank hunter, a field shrine and some martydom pills for one of your elites (probably the cleric, if he’s gonna be melee dedicated)
>>94695283Hope they go in depth for all the alternate warbands, those seem far more interesting to me than the base ones honestly.>tank-splittersNeat. Prussians should get their own version of the anti tank hammer, thatd be cool. Still waiting to see what Black Grail Dirge and Eire is suppose to look like before making anything for them.>Dirge is from before modern times and use blunderbus's on thralls and focus on knights, but lack the fly aesthetic because they are shunned by Beelzebub, instead they are an endless funeral procession of husksSo are they like hollows from Dark Souls? Im curious what the thralls with guns are suppose to be considering the lack of fly blessing and that they are from before the modern war.>Eire doesnt have heavy armour or heavy weapons at all, but their shocktroopers have infiltrate and skirmish, implying they are sort of stealth force that is about hit and run rather than sustained fightingI like the idea of that but I really want to see what thats suppose to look like visually.
>>94695283That guy is styling, and I love it.
How do people have the .stls already?
>>94695796Why can't he throw a grenade and charge in with the sword?
>>94696489Uhm it's a gal, chud
>>94697451Because greatsword is heavy.
>>94695290>lightly armored and mobile>random gender shit thrown inTrench Prussia is some kinda American diversity rangers?
>>94697629Do you take issue with stigmatic nuns being better combatants than the pilgrims?
>>94697451Greatsword is a weapon with the heavy keyword, and heavy weapons have certain restrictions models have to abide by if they don't have the strong keyword.>>94696733Kickstarter backers got the STL files sent to them before christmas
>>94697653No, because the nun lore doesn't have text about democracy and trench gender politics.
>>94697798Why do only women get stigmata though.
>>94697629>Many units of the Prussian army disallow women in combat units, but scions of noble lineage often exercise their privilege of joining any regiment they wish.Its describing how nobles go above military rank and just walk into their role because of their family, not their aptitude in the military, so much so even women can do it.
>>94697810Excuse to show bare tits.
>>94697852Respect it. But what a bout their black female leader
>>94697861You can get some bare tits there too but it takes some effort.
>>94697861NTA, but she's not wearing a capirote so she's affected by fear and automatically inferior
>>94697629Since America apparently never got discovered in this world, someone has to take up the slack. On that note, I wonder if the Native Americans on the east coast ever see warpstorms or some shit over the Atlantic and wonder "The fuck is going on over there?"
>>94698410I'm more curious about what the Chinese are doing. Whole large, built-up nation on the other side of the world from the apocalypse. But I respect the creators' refusal to explore that stuff. "Stay on topic"makes sense
>>94698447Yea, the creators have a delicate balancing act to walk here. While the Chinese, Japanese, Native Americans, etc. should probably have some kind of opinion on the whole "gates of Hell thrown open, there is a raging war of literally apocalyptic proportions" thing, involving them and their religious traditions would fuck with the whole Abrahamic basis of the setting.
>>94698517It strikes me as odd, personally, that the Mongols would just ignore the collapsing civilizations and demonic armies on the periphery of their territory when historically they were wrecking the Eastern end of the Islamic world in during the later Crusade period.
>>94698593Maybe they fought a few battles, got their shit absolutely pushed in by demonic forces beyond their comprehension, and thought "Oh yeah fuck this" and are doing the equivalent of hiding in the house with the blinds down and the lights off until the door to door salesman leaves.
>>94698517>JapanHeretic navy opening Japanese borders like Matthew Perry, leading to sengoku jidai type of conflict between pious clans and demonic clans. Would be one way to add them.
>>94698698That could actually be pretty cool. The country being largely under heretic dominion, opposed only by hidden clans of Kakure Kirishitans ninjas and ronin.
Is it worth running an assassin in Iron Sultanate? They seem pretty damn pricey for a melee unit that>doesn’t have fear or immunity to fear>doesn’t have tough>doesn’t come pre-loaded with gear>doesn’t ignore the off-hand melee debuffIn fidai they make a lot more sense since you can give them those crazy upgrades and give them strong so they can dual wield an assassin dagger + great hammer and run around with a machine gun but they seem really limited in vanilla IS.
>>94698517Personally I hope they never get elaborated on, or at least not for a long-ass time. I'd much rather people your dudes all of the regions outside of the main game instead of throwing shitfits or begging the creators to rigidly spell out everything. I already think having half a dozen New Antioch variants for each country is already a mistake.
>>94697629Are you gonna make posts like that, every time a women is visible in every piece of official TC art?
>>94698828Dumb bitch, where are his shoes
>>94700174anon this is /tg/ you already know the answer to that
>>94700357You think the Lord Christ wore shoes as he was made to walk the Via Dolorosa?
>>94700174Not that guy, but he betterGotta gatekeep the thinskinned out or we'll get all sorts of whiney hoes
>>94698828IMO I would call them a counter unit in vanilla iron. Give him a long range gun and kinda play keep away with him unless you see your opponent deploy somthing spicy a bit too far out, then send him in to nip it.Because they can attack two guys possibly 36 inches apart in melee too I think they have a solid place at picking off mooks
>>94668188There's this guy if you wanted a direct 1:1 of your art.
>>94695283>>94695290>The Heretic forces lead the Faithful in the arms race of tanks and other armoured vehicles. >They are heavily armoured, fast-moving and often armed with terrifying hell-forged Sacrilege-type tank mortars.Between this and the Possessed Tank in the Dragon Hunt scenario, that's two mentions of tanks back-to-back. If there's a third soon, then it's a pattern. And that might mean a tank might be on it's way, probably for late campaign stuff.
I don't really care for new antioch, I understand it's the imperial guard type thing but there's a big balance problem with variant lists so far. I like the trench pilgrim ones but where's the court or black grail ones? If every bloody country gets a variant for NA it's gonna be a bit much
>>94701741BG has 1 so far but doesn't mean they will always have only 1. They are still making the rules.
>>94701741>but where's the courtCourt isn't fully finished, and has a variant for each sin built into it (well, half of them are built in, the other half are still being made).>or black grail ones? There's one out, and The Red Hunger is in development.The game hasn't reached the release version yet, give it some time.
>>94701764I haven't stopped thinking about this model ever since anon made it in /awg/.
>>94701760>>94701764To be clear, I know it's all still new and that they'll balance it out, it's just a bit much to me that NA have more variations than all the others combined
Can I equip a fellow with a shotgun/trench shield combo and a dagger?
>>94701773Were are afflicted by the same problem.
>>94701776They're easy to make ones for and one of the original designs. I think they're also the most popular, so it makes sense.
>>94701781I wonder how he did it, because I don't think those legs come separate from the torso. He must have sawed them off the body.
Anyone have size comparisons between the official minis and other models that might be used in conversions? Like warlord, victrix,etc
>>94701780Yes. You can't unequip the combat shield, but you can unequip the shotgun and use the dagger, or any melee weapon, as long as it only takes one hand to use.
>>94701793Anon the kickstarter page gives you images that list the precise high of each mini in mm's.
>>94701826Okay but I want to see them compared to third party minis
>>94700686I guess that sounds fair, but It feels like janissaries can already fufill that role of stomping on mooks already for a lower price point. Suppose you could theoritically get more control from using an assassin since you can infiltrate him and position him wherever you want (potentially to snipe from a building for a ranged bonus, to capture an objective turn 1) but they just feel like such a heavy investment to make for a campaign list when you're already trying to squeeze a brazen bull and an alchemist in the list.
>>94701873For a campaign, I would say the benefits of an assy are that its an elite, so harder to put down, levels more, etc (but same as the alchy) and the mental effect on the opponent.After the first match with you all your opponents are gonna know you have an assassin, and be forced to deploy accordingly. I personally would hold off on a bull at the start of a campaign over passing on an assassin, but it comes down to taste atm.
>>94702163>I personally would hold off on a bull at the start of a campaign over passing on an assassin, but it comes down to taste atm.What's the reasoning there? Bulls are basically THE unit when it comes to being anti-armour. It's expensive as hell grabbing one down the line, so doesn't it make more sense to grab one off the bat and then use ducats earned from games to fill the list out with Azebs, Lions etc. down the track cause they're cheap as chips? Other people seem to take their war wolves, MHI and other -3 units right off the bat, so I feel like I'm just gonna get fucked up the ass If I don't have a bombard to deal with them, or use the bombard to just knock down mooks so I can force a cheater's morale check>For a campaign, I would say the benefits of an assy are that its an elite, so harder to put down, levels more, etcThat's really the only reason I'm tossing and turning at the moment. It feels like it's technically a better investment when it comes to ducats, and skill investment is obviously a thing (could dip into melee and try to get strong or surgical strike or even hard as nails) but fuck me starting without a bull and gambling my anti armour on a roll of the skill table, and at worst it only comes by game 3, that just seems risky as all hell. With my current list to include both I'd basically have to get rid of a janissary and an azeb, which leaves me with>Yubazi with standard armour, halberd gun +alchem ammo>Alchemist with standard armour, shovel and sniper>Assassin with standard armour, sniper and assassin dagger>Brazen Bull with standard armour, trench shield and bombard>Janissary with standard armour, siege jezzail + alchem ammo and great sword>Azeb with jezzail + alchem ammo6 Dudes, all of them squishy as hell and most of them kind of important to keep alive. Just seems like no matter which way I start off It's gonna be rough, compared to other factions that can kind of just have their cake
>>94691788>no once cares Yes you do. If you didn't care you wouldn't fight it so hard you need a hypeman. You care a lot. You just care about a thing differently that other people and want to pretend that's not the case. That's why your kind is so insipid. They can't admit what they want. >>94691933nou
>>94700672You are "the thinskinned" and so is that anon. Can't handle fictional women existing without throwing a fit.
>>94695283Will they make a book with all the lore they have on their Facebook pages? The current rulebook only has a couple of sentences for each unit rather than the whole lore.I have no interest in playing the wargame, I just want a full lore and art compilation.
>>94704144I would assume the print version of the book will have all that. Anything online right now is just to have something to play with.
Lever action and revolver rifles would fall under bolt actions, right?
>>94705988semi auto rifles?
>>94702436I mean, we are playing a squishy faction. A lot of our stuff is based around luring out dudes and pounding them at key moments due to good positioning and abilities.Assassin knives are some of the best, reliable anti armor melee in the game, even against holy armor and equivalents. You need 2-3 blood die stacked, but if you are trying to take out a heavy -3 armor piece early doesn't that just go without saying? What else is an Alchemist for?As far as other factions having their cake, bro you have 2 snipers and insta-down artillery at the start in that list. Like what in the game can you not royally threaten with that list from across the map. Aside from that, I'd probably bail on Jani and Azeb in favor of a well-set sapper or two with a saxophone. Being able to place mines and run to force blood die/wasted time going around is huge for various scenarios, and a Yubazi+bull is more meat than you should need at 700 ducats playing Iron IMO. Iron is built to play cagey as fuck and punish over-extending, two tough units seems like a waste of points to me personally. Are you getting flanked a lot or something? Might want to use grenades more too, really nice way to stack blood dice before a charge or on a group, especially for assassins. Cheap Blast to get around corners and cover is nothing to sneeze at, with Assault and Shrapnel. If you are really attached to the bull bombard tho, and want to bail on assassin, why not pick up two Lions? Locking heavies down for even two rounds is huge. (If you are gonna use the downed strategy though, why not go House of Wisdom? Their Takwin do it for cheaper in the long run in a campaign, with their Re-Creation, and they get more lions.)
>>94702801Now now, you are throwing a fit over a bot throwing a fit over a fictional woman. Calm your tits and instead of biting bait, why don't you explain why the list builder has incorrect info for the assassin Iron Sultan sub faction?They can't get homunculi!C-can they?
>>94705988Probably most fitting yes, but nobody is gonna be mad if you run them as semi-autos
>>94708896>why not pick up two Lions? Locking heavies down for even two rounds is huge.I'm a Grail Player but can also confirm a tactical huge dog with a -1 dice injury penalty can really lock down some big units. Had a randomized deployment scenario place mine into enemy territory, and after picking up a sniper priest he managed to tie up two mechanized infantry worth way more points for several rounds. Lions feel like they could be even more annoying since you can strap armor onto them.
Does this mean I can buy whatever Glory equipment I want when playing a regular game, including the one within Cthe ampaign book, correct?Also, I'm guessing the builder app isn't official, and it's always secondary to actual PDFs, right?
>>94711358Pretty sure it's just the default equipment in the book unless you agree prior with your opponent that the use of the campaign stuff is allowed
>>94711444I don't think soDefault armoury is already mentioned beforehand, then these Campaign-specific items are awarded through exploration and lootingThis pic specifically mentions "any" equipment and how you're free to get it during regular matches
So are the Order of the Dragon vampires 4 God or are they just a bunch of Slavs and Hungarians
>>94711595If Eire is anything to go by(they are closer to pagans that wear the skulls of enemies and have lineage to barbarians) they are for God, they are disliked by the church but serve in spite of that because they love God and hate the hell, so are even tolerated by the church to exist.
>>94661438>Quake font>The ScourgeCool little reference.
So I've been taking a second look at Trench Crusade over the last month, and not only have I got a hook-up from someone who got the STL's from the kickstarter, but I've also been buying some things to kitbash me some Antioch Shock Troopers and Yeoman. Has there been any word on when the models/STL's will be available for purchase? I don't want to wear out my friend's good will (even though he's already said he'll be printing me everything)- but it would also help so I don't have to let some greasy weirdos touch my models when I play with others, I can direct them to acquire their own.Otherwise- I'm tempted to run the Prussian Shock Troopers... anything that is 'auto-include'?
Finally started printing some mooks, i have zero idea what im doing but the models are looking decent from my mars 2 pro
I wonder if I could play heretic legion or something with Blooded minis I already have.. .I cant afford or print the models
>>94714316>cant afford to print but can afford GWcome on brah. Could try kitbashing different historical ranges?
>>94714316It's mostly doable. Big Ogryn guy could work as an Anointed, powerfist man as a the Priest, and the rest as Legionnaires/Troops. Could even make a Chorister by slicing off a head, putting in some wire/paperclips, and layering it up with glue a bit before painting it bloody. Missing a Death Commando, Artillery Witch, and a War Wolf, but those could be proxied via other kits. I'd also consider removing as much obviously 40k parts of the models as possible (chaos stars, guard helmets, plasma gun, etc).
>>94714316Yeah easy, the game is designed to use your other stuff and a lot of people have 40k handy.
>>94714376>>94714395>>94714335Thanks Anons, idk about completely removing the head but I imagine I could make a mold of clay to put around the head and act like its a blood clump or something with wires poking out
Wonder what the Americans, Canadians and Brits are up toDo you imagine there will be any factions not related to hell? Or will every faction be a hell corrupted one? Theres a Church Space program that will probably be Alien Demons at some point like DOOM16I unironically want a Paladin game set in Hell and it just be Doom, that would kick ass
>>94714512Brits are pumping money and resources into NA and fighting the naval fight against Heretics coming out of Gibraltar. They have something called great mobile fortress Britain or something. No idea what it is, but wouldn't surprise me if Britain can just move around now. Americans and Canadians probably don't exist, at least not as the nations we know of.
>>94661438>>94711957Also facehuggers... but with legs!
where can you get the official mini stl files?
>>94698447>>94698517>>94698909Agreed with all of that, but sadly I've seen lots of tone-deaf retards on TC communities asking for Aztecs, Indians, Japanese, Pagans, Polynesians and all sorts of other shit that just wouldn't fit the setting we have right now at all. I hope the devs are smart enough to not listen to them and keep the project artistically and thematically coherent, at least until it would really begin to need some expanding
>>94701741What feels even weirder to me is that despite the fact that all the European nations so far have been handled as NA variants, Polish-Lithuania was already confirmed to be an upcoming separate faction. Which is a country that didn't even exist at this point in history for over a century. But alternative history I suppose. I dunno, just feels like a weird inconsistency in design. But yeah, I'm sure we'll get more variants for other factions with time. What also really surprises me is that NA seems to be definitely the most popular faction, at least from my experience, while for me they're easily the blandest, most boring and least appealing by far. Like,you can choose between crazed-up fanatical Chrisitians, over-the-top fantasy Muslims, edgy Satanists juiced up with hellish powers, imposing demons with vast slave armies or horde of grotesque mutants spreading magical cancer......and what you go for are regular soldier dudes? Why not just play a historical then? It can't even be the underdog fantasy thing like with Imperial Guard in 40k, since Trench Pilgrims here are way more underdog than NA. Is it just the same kind of weird "yeah, I'll pick the default protagonist faction, that's what they are for" mentality that causes such a large chunk of people to play ultramarines?
>>94715904Ease of kitbashing- for NA all you need is any kind of footsoldier from say Napoleonic to WW2 and some medieval helmets to jam onto them, or medieval minis to add rifles to.No giant monsters, no enormous custom coneheads, no off brand Nurgle weapons.
>>94715904Well you could also look at it like this; Pilgrims are ranting hobos that dont even wear shoes, muslim aesthetic is distinct visual taste and not everyone likes it, and hell factions are ugly where most of your forces are just going to be pasty zombie looking guys. NA just looks cool and its the most direct way to just play WW1 guys fighting against horrors, which is an appeal of its own you dont see with other games. I like all the factions to the point Im struggling with which to stick with making a full force for, even the sub factions seem cool, but NA definately has an instant appeal of being effectively normal people with guns dropped into hell and fighting to survive.Ideally you want 2 factions for any game you play just so everyone isnt just fighting space marines.
>>94716142Desu I feel like trench ghosts fufill that need for just "ww1 dudes with guns". I know they're literally ghosts but you can model them up as just being normal dudes for the most part
>>94716346It dosent help that trench ghosts apparently really suck as a subfaction.
>>94716365Do they? -1D to dashes sucks and they lose some of their heavy hitters, but -1D to all injuries agains them seems pretty damn strong
>>94716365They do? I thought FEAR and -1 roll to all injuries across all units was fantastic. Whats the drawback? Their leader even gets STRONG, which for some reason is a rarity for leaders and prevents them from getting full use out of those +2 ranged and melee rolls since they cant use heavier weapons as effectively.
>>94715904>What also really surprises me is that NA seems to be definitely the most popular faction, at least from my experience, while for me they're easily the blandest, most boring and least appealing by far.Taking to boring to the fantastical and beating the shit out of it through tactics is like, the oldest fantasy on the planet. Its practically a primal need. That will never change. This isn't Ultramarines players, this is Imperial Guard players. Though 40k isn't actually a good 1:1 IMO in faction vibes.
>>94715904I mean, NA IS the trench crusade aesthetic for a lot of people. WW1 soliders with bits of medieval kit mixed in. Not surprising that it's popular.
>>94715904>What also really surprises me is that NA seems to be definitely the most popular faction, at least from my experience, while for me they're easily the blandest, most boring and least appealing by far.I agree. I like them well enough but just *how* popular they are seems unwarranted to me
>>94717206TP are apparently the most popular though, followed by NA and then HL. BG is the least popular, its a shame too because they have some of the best conversions Ive seen. >play dirge>just make 3 big dark souls bosses for for your knights, and the rest of the warband are disposable hollow menWhen I finish my TP warband I intend to do this myself, I dont much like the "nurgle" aesthetic, but dirge seems to be more about husks and knights than flies and gore judging by the description.Its worth looking at all the alternate warbands rather than just their default, it would be nice to have some of the art for those alts in the rulebook.
>>94710998Because Lions lock someone Down if they are down in melee with them, and so many scenarios are four rounds, it would be easy to knock a mini down with a bombard, sic a lion on it, and effectively keep it out of the game for round 2 and 3 or 3 and 4.
>>94717304BG are cool to an extent, but they just feel a bit out of place (plague zombies in trench warfare? how are they not artillery bombed to hell and back??) and their gameplay is really straight forward and not all that exciting (run a swarm of disposable dudes at the enemy and fire off a salvo of shitty ranged attacks while your big stompy dudes run down the field). Dirge is a little more interesting but it's so limited in variance it's hard to do anything fun or unique with; every Dirge list is the exact same. The popular factions are popular because you can be really customisable with how you run them and you aren't locked into certain aesthetics, and thats not even getting into variants which can completely change the feel of said factions (TP's getting access to anchorite shrines with autocannons, NA's being able to shift into entirely melee devoted lists, HL turning into a faux-BG faction with fear and -dice on injury rolls). Another big factor is campaign and mercenary rules; almost every faction that isn't NA or TP is kind of shafted in that capacity.I'm waiting to see what Red Hunger is like; I want to like Dirge, plague knights are cool as shit and plague zombies with guns is cool but not cool enough to forgive taking away the Amalgam and LoT and basically being forced into spamming "whoops; all bereaved!" because of how the variant is organised. I don't want to use weird gross heralds and I don't want to run corpse guard because they're a melee bodyguard unit in a predominantly ranged focused variant
>>94715904>What also really surprises me is that NA seems to be definitely the most popular faction,They're the most bland and TC has been trying to expand their user base like crazy. Its the natural result. More people like bland.
>>94717515>but they just feel a bit out of placeStopped reading right thereWhat the fuck are you talking about? There are only, like, I don't know, about several fucking hundred myths and legends about Zombies in the trenches during WW1. Fucks sake there's a Sabaton song about one of them.
>>94717304As a Black Grail player I like their look and they're reasonably fun to play, but they're unfortunately a very narrow faction in terms of what you can do with them mechanically. A good chunk of your warband can't wear armor or wield weapons nor advance well during campaigns, and your elite units are very similar in purpose most of the time. It feels fundamentally incomplete as a faction, and while Dirge has some good ideas it's also such a drastic variant that it's functionally its own army. I can see why the devs are so cautious because Grail units are generally tough to kill unless you tech for them and can be a real bastard against newer players, but I do still feel like they're missing something. Personally I wish Grail Thralls had something similar to the Martyr Penitent rule where upon some combination of an extra cost, battle condition, and/or promotion to Elite (assuming they could for this example), they lose their penalty to melee, gain access to the Grail equipment list, and gain access to Elite promotion if that wasn't a requirement anyway.
>>94717981Yeah, I'm not really a Grail player, but looking at them I feel the same. I think they could use something like Sultanate's variants special abilities that you can buy for different models. Could be some sorts of mutations giving them extra propierties or abilities since their bodies are already so messed up and transformed or something like that
>>94717515I feel BG belongs pretty soundly in regard to the hell aspect, and at a stretch, the WW1 aspect of disease and filth. Its honestly a surprise there is no "rat" variant.Dirge stands out to me because they seem like you are playing the boss fight scenario>literally nothing matters in your team except your 3 flavours of knights who are equipped with everything >they get the ability to make their chaff units to take an action. Can activate as many on a turn as there are infection markers in play, and this doesnt end the knight OR the activated units turn. The more infection markers the more turns you get for free>more of these units+more infection markers=more free turns>enemy has to focus on removing your ads before they pile on and become a serious threat as infection markers mount >viscera cannons can now be used on the chaff units, which guarantees infection and near certain damageI mean that seems pretty fun both to fight against and to play.
>>94718216>I mean that seems pretty fun both to fight against and to play.Fun to play sure but it feels pretty dreadful to play against. BG can be such a pain in the ass to fight if you don’t specifically prepare against them as is and Dirge are on a slightly worse level to deal with>didnt bring any fire weapons? you’re gonna be injuring on minus dice for almost every attack>didnt bring gas masks? prepare to get absolutely smoked out by bereaved spamming gas grenades against you>didnt bring more than six people? prepare to be out activated and unable to interrupt any of the dirge player’s turns>brought mostly armoured units? prepare to die to basic bereaved that can take a rifle that partially ignores armour>running melee? hope you brought some anti-fear because EVERYTHING has fear>low model count? prepare to fail your morale test after 2 of your dudes die to viscera cannon spam and you have to roll with a negative>have a ranged gun line? Good luck trying to hit the urn carrier who’s escorting a horde of bereaved up the board in coverIf you account for them specifically then you can have more fun and forth with them, but my god when you don’t they’re an absolute nightmare. It’s not like other factions where you can sort of workshop whatever your current list is and try to brute force a solution; if you don’t counter enough of BG/Dirge’s shit specifically they feel absolutely terrible to play against.
Damn, there's no mercenaries that have machine armor
>>94718956Seems that way. I see the obvious downsides of the faction that are more apparent than most factions however. Fire, range focus and grenades seems to deal with them. For instance, their chaff can ALL be swipped off the table with a single grenade, as they arent allowed to wear helmets and have to stay close to get the benefits of their melee buffs, so just give everyone a grenade. With any campaign game you change your units loadouts and composition to deal with what you are fighting, the problem with BG is they are rather limited in how they can adapt, and can easily be adapted for. There isnt a lot they can do with someone spamming grenades and long range, its the FEAR they have to get around if they manage to be met in melee. I like dirge specifically because they have a ranged counter argument at least.
>>94718956Hell factions always seem to start strong and taper off where the heaven factions seem to go from strength to strength. Stuff like viscera cannons sound great, stuff like fear on everything seems OP, but when the unit this is on cant equip armour or a helmet that fireteam of snipers priests equoped with blessed icons to improve rolls for their grenade launchers on the other side of the table outranging and staying out of melee becomes a problem, and thats before youve encounters the 2 heavy mechs wielding MGs in armour firing outside of your effective range for 3 attacks each who are saddled with a cleric removing fear in an area around them who is also wearing heavy armour.
>>94668280you got green gunk on it mr. fatty fingers
>>94720052I always feel like the melee buffs of the thralls are a trap and they make better cheap dorks for running objectives. It's a trap I completely understand people falling into though, since you see them and think "ah, this is the melee horde faction backed up by strong elites," but then compare that vs other factions and scenario limits. Maybe if there was a way to give them Fireteam you could do some sort of swarm coordination.
>>94720567I feel thats what the dirge warband does with the activation thing, thats their sort of version of "fireteams" where they can activate a bunch of ranged units on a single turn to fire. Suppose that requires a knight though, is there a scenario where they arent in play?
>>94714512America has never been colonized in this timeline. I think the European have some outposts on the shores of South America, with Trench Crusade version of conquistadors or something, but the North is still completely wild. There are probably wendigos roaming the woods, werewolves, tribes of natives doing cannibalism, sacrifice to dark gods and shit.
>>94714316I strongly suggest looking at Etsy for some various miniatures- there's a lot of pretty decent miniatures/models there that are great for kitbashing into Trench Crusade stuff......and usually quite cheap.
How do you actually include a building without having it look out of place in a setting like this? Most battlefield references I see for WW1 are basically just dead trees, trenches, no man lands and piles of rubbles where buildings used to be, and for most TC artwork I haven't seen really any kind of proper "buildings" beyond watch towers. Is every building just basically gonna be a fortification of some kind like a pillbox, bunker or watchtower?
>>94721871I mean, WW1 wasnt just trenches, thats a big misconception. Thats just what the areas tend to look like in heavily contested areas where artillery was set up and stalemates occured. Heres some notables that arent just trenches I can recall which gives license to have buildings>amiensFront line is pushed to a nearby city hence why it isnt complete rubble when urban fighting occurs>Meuse-Argon riverSame situation as above, this time its a fancy estate, could just have a straight up castle for this>ChampagneStreet fighting, they had no real artillery so there wasnt as much destruction as other fronts till laterThen theres the Ottoman front where it was mostly coastal and rapidly hoping from village to village because there was no time to set up artillery and build trenches. I feel like this would be the theatre if youre fighting the heretic legion as any other faction.Like you can have the centre piece be a bombed out church and it wouldnt be out of place, where both sides dont have artillery and have just established a frontline hence why there are building still standing.
Well now the discord has actually made a choice I'm annoyed by, banning links to STLs (Not pirate links, actual links to myminifactory and shit like that). They say it's to prevent 'scamming' but that smells of bullshit to me
>>94721871There are actually entire towns that crop up in no man's land. Sometimes they're heretics, sometimes they're just randos, sometimes they're deserters from both sides
Are muskets ever worth taking? It looks like they're the cheapest way to arm a Pilgrim (Musket + Bayonet for 7 ducats), but that -1D to injuries looks like it's not very versatile, especially for campaigns. You'd probably be better served by a War Cross, right?
>>94722299Muskets are in a bit of a weird spot; technically you'd take them as a way of being able to harm someone at the typical rangeband of a bolt action rifle. They're not gonna kill anything, you'd mostly just be using them to apply blood markers, but I think you'd be better served just saving the 5 ducats for something else since 18" is a weird rangeband for a weapon of it's kind.>It looks like they're the cheapest way to arm a Pilgrim (Musket + Bayonet for 7 ducats)If you wanted the cheapest way for ranged it'd be the musket yeah, but for ranged and melee that would technically be just buying a pistol at 6 ducats, since pistols can be used in melee also.>You'd probably be better served by a War Cross, right?You have to get within 8" of your target as opposed to just being able to take shots at 18" and potentially get lucky. Ignoring long range penalty is cool, but people can still take cover against a warcross so you're likely hitting with negative rolls anyway...The same way you would be if you had a musket and were within the short distance range, 9", and shooting at someone in cover. At a range like 8" you need a melee weapon, so then you're looking at 8 ducats for the bare minimum trench club and warcross or 10 ducats for a flail and warcross, whereas the musket just needs a bayonet and then you're covered for both, but the war cross has assault and actually lets you charge and melee after throwing it so ehhhhhh it's a toss up.I'd say just go with a pistol honestly.
>>94722413So, Warcrosses would probably be better as "sidearms" for your Punt Guns that aren't strong and maybe to add onto a Nun that didn't get an Autopistol for an Assault attack?
>>94722479Kind of yeah; they're basically a cheap way to scratch up an enemy before you go charging into them if you don't have a ranged weapon that has the assault keyword. It's much easier to kill someone if they have a blood marker on them, so you use assault weapons to maim the target first or even potentially down them so you can finish them off in melee and take them out of action before they can retaliate back
Okay, real question: is bloodbath really better than just spending all of the blood markers on a whooping +6DICE to injure (for a total of 8 fucking dice) and hoping for 2 sixes or a five and a six? In a situation where the enemy isn't down obviously
>>94722519Relying on dice rolls like that is still liable to screw you over desu; there's been multiple times I'm on a 3+ dice bonus and I roll 4 one's and a five and fail to hit a unit with an attack. I'm not sure of the actual maths or statistics but generally going for bloodbaths or added dice always seems to work out more for me as opposed to just getting bonus dice rolls and picking the highest.Maybe you're luckier than me and can make it work, but I'm sure bloodbath exists for a reason because it's mathetically better or something
>>94722553Sure, but with bloodbath you can also roll 3 low numbers and just make the enemy down or not even thatAnyway I've just done some quick calculations and interestingly it seems that with heavy armoured targets (i.e. you need a result of 12 to take them down) bloodbath indeed gives you a bit better kill probability, but when it comes to targets that can be brought down with a 9 or 10 it's slightly better to just go for +6DICE. This is assuming there are no +/-DICE to injury from other sources. And if the enemy is down, obviously always go for bloodbath. It's worth noting though, that probablity differences aren't very big, less than 10%. Take that with a pinch of salt though, I've never been a math genius and did that very quickly
>>94715740Although I'm no stranger to it, would anyone say 40k had that kind of prevelant problem?Sure this setting is much more familiar to our world and history, but I'd reckon Hell and Heaven having a lengthy throw down for a 1k years ago would change more than just one region on earth.I'm also hoping the creators keep their heads and vision, they've clearly got a direction and don't need others input in terms of thematic design.
>>94723976>would anyone say 40k had that kind of prevelant problem?Nah, because ever since the very first edition 40k was a huge dark sci-fi kitchen sink with a running theme of "Imperium is absurdly big and very varied and Galaxy is even bigger and full of weird stuff" Trench Crusade as of now is VERY focused on history and mythos of Abrahamic religions and on the Middle East area - and to a lesser extent on European nations which still have a strong connection to these 2 things. So sure, history definitely went down in a very different way and there's plenty of potential in exploring that, but it doesn't change the fact that adding some native Americans or Japanese, even if it could potentially be narratively explained, just wouldn't fit at all
>>94724510This is some bullshit if you want to try and work the angle of it making any sense. If it's just they don't want to include those parts sure why not, but also at that point it's a diy art scene game and it's out into the world so they can't really stop anyone.
Lore wise they fucked up by starting the timeline in the 15th century because that would imply European colonization of the rest of the world never happened. China and Korea for example would've made sense to be part of the Christian factions as they have a big IRL Christian demographic that could've been mixed with East Asian occult stuff. I guess the other route would be the Iron Sultanate by virtue of having the largest muslim population in Southeast Asia de facto take over the region and make TC Asia an Islamic state instead.
>>94724851I dont even think thats a bad thing though, Its trying to specifically lock the setting to WW1 and Crusades I think is why none of that other stuff in the world matters or is touched on>What is China doing right nowWhat do they have to do with WW1 and the Crusades? Nothing, so they dont exist. Ill take 10 different military orders and flavour of monks and it would be more in setting than adding something like Japan or America. This is not a universal setting where it should even try to just include every country, it should only try to stick to the framework of WW1 and Crusades, lest it start to veer off into just being about modern warfare where every country in the world has a faction, and theres also demons. It should specifically try to stick to WW1 and the Crusades and those involved in that.There are ways they can introduce China, but it has nothing to do with WW1 or Crusades, just christianity. See the Taiping Revoloution>man claims to be reincarnation of Jesus>leads a holy war>one of the biggest losses of human life in all history was over a man in China claiming to be JesusBut it has nothing to do with WW1 or Crusades any more than Jim Jones would for an American faction.
>>94724962Oh I agree with you don't get me wrong, I'm just saying at some point they're gonna have a vocal group of players who will yell at them about WHERE CHINA WHERE AMERICA and they're either gonna tell them to shut up or they're gonna have to actually work those in.
>>94724962This anon gets it Though technically WWI had an Asian war theatre, but that wouldn't happen without the colonial powers there, so it wouldn't happen here
>>94724994They havent done it so far, I assume they know what they are doing and what they want of the setting. Have some faith. Would be nice to have a world map at least, where they can mark different theatres of war for scenarios and frontlines etc .
>>94721871Areas that only recently have been turned into contest zones between the faithful and Hell's forces should be fairly intact (as in, not 100% trenches, bunkers, and barbed wire). Especially if it got taken over quickly after a major breakthrough.
What's the companies attitude toward third party model files being sold? I've seen a bunch of models obviously made for the game by others but don't know if any have been struck down in the past.Asking because I'm really liking the game but find some of the options for models lacking and if I can earn a pittance making something all the better.
>>94724962>>What is China doing right now>What do they have to do with WW1 and the Crusades?Well, given how there is a decently high chance that the Spanish Flu started thanks to Chinese laborers used by the Entente on the western front, you could say that China did contribute quite a bit to WW1. Plus, there was one battle fought between Germans and Anglo-Japanese forces during WW1 in China.
>>94725058Would also be interesting to see some Hell aligned territories that were bombed out and hastily consecrated like pic related. >>94725072The Kickstarter mentioned there's a few tiers to having official 3rd party minis which I believe break down to a "compatible with Trench Crusade" sort of label and then something more integrated like Westfalia is doing with their Red Brigade campaign. People are already doing their own versions of TC models way ahead of this being formalized because really the devs don't care that much and "Christian solider with WW1 gear" isn't something they can really copyright in a vacuum. If you want to make your own go nuts, and hell if you're looking for ideas most of the faction variants don't have even concept art so they're free real estate.
>>94725108Cool thanks for the answer, I figured as along as I don't either use their exact name or designs I couldn't see it being trouble. Right now I'm looking at the Communicant, it's a cool concept and I want to see it have a lot more options since it can have any equipment in the TP line and is imbued with the literal essence of Christ. Imagination goes wild.
>>94725088NTA you're talking to, but there is a surprising amount of Pacific islands that did have some WW1 involvement that were strongly Christian. The US isn't in Trench Crusade, but their first engagement against the Germans was in Guam, technically. TC could have sporadic islands in the Pacific being inhabited by Spaniards or Germans and local natives to the island fighting off the forces of hell coming from the oceans if they ever wanted to bring the setting there.
Carcass Front at the end of the year.
>>94725967What is Carcass Front?
>>94726129A big Campaign pack, made possible by hitting the 1 million mark on the kickstarter;DR: It's going to be a map-based campaign, will have extra rules, new scenarios, and both a standard campaign and a story-based campaign. The story-based campaign will let you take named historical characters, and at least they will get new models.
>>94725072If gw can't shut down blatant proxy making then these devs can't too.
>>94725967>RopeconWhat did they mean by this?
>>94726371Roleplaying convention, where he proceeds to rope degenerates.
>>94726371short for "rooli peli convention", thought there usually is a bdsm/shibari side-event, so if you get there misled by the title you won't be completely disappointed
>>94725028>They haven't done it so farWe're still in the super early stages of the game. The Jews haven't even gotten a faction beyond a singular mention in the lore timeline.
Is having more than one Communicant ever sensible with TPs or is it generally better to go with more bodies instead of making my list Elite?
I missed out on the kick starter? Are there any places I can get the models or do I need to find someone to bought the stl files and pay them to print them for me?
>>94728351The .stl's will eventually be on myminifactory, and I believe physical prints from, at some point Later™. Alternatively, Westfalia has a kickstarter campaign just for Red Brigade/New Antioch campaign coming up Soon™.
This shi is super cool.
>>94668188Surprised this wasn't Wayne Barlowe
>>94676625It's very "grimclusive"
>>94685563case in point >>94728426
>>94728284How are you getting multiple communicants? Aren't they a 0-1 unit, meaning you can only take one?>>94728351All the files are getting thrown up soon, think they're just fixing up the last couple of files that had some wonky shit up with them
Mornin' /trench/.Anybody know of some good painting tutorials for getting that Blanchitsu look without using oils/enamels?Best tutorial I got are these: thick brown wash, and in the case of the videos agrax earthshade. But I did see sepia washes mixed with a brown wash.Extra tutorials for achieving blanchitsu without oils/enamels are welcome.
>>94728473Blanchitsu is just painting with the Zorn Palette, so try looking up zorn palette miniature painting or something. You might get extra hits that way.
>>94728454Brain fart, I was thinking of unconventional lists and straight up neglected that bit. I also thought about giving a communicant some ranged but with -3 dice it seems like a waste.
>>94728545The Castigator looks like a pretty strong ranged unit when strong and with a punt gun.
>>94728545A flamethrower requires no ranged check and automatically hits, making it the perfect weapon for a communicant. TP also has no limit on flamethrowers I'm just realising, so now the idea of a procession of TP's that are obsessed with using holy fire is on the bucket list now
>>94728454>1 communicantI need me a warband variant with a communicant war prophet and the option to take like 4 of them
>>94728617>so now the idea of a procession of TP's that are obsessed with using holy fire is on the bucket list nowI believe that's mentioned in the book, it just hasn't been made yet
>>94728617Wait, huh? That sounds broken as fuck, what is the downside of a flamethrower?
>>94729749Very short range, -1DICE to actual injury (unless its the heavy variant), somewhat expensive.It's still pretty useful though, and extra blood markers from elemental are always sweet
>>94729749It's as the other anon said, but most importantly other than the expense (30 ducats you have to pay for every time someone dies and loses their flamethrower), you can't charge after using it cause it doesn't have the assault keyword. Using close ranged weapons like that? 8" away? You're liable to get your face smashed in by whatever you can't kill with fire.Sure you can get a polearm to offset a charge from an enemy, and sure you can drop 45 ducats when a pilgrim dies to get him back on his feet and lower the overall payment, but it's a LOT of money to be fuelling into dudes you usually feed into the jaws of the enemy
>>94730084 Now I want a heavy flamethrower in a team of communicants, each with their own massive weapon. I guess to make the multiple communicants faction variant would need some other restriction or simply make the comms more expensive to balance it out?
I'm not crazy about the Stigmatic Nuns model and want to use their statline for a different theme that I think could make work thematically, Werewolves.So it's entirely made up, but I like the idea of God cursing/blessing individuals with lycanthropy making them grow bestial in some fashion and giving them regenerative properties so they can hurl themselves at their enemies. Mostly inspired by a Hellboy comic called The Wolves of Saint Augustine and Powerwolf I'd make them lanky looking with robes and catholic iconography.Would you call complete bullshit and say I should just get some nuns with swords instead?
>>94730326Consider the myths regarding cynocephalians and at least one interpretation of St. Christopher which makes him hail from the tribe.Another interpretation is that he was given a dog's visage by God because he wanted to stop being followed by women.
>>94730242Are communicants supposed to be dumb brutes, or perfectly normal mentally, just juiced up on Meta-Christ's blood to make them extra big?Because if former, I could see a potential fun variant representing a bunch of communicants getting lost on No Man's Land and banding together along with a group of pilgrims who joined them for protection. But since they have no proper guidance or leadership, they're just kinda lost and clueless. Mechanically they'd replace all their elites with extra communicants, but they'd have chance to mess up orders sometimes and not act normally, sort of like orks/trolls in some GW specialist games >>94730326Sounds cool, maybe give them a variant of Yoke Fiend's Hateful rule to represent their bloothirst? Could be balanced with more bonuses to melee or being able to attack normally without weapons, because claws
>>94730399 >Yoke Fiend's Hateful rule to represent their bloothirstThat sounds appropriate but I'd probably just run them as straight Nuns instead of doing any kind of altering unless my opponent was down for something different to try out.>>94730352I knew about Saint Christopher but didn't know it was even more widespread than that, the idea seems a lot more legitimate now, especially if I get a flag holder with this baby on it. I guess I have to make my warband all Orthodox though huh?
>>94730326Cynecepheloi were a feature of a medieval Christian thought, and certain traditions paint Saint Christopher as a dog man.
>>94730326Could be cool, Id like to see that. Could take it the other way instead of a blessing its a noble act that results in a curse>monks that consume evil and carry unholy relics to prevent them from falling to the enemy and transporting them, in doing this they become more monsterous and beastly however, but they consider this a worth endevour even knowing that they will one day be put down by their own
>>94730399I'd sooner say communicants are in some way unstable, something to do with imbibing the Meta-Christ himself would probably mess you up. That isn't to say they're just automatically dumb, though that could also be an effect. Would be fun if on a campaign, communicants would specifically develop psychosis specific to them and their connection to God.
>>94730702NTA, but that's probably the cooler way to have faithful forces being even vaguely close to the heretic warwolf
>>94730702>>94731623I didn't even consider the Warwolf but I like the idea of the affliction slowly turning them into a raving beast and they're searching for a way to spend their ebbing soul before it's corrupted.Problem is I can't see anyone on the faithful side being okay with someone slowly turning into something heretical. Is there a way to spin it to the side of Saint Christopher, eg they COULD turn into a monster but there is a good chance that they more than make up for the corruption in their souls with their acts?Also besides its base description in the Playtest is there any other mention of the Warwolf?
>>94731754You could probably spin it like that, but Trench Pilgrims would definitely keep some prejudice against them because of the warwolf. They could probably act similarly to ecclesiastic prisoners with their corruption from whatever hell artifact they're guarding or previously guarding, that'd explain why they're desperate to get into close quarters to potentially die, but the blessings from God and curses from hell keep them alive. The penitent dogmen of Saint Christopher might be able to work.
>>94730399I think it depends on the communicant and the faction. Merc ones seem stable enough to fire an unwieldly gun well, Trench Pilgrims probably aren't getting access to the primo communicants, and the newly mentioned Red Brigade ones are basically mentally damaged nutjobs locked up until they get sent of suicide missions.
>>94656388Is America even mentioned in the loreOr East Asia
Got a rules question involving the merc Observer's Voice of God, when used on an opponents mini. Does the opponent get an activation after the Voice of God activation?The Lt On My Command in New Antiotch specifies that it forces the opponent to activate a model. Is this supposed to be the same sort of effect? Or does it allow a player to chain two of his, or his opponents, activations in a row?The wording on Voice of God doesn't specify removing the opponents choice for activation like On My Command does, and me and the bros are debating on the wording vs the intention.
>>94732660Its just the Lts ability but can target friendlies. Maybe Im not thinking it through, but why would you want to activate an enemy model, does that make the model have 2 turns or does it prevent it from taking a turn later.
>>94732703it would prevent it from taking an activation later in the turn from what I understand
>>94732703Activating an opponent's unit uses its activation for the round, so you can do things like force a unit that wouldn't have much impact that round like activate a Yoke Fiend before a Court Player can strip the Blood of a Wretched and fuck up their Blood production for the turn, activate a support piece before it has time to set up its position, force a gunner that would normally wait for opens to fire early while everyone is in cover, etc. It's not immediately intuitive but it's a nice ability once you get some system mastery under your belt.
>>94659311What faction is that? It looks super sick, id try it
>>94732845Looks like a custom made Heretic Legion.
>>94732871Thank you, appreciate it
how should I go about getting some trench pilgrim minis? Whats a good Trench Crusade army to have? I know for a FACT I need the Shrine and at least 2 Prisoners in my army, theyre too cool
>>94732948>how should I go about getting some trench pilgrim minis?Kitbash some stuff inspired by the art/lore.Alternatively there's the official (expensive) minis/STL's and cheaper STL alternatives out there. The game is miniature agnostic to its core, so you should use the models you find cool>Whats a good Trench Crusade army to have?The one you think is cool.>I know for a FACT I need the Shrine and at least 2 Prisoners in my army, theyr'e too coolSo Trench Pilgrims?
>>94733043>Whats a good Trench Crusade army to have?I meant whats a Good Trench Pilgrim army to have, like what to build and bringa am big dumb and put Crusade in by mistake
>>94733055You'll need at least one mini to be your War Prophet since they're required (and also very strong). Having a Castigator is also worth it since they're pretty cheap for their stats. From there having 3 Pilgrims for dudes, a few Stigmatic Nuns, and maybe a Communicant should get you going. At that point you've basically got the whole range if you don't care about going WYSIWYG.Cheap way would probably be to pick up a box of cultists like the Frostgrave Cultist line and then order some WW1 bits (guns mostly) and then make some little crosses out of wood. sprues, etc. If you have access to a 3d printer you'll be spoiled for choices.
Is there a place for little boys or girls in this war world?
>>94734129Childrens crusades (they're used to clear minefields) and sacrifices to moloch.
>>94734234That's a big ass BAR
>>94733219NTA; I went straight for the Frostgrave cultist strat myself but I'm a little lost on which WW1 multikit would best fit with them both in model and bit design?I'm sure most are fine to use as but there is a wide selection I'm totally unfamiliar with and want to know if there are already any boxes that are recommended.
Testing a scheme for my New Antioch
Anyone have any good tutorials that could be used for painting the court? I'm getting back into paintign with these models as a starting point and it's, well, kind of intimidating
Should War Prophets be shooty or brawly? With their support skills, it looks like you'd want them to be mostly ranged with an anti tank hammer in case things get sticky. The only problem is that it looks like the semi-automatic rifle looks like the most practical choice of guns to take at that point.
Wait a fucking second so the lore for Iron Sultanate is basically Attack on Titan
>>94735501Mayhaps, to some degree.
How the fuck are people already getting such good models out? Did they crack the STLs?
>>94735667Some brit was selling some on Etsy that looked clean enough. He got too much of a backlog and closed up shop until he can catch up, though.
>>94734415for you
>>94735280Looks nice anon>>94735448I'd say brawly; they have a risky action specifically meant for allowing other units around them to get into melee and to surge forward, and they have a support ability to take away blood markers from others, encouraging you to keep them close to some friends and get up in your enemy's face. I'd say for this reason it's more worthwhile to give prophets something like incendiary grenades or an auto pistol for a ranged weapon if you wanna take an anti-tank hammer, then during a campaign you just roll on the melee and ranged tables to try and get shit that will let you up your arsenal (strong so you can one hand the hammer, gunslinger to let you dual wield auto pistols for 4 shooting attacks, hip shot to turn any ranged weapon into an assault weapon etc.)
>>94735280beautiful, love the rusted white
Anyone seen any good herald of beelzebub conversions/alternate stls? It's one of my favourite models from the line but with only one I don't want feelings of spammy repetition. It seems like as far as models go, it's also unique enough that finding good alternatives would be hard
Man, this game and it's aesthetic is not colorblind friendly at all, all art and minis I've seen from it just look like a gray slurry.
>>94736512Skill issue.
Found out today Only Games is doing the physical models and it's too late to change my $200 pledge.
>>94736512Well, it's WW1 with extra grimdark, it'd be weird for it to look bright and saturated. Nothing stops you and your friends from painting it differently though if you have colourblind folks in your group. Or at least making coloured bases to make differentiating between warbands easier
though I've been posting in /wip/ I thought I'd share my iron sultanate boys here too
>>94738573Those are pretty cool anon, the azebs actually seem like one of the more interesting chaff units to make and paint honestly.
>>94738573Great work habibi and respect on the freehand flag. Any plans for the bases? It's nuts how great the models themselves look, how'd you acquire them?
>>94738626>>94738683thank you>Any plans for the bases?I want to do put some wood down and then muddy everything up to make it look like they are in the trenches running along the planks but I've never done bases before so I will have to look into this>how'd you acquire themthose are the first released STLs on the 20th DecemberThe captain's tiddybird broke off when removing the supports the models were a nightmare to print but I wanted to try the sultanate first hopeful for the updated versions of the models>pic related the captain in his cage of supports
>>94738573Beautiful, the sapper needs to be bit more dirty tho. Unless its his first day.
Made a plague knight! Magnetized the head, so she can wear a helmet.
>>94738849Nice. Yous shouldver posted these in the next thread, this one is autosage.
>>94734234Sometimes it's real hard to tell the difference between the armies of Hell and those of the Faithful.
>>94738770 one is pretty solid and straightforward. Also you can totally do a mud texture with just used ground coffee that's been sterilized and some paint added to it. Just experiment with it until you get a texture you like.
>>94738371Not only is it on the kickstarter page, they've sent out so many emails talking about it. Did you even do the pledge manager? Why would you back something without reading the whole kickstarter page?
>>94738830>>94738849Cute, you did another model with one of those anime looking heads right? Was it a communicant or another plague knight I can’t remember.Whatever the case it looks nice anon, looking forward to seeing more
>>94739750I am not a clever man.
I've finally sent off an email to a printing company to see if they can do a couple of warbands for me. No idea how the process works since I've never 3D printed before. I'm guessing they do all the splicing or whatever since you're paying them. Hopefully they just ask for the STL files and how many of each.
What's a general guideline for terrain in this game?Do you need infinity-tier or 40k-tier density with many los blockers?Do you have larte open spaces but with lots of cover-providing obstacles?Do you make the entire board into labyrinth of trenches to play pseudo space hulk?
>>94741239Whatever works for you, but from my experience quite dense terrain with climbable roofs and stuff seems to be the way to go. Throwing in some trenches is obviously a good and fitting idea as well, but I don't think you should be making the whole board a labyrinth of them
Flesh Bled>>94741725>>94741725>>94741725