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Warhammer 40k and/or Age of Sigmar armies I am thinking about getting for my first one.

>Great and I definitely would want to start this Tier
Grey Knights
Slaves to Darkness
>I really like this one Tier
Daughters of Khaine
Maggotkin of Nurgle
Ogor Mawtribes
Sisters of Battle
Death Guard
>Only really like one unit from it Tier
Cities of Sigmar
Idoneth Deepkin
Stormcast Eternals
Blades of Khorne
Disciples of Tzeentch
Hedonites of Slaneesh
Flesh-eater Courts
Ossiarch Bonereapers
Soullight Gravelords
AoS Orks
Imperial Guard
World Eaters
Chaos Space Marines
Space Marines
>Great but gameplaywise its bad or really really expensive Tier
Gloomspite Gitz
Sons of Behemat
Chaos/Imperial Knights
Genestealer Cults
Thousand Sons
>Bruh Tier
Kharadron Overlords
Chaos Daemons
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Mono anime figure Behemat is the only acceptable choice
I'm not sure what you expect any of us to do with this information
Grey Knights and Slaves to Darkness are good choices, very cheap too.
Grey Knights are getting reworked and Eldar are almost done with their reworks. So one of those.
Death guard and slaves to darkness. Take my word for it.

Now stop spamming this shit. You already made up your mind idk what you expect from us.
Slaves to Darkness is a bad choice, they have so much trim and fiddly detail, it's insane. Choose Lumineth.
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bro just play marines its babies first army...
also it seems like you've already made up your mind on most of them so did you really need to make this thread again?
>Choose Lumineth.
Those are just as spindly and bad to paint, not to mention harder to play.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Most of them are nice flat surfaces.
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This isn't LiveJournal, you know. We don't care what you want to CONSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM.
Death Guard aren't in an good position right now.
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>WoC, Eldar, and Grey Knights
I was going to tell you to kill yourself but now you have my attention. Grey Knights are due for a refresh in the next ~3 years so I would hold off on them for now. WoC are based because you can use them in both TOW and (((AoS))). Eldar are by far the coolest xenos, but Dark Eldar are also due for a refresh soon, so maybe wait and see so you can compare the new ranges. Death Guard and Nurgle WoC are both very cool but both shit on the tabletop.
TLDR either Eldar or wait and see, get WoC though
This, Eldar are great and Slaves to Darkness too.
AoS is currently the better game, and spearhead is better thought out than combat patrol (The intro game modes)
Spearheads are also cheaper than Combat Patrols by like 10-20%.
I’m operating under the assumption OP doesn’t know or care about the rules. If he is starting out then he should be choosing based on rules.

NTA but lumineth are awful to paint and the spearmen are prone to breaking

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>If he is starting out then he should be choosing based on rules.
Isn't the most common advice to pick what is the coolest unless it's hard to learn (e.g Genestealers, Daughters of Khaine) or hard to paint (Lumineth, Seraphon)?
>hard to paint
What? You need like 2-3 base colors to diffirintiate between skinks, saurus,. maunts, and some type of metallic to paint the whole army, its all lizard scales with trinkets
Not usre what do you want us to tell you? You want S2D for AoS and either GK or Eldar for 40k, just pick the system and do it? Why bother with the rest?
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Sorry, typo. meant to say he should NOT be choosing based on rules and instead should be choosing on coolness.

Op is kind of retarded for making a list and not asking a particular question about it or asking for another perspective

40k tax is real and has really hit or miss releases. Like Coteaz and the new ork boyz kit and the recent blood angels wave vs the new Krieg spoilers.

AoS spearheads have better rules, better models, and more points per box ON TOP of being cheaper. More bang for your buck, and a bigger bang at that.

40k also tends to have more autists, custom imperial guard history-fag “I look Nordic as fuck” nazis,
Yeah but you also have to do scales and the overlapping areas where colours meet.
cool thread
Won't speak on AOS I have no idea lol
Eldar are cool, but much higher priced after their refreshes. Grey knights are due for one but being old and elite means they are one of the cheaper armies; if you can stand the dreadknight (and aren't concerned about refreshes making your boys look too small) you could go for it. The current dark eldar combat patrol is also really cost-efficient, but beyond it huge amounts of their range are overpriced/oop/totally unviable right now, likely due for a refresh like others have said. imo you can't go wrong with boats/kabalites and scourges and the like, they've held up really well. Lot of spiky bits and bobs to paint around, though
They still aren't that hard to paint.
Aos is currently more balanced, has better rules, is cheaper to get into, and the starter boxes give you more bang for your buck since AoS armies are generally smaller. The only real downside I can think of is that some AoS armies have "Mandatory" (IE, 0 points cost) faction terrain and enddless spells that you also are strongly encouraged to buy, but you still end up spending less than a 40K army.
Like, the Slaves to Darkness spearhead is basically half an army points wise.
>Slaves to Darkness spearhead
The nameless one or the one with the woman?
I struggle to understand why I should care.
Because they opened up to us.
>Grey Knights
I would wait until their range refresh which is probably going to happen soon (relative to GW timeline, so a few years)
>Slaves to Darkness
Nothing bad to say, great lineup
Same as above, they are about to get a launch box and new minis so maybe check that out.
Are Thousand Sons that expensive?
Considering GW refuses to give tsons consistent discount boxes that aren't oops all tzaangors, probably. I think people said their boarding patrol was alright, might've been better then
>has better rules
4th edition is literally the worst thing to happend to AoS, besides the Legend rules from 1st edition people ridicule so much. Its a better execution than 10th 40k, but the concept is just as shitty
>4th edition
Is actually pretty good since my factions are good now.
Based egoist.
Correct. 4e is probably the worst AoS has been since early 1e
It's still head and shoulders better than 40k 10e though
The one with chaos warriors
The one with the chaos warriors is way better.
Thousand Sons have one of the worst starts via the Combat Patrol boxes, the only ones that are as bad as them are AdMech and Death Guard.
Worst combat patrols
>Thousand Sons aka Thousand Tzangors
>Death Guard aka Poxwalker Guard
>Admech, like 250 points a box

Best combat patrols
>Eldar, lots of points
>Dark Eldar, lots of points
>Custodes, lots of points
>Genestealer, lots of points, even more if you build them differently
Most 2023 Combat Patrols are better than the 2024 ones.
Yeah, GW reduced the points and added shit that they had to get rid of.
Just pick the guard, anon. You get the most (via third party) model choices and most homebrew leg room, and highest chance of being able to reuse your miniatures for other sci-fi wargames.
IG Box is pretty bad too, not many points.
Play necromunda
Who needs xenos when you have crackheads, hobos, roid junkies and schizos and every combination of those
Top of the line weapons? My autogun is held together with duct tape

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