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Tired of 5e? Pathfinder? Do you have a funky setting but NO system to go with it? We'll help ya, kind stranger.
Provide a detailed description of the game ya wanna run, and we'll offer you a system recommendation. Don't just request tho, be a good sport and help Anons who are looking for systems too! And feel free to discuss and debate the merits of different systems too!
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I, completely unironically, want to run a Vivzieverse campaign. I am at a loss for system, though. What kind of system would you even use for a game inspired by Helluva Boss?
Can you give a bit of a breakdown for those unfamiliar with the show? What are your needs?
>Can you give a bit of a breakdown for those unfamiliar with the show?
For the setting? Heaven and Hell exist, and there are beings native to both realms (i.e., not dead mortal souls). They have a bitter feud dating back to early history. The creator however sucks at putting lore in the show, so most of it is on her Twitter.
For the show itself? It's a dark comedy (that kind of mutates into a drama) about an assassination company run in Hell. They offer to assassinate people back on Earth for their mortal, now-in-hell clients. The main characters are several imps and a hellhound.
>What are your needs?
Something to capture that sort of dark comedy feel, where life is cheap and people die easily.
check flabbergasted, it's in newvola. It's a system for horrible high class people being horrible with no consequences. The intended flavor is 1920's US, but you can adapt stuff.
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You considered Paranoia XP? Its assumed setting is a post-apocalyptic bunker complex but you should be able to adapt the core mechanics pretty easily.

Never heard of this but it might fit well too
These both look really cool, thanks anons! I'm probably gonna go with Flabbergasted
>Never heard of this but it might fit well too
I don't even know ifsomeone asked for it, I just saw it on NV and it seemed pretty cool.

Do consider that Paranoia XP has a mechanic where you spend points to lower other player's roles and your personal objective almost surely includes getting them killed over and over again. It'd need a ton of reflavoring because everything is very tied to the setting, but it's not a bad skelleton for what you want at all.
Flabergasted is more basic and sitcom-y, so it'd be faster to adapt and run.
I'm working on a homebrew setting of elementalists, one where the elements are the top dog mystically speaking, so I'm looking for systems with a heavy focus on the elements in the magic and world to use as a basis for it, ones that are less well-known than the Avatar games or Legend of the Five Rings. If the system has sub-abilities for mages of each element besides manipulating the element itself, like healing magic for Water mages, all the better please.
>For the show itself? It's a dark comedy (that kind of mutates into a drama) about an assassination company run in Hell. They offer to assassinate people back on Earth for their mortal, now-in-hell clients. The main characters are several imps and a hellhound.
This sounds like MAID but with Master replaced by Client.
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>This sounds like MAID but with Master replaced by Client.
Could you please explain a bit more for those of us who haven't played MAID?
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I want to run a superhero game where the superheroes' can easily handle all the villains and they're mostly dealing with public relations and intra-group rivalries.
I guess I mostly want a system with good social mechanics including reputations and stuff
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Not him, but is there anything one needs to know before playing Paranoia XP?
no, just download the rulebook & read it
What’s the best system for playing as a microscopic being?
The Maid rpg is good and all, but I think you get a bit more mileage out of this put together RPG. I'm not saying that maid it's not a good game. All I'm just saying that you might need to do a whole lot of extra home brewing if you wish for a more Saga like campaign. But if you're more comfortable with a episodic type of continuous game then I say maid would be your best choice.


You might need todo quite a bit of re-flavoring everything but you can even bring in the birdie Prince if you want to as well or whatever on the world royalty you would like your players to be beholden to.
ooooh, thank you! I've never heard of this but it looks fuckin awesome
Silver age Sentinels.


This sounds like exactly what you want but I might be wrong.


I clicked on Video But This game should be just as good or even better.
I want to run sci fantasy leaning closer to sci fi horror to run some modified mothership modules
I want to include things like biotech and psionic powers that lean in the sci fantasy direction
I've looked at starfinder and SWN and they're okay but I'd like something lighter weight
I think Eclipse phase is what you're looking for but there might be something else out there that you're looking for.
Is there a generic system for wargaming/combat with miniatures?
A sort of GURPS/Genesys with a grid-based battle system where I have only to worry about "creating" equipment/adversaries/potential talents and roll "skill checks"?
I have the rules for the combat on grid and from that I can start to sketch my ideas.

>Your Next Line is... "GURPS does it without issue"

(And there is Fuzion too, but I pray the gods for something different)
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Also a lot of old brp products fit the bill
For newer stuff I would recommend mythras Luther Arkwright and M space however it requires a bit of work to tailor the system to your setting as it’s a toolbox
Mythras didn’t intentionally start as a universal system
But it seems to work well as one
it uses tokens so it'd be ideal if you have poker chips at hand. I guess that's one consideration to have.
Also, it can start sounding over-complicated and very setting heavy, but always keep in mind how it'd look in practice, which is people finding excuses to fuck each other over. You don't need to operate it as a functional world that makes sense.
Mothership has modules with psionics. Twisted beyond recognitions and powers considered unnatural come to mind
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Is there a more updated version of this chart?
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pic related is GURPS, from a splat called "Thaumatology: Chinese Elemental Powers," showing some Water powers here. GURPS is fiddly, but you can do what you want in lots of different ways.
You can make your own powers like these, and make healing injuries for water or flying for air or curing diseases for fire or whatever.
You could use the default magic system and just mandate college restrictions, so maybe Earth mages can only use spells from the colleges of earth and body control, etc. The GURPS Dungeon Fantasy line of products has a splat with elementalists built out using something like this method.
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Yes, here's the most recent version from the page: https://inkwellideas.com/misc/distinguishing-rpgs-chart/
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>A fascist could make it for all I care -> RIFTS
that chart is pretty outdated, is there any system that younger than a decade old?
Thanks, I'd all but given up hope that someone would answer! I'll check that out, if you can think of any other examples please let me know!
Sure thing. If you bring your question to /GURPSgen/ you'll get advice from people smarter than me, too.
>generic system for wargaming/combat with miniatures?
one page rules (grimdark future and age of fantasy), dragon/lion rampent, oathmark. There are tones that are generic/miniature agnostic.
>with a grid-based battle system
hail ceaser (is historical, but not restrictive, can represent different units by adding diff traits, though i dont think it has magic)
> "GURPS does it without issue"
GURPS is more of an rpg system rather than a wargame system. though it can probably do it.
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Is there an rpg where you have a pile of resources that you then distribute to various actions or attributes in a turn?
Like say you have 6 resources, you put 3 towards attack, 1 towards movement, and 2 towards defence. So its kind of all about how you manage your resources throughout a turn. You could put a lot into attack but neglect your defensive capability glass cannon style, maybe to kill a thing before it can exploit your lack of defense. or you can focus on retreating with movement and some in defence to try and reposition without getting hurt too much.

Think it would be a neat very tangible way to imagine how much effort your character is putting into different aspects of an engagement,
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Are there any systems besides Kids on Brooms that would be good for a campaign set in the world of The Owl House, either during the first two seasons, where you can be either a wild witch opposing the system, or a coven witch enforcing it, or in the third season where the realm has been taken over by a god-child who is turning everyone into puppets and the survivors need to fight to survive? The wiki can explain magic better than I can, but witches and biped demons can cast spells by drawing a circle in the air. There are nine divisions of magic (Abominations which are purple goop golems, Bard, Beast Keeping, Construction, Healing, Illusion, Oracle, Plant and Potions) aside from a few basic spells, and once you join a Coven you get all your magic besides that Coven’s type sealed, save for the Emperor’s Coven that enforces the system. There’s also a series of four glyphs (light, ice, fire, and plants) that can be used by anyone to cast spells, and combined for more complicated effects. Hope your New Year is a happy one, thanks in advance.
What system should I play for anime highschool antics?
D&D 2024
the future is now old man.
play d&d 2025.
No! Never! You'll never take me alive!
Why would you need a system for that?
>D&D 2024
Maid. Man I swear you'd find that answer with like 10 seconds of effort, feels like I'm responding to bait desu
Which system would you pick for a Legacy of Kain campaign? I would more specifically focus on Blood Omen 1 & 2.
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you'd have to customize it a bit to make it fit your setting, but this is your harry potter / LWA / general magic school system and the framework probably works excellently for what you're looking for.

90% of systems from the past decade are just PbtA slop.
>90% of systems from the past decade are just PbtA slop
Why is it so popular, and what are some good alternatives then?
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Much appreciated! If you've ever customized it or another game before yourself, I'd love to hear your advice on that.
>90% of systems from the past decade are just PbtA slop

One of us, one of use.
But in all serious the problem with pbta is the first version is a best played like a HBO drama and the creator didn't realize what he had.
The second is most pbta games are cookie cutter to the point on of being made with data entry form. I would like to see one make like a manuscript game with a different resolution system. Like a 3D6+stats success rate system.
Looking for an RPG to run as a tired old dad who's tired of OSR tropes
>OSR tropes
Any in particular tropes that he hates so we can avoid those?
what a fucking non question.
>"give me a drink thats not a cola"
doesnt exactly narrow it down.
what do you want? a coffee? a milkshake? and orange soda? a ice tea? sweet? not sweet? caffeinated?

I guess Call of Cthulu isnt OSR, but you could say the same with FATE which is a completely different thing from both, or any other number of games.
I'm making a collection of publicly-available Creative Commons systems, including SRDs, for inspiration and study. I know there are a ton of them on Itch but I don't have the free time to search it all, plus many of them are rules-lite sytems (ala Caltrop Core) which isn't my cup of tea. Got any suggestions for CC games with at least a medium level of crunch?

Collection so far
>SRD for D&D 5e
>SRDs for Worlds Without Number and Cities Without Number (thanks Kevin)
>Heroes of Adventure
>Open Adventure
Fighter Thief Wizard
The six stats
Dungeoncrawling or more generally low fantasy grubcore

IDK I'm just tired of everything really but I still have the desire to run games
>Fighter Thief Wizard
isnt it more fighter thief magic user cleric for OSR?
>The six stats
>Dungeoncrawling or more generally low fantasy grubcore
I think you need more proactive criteria. DO you still want fantasy but more exagerated fantasy and colorful? (grubcore is a weird thing to call OSR since a lot of it is explicitly colorful, unless by grubcore you mean deadly and low magic)
You could play any of the more bombastic things in the dnd sphere like dnd3.5, pathfinder, 5e
Without the six stats? I guess runequest is also fantasy and has a different stat system.

But do you want to stay medieval fantasy? or explore other genres?
World of Darkness Books are set in modern times with supernatural creatures hidden in plain sight.
Call of cthulu is often set in 1920s with mystery and cosmic horror
Cyberpunk 2020 is cyberpunk
Traveller is sci-fi
COnan d20 is bronze age and pulp
Warhammer fantasy rpg is renaissance

need a bit more then "not x" to narrow down a rec.
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Guys, I love the idea of Werewolves mixed with brutal destructive black ops warfare. Things where collateral damage is a joke, that makes vietnam look like a playground. Is there a system, or combination of splatbooks that can help me run sessions like this? I'm imagining something with a gameplay loop of "get mission briefing, gear up, drop in, fuck shit up, extract, debrief, then character profression outside mission time"

I could run this in World of Darkness with their Rage Across the Amazon book...but I would like a system with more mechanical support for mission progression, objectives, complications etc. Like how GUMSHOE systems are built for detective games, you know?

I'm aware of GURPS Black/Special Ops. Do these have systems to help track mission progression, and would you recommend them?
Also are there books for Werewolves from GURPS?
Or maybe I should just slap a mission tracking GURPS system on top of Werewolf the Apocalypse? That's an option too.
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Check out GURPS Werewolf The Apocalypse.
Play Ars Magica - go all in on wizards
GURPS Fantasy has rules for werewolves.
Grubcore was just a term I invented on the spit to describe the trope of being a bunch of oddball losers with basically no personality traipsing around in tombs

I don't really care about the setting too much strangely, although I'd be happy to do superheroes or some shit.
Holy fuck GURPS wins again
I am looking to run a westmarch campaign with 3 different groups of players. They will compete against the other in reaching the end of the world first. Therefore they'll be part of the same setting. I need a dynamic combat system and a low amount of HP. I would like to be able to create magic items with ease as rewards for exploring landmarks in the map. The vibe of the setting is dark gothic fantasy (think diablo 2).
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I want a low-fantasy game with cool martials and where there is magic, but the magic doesn't just solve problems outright and is kept to a power level that doesn't overshadow casters or break the setting, also want combat where most turns are meaningful and change the tactical situation of the combat, not where they become a slog and have dead turns where the only thing that changes are deducting hp, and where the duration of the combat is quick and snappy and isn't crunchy with 45min affairs, yet remains tactical and feel a bit more puzzle-like ideally. Also where character creation is still relevant to combat and has enough options to have some depth.

That's the dream bros.
>GURPS wins again
Are there any settings/scenarios that it CAN'T be used for easily?
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thats something I can work with
-Hero system
-Mutants and masterminds
Warhammer fantasy RPG 2e/4e
Hit locations and robust combat options, but not to the point of excess. Magic exists, but its notably rare and dangerous. And usually mages have to stick to something like Fire or alchemy, and it tends to corrupt you over time. Not something to meddle in lightly. d100 system.
Bronze age community simulation Palestine.
Thats what we have hillfolk for.
"Ancient science" ala Lucian's True Story, or Pliny' Historia Naturalis
It struggles a bit with high-powered Supers, but it handles street-level stuff quite well.
>Bronze age community simulation Palestine.
There can't seriously be people who want to play that kind of thing, right?
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What kinds of issues does it struggle at with high-level Supers?
If you're not Literary Lord, write some of your own ideas.
What If I told you thats what most western and middle eastern religions are?
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Are there any GURPS settings or books you feel aren't used enough?
Isn't that just Conan the Barbarian?
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Is there another game besides the one ring that uses a d12+xd6 system? Or something similar where you have 1 big die and modifiers are counted in littler dies.
I like it cause it makes each additional die not so extremely impacting, while flat xd6 systems make each ide a real big deal. I know shadow of the demon lord kinda has something like that with d20+xd6
No, conant the barbarian is bronze age nomadic warrior simulator.
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I'd like to know that myself please.

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