Unlikely alliance EditionNow with scans of the new booksPSA: Free online PDF rules for the Kill Teams have extremely high-rez images of the modelsPrevious thread: >>94582409 >Rules Scanshttps://gofile.io/d/AinK04>Newshttps://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/articles/yk1xvxpw/storm-volkus-with-orks-and-ratlings-in-the-latest-kill-team-expansion/https://www.warhammer-community.com/en-us/articles/ihicynef/the-first-kill-team-quarterly-update-sets-the-stage-for-future-adjustments/>All team rules for KT24 are out:https://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/articles/xfV8vUOg/download-the-kill-team-app-and-faction-rules-today/>Official GW KT app:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gamesworkshop.kt3https://apps.apple.com/us/app/kill-team-the-app/id6479447973KT24 is now fully playable.>Key Downloads, FAQs and Erratahttps://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/downloads/kill-team/>Rules and Teamshttps://wahapedia.ru/kill-team2/the-rules/introduction/ (KT21 only for now)https://ktdash.app/>Brief team summaries if you are wondering who to try out nexthttps://files.catbox.moe/ni93d1.png>Homebrew teams by a kind Anon:https://mega.nz/folder/RedyyTTZ#hNv1fp2Yocqg536MozmbyA>Game assistant-database thinghttps://kt.albecortes.com/>Thread Question:What would convince you to try the PvE mode?
>>94675683>TQThe full core rules being made available free from GW directly, as promised before the new edition released, instead of a shitty scan or a physical book
>>94675683>TQEither a story campqaign or other kind of progressive system that is not useless (both admittedly is hard in the current KT edition).
>>94676175How story campaign should look like?
>>94676175Something like Warhammer Quest?
>>94676480>>94676488Simplest form just like the asymetric Narrative missions of last edition just a bit more fleshed out and maybe some simple progression (for the missions, not nessecaryly for the teams). Like the one with the drop pods where the ship breaks down. (just made for the pve mode instead)
>>94675683>TQ A campaign book with fun scenarios to play either alone or with friends. The first edition Warcry annuals did this wonderfully, especially the last one, and were better game modes then even Warhammer Quest. The biggest thing missing from KT is narrative and PvE would be great way to bring it back.
>>94676687Warcry did this, multiple branching quests you play depending who wins. Along the way you can get points to get buffs for units depending if you perform certain conditions or "win" them by rolling for them on a table.
>>94676879Ashes of faith has something similar as well and there are a few other things similar to that but they are all tailored to be fair pvp missions and most of those missions are boring. We need something with more variety for pve.
Played my first game of 3rd ed yesterday
>>94677019Hope you had fun.
>>94677024I did, lost biggly though. Ah well haven't played since the beginning of 2nd
>>94677019Making me feel better about not painting volkus yet
Can you make a Plague Marine Kill Team with a basic Plague Marine box? The push fit Plague Marines would make the idea I have much more difficult, but a regular kit would allow my “newly corrupted” Plague Marines work with less hassle.
>>94677018>pveHave you tried making friends? Its not that hard
>>94678272Sure why not? Plagua Marines are plague marines and you'd only "need" to match the weapons, however loosely you want even
>>94678286nta but>stares in 35 year old
>>94678272You'd have a hard time getting the sourcerer out of it, and you'd want to check that you can get a plague spewer, flail, plasma pistol and sword, and some way of marking the grenadier. Then you just build those models plus the warrior and icon bearer (which I assume are available through the kit) and either kitbash the sorcerer, skip it entirely, or get it through some other means.
>>94678286Question was what it takes me to play the pve mode. Your tease is kinda off topic and invalid like this. (even if not playing pve in coop also includes friends)
>>94678305I'm 33 and one of the guys I play with is over 40
>>94678323Looking into what comes in the regular Plague Marine box on the site, it does seem to have everything but the sorcerer for Kill Team. May not be entirely optimal when played, but skirmish games are meant for homebrew lore dammit.
>finished assembling my aquilon yesterday>only to realize I put the marksman's helmet on the plasma guy because I was assembling him first>and I used that hobby glue that melts and bonds the plastic so I can't pop it off just like with regular super glueOh, this shit is going to bother me to no end and I know I don't have the skills to try to saw them off and swap them.
>>94678468Same but attaching the leg slightly off so that his feet aren't flat on the ground
>>94678468I didn't think they had specific helmets. I just put mine together a couple of days ago and don't recall any specific helmets being called for on any of them.
>>94678637There are three specific helmets: the one with the bigger monoscope (or how you call it) and skull meant for the tempestor, the one with a gas mask filter and no symbol meant for the bomb guy and the one with the dot on the forehead meant for the sniper.
>>94678742Well then I fucked up because I put the sniper and gas mask heads on different models. Got the Tempestor one because it was obvious. I don't remember the instructions saying a specific helmet for the other two but oh well, doesn't matter. They're all pretty similar anyway.
Bought a new Kill team, its Space Marine Intercession and I was wondering what are some good combinations for it? I was thinking>2 Grenadiers>2 Warriors with Scoped Bolt Rifles>A Gunner with a Grenade Launcer>A Intercessor Sergeant with Auto bolt RifleIm kind of new so any tips would be greatly appreciated!Also still trying to decide if I want to do Blueberry Paint or SalamandersI was told by another thread to buy a deathwatch upgrade kit before being told to come here, does that do anything or just make them look cool?
>>94680688>female marinekill yourself
>>94680688>2 grenadiersinstantly illegal>2 Warriors with Scoped Bolt RiflesDo you mean stalker or regular bolt rifles? Stalkers can be quite difficult to move around.>A Gunner with a Grenade LauncerThis is indeed the best in slot for one of your slots.>A Intercessor Sergeant with Auto bolt RifleAuto bolt rifle is niche and best reserved for models that you switch in in case of certain matchups, I'd recommend either stalker or regular rifles. Also, you can take a power sword, fist, or thunder hammer for free on top of that.>no heavy intercessor or eliminatorRobs you of both fun and power>does that do anything or just make them look cool?Deathwatch shoulders will just make them look cool, and if you want to play ultras or salamanders it's a bit weird to apply these at all.
How bad is the SM starter set team? A captain, a heavy, an eliminator, an assault int, and then one of each basic bolt rifle.
>>94681167It is usable. But fahr from optimal. but the important and hardest to get are the heavy and eliminator. Getting more intercessors and/or AIntercessors later is easy and cheap.
How’s this for a Scouts team?All the specialistsSergeant with a Chainsword1 Bolter Scout2 Shotgun Scouts
>>94681606I personaly would change out the bolter scout for a bolt pistol scout or maybe another shotgun.
ive never played killteam and im looking to get into it, i really like the deathwatch models and thought of building a killteam out of them. SO i ask you ooo great generals would it be payable,and how would i go about doing it. i thought about buying a deathwatch veterans box set and building some additional marines if needed on top
>>94681742Look at the "angels of death" team (pdf free on the warhammer community page) build them like that but let them look like deathwatch.
>>94681742Unfortunately, the Desthwatch are not currently in the game. Which is stupid, given that GW just released a Titus model… who did a century in the deathwatch.
Alright /ktg/, I have a proposition for you. Would you take this?>You roll three 6’s on your defense 5+ roll, negating all damageBut>Your next three rolls all consist of 1s, 2s and 3sTzeentch saw to “bless” me last night. The game ended up being a tie, as if it could get weirder.
>>94681167The main downside is no Gunner but there's nothing stopping you from running one of the intercessors as a gunner so you'd haveCaptainEliminator/Heavy IntercessorGunner2x IntercessorAssault Intercessor
>>94678468>>94678742You don't find it fun to experiment with off-script combinations?
>>94675683>TQan add-on to the app that has the NPCs stats, suggested actions, HP and rolls for them. I want it to be as little sad-hammering as possible
>>94680688I think for most teams you want all the specialists. you can't have two of the same specialists. the rest is regular warriors.
>>94682618If they look right. But some random guy having a marksman helmet while the marksman has a regular guy helmet does not look right.
Hey lads. I've lately been blessed with the Inquisitorial Agents, but I'm not sure who to run as my second half. I have a couple Kasrkin, but no Sniper, so really not worth it.Part of me wants to run Sisters of Silence just for fun, but they're a pricey box.
Whats the current best loadout for Hierotek?
>>94683410Ironically Sisters of Silence used to go really cheap on eBay. Like almost Tzaangor cheap. Best bet would be to just buy Kasrkin since you have extras you'll be able to run different loadouts.
>>94683410Sniper is cool and useful, but if it's power you're worried about I'd honestly say that a second regular gunner is more often useful. The extra mobility makes up for not hitting on 2+.
Fave looking Teams I might want to pick up as a beginner.>Blades of Khaine >Hands of the Archon>Nemesis Lords >Death Corps >Vespids >Farstalker Kinband >Starwound Corsairs Not my faves but are cheaper and might be a good second team.>Imperial Boarding Crew>Imperial Agents>Novitiates>Chaos Cult>Mandrakes>Phobos Marines>Exaction Squad What do you guys think?
>>94683542Interesting! I'll have a look, see if I see any online. Thanks!>>94683564I have a Medic and stuff, plus two heavy gunners, so it wasn't too bad, but I always remember in KT21 where turn one, that bastard Kasrkin sharpshooter would dome one of my marines instantly.
>>94683591Small teams are good for learning the game.Nemesis Claw (Night Lords) are a pretty effective team that won’t overwhelm you with info. I’d start there.
>>94683601A plasma gun hits harder by a mile, especially against marines now that they have 14 wounds. But more than that, getting shot T1 by a Heavy weapon sounds like a board and/or player issue.
>>94683591>What do you guys think?I mean, it would depend on the criteria? Is it how easy the team is to learn? The cost and availability? Or are you going by what you think are the coolest teams and looking for a recommendation which one of them would be best to start with?
Me and my friend played our first 3rd edition game (we played a few games of 2nd before):>me: Aquilions>him: Scouts>his MVP: the constantly concealed sniper in vantage points taking out my sniper and meltagun guy, followed by his auspex guy finding good cover in the middle and constantly lighting me up>my MVP: the bomb guy that just dropped in, on a roof above his heavy bolter guy, dropped the bomb and killed him and then got splattered by a krak missile, followed by the knife guy just dropping in on top of his shotgun guy like he's from assassin's creed and then popping through doors only to kill his sergeant We both made a few mistakes but I think I studied my team before playing a bit better and my rolls were pretty insane.
>>94683971Are they easy to use/learn are they not completely useless in gameplay terms (e.g so bad that I am probably going to lose just for picking them).I basically just listed all the ones I found looked cool from the GW website and wanted to know which one is good for a beginner.
Quick rules question: pregame repositions, be it due to your scouting option, abilities and gambits still have to take elevation into account (so if start next to a building you still have to spend your movement to climb it instead of just measuring the movement horizontally) and doesn't count as having moved in the firefight phase (for example if the model repositions before the first turn starts it can still fire it's heavy weapon)?
>>94684008I think this is the current tier list according to some people, the only thing I'm relatively sure right now is that elite teams like marines are on average in a better state than the large horde teams if it comes to power. Nemesis Claw plays with a lot of special rules so they might require some memorization from you but are otherwise strong.
>>94684014If you have to take levevation and other terrain into account depends on the formulation of the skill. if it states you move them 6" or make a reposition action, then yes you have to take that into account.The gambits happen befor the firefight phase so if it does not state it counts for the firefight phase then it does not count for the firefight phase.
>>94684014The majority of pre-game moves specify a Reposition action, and a max range from your drop zone where you can go (most commonly up to 3" away, may vary). During the move you have to obey all the normal rules for that move (including spending movement to climb, using abilities that let you climb/drop for less, actual fly, etc). This means that you could, if say you have a 6" move stat, move 3" forward and 3" up to end up on a vantage point, or use the extra movement to reposition sideways. Actions outside an activation also have no effect on that activation (unless a rule specifically says it does).
How is the vespid team? The look like ass on first inspection but I already threw the models together
>>94682467It's not stupid, the game already has space marines.
>>94685726Really strong weapon and mobility wise but you're gimped to shooting the closest target without your precious focus points
For blades of khaine, what would be the best weapon for the howling banshee exarch?
>>94686876Mirrorswords if you want max melee damage and executioner/shuriken pistol if you want to be able to shoot
>>94684029>tons of horde in AI thought they were shit?Also where is wreckas and team midgeto?
>>94687279>Also where is wreckas and team midgeto?That one was made a few months ago
>>94684014All the pregame repositions are explicitly dashes I thought and dashes can't climb now?
>>94687509Most of them are repositions actually, most noteably the scouting option.
>>94684029I’m confused by these placements.I get that these are tournament stats and a couple of months out of date, but unless teams like Angels of Death have had massive rules reworks then I don’t see the case for them being top of S tier.They were the second most played team and only managed a 43% win rate. Compare that to the other elite teams and they are flagging badly.
>>94689302The win percentage is brought down by awful players bringing AoD and losing all of their games. A list that filters out the awful players data would be much more useful
>>94675683Anybody ported or homebrewed campaign rules for the new edition yet? Narrative shit is all me and my buddies play so hearing that they removed it turned us off completely despite the new, seemingly better core rules.
>>94689523might as well play necromunda at this point
>>94689523I think you'd have to homebrew it and there's probably a few cool systems for it like Shadow War Armageddon or the first edition of KT. They seemed to have gutted the narrative component from the game for the time being.
>>94689523>we play Narrative only>unwilling to do the legwork of writing your own campaignI'm not mad at you. Just disappointed.
>>94689535I've come to that conclusion as well but I'm the only one of our group that seems to enjoy the aesthetic.>>94689546I'll look into it!>>94689583Actually coming up with a mission and story structure is fun to me but I'd rather not have to design XP systems and so on lest I accidentally make a few traits/battle scars extremely unfun.
Any word on them putting the narrative campaign system back or is that Necromunda only now?
>>94689608>I've come to that conclusion as well but I'm the only one of our group that seems to enjoy the aestheticjust use KT minis as proxies for necromunda gangs
>>94689523KT21 had campaign rules that included limited base building and hoarding special equipment that you can give to your guys on missions.It’s the back third or so of the core manual. The rules are similar enough to KT24 that it should port nicely.>>94689439I would agree, except that Legionaries are an equally TIMMAY team and they’re doing excellent. They have double the represented teams and a +17% win rate.Is this due to the Angels being a bit more nuanced with their chapter tactics / doctrine rules or is it due to their weapons just kind of sucking?
>>94690387>>94689523To be fair, the GW campaign rules are pretty lackluster. Not unplayable, but just not great.I've been playing a semi-coop (or PVPVE in videogame terms?) campaign of "five parsecs from home" with a friend, and that book has way deeper campaign rules with random events, tables to roll for mission outcomes etc. But the actual battles, we were playing with the KT rules, because they are just more fun.Highly recommend it for campaign rules.
>>94691116>inside: two new combat patrols>kill team player vs environment missionsReading the cover, it seems like this is just a writing error on behalf of warhammer community, mixing up what is for what game.Plus it uses 40k faction names to denote who the teams are for, which KT doesn't really have.
>>94691116And new pve missions. Who is goint to bet that those two teams are uncalssified and not tourney legal from the get go to the end? or even just pve legal.
>>94691150Sounds plausible
>OP picSo how's the co-op horde mode anyway? Is it something you would play between regular games?
>>94691265Right now it is a bit to barebones to play it often but it can provide a good change of pace, sometimes.
>>94675683>Unlikely alliance Editionum, but it isn't unlikely. Imperium forces cooperating with each other is a norm
>>94691940Plottwist the Aquilons are traitors working with the Spacemarines not knowing they are actualy all Alpharius.
>>94680688>Im kind of newThen you don't know that women can't be space marines for good reason, that art of female space marines is made by ignorant fetishists, and that people who agitate for female space marines are culture warrior trolls who think wargame fluff is somehow holding women back in the real world. Never post it again.
Quick rule question: the climbing rule says you have to be within 1" horizontally and within 3" vertically to a visible terrain to climb it. Does that mean you can climb stuff other than walls, like jumping up to a hanging balcony or a piece of upper floor of a blasted out building like pic related when you're under the edge?
>>94693539That would appear to be the case, yes.Thanks for making me look that up. I didn’t know that either.
Start Box set reprint when GW I WANT THOSE SPACE MARINE HEROES
>>94684029Blades of Khaine were never that bad.
>>94680717>>94693254lol, stay mad my friends.
Did my weekly games with Ratlings, figured I'd keep posting my experiences with them. They continue to feel fun and very strong.First game I played against Vespid. I tried running two Bullgryn and one Ogryn for the first time. Close game, and low scoring at 13-12 in Ratling's favor. The Vespids went more melee focused to good effect. If it weren't for an extremely good Bullgryn Grenadier Gauntlet that killed 2 Vespid and injured a third I likely would have lost. In the end, the thing that won me the game was implanting the drone and then using the Larcenous Ploy to keep crit op points up despite being tied up in melee with the drone. Second game was a blowout in favor of the Ratlings. 21-8 against Inquisitorial Agents. But it was a player with only one box of Agents and using Kasrkin as the other half, so I think they could have had a better team comp if the owned more options. In any case, it went downhill when the Ratling Bomber chucked a det charge at the Interrogator, kasrkin medic, and Veteran agent that were clustered for the buff aura. An ogryn charge on the kasrkin after that collapsed that flank. I ran one ogryn and one bullgryn that game, which protected my super conceal ploy from Absolute Authority turning it off.Still need to play against elites, but Ratlings feel pretty solid if played well I think.
>>94693811Didn't they just get a restock?
>>94694084I haven’t seen a one, and the online site still says temp out
>>94694411Wargames portal was giving me ads for restocks but it might've just been them
>>94678468You are right about the scouting option but just paging thru the Stategic Ops it seems like a mix? Korps and Kommandos are still dashes, a few have been changed to either move or charge or any action (blooded enforcer ability, Drawn to the hum from Gellarpox). Seems like most dashes are not limited from Turn 1, but I didn't notice the other changes until now. It's a little interesting. >>94689523Honestly do you need much? On each victory increase 1d6 guys Ballistic, Weapons, or Save skill by one for that match or increase one random guy who didn't die Ballistic, Weapons, Save or APL by one permanently. On a loss choose a stipulation for the next round: Handicap Reduce an Elite team by one guy or a horde of 13 or more by two guys for one match, Gain a bonus to toughness to 1d6 random guys (same as fortify from Blooded Kit),let 1d3 characters do a 'Heroic/Aberrant Death) dealing d3 mortal wounds as they die. That should be enough to shake up most matches. If you wanted to do a bit more you could pretty easily treat the entire kill team as a single character in some light RPG and give the winners some extra trait/action/etc in that rpg. Think PDQ or something or even just something like 'Winners pick opponents, but Losers pick mission) works well enough. You don't really need 'mechanical benefits' for winning besides winning really. the development is that you won and your prize is not being a loser. If you want to stir things up let people know that Totals for Crit Mission, Tac Mission and Kill Mission (and not wins and losses) are what is going to determine 1st, 2nd and 3rd and then at the end roll randomly to determine which spot checks for which VP. >>94689439Angels of Death also suffer from being like 2.5 teams collapsed together as the new 'SPESS MURINES' team. The roster is big but lots of the operatives seem like trash, seems almost as wide to build as Legionaries but just without the good options.
>>94689523A little bit back I did an update of all specialisms from KT21 (except mandrakes because it was just more of the same). It's not a campaign system, but it is content that could be used to fill out a campaign system.
newfag here, are there homebrew rules for compendium teams? I started painting bloodletters a year after buying only to learn that they are no longer supported in KT24
>>94695680No but you can do that yourself pretty easy. you will just have big problems with balancing and a few small problems with wordings.
>>94693811Still available Anon, for example here:https://www.kutami.de/Kill-Team-Starter-Set-englRestock expected on 15th of Jan.
>>94691940I was going to add a picture of my PvE game of CSM and scions vs orks but none of the pics were good enough quality>>94695031You think so? AoD are basically like Yaegirs and a bunch of other teams, with fewer specialists than operatives, so you take one of each (gunner, heavy gunner, grenadier, Sargeant) and fill out with warriors (normal and assault)
>>94696850Oh hey here's a stupid interaction in the new box.>You can shoot breakable doors>rules do not have an exception for blast>friend tries to shoot my guy on the other side of the wall by shooting the wall with blast>because blast requires visibility to the target, visibility is measured from the head, and the wall has no head, blast does not hit any other targets if you target the door, so you cannot shoot through it.Two wrongs made one right
>>94696850An elite team should not need to pad itself out with generic warriors. Each Legionary specialism has a specific value proposition it offers the team, it makes every operative interesting and useful.Why GW feels the need to gimp the actual space marines is beyond me. Especially the artificial restriction of Gunner operatives, of which most teams can have two. But the sniper and heavy are exclusive for some reason.
>>94697584Legionary warriors are neat (indeed most team default warriors get a special ability now that's almost on par with a specialist ability). Being able to cycle your mark is pretty godly on Legionary.
>>94697584The sniper and heavy are kinda like their "big gun" that's how I thought of it. Gunner being able to use a bolt rifle instead of a pistol for shoots twice is something I realized a while ago while thinking about how the legionary leader can't when running plasma. Grenadier is good, free kraks hitting on 3 is strong while still having astartes. Their warriors don't have any special rules for some reason. But it's probably more because their ploys are more defensive or otherwise low impact conpared to legionaries.
Working on building my blades of khaine right now. So far I have:>banshee exarch with mirror swords>banshee exarch with executioner and shuriken pistol>3 regular banshees>scorpion exarch with claw and chainsword>scorpion exarch with biting blade>3 regular scorpions>dire avenger exarch with twin shuriken catapults>2 regular dire avengersAm I missing anything or do I have enough?
>>94697661That does make me want to run a full chainsword or bolter boys team.Unfortunately, AoD warriors have jack/shit to their name. They need something extra.
>>94697991all good for 99% of cases
I have amassed so many kill teams over the last year, i do not even know where to start......
>>94698391Paint kommandos with me
>>94698391I'm going by ease of painting order, marines to guys with lots of armor/clothing to anything with faces
>>94698391Take the third box from the top in your seond row of boxes.
anyone know when nemesis claw will be back in stock?
>>94698439>>94698472>>94698584Thx, I think I am just going to paint Nemesis Claw and the new wrecka crew.6-8 Model teams seem doable.
>>94691150Fuck you were right.
>>94699496Ah, have we got more info? I'd like to see what they might do with those PvE missions still, if it's previous edition environmental cards tier or something worth using.
>>94695383These are neat, thanks for posting. The lack of narrative play on launch for KT24 has kinda' taken the wind out of the group's sails, so this should be handy for getting a campaign of sorts going.
>>94699579They corrected and yeah at least the missions might be cool. Still disappointed we aren't getting two new teams.
>>94698439Ha I got some Kommandos I'm repainting>Thread projects>Paint Kommandos yu Humies>t. Not Kommando Kommander
>>94691116I will noe buy white dwarf
>>94698650Try LGSes near you, my store has 2. And another one near me has one.
Is Volkus as balanced as people say it is? I heard official events removed the third floor or something
>>94701717Are you playing on official events?
>>94701856Not yet but im in nottingham
>>94701717That one third floor vantage point has some busted things you can do with it. It generally gets really good coverage, and most importantly depending on base size matchups it's possible to prevent enemies from getting into melee by not giving them the space to be up there. A sniper up there can be literally untouchable if your team doesn't have at least seek light (or full seek, if you want to target them from outside the building).
>>94702129A friend of mine made some modifications because of that. He used some wooden stick to make the space wider so that it is harder to block off other models from standing there and he blocked the view of the corner sides completly giving less directions you can fire at from up there.
How are the DE looking in kill team? I'm just getting back into 40K as a hobby and need to paint like 70+ models. So I figure breaking them down into killteams is easier mentally and figured "Why not just play killteam while painting?"
>>94702375DE have two teams, mandrakes and Hand of the Archon. Both are solid and interesting, though mandrakes are somewhat gimmicky with their teleportation focus.
>>94702515what about the regular one with the Kaballite and Wych fireteams? I know it's not as strong as the other 2 but I figured it's probably simpler
>>94702531Compendium is no longer legal. As similar as the old edition looks, there are a lot of wording changes, rules alterations, design choices, and core system changes to require a good amount homebrew to fit an old team into the new edition.
>>94702531They are compendium and no longer have rules for the current edition of kill team. but if you want you can convert most rules to the current edition they are pretty similar. may be a bit tricky for a new player thought.
>>94702616>>94702612>No longer legalWell shit, I guess once I am done with these last 3 wyches it's gonna be a bunch of Kabalites next. I did also get some corsair bodies and I have no mandrakes atm, so I guess my choices are Corsairs or Hand of the Archon huh?
>>94702660Seems like it, yea.
Is there any good reason to bring Ogryns over Bullgryns on the Ratling team? A bit of charge damage and a decent gun on a team full of good guns doesn't seem competitive.
>>94703164Take a less durable guy that cannot properly use cover in a game that is IMMENSLY dependent on cover, to get a decent 8" range and a good close combat profile instead of chosing between ranged or close combat profile. yea no he is a hard pass for me.against a good shooting team he will never be able to attack once.
>>94703305>cannot properly use coverlight cover, which makes that disadvantage almost totally insignificant in volkus... which also makes a really strong gun not that powerful.I don't know what his niche is, sure against tau his melee is still massive but there bullgryns have a potential 3+ save, against melee teams a shield and strong melee pick is much more useful, against melee in open maps 8 inch range is painfully low and leaves you in melee range most of the time, I just don't know what to make of them, if bullgryns had 5 inch move unless charging they'd have a speed niche at least.
>>94703164against horde teams, you can do vox for +1 apl then charge fight shoot for a very reliable 2 kills
Team composed of Broodlord, Lictor or Neurolictor, Von Ryan's, genestealers, hormas, termas and one barba when?
>>94703778Never, this would be bullshit. either genestealer or lictors or gaunts.
>>94703778It might be time to accept Tyranids are NEVER getting a kill team.
>>94701680Don't they're actually two new combat patrols not kill teams.
>>94703164Ogryn would be a good meat missile you throw at something. Even without the extra AP you can shoot, charge and do a bayonet charge. With the vox thief you can use that extra AP to fight. So you can essentially do three attacks on a single model or one attack on one and two attacks on another.
>>94702129Are people still allowed to climb it?
>>94704020Literally all they had to do was release some more rules for the tyranid npc from the Space Marine 2 missions. They were half way there. Know GW tho they'll release a team at the end of this season to drum interest in the game.
>>94700274Ah fuck, I was getting excited to dust off my regular Scions
>>94705408Well you can run scions with inq agents or as Kasarkin.
>>94705675Just 5 with mostly generic rules. I'd rather just keep using them as Karskins without their unique options.
Is there a reveal show at the las vegas open?
Behold, the scouting subdivision of my "vetguard" team
>>94708012Using kasrkin as vetguard, i think that is new. usually it seems more the other way around.
searching for any product of kill team on ebay or similar sites has become such a massive nightmare with teams existing in 2 versions, datacards, mission cards, tokens, dice and all the other bullshit named after the teams cluttering the search results. Its such a mess.
>>94709036If there just where an advanced option menu where you can exclude words like token, cards or similar. Oh how unfortunate that such a feature ..... oh wait there it is, never mind.
>>94709102yeah, must be nice in a perfect world where every reseller is listing his items in exactly the correct categories with exactly the correct terms and languages.
>>94709182Fair point.
>>94708766Yeah I had an extra box of them lying around and I find the hotshot sniper and cloak very sexy, getting them onto this body was kinda a pain but the finished product is one of my favorite kitbashes I've done desu. My brother and I refer to this model as John Tarkov
>>94709465>>94708766Do NOT comment on my mold lines :^)
>Wrecka kit comes with 2 heavy rokkit launchas>team lets you take 5real old school GW move
>>94711284Why would you ever take 5 heavy rokkit launchas when the rokkiteer, demolisha, and smasha are so funEven then, I think you'll get more opportunities to blow something up without heavy (dash only) attached to your whole team
>>94710732>scrape mold lines>prime>they come back
>>94711324>he built his models out of necrodermis living plastic
I split the Hivestorm box with my brother and now I have some ScionsWhat now?
>>94711521play scions
>>94702375You can use 10 kabalites 10 wyches or 5 and 5 of each in the commorite killteam
>>94711853We've just been over this, that is homebrew this editionMore homebrew than it seems
Got my skaven clade painted up. Going for a very aggressive melee build this time with mostly infiltrators and ruststalkers. Camera wouldn't focus which is fine, paint job was quick and dirty.
>>94710732I always just do it when I go to prime and paint, don't worry. I don't get hung up on them when I'm working on my creative vision
>>94711521>>94711650Will the madlad actually do it?
>>94712658If i am not mistaken that team is illegal. looks awsome though.
>>94712754My bad the rules have changed.
>>94711521>scionsIm so sorry
Least fun teams to play against?
>>94712945Maybe warpcoven, though I don't really dread any matchup.
>>94712945For me top 3 are mandrakeswarpcovenfellgore
>>94712790>>94712790Had me feeling shitty for a second there, thought I read ktdash wrong. But I'm hoping if I just give the rats the extra move doctrinas I can counter the fact that my usual opponent can just wipe 2 units every turn with whatever the death guard bolter discipline is.
>>94711521Now you're gonna disassemble the gunfighter, cut off all the turbines, and play Kasrkin instead. Playing Aquilons is fun for half a turn, then you get slaughtered.
>>94713235Are they the worst team? I haven't messed with them yet.
>>94712945Any marine teamAny elf teamFellgor
>>94712945WarpcovenAnd the gore legionaires forgot their name but they have blue lightning bolts fuck those guys
>>94711521Play them until your brother figures out their gimmick then proxy them as karskins or blooded
New to kill team, is there any reason to pick 8 blue horrors over 6 pink horrors
>>94714528There aren't any teams that run blue or pink horrors unless you're proxying something
>>94714528>>94714562So we know Tyranids are never getting a KT but what are the chances of Demons getting a bespoke team?
>>94714562>>94714597Is this not for kill team? I am confused https://wahapedia.ru/kill-team2/kill-teams/chaos-daemon/
>>94714610Outdated version of Kill Team Also stop using Wahapedia the rules are just free now
>>94714610wahapedia isn't updated to KT24 which came out ~3 months agouse this https://ktdash.app/ or https://kt3.albecortes.com/
>>94714625Well that fucking sucks. I bought a box of wiches too
>>94714688They'll probably announce the next KT box this month so get praying
>>94714803The emperor told so me in a dream
just assembled my wrecka krewwhat should I go for basing? I'm currently just leaning towards mud and rust with the tactical rocks they have
>>94713634What would a 'dual use' Kasrkin/Blooded team painted in Guard Green with Copious Blood Splatter and minimal Heresy look like?
>>947148031 release per 3 months but the brutal and cunning announcement might have been a bit earlier in comparison because they had the stream event
>>94714717Do we have any predictions on what new team will be?
>>94715065At this point it's 100% guesses but if they're going to tie it in with 40k it could be Emperors Children, Noise Marines and/or Slaanesh demons but that would potentially be a 4th chaos space marine team
>>947150725th*I forgot Warp Coven
>>94715041It worksBut you could also wait for an update after the Las Vegas Open. I have a feeling theyre gonna get tuned up to make their turn 3 and 4 not so shit
>>94715072Im so sick of legionaire teams bros....Theyre all OP
>>94714610See how the link says kill-team2? We're now on kill-team3.
>>94698391Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.
>>94715981instructions unclear.solution: placed an order for another box
>>94716051the usual
How would you rate the brutal&cunning terrain? I have no interest in the box/the teams, but the terrain is reasonably cheap on eBay. Are those walls compatible with the walls from moroch or nachmund?
>>94716841it's ok, one again almost no light terrain, but it makes a couple decent bunkers
>>94716841The bunkers have windows and breakable walls so its fun for single player once your team gets squatted
>>94713584Nemesis Claw/Night Lords>>94712658Cool stuff. I've been considering making a DarkMech or Bladed Cog version of hunter clade for a while.
>>94717216>throw frag at a breakable wall>friend ask if blast would reach the other side as it's technically visible to the target>we wonder four a few minutes and ask around until we realize>walls don't have heads and therefore trace no visibility
>>94717216Good to see this schitzo shit is making it to the new year
>>94675683Hand of the Archon (sort of)apologies getting a decent Picture of these lads is basically impossible
>>94717349>A head-of-wall joint is the linear gap between the top of a wall assembly and bottom of a floor or roof assembly. U.S. model building codes require head-of-wall fire resistive joint systems in voids between the top of fire rated wall assemblies and the underside of fire rated floor or roof assembliesTIL. Imo it's hard to tell since the bunkers are one floor only, sounds like a thing to discuss before the match.
>>94717913I love them except for the ones with actual lizard heads, they look very cartoonish. 8/10
>>9471791310/10>Would make the villains in a disney movieI've sort of been Eyeballing Gellerpox and how does this team not have everything?
>>94675683So I just bought that new Tankbustas vs Ratlings box. Those Kill Teams will have rules for, like 2 years then?
>>94722114GW has promised rules for however long this edition lasts (likely another 3 years roughly) plus the full edition after that.
Started painting my hand of the archon team last week and they should hopefully be ready to hit the table this weekend.
>>94722375So depending on where you live, tomorrow?
>>94722375nice paintjob anon
>>94721804>I've sort of been Eyeballing Gellerpox and how does this team not have everything?Everything they need to lose? Or everything for something else?
>>94717913Cute sneks
>>947221142 editions so just under 6 years
We need to bring back shapes and colors, the fucking ruler doesnt fit over a killteam board and memorizing ranges is fucking annoying
>>94723659the "new" measuring tool is exactly the same as the old one size wise
>>94723669Yeah but when you have a range of penatgon+circle you have to use an actual ruler and it pisses me off
>>94723725You can use the two tools together and the bumps on the sides are 1 inch apart
>>94723733Tell me how this is better than shapes and colors, having to guestinate the distance between bumps
>>94723725That existed befor as well, You make no sense. You are just trolling. Also there are other tools than rulers you could use.
>>94723746>trollingNotice how not a single person complained about the old system after the first couple weeks of release when people got used to it
>>94723751Complaints about shapes where plenty even at the end of edition. Complaints about numbers where rare and died down completly after a few days, until today.
I'm thinking of giving kill team a try, should I go with the 2024 rule book or the 2021 rulebook? is there much difference?
>>94723751We had someone note how it was slightly annoying once a month at least. The real question is, what are the benefits of the shapes?
>>94723798A lot of small but important differences, KT24 is the better edition.
>>94723798If you want to play with others, or want a system where the current teams have rules for and that has worked out some kinks, take 2024. if you REALLY NEED some weak nearly non existing roleplay aspects and the compendium teams, play 2021 (not recommendet).
>>94723816>>94723842fair enough I guess ill go with 2024>weak nearly non existing roleplay aspectssuch as? the newer edition still has upgrades between games and stuff doesn't it?
>>94723861No the new edition ha no progress at all. the old edition had rules for gathering exp and getting a few special rules. a naming table for teams and some background ideas you could use that have no gameplay purpose.
>>94723798Use 2021, the measurement increments are streamlined and easier to understand
>>94723912I read one of those "how to play" articles earlier and the movement seemed unnecessarily complicated, although those sorts of articles are never very clear
>>94723950He is just trolling.
>>94680688>Im kind of new so any tips would be greatly appreciated!Get out and take your tourist faggotry with you
>>94724133You could always just go ahead and kill yourself now instead since we both know that's an inevitability
Someone with some input here on the best loadout for Hierotek Circle? Thinking 1 Apprentek, 1 Despotek with Gauss, 2 Guardians with Gauss and 1 Deathmark. Tesla Carbine seems way to situational and I don't want to go full Guardian since 1 Deathmark should give me some flexibility for sniping
>>94725382Yea if you don't like tesla that sounds like a good setup. Just keep in mind that tesla has one shot more and many elite teams ignore piercing.
My vetguard srgnt is a badass space man with a stolen Corsair cloak. Not 100% finished yet but happy with how hes coming along
>>94726907Da back (the slightly more unfinished half)
>>94726907>>94726912looks good, voidsmen are rad
Hey am I retarded or did Plague Marines get a bespoke team and I somehow never noticed?
>>94727230Thank you! The basic idea behind /mydudes/ is that a handful of disparate groups of humans are forced to band together to escape from a space hulk alive. The more traditional operator elite guardsman, some more scifi spaceborn dudes, and the 3rd group will likely be more tribal/barbarian largely based off of the Ash Wastes nomad kit. I'm really pleased with how its all coming along so far.
I cant stop buying ork kits bros....What other kits are good for wrecka and commando kitbashes?
>>94728294Fucking any Ork kitEven the Age of Sigmar ones
Finished the proxy for my big choppa boss nob
>>94729685And under black light
>>94729685Looks awesome. Where are those skulls between his legs from?
>>94729696Thanks! They come with the model
>>94729685Which parts arent from the kit?
>>94730468Sorry, I think I misread your question. That’s the new Boss Snikrot model on a 32mm base. There were two other head options, but I built the model as is. So the skulls are from the Boss Snikrot sprue
KT3 teams fucking suck
I watched some youtube video to get some better grasp about Kill Team, I just wonder why competetive players always pretend that dice do not matter, I mean i get that it all averages out at some point but if somebody rolls hot you are just boned right ?
>>94731372If it happens to often yes. It is just that even th ebest dice rolls wont save you if you play completly stupid and it has a bit more tactic than many other tabletop games. So it is more a mentallity in comparison with similar games.
>>94731372What's the point of discussing that someone might roll amazing and you might roll terrible.What are you supposed to do about that? Play so conservatively that you'll never win regardless? You have play with the assumption that rolls will be in the central range of the distribution.
>>94731342>KT3 teams fucking suckThank you for that. Do you want to just come out and tell us what the problem is?Faction you're obsessed with doesn't have a team?Team for your faction not OP enough?Your compendium team no longer valid?
>>94731538Had a tau pathfinder team that is no longer compliant. Bought a drukari wich team a few months ago that isn't here yet but there's no rules for them.
>>94731674Things change. Doesn't automatically make them bad. There's never been an actual wych team so presumably you mean that you just bought a box of wyches despite there not being a team?
>>94731694Commorrite had a wych fire team
>>94731714That's a compendium team. They're all dead. They told us they were all going to be dead (if it wasn't obvious that they were being replaced by the new style teams) 3 years ago.Why would you go out and buy wyches when there is no wych team?
>>94731781I'm retarded I guess
>>94731816Its good to be self aware
Finished my hand of the archon, looks alright but i really hate edge highlighting.
How to best exterminate Astartes? >Pic related, perhaps. Could B Blooded instead.
>>94732615Those lenses look kinda nurgly..
Thread is super dead since the launch of KT24. Is the new edition really that bad?
>>94732963There's little to discuss without new releases and the non-game related stuff is usually talked about elsewhere.
>>94732606they look good and extremley clean compared to mine.Also having the bright color effect on the little nubs on the weapons looks surprisingly good and i got no idea why i never thought of painting em that way
>Very little customization, Necromunda is unbalanced and needs tons of books and probably a GM but at least you're naming your guys, buying them better guns, hiring on new people etc. >Vespids in the starter even though only 1% 40K players actually like Tau>Tons of obvious choices for Kill Teams like Legion of the Damned and Catachan veterans just ignored by GW>Everyone complaining about how horde kill teams can't beat elite onesDedgame?
>>94733562>He doesn't name his guysStill struggling on plague Marines but my AoD is all named
>>94731674Considering KT3 was announced almost 6 months ago and the removal of compendium has been known for months this is a skill issue
>>94733562nothing stopping you from naming yourdudesdon't tell me you're one of those non-player characters who needs to be handheld and guided towards your own imaginationi think it'd be cool if kill team encouraged you to but it's not really that kind of game, they even dropped narrative rules this edition. you could always try adapting the old ones if you have people to play with, probably wouldn't be too hard although who knows how balanced it'd be.but then that's where the fun comes in of crafting the game and coming up with ideas of how to balance it from there.get jiggy with it, don't let the rulebook stop you. that's the fun in tabletops over video games. you can mod the game on the fly however you want it to work, the only limit is yourself and your homies. unless you play at stores and tournaments. then get fucked or play something cooler
>>94732615How to best serve Astartes>Flame Broiled Salamander>Ravenguard baked into a Pie>Ultramarine on the HalfshellTo look at it more seriously, teams that have a lot of piercing and explosives comes to mind. >Warpcoven>Salvagers (ION BABY)>Yaegirs (MINES BABY)And teams that just started as either strong, strong melee or have strong gimmicks>inquisition>Felgore>Gellerpox>Void Troupe>Brood and Blooded?After that it gets a little dicey, Could probably add Phobos and Scouts in there too. >>94734158Time to get that medical dictionary out.
Since I’m a glutton for punishment, I’m planning on painting every kommando with a different green for their skin and camo for their clothes
>>94734158plague marine kt are all named characters tho
how close are we to approved ops 2025? Does it make sense to print out and cut the 2024 ones or will they be deprecated in a month or two?
>>94732606Very nice
I need the absolute most aggressive teams in KT. Who are they?>>94732963It launched the same time that 4chan did the antispam thing so now every board feels pretty dead
>>94735691Probably not until around october which will be 1 year since KT24 release
>>94735852thanks! here we go then
>>94735916I don't know 100% how it works but I assume the new cards come with the classified team rotation
>>94735699That makes sense. RipI'm really unsure what team to main/focus on this edition. Last edition Wyrmblade was my go-to and I originally wanted to go for Breachers this edition but everything I'm reading/watching about them has really turned me off of them for now. Luckily I have more teams than sense but but the decision paralysis is killing me
>>94731372they look cool
>>94731372Because they spend 30 minutes planning out each turn to the point where the dice rolls don't matter any more
Does anyone know of any good cowboy hat or dwarf cowboy heads for my yaegirs? I want to lean into the cowboy theme for them
>>94737509What a bunch of fags, amirght? Real men just push the game pieces around at random to see what happens.
>>94733562>game comes out and it's not the game I wanted>obviously that means that it's shit
>>94737513search after 28mm scale coboy hats in etsy, best i found without heads in it.
>>94735916Where did you find a print out version of the ops cards?
>>94737806Not sure if its the ones he used, but they have been scanned instantly. You can find them easily on telegram.
>>94736998Who else do you havd
>>94737970Pathfinders, Kroot, VespidAngels, Legionaries, WarpcovenBreachers, Novitiates, StarstridersCorsairs, Kasrkin, WyrmbladeWorking on vetguard right now, have unbuilt Broodbrothers sitting around somewhere. Frankly I'm probably forgetting at least one team.
>>94735699Felgore, Nemesis Claw, Some Legionary Builds, Blooded, Void?
>>94738048>>94738099Damn, yeah Felgore. Idk how I forgot about them. Sick models but I only played them once and they seemed like bullshit to me so I didnt touch them again
>>94738048God DAMNHow do you store that shit?
>>94738099What makes void aggressive? They seem like a reactive team outside the airstrikes
>>94738226Bookshelves, standing display cases, and a closet full of carrying cases. I have ~20 years worth of models dominating the landscape of my bedroom
>>94738130Yeah I don't want to love the little goatee boys but the gimmick is strong and they're fun to play.
>>94737806I haven't found any ready-to-print version, unfortunately. I'm not sure what telegram >>94737966 meant, but cards are also linked in OP. I'm editing and laying them out one by one.
>>94738355Tau were my main 40k army for so long that now I slightly lose my mind if my faction cant do a little shooting and a little melee. Pure melee or shooting teams give me gunline flashbacks and I need to breath into a paper bag for a bit.
just got my starter box and skimmed the rules, it said something about picking 5 of the marines for playing, so you don't get to use all 7 models in games together?
>>94738605You use 6 (the leader and 5 others) but yes you don't use all at the same time.
>>94738605Yeah that's GW bullshit for ya. When you paint your marines according to what they tell you you get an illegal kill team - you have to use 6 marines but you cannot field both a captain and a sergeant. Either they noticed too late in the process to add another model, or they decided it was a brilliant way to make you pay more money if you ever want to play with full rules. Plague marines are fine, but for space marines you have to buy an extra box of intercessors or assault intercessors.
>>94737551KT24 is a space marine circlejerk in a way that not even 40K is. The other lists are skewed in such a way that they'll be at a disadvange vs kids playing Spess Muhreens, eg the Blooded can't take both a plasma gunner and a leader with a plasma pistol. Marines don't even have to play cautiously vs hordes, you get free shots when you're out-activated.
>>94738798>vs kids playing Spess Muhreens,>vs kids>playing vs some random kidsIts a you problem Anon.
>>94738798OH NOit's fucking nothing
>>94738846Warpcoven are Marines too tho
>>94738864>top 5 teams, one power armour team, power armour teams are overpowered and dominate the meta.....what?
>>94738864oh are they
Anyone tried the homebrew teams on ktdash beta?like 90% of my friends played compendium teams (grey knights, custodes, demons, tyranids, eclisarchy)
I tried the game and my orks were blasted apart by legionaries who were shooting twice and also blessed by a bunch of gods. How to counter this marine activity?
>>94739936shooting power armor without piercing wepons is futile, jump them in melee if you need one deaddakka boy has so many shots that it can get some damage through thoughexpect some losses though, they will clap back in melee
>>94739861Why not just play compendium as well.
>>94740006We want to play the new edition, shooting feels better and the option to take obscured shots is cool
>>94740030And? Then play legal teams or if the other stll play compendium, play compendium as well.
>>94740232that's not the issue, i was just asking opinions about the homebrew stuff on ktdash because there's no easy port of compendium teams to kt24, there's no grey knights in kt24 even if i wanted to play compendium.
>>94738846Sauce? What dates/events are these numbers for?
>>94740270>portWdym port? The rules are 99% compatible as written. Just change the distance increments to numbers lmao
>>94740270You seem to feel offendet, that was not in my interest. Using homebrew teams is not reccomended (especially those on kt dash that are a. hyper elite and b, also just for kt21) playing an existing team or converting compendium would be the better AND easier option.
>>94740420>using homebrew teams is not recommended>converting compendium would be the better AND easier optionBut those are the same thing>>94740357nta but how would you deal with discrpancies in design philosophy between the two editions?
>>94740357we tried and it feels horrible to have 11 wounds grey knights who need to spend cp to shoot twice, the equipment is all wrong, and some wepons need to be tweaked to be in line, but it still feels wrong, like the flame throwers losing a shot, but gaining an extra damage on normal hits, the grey knights flame thrower goes to 5 shots 4/4 8'' range and it feels op
>>94738792Just have your sergeants be intercessors if you run the captain
>>94738605Yeah you get an extra guy to mess with the kill team compositions for fun. So you can choose between the Sniper or the Heavy. The Plague Marines can choose between the Warrior or the Plague Caster.
Alright I'm trying to learn the new edition of Kill Team with either Hearthkyn Salvagers or Yaegers but I can't decide whichHelp
Are commandos or wreckas better into space marines?
>>94741488no idea, but it would be very funny to blow up a space marine with the rocket hammer
>>94741488With nothing but theorycrafting to back me up, I'm going to say wreckas. Pretty much all their weapons have a massive chance of one-shotting marines with a few wrecka points in the bank, and they've got the squigs to out-activate a marine team and force them out of conceal.
>>94740331Stats are Best Coast Pairings matchups in december. I cropped the table from a video by a faggot youtube "content" "creator" so no attribution.
>>94741450I like Salvagers myself.>>94741488Probably Wreckas? Kommandos are squishy which suffer against double shoot, counteract from conceal marines.
>>94740535>But those are the same thingNo, A homebrew patch for an existing team that just translates the abillities or a completly made up team are not the same.>discrpancies in design philosophyEasy, either ignore or just do the same "patch" depending on how your other friends that are apparently also converting their compendium teams do.>>94740552Most of that was the case in kt21 as well. So is the fate of Compendium, but it seem your buddies play compendium as well so they have the same problems and in the end everyone is in the same boat and no one needs to tweak weapons.
>>94741450Salvagers: a bit more raw power.Yaegirs: more abillity play and tricks.I would say that is the gist of the difference.
>>94741450Salvagers are a heavily armed and armoured gunline teamYaegers are more focused on tricks like mines and sneaking around with silent weapons
>>94744664>>94744664>>94744664New Thread