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this just came out, has anyone run the Cypher system before? i'm plotting and scheming for my campaign right now
My only knowledge of it is that it's pretty similar to Traveller, except Cypher is using d20's and purely a player facing system.
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Just from skimming the first part of the rules, it seems way less crunchy and more narrative focused than what I'm used to, which is nice.
Cypher isn't similar to Traveller at all.
I'm tempted to buy it and probably crunch it into delta green
The creator introduced this setting right here. We had great threads at first until the trolls managed to drive him off to reddit where people threw money rather than shitposts at him.
would be a pretty sick crossover ngl

yeah, i still remember those threads. it's been fun watching the project develop
I would have to be, wouldn't it? What is there to do at mystery flesh pit? It's not like there are monsters like Jurassic Park.
Wtf I was thinking of doing a novelty CoC oneshot for the incident of the pit.
>probably crunch it into delta green
>"Our target is the cthuluanoid in the ambionic good pits and it's cult members. I repeat, we are after the fish man and the perverts that follow it, NOT the giant anus monster we will be crawling inside of and the perverts that follow that one. Collateral damage comes out of your pay."
>The creator introduced this setting right here. We had great threads at first until the trolls managed to drive him off to reddit where people threw money rather than shitposts at him.
Many such cases. It's why 4chan has become a creatively sterile and barren hellscape
well theres big meat bugs aren't there?
whose butt is that? why is there a butt national park?
Didn't even know it started here.
Probably better off for leaving, alas. The 4chan Crab bucket has managed to become worse than the Reddit crab bucket, dire straits indeed.
Love the setting, hope the book is good.

Something like Mothership or even Call of Cthulhu would work, it's a very cosmic Horror setting
It's full of Parasites the size of cars.
>It's full of Parasites the size of cars.
Sounds like my ex lmao.
Ah man, that's cool. Weird Birds would be cool, too; have to live a week in prehistoricville.
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>They made OCs of the fucking copepods
How would you even stat them?
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there are lots of things to do in the mystery flesh pit. dealing with parasites, obviously, but also a lot of man-made stuff with abandoned secret Anodyne operations, cultists, goverment ops. there's some level of psychic fuckery going on with the pit itself that can also be used by player characters.

There's a story written that takes place in the pit where the pit itself isn't the primary antagonist for instance. Good inspo for campaign material
archiveofourown . org /works/28129554/chapters/68922291
Seems like a bit of a miss. To me, the setting screams NuSR dungeoncrawl - so something like Mothership.

Proofs? Afaik, it was always a tumblr project.
This strikes me as one of those settings that is so dense with mystery that you need an entire table of clueless players to enjoy it at all, but after a few sessions, the "mystery" will be so wrung dry that continuing to play will become impossible.
It's in the archives. He put his stuff on tumblr but introduced it here.
Not surprising. There's a reason all the /tg/ writefags, homebrewers, and drawfags have fucked off to their own blogs and twitter. Even if it's a good idea, the mods are hostile to OC threads, and you're always going to limited in your ability to make a buck from it if it's tainted as a 4chan project.
>Even if it's a good idea, the mods are hostile to OC threads, and you're always going to limited in your ability to make a buck from it if it's tainted as a 4chan project.

He tried to keep making threads on his project here, updating us on its progress. Jannies let them be but the shitposters didn't.
I don't think that's necessarily true, yeah there's a lot of stuff to discover but I think the logistics of actually doing anything inside the Pit is still really engaging even if you for example have been following the blog and know everything there is to know about it. For example, in the story >>94686878 mentioned (which is excellent) there's a section that's basically a flashback to the 2007 disaster which could pretty much be a narration of a one-shot RPG session.

Speaking of that story, this is not really related, but that writer also wrote https://archiveofourown.org/works/39021936 which is genuinely one of the best stories I think I've ever read on AO3. It starts off slow and it's kind of misleading because it's easy to write off as just bottom bin erotica but the twist and the ending are fantastic.
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yeah the "mystery" of the pit isn't what's necessarily interesting imo, it's just called that. it's pretty neat on its own as a setting even without considering the pit's origins or motives. we didn't know about the Venusian pit for ages.

we all know what the best pic fic is though
He managed to replicate their style admirably.
Cypher is a good system to use if you curate the powers to fit your setting. it's not overly complex, though my players found that just taking the roll was better than spending the points that are your health to possibly make it more likely to succeed.
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In the same vein, this also just released as a cypher system RPG.
The problem is that 4chan filters for negative qualities. I should know, I've been here for years, and I'm a loser who barely produces content. But the proportion of positive creatives to negative schizo's has been skewing towards the schizo side for a while now, because creatives have other places to go where people will tickle their balls and throw money at them. Sure, it's the crucible of 4chan that makes them improve way faster than some softie on Reddit would. That's the power of our severe, communal autism. But once you have amassed a good level of skill? Maybe the ball-tickling and free money starts sounding pretty good.
/tg/ no longer gets shit done. There just isn't enough internal support for creative efforts anymore. Absolute trash board "culture" that revolves around posting worthless artistically repetitive threads to drive up "engagement."
the shit doers got bored of the whining (average TG experience) & left.
TG's probably good for bullshitting up some initial ideas but actually hashing it out into something is probably best left for Reddit, Tumblr, Discord servers & secret forums you're not beardy enough to know about
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mmm... lasagna :)
It was Turnip28 that did it for me. Thread after thread of bucket crabs mocking, moaning and making arses of themselves whole a couple of patient bastards kept on posting models and ideas. Lo and behold, project got done despite /tg/ not because of it.
That's so sad
Thread link's broken.
Wasn't archived properly.

Unless there's another Archive somewhere
Oh shit, you're new. Or just medium ignorant.
Check out archive.4plebs.org
No I ascertained that it's missing through Gnosis & I believe it.

You will not fool me demiurge
lmao cope
No you.
There are like a dozen versions of Traveller, it's bound to be similar to one of them.
My actually guess is that he's noting that both are classless games that focus on skill improvement as progression, but lacks the lexicon to word it clearly[]
by monte cook? that's crazy
i'm not really familiar with Magnus Archives desu
No. Look it up yourself.
Its a pretty good podcast, monster of the week with a meta narrative about working as a archival assistant. Your job is to read and take statements from people who claim have had a supernatural interaction. They take any statement and investigate ones that seem credible. As the podcast goes on things start coming together in a really fun way and the worldbuilding done makes a very fun and spooky setting to investigate.

Though you should listen all 5 seasons TMA before reading the corebook, and thats kind of a big ask. But I enjoyed it.
My mother got called a mystery flesh pit :(
>Words: 224,564

Jebus wept
Agartha is a great example. It started from a fucking political compass thread, them had a decent amount of work including prototype rules and then sort of petered out.
Is that why the game is showing up in my news feed? Friggin hell. Well, ok.
So what do you even do in this game? Just crawl dungeons where everything is meat and go "whoa so mysterious" sometimes?
No. You also occasionally roll to see if your artifacts have depleted.
I guess.

I feel like with the players probably knowing the Gist of the park (Living cave that's still asleep but less sleepy than before) you'd need an overarching thing you're looking for, like something left behind before the disaster. Where you have a good idea of where it is/was pre disaster the pit should be less of a dungeon & more of a jungle/desert you have to venture into.
this one maybe? seems like a fairly normal thread to me (a mixture of praise and shitposting).
were you trying to post this?
I was trying to see if fucknuts could find it with the post number. They couldn't and coped badly about it.
either way, i think people in this thread are being a tad dramatic about the author of this game module getting run out of /tg/ by trolls
Pretty good story, well-written, though Roan antagonising everyone got irritating especially in the last quarter.
kind of realistic for the situation she was in imo
Yes, and realistic for her character type too. I just found it grating, because at some point you just go “for fuck's sake, Roan, get a grip” and it takes you out of it. Realistic, but not particularly pleasant. It's a minor quibble, I don't think it detracts from the standard of writing. If anything, it's good that the author is able to write such realistic responses. It's just somewhat annoying to read.
Agent of the Demiurge
Makado best girl. I'm excited for the sequel, it looks like it's going to focus more on the relationships.
Didn't know a sequel was in the works. Any ETA?
You're going to laugh but the first chapter is already out and the author is apparently going to start posting the next chapters literally tomorrow. If you go back to the original story on AO3 up at the top where there's all the info about it there should be a button that says 'next work' and that'll take you to it.
That thread links to the original thread.

When do they introduce vtubers into the lore?
Does anybody have the pdf?
Cypher is basically the epitome of heartbreakers and Monte Cook's bullshit. It's a dungeon crawler with a laundry list of random one-use magic items you're meant to burn though meaning there is a lot of bookkeeping for fairly basic things, with death spirals where your three stats are both health and currency to improve your rolls (damage makes you suck more), with a character creation system that's held back by Monte's favouring if Wizards and a lot of gimmicky options, and an XP system based around your GM making rocks fall unless you pay them off. Genuinely terrible and all he did to make it generic was change the names of things and give the barest mechanical support you could imagine. It's basically like the "5e can do anything" problem but somehow not doing it as well as d20 despite Monte working on d20.

The worst part though is that despite all of the above and it obviously being a dungeon crawler he's snatched up license like Mystery Flesh Pit, Old Gods of Appalachia, and The Magnus Archives. All things better suited to investigatory systems like CoC or Gumshoe rather than Monte Cook Presents: notD&D, while thinking it's God's gift to the medium.
>All things better suited to investigatory systems like CoC
10/10, you had me till the end and the punchline was like whiplash, very nice
I still think it's a shit "setting".
Same shit happened to Notch. People forget he started out on /v/.
They might forget but no one is surprised.
He says in that Thread that he just lurks on TG & posts most of his stuff on Reddit because that's better for being seen. Almost like people can use multiple site, potentially at the same time!

So I wouldn't say that the he "Introduced the pit here", even if he is a lurker.
I wonder if he's seen this thread.

Anyway I'd run Mothership or Call of Cuthulu. Though if something could simulate the trouble you'd have getting around stenting open tunnels & avoiding acid & stuff that would also do very well.
Or just use the Cypher RPG lol
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Hello, I'm the fleshpit guy.
For the record, there wasn't any meaningful bullying, I just stopped posting it here because I felt like I had posted about it enough. /tg/ was supportive and enthusiastic about the setting for the most part which was what convinced me that the concept had potential.
I don't think this is true. I still lurk here and other boards with fruitful results as far as creative inspiration goes.
> it's the crucible of 4chan that makes them improve way faster than some softie on Reddit would.
Absolutely correct
>because creatives have other places to go where people will tickle their balls and throw money at them
If you are really the guy, congratulations on making a thing. I hope it does well.
I wasn't planning to oneshot a story 2.2x longer than Ender's game but here we are and that was fun. Good characters, worldbuilding, restrained use of melodrama, and quests to dangerous outposts will get me like this every time.
Assuming this is actually the Flesh Pit guy; hi! Well done, I really like your setting.
No /tg/ drove you off for good by being an irreverent crab bucket quit lying.
Did the writer confirm abyssal copepods are sentient?
They're not, that was a misconception based on >>94686878 which initially featured a talking copepod in the first draft.
What was he not being sufficiently reverential about?
If that's the same schizo as on /co/, he means "irrelevant".
The crab bucket, /tg/, is what's being irreverent.

No I don't.
Yes you do.
Congratulations and thanks for stopping by Flesh Anon. For the sake of asking: why did the Park Restaurant apparently close before anything else in the park? I think I remembered something about that in the old threads, was it actually something almost hilariously mundane or were they serving chunks of the flesh pit?
You can't get shit done because people will make it their business to argue about horseshit and derail threads instead of creatively rerailing them like /tg/ did 10 years ago and every board is basically like this- you aren't actually allowed to produce meaningful content anymore.
No one is stopping you, ignore trolls, post what you want to work on and be less of a bitch. If all you get is criticism it's because it sucks. Learn to deal with failure, listen and improve.
>everything is shit and nobody has any constructive criticism
>'git gud'
you really showed him
I am not speaking on an individual "here is my art I drew" sense but on a broader sense for the quality of 4chan in general and how the dedicated schizos who derail outnumber the groups of anons who would organize in the past to produce content.
Social media behavior spilling into image boards was catastrophic for their culture. No one here knows who we are, there's no need for le epic zingers to increase your cut of ad revenue sharing. Monetizing social media was the catastrophe for our species in general though. Imagine paying retards to be retarded? What kind of fucked up feedback loop have we created?
Good on them for doing a thing.
This looks HR Giger as hell.
the new leftypol mod on /tg/ should chill more, it's getting ridiculous.
Same thing with SCP which had its start on /x/
The main issue that modern (aka around 2015) 4chan idolises being a fucking idiot. OC is cringe, caring about anything deeply is gay, anything remotely intellectual is le reddit. Being an ignorant caveman is super heckin based.
This is what fosters a culture of decay, when everything remotely genuine and productive gets ridiculed for making an effort.
Increasing user bases increases add revenue. Access to the internet in general and the rise of the smrt phone have drastically changed the quality of the user base. There's more shit because there's more people and the people have been trained to be less able to communicate.
Irreverence can be fun but the amount of ironic distance put up over the last decade has become so performative and enmass it does become difficult to bother engaging in depth.
I mean, showed him that posting crap will get you made fun of, maybe. But that's what makes 4chins superior for developing as an artist. Everywhere else is dominated by toxic positivity, you'll get showered with praise for vomiting out dogshit that no one is actually interested in while anyone trying to offer actual criticism is shouted down unless they tongue your asshole in the process. Here, you'll only get praise if what you're doing is worth a wet fart, which is invaluable feedback for creatives with skin thicker than tissue paper.

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