this just came out, has anyone run the Cypher system before? i'm plotting and scheming for my campaign right now
>>94682296My only knowledge of it is that it's pretty similar to Traveller, except Cypher is using d20's and purely a player facing system.
>>94682325Just from skimming the first part of the rules, it seems way less crunchy and more narrative focused than what I'm used to, which is nice.
>>94682325Cypher isn't similar to Traveller at all.
>>94682296I'm tempted to buy it and probably crunch it into delta green
>>94682296The creator introduced this setting right here. We had great threads at first until the trolls managed to drive him off to reddit where people threw money rather than shitposts at him.
>>94683234would be a pretty sick crossover ngl>>94683658yeah, i still remember those threads. it's been fun watching the project develop
>>94682755I would have to be, wouldn't it? What is there to do at mystery flesh pit? It's not like there are monsters like Jurassic Park.
>>94682296Wtf I was thinking of doing a novelty CoC oneshot for the incident of the pit.
>>94683234>probably crunch it into delta green>"Our target is the cthuluanoid in the ambionic good pits and it's cult members. I repeat, we are after the fish man and the perverts that follow it, NOT the giant anus monster we will be crawling inside of and the perverts that follow that one. Collateral damage comes out of your pay."
>>94683658>The creator introduced this setting right here. We had great threads at first until the trolls managed to drive him off to reddit where people threw money rather than shitposts at him.Many such cases. It's why 4chan has become a creatively sterile and barren hellscape
>>94683854well theres big meat bugs aren't there?
>>94682755whose butt is that? why is there a butt national park?
>>94684236Didn't even know it started here.Probably better off for leaving, alas. The 4chan Crab bucket has managed to become worse than the Reddit crab bucket, dire straits indeed.Love the setting, hope the book is good.Something like Mothership or even Call of Cthulhu would work, it's a very cosmic Horror setting>>94683854It's full of Parasites the size of cars.
>>94685584>It's full of Parasites the size of cars.Sounds like my ex lmao.
>>94682296Ah man, that's cool. Weird Birds would be cool, too; have to live a week in prehistoricville.
>They made OCs of the fucking copepodsHow would you even stat them?
>>94683854there are lots of things to do in the mystery flesh pit. dealing with parasites, obviously, but also a lot of man-made stuff with abandoned secret Anodyne operations, cultists, goverment ops. there's some level of psychic fuckery going on with the pit itself that can also be used by player characters.There's a story written that takes place in the pit where the pit itself isn't the primary antagonist for instance. Good inspo for campaign materialarchiveofourown . org /works/28129554/chapters/68922291
>>94682296Seems like a bit of a miss. To me, the setting screams NuSR dungeoncrawl - so something like Mothership.>>94683658Proofs? Afaik, it was always a tumblr project.
>>94682296This strikes me as one of those settings that is so dense with mystery that you need an entire table of clueless players to enjoy it at all, but after a few sessions, the "mystery" will be so wrung dry that continuing to play will become impossible.
>>94687267It's in the archives. He put his stuff on tumblr but introduced it here.
>>94687479Not surprising. There's a reason all the /tg/ writefags, homebrewers, and drawfags have fucked off to their own blogs and twitter. Even if it's a good idea, the mods are hostile to OC threads, and you're always going to limited in your ability to make a buck from it if it's tainted as a 4chan project.
>>94687515>Even if it's a good idea, the mods are hostile to OC threads, and you're always going to limited in your ability to make a buck from it if it's tainted as a 4chan project.He tried to keep making threads on his project here, updating us on its progress. Jannies let them be but the shitposters didn't.
>>94687478I don't think that's necessarily true, yeah there's a lot of stuff to discover but I think the logistics of actually doing anything inside the Pit is still really engaging even if you for example have been following the blog and know everything there is to know about it. For example, in the story >>94686878 mentioned (which is excellent) there's a section that's basically a flashback to the 2007 disaster which could pretty much be a narration of a one-shot RPG session.Speaking of that story, this is not really related, but that writer also wrote which is genuinely one of the best stories I think I've ever read on AO3. It starts off slow and it's kind of misleading because it's easy to write off as just bottom bin erotica but the twist and the ending are fantastic.
>>94687478yeah the "mystery" of the pit isn't what's necessarily interesting imo, it's just called that. it's pretty neat on its own as a setting even without considering the pit's origins or motives. we didn't know about the Venusian pit for ages.>>94688312we all know what the best pic fic is though
>>94687267He managed to replicate their style admirably.
>>94682296Cypher is a good system to use if you curate the powers to fit your setting. it's not overly complex, though my players found that just taking the roll was better than spending the points that are your health to possibly make it more likely to succeed.
>>94682296In the same vein, this also just released as a cypher system RPG.
>>94684236>>94685584The problem is that 4chan filters for negative qualities. I should know, I've been here for years, and I'm a loser who barely produces content. But the proportion of positive creatives to negative schizo's has been skewing towards the schizo side for a while now, because creatives have other places to go where people will tickle their balls and throw money at them. Sure, it's the crucible of 4chan that makes them improve way faster than some softie on Reddit would. That's the power of our severe, communal autism. But once you have amassed a good level of skill? Maybe the ball-tickling and free money starts sounding pretty good.
>>94703301/tg/ no longer gets shit done. There just isn't enough internal support for creative efforts anymore. Absolute trash board "culture" that revolves around posting worthless artistically repetitive threads to drive up "engagement."
>>94704094the shit doers got bored of the whining (average TG experience) & left.TG's probably good for bullshitting up some initial ideas but actually hashing it out into something is probably best left for Reddit, Tumblr, Discord servers & secret forums you're not beardy enough to know about
>>94682296mmm... lasagna :)
>>94704094It was Turnip28 that did it for me. Thread after thread of bucket crabs mocking, moaning and making arses of themselves whole a couple of patient bastards kept on posting models and ideas. Lo and behold, project got done despite /tg/ not because of it.
>>94705244That's so sad
>>94705574Thread link's broken.Wasn't archived properly.Unless there's another Archive somewhere
>>94705614Oh shit, you're new. Or just medium ignorant. Check out
>>94705652No I ascertained that it's missing through Gnosis & I believe it.You will not fool me demiurge
>>94705689lmao cope
>>94706366No you.
>>94682967There are like a dozen versions of Traveller, it's bound to be similar to one of them.My actually guess is that he's noting that both are classless games that focus on skill improvement as progression, but lacks the lexicon to word it clearly[]
>>94702552by monte cook? that's crazy
>>94702552i'm not really familiar with Magnus Archives desu
>>94704930No. Look it up yourself.
>>94707535Its a pretty good podcast, monster of the week with a meta narrative about working as a archival assistant. Your job is to read and take statements from people who claim have had a supernatural interaction. They take any statement and investigate ones that seem credible. As the podcast goes on things start coming together in a really fun way and the worldbuilding done makes a very fun and spooky setting to investigate. Though you should listen all 5 seasons TMA before reading the corebook, and thats kind of a big ask. But I enjoyed it.
>>94682296My mother got called a mystery flesh pit :(
>>94686878>Words: 224,564Jebus wept
>>94704686Agartha is a great example. It started from a fucking political compass thread, them had a decent amount of work including prototype rules and then sort of petered out.
>>94683658Is that why the game is showing up in my news feed? Friggin hell. Well, ok.
>>94682296So what do you even do in this game? Just crawl dungeons where everything is meat and go "whoa so mysterious" sometimes?
>>94709354No. You also occasionally roll to see if your artifacts have depleted.
>>94709354I guess.I feel like with the players probably knowing the Gist of the park (Living cave that's still asleep but less sleepy than before) you'd need an overarching thing you're looking for, like something left behind before the disaster. Where you have a good idea of where it is/was pre disaster the pit should be less of a dungeon & more of a jungle/desert you have to venture into.
>>94704930this one maybe? seems like a fairly normal thread to me (a mixture of praise and shitposting).>>94705244were you trying to post this?
>>94713836I was trying to see if fucknuts could find it with the post number. They couldn't and coped badly about it.
>>94713864either way, i think people in this thread are being a tad dramatic about the author of this game module getting run out of /tg/ by trolls
>>94686878Pretty good story, well-written, though Roan antagonising everyone got irritating especially in the last quarter.
>>94714938kind of realistic for the situation she was in imo
>>94714959Yes, and realistic for her character type too. I just found it grating, because at some point you just go “for fuck's sake, Roan, get a grip” and it takes you out of it. Realistic, but not particularly pleasant. It's a minor quibble, I don't think it detracts from the standard of writing. If anything, it's good that the author is able to write such realistic responses. It's just somewhat annoying to read.
>>94713864Agent of the Demiurge
>>94715048>>94686878Makado best girl. I'm excited for the sequel, it looks like it's going to focus more on the relationships.
>>94717791Didn't know a sequel was in the works. Any ETA?
>>94722412You're going to laugh but the first chapter is already out and the author is apparently going to start posting the next chapters literally tomorrow. If you go back to the original story on AO3 up at the top where there's all the info about it there should be a button that says 'next work' and that'll take you to it.
>>94713836That thread links to the original thread.
>>94708874>a4oWhen do they introduce vtubers into the lore?
>>94682296 Does anybody have the pdf?
>>94682296Cypher is basically the epitome of heartbreakers and Monte Cook's bullshit. It's a dungeon crawler with a laundry list of random one-use magic items you're meant to burn though meaning there is a lot of bookkeeping for fairly basic things, with death spirals where your three stats are both health and currency to improve your rolls (damage makes you suck more), with a character creation system that's held back by Monte's favouring if Wizards and a lot of gimmicky options, and an XP system based around your GM making rocks fall unless you pay them off. Genuinely terrible and all he did to make it generic was change the names of things and give the barest mechanical support you could imagine. It's basically like the "5e can do anything" problem but somehow not doing it as well as d20 despite Monte working on d20. The worst part though is that despite all of the above and it obviously being a dungeon crawler he's snatched up license like Mystery Flesh Pit, Old Gods of Appalachia, and The Magnus Archives. All things better suited to investigatory systems like CoC or Gumshoe rather than Monte Cook Presents: notD&D, while thinking it's God's gift to the medium.
>>94724785>All things better suited to investigatory systems like CoC10/10, you had me till the end and the punchline was like whiplash, very nice
>>94682296I still think it's a shit "setting".
>>94683658Same shit happened to Notch. People forget he started out on /v/.
>>94724982They might forget but no one is surprised.
>>94723889>>94713836>>94705244He says in that Thread that he just lurks on TG & posts most of his stuff on Reddit because that's better for being seen. Almost like people can use multiple site, potentially at the same time!So I wouldn't say that the he "Introduced the pit here", even if he is a lurker. I wonder if he's seen this thread.Anyway I'd run Mothership or Call of Cuthulu. Though if something could simulate the trouble you'd have getting around stenting open tunnels & avoiding acid & stuff that would also do very well.Or just use the Cypher RPG lol
Hello, I'm the fleshpit guy.>>94683658For the record, there wasn't any meaningful bullying, I just stopped posting it here because I felt like I had posted about it enough. /tg/ was supportive and enthusiastic about the setting for the most part which was what convinced me that the concept had potential.>>94684236I don't think this is true. I still lurk here and other boards with fruitful results as far as creative inspiration goes. >>94703301> it's the crucible of 4chan that makes them improve way faster than some softie on Reddit would.Absolutely correct>because creatives have other places to go where people will tickle their balls and throw money at themYes.
>>94733787If you are really the guy, congratulations on making a thing. I hope it does well.
>>94686878I wasn't planning to oneshot a story 2.2x longer than Ender's game but here we are and that was fun. Good characters, worldbuilding, restrained use of melodrama, and quests to dangerous outposts will get me like this every time.
>>94733787Assuming this is actually the Flesh Pit guy; hi! Well done, I really like your setting.
>>94733787No /tg/ drove you off for good by being an irreverent crab bucket quit lying.
>>94686708Did the writer confirm abyssal copepods are sentient?
>>94742645They're not, that was a misconception based on >>94686878 which initially featured a talking copepod in the first draft.
>>94742570>irreverentWhat was he not being sufficiently reverential about?
>>94747003If that's the same schizo as on /co/, he means "irrelevant".
>>94747003The crab bucket, /tg/, is what's being irreverent.>>94747057No I don't.
>>94747982Yes you do.
>>94733787Congratulations and thanks for stopping by Flesh Anon. For the sake of asking: why did the Park Restaurant apparently close before anything else in the park? I think I remembered something about that in the old threads, was it actually something almost hilariously mundane or were they serving chunks of the flesh pit?
>>94704094>>94703301You can't get shit done because people will make it their business to argue about horseshit and derail threads instead of creatively rerailing them like /tg/ did 10 years ago and every board is basically like this- you aren't actually allowed to produce meaningful content anymore.
>>94753416No one is stopping you, ignore trolls, post what you want to work on and be less of a bitch. If all you get is criticism it's because it sucks. Learn to deal with failure, listen and improve.
>>94753636>everything is shit and nobody has any constructive criticism>'git gud'you really showed him
>>94753636I am not speaking on an individual "here is my art I drew" sense but on a broader sense for the quality of 4chan in general and how the dedicated schizos who derail outnumber the groups of anons who would organize in the past to produce content.
>>94753833Social media behavior spilling into image boards was catastrophic for their culture. No one here knows who we are, there's no need for le epic zingers to increase your cut of ad revenue sharing. Monetizing social media was the catastrophe for our species in general though. Imagine paying retards to be retarded? What kind of fucked up feedback loop have we created?
>>94682296Good on them for doing a thing.
>>94682755>>94682296This looks HR Giger as hell.
the new leftypol mod on /tg/ should chill more, it's getting ridiculous.
>>94724982>>94684236Same thing with SCP which had its start on /x/
>>94703301The main issue that modern (aka around 2015) 4chan idolises being a fucking idiot. OC is cringe, caring about anything deeply is gay, anything remotely intellectual is le reddit. Being an ignorant caveman is super heckin based.This is what fosters a culture of decay, when everything remotely genuine and productive gets ridiculed for making an effort.
>>94753833>>94754119ntaIncreasing user bases increases add revenue. Access to the internet in general and the rise of the smrt phone have drastically changed the quality of the user base. There's more shit because there's more people and the people have been trained to be less able to communicate. >>94765845Irreverence can be fun but the amount of ironic distance put up over the last decade has become so performative and enmass it does become difficult to bother engaging in depth.
>94753652>94753652I mean, showed him that posting crap will get you made fun of, maybe. But that's what makes 4chins superior for developing as an artist. Everywhere else is dominated by toxic positivity, you'll get showered with praise for vomiting out dogshit that no one is actually interested in while anyone trying to offer actual criticism is shouted down unless they tongue your asshole in the process. Here, you'll only get praise if what you're doing is worth a wet fart, which is invaluable feedback for creatives with skin thicker than tissue paper.
choose your class
>>94753416I genuinely feel that it's the absolute worst on /tg/. My other boards I go to, even /v/, if I get into a sincere, non-troll argument with someone, it usually ends in like 3-6 replies at the most. On /tg/, my honestly innocuous pedestrian-tier comments will rile someone into an argument that lasts a MINIMUM of 30 replies, and can very easily extend into a full bump limit thread.My personal theory on this is that it's a specific form of Dunning-Kruger. There are tons of people who have to take an authoritative position in the hobby (the GM) and are used to just settling arguments by merely speaking. But TTRPGs in general, being mostly based around social dynamic rather than mechanic, has probably the least amount of "study" surrounding it, making it so there are few objective ways to prove them wrong. If I get into a shitfest on /v/ or /a/, I can point to game design and literary analysis to get them to shut up. On /tg/, you just have to pray that the other anon stops being retarded when you tell him "it's bad table dynamics to make a ruling and then intentionally go back on that ruling just because you have the power to" because the other anon is used to dealing with tables that WILL follow that hypocrisy like a troop out of basic training.
>>94775000Surveyor just for my first playthrough, to get used to the system
>>94775000Park Ranger. Gimme that jack of all trades role, so I can fill in where ever the rest of the party is lacking.
>>94765845Do not amuse yourself by acting the fool, lest actual fools think you are good company.
>>94779060Personally, I think its autism. I usually lurk here and occasionally comment, but I feel like I can predict the same comments on any thread now. Is it a question about settings? Within 2 to 5 replies, the same comment always asks, "I dunno OP, what do YOU think? You do play games do you?" If its 40k or fantasy, there will be an immediate "You missed the general." reply. At this point, I'm convinced its one or two people who autistically self-moderate this board. I'm sure there are others, but that's just a few I've noticed. I've had great conversations on this website, but a trend I've noticed is that its nearly impossible to discuss a board's actual subject. Video games on /v/? Not a chance. Anime or movies on /v/? Riveting discussions. I've seen people talk about Tolkien in a more passionate and insightful way on this board than on /lit/. It's a shitflinging contest until another subject comes up. But I do prefer this atmosphere than any other place, even if its brimmed with disheartening ragebait.
>>94683854There are plenty of dangerous monsters. Don't turn your back on a Copepod if you don't want to die.
>>94704094I've seen this happen with Trench Crusade purely out of reactionary driven spite and it disgusts me. I miss when /tg/ actually sat around and hashed out settings like Endless Hells or Hollow Deeds - where did the fucking magic go?
>>94733787Hey StrangeVehicles, good to see ya here.
>>94749020I just read the posts, the restaurants did not serve the fleshpit meat because it tastes awful and the feds said they can't cut it out since the feds owned the meat. However, eating the parasites in the fleshpit that had to be put down for guest safety, while not tasty, might be on the table. Since rangers have eaten some like one eats crawfish. >>94733787Good work if you are the real guy. I read it while alone in an RV parked in the woods in the middle of a thunderstorm. Great experience.
>>94747982>The crab bucket, /tg/, is what's being irreverent.Since you dodged the question:What. Needs. More. Reverence?
>>94765845>OC is cringeThis was literally never the case, especially in /tg/.
>>94787081TC shot first. They didn't want us, we're not the cool kind of 40k refugees.
>>94682296Roes the game add new lore?
>>94775000Oh I'm gonna be (you)
yeah I'll bump that shit
>>94686878>first story is a novel-length story about the protagonist triumphing over her own fears and anxieties about a hiv diagnosis and has a happy ending with her shacking up with her newfound lesbian girlfriend>second story is set four years later and immediately starts with the previous story's protagonist being so fed up and bored of her lesbian girlfriend that she decides to cheat on her with the antagonist of the previous novel after her girlfriend is implied to have cheated on her in the past with a manthis may be the most realistic portrayal of a lesbian relationship I've ever read
>>94733787Proud of you anon. I remember when you first floated the ideas around - it's been awesome watching good things come and for the project to mature. It's by far my favorite of the 'creepypasta' type settings.Your exakple helps keep me from giving up on my own projects too, not gonna lie. Good reminder that things can work out sometimes.>Captcha: KYS XDFuck you too, website
>>94742645No of course not.That isn't the only copepod OC but the others go too anthro or furry it up to the point it's just more of that furry "Muh hips" slop.
>>94787443>What. Needs. More. Reverence?I'm not that anon, nor do I even agree with the anon about driving out the flesh guy, but this is a retarded argument you are using. Nobody cares about you pedantry, and nobody thinks you're intelligent.
>>94742645They're not. They're basically just mindless animals.
Does anyone have the pdf? I can't find it archived.
>>94787457TC isn't from /tg/ in the first place, it's from ArtStation.
>>94682296Isn't this concept from an episode of the X-files or an SCP or something? I swear I've seen something about a Mystery Flesh Pit in a National Park before. Not saying the author is a plagiarist btw
>>94814530Its similar but MFP is pretty unique and detailed. The writeup for the big incident that closed the park honestly gives me more Michael Crichton novel vibes than X files.
>>94682296is this a good book if I hate the Cypher system and Monte Cook but love the Mystery Flesh Pit setting?
>>94702552Nothing monte cook touches will ever be playable
>>94682755Cypher is VERY crunchy. You book leep three HP pools, manage a dozen spell-like abilities, an inventory and an ever growing pool of potions and scrolls. However, due to this, Numenera 1.0 is the best version of D&D 3.5 out of all the derivates. Cypher and Numenera 2.0 kinda fucked up with the addition of the charisma class. Where everyone could roleplay and engage the story in Nume 1,0, now only one class could. A true "it was only good on accident" experience.
>>94686708why a Scottish accent?
Cypher System is just a setting agnostic action TTRPG. Use this fact to your advantage and explore the weirdness of the Mystery Flesh Pit. Cypher is not a magical solution to being a better storyteller.
>>94819870Because the Scots are irl abhumans, so giving their accent to nonhuman sapients is a natural step.
>>94708757>90812390 insults and jokes about degrading moms>waah women don't wan to have kids nowadaysalthough desu literal mystery flesh pits seem fun as both locations and creatures for ttrpgs
>>94704687Why does anyone like lasagna? It's gross as shit, spaghetti and tricolor are the only pastas worth anything
>>94704094Today's /tg/ also feels like it's in a bit of a weird spot where it's not as slow as it once was (thanks to a constant tide of slop threads) so you don't know if a thread is truly going to stick around to put some actual creative legwork in. I don't think things can truly have a chance to heal until all 'ai generals' are regulated to their own board.
>>94840604We were already pretty b a d off even before the neverending AI generals. We aren't going to start healing even if they're gone.
>>94682296it has all the same issues as traveller; it would have been good if just made as a setting book for gurps.gurps traveller is literally the only good version of traveller
the way it handles creatures and bodies in general is so shit, and it could have been raw and hard as fuck had it just used the GIGANTIC toolbox already built by literal decades of gurps publications and one gazillion shitillion options of materials to pull fromit could have been great, but ended up ass
I'm familiar enough with this premise but what's the appeal beyond "wow look at all that meat." Yes, I get that there are shenanigans afoot but frankly it just doesn't seem that interesting>>94686643Dinosaur stuff always has so much potential, unfortunately it's also easy to go full retard a la jurassic world dominion, even if you ignore obvious biological issues such as metabolic needs for more dangerous dinos and how they'd realistically get filtered by modern ecosystems. I've read a lot of the weird birds stuff/offshoots and it gets progressively more unbelievable that dinos are just running amok (all of a sudden) and aren't getting merked with extreme enthusiasm. You're telling me that every jackass with a nine isn't trying to cap a dinosaur? bullshit If it's not an isolated setting (rural lab, island) then it just doesn't work, unfortunately. Like the image of one of the "weird birds" next to an expressway? That bitch would wander onto the road and get turned into prehistoric paste by a semi in minutes
>>94847337>>94847371Go away, Gurpsfaggot
>>94840300>hates lasagnaBehold, the most vile post in the thread.
>>94860975you hate me because i speak the truth, and the truth offends your sinful ways
>>94840604>>94845663It's been CREST innovative tactics outsourced for a while now. Look at the use dtats pre and post American election.
>>94682296I'm surprised people still remember this, it was an interesting setting but the entire thing mostly fizzled out.I wouldn't personally buy it, but I can understand why someone with disposable income would bring this to a group for a oneshot and keep it on their shelves for the rest of the time. I hope the creator gets a good cut.
>>94753416>like /tg/ did 10 years agooh you think 10 years things were good? Funny how that works, I stopped browsing in 2018 because I thought things were only good 5 years before.
>>94713836wait, how is this only 5 years old I thought this was way older
>>94682296Does anyone have a pdf of this? I am considering a one shot but I want to preview more of the crunch than is on the drivethrurpg page so I can see if my group will chimp about rules.
>>9487618110 years ago, things were bad but not to the extent that a simple harmless post could trigger some retard to the point they start a 300+ post derail or how almost every thread nowadays opens with "in what system?" or some other brainless bullshit.
>>94877607I don't think it's even out, and when it will be, it will be out in the usual places if you want to try before you buy
>>94876142The big reason why it hasn't been as popular as usual is because it's been in a sort of pseudo-hibernation for a while now.
>>94686878I read through halfway of this and I just gave up
>>94848107Completely agree. I just think that sounds like fun. The shooting dinos part. Storyline I don't care.MFP is so cool because of the giant thing you're in, nevermind it's parasites and stuff. The story of the park and everything is just dope as hell.I'm glad the setting, story, and now game all exist. Very cool.
>>94902600I'm trying to put this into words as best as I can. I have quite literally read furry smut with more interesting characters than this.I can understand just a generic hero's journey story, which is why I gave it a try but the author just to try and make up for it by going off-the rails right off the bat with instead of just taking advantage of the weirdness of the pit itself, so you get... a talking 500 people/animal amalgam chase scene where someone gets eaten and has a tragic reuinion with some kid they just met! Inside the amalgamation. Which talks, by the way.And this sex scene out of the blue from this chick she met a day before and talked for exactly 5 minutes (uh-oh spoiler, that's her love interest for the rest of the book!) just before they go into the pit, because... I guess reader retention was low.>Halfway through a novel-length fanfiction of the mystery flesh pit exploration I got hit by a chapter about two women exploring their mystery flesh pitsIt's just that kind of offensively bland and trite that is somehow only tangential to the pit itself and just invents a shitton of junk picking it out of its ass for no fucking reason.It's just not even worth reading.
>>94902717I don't know, personal taste aside I feel like that's a harsher assessment than the story really deserves. The writing is competent, and while it's not high literature I get the impression it really isn't trying to be. I didn't find the characters anywhere near as offensive as you seem to have, I thought they were all decently fleshed out and I thought the decisions they made felt pretty natural for the most part.
>>94708421>>94707535>>94702552I only know Magnus Archives from the stories that came up when I was browsing unrelated tags on Ao3based on these stories it's about a slutty scientist who gets his pussy ripped to shreds by evil women
>>94905788>>94902717>>94902600>>94894866I stopped reading around the part where they were about to go in the hole in the present day. I didn't even mean to, I just took a break and never came backit felt like the whole thing was getting mired in cliches after the investigative segment which was overall solid, like they were "putting together a team" for one last jobnot every story on ao3 has gotta be the protagonist getting instant lossed in the libido bath but if anything I thought the story could have used more sex
>>94906246You basically stopped right before it got to the sex
>>94906134You're about half right. He's not actually slutty in the series proper and not all of them are women.
>>94708421Something I've noticed about TMA is that all the "woke" types gushing over it because the main character gets into a gay relationship is kind of an own goal, given that it's heavily implied that his feelings were being manipulated by an evil god in order to further its long term plans to expand into the multiverse. Don't get me wrong, the main ethos behind the series is EXTREMELY leftist, but taken together it feels more like an old school, pro-worker, anti-bougeoise hard leftism that's historically been very unfriendly to queer culture.
>>94850244alright wise guywhat GURPS books best simulate the world of mystery flesh pitI assume you're familiar with the setting and aren't just driveby shitposting like you faggots always do whenever a system discussion arises
>>94907254Eh, Martin and Jon genuinely love each other beyond anything The Web did. The Web merely took advantage of said love to manipulate them, which it did with literally everyone else. Daisy, Basira, Gertrude, the entire cast more or less, etc. All were pawns for The Web's plan to escape through the Crack and spread itself and the Powers all throughout the multiverse. Jon could have hated Martin from the start instead and it would have made no difference.
>>94913102Thats literally not how gurps work anon, but if you want flesh pit with 'accurate' weird creature modeling you'll get some use out of biotech, hightech will cover modern weapons and equipment, TL5-8, if you want any of it, but again, its not how gurps work.You can model all the funny things >>94847371 that the system fails at by not going further than BS 1-2 and actually understanding how it works.Like sure, a lot of said knowledge and understanding that people have comes from a literal decade and more of playing with and understanding assumptions and equivalences inside the system, but if someone was building a setting-book release for the mystery flesh pit for gurps they wouldn't need to know it themselves as SJG will get them covered, while, if you want to do it then you better find someone who knows it well enough to either do it for you or get you in the somewhat right path after every single question you get.A random mf won't get through the toolbox in a few days and shit gold out of it, but thats the work of the people building the entire setting book, to understand and give the time to properly handle those. Fauna is like the second big thing about the pit and its handled like shit on the released system, just value blob ass like every other slop
>>94682296Imagine if this was the pussy of a giantess, and the giantess tried to shove you into her vagina haha wouldn't that be weird haha
>>94815503>Cypher is VERY crunchy.Default monster stat block is 1 character long.
>>94918832What made you feel the need to post this
>>94927221Horniness, and a desire to say silly things online to cope with my not-so-silly problems in real life.
>>94927221He's just saying what we're all thinking.
>>94906345I still can't believe there's sex as a narrative focus in it.
>>94939694For a story about the Mystery Flesh Pit? It's such an inherently sexual setting it would be more surprising if it wasn't a focus.The sex is pretty good in the story, anyway. It's generally tasteful and not pornographic, and there's one section where the protagonist sneaks away from the group to climb into a ballast bulb by herself that's imo incredibly well-written and vivid.
>>94733787congrats on Wendigoon covering the setting. apes together strong!
>>94942257who the fuck is wendigoon, why is a gooner covering flesh pit
>>94942435>why is a gooner covering flesh pit
>>94918832From what I understand it's pretty horrific, like if you were buried and forced to lean your head back with your mouth held open with cranes. It rains down your throat and you'd spasm and cough but couldn't close your mouth and there's constantly people going up and down
>>94942435>why is a gooner covering flesh pitYou know why
>>94942435Wendigoon is a guy who talks about weird horror-y things from real life and videogames. He's got a large watch-base, so getting features in a video means you will get a boost to your project. I don't think he does tabletop material.
>>94921910Did you actually read the post or even the rules? All the complexity is player character side. Basically, all characters are D&D wizards with a dozen scrolls and three HP pools that are also used as mana pools.Also,>One character longThis is a grunt enemy, btw.
>>94950202>>94944367if anything he should expose it
>>94918792>Huge semi-wall of text to just dodge the question with "it depends."This is a huge reason why people hate GURPs and their ilk. They are the linux of the TTRPG world.
>>94958298>how do i build a specific thing to my tastes>you can use X, Y, Z, D, A, B or Z tools, it depends on what are your tastes>stop dodging my questionyou're retarded because your brain cannot comprehend something other than cocks and masters 9.5e v2gurps is a wide set tool shed, it does everything incredibly if you actually build it.and thats the point of why it would be a better game as a setting publication for gurps rather than the shit we got
>>94958616False equivlancy. Here's what actually happened:>Hey, is this game good.>>Nah it's shit at emulating it's own setting. You should use this instead.>How is it better?>>What the fuck do you mean? It's just a tool. I can't answer all of your questions, what are you, retarded?If your next line is about to be "B-but some of those posts weren't me!", then just concede you're a bumbling retard who entered into the conversation unaware of what was going on and kill yourself.
>>94959822>How is it better?>>94913102>what GURPS books best simulate the world of mystery flesh pitThose are not the same question anon, stop pretending you're retarded. GURPS is a system, not a setting, and the system does things well, there isn't a 'what book captures this setting', because its not how gurps splats are set as.splats are divided by category of thing they are giving you intructions for, and, for building mfp campaigns which are severely dependant on creature modeling and the entire bioroid factor you have a lot of options to do so depending on how you'd rather do so.gurps will cover you to any degree of autism you'd like, you don't have to touch biotech, but you could, you don't have to learn and model it after the 2 splats and 17 articles that cover bio models, but you could if you wanted to, you have a lot of options and you can use any of them.>how is it betterEven the most basic way of handling will leave you with more than undefined unrefined de facto interchangeable blobs as with the system we got released. Having actual handling appliable to every and any body part, its implications and consistency across creatures is actually really good, specially with the background of what melee combat looks like on gurps
>>94961642>That linkI stopped reading your bullshit. The actual conversation starts up here:>>94847337>it would have been good if just made as a setting book for gurps.>"B-but some of those posts weren't me!",I repeat: just concede you're a bumbling retard who entered into the conversation unaware of what was going on and kill yourself.
>>94682296I'm genuinely curious, does anyone have the PDF to share?(I know about Share Thread, but I'll ask there in case no one here has it)
>>94958298>They are the linux of the TTRPG world.Let's not be too hasty here.
>>94962980Seems that nobody has it, which is kind of a shame overall.
>>94961642>gurps will cover you to any degree of autism you'd likeApparently not. You obviously know exactly what he means and still went off on your autistic spiel. Calm down.
>>94975957They sent it in the Share Thread.gofile <dot> io/d/SnBTGm
>>94979669Link isn't working. Can you post the pdf here?
Why did they retcon anodyne fucking up on an industrial scale and just went for "oh it rained like, really hard"
>>94733787>> it's the crucible of 4chan that makes them improve way faster than some softie on Reddit would.>Absolutely correctIntriguing
why would a giant starfish need bones?
>>94985701I'm pretty sure they retconned a good chunk of the lore
>>94985701It's not a literal starfish. It's a cosmic horror, as such, it's anatomy is supposed to be nonsense.
>>94988372>It's a cosmic horrorit's a big ol' starfish that people dig up pieces of for profitnow the actual question is how you bring this to the table and ask people to play it >"hey guys do you wanna try this new game where you discover the wet, slimy, pulsating innards of this ancient slumbering immense being and fight the local fauna of weird and disgusting leeches, slugs, worms and toxic parasites?
>>94985701In what sense? Most starfish species do had endoskeleton, a gross over simplification is that those are already effectively skeletons-for-ocean-invertebrates, such as starfish.Also pic seems to be a sea scallop riding a starfish, so he's got a shell too.
>>94988441>"living" creature that extends all the way to the planet core>Gets less and less coherent as you go downIt's literally lovecraftian. Not very horror by modern standards, but it is cosmic horror. big starfish aliens were part of into the mountain of madness, for example.
>>94988441>it's a big ol' starfishThat's an artist rendition of what it might look like based on nothing.
>>94988560>the planet's coresuvey goes down ~30 km, even the upper mantle is x10 times as that.>Gets less and less coherent as you go downNothing about this was ever explained in the lore or the book, it's literally just handwaved the only bit about it I could find in the book taht wasn't on the website was "if you go down far enough to the blue stuff there's a barrier of mcguffium that melts things and also cuts through stuff so you need mcguffiumite to traverse it and also it's patrolled by really big guys"
>>94988616>Nothing about this was ever explained in the lore or the book, It's literally stated in the lore - past its outer layers into the Blue Tissue Layers, the PBS stops remotely resembling Earth life and its dimensions become physically impossible. There's also the fact that it has the remains of creatures made of synthetic polymer in its guts in the upper layers alone or how it can pull people's deepest desires out of their heads.
>>94989421>or how it can pull people's deepest desires out of their heads.the gift thingie was removed and I think it's a good idea
>>94985701>damm guys i'm gonna draw the pbs and i need ideas>what about a starfish>no do a scallopits a anatomically accurate scallop on top of a anatomically accurate starfish and its not even trying to hide it what the fuck, was this shit made by a brainless retard with no imagination
>>94989560>the gift thingie was removedThey were? Doesn't seem like it from what I've read.
>>94996786it's on the website but nowhere it's mentioned in the book.
>>94996830That doesn't really mean it's non-canon, just that it's tangential to the RPG
>>94985701The biology of the thing is complete nonsense and is an intentional mishmash of random disjointed bits of Earth life on its surface.
Very interesting concept.Reminded me of the Wall of Flesh from Terraria.
>>94906134I're not exactly WRONG.
>>94979669Oh, neat.
>>95014858After a bit of research I see that the Permian Basin Superorganism is probably much larger than the Wall of Flesh, although Terraria's 2D dimensions and scale could be misleading.
I thought threads couldn't be bumped more than 14 days in a row?
>>95037956That got changed back.
>>95014858Interesting, can you share some more about this "Wall of Flesh?"
>>95048995Didn't they enact that literally for one guy
>>94985350Maybe that's just the official story
>>94708881Agartha is a real place faggot.
>>94775000>Laborers seem to be exclusively undocumented wetbacksAtleast they wont have to worry if they die on the job
>>94708881>prototype rulesJokes on you it's a fully playable system with only one or two unbalanced factions that break the game.And really, isn't that what wargaming is really all about?
>>95052541>t. subterranean
>>95052086Well it’s the final boss of the first half of the game (Terraria). It is one of the coolest looking foes in the lore imo, literally a towering flesh monster with huge jaw and eyes which wants to devour the character.Worth looking up.Keep in mind, though, that the game is vertically in 2D, albeit beautifully full of lavish and colorful details. In 3D the monster would surely be even cooler.Also, I assume you saw my update on the comparison with the OP? >>95035528.
>>94775000Honestly, this would have been great artistically if the scba’s had more of that mira c8-8m feel. Also, even in the 70’s nothing screams futurist as integrated kneepads it’s not like the tech for them is crazy, just some extra sewing.
>>95060981>Also, I assume you saw my update on the comparison with the OP?I hadn't, thank you for referring me to it.
>>95064747Neat, you’re very welcome
>>94815435It's decent for what it is.
>>94815435The springs, particularly the libido bath and the dotted yellow seem dreadful.
>>95085824>being this much of an incel
>>94814530There are a few SCPs with flesh pit stuff, but none that are the exact same as far as I'm aware.
>>95094437Would be interesting to see how they incorporated it into the whole SCP scenario.
>>94815435Nah. It doesn't add really anything of interest, and it doesn't explain shit (as in, there are no more detailed descriptions of the innerscape or things like that, which you would expect from a setting book).I think the only good point is a somehow more complete bestiary, but it's dry as fuck and not really worth it.
Reminded me of the (Old World of Darkness) Tzimisce and the Cathedral of Flesh.
>>94988441>how you bring this to the table and ask people to play it Chloroform, a rag... lotsa duct tape.
>>95107284Is there anything else like >>94985350 that seems to retcon something major?
>>94815435>ballast fluid is safe to eat>mildly reverses cell degradation caused by cancer and aging>makes you horny as fuckPeople who got trapped in the libido bath in 2007 are probably still there to this day, and will probably stay there for a very long time, sucking and fucking long past their natural lifespans.
>>94682296this thread is 54 days old>>94815435how did i miss this magical realm
>>95118256By this point they're probably fused into some horrible, undulating blob of flesh and orifices. Though I'm sure that's somebody's magical realm. They're probably even in this thread as we speak.
>>95112194How so?
>>95126550Well the Tzimishe clan of Vampires have the Vicissitude Discipline which allows them to shape flesh and bone (their own and from others) in ‘creative’ ways.You can imagine all the sorts of monstrosities they can and have created in the lore, from several limbed humanoid minions as well as humanoid made furniture to a (rarely seen due to its conspicuousness) giant aggregate mass of people that serves as an ultimate war weapon or siege engine.In addition to that, some of these vampires built a whole building of flesh and bone called the Cathedral of Flesh, which became kind of sentient due to all the blood magic in it and went on to attract and absorb/drain visitors. It can somehow move too, not sure if on its own or with help from others. In the lore it’s current location IIRC is uncertain and suspected to have possibly moved to the New World, namely New York City.
>>95129522>TzimisceFixed.Also, forgot to mention both that said flesh structure was built centuries ago and that the giant flesh and bone war engines haven’t been used for centuries, that non sleeper people know of, at least.
>>95126550Tzimisce are very, very good (and immensely fucked up) flesh-sculptors.
>>95129522Didn't the cathedral kill and diablerize Yorak, its creator?
>>95149990I don't know desu. I am rather an enthusiast on the subject than a true knower.Although that is certainly within the reach and theme of both the Tzimisce and the game.
>>95149990>>95150273Did some quick research and it seems that indeed not only did Yorak create the cathedral but also that he was diablerized by it in the moment he intended to Embrace the future Dracula, causing him to seek becoming a vampire in a much more cautious way outside of blood bonds.Another fun fact is that many suspect the cathedral do have spawned multiples via parthenogenesis, one of which possibly sits hidden under NYC.
>>94985701look at the size of the thing. It would need bones just to maintain its size and structure.
>>95167779Oh the realistic physics and biological implications of organisms being so huge.
>>94702552I'm so jealous of Monte Cook. He has the exact career I wish I could have, but unfortunately the industry is completely impenetrable without the right connections.
>>94702552The funniest thing- before the official TMA game came out, I played in a TMA game using Chronicles of Darkness 2e (which worked out pretty well barring the book's jank organization and weird rules interactions). We did not know until way later it was based on TMA.We played more or less in the same vein of the TMA crew but in post 9/11 Washington DC as "The Usher Foundation"- our characters were each approached by the Foundation's leader and interviewed by him- eventually each member of the party getting Avatar powers as time went on. We also accidentally kind of speed ran the game by learning about the entities by like session 2.Whenever the official TMA game came out and I read it, I did genuinely think something like Chronicles of Darkness did fit it better as its a bit more mundane and down to earth than using Cypher (which tries to be a more generic system which comes with its own quirks).
>>94815503Cypher system is not crunchy at all. What you mean to say is that it has somewhat annoying bookkeeping.A system is not crunchy unless you need to do math at some point.
>>95112194Yeah, there's a hard Tzimisce feel.
>>94988441>it's a big ol' starfish that people dig up pieces of for profitPeople assume it looks like a starfish based on its radial body-pattern, but that's a surface view of the creature. There's a lot of other stuff indicating that it neither conforms to nor makes sense under the biological systems of any Earth life.
>>95198026Cthulhu is a big old octopus.You miiiight just need to stop taking surface level comparisons so literally, anon.
>>94985701It likes the taste.
Here is your chair bro
>>94684236It's probably the OP. Nobody leaves, you fools. You're gere forever.
>>95209916I can leave any time I want. I have only been here since... 2005?