Hero editionPrevious Heresy: >>94675876>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Startedhttps://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/05/30/new-to-the-horus-heresy-heres-everything-youll-need-to-get-started/>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:https://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/downloads/warhammer-the-horus-heresy/>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)https://pastebin.com/iUqNrrA8https://pastebin.com/8riDmnhS>30k TACTICA & TIPShttps://pastebin.com/Tm2P4QLphttps://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Age_of_Darkness-Warhammer_30k/2.0_Tactics/General_Tactics>HH1 Black Books<slash>folder<slash>hrVRQLJA#wGHrhiBVzl21Gb_Vu6U67w<slash>folder<slash>NqlCmSpI>HH2 Rules and Supplements<slash>folder<slash>hrVRQLJA#wGHrhiBVzl21Gb_Vu6U67w<slash>folder<slash>1rki2Q6D>Miscellaneous Extras (Visions and Old Rules)<slash>folder<slash>hrVRQLJA#wGHrhiBVzl21Gb_Vu6U67w<slash>folder<slash>Q61izSiS『Adeptus Titanicus and Legionis Imperialis』>Adeptus Titanicus Rules and Supplements<slash>folder<slash>hrVRQLJA#wGHrhiBVzl21Gb_Vu6U67w<slash>folder<slash>IukARSLT>Legiones Imperialis Rules and Supplements<slash>folder<slash>hrVRQLJA#wGHrhiBVzl21Gb_Vu6U67w<slash>folder<slash>Fi9kQSwB>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colourshttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17Jccq0V--SwJifLVLwbisYnQeqLlS2pMSiPbGXp1Brs/htmlview>More listshttps://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/List_of_Titan_Legions>What size magnets do I need?5x1mm>Tacticshttps://1d6chan.miraheze.orug/wiki/Adeptus_Titanicus/Tactics>homemade missions:https://clawsandfists.blogspot.com/2019/09/matched-play-missions-for-adeptus.html>Thread question:What is your army lacking?
>painting a test model for WE destroyers>pure black armor looks rough, so let's go for a dark grey>retain the red panels and bronze trim>get the basecoats down for most of the model>pause and look at it a moment>it's a fucking space wolf nowget out of my palette, russ
>>94689408Why not a pure brass instead of grey?
what RoWs grant a general army benefit (e.g night lords raptor assault granting night fighting for the first 2 turns), that also can be taken in an allied detachment?
>>94689282>What is your army lacking?Same thing that every Legion is missing.All units in the books having a plastic miniature.Everything else is a cope.
>>94689415I don't like primarily- or all-metallic schemes. It's a big part of why I stopped collecting Iron Warriors.
>>94689282I have zero vehicles.
This will be the last model I paint for the year.
>>94689282Jump trops, jet bikes, or literally any other form of fast moving troop other than transports. Will I fix it? Never. We strike at Dusk, but that doesn't mean we need to rely on pansy transportation methods. The longer it takes for us to get there the more time the enemy has to fear us.
>>94689282thanks to a 3d PROONTER the only thing my army really lacks is giant super heavies. god i love technology
how much line is too much line?how little line is too little line?I play alpha legion and want to do a 3k pts armoured spearhead listso far I have 3 tactical squads, maybe I could shove 2 in land raiders instead of rhinos?
20 veterans and a deredeo for a 1000 point army?
>>94689621Cool iron warriors dude, love to see so many tanks.
Once upon a time I played a game where my opponent had a squad of recon marines try and sniper a character out of a unit from like 10" away. The character was a myrmidax archmagos and the unit were myrmidon destructors with irradiation engines.
>>94689754Did they miss?
Anyone who wants to add to my Space Wolves question from last thread (which units are the most "cliché" for them to use, and suits the army mentality for the purpose of army display boards, dioramas, etc.) please reply to this post at your leisure.
>>94689673Mechanicum 3d printer unit when?
>>94689768Just run the space wolf special units and some leviathans.
>>94689758Something like that.
>>94689408Your dark grey isn’t dark enough. You don’t need to go vanta black, but there are black paints out there that work extremely well and look damn good. Don’t cave to the reddit/instagram/youtube etc. painting bullshit from people who don’t understand colour theory at all.
>>94689702It all depends on the mission objectives. Generally three to four line units will do you for most of the rulebook missions.
>>94689408Corvus black works pretty well if you don't want pure black.
>>94689282>TQGood legion specific terminators.
>>94689782Yeah, I just worked with what I had without mixing, which doesn't include a good black right now. My Vallejo black wash went off at some point and bubbles like crazy, and the rest of my black washes are lighter than my actual black paints so they wouldn't be much help.I'll figure something out, just funny that I stumbled into a great scheme for a completely different legion by accident.
>>94689282>What is your army lackinggood special units or equipment
>>94689789mayne chuck some apothecaries in there to make the unit a bit beefier?
>>946897023 big ones and 1 little one or 2 big ones and 2 little ones.
>>94689702I think 3 tactical squads in rhinos with searchlights and dozers is a perfect sweetspot. They're mobile and can provide support for the army with the lights at the start, and they're kinda lowkey too so they don't attract much attention which will let them shine at the end of the game when they're most needed.
>>94689282>TQA quality tank. The Krios is an assault gun/tank destroyer and the karacnos is an APC stuffed full of anti-personnel weapons. There's no actual battle tank.
>>94690128The predator disapproves of this post
>>94690137>krios and karacnos, so clearly mech>"but the predator"
>>94690199I read that incorrectly, you see.
I have a ton of second hand Marines modeled with shields. Am I right that the only unit without jetpacks that can use shields are command squads and HQs?
how's this list?>Alpha Legion>Armoured SpearheadHQ>Master of Armour (sicaran, sponson lascannons) 200pts>Centurion (saboteur, combi-melta) 85ptsTroops>Predator (magna-melta, lascannons) 150pts>Predator (magna-melta, lascannons) 150pts>Predator (magna-melta, lascannons) 150pts>Tactical Squad (rhino DT (searchlights, dozer blade), combi-melta, power dagger) 160pts>Tactical Squad (rhino DT (searchlights, dozer blade), combi-melta, power dagger) 160pts>Tactical Squad (rhino DT (searchlights, dozer blade), combi-melta, power dagger) 160ptsElites>Castaferrum Dreadnought Talon (3x dreadnought, 6x gravis lascannons, 3x searchlights) 510ptsFast Attack>Headhunter Kill Team (rhino DT, 4x combi-melta, multi-melta, meltabombs, artificer armour) 225pts>Proteus Land Speeders (3x land speeders, 3x multi-meltas, 3x graviton guns) 285pts>Proteus Land Speeders (3x land speeders, 3x multi-meltas, 3x graviton guns) 285ptsHeavy Support>Sicaran Omega (lascannons) 240pts>Sicaran Omega (lascannons) 240pts3000/3000
>>94690248What kind of shields? Could work for Breachers.
>>94690137If they let me put mechanicum rayguns on a predator I would be pretty happy.
>>94690128You can ally in militia ones and with the bionics provenance you get to be sworn brothers too.
>>94690260Boring and samey.
>>94690312They look like bucklers. Not big enough to pass for boarding shields I'm afraid
>>94690260It's fine and very powerful list, you'll win against anyone who isn't prepared for all of that armor.You'll definitely struggle against infantry heavy lists simply because you don't have the shots to take them out.
>>94690407well, every list has a weakness at the end of the daybut as all things go, its solid?been trying to rework my 3k list for a while and this is the best i came up with
>>94690362>Quality >Third Line
>>94690426Again, it's not perfect (the amount of antitank is extremely overkill), you'll win against anyone who isn't prepared to face that list.
>>94690465what would you say is overkill on the anti tank?say, maybe I should swap out the omegas for punishers? maybe just a gravis lascannon and fist on the dreads?
>>94690128It's not something I miss that much. LR Phobos or Macrocarid could fill that role to some extent (I don't care that they're Legacy).I'd like a "normal" line infantry option. Thallaxi are good, but not "normal" and thralls suck (though I like them).
>>94690260i can tell you roll bad like me because your autism refuses to let you take just one of something because you know it will wiff no matter how many rerolls you have
A melta+las predator is a better anti infantry tank than a heavy bolter+autocannon predator
>>94690444And? In the rules it boils down to counting glances as pens but never giving up VPs. If anything this fits mech as they don't care about losses as much as an imperial army unit would and the glances to pens is hardly noticeable. Or you could be playing 1.0 which doesn't have third line or militia perma breaking at half strenght but does have the special rule that lets mech take superheavies from the IA books with some different upgrades
>>94690505Pic rel.
>>94690490Really thralls should just be a credible unit. Blob of slow, fragile infantry that do no damage and have bad morale isn't a role. That said, units clearly not being designed as if they're expected to serve a purpose is a problem with a lot of units in the game, outriders and every single assasin come to mind.
Honestly I told myself I'd never get into sigma but something about that Automata box calls to me. Running 20 castellax already puts me at almost 3000 points usually, there's an appeal to being able to finally run the great swarms of Cybernetica I always wanted to.
>>94690590>That said, units clearly not being designed as if they're expected to serve a purposeTheir purpose is to lose to space marines. The game is about space marines, what are you asking that other factions get wins? Haven't you read the books?
>>94690590Their purpose is to be super cheap board cloggers, in contrast to the usual mechanicum units which are very durable and elite but have low model counts. That much is obvious.Theyre 2ppm or something, the point is to be a wound that sits on an objective and forces a unit many times its cost to waste turns shooting it.
>third company elite>only reason you'd run it is for massed hordes with no better guns to have an alright template at 3 or less points per model>little to no benefit to anything elitewhat's in a name eh
>>94691137it does let you double stack (and triple stack on kakaphoni and palantine blades) surgical augs on infantry, so everyone can have assault templates and the Char can have a second one.Yes, this is a huge points sink.Yes, it would be awesome if you could use it with the Hereticus Legion rules and augs.No, we don't get to have nice things.
How do I deal with Dark Furies? There's no way to prevent their deep strike is my only hope just to pile on so much interceptor as to kill the unit or render it useless in one phase?
>>94691399The hell are you running that you have no Intercept to deal with them at all, you get one standard intercept even without augury scanners you know.
>>94691483What exactly kills 10 2W models with 3 2+ Artificer tanking characters in one phase?
>>94689408Salvaged. Still have to decide if I want to do weathering/etc.now he looks like a dusk raider instead
>>94691502The same thing that kills every other Elites unit, lascannons, meltas, abd specifically HSS with volkites (every other source of volkite isn't undercosted enough to actually be good)
>>94691399>How do I deal with Dark Furies?Shoot them, charge them with WS5 elites.
>>94691016>reading the booksI hope you don't mean BL... And there Marines aren't regularly mauled by Myrmidon Secutors like in the game, so that's an non-argument. Flawed game, flawed fiction.>>9469110645 for 10, 3 for up to 20 more. Fixed Ld6. Yes, they can be used for objectives, but are easily scared away by not that much shooting. This doesn't change even with their own Tech Arcana - it is actually more useful for Myrmidons than thralls.They had some nifty options in 1.0, but now they're just a nuisance for an unprepared opponent with a really special list.
>>94691527What's the base model? I like it, though I wish you would have sanded down the print lines before painting it.
>>94691877The torso and legs are from the "Space Knights Frontline Squad" by... I believe Red Makers? I got the bodies loose from an Etsy seller who's since delisted them.I don't have the best vision so I can't really see the print lines except in these macro photos in practice. Didn't bother me enough to risk messing up the rivets or anything like that.
>>94691928Thanks, and fair enough. Usually I just go over any print with a simple sanding sponge, even if it doesn't get everything it does make the paintjob smoother in the end.
I couldn't decide which mark I wanted for my techmarines.
>>94692069Heh, makes me think of those Iron Hands illustrations. I'd suggest modeling a small clasp on the bare side so that it doesn't look TOO jarring, otherwise I really like it.
>>94692069I don't get it
>>94690505>mech as they don't care about losses as muchthey'd be in tears over every dead machine
Finally finished with the nullificator funky bunch. What are you working on Anon?
Still WIP
>>94692136Do you get your fluff from youtubers?
>>94692137Went on to the second destroyer after the first one I posted a bit ago (still undecided on weathering so waiting until I have a few ready), nerves in my hand immediately went to hell so I took that as a sign.
>Shrapnel rounds aren't an upgrade that you pay for>You have to use a Shrapnel Bolter™>Shrapnel Bolter™s cannot take a bayonet despite being identical to bolters but loaded with Shrapnel roundsDid Anuj have something to do with this because it's fucking retarded
>>94690362Yes, but then you use the half-assed militia rules that were shit out in less than a week, if not during a literal shitting session in the Specialist Games Studio's unisex bathroom. Wasted opportunity. Waste of server space. Waste of paper for anyone who printed it out.
>>94692277I hate this edition and how it tries to do legalese-tier retardation with things like this.>erm aktually putting a two-handed +1s weapon on things outside bolters and lasrifles could led to...unforseen balance consequencesJFC>>94692307Don't remind me of that. I was hoping for things to port back into 1.0 and instead got this.
>>94691791>I hope you don't mean BL... And there Marines aren't regularly mauled by Myrmidon Secutors like in the game, so that's an non-argument. Flawed game, flawed fiction.Secutors should be nerfed relative to their points value. They shouldn't be able to hold their own against equal points or even equal numbers of marines.
>>94692109They are blended.
More mixing.Fuck me i'm so bored.
>>94692324In te game, Secutors can hold their own against fucking terminators. WS 5 terminators.If Secutors (and thallax for that matter) were as good in the lore as they are in the game, the Emperor would have never bothered making more astartes after the treaty with Mars.
>>94692637>if the nukes north korea was making were as good as they were reporting, south Korea wouldn't have bothered making any after the armistice.
>>94692323It's very annoying with regards to the Militia stuff. I gave the 1.0 list a look over recently again, since every time I do I get frustrated, and lament. Auroxes were a transport. Remember? Haha. Crazy. I feel like they should have made a light/medium/heavy (maybe super heavy too) vehicle creation template thing for Militia. Sure, people would abuse it because they're cunts but the varied creations would truly represent the myriad of everything the Imperium had (and still has, of course). Instead, CARGO-8. WEWEWEWEW.
>>94692277>t. naval reserve
>>94692260are you taking this seriously?
>>94692260they are canon
>>94691106They don't actually do that because they can't stay on an objective because of their bad leadership. Also because they have bad leadership they have less than a 50% chance of rallying and the average fall back distance is greater than their movement characteristic, so they can't even get back on the objective they abandoned. They have such bad stats and rules that they don't even serve the most basic infantry role possible.
Hey bros, I'm getting a warhound from Zack in 2025. Any tips on how not to die from resin inhalation?
>>94693089A good mask with filters
This thing's so fucking cool.
>>94693125This thing, of course
>>94693129>Guns that need the whole tank to rotate to aimLove them
>>94692849Mournival did some way back during their events. I don't like the current mournival group but these should be a useful starting point if you wanted to try your hand at making something similar in 2.0.>auroxI'm still holding out hope for a plastic version. If it does come out I'll buy some for normal apcs and others to try some conversions as self propelled guns. Plastic carnodons would be great too.
>>94693129You're gonna regret already glueing the tracks on.Who am I kidding, you're never gonna paint that thing anyway.
>>94693268Project more
>>94690128So a tank has a turret, an assault gun is a casemate? It's a configuration thing?
>>94693724It's an intended role thing.
>>94693766Then why can't the Krios (regular) be a main battle tank? Especially since it is armoured for frontline combat unlike assault guns, and agile unlike self-propelled artillery
things I love about the proteus>it looks goofy>its actually quite good>im having fun painting it>£10 from my recaster
>>94693837Because magos said "no".
>>94693837I dunno what's the krios used for?I actually don't know I don't care about mechanicum trollies.
>>94693841"Armoured" Proteus in the style of 2e speeder with the intake covered and an armoured glacis when, GW?
>>94693837Because a lightning cannon isn't a credible threat to vehicles.
does plastic MK6 arms fit aesthetically with old resin MK6 bodies?for example would having a resin MK6 with a plastic MK6 arm look off? or would it fit?
How much Legion personalisation should basic troops like tacticals have? The colour plates from the black books seems to suggest they were all essentially just pallete-swapped clones. Should moulded iconography be reserved for officers and veterans?
>>94693908kind of a copout answer but it really depends on the legion imo. Some like iron warriors or death guard should be stock power armor for the most part, while fancier ones like EC or BA could work as having blinged out line troops.
>>94693930I mean, not against vehicles. Vastly better against infantry, though. It's not like the predator's autocannon overshadows its lascannons, either.
>>94693930Not great at math I take it?
>>94693930>Heavy 1>Heavy 4Are you retarded?
>>94693947>>94693993Yeah I realized it right after posting lmao. It does read as AP3 vs AP nothing, though. At least the Pulsar is Heavy 4 too >.>
>>94693841>10 poundsShitty Russian recaster or local recaster?
>>94692637>If Secutors (and thallax for that matter) were as good in the lore as they are in the game, the Emperor would have never bothered making more astartes after the treaty with Mars.Exactly why they should be nerfed. Nobody should be points-effective when fighting marines.
There should be a giant Flamer Turret for the kratos. It just feels wrong without one. And I should be able to make it alchem
>>94694702You can't just slap giant flamers on every vehicle, Anon.
>>94692637Forgetting the gameplay reasons for a moment, that doesn’t make any fucking sense at all. Myrmidons are not regular soldiers. These aren’t line infantry, recruitable, trainable and, equipable in numbers that even begin to reflect a single space marine legion. It would be like saying “oh, we can build really good tanks, we might as well not recruit infantry anymore” or “our armies should only be the best trained supersoldiers so why waste time with grunts”. It’s the same argument for still having shit loads of imperial army soldiers alongside marines, but taken to an even greater extreme. On the subject of thallax, thallax aren’t comparable because they lack the entirety of the cognitive side of things. You’re never going to have thallax officers, strategists, logistics coordinators, engineers, armourers, signallers, medics or any of the crap load of other roles filled by marines. Marines are effective because they can still operate like an effective army while also being super soldiers. The tabletop only represents one very specific part of the equation, and really, each game only represents a few minutes of a battle, and even in the fluff, it’s basically the part of the battle where it’s already decided (not many - if any of the battles in the fluff represent engagements between point-cost equivalent forces).
>>94694747>(not many - if any of the battles in the fluff represent engagements between point-cost equivalent forces)Because traitors couldn’t lose to inferior loyalist forces every time if both sides were equal.
For 60 bucks I had to try it, but I have received a refund for my fellblade from Z. Pics are after extensive cleanup and heat bending to try and fix warping. Shitty JPG because my originals were fuckheugMaybe I’ll slap the rest of the bits on and hit it with a torch to go underfoot for my incoming warlord.
>>94694717There is no codex astartes yet, what right have you to stop me. Man if GW made a Cohort doctrine where you could give a solar aux Allied Detachment Legion armory equipment I'd go in on a Flamer storm section and malcador infernus themed Allied detachment purely to satisfy my template lust.
>>94694796>refund from Zz can barely handle sending me tracking info how the fuck did you get a refund
>>94694702My man.You seem like the kind of person who would be annoyed that GW dropped the Knight Dominus from 30k and took away the option to run it in a DG list with double Conflagration cannons with chem fuel.And for those of you wondering why you would bother giving a S7 AP3 Hellstorm template Gets Hot and Shred... Well a hellstorm template covers an awful large area. Far more than a small unit of flamers can handle on it's own. And crimes against humanity and nature aren't going to commit themselves.
>>94689454moar DG art pls
>>94691527I like the scheme a lot especially the red, consider doing silver chipping on the black edges. I like the model as well.
>>94690260I would refuse to play against it IMHO. It's the 6 land speeders which tip it over into "I am playing to be a cunt" level to me (even if that isn't your intention)Also you using the cheapest Land Speeder variants (Proteus) and the cheapest Dreadnaught variants (Castaferrum) show you are really min-maxing the fuck out of it
>>94693870Looks easy enough to convert from the 40k plastic landspeeder. Just leave a bunch of stuff off it, cut down the side armour panels and four little wings from plastic card and that's about it.
>>94694796Tried dunking the pieces in boiling water? It's the only way to bend large resin pieces into shape, in my experience. A heatgun just can't heat such a large mass properly.
/hhg/I come to you in my darkest hourMay one of you grace me with the ancient greentext of Abaddon explaining to the traitor legions why they no longer have thunderhawk gunships and apothecaries right before leaving terra? I do not see it in my 40k folder and google does me no good when searching for it!
>>94693841The old beakie heads were a sign of toxic masculinity with their aggressive beakies and angry eyes, it is good we got the docile smal nu-heads now.
>>94695039You can use the plastic kit for a lot of things.
>>94695098Adorable. Might actually try this with my 40k land speeders that are currently rotting away in a box. It's not like they're ever gonna be used in 40k again.
>>94695048Oof comment too longhttps://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Dude,_Where%27s_my_Land_Speeder%3F
>>94695043Yes, pre- and post- assembly. A lot of the parts seem to be undersized (you can see just how extreme it is on the front and rear of the hull) and I suspect that it’s a combination of an old mould, too rapid cooling, and both of those compounding the fellblade already being a rough kit (hybrid plastic-resin kit). I compared the parts to my baneblade and they wouldn’t fit on a legitimate proper plastic hull either. >>94694977I asked if I could get a refund, sent pictures, and he said “do you want it via PayPal or to just come off the price of your next order?” Since I was placing another order in the same email, I said just take it off the order. To be fair, my previous order (that contained the fellblade) was ~450 Canadian (~330 USD), and this new order is 250 Canadian (160 USD) so I’m it’s not like I don’t buy a lot of shit.
>>94694152chinese, good quality
>>94690490Define "normal" infantry, anon. There is no "normal" Troop in the game>Tactical MarinesGet two special abilities (HotL + FotL/SotL)>SAGEQ Lasrifle Tercios that react together and abuse Ld9 Stubborn from a guy who might be hiding outside the map>MilitiaGEQ Guardsmen with no orders (so what's the point lmao) with weaker morale. So it's guardsmen who are worse by two tiers, and gain no benefit from it. Not a role model of normalcy.>ThallaxJump Ogryn who are glad everyone forgot Jetpack Infantry had to choose to either gain +6" or JSJ, not both>ThrallsWent from fearless pseudo-servitors to silly pseudo-servitors>ScyllaxBro what good is Night Vision if you're armed with a bolter? So your attached magos can choose to NOT use his cybertheurgy? You do youThe closest to "normal" infantry that I got to see were 7E tacticals, who had no orders, no special abilites or anything. Just a handfull of dudes with bolters and a couple special guns.You could give Mechanicum either Cult Mechanicum Kataphrons (living tankettes) or Skitarii, who can be described as "Stormtrooper equivalents who get turn-based command protocols instead of officer-issued orders".Neither option could pass for "normal". Truly, if you want normal people, pick Astartes. And pick your nose lol
>>94690590>>94691791>>94692986What if they were Fearless? Don't reactions allow them to be killed faster, now that their shooting can cause Return Fire, and their charges are met with full BS Overwatch?If Fearless means you have to kill every single model of a 20 thrall blob...then do so? T3 isn't that hard to slay.
>>94695294That would also make tech thralls the perfect counter to dreadnoughts again. People took tech thralls with fearless all the time in the last edition, they were such an insanely cheap unit that could keep any 200+ points melee unit busy until the game ended.
>>94695363Oh no, whatever will we do if people dogpiled dreadnoughts with cheap stubborn scoring blobs of troops.Oh hi there Tactical Marines and Solar Auxilia lasrifle sections, what are you doing here?
>>94695134Don't do it, anon.Those old 40k landspeeders are stale now, but they will be vintage in a few years then the MkVII era nostagia hits, and intact ones will be their weight in gold.Never kitbash OOP models.
>>94695363>keep any 200+ points melee unit busy until the game endedWhat the fuck are you talking about, they're WS2 T3, literally any elite Melee unit is going to wipe them in a turn or 2. Hell, fucking Despoilers nearly do the job, 20 of them kill 15 a turn even with a 4++ FNP with anything other than power Mauls, 20 of them with 5 power mauls.
>>94695411Those were some of the first models I assembled. They are poorly glued together, and covered in thick layers of paint. Even OOP they ain't worth shit to anybody. Besides I hate treating models like an investment, or selling off my models in the first place. There are way better, more profitable things that I invest in than fucking warhammer miniatures.
What could be done to make bolt guns the lethal weapon they're supposed to be instead of the weak peashooter they're now?How about giving them all Shred as default?It would make them better and similar to chainswords without being too much. It would be also more fluffy, showing the damage done by bolter rounds if they penetrate (again, just like chainswords)
>>94695437Boltguns are exactly as lethal as they are supposed to be.
>>94695437Hot take, they're good where they are now. Everything else is based around them, and with everything else being either useless or giga amazing, it makes sense. Nice pic tho
>>94695431I mean it as a hobby investment. In the future you may want to use them for a Scouring/retro 40k force.Plastic OOP minis do not last like old metal ones, specially vehicles. It will be very difficult to find them in good shape if you want them.Believe me, I've been there trying to rescue fucked up 2nd ed. rhinos, predators and a RT Land Raider
Spent the night working on this at a friends house. What are YOU working on /hhg/?
>>94695437Bolters are fine as they are. You only think they are pea shooters because you've never played against SA, Militia or Mech fielding tech thralls. Or against DA tactical blobs with Stormwing, or just any IF with bolters.tldr: you never played the game I bet.
>>94695457Those are big ifs, and even when those happen I'll have invested in a 3D printer by then.
>>94695468>SA, Militia or Mech fielding tech thralls. Or against DA tactical blobs with Stormwing, or just any IF with bolters.I mean tbf people playing those armies or against those legions respectively don't tend to like playing the game much either afterwards.
>>94695446>Everything else is based around themYes, hence suggesting Shred as the minimum change needed to give them an edge without being too much.>>94695468>SA, Militia or Mech fielding tech thrallsObviously I'm talking about marines vs. marines> DA tactical blobs with Stormwing, or just any IF with bolters.All which have better bolters than default, so you see what I mean?Basic boltguns, combi bolters and heavy bolters shouldn't be the default tax weapon everyone tries to avoid if they can. Btw, same for power swords. They shouldn't be the shittiest power weapon.
>>94695425NTA but I was curious, technically if you took 10 Veterans with charnabal sabers and you threw them at a 30 man tech thrall squad that held the line (which is theoretically not suicide in the fearless tech thrall timeline) and they had a Lachrimallus tech priest auxilia unit nearby it'd take them 5 combats to chew through it and they'd lose 1 veteran in the process. So that's one unit that could theoretically get tarpitted by them.
>>94695496I mentioned IF and DA Stormwing because those are excellent examples of buffed bolters being oppressive to play against.
>>94695437>How about giving them all Shred as default?Nah. Boltguns aren't meant to -excel- at killing space marines. Boltguns are designed to be brutal overkill on normal humans/unarmoured targets, and it just so happens they are able to kill astartes with enough shots (and even then they are on the lower end of marine killing weapons).There's a reason tac squads in a post-heresy universe carry special weapons like plasma guns. Boltguns firing at marines should feel like a slog, and it does. It's exactly where it needs to be.
>>94695208Thanks anon, you the realest one
>>94693908I'd imagine it would be up to the characteristics and culture of the legion in question. Maybe there's some Terran marines who got their special markings but somehow never got a meaningful promotion.
>>94695028Thanks. I've got a full ten man squad of them; not all the models turned out perfect (the running poses I could do were rather limited and the heads didn't always go where I wanted them to) but they're good enough in my book.I'll try the chipping. Considered some corrosion and rust but not sure how it'll look or if it'll be worse.
>>94695458all this discussion about myrmidons has put me in the mood to finish all 18 i have, one at a time.
>>94696001Disgusting, please field all 18 of them at Warhammer World to show the GW staff how balanced their game is
Three recon marines done to finish out the squad. I’ve got two warmongers and 15 more deliverers to paint before the 9th for a narrative event.Lend me your strength /hhg/ I am flagging.
>>94696028Can't help you there anon, doing the large panels of my second drop pod and about to off myself. It's incredible how drop pods are both too tricky and too boring to paint at the same time.
>>94696053I’ve yet to paint one, but I am with you in spirit anon. I’m going to add a Kharybdis to this force at some point and I’m sure painting it will make me want to kill my self.
>>94696121At least a Kharybdis doesn't have such an extensively detailed interior that you have to paint in order to use it. Don't get me wrong, the interior of drop pods looks absolutely amazing, but having to paint all that is a headache. If I'm ever getting more drop pods they will be painted in sub-assemblies, and for a legion with a nice and easy colour scheme like DA or any of the other black legions.
>>94692069Historicaly accurate gor Iron Hands.
>>94696257Why would you paint parts no one will . It is like painting the interior of tanks, where for transport you need to głupie all the doors shut anywa.
just failed a driving testwhat legion should I play?
>>94696001I hope you only plan on using all 18 of them against WAAC fags.
>>94696383Aren’t you supposed to open them up when they are on the table?
>>94696383The doors of a drop pod have to open anon. It's in the rules.
>>94696426don't worry, they are in safe hands
>>94695279>Define "normal" infantry, anon.I meant everything between Imperial Milita and Veletarii/Secutarii. I'd be fine with the pricey Secutarii actually (and have some), but they're not line.Right now, without allies, the only more or less human option are the Auxilia priests - the rest are automata, specialist super-cyborgs and poorer zombies. I don't crave for game-changing troops, but I'd like to have an option to field a, well, more 'whole' army.
>>94696605so skitarii ? GW won't let mechanicum touch them for whatever tantrum the mechanicus designer is having
>if I swap out my sicaran omegas for punishers, I save 100pts on my listwhat should I spend the 100pts on?decurions for my melta preds?also comes with a nucio-vox which grants reroll scatter on the land speeders grav guns if the predator can seeor maybe just apothecaries for tactical squads?
>>94696703I can also downgrade the castaferrums to have just gravis lascannon and fist instead of twin gravis lascannons to save 60pts total
>>94695458That's some fine stippling, Anon.
>>94696703Another tactical squad
>>94696744cant fit, not troops slots and they need a rhinomaybe just another saboteur to attach to the headhunters?2 saboteurs running around would be a pain in the ass to deal with
>>94696759*no troops slots avaliable, I maxed it out already
>>94696703>>94696724I would not personally make either of these swaps. Punishers are fine but they do not fill the same roles Omegas do. A fist on a las castraferrum is just a waste.If you're set on this anyway, I assume you're >>94690260? If so: Apothecaries on 10 man tactical squads do not do a lot. They help, but they're not a huge change. I would probably consolidate the Predators; with 160pts freed up I think you'd have enough to get them into two squads of two with a bit left over. Or a squad of two and two individuals with different weapons. Or consolidate a bit and add another infantry squad of some sort. Something to introduce a little variety instead of repeatedly spamming the exact same units.
>>94696765yeah, just anon yesterday advised that theres too much anti tank, so taking punishers instead adds some much needed anti infantry to the listwhat i could do is take an exodus with the savings, he'd need to be attached to the headhunters at the start thoughcould drop the headhunters alltogether and take a flyer like a xiphon
>>94696426NTA, but I also have 18 myrmidons (12 volkite, 6 plasma) and only use them against my buddy whose got a list with 10 huscarls, 40 phalanx warders, and 20 tartaros with a mix of chainfists and power Spears. He's still not allowed to use sigismund though.
>>94696812And I forgot the second half of the post, which was to say that it's surprisingly fun going all out, especially since the armies are relatively well matched and I'm not dependent on charging to get maximum damage so I don't suffer the worst of fister CBT.
>>94696668Well, you could field the Skitarii Vanguard without the conversion set as Secutarii Peltasts, so not all hope is lost. On the other hand it would be most welcome that most of the bizarre 40k range stays in 40k.
Picked up my third Age of Darkness box today. After painting up 5k+ of Ultramarines, I’m thinking of doing a new army for the year with a traitor legion.I’m stuck picking between Sons of Horus and Death Guard. After painting UM in uniform colours, SoH are appealing as a melee army with much more personality you can put into individual models (considering their clan culture). On the other hand I want to use 20 man tac squads for a ‘height of the great crusade massed legion assault’ feel so death guard look fun. I’m thinking regardless of which legion I pick, I’ll have 20 man tac squads, veterans in drop pods, and 10 non-legion specific terminators in the AoD spartan. Could any anons help convince me to pick either legion?
>>94696830You and your opponent both brining your most ridiculous bullshit on purpose has always been a perfectly entertaining way to play warhammer. As long as both people know that's what you're doing it's all fun and games.
>>94695437If you want bolters to be broken go play necromunda like everyone else.
>>94696668I think jes goodwin is assmad about nobody liking his robot design.
>>94696020And show off the hideous mold lines/print slips all over the model too as an example of their 'premier product.'
>>94697001Dubs for DG.
>>94697001Sons of Horus. Death Guard are just edgy teenagers.
>>94697001Both those are shit do either WB or WE
Damn it really takes me 15 minutes to airbrush varnish 10 guys?
>>94695209guess i'll hope for the best that my shadowsword arrives as a vehicle instead of a terrain piece
>>94697066we have a weinertrips for loyalist DG
>>94697001>>94697066>>94697638Trips for Typhus DG.
>>94697039Based on what evidence
>>94697382>>/hm/If you meant normal sized miniatures... no?
>>94697382Potentially, given that you should varnish with multiple thin coats allowing dry time inbetween for the best results
>>94697001See>>94697099 As > 99Trumps a pathetic> 66
>>94695294If they were fearless they'd be excellent and probably undercosted. However as they said in the article about militia they were trying to move away from the trend of fearless hordes, apparently they forgot that the reason that trend arose is that with the morale system being what it is hordes needed morale mitigation mechanics to work and the simplest one is Fearless. It's a problem so predictable to anyone who ever played with or against any horde in any version of 40k using this kind of morale system that whoever wrote the rules for that unit must legitimately not actually play warhammer.
>>94697722It was revealed to me in a dream.
>>94697912I've learned to blast a full thick coat on there but I'm sure I could improve my technique.
>>94697949LEARNED TO NOT
>>94697949>>94697956It's cum, isn't it?
>>94692121It's mixed MK III and MK VI, armor marks that are not compatible
>>94698080IV, it also just looks like shit
>>94698132That's pretty standard for mkV.
>>94698225If you think MkV means whatever the fuck that anon was doing you should get help.
>>94698274It's just non-production mkV
>>94697665so closetrips for all-infantry all-breacher Dantioch DG
>>94698080>>94698274>It's mixed MK III and MK VI, armor marks that are not compatibleNot usually, but techmarines can artificer them together.
>>94698225>>94698276Mixing marks =/= not MkVSee how>>94698731refers to it as >Heavily field-modified MkIIInot >Non-production MkV
>>94698746That's merely Iron Hands' boasting.
We've been over this before but in a nutshell:>Production mk5Shittier mk4 alternative explicitly designed for forces missing access to vital materials or expertise>Non-production mk5Local and ad-hoc alternatives to either mk4 or mk3. For example, it's really easy to create mk2 and thus mk3 armor, but it's a lot faster to create something that uses the specs for mk3 torso and helm with mk5 limbs and power plant than to make a whole mk3 suit.
>>94698731>artificer them together.JFC is this the 40k way of saying jerry rigging now? >Brother Fixicus why are is your armor comprised of multiple marks>No you see i have artificered it together>Brother i can see Adhesive void tape along the billet lines>No brother that is blessed battle wrappings.
>>94698952>>94698970stop reposting this obsolete bs and read the updated armour articles in WD and the AoD rulebook> or mk3wrongIt only qualifies as mk5 (production or not) if it uses a variant of the core mkV torso with exposed cabling. Read your own collage.
>>94696703your previous list was plenty powerful, just collect that. the only changes i would suggest would be trying to get an alpha legion specific unit in there or make it actually less powerful, unironically.
>>94699032>updated armour articles in WD and the AoD rulebookYou do realize you're free to post all the parts that contradict what's been posted.
>>94698952>We've been over this beforeAGAIN
hey guys have you heard that primaris marines were around during the horus heresy and there are female custodes
>>94698970>Mantilla pattern respiration unitIs this meant to be an enhanced respirator system or just a cheapo MkV alternative with standard functionality?
>>94699058>You do realize you're free to post all the parts that contradict what's been posted.He's right in that every labelled depiction of MkV, production or not, has the core MkV chest. Any labelled depictions of mixed mark armour without the MkV chest is considered not MkV. Therefore, a mixed MkIII and MkIV suit, which began this exchange, cannot be considered non-production MkV. The collage completely confirms this.
I was aiming for a very bright desert sand but I think it's far too white now. What do you guys think? Will do another test base with more yellow in it.
Repost. Really happy with the purple on my EC.
>>94699342Good job ya crazy bastard
>>94699342you are an actual psycho for painting the numeral on there. really nice purple though.
Armor panels are done. Up next is main body/ silver-gunmetal parts. Going to make them really oily and dirty. I want the only parts that look 'clean' to be the weapons, head and armor panels.
>>94699505Baller. That's gonna look sweet with all the trim done.Did you prime it grey or is that resing just looking real weird?
>>94699505paint it 3rd armor division spearhead since it's standing on king tiger. >axis btfo allied great crusade under primarch eisenhower coming through
>>94699505That wallpaper...
>>94699525Prime mechanicus standard grey. Wanted something both the dark green and the dark gunmetal would go over well>>94699545Tempting>>94699567It's allied with my Space Wolves
>>94699567visions of based world
>>94699040it has a saboteur and headhunter sqiad already
What kits do I want to get if I just want the maximum amount of cool bits to put on my rank and files guys?I'm thinking:>Any surviving 40k firstborn kit >Command squad set>Melee weapons upgrade >Fw pads and helmets >Large Primaris upgrade sprue?>Other weapon upgrade kits >Gw weapon upgrade
>>94699837Just start trawling bits sellers, really.
>>94699837What legion?
>>94699837You better be playing EC or BA, or I will find you and I will end you.>Large Primaris upgrade sprueNever mind going to your location right now.
>>94700127Don't forget space wolves kek
Night Lords 3k Traitors…Terror AssaultHQ = Sev in a land raider Proteus with 5x Cataphractii command Squad, all w thunder hammersVigilatorLibrarian w Telepathy and jet pack (will go raptors)Elites:1 Contemptor w lascannons and helical2 Contemptor talon w meltagun and fistApothecary (goes with HSS)Troops:2 recon squads x5 nemesis boltersNight Raptors x10, 6 w/ light claws and one dude w a meltagunTerror Squad x10 w volkite gunsHeavy Support Swuadx10 w lascannonsJavelinThoughts? Is this a shit list? Just getting started. I take Sev just because I like him.
>>94700178It's not great. To start, two 5 man recon squads and 1 command squad is not enough to claim objectives with. The 5 man recon squads will die to anything immediately, so they can't hold down or contest anything. Leaving only the command squad, which will have more important things to do than sit on an objective.Talking about said command squad, Sevatar does not have the Heavy unit sub-type like the cataphractii do. To gain the benefits from Heavy all models in the unit need to have it, so putting Sevatar with with them removes one of the benefits of cataphractii.Not taking a legion tartaros, legion cataphractii, or contekar terminators in the same list as Sevatar to make use of his warlord trait is a huge waste.Putting an apothecary with a 10 man HSS isn't that great, but I assume you put him there to gain benefits from the NL legion trait when shooting singular vehicles.Contemptor with lascannons and helical targeting array costs too many points. Take a castaferrum dread with the same loadout instead if you're committed to a shooty dreadnought.What weapons does the javelin have?
>>94700178For 3k this seems really light.
>>94700178Give your Terror squad rotor cannons instead, you will thank me later.
>>94689282>built my 40 tactical marines with chainswords and will always pay the points to use them because i’m an autistic fluff bunny but im also a whiner, why are chainswords 5ppm? they should be 3, +1 point over chain bayonets because +1A is better than +1S especially when the shred is involved. am i delusional?
>>94700525Tactical squads should still have the option to take combat blades. It's so fucking retarded that bayonets now suddenly get a weapon profile, yet combat blades are almost entirely removed from the game. The options for tactical squads should be>Bayonet - 1 pts>Chain bayonet - 2 pts>Combat blade - 3 pts>Chainsword - 4 ptsChainswords on tactical marines are better than you think, trust me I've been using them a lot. Turns your tactical squad from a unit that has to run away screaming in absolute terror from anything remotely close combat capable, to a unit that can actually move in and fight over objectives when the need arises. And 100 pts to turn your 20 man tactical squad into a melee unit as well as a shooting unit still is a lot cheaper than adding another full 20 man despoiler squad in your list.
>>94700734Replied to the wrong post like a dumbass, is meant for >>94700675
>>94700734It's especially funny that the still-sold mkIV armor has the combat blades while the discontinued mkIII armor is the one with the chainswords.
>>94700985And that the new Mk III kit doesn't even come with chain bayonets anymore.GW is such a clown of a company.
>>94701026and people still eat it up so who are the real clowns
>>94701030the ones with the big red nose, rainbow wig, oversized shoes, with the balloon animals.
>>94701051There's a professional clown in my neighborhood. I always felt horrible his advertisement on his car kept getting vandalized because it's in vogue to hate on clowns.
Looking at tanks, a predator might be fun for making a decurion and having a goofy turret weapon but the scorpius is not only better but also cheaper dollar-wise. I like the sicarian variants more than the basic sicarian.Does the scorpius turret fit on a resin sicarian hull? I could make it a sicarian arcus and have a rhino as bonus.
>>94701148Predator with magna-melta cannon is better than a scorpius at killing tanks, whilst also being able to hurt dreadnoughts and melt terminators. Sicarans are barely any more resilient than predators, with marginal increase in firepower, for almost twice the point cost. They're shit.
>>94701189I'm more worried about long ranged anti-infantry firepower since lascannon hss is just boring. fuck me though 215 points for an arcus.
>>94700178You’re taking way too many upgrades if that’s 3k points. Some rough estimation says you’re spending ~1k between the HQs and command squad, which is insane (and that’s coming from a 1.0 TS player where a praetor was 300 points).
The Krazy Kratos Kousins are finally komplete.
>>94701214Then considering the following:>You take a scorpius squadorn. If fires at the enemy. The first shot scatters way off because they're firing at something outside line of sight, because scorpius a beta tanks who need to hide out of fear for destruction.The second blast marker flips the wrong way. They do no damage.Or>You take a predador squadron with all volkite weapons. They do not care being shot at, because everything can return fire. They do not care about invulnerable saves or cover, because who bothers with having AP when you have up to 72 shots for a full squadron- with deflagrate. Watch as your chad predators drive across the field gloriously, eradicating all infantry with their martian death ray weapons.
>>94701276Why couldn't demolisher cannons just be blast 5" and make my choices for me
>>94701148sicaran turrets are about 30% wider circles than predator turrets>>94701189the only think the scorpius has going for it over the arcus warheads is Barrage>>94701214good news, basic arcus rockets hit 90% of the time and kill 1/3 2+/4++ TEQ that you fire them at, so you'll kill 2 termies every time it shootsat up to 18" it's also nearly as good as the melta predator at killing tanks (AP2 vs AP1) but you make 60% more shots plus it has anti flyer and anti robot capabilities if you find yourself needing them
>>94701214The arcus is pretty damn good, for 225 points you get seven lascannon equivalents (against infantry) and five are twin linked on a highly mobile platform. I just wish there was an indirect fire option on it… or ripple fire…
AT bros: will a reaver melta cannon fit on a contemptor (roughly)? I’m making a Terran vet dread for my SW and want something that loots more unique and aggressive than the regular multi-melta.
>>94701305It's about 50% longer and much choniker. If you can finagle the mounting it would look pretty potent.
Man, and making a heavy flamer into an illastus is +20 points, which means +25 points for a pintle mount. I guess I don't really have any assault cannon bits to convert with, but still.
>>94700734>Tactical squads should still have the option to take combat blades.Yeah. Can't find combat blades almost anywhere. Chainswords are pretty much fine at 5 pts, I'd think, but I agree with adding Combat Blades as a 3 pts option.Tacticals with chainswords are fine...but unless you are limited by a Rhino's transport capacity, wouldn't you be better off with having extra marines over marines with chainswords? 10 chainswords is 5 tacticals.
>>94701381Depends. 5 tacticals is 5 more close combat attacks, 10 on the charge. 10 chainswords is 10 more close combat attacks plus Shred.
Hello cooler 40kg, shouldn't it be more fitting for 30k to be played on an epic scale?
>>94701435Of course not, at that scale you can't paint all the autistic squad and company markings and such. And you can't even count the rivets anymore because they'd be too small!
>>94701305Someone asked a similar question a couple years ago about whether the reaver chainfists would fit a dread. Semi-related, here's a comparison. As other anon said, the titan arms are meatier, but you can make it work
>>94701412Right. I'm counting that *and* what they do outside close combat. 5 extra bolters to shoot for a couple turns before actually reaching melee. 5 extra marines to still be viable even after losing 5 guys.10 chainswords are absolutely the best thing in melee, but what of it everywhere else? It's a possibility, given the unit isn't really melee centric.No question when the squad limit is reached - chainswords add so much punch per marine! Love'em
>>94695458Nothing, I'm going fucking mad with nothing to do because I packed up all my hobby stuff ready to move house and then the sale fell through at conveyancing and now I have an offer in on a second place so unpacking stuff just to repack it again in a couple of weeks seems pointless. I'm so bored I've started rewatching TNG again even though I can practically recite the scripts from memory after the first scene of an episode at this point.
>>94701643>going fucking mad with nothing to doWhy do people get so angry when idle? I move from either pain (e.g.: hungry / poor / lonely, etc.) or obsession (vidya / art / learning).Thus idleness seems to me like calm. Freedom from the urgencies of Need. I can't understand why anyone would reject that peace.Perhaps you can tell me.
>>94701716NTA but I think I lot stems from cultural mores that cover the scope of “if you’re not improving (and there’s a very narrow definition of improving here), you’re losing” that have become so prevalent in the last ~50 years or so. We have a very strong culture of ranking everything and anything, and that creates an association between self worth and how we compare to others. We’re trained through constant exposure to media (and media that comes with “analytics” or other forms of ranking ourselves) that the only thing that matters is what percentile we fall in on a given scale. No matter how hard any individual tries, a consequence of comparing ourselves to an average is that the vast majority of us are going to be average by definition, but math skills (and basic logic skills) are not high in that average group, so many of us just don’t get that. From this position of self worth being (nearly) entirely based on whether we’re “better” than someone else, it isn’t that much of a leap to go to “if you’re not improving, you’re losing”, and because we poorly define what “improving” means (or even what the goals of improving are), the next step is “if you aren’t doing something, you’re wasting your life” and from there is “I feel bad about doing nothing.”All that being said, there’s an alternative which I think is much more fitting for anon’s predicament, which is “I want to be doing something but circumstances prevent me from doing that thing.”
>>94701770Thanks for the explanation, anon :D
>>94701325>>94701501Excellent, longer and chunkier is what I’m looking for; I’m wanting something that looks more lethal. I’m probably going cut down a lot of the casing and remove the trim so it looks more fitting with the scale, and then slap the whole thing onto a Contemptor arm/shoulder. This is going to be one brutal build-a-bear of a Contemptor, but I’m doing a SW Terran dread: melta cannon on one arm and a modified hekaton aikos arm holding the axe from the venerable dread kit for the other. He’s also going to have a beard, I haven’t decided if that’s going to be a robotic cables beard or just a big ass wolf pelt bolted to his face.
>>94701786Doing nothing is something I’ve really embraced in the past few years, and I’m a huge advocate of the idea that everyone should take a few hours out of their week and lay on the floor staring at the ceiling until you stop feeling like you need to be doing something. It can take a long time, especially when you’ve got lots of worries and ideas bouncing around, but the things that come to you when you finally hit those few seconds where you aren’t thinking about other things can be really incredible (and I don’t mean specifically epiphany inventions or shit like that, I mean anything: ideas, feelings, revelations, odd images in the ocular fluid of your eyes, whatever).
Man I want to have my scoria list be themed around grav weapons because of my Forge world's Lore of having Grav tech being a sign of his favor on a world where it's quite scarce but God it's just such massive overkill into a few specific armies and self inflicted CBT into most marine armies.
>>94701847What about the dangerous terrain they leave? Plus anons keep whispering about grav being the secret solution to the dreadnought question
>>94701806I don't think that works as well as you say it does. I have been bed ridden for the last 25 years, and the only thing looking at the ceiling achived with me is either trying to bash my head against the rail of the bad, get more depressed or nowadays head ache and everything starting to spin. It is even worse then being carried out of home.
>>94701914|Ah and as positive stuff goes, for me at least, the best thing is when my mom sits with me, I cut the stuff out and she assembles it or if we paint something .
Anyone got an idea for masks similar to the flamer ladies in this pic? I want to build a Firebrand cadre but I can't think of anything.Krieg troopers all come with helmets, Ruststalkers all have weird extra gubbins on them and Eschers have stupid-looking goggles.
>>94701914We yearn to stop because life keeps us on our feet. You yearn to move. I can only give you my condolences...and my interaction, for what it helps. At least you live in this modern age, where you have the world in the palm of your hand.May you can take from life as much as you wish. Hopefully you can yoke these new generative a.i. to do your bidding. I don't really have the mind for it, and it is the future.
>>94701953nah, as soon as my mom dies my siblings will put me in to an institution, we have been having a shortage of flats since WWI. you are right though, getting internet 8 years ago was hugeI wouldn't even know w40k existed, if it wasn't for it.And as much as people bicker here, I still like watching other people models. It was super fun watching one anon show his progress on his white terminators. And they came out looking very cool.
Would the warmaster titan be an ace unit? Like, is if the heresy was a mecha anime would they be the gundam or the villain of the week bad guy suit?
>>94701969You have a home here Anon, even if that means nothing. Every model I post from now on is dedicated to you.
>>94701969Wheelchair not an option?
>>94701991When did the hero ever have the biggest, stompiest suit in Gundam? Like, I haven't watched much of it, but to my understanding big shit like the Big Zam or the Neue Ziel or whatever were all used by the antagonists to show the plucky hero bring down some hulking monster.In 40k the equivalent to an ace unit would probably be a knight variant, presumably one of the Cerastus chassis (general short-range/melee focus, speed over armor, improved performance, typical ace shit).
>>94701847What's the issue? Deleting vehicles and dreadnoughts, and reducing cataphractii terminators to 4" movement each turn not OP enough for you?It's incredible how Mechanicum fags are literally the Eldarfags of 30k. Always bitching and whining about everything in their army not being broken OP enough, even if it is a unit lonely at the top of the meta.
>>94689282>Thread question:>What is your army lacking?Some flavor of this. The second a squad of terminators or, heaven forbid, a dreadnought turns up is the second I can pack my SoS up and leave; so I'd like a solution for such problems.Don't particularly care how – if meltaguns aren't in the cards let me strap meltabombs to my pursuit beasts or some shit, I don't know.
>>94701643Start writing a novella about /yourdudes/
>>94702118>general short-range/melee focus, speed over armor, improved performance, typical ace shit
>>94702182You do have models that can take magna-combi weapons, so there is access to combi-meltas at least. And termite drills come with melta cutters. Not saying those are solutions though lmao.
>>94702232>speed over armorGet out of here, fatso. Preferably sometime this century.
>>947020454 floor, flat build in 1948, doors too small for an adults wheel chair to roll through and I only have 30% grip strenght in one arm. Which I use to write lift myself to eat,read,etc.
>>94702039thank you, you are very kind anon. I enjoy all models posted here.
>>94702131based. watching my buddy bring 9 plasma myrmidons against his friends iron warriors blackpilled me.
>>94702240Yeah, 10pts for a one-shot is …not ideal. Like, I have five girls with combi-meltas, but those tend to catch some incidental firepower my opponent has lying around.
Anyone have tips for how to make a picrel while also keeping the model somewhat subdued? I am going to build a BA recon marine team and a vigilator to lead them, and I’m going to use an alternate color scheme, basically all black with just the legion symbol in red. But i want the vigilator to be discernible to my opponent. Not quite reaching the levels of le ebic tacticool primaris but I want him to look like he’s on an extended deployment. I imagine BA had good recon to scout out their deep strikes.Please share your vigilators (inb4 all the replies are alpaca legion)
>>94702131Just because something is at the top of the meta doesn't equate to being the most powerful it could potentialy be. And Mechanicus stuff should be stronger then marine, custodes and IA stuff. It is peak of humanity and chaos mechanicus goes even beyond that. Mechancius players are also, in most cases, sesoned veterans who played armies other then marines in w40k, this makes them more skilled at the game. And while the marines try to WAAGHH the game of Horus Heresy, Mechanicus players are walking the way of Sun Tsu and Helmuth Karl Bernhard von Moltke. They know how to play the game better, and there for they get better results. And one more thing. Asking for stuff to be more lore accurate and for more, or all, options to be more viable within a game setting is not whining. Especialy when you give proper arguments. People whining about myrmidons are the ones who are whining. And they forget how expensive the models are to begin with, and how much their real life money a Mechancius player has to spend on the army and the painting comission, because unlike marines a can of black and a dry brush of 2-3 colours does not work for Ad Mecha armies.
>>94702380I recognise that post, lol
Any tips for camouflage cloaks? Trying to do a grey urban-ish pattern for my recons. Wondering if anyone had an example of something close to what I’m describing
>>94702408I do one main colour, then squigly lines in brown, green, dark "brick" red, black and grey.
>>94702379How about using their RT camo scheme?
>>94702425I think it can look great (not my pic, don't blame me for the retarded primaris helmet)
>>94702433Damn that's sexy.
>>94702379>inb4 all the replies are alpaca legion
>>94702182just use a knight abyssal or whatever to make the dreadnought WS1
>>94702379Mine, probably the opposite of subdued
>>94689282Were there any female Custodes Tribunes in HH era 40k or was it just the lower level ones at this point?
>>94702579All mentions of Custodes during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy are described with male gendered wording. So for now, no there weren't, but who knows what GW is gonna change and retcon.
>>94702579No, now go back.
>>94702579No. The Emperor hated women, that's why the only ones he allowed near him had to be mute.>>94702592
>>94702463this for dreadnoughts, it works regardless of who charged who and all you need is one Wound to potentially spare each round, at that point every Execution Blade attack is 1/11 to strip a Wound from a Contemptor or Leviathanadrathic destructors are like 1/30 but they're Instant Death so they're going to average 2W unsaved Caimans will just tie up most Dreadnoughts for a whole turn, maybe longer since they can even FNP S9 hits and you can get a Knight Vestal in there - sure you aren't going to kill it but it's a giant robodude standing there wailing on alligators instead of doing something useful, and the Pursuers can at least hit it with krak grenades>second squad of terminatorsCallidusdo not attack with the Callidus, just keep moving it around so it's always standing in the termies way, using whatever Reactions you need to use to assist thatthey can't drive through it or Ram it, if they shoot through it they're giving a cover save to at least one dude and nothing else can deal with it for them as long as it doesn't do anything but troll, and they can Charge around it but bare minimum that hits their Charge roll distance by at least 1" and with optimum positioning will either leave a chunk of the unit out of engagement range, force a Surge move where he has to stay 1" away from the Callidus at all times or just plain make it impossible to declare a Charge because terrain/wrecks/whatever nearby bottles him inTermies have fat bases and therefore worse turning circles, they want to charge in straight lines wherever possible
>>94702592>>94702614>>94702623There have always been female Custodes, this is explicit canon.
>>94702694Sorry but the random unpaid GW intern who manages the company twitter account does not decide what the official lore is. Heck, even the fucking retards running the warhammer community site regularly get shit wrong...
>>94702694anon. okey, you got your (you)'s. now back to posting more constructive stuff.
>>94702708>>94702714>The official line from the company doesn't decide what the official lore isCope chuddies
>>94702734yes. Just because a dude wants to get browny points at 60s or the company wants to virtue signal, doesn't change reality. It is like SW ended with Return of the Jedi (in film) and with th EU(in lore).
Would it look too out of place on top of a kratos turret?
>>94702629Fair points all, but in practice often kinda tricky even under ideal circumstances. Like, you get one (1) Knight-Abyssal (two if you shell out for Krole) and whatever they and their escort squad are fighting will invariably cost less than them – even under perfect circumstances a Knight-Abyssal with full Raptora retinue will need two turns to kill a bog-standard Contemptor.Plus, at some point you'll need to be able to shift some brick squatting on an objective and that sure as shit will not get done with execution blades and harsh sign language.
>>94702830Why does it have a beehive stuck to the armor?
>>94702872>EernbedienbareThis upsets me more than it probably should.Also, it'd look entirely out of place, yes.
>>94703010I messed up and spilt a load of super glue over covered up area so I put greenstuff over it to make it look like zimmerit. I'm not really happy overall with the model
>>94702694Can you point one such character from a HH related source such as FW, BL or similar then?
>>94703090>zimmerit like 20 meters up in the airThat's gonna be super useful.But seriously, outside the beehives it's a perfectly decent model. The blocky armor gives it a distinct shape and it kinda avoids the t-rex syndrome of the normal Warbringer. Colors could do with some touching-up though.Have you considered plasticard instead of the greenstuff?
>>94702433>shartmaris head
>>94703207I think I'm going to start over, I've the STL and I'll print a less mangled copy
>>94702131>but God it's just such massive overkill into a few specific armies and self inflicted CBT into most marine armies.Jesus christ did you even read my post or did you just see mechanicum and start bitching. My problem is in a Grav themed force I kill the 2-3 vehicles or Dreads and then vs any marine force the guns are just useless. Especially since the only ones that actually leave blast templates are the 6 Grav guns on the myrmidons dumb fuck, most of mechanicums Grav doesn't leave a marker.
>>94702579Nothing of the sort insofar. Right now there's only two named Femstodes for 40k specifically.
12 hours left in the year. Enough time to paint a whole superheavy, the last model to go in my army? Probably not, especially when I'm leaving at 8 for a crossover service, but we'll see.
Do you think we'll get a Custodes Upgrade set, like the Blood Angels and SoH one.One with Meridian Blades, and other weapon/head upgrades.
New bread>>94703994>>94703994>>94703994>>94703994
Does anyone know a source for HH-esque STL files? Would like to print terminators but cant find anything on cults or yeggi.