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>Gm quit because nobody wished him merry christmas in the groupchat or over his personals
It's okay, you probably disrespected him in a hundred other ways on top of that.
This. It sounds like this was a long time coming, I want details.
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>Invite new player to group
>New player bitches and complains endlessly because an existing player is playing a Wizard, and wizards are "overpowered" and "game-breaking".
>Previous player switches classes to solve the problem.
>New player shows up with his character... and it's a Wizard.
>DM tells new player that he can't play wizard after just making arguments about why nobody should be allowed to play Wizard.
>New player proceeds to call all of us (even those of us not involved in this until now) a bunch of "min-maxing hypocrites" ragequits the group

This is one of many reasons we don't recruit randos anymore.
>gf quit because she broke up with me.
t'was yesterday.
This story again?
Still salty the last thread didn't went your way, I see.
I hope your Ex GM found a less shitty group to play with.
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I had a player quit my group because I wanted to run a Fallout-themed game but said I was not very familiar with Fallout 4 and wanted to stick to the pre-Bethesda canon anyway.

Yeah... said player REALLY wanted to be a Synth and got super passive-agressive about it for two weeks and then quit during Session Zero because he "wasn't feeling it", very transparently trying to guilt-trip me in front of everyone else... which didn't work because everyone else was excited to play.

Pic unrelated.
it's probably not just that
Bruh wanted to make a game on the first 2 fallouts, player dodged a bullet.
Found Anon's synth-player.
>Implying any franchise ever has been made better by Bethesda's involvement after Morrowind.
And here I am trying to join groups exclusively so I can play wizards, clerics, healers and sorcerers..
>demoralization bot post thread
How many of these in a row do you need faggot
also forgot the thread from two weeks ago about the guy who had his dm quit because the gang didn't invite him for snacks post game and used him like a going into role playing games machine. have you tried DMing for once
>Invite new player to group
>New player bitches and complains endlessly because an existing player is playing a Wizard, and wizards are "overpowered" and "game-breaking”
All this before the player even played one session?? Why on earth would you not just boot him instantly and keep looking??
Unfortunately I was not the DM, and the DM was a pushover who took wayyy too long to grow a pair and start doing this sort of thing.

At least your DM learned. It's a rookie thing to not readily identify all the warning signs and all that.
Real life reasons why I quit GMing games. These are ones I was paid to run.
>refusal to pay after running a session.
I now take 25% or 50% upfront for this reason.
>unprompted erp from players.
Scuzzy skinny fat guy and his heavily obese GF started erping/heavy petting infront of me while I was trying to run a game for them. Scooped up my books and bolted. Luckily I had a feeling about them. All my supplies were printed out and the dice were a throw away set. Nothing of value was lost.
I now don't do games with less than 3 people.
>excessive vape smoke being blown into my face.
It was a lanklet/manlet 16 year old lookin guy. I think he thought he was being super cool like he was scarface or something. I think he was trying to impress the pre-drug/surgery transman at the table. Admittedly she was cute in that tomboyish/androgynous way some girls can be.
>smoking excessive amounts of pot.
Pot heads. Needed a 20min breaks every hour or so, of course they all couldn't do it at the same time. They couldn't remember any rules or what was going on with any regularity.
>flamboyantly gay, out loud tranny/crossdresser, bad hygiene, poor social skills, excessive random tattoos/earrings/nose rings, drinking/smoking while playing, or being vocal about politics/political affiliations.
All these are things I've learned to avoid. Not that every person with one or more of those things is a bad person but I have seen enough times that assholes/crazies typically have those traits.
I once had two players have a literal fit and completely destroyed an entire campaign over a chest they found. It wasn't even a particularly impressive or valuable chest, it had like 100 gold in it or some shit, but they both went off the fucking handle and quit after that.

There bust have been some bad blood or something between them that wasn't aired, because the entire group were so entirely speechless that literally nobody knew what the fuck happened when they both stormed out.
>refusal to pay after running a session.
I now take 25% or 50% upfront for this reason.

Evacuate your skull. Unironically consider all the negative impact on everyone you've ever met and do something about it.
I think you should take a moment and self analyze why me taking 25-50$ upfront makes you so angry.
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>Friend has a Halloween party and invites the other players
>I decline to go because the people this friend hangs with are boring and have nothing to offer anyone including themselves
>Later that night I get several walls of text from two of them bitching about the other, some shit was said apparently
>They no longer speak to each other and the group is dead and the campaign is fucked
Honestly I'm not even that mad because it gives me a chance to run another system with better people, but it's still annoying to see another group broken by high school tier bullshit.
How else would we have New Vegas?
You mean a half finished game with the least interesting Wasteland to explore?

What a terrible loss.
Nta, but roleplaying is something done between friends, for fun.
You are not friends with your players, and you are not doing it for fun. It is, in essence, really shitty group therapy.
Skyrim has the most fun gameplay in the core games and I'm tired of pretending it doesn't.
Friend got married to a woman that ended up being incredibly overbearing, steadily started missing more and more sessions because she was obviously actively trying to keep him away. Eventually he moved away and the campaign had to finish without him, even after we'd shortened it and modified it so that he could be included to the finale.
It's not the dumbest reason, but it certainly feels the shittiest.
>want more people to get into TTrpgs because I think it's a healthy and fun thing to to do with friends.
>put up a few fliers around community centers, colleges, and a few churches offering to teach people for free.
>do this for a few years but too many of people are flakes or are not serious at all.
>decide to take a token payment as to get more serious people and minor compensation for my free time.
>get more serious class of players who want to learn because of it.
>post about some of the stranger people/encounters I've had for to entertain some anons.
Kek. Been doin it before cellphones were a thing anon. I've probably personally helped hundreds of people into the hobby and made some friends along the way.
>What a terrible loss.
>quit during Session Zero because he "wasn't feeling it", very transparently trying to guilt-trip me in front of everyone else... which didn't work because everyone else was excited to play.
I had the opposite situation
I was sincerely having no fun with the campaign, kept pushing for like 2 months because we finally had a fourth and fifth players after a long time of being just 3 of us. Everyone seemed to be having more or less fun, I wasn't and I was having trouble remembering the last time I had fun with this people. It was eating away at out friendship.
So I wait until a point when we have a long downtime and tell them I was taking a break from the campaign for a while. It was like pulling teeth. I didn't want them to stop having fun, I didn't want any particular change, I just wanted to leave. Awful experience, I understood the members that ghosted us.
Well, having to pay to have a GM is kind of the fisrt red flag, isn't it?
>roleplaying is something done between friends, for fun.
I like making food for friends. Maybe we get stoned while cooking, maybe I start hours before anyone gets there, maybe I just make some random shit with what I have at hand. I like doing it. That doesn't mean restaurants shouldn't exist.
Doesn't beat
>getting kicked from the game because gf broke up with you
That doesn't sound all that unreasonable. My play group wanted to play D&D and I told them I'd sit that one out, but "get hold of me when you switch to a different system." I sat it out, and came back in when they remembered why we quit playing D&D in the first place. Was it a passive attempt to dissuade them? Maybe. But I'm not fucking playing D&D again.
Shit, dude, I feel bad for your GM.
Holy fuck this
>Bro insists on bringing his first girlfriend to our highschool nerd session
>She's actually cool and plays along albeit stereotypical elf rogue and somehow gets along and shares spotlight with other existing rogue in party
>They break up for whatever reason maybe related to the following that I didn't pick up on
>DM and two players one being the cool other rogue start to joke how they kill her character off to continue the campaign without her
>One guy later sends us all except recently broken up with bro a long walk of text saying what if instead of getting rid of her we got rid of her now ex bro
>This was the guy who was initially most against letting a girl into the group
>Everyone is like wtf man and calls him on it
>Girl group texts all of us including ex screenshot of douchebag texts to her saying we all wanted her to join us and would get rid of our bro her now ex to make her feel comfortable.
>Calls is all pieces of shit who just wanted to fuck her
>Recently dumped bro loses his shit thinking we all hated him and got stupid drunk and tried to OD on aspirin just to wake up in throw up the next morning
>We all try to convince him it wasn't true
>At some point stops acknowledging it or acting depressed but never hangs with us again irl
>Over the next year only plays a handful of Vidya online with us before finally going no contact entirely
>Me, forever dm, and one of the original group are the only ones who seem to wanna play and despite trying to include other people we never seem to get a campaign off the ground or last more than two sessions before months will past and we start again with making new characters and trying to groom some newbie into a d&d player
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>player doesn't come to the 2nd session after everyone was really hyped for it because he'd rather drink alone and wallow in his own self pity over some dumb bullshit
Bethesda didn't make New Vegas...
lmao what a fuckin mess
I really don't want my gf to quit our current campaign because she's the only one not playing freakshit and it's gonna be her first time playing from level 1 instead of starting at level 6
No shit. You think we'd have it without Fallout 3?
If you're selling out like a whore already you might as well have offered to watch the fats plow for an extra twenty.
OP is that cunt from >>94635008 desperate for /tg/'s approval despite everyone calling him out.
>two people who have been best friends for life refuse to talk to each other
>several years ago when COVID is in full swing and we're stuck playing over Discord and Roll20 because every game store in the area is shut down
>for some reason vaccinations come up, I just stay quiet
>one guy mentions he can't get vaccinated because he faints at the sight of needles
>his best friend is only half paying attention and only hears he can't get vaccinated
>"Wow bro, I didn't take you for an antivax conspiracy theorist"
>this starts an argument that lasts for about an hour and ends with some very nasty things being said
>even today they still refuse to talk to each other
>game more or less dies out immediately because one was the DM, and we only had 5 people total
>get invited to Vampire group by friend
>other players are friends of his I really only meet at his birthday parties
>gotten weird vibes from one of them before
>mid campaign
>but we play weekly on work nights
>basically zero effort to show up and play
>suddenly get told shit is over
>inquire with friend
>GM and the one with the weird vibes had a falling out
>already made up by the time I asked about it
>campaign never picks back up again
>this was months before COVID

It's not the greatest loss, but as a perma-DM who's been running, and occasionally playing, Pathfinder for the last decade and a half it was nice to play something that wasn't Pathfinder or D&D for a change.
That's a false equivalence. This is more like paying some random dude who claims he can cook on some flyer tacked up somewhere to come and cook for you. And you have to eat together. Sure, you might eat something new, he might be a cool dude, but when you get down to it you're paying a dude to do something you could probably do equally well with some effort. Most people will think this is weird.
>you're paying a dude to do something you could probably do equally well with some effort
You're almost there, people prefer paying than making the effort.
Yeah, OK. So how many people pick up hobby cooks from random adverts? Exactly, none.
Lots of my players have kids because we’re all in our 30s, and the group was originally 6 players and me, the GM. We lost two of our guys when the one guy had his second child, his wife refused to let him spend 2 Fridays a month drinking with his buddies and then the second guy dropped out because he was more friends with the first guy than the rest of us and he decided he’d rather play Smash bros with his whipped friend than hang out with the rest of us. We’ve since invited some new people to the game, but that campaign was years old and we kinda lost our mojo when we abandoned it, and we’re lucky to play once a month these days.
I ghosted a group because i wasn't feeling the adventure i had chosen to run.
Although i also wanted to distance myself from the players since they were all from the boy scouts which i had quit after 15 years while running the session
Two players made a joke about trannies.
One guy revealed he was dating a tranny.
Guy went to GM to kick the other two out.
GM said "it's just a joke".
Guy announced he didn't feel safe around us and quits.
Life continues on, he was replaced in a day
I cook a bit as a hobby and I picked up what I know from random youtube videos, which are basically digital adverts. I've then spent money on cooking supplies and a cookbook or two.
>Whores himself out
>Complains about having to play with social rejects
>he’d rather play Smash bros with his whipped friend than hang out with the rest of us
I think there's another reason he'd rather hang out with his bro over you guys, and you referring to a man choosing to be a good dad and respectful husband as 'whipped' is likely a big part of it
This was probably reason #105 of the 105 reasons he quit
>cutting yourself off from your social life means you're a good parent
I think you're just a contrarian faggot with a bone to pick, and you have no idea what and what doesn't make a good parent.
NTA, obviously, but you also seem like the kind of bitch who assumes everyone on 4chan is one person, so just pointing that out for you
I don't think you know what that word means.
We MIGHT have gotten Van Buren though which would have been vastly better. Troika made a bid on the license when Interplay sold it but were outbid by Bethesda.
9 year long campaign ended because one of the player got to china to fuck another's player erasmus' crush (he didn't act on it for years)
So it would have been the buggiest mess ever released?
Given you are saying this in response to Bethseda owning it..
Vegas was done in under a year by a contracted small studio, that it succeeded at all is a miracle. As it is, it's one of the best fallout games, even with the tons of cut content.
>blah blah fallout blah blah
go back to /v/ faggots
Nigger, Troika's games were infamously buggy. You couldn't even play Vampire without using a community patch. Though, the same was true for Fallout 2. New Vegas was also incredibly buggy, but at least you could play it without a third party patch.
That's the shittiest reason I ever did hear about a Dee Emm quitting their game
>Played Vampire without knowing a community patch existed.
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OP is the worst player at his solo RPG table
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The DM using AI art for NPCs;
>Find online group cause needed a new group
>Me + one other rando
>Rest of the group is DM + his established friends
>Everyone is super nice and welcoming. DM is also incredibly kind-hearted and flexible.
>Dude made an entire world from scratch over monthes of work, and loves when we add to his ideas.
>Only thing he isnt good at is art, so he just uses some basic AI stuff for NPCs and monsters and stuff
>Dont give a fuck, nor does anyone in the established group
>Other rando has an absolute twittersperg meltdown about AI in the chat, calls the DM a bunch of names and blocks us all.
I totally understand why people don't like AI, but it was a private game and it was the one shortcut the DM used out of everything else he made from scratch.
Of all the valid reasons someone should walk away from a table, it's always stuck out to me as the most petty.
His loss, I suppose
this lol, it was just the straw that broke the camels back
>Pay to play DMing
You and your ilk are a cancerous tumor upon this hobby. A bunch of narcissistic Matt Mercer wannabes.
Hey, if the game continued without the guy, than that was the best outcome.
Rando got filtered to the benefit of eveybody else
Man, that sucks.
We have one player that's like that, he always has to stop playing early because he needs to give his wife attention at a given time she decided.
And it aucks double because you can see that he wants to continue. He often makes self deprecating jokes about being a whipped husband, having lost the household war, wtc. Meaning that he is self aware.
The even sadder thing is that the DM is a fucking surgeon, with 2 kids, and another player is a engineer that also has a kid, and both are the most consistent players in the group, their wives work with them to help make time instead of against them.
What did your veto proces look like in the beginning?
Or did you have to learn what to zelect against as you went like the examples you described?
Were I to ever DM for money I think I'd be crazy selective.
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>Shittiest Reasons Someone has Quit A Game
GM had a baby with his wife and the inconsiderate little fuckface kept shitting its diaper all the time. So the GM had to actually help his wife keep the stupid little burden clean and alive and thus abandoned our multi-dimensional game of make-believe. I am unfulfilled and left in a state of spiritual decay. I hate children.
this but unironically
Literally who?
Super open. I started it as college kid with no GF. I didn't start taking money for the whole thing after getting far too many flakes. I found that people who are willing to pony up 10$ a person (this what i was askin for in 97) to learn to play than they usually stuck it through.
I'm sure that was the only reason.
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My DMs mom died and so that stupid asshole thinks he should stay at home alone instead of inviting me over for beers and games like we always did shithead can rot for all I care
based gm
we're all "friends" (except me and the gm) so they wouldn't be cool with kicking anyone out. it's either all of us or none of us
>>refusal to pay after running a session.
>I now take 25% or 50% upfront for this reason.
You weren't worth paying.
No one lonely and lame enough to even contemplate paying for rp would balk at paying so they could play again with you.
Your product was so bad losers who pay to rp walked away from you
You sound jealous.
My group's last GM quit because I didn't vote for Kamala. That's probably worse than any other reason ITT
My last GM quit because uh my friend shit his pants at the table and refused to apologize.
NTA but /tg/, of all places, would be the last place anyone would be jealous of a paid game in the modern age of TTRPGs.
your friend sounds based
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My last GM quit because I fucked his mom and gave him a new brother before cheating on her with his girlfriend. I dont get why he was so upset???
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>Setting up a campaign
>Group is friend and 3 of his friends. 4 total
>Get requests by group of 4 to run certain module
>Buy stuff and set it all up
>Oh look it says we need 5 people
>Decide to invite my friend to make 5
>So far so good
>Get all character sheets in, all checks out
>It's the night of the first session at the appointed time
>One of my friend's 3 peeps has a panic attack because there's someone in this group she doesn't know (the fifth guy) despite not knowing me either
>Says it feels like "it's lost the magic" and "isn't special anymore" and that she "doesn't feel comfortable" with it anymore
>Also lies and tells the other two of the first friend's 3 peeps that I said session was cancelled, so they bail too because they think session's cancelled
>THEN this bitch tells them that I was abusing her in dm's because she wanted to play a Tabaxi (she was a Drow and we only spoke once for like 3 minutes to go over her sheet.
>All three block me without talking to me
>So now there's just the two of us confused as fuck

>Campaign gets aborted and I'm down $43
Nigga i run Rifts, a game that I guarantee is a more detailed setting than anything you run, with rules more complex, and more autistic player base than you can imagine.
I can't imagine charging someone for my time while we play make belive at a table over coffee and finger sandwiches. I pay for the coffee and the sandwiches no less.

My friends and friendships are priceless, the game is the excuse to be 5 grown men hanging out for 4 to 6 hours away from our wives and children.
What we learned?
>dont dm for friends of a friend
>dont buy shit if they arent willing to pay too
43 dollars to avoid a rape lie charge.
You got out cheap
>Meet a stranger
>Decide to ruin the DM's life

Ain't no fucking way this is real
Sad, but you are unironically better off. Lingering in a dying relationship is genuinely more painful, and trying to immediately be friends again flat out doesn't work. Take your time, take care of yourself. You will endure.
Happy ending. Relatively. The golden ending is convincing them to release their tension.
You seem to have created a perception of me in your head to be mad at. Kinda strange.
Imagine, in the year of our lord 2013+12, saying that run Rifts like that's some sort of flex.
Hell yeah
Also all of the megaversal systems
Palladium makes the best shit ever
I picture as gay and effeminate unable to lift a your own weight
Keep your homoerotic fantasies to yourself anon.
Palladium makes shit, you got that right.
>paid dm
You dont get to act like your doing it for fun, you are now a service worker and you put up with people being moderately annoying. You are acting like you arent charging these people money
Based game enjoyer
It's very fun but the wasteland is super boring to explore and you can only play the story so many times. I love the ammo types system and the inclusion of real iron sights. But it's unfinished and you can really tell.
I've never played an open world game that didn't feel incredibly unfinished.
It's the hallmark of the genre.
Name a better system?
>Calls is all pieces of shit who just wanted to fuck her
Happened to my first group too.
The DM made a move on the gf of one of my friends while they were breaking up.
Didn't worked out of course, and broke the group for good.
Still, I became aware for the first time that people will throw away years of friendship for a chance of pussy.
>tried to OD on aspirin just to wake up in throw up the next morning
Not the brightest, I see.
Man, there's a player in my online group with a toddler we can hear in the background who always want to hangout and spend time with her dad until he gets mad and yells at her to go away till she cries and his wife gets pissed. Supposedly he's only got a few hours for himself once a week to play with us, but I wish he would quit and spend that time with his family.
Are there decent ways to find groups to join? Im sorta discouraged given all of the horror stories ive seen of playing with randoms
Remember that people don't greentext about groups that turned out normal.
Id rather live in that world where all the greentexts are about great groups
This sounds so fucking sad. We've got several parents in our regular group and their children often listen in on our sessions. We do cut sessions short every now and then, but by the magic of online play its easy to have a short bonus session afterwards to finish things up.

Online group with randos:
Ran a short sandbox to test out a new system.
Premise was we're just playing a few games over the course of several weeks testing out the first few levels hex crawling, exploring, following up on rumors and maybe do some odd jobs.
One guy had a meltdown over stuff happening in the background. Basically the group (partially) cleared a dungeon killing its magical guardians and an imprisoned demon escaped off screen. Said demon went on to terrorize some villages. Apparently this was too much story for one players idea of a sandbox and he left after having a small tantrum and berating me and everyone present about how sandbox play should strictly adhere to whatever episodic format he had in mind and how reoccuring enemies and consequences between sessions were strictly off limits.
Well, I've had incredible luck of finding an online group of seven people when only one had to be kicked out around the middle of a two year long campaign. Here's the greentext:
>the odd player is sort of autistic, but not the actual autist kind, just the antisocial weirdo kind
>the PC is even more of that for the laugh
>it gets tiring quickly and is asked repeatedly to stop
>gets kicked out from the campaign but left in the group chat as last chance kind of deal
>starts talking politics
>gets kicked out completely and blocked
>the rest of us have a great time and recently started a new campaign using another system
Good ending.
Just about anything, my dude.
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I feel like this was apt to post here
where do you put the density of elden ring and the sparseness of shadow of the erdtree on that scale
>i felt like it was apt to post furry porn
Kill yourself
This is a thread for shit games, i posted a shit game
>not wishing everyone you know a merry Christmas
It's literally the one holiday a year that's 100% wholesome.
OP is jewish and clearly upset Trad Cath GM didn't wish him a heppy channukah despite it also being on December 25th
I only run Wacky Races campaigns using GURPS Vehicles.
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>Group falls apart spectacularly because the ESL player accidentally insults another player's girlfriend
My first and last online campaign with randos saw me quit on session 3 or 4. But I've always gone back and forth on who was really the problem and in the wrong, me or them.
>Start campaign in a big coastal city built by a large swamp. Playing the only human in the party. Also only non magic user.
>We're investigating the regular disappearances of prostitutes across the city. Track clues and strange activity down to a warehouse by the docks and discover some kind of warlock guy, his minions, and a creepy demon well.
Can't remember what the confirmation was, but we knew this was the guy responsible for kidnapping the whores.
>Dude flees into the swamp. I immediately procure boats to pursue. DM obviously did not expect us to proactively chase him but lets me lead the group into the swamp anyway.
>Lose his trail but find a village a day into the swamp. Seems normal at first but quickly notice something off and track down this drunkard who fell apart after losing his wife.
>Dude spills all and tells us the village was hit by a curse making them unable to conceive, so they made a deal with some swamp spirit to regularly sacrifice women in exchange for good swimmers and habitable wombs. Apparently the whole town is in on it.
>We find the place the villagers do their bloody business after dark. Dozens of people watching the local priest getting ready to slice and dice a bitch. We intervene, kill the guards, and capture the priest, even fight off the thing they presumably were sacrificing to, but couldn't save the victim.
>After getting nothing but moralizing and a holier than thou attitude from an interrogation with the priest, I'm pretty pissed.
>I march back down to the village and go on a medieval mass shooting. Everybody else at the table is shocked for some reason, including the DM.
>DM lets me kill a bunch of villagers but tries his hardest to make me feel bad for it, like telling me I just killed a pregnant woman, a defenseless old man, etc.
>I don't stop until the players decide to have the balls the DM doesn't and brandish their weapons demanding I stop.
>Table has a rule that there can be absolutely no fighting between player characters or the session immediately ends. My only choices are to essentially submit to being arrested by my party members and tied up, or whatever the DM would pull after aborting the session.
>Decide instead to have my guy just laugh and walk off into the swamp. Nobody stops him, so my character walks out of the game with his dignity intact.
I should have too right then, but I wanted to make this work. I got put in a separate room to generate a new character while the others kept playing. Decided my problem was that my last character had too hard and fast morals for the group's sensibilities, so I should make a guy who was mentally not all there and didn't really consider subjects of morality or justice so I could let the others make decisions and just go with the fucked up flow.
>My hot-off-the-press character wanders into the tavern. Human sorcerer who plays a fiddle and got hit on his head by a magic meteorite. Doesn't even remember his name half the time.
>My first conversation with the group turns into some kind of inquisition with questions like "do you think murder is wrong," and "If you hurt someone, would you apologize."
>Try my hardest to impress upon everyone that this new guy has essentially no coherent will or thought process. Realize I have basically just lobotomized my imaginary self so I could put a bunch of faggy strangers on the internet at ease and keep playing with them.
>Final straw is they set me up with a party member to watch me at night for some bullshit reason that they couldn't have believed I bought.
Messaged the DM saying I quit the next day. Despite apologizing that I obviously didn't jive with them and assuming the blame, the DM was apparently angry I was leaving. Who's in the wrong here? Am I the jerk? Or are they the jerk?

Milk Truck just arrive
I can tell you are the bad guy in this story
what are you imagining him doing
I think that just speaks to human nature. Same fucking reason Youtube is bloated with THIS SHOW SUCKS HERES WHY instead of videos called "I Like This Show It Was Cool."

Id also argue bad experiences often stick out in our brains more often than good ones.
There was no bad guy honestly. You were playing the way that you wanted to and honestly was taking the game into a very very interesting and weird direction with your first character.
The problem only arises when the table rule of "no fighting between players" came up. The DM should have let you fight the party and see what goes down. If you die, then roll up a new character and move on. If you somehow miraculously kill all of your party members, then the campaign would need to "restart" somehow, likely with your character pursuing the same leads that the campaign STARTED with, and a new party that he pulls together.
A lot of what went down sounds awesome and fun honestly. Just bad luck and a mixture of things, it seems
Hahaha look who doesn't play at a table.
Name one actual issue with the system. Be honest and don't web search it.

Still name a better system, by name negeriod
Kinda based
Regardless of the context, I think "listen, this game isn't a good fit, maybe next time," is always the right move if you're not having a bad time. I find it weird that the GM obviously wanted to go for a gray morality story but was unwilling to deal with the consequences of that, and a "no interparty conflict, ever" is a big fucking red flag to me.
Remember that people have a tendency to gossip more about negatives than positives. Its why the news is always so doom and gloom.

As someone who wanted to find a group after my irl had to dissolve, the two best pieces of advice is be patient, and be honest.
It took me like a year+ to find a group of like-minded people who I felt comfortable with, with alooooot of duds and shitty ones along the way. Its like job-hunting.

Always be up front and honest with the people you meet and what type of game/vibe youre looking for. Grognards around here will screech about shit like vibe checks and session zero being some modern invention created by redditors, but theyre the best way of gauging whether or not a group will be a good fit. Youll save yourself alot of stress telling someone "Hey man this isnt for me" as opposed to sitting there quietly seething because you hate the people youve attached yourself to.

There are genuine freaks, yes. Ive dealt with control freak DMs, Magical Realmers, creeps, the whole lot. I just kept trying and I eventually found a group where the DM is an adorable kind-hearted autist that loves all the roleplay and character interactions I helped encourage in his game. Don't let horror stories about weirdos convince you there isnt a group out there.
>Who's in the wrong here? Am I the jerk? Or are they the jerk?
If the rest of the party were lawful stupid and you were neutral good as fuck then maybe your character wasn't a good match?

But, it sounds like it runs deeper and you personally weren't a good match for them so better for you personally to ditch them for a group with morals less shallow.
>The problem only arises when the table rule of "no fighting between players" came up.
That was some bullshit that actually encourages passive aggressive nonsense more. If everyone in the fight wants to fight then it's fine - unless they're weak little bitches that throw their toys out of the pram OoC.
Buddy, you think Megaversal is a good system. I don't need to argue with you, I'm just gonna point and laugh.
>treat gm like a disposable utility object for months or years
>gm finally has had enough
Lol so random.
Don't worry he'll keep reposting this OP until you like it
You dont know what your talking about to the point of comidic denial of the argument.
Its pure hyperbole and personal attacks. Pathetic
yup, thats the end of a long streak of neglect that you didnt even see. grats, you are a bad person.
As a father, I can understand. It's not right, but
understandable. You really don't get any time to yourself. Those few hours are sacred, especially if they're planned in advance.

I love my kids, but a man does need some time to recharge every now and again. My entire week is work, hanging out with my kids, errands, and I get three hours to myself on Friday while my wife does something.
That dudes obviously handling it thr wrong way but too many parents think that their children need to be entertained/supervised/watched 24/7. It's okay for a kid to sit and play with their toys for an hour or two with little interaction. It builds self reliance, imagination, and confidence.
It is a Christmas Miracle, repeats every year.
"If my parents are ignoring me, then I have to play alone, but if I can get them to stop ignoring me then I will". Most kids don't have any routine or structure here, there's no set time where they're guaranteed attention and there's also no set time when they're used to being alone, they just take what they can get when they can get it and their parents get mad and push back because they don't know what else to do.
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How is episodic format a sandbox?
Lol u mad?
> the ESL player accidentally insults another player's girlfriend
If it was an accident, an apology would have sufficed, right?
You were in the wrong for failing to read the room and fit in, which is a basic necessity for the game to function properly.
Besides which it's hard to imagine context that would make running in and killing the villagers an appropriate reaction. Were you not expected to bring the murdering priest back to some authority in the city? I could understand killing him instead as a reaction to a "Actually here's why abducting and sacrificing whores to a demon is totally wholesome and you're bad for stopping it" speech, but killing the villagers just sounds like a tantrum.
I love how all the replies are seething LOL you gottem
This is a thread about why people quit games you freak
Find it super funny he was morally upset at prostitutes being sacrificed but had no problem with pregnant women
Well, ostensibly, the women in the village are only pregnant via unholy ritual.
He's a polack, so he's both stupid and prideful. He tried to compliment her, but it came off as an insult, and he didn't back down until the group disbanded.
>he didn't back down until the group disbanded.
Well, he was too much of a stubborn autist, it seems.
I already said he's a polack.
It's nice of her to just quit without causing a drama
I don't get why your DM didn't kick you himself after you had a tamper tantrum. In essence you had a meltdown because he was RPing his culprit and decided to run amok.
>Decided my problem was that my last character had too hard and fast morals for the group's sensibilities, so I should make a guy who was mentally not all there and didn't really consider subjects of morality or justice so I could let the others make decisions and just go with the fucked up flow.
If you belief your first PCs choices were sound and moral, you as a person should seek help.
I mean if the entire village is in on evil cult business, that just means they're all evil cultists. They're doing evil to serve themselves. There's probably a better way of dealing with a curse than what they did, so fuck em. I can't imagine any kiid born from an evil deal and a murder to an evil swamp spirit isn't going to be evil too anyway.

This is basically just "those who say fuck this shit to Omelas" except instead of a wonder city of greatness it's some shitty swamp village where they murder women.
There was a woman character I wanted my character to marry and another player flirted and fucked her with the GM complicity. I didn't particularly get mad about the fictional love interest of my fictional character but more because they did that to piss me off specifically.
Still, I threw a fit, quit and never talked to them again. Now I feel a bit stupid because that's a ridiculous reason, they weren't taking it seriously and just thought it was funny to cuck my character because I was probably an obnoxious waifufag back then. But I also realize they weren't nice people to hang around in the first place so I don't regret it.
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>run a game for some people I raided WoW with back in the day
>could do with one more person
>they invite someone
>he's never played before but that's okay, I put the time in to help him create a character and get to grips with things, do a little practice combat session
>first proper session went pretty well
>discovered that the guy sexually assaulted someone recently
>ditch him immediately
Well that was a waste of time. Everything went well afterwards though.
You're right, that is a shitty reason to kick someone out of your game.
you need to be 18 to post here
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>Anon posts his story during American posting hours. Replies be like:
>Yeah man I guess you and the group just didn't see eye to eye. Very mature of you to try to end on good terms.
>They had no concept of justice.

>European posting hours roll around. Replies be like:
>If you kill murderers and cultists you are literally worse than a murder cultist you murder cultist.
>Any assertion of your will over others or hint of discontent is a toxic masculinity temper tantrum.

No wonder you guys are going extinct over there lmao
>Can't spend 2 Friday nights with the boys

Come on Anon, that's the least unreasonable thing a father can ask for
Never played or read it so can't argue.
You have abysmal reading comprehension skills.
>player follows what their character would do
>DM didn't account for it, tries to bitch mode
>players are so mindbroke by critical role and baldurs gate that they can't fathom anything beyond sassy gay jokes and yass queen banter
Good on you to ditch, god forbid a ttrpg group have deeper plot and personalities than "Faggot A" and "Faggolini B"
Fallout is one of those quintessentially TG properties even if you don't like it. I'm sorry that you are so easily demoralized that listening to internet retards sends you into an autistic frenzy, maybe you should go elsewhere
>I want to play a game specifically for the lore, but I just want you to know that I'm not actually going to be interested in learning about any of the lore whatsoever!
Fallout 3 didn't have such a vibe in my experience. I still replay it and find new shit all the time. Yeah a lot of copy pasted shit too, but hey.
>move to new town, wageslave call center job, matched up with 5 other dnd bros in same training group.
>o hey lets start a game
>classic 3.5 min/max powertrippers. Make a Barbarian cause.
>one of the guys, a short fat neckbeardy John has been fairly quiet since arriving. He seems a little flustered during character gen so i give him extra attention.
>He starts becoming more withdrawn and sweating profusely.
>we start playing. Everyone else seems good so far.
>My shitty dad jokes and excessive boasting about my bod and bardlike libido (along with complete lack of actual woman game) go over fairly well. Can tell this group should be good.
>John starts turning red and sweating even more. Hes sitting uncomfortably. Wonder if hes passing a kidney stone.
>Ask him if hes thirsty or something
>He stops figiting and stares forward at nothing
>Says in a monotone "i have to go"
>then gets up and leaves without another word

Found out later from the local callcenter fag he was gaycrushing me hard and his idea of dnd included actual buttsecs.
>Play with dark magic, win dark prizes
I mean i would expect them to at least flee, giving you the excuse "they are making a run for it!"
Bad dm/10
Im doing the same thing for my game. Being a poor artist with limited time, ai slop has been a useful tool. Ive paid comissions to have real artists create off the ai art so i consider it just fine.
I want to track it in my IRL game but none of us can be fucked. Everyone has a sheet on the phone that could do it for us, but we unanimously insist on using paper just to flaunt our big swinging dicks.
I'm the guy who posted the greentext. When I went to kill the villagers, it wasn't really treated as combat. He basically just let me roll to see how many I managed to cut down. As I recall, I got a dozen or so, and the rest did flee into the swamp. Many just wading into the water to get away. I think he might have mentioned some getting attacked by crocodiles in the mad rush. I'll give the guy this, he was a great narrator even as I literally burned his campaign around him. Because I also got some lamp oil from the general store we had visited the evening we arrived in the village and began burning buildings down. This is why I find it hard to blame them for their reaction, even though I don't feel it was out of character or morally wrong, it was pretty extreme. At that point, though, they had interacted with my guy enough that they should have been able to see it coming. They just truly were blind-sided by a character who wasn't a streaming series Marvel-quipping faggotron.
Suffer not the cultist, the kidnapper, or those who spill human blood (even hos') in vile rituals.
Not a bad reason to quit, dog
Honestly you were a puritan in a group of iconoclasts. Maybe you didn't telegraph to the others that your character would go 1488 on selfish pregnancy cannibals and their enablers but you would have ended up in a partybreak situation eventually as soon as another minor moral dillema arose.

I hindsight see a missed opportunity in the situation. It was a good set up for a perfect player player interaction moment, where you start reaming out the others "for letting them escape" and are flabberghasted they are just standing there and it evolves into a true argument and character building.

Ive had those moments a couple times where the murder hobo finally has to explain why he kills and either the party emerges stronger or smaller and stronger.
From what you described, "everyone involved in this needs to die" is a reasonable and measured reason.
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I can understand why this torpedo'd the campaign but "angry swordsman slaughters whole village" is an extremely fucking cool cliche
>At that point, though, they had interacted with my guy enough that they should have been able to see it coming
Given that it wasn't hinted at at all in your own greentext explaining yourself, I doubt that. You probably expected everyone else to read your mind and ended up shocked when they didn't.
You were all in the wrong, the faggot group for playing d&d (i assume, since you're referring to a "DM" and there are multiple races and "sorcerer" as available option) in a manner not particularly suited for (an investigative game with limited/reduced combat interactions), which lead to the whiplash scenario your character had by "resolving" the conflict with violence, and you for being a fucking retard incapable of reading the room.
Why didn't you wish him a Merry Christmas?

Fucking asshole.
>Gm quit because nobody wished him merry christmas in the groupchat or over his personals
I'd fucking quit too.
Different anon here, but I get angry because you're a plague on the hobby.
>>Dude spills all and tells us the village was hit by a curse making them unable to conceive, so they made a deal with some swamp spirit to regularly sacrifice women in exchange for good swimmers and habitable wombs. Apparently the whole town is in on it.
Ah so your DM has played Wrath of the Righteous
The biggest and shiniest pile of shit is still a pile of shit.
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The only thing worse than a railroading GM is a railroading party. It seems like the GM was rolling with it as best as he could, sometimes I have trouble finding my mojo after fresh shenanigans. Seeing players however being unable to do more than follow GM-nudges is infuriating. The nudges are there to get the ball rolling when things slow down, if you want a story you have no impact on, read a fucking book.
If your first reaction to a moral dilemma is to go full-on murder hobo and your explanation is "it was what my character would do" then I no wonder they dropped your retarded ass.

>My first conversation with the group turns into some kind of inquisition with questions like "do you think murder is wrong," and "If you hurt someone, would you apologize."

Can you blame them? The last person they teamed up with turns out to be some sperg that goes on a rampage without a moment's notice.

So, maybe next time you'll have a great idea to derail a session or campaign, maybe ask other players. about it. You know this is a group game for everybody's enjoyment, not only yours.

Who knows, maybe you will convince them and go on the rampage together.
Why are you ignoring the fact that the rampage was against murder cultists who kidnap people and ritualistically sacrifice them to some sort of monster? I feel like that is a pretty salient detail.
Probably because it didn't happen when you found out those things but only after you had beaten the few guards with the help of the other players and were talking with the priest. Which makes it clear you were not reacting in character to the horror of the situation, but throwing a tantrum.
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>Shittiest Reasons Someone has Quit A Game
His wife wouldn't let him play because we're not fundamentalist Christians. No seriously its that. She's a fundy herself and she hates it when her husband interacts with 'the outside world'. 10 years of gaming together suddenly cut off because we're not hardcore Christians. Dude still owes us money from ordering food too.
It's like any other hobby.
Just because you enjoy jamming with friends it doesn't mean the rolling stones are saying you're wrong and dumb, or that they should have albums because you like jamming more, or that you need to be the rolling stones, just two things you can do when playing music.

If you had any other hobby you'd see how retarded this disucssion sounds.
>Instead of reading the green text, I have invented a story in my head to get angry about, because getting angry is my default mode of existence.
It couldn't be that bad. Did it shit every day or something?

do you go to macdonalds and demand they make a different thing from the meal and treat you like you're special?
I think paid DMs have less of a responsibility because it's a service you paid for. You usually treat your friends nice because you like them and you want them to be happy, clients requested a particular thing and that's all they're getting. Same with cooking for a friend and getting a meal from a shop. Yeah, you can scream and ask for your money back, but you can't go to the kitchen and ask that they cater to whatever you feel like that day just because you're paying.

this has been my experience most times I tried to play WoD, especially Vampire.
Lmao, reminds me:
>friend finally get gf
>gf is example of witch/wicca bppd tiktok e-girl with dangerous hot/crazy ratio
>friend stop attending boardgame and ttrpg hangouts
>find out that witch gf identified me as some horrible possessed mental vampire demon that tried to rape her mentally when she was playing Nemesis with us
>because of pussy, friend tried to coerce group to remove me
>he is no longer friend
>group cohesion was not impacted
>I can continue to drain their souls and mentally rape them while playing Nemesis Lockdown
Good times
>They don't want me killing dozens of unharmed passive people? they must have no morals!
absolutely retarded
But your DM was in the wrong for getting mad but I can see how someone would get mad at having to adapt everything to a single player running off and then that player leaves. Fuck you, you should had left before making me work double shifts.

some people just want to grill

okay, I'm gonna spoiler it because I do believe this is gonna devolve into a pointless discussion
Consider how people feel when their identity is used as a topic in everything they do, a trans person doesn't stop being trans after work or whatever, they have to listen how where they pee is a national debate topic. Culture war politics every day of their lives. Impossible to escape. That's fucking torture.
that anon was saying that he probably didn't like the rest of the group and the wife was just an excuse to break up with you.

>>players are so mindbroke by critical role and baldurs gate that they can't fathom anything beyond sassy gay jokes and yass queen banter
where did it say that?
are you projecting your insecurities or your fears?

Because killing a bunch of defenseless people isn't a heroic act of justice. It's like justifying a school shooting, or asking why are you ignoring that they did swamp satan rituals to save the lives of children. Some stuff doesn't feel cool even when you're justified.
>this has been my experience most times I tried to play WoD, especially Vampire.
Goth pussy does that, I imagine.
It's not a matter of heroism. People who prey on people who are weaker than they are don't get a pass to commit unspeakable acts of depravity just because they happen to be weak themselves. The important part is, "don't commit acts of unspeakable depravity if you don't want to be put down like a rabid dog."
It doesn't matter if they're weak, it matters whether they're guilty.
>what gives you the right...?
Me. I do.
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>cottagecore softgirl cleric tries to weaponize command after player learns what it does
>gets asked to stop after trying to command the bard into raping shopkeeper mid-haggling to 'make the roleplay go faster'
>player visibly goes blank for a few after dm tells her to "chill out with that kind of stuff"
>leaves a few minutes later after 'something comes up'
>few hours later, table is hanging out at a bar
>notice DM cackling at phone
>ask out of curiosity
>tells me to check my phone
>mfw cottagecore cleric had gone on full fuyoshi meltdown in table gc and called the DM, an engaged gay man, a retarded homophobe for not letting 'romance between male characters' happen, blocked all of us, then left
If you really wanted to drain their souls you'd just suggest Monopoly or Settlers of Catan.
NTA, but that's a valid question really. Why did you only act after talking with the priest? The righteousness of the action presumably didn't change at that point. So what did change?
>you can't go to the kitchen and ask that they cater to whatever you feel like that day just because you're paying
That's how restaurants work though? Within reason, of course.
You don't shit where you eat.
Wait, I don't think Command can be used as a roofie, can it?
I Don't think you know what that word means. I was sharing anecdotes.
They weren't trying to save the lives of children. They were trying to be able to have children. We know nothing about the limits of the curse on the village.
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lmao. Topics like this have a way of making the subhuman misanthropes rush to out themselves like insects scuttling from a burning log. Allow me to make clear the objective moral maxim here that us sane human beings can tap right into without having to think about it:
Violent criminals and their direct enablers have absolutely NO recourse to mercy whatsoever.
This is where the idea of an outlaw comes from btw. You desecrate the trust of your fellow man, you have no right to be surprised when he treats you like a dangerous animal. Of course, all you guys who seethe over chads giving bad guys what they deserve do so because you can't help but see yourself in the monsters getting their just deserts. It's why you always try to frame the good guy, the avenger, the dragon slayer as the real evil. Oh and you also try to diminish the person in question and make them seem as small and weak as you feel when you feel as though you're under a microscope in the conversation. I'm seeing that with the overuse of the word "tantrum" in this thread in particular.
To conclude my thesis: lmao even
Whoopsie. Addendum.
>are you projecting your insecurities or your fears?
More very obviously trying to frame people you disagree with as being petty, fearful, and otherwise pathetic while maneuvering deftly (kind of) around the entire point of any statement or argument.
You folks seeing the maladjusted behavioral patterns here? Don't worry. You'll have more examples in the replies to this! XD
Get a skater gf
>T. Dude with a tomboy gf who literally skated her big butt off trying to go as fast as she could, now begging me to let her into my tabletop groups
>Wait, I don't think Command can be used as a roofie, can it?

It absolutely can't, but the cleric sure as hell tried anyway. The player had only 'learnt' what Command was a spell to begin with the session before this one.
>Topics like this have a way of making the subhuman misanthropes rush to out themselves like insects scuttling from a burning log.
Instead of engaging in typical /v/ faggotry I'll just give a tip for anyone who has this problem. Ask your player to send you a few paragraphs of a relevant wiki article or lore blurb and try to fit it in instead of ignoring what they want.
>have a breakdown over the idea that someone could be anything less than the most complete edgelord torturehobo
>all others spineless misanthropes
like poetry
John 8:7
Forgiveness and repentance are always the correct way - revenge and murder are not.
DM's discretion
>You might issue a command other than one described here. If you do so, the DM determines how the target behaves.
"Fornicate" or "Molest" might or might not work
What, like her ass is gone now?
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I had sex with the female member but she didn't want a relationship, so I quit the game to avoid it being awkward.
The main problem is, upcasting Command increases number of creatures affected but doesn't extend duration, you'd need to burn most of your spell slots to force even just a quickie.
>killing evil innsmouth cultists
>edgelord murder hobo
Currently staring down losing half the group to the shy guy trying to run a 5e one-shot and half of us thinking not sucked enough we won't do it again when he tried to suggest we keep going and the other half being too nice to tell him no.
no, they have a menu and you ask one of the dishes they sell there. They set the rules and you follow them or you go somewhere else and no one gets mad about that.
Nta but how do I get skater gf? Just go to skate parks, and skate?
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>How is episodic format a sandbox?
Like this I imagine.
>t. guy who is not playing at all
>Player insults other players children,
>throws a fit when asked to apologize
>quits the game
I don’t even have anything to add to this. It’s incredibly tiresome
Did you reply to a week-old post just insult someone who doesn't like D&D?
this is 4chan, buddissimo
From the original post:
>I've always gone back and forth on who was really the problem

But now, "everyone who questions me is objectively evil and deserves to die".
>overuse of the word "tantrum"
If you get pissed off from talking to someone and "go on a medieval mass shooting" then yes, you're throwing a tantrum. Explicitly reacting to the priest's words, not to his deeds.
Talk like adults
Problem fixed
God you sound like an obnoxious fucking sperg
Behold the pinnacle of human civilisation
Only works if everyone is an adult and have mutually agreeable goals. We don't and they're not. Basically there's enough basement dwelling nerds with very bad social skills they can't deal with even the softest of rejections that it's fairly predictable.
>Reasonable approach explanation of why we dont want to play their preferred game type
>Hurt feelings, moodyness etc. Regardless and bad faith play on their part being unable to stop
But it's not like they would have accepted no one wanting to play their one shot from the onset.
Fucked from the get go. Overall fine, not much loss in many ways, more at this point better to reduce drama and continue with a smaller group and build it back up again. They can do whatever on their own time.
>Deadlands> The Weird West
>Player joins and pitches me his character concept: A character that uses a knifed glove, similar to Freddy Krueger
>Say ok, and use the statblock of a similar weapon from another game
>2 day slater
>Sends me his sheet
>Low Strength, no edges that would help him in melee combat
>Tell him he should maybe invest some more points into strength so that he can actually do damage
>Tells me he doesn't want to metagame or follow any builds
>Tells me his character concept will never work because ranged firearms are better than melee (not true)
>Drops out of the game
Thank God. That guy was a total faggot, kept telling me shit about his character way past the point of it being necessary (specially when I got 3 other people sending me their sheets) and just wouldn't shut the fuck up
You are a sex worker, not a gamer.
Just a prostitute with dice
>Anon can't stop thinking about me as a prostitute
Thanks... I guess? I'm not gay but it's always nice to know someone finds me attractive.
I cannot imagine enjoying being a paid GM, it sounds so miserable and the risk of burning out on a hobby I love sounds too high. The pay also doesn't seem too great.
holy shit
I did not think my story would lead to this much of a fuss.

Aaaaand I have my very own white knight keeping the convo civil and grounded. Thanks for your support??? I mean, I do mostly agree but it feels more like you're trying to turn everyone against me with your aggressive rhetoric.
I don't appreciate your dipshit holier than thou assumptions, but I did leave out a lot about how my character acted in general and what the group already knew about his moral code and personality flaws because I didn't want to write a 9 post greentext for AI narrator slop channels to poach. It didn't come out of nowhere.
He ain't me nigga. I could accuse most of the posts saying I was in the wrong of being the same angry dude too honestly, but I won't because dead internet theory is for paranoid idiots.
NOW I'm going to try and close this pandora's box myself by putting together the actually cogent points against my case and addressing them. I don't really feel the need to do so for the ones in my favor because I would obviously be assumed to agree with them because they favor me. I am ignoring all arguments trying to say that I personally am some kind of psycho or terrible person because my imaginary character I was playing killed defenseless fiction people in make-believe land. That's about the same tier of thinking as my guardian angel above saying everybody saying that is subhuman. Dumb and taking TTRPGs a little too seriously and should touch grass.
>You just wanted to torch the DM's hard work because you were angry.
I think this idea came largely because I said "I'm pretty pissed" instead of clarifying my character was pissed. I personally was miffed by having failed to save the victim and a bit by the DM's apparent intent to keep the interrogation with the priest from going anywhere, but not really angry. I basically had intended to clear out the village the moment there was all the evidence needed to know they were all guilty of collusion in the larger conspiracy. I won't pretend my moral sensibilities don't pretty much align with my character's. But I didn't do anything in this situation because I was hugely upset about something in real life. I would have just spoken out or left if that was the case. So this one is a no.
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Anon they were kidnapping and killing people on a noticable scale to appease a fucking dark thing of evil. Rather than attempt to find help or accept their fate they resorted to victimizing people to save their pathetic shit smeared fishing village. Personally while I would struggle to find the will to massacre them myself; I can see where anon is coming from for cutting them down. Whilst there were other options, a purge is the tragically simple solution of a man who clearly has no patience for evil. What anon did would've been standard procedure in a warhammer fantasy campaign; you encounter a daemon cult trying to save themselves while preying on the innocent and you destroy them. Because whether or not some of them are innocent the ones that will spread their "solution" are liable to find it more convenient in the future to start the whole thing up again.

You have to remember all Justice is vengence, and if people begin to think that those women were "just whores". Who just because of their profession were a unit of life currency to be traded to dark altar for boons; you truely don't grasp justice. Those whores died their families likely grief for their lives, and those who they knew had a portion of their experience stolen from them. Those people don't just get to live that down.
>You failed to read the room and really should have expected people to take umbrage with your actions.
This one for sure. Actually it's really worse, because I should have known just how bad everyone else in the group would take it, but I was too autistic to, like, believe it, if that makes any sense. I guess my biggest personal problem there was my obstinacy in following the path I knew my guy would go instead of caring more about the cohesion of the larger game. I was too locked in.
>You are an obnoxious sperg.
TRUE. Also it takes one to know one. I think this would have been the culprit of the inevitable divorce from that group in any timeline where the events I describe never happened. We just had totally different vibes. They wanted to have characters like, for instance, the high elf princess who is multiclass paladin and bard and has casual sex at least once per session. Meanwhile, I wanted to be some kind of Robert E. Howard character with rust on my armor and a permanent grimace on my grimy face. It just would never have ended well no matter what I did.
I really think the first reply got it in one. There was no bad actor. Just bad chemistry. I'll keep cringing at it, but I think this really helped me come to terms with it. Thanks guys! :)
You should try playing Warhammer Fantasy roleplay instead. The expectations of the other players were clearly that adventuring would be a "vacation" for their characters. Rather than a call to action or a crippling expression of someone's mental disability and lack of self preservation.
I've actually wanted to try out Warhammer fantasy roleplay for a long time. I have a pdf of I think the 4th edition rulebook hanging out somewhere in my files. But I've never found the place or people for it. I once had hoped to try and run something in it with my own group of homies because we were all getting into a rhythm of trying out different systems every few months. Buuuut the group has recently fallen apart because being working adults sucks for trying to coordinate anything.
One day I will find my gritty autist promised land.
Forgiving murdering cultists doesn't stop them from murdering.

Sometimes doing good is unpleasant.
9/10 rant. Could use a little more profanity but point well made.
And those are untargeted words. Since the command is considered contextual to the caster (i.e. "help" = "help the caster") telling the barbarian "molest" might not go the way they wanted.
>He ain't me nigga
Fair enough.
>It didn't come out of nowhere
Given the way the other players reacted it blindsided them anyway. I'd guess you made something like Judge Dredd and they all assumed you were more like Batman, because the rest of the campaign looked more like that.

Anyway I'm glad you're not a retard and have reflected seriously on it. Good luck finding players that are a better match for your autism.
I don't get why people are criticizing you on moral grounds. Is that the point? This scenario sounds like it could be dramatic and interesting. It's just that you should maybe have checked with the others if they were down for such a dramatic turn since you were already aware that they weren't exactly on your wavelength.
>Because killing a bunch of defenseless people isn't a heroic act of justice. It's like justifying a school shooting, or asking why are you ignoring that they did swamp satan rituals to save the lives of children. Some stuff doesn't feel cool even when you're justified.
This is precisely why it was a heroic act. It's easy to to the right thing when you're going to be universally praised for your actions. Doing the right thing (and you acknowledge that it is justified) even when it's horrible is far more heroic.
lol'd after clicking that spoiler
She deserved raping
I thought that was gonna be a sex thing, now I'm sad
Wow I didn't know anons were even petty little bitches about people getting paid to GM.

How fucking pathetic.
You talk like a seething, jealous faggot.
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>Early into my TTRPG days, still when I'd only played 5e
>Get into a campaign with a homebrew setting that seems neat
>GM seems nice enough as do the other players
>We have session 1
>Goes seemingly well, everyone acts as if they have fun
>One of the players just goes dark and never returns/responds despite staying in the group chat and not even blocking anyone, just ignores us?
>Whatever, there being only 3 people now, GM goes to find a new person
>Ends up with 2, they seem like cool people
>One of the other original players FUCKING LOSES IT
>DM is "shitting all over the group's development by forcing in new characters"
>Complains to me and other player in DMs and acts shocked we don't agree
>I tell him we've only had one session, havent even left the starter town and that our characters barely know more than each other's names
>He says the first session is the most important and adding new people session 2 is going to completely destroy the group dynamic

If it stopped there and he just left it'd be weird but I wouldn't feel the need to post it here, but then-
>He goes into the roll20 game. SPAMS the chat nonstop to try and fuck up the new guys who were making their characters
>He draws all over the map and does everything he can (until kicked) to sabotage the game
>Once kicked he goes back to the discord chat and once again just spams nonstop about how the game was being ruined and the DM is a retard
>Is in VC, alone
>I join for a moment just to hear him spastically ranting to himself
>Gets kicked from there as well, goes and posts multiple seething replies to the original message about the group forming on roll20, saying "Don't join, the DM has no respect for players or their characters" and shit

All this from a dude who was 35 and had two children.
Cool story bro
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She used to have a big ass. Then she decided she wanted to go fast, so she started speed skating and burned it off over several months of trying to go 60+mph on her skateboard for long distances. Now she's just slim like a ballerina. Kinda lame but whatever.

I don't skate, I think it's retarded. I'm sure if you went to your skatepark and just made yourself available you'll catch one. I personally met her when she served me coffee with my last ex. Eventually she started showing up to my neighborhood bar. She wore welding club hoodies and dressed like a boy, kept her hair short and stuff. I heard her mention to other people how much she liked me, and I kept blowing her off. One day she stuck around till close with us alkies and another friend invited us all over to his place to play VR games. Around 4 or so, I got up to leave and she followed me, so I offered to walk her halfway. In a freezing alley on a winters morn, she stopped and wheeled on me and asked me why I hadn't made a move, I told her I didn't believe a girl as pretty and cool as her liked a broke ass go nowhere loser twink like me. So she told me to kiss her and I did and I wound up sleeping on her bed that night. I knew I was in love when I saw she had Godzilla stuff all over her walls (her favorite is Mothra, mine too).
Now she's taking me out to Czech restaurants with foamy beer and waking me up at all hours to go to our local 24 hour diner. I love a good late night diner so this is pretty much a match made in heaven. She's still very much a girl, but she's a mountain girl from the foothills of Appalachia. Last night we drank vodka on my couch and she told me about the Hills Have Eyes tier mutants that live nearly completely off the grid in Appalachia, tells me that's why so many people just vanish out there in the hills at night. Don't believe the demoralizing retards. They don't love anyone, including themselves.
Yes. You have to go where girls are to meet girls. This is how it works. Also since 90% of younger guys are crazy bad with girls these days it's very easy to scoop up a younger GF. Even if you are kind of a slob or overweight or balding or not 100% sociable. As long as you can hold a convo and not bring up Minecraft, YouTube or Twitter posts you have a really good chance.
>t. 37 year old with a 25 year old GF.
It's a tool of justice that has proven its worth in shitholes all over the world. A staple of lynchmob/instant-lg-justice videos since the early 2000s.
>I still replay it and find new shit all the time
Strangely enough, I have that even more with New Vegas, which is a lot more unfinished than Fallout 3
And yet they managed to include so many small but interesting bits
Shame that preparing that much small shit as GM is generally a waste of time, as it will be missed and never revisited later on
Why are you so disingenuous? It's "Complete edgelord torturehobo" to kill murdering cultists now? He didn't even mention torture. What the fuck is wrong with you?
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Thanks anon
You're a lucky guy, anon.
>As long as you can hold a convo and not bring up Minecraft, YouTube or Twitter posts you have a really good chance.
Shouldn't be a problem. I'm not THAT autistic.

Thanks for the hopium.
they have to want it for it to be actual repentance
The shopkeeper was a man, you illiterate.
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>Aaaaand I have my very own white knight keeping the convo civil and grounded. Thanks for your support???
You welcome boo :)
>it feels more like you're trying to turn everyone against me with your aggressive rhetoric.
BUDDY. I'm on your damn side. None of the multiple other reasonable people in this thread who are, like us, capable of understanding some of the most starkly obvious right vs wrong questions are going to have their minds changed because I was too mean to the moral relativism short bus brigade. And on the flipside, you wouldn't want to have the cretins you see in this thread for ""friends."" The kind of insectoid fucksticks who always whinge when bad people get killed for their actions would happily rape your corpse at the earliest opportunity. We couldn't do anything make them our enemies because they always were and they always will be.
So don't worry about me turning the tide of public opinion against you. I just like hitting hornet's nests with sticks and hearing them buzz lmao
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>characters shouldn't join past session 1
>that means if a character dies the player can't play
>they don't exist anymore
Was that player Jack Chick?
she was a bitch, that's what she was >>94753345
>>Is in VC, alone
>>I join for a moment just to hear him spastically ranting to himself
>mass murder isn't morally wrong
He was in Vancouver, probably doing drugs.
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Just call it "police action" and it's ok.
include me in your 4chan screencap story videos
I don't know how much raping you could get done in a single six second round

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