How often do you get players who think they are playing a terminator robot?I have seen the ultra version of this fagot on /tg/ who where>Why can I not eat the dead monsters?>If I do that it will increase my stats.I made a proposition to this fagot I give him the start boos if he the human IRL eats one can of Surströmming simply eat it down without vomiting (outside the house) for every monster you want to eat and I give you the stat boost. The fagot posted bullshit and cope.The fact is that unless you are specifically some undead or robot your character has feelings and reactions. This means they probably vomit from trying to eat a monster or poison themselves if it has poison glands or other nasty shit. I wounder how a saw game would look like with these people?Ok so I do exactly like the tape says and gouge my eye out with the spoon, use the key to open the chest and cut off my legs to escape GG.PS: This is what Surströmming eating looks like:
>>94715760You cook the monster idiot.
>>94715768>You cook the monster idiot.Meanwhile in reality this bad boy exists. >Le cookCan have literally instant death in it.
>>94715760Power fantasy. Specifically, the fantasy of emotional invulnerability.People who get into RPGs but don't want any roleplay (or who roleplay a terminator type) are trying to embody a specific archetype. Never flustered, always there with the right solution, usually able to overawe/intimidate everyone around them. They're used to being a tearful, easily harassed fagmunch in real life and desperately want to be the kind of person who is not cut to the quick by a jock's every word.Generally speaking, those players are too fragile to actually do any good work at the table, and should either be painstakingly built up by the GM or mercilessly torn to shreds and cast out into the snow.
>>94715780>Power fantasy. Specifically, the fantasy of emotional invulnerability.This is a interesting observation.Can this be a subconscious thing or something deep down?Going back to saw.If you place a terminator in any of the saw games he will win them. >so I cut off my leg and are crippled for life, game won next challenge.This require facing fears and pain who are a real resource of you and your character.I think you did hit on something that in real life these players are very fragile and failures in everything, is it because they do not want to feel pain and fear instead of a generic power fantasy? >I am so awesome and kill everything!
>>94715813>is it because they do not want to feel pain and fear instead of a generic power fantasy?Yes, that's the core of it. And yes, it can sometimes be a very deep-seated thing. In fact, you may get someone who has built a stoic public persona AND plays Geralt of Nuh-uh-ivia because they have an inner hellscape of insecurity.The SAW example is a pretty good one. They see the world as constantly inflicting misery and pyrrhic victory/crushing defeat choices on them. As such, the fantasy they seek is either "I win at no cost" or "Fuck you, I cut my own hand off and don't cry." This is closely allied to the Deadpool Class Clown "I cut my hand off and do a puppet routine with it because of how deranged/dangerous/totally not crying I am."Players who are actually secure will roll with playing angst, pain, sorrow, etc. when it's appropriate and adds to the session. They are robust enough to withstand the terrible weight of pretending to be sad for an hour or two, and may well enjoy it.As a final note: it is possible that a GM just ladles out enough sadism that any player may get bored of it and simply with to move on, and end up in a numb Terminator mindset. That's less about the player and more about the GM in that case, but context is everything.
>>94715847This is a very interesting perspective.I normally do not do saw style games where your characters mental state and will power are a real resource. However it really did rub me the wrong way when some players (based on some anime or some shit) will start making shit up like they totally can eat the monsters etc. If you try to explain why humans in this world do not do this and this fail ... you try to give a challenge for them IRL eating something like Surströmming and they never do that.I mean surströmming is a real food in stores, it is not like I am telling you to eat a live or dead rat or something (cut yourself on bones, get parasites from dead rat).Why are people like that?
>>94715760>le stinky fish can of doomGenerations of comfort and abundance made people spoiled picky eaters, back in ye olde days people ate garum and liked it.
>>94715760When did Terminator robots ever eat dead monsters?
>>94715907>spoiled picky eatersRats are also very picky eaters this is a evolutionary trait since rats can not vomit and if they eat something bad they simply die.>Generations ofThere are also cultural taboos of old times who faded away however not really.Tell a westerner the stake is made from a horse or a cat and they will lose their shit. Either way "le stinky fish can of doom" is a great way to simulate this. You eat that and your character gets that bonus (who is nowhere in the rules !!!!) from eating that monster.
>>94715780> character is an emotionless stoic badass who never balks at danger and is incapable of fear or any sense of self-preservation in the face of dangercringe and weak> character has baked-in traumas designed to make them an emotional punchingbag that longs for death but has some circumstance that they need to resolve first before they can finally allow themselves to embrace oblivionpowerful beyond measure
>>94715907>back in ye olde days people ate garum and liked it.It's just fish sauce. All fish sauce is run-offs from rotting, dead fish.
>>94715912>When did Terminator robotsSee saw example, basically terminator robots have no problem cutting off their legs (and feel no pain) in all combat encounters. This makes them win every saw game because of this.Also see: >>94715934The point is that real life humans have something named DISGUST and will feel bad for trying to eat something disgusting, also natural poisons and other deadly things. This means you can not nom nom every monster like you are a terminator robot.>When did Terminator robotsExtrapolating from them cutting off their own legs and removing their own organic eyes there is nothing stopping them from eating down on any organic material or even wood. >WhenThey do not do this because there never was a situation where this was a benefit to them on their mission.
>>94715880Because you fundamentally are not letting them play the fantasy they want to play. That's why they are angry. I don't think they're in the right, but there it is. Also, as a rhetorical device the stinky fish is fine, but expecting anyone to take you up on the challenge is insane.
>>94715963>extrapolateYou can extrapolate that Terminator robots don't eat by the fact that they are fucking robots.>there never was a situation where this was a benefit to them on their missionSo if Terminator robots never did this, how would doing this indicate a player is thinking they are playing a Terminator robot?
>>94716015>by the fact that they are fucking robots.WRONG. They simulate all organic functions and have a functional mouth. They can bite down if they want.
>>94715773That "bad boy" is specifically eaten raw, retard.
>>94715780I tried to make an edgy stoic as a change of pace once. He ended up as the team dad, begrudgingly doling out life advice between grizzled brooding sessions.Honestly one of my favorite characters.
>eat thing irl to eat thing in gamethis is same level of dumb metagaming as "lift my fridge" or "seduce me, the GM"
>>94716056>"lift my fridge"Based.> "seduce me, the GM"Now you made it awkward.
>>94715760If someone wants to play an emotionless/dead inside character and you don't think it's appropriate for the campaign you have in mind just tell them that the character is not appropriate. The whole eating bad fish challenge is retarded because guess what, that's an actual food people eat. You are basically telling them they can only play characters that are self insert if you give them that challenge.>But what about SawAn emotionless character is not appropriate for a saw campaign in the same was a wizard is not. Now, if the character is not supposed to be emotionless and they are roleplayed as that then the problem is simply bad roleplay or the fact that the player can't identify himself in it. Try to ask the player if he actually want to play a character extremely emotionally detached. If he doesn't then you can try to give him tips to help immersion. But if he actually wants to play a terminator then either you explicitly tell him that it's not campaign appropriate or you should work with him to find a reason for why his character is like that and insert it in the campaign, while also being explicit that it's not a normal thing and that other PCs and nPCs might react badly seeing him do things like that.
>>94716050There's not such thing as a bad character, only bad players.
>>94715760>>Why can I not eat the dead monsters?Just seems like you have a Dungeon Crawl player. Just say you've done away with the food clock so they don't need to butcher every creature they come across
>>94715760Put if there's no food clock they need random negative effects if they faff about too long. If they don't keep moving they get demons spawned on them or random explosions
>>94715760Eating monsters depends completely on the setting, and preparation might completely alter the result. If you don't want them to eat it just tell them ot's poisonous, contaminated with germs or tainted by the dark gods or whatever the fuck you want it to be. And why should it give stat boosts? I mean I've played multiple games where we ruled that certain foods can improve stats, or monster parts act as ingredients for potions, medicine or have a certain effect when consumed raw, but what was the players reasoning in the first place?Secondly this is a roleplaying game. Most player characters are already way more unhinged than normal people. I've played several PCs that were sadists, torturers and weirdly enough, I've never held someone as prisoner in my basement or tortured small animels.Ps: here's a video on how not to eat surströming like an idiot
>>94715780>>94715847You're a moron who thinks everyone else (who isn't somewhat like the strawman you made up) wants to play out dumb, gay melodrama at the table when a pretty decent chunk of players actually just want to kill some monsters and loot the dungeon/ruin/cave/whatever.
>>94716169It's okay, anon. I wasn't teasing you personally. I bet you're pretty cool if people give you a chance.
>>94716104>find a reason for why his character is like that and insert it in the campaign,Did you just advocate for giving a PC the gray walker class from world of shattered darkness? The most OP no pain ever logical flesh terminator? The fucken 0.0000001% of the 0.000001% of the populations gray walker? The one especially restricted to not be used by PCs?Because pain is a real value in WOSD. You can always play a corrupted to the max character if that is even possible however nothing is as op as a gray walker since you basically are immune to pain while not suffering the consequences of corruption.
>>94715963>basically terminator robots have no problem cutting off their legs (and feel no pain) in all combat encountersThat's just extrapolation of how hitpoints work, if character is as focused and functional on 1/100HP as on 100/100HP it's natural to start assuming there's no pain and no discomfort from non-fatal injuries.Try playing game with some sort of doom spiral and you'll see players getting more cautions.
>>94716204I have literally no idea what you are talking about, and Google is not helping. I argued in favour of letting someone play an emotionless character IF and only IF it's compatible to the campaign tone.
>>94716233Oh good, it's the "hit points are meat.points" argument again.
>>94715760It's been a while since I saw any of the Terminator movies but I don't remember Arnie eating any corpses. Or anything for that matter. What an utterly bizarre analogy.Sounds more like your player has played Nethack. And, somehow, nothing else. I can't imagine Terminator movies would make them think eating corpses would give bonuses."Character does exactly what I describe them doing" is how many people expect roleplay to work. It's stupid and ignores the whole idea of the character being a character, but it's hardly limited to extremes like this. I often see complaints that morale or psychology rules are bad with exactly this reasoning.
>>94715760Tell them to take their vorefag ass to go play with someone else if they can't keep their magical realm in check.
>>94716140>And why should it give stat boosts?I have no idea the guy was rambling I think he watched the manga/anime "delicious dungeon" or some shit.>Eating monsters depends completely on the setting, and preparation might completely alter the result.You are the first one to understand my frustration.
>>94716448I find this post extremely funny because Delicious in Dungeon is explicitly a setting/anime where eating monster does NOT give you any bonuses, where appropriate preparation is explicitly a big point and where it's the opposite of common in setting.
>>94716169>gay melodrama at the table when a pretty decent chunk of players actually just want to kill some monsters and loot the dungeon/ruin/cave/whatever.The point is that I did not expect the subject of>I eat the killed monster and it gives me a stat boostto ever show up.This is lightly above>I take my pants off and rape the dead monster
>ctrl+f meshi>0 resultsWatch dungeon meshi. It's on Netflix. It's good.
>>94715760>open video >Tards opening the can outside water>Content is clearly expired>Eats it directly from the can without cleaningProbably similar to eating monsters in many settings, if you act like an absolute retard and do it wrong on purpose it's quite the unpleasant experience.
>>94716233>l on 1/100HP as on 100/100HPOriginally HP where HIT POINTS and unrelated to health.
>>94716073>>94716056What about >lift me, the GM>seduce my fridge
>>94716241>I have literally no idea what you are talking about, and Google is not helping.No surprise it is a RPG based on the writings of Helen Rosland and very specific. Basically a gray walker is like a robot and pain/agony are a important part of a combat interaction. Meaning that if you stab a sword into the leg they will feel pain and based on their pain resistance and psychology will react to it. This ranges form being stunned to needing to rave in agony for some minutes before being able to continue fighting. Magic can instantly heal your wounds yet the pain is real.
>>94716459Eating monsters in Dungeon Meshi doesn't give you anything except nutrition. And that one time Laios ate something raw, intestinal parasites.
>>94716461>nooooooo you have to eat the poopenfartenfishe in the specific way to make it taste less poopenfarten!
>>94716448>"delicious dungeon">>94716455>because Delicious in Dungeon is explicitly a setting/anime where eating>>94716459>meshiYes that was the gay name. only looking at how this human is made out of 400% homosexuality makes me never want to even look into this shit.>Ah yes I cook a mind flyer1) these things are super rear so I doubt anyone mad any sane recopies for them2) Why would a super rear monster be a common dish people eat?
>>94716503>why is this mediocre gag fanart not super seriousYou're genuinely fucking retarded.
>>94716489Yes? Not really uncommon. Preparing beans or potatoes the wrong way can easily kill you. Washing and filleting a fish is no wizardry and neither should be not eating expired and rotten (in this case liquified) animal products.
>>94716487Proper nutrition is a stat boost you moron. Eat your vegetables.
>>94716485A campaign using a system where pain is a big deal is literally one of those situations where a PC being emotionless is a big no no.
>>94716475>>lift me, the GMcan do, I'm forklift certified
>>94716503The party in Dungeon Meshi is only eating monsters because they are doing an expedition in a dungeon long enough for proper provisions to run out. They are only doing that to not starve, basically every other people that discover they are doing that (included members of the party) are rightfully disgusted, and proper preparation is considered a must. Basically you are ranting against an Anime that does literally everything you want in the way you want.
>>94716459> man vs mindflayer> whoever wins eats the otherRULES OF NATURE
>A Modest Proposal for Resolution of Orc Babies Dilemma
>>94715760watch Dungeon Meshi, try to be better GM and generally person
>>94716459>It's on NetflixI don't have netflix and I never will have it.
>>94716546>A campaign using a system where pain is a big deal is literally one of those situations where a PC being emotionless is a big no no.Elaborate.
>>94716722>NetflixCan't you people pirate anime like normal people?
>>94716563The human man still looks like he is made out of 400% homosexuality.
>>94716563>dungeon long enough for proper provisions to run out.Are they retarded or something?>Walk>Walk more>Walk more>If your food is at 50% star walking back.
>>94716726I said "emotionless" as a shorthand for a robotic PC that ignores pain and similar, I know it's not exactly the same as you can technically have a character that doesn't have any emotion but still have a survival instinct and can feel pain. But to elaborate my general point If you are running a campaign where X is supposed to be a big factor, then PCs that explicitly avoid interacting with X are generally a bad idea. I say generally because depending on the nature of X the fact that one PC doesn't interact with it could be a great hook for both storylines and interactions.
>>94715760>I made a proposition to this fagot I give him the start boos if he the human IRL eats one can of Surströmming simply eat it down without vomiting (outside the house) for every monster you want to eat and I give you the stat boost. The fagot posted bullshit and cope.No problem you miserable, mediocre fuck. I'll eat half a dozen cans and throw the empties at you, name the time, name the place.Oh don't get me wrong, I'll prepare it properly, but why are you acting like 'eat food' is such a problem?>Hurr, why can't I eat the monsterDepends on the monster, people eat crocodile after all, is there any reason other than wanting to have a bit of a tantrum that you decided to make this thread?>You don't understand, it's about people thinking their characters are bad as-People have eaten and done worse IRL, not every game has to be a weenie roast theatre kids drama about how everything is so hard and everyone is so miserable all the time.Some of us are just here to enjoy larger than life heroes in a fantasy setting, without them stopping every 20 minutes to talk about how sad they are.Christs fucking cock, you're a miserable fucker.
>>94716760yeah well i was offended because i'm playing a very human and well-adjusted tx terminator right now so fuck you
>>94716741They have a time limit to reach a specific point and they don't have enough money to afford enough food and the retainers needed to carry it along with them for the whole travel.
>>94716778How are you trying to internet tough guy over eating stinky canned food lol
>>94716779Are you playing in a campaign where being able to feel pain is a big part of the combat system?
>>94716800Then why would you feel offended by my comment?
>>94716804you're racist against robots
Dungeon meshi is just good. No point in trying to get all "too cool to like popular things" over it. It's just revealing of poor taste to be so tryhard over simple pleasures.
>>94716806Anon I am not the OP
>>94716806Robots are not a race, you can't be racist against them.
>>94716788OP is the one that claimed it was 'tough guy' to eat funky fish.I'm just calling him a little bitch for saying 'Oooh, you ate something that wasn't Huel? Fort save.'
>>94716835that's a racist narrative
>>94716844Come back when you have a taxonomic classification instead of a page on the Sears catalogue, you clanker.
>>94715760You haven't actually watched The Terminator, have you? They don't eat. At all. And as for your references to Saw, a terminator would win those "games" because it's an armoured detahbot from the future. It'll just rip apart whatever shackles you out on it and punch through a reinforced concrete wall with its bare hands. Not that they seem particularly likely to be chosen by the Saw antagonist in the first place, even if we ignore his obvious inability to trap one like that.Now is there any other franchise you wanna show us how you've completely missed the point of it?>But you understand what I m...Yeah, and I don't give a fuck. Your analogue is shit and you should feel like shit. And for all your obsession about emotionally stunted characters you're almost certainly massively misreading the intent and emotions of your player here who isn't after some Terminator death robot power play, but rather a Dungeon Meshi or Dragon's Crown approach to cooking 'round the campfire.
>>94716873>Now is there any other franchise you wanna show us how you've completely missed the point of it?According to the thread, Dungeon Meshi as he thinks it's about eating monsters to gain their abilities like Re:Monster
>>94716112I think it's more to do with 90% of /tg/ "advice" is purely theoretical rather than wisdom gleaned from actual gameplay
>>94717037more than half of it isn't theoretically useful, people just go "oh there's an inconvenience in your game? don't even try fixing it, just change your name and move to another country"
>>94717052Don't forget the other extreme: "Oh, you are asking for what to do about a minor disagreement with one of your players? Buy a hunting knife and stab your player to death, if you are not willing to commit murder and be the focus of a statewide manhunt you shouldn't ever be GMing you little bitch get out of my hobby. The only option is the nuclear option, every time and without fail"
>>94716990How haven't you accidentally killed yourself, with your culinary illiteracy?
>>94717154Civilized countries don't purposefully ferment fish shit and eat it while pretending it's somehow a delicacy, Sven.
>>94716448>delicious dungeonThat would make it ginger bread dungeon.
>>94717140Frankly, the manhunt part feels a bit exaggerated, most of my players wouldn't be missed by their next of kin, and it's not like an employer would go looking for them either.
>>94715760You sound like a cunt and type like one too. It's "Faggot" by the way, retard.
>>94717210Never underestimate the lengths your local authorities can go to in order to slap you with an "illegal dumping" fine after someone finds the body.
>>94716593What if he isn't and>the ass was fat
>>94715954Aren't systems based around RP in the cosmic horror genre using a mechanic where you get traumas but also something akin to a feat to balance it out?A high level character would have every flavor of mental scarring but also incredible skills, sounds way more interesting than something like dnd's infinite power creep
>>94717327There is probably a system that works like that, but I don't know any off the time of my head that do so. But yes, in general power at a cost is always more interesting that child-proofed magic like DnD where its impossible for wielding vast cosmic power to ever have negative repercussions for you short of choosing a bad place to drop your AoE and hitting yourself with it.
>>94717176Civilized people should be able to read the date of expiration.
>>94715760I have a player in my current campaign whose entire character is that he's a "remorseless emotionless husk" (his literal words) with lots of hp and high damage and just does what the party tells him to do and in the absence of anyone around to tell him what to do defaults to autistic noninteraction. He's awful.
>>94716489>If a foodstuff requires any more preparation than a poptart this is somehow a problem for me.
>>94715934I make the fighter bench press I make the bard play a musical instrumentI make the caster summon an actual demon
>>94715934most of us have no problem with horse meat, i think only anglos act retarded over it
>>94717888We tend to be averse towards eating our pets.
>>94715934>>94717888>Tell a westerner the stake is made from a horse or a cat and they will lose their shit.If you tell me what it is ahead of time, thats one thing. If I go to Mcdonald's and find out after the fact that they've been using 50% horse meat you're damn right I'll be mad that what I was served because thats not what I was promised or paid for.Though I don't much see the point in eating cat. A horse dies and sure thats hundreds of pounds of good meat, no sense letting it rot and its even expensive to bury. You have to rent a backhoe. But there just isn't that much on a cat. We don't live in times desperate enough where that makes sense to treat as a foodstuff to me.
>>94715934>Tell a westerner the stake is made from a horse or a cat and they will lose their shit.>>94717888Only murricans are hard against horse meat. Horse meat scandal in UK wasn't about it being horse meat, but about said horse meat being advertised as beef, so it was about getting wrong product.
>>94717924>If you tell me what it is ahead of time, thats one thing. If I go to Mcdonald's and find out after the fact that they've been using 50% horse meat you're damn right I'll be mad that what I was served because thats not what I was promised or paid for.Sure but that has nothing to do with it being horse meat. The reaction would be the same if they told me it was pig and instead it's beef
>>94717924>If I go to Mcdonald's and find out after the fact that they've been using 50% horse meat you're damn right I'll be mad that what I was served because thats not what I was promised or paid for.this only makes sense if you get mad about other common meats too, like turkey versus chicken or beef versus porki agree about cats
>>94717924>If I go to Mcdonald'syou've already resigned at questioning what you eat
>>94718252More like not questioning it.
>>94715954top is cool and bottom is gay and emasculating.
>>94716819Dungeon Meshi is trash for faggots like you.
>>94715760I have not started as a Terminator robot. Or he was in a past life.But well, enough bad things have happened to my upbeat robot servant searching for their lost master... and well, they've been turned into a flesh creature and it yearns for the sanctity of the machine again. And blow up the moon.He hates the moon. The eldritch cosmic horror within the moon somehow turned my robot into a vampire. "My perfect oil has been replaced with blood! I need to constantly replace that dirty, unclean humanoid blood! I HATE THIS!". And then all his mechanical creations because of the cosmic horrors have been twisted into flesh-like aberrations. (He's suffering, but his player finds this amusing)One way or another, this campaign will probably end with the moon or the sun (the barbarian hates the sun) being blown up.
>>94719919>bottom is gay and emasculating.updated my journal
>>94716835Try telling that to robots. They may disagree.
>>94715760Why would he expect eating a creature to improve his stats?
>>94716182damn he really struck a nerve, huh? lmao
>>94716726What are you confused about?
>>94715760but monsters look delicious.Are you retarded?I'd eat a bear if it were available, as I would a whale, an elephant, a gryphon, a dragon, etc.Hell, I bet there's even good eating on an umber hulk.
>>94722007Oh great, now I'm horngry all over again. Where's the honey-mustard?
>>94715760>This means they probably vomit from trying to eat a monster or poison themselves if it has poison glands or other nasty shit. i mean, a lot of venomous animals are eaten by people irl and they're fine?
>>94723141Yeah, as long as you don't eat the poison parts. Think blowfish. You can have blowfish sushi, but its dangerous to do so because there are a lot of poison sacs you need to cut out that WILL kill you if you eat them.
>>94715760To be fair your player was probably referencing 2nd Edition where a whole lot of intrinsics were gained by eating monsters, including several useful immunities that were vital for exploring places like the Underdark.2nd Edition was weird.
>>94723185most venoms would just get digested away into nothing, under normal circumstances they're only dangerous when they're stabbed into your skin, not when you ingest them
>>94717924>>94718178The cat should have about as much meat as a fish. Their guts also are pretty resistant, so the best plan probably is to just turn them into sausages.
>>94715760Almonds.Almonds historically contained cyanide. Yet humans kept eating them despite this. Eventually humans, through sheer dumb retard persistence, achieved a strain of almonds that don't contain cyanide. Tomatos had bad reactions with pewter plates, causing lead in them to leech into the tomato juice. Nobility eating tomatos suffered lead poisoning.Hard tack is a common ration for wilderness exploration. Being a literal brick of baked flour with no egg, spices, or anything else, its not very nutritionally relevant to a human; at best being a sustenance ration.You bring up Surstromming OP, but do remember it is in fact, a fucking food. People of different cultures eat different shit, and a hungry motherfucker will eat anything short of raw fucking poison, and might try to eat poison with sufficient ignorance or sufficient hunger.Op you are trying to fight against ancient human heritage to make a meal out of a molehill, and are obviously losing. Humans will eat goddamn anything that won't kill them, anything more than that is a modern convenience brought about by the relative sheer abundance of store-bought food.
>>94716406If it was a Nethack player it wouldn't try to eat every corpse, shitload of corpses are poisonous in Nethack. The only eat every corpse roguelike I can think of is past 0.15 I think DCSS where they removed poisonous chunks, but they also straight up removed food a few versions later
>>94723318yeah i remember they were on a "remove everything" spree for a few years back thenis there any part of the game left?
>>94716549I'm not certified any more but I still know how to use one. More or less.
>>94722007>bearjust don't eat the liver unless you want vitamin K poisoning.
Yes, I roleplay a freak of nature with severely subdued fear and disgust reactions. Why would I not? What normal human being voluntarily throws themselves into bloody, life-threatening, close-quarters combat, over and over again, instead of cashing out and retiring halfway through an adventurer career?The default assumptions of this genre all-but-explicitly say (and the specific game might explicitly say) our characters aren't normal, and while you're welcome to RP someone who is abnormally courageous, I'm going to take that cue to RP someone who is abnormal as a general rule.
>>94716503>he can only cook if someone makes a recipe for him to followYou're supposed to be an adult to use this website.
>>94716873Autism the post.>You haven't actually watched The Terminator, have you?Projecting are we?>Saw, a terminator would win those "games" because it's an armoured detahbot from the future. It'll just rip apart whatever shackles you out on it and punch through a reinforced concrete wall with its bare handsSorry in the first terminator the robot T-800 gets crushed under a hydraulic press this kills it.This means it can not deal with a press and jigsaw uses far more durable industrial equipment.>[Autisits screeching]Do you know of any known franchise where you have a character who feels no pain and has no problems doing anything?>Jason Voorhees?Face obstructed no real expressions are known.>Michael Myers?Face obstructed no real expressions are known.>Chucky?He feels pain a lot.
>>94717248>>94717210Fucken make monsters and mazes IRL! You gay FAGOTS!
>>94715954>>94717327>would have every flavor of mental scarring but also incredible skillsThe problem is that in real life mental scars do not exist. Not if you are not an absolute faggot :>My dog died WA WA WA now I need to go to professional help man™ to talk for years while giving professional help man™ all my money WA WA WA.You are a weak bitch if you have mental scars, in a year of you not thinking about it it fixes itself. My psychic is indestructible and I did have all kinds of shit happen to me. Physical scars are permanent.>Oh not I'm spooked for life because I did see a knockoff Power Rangers Kaiju !>Help me Lovecraft's CAT!80s cartoons are reality, you can send your characters to hell and have their minds shattered and it will be all OK. However you losing an eye is forever! And that broken leg will still hurt years later.Everything that hurts my mentally only makes me stronger!~Ultra Mega Nietzsche in his final form!
>>94717888>i think only anglos act retarded over itNever forget! The eternal Anglo!What about cat meat?
>>94717924>I go to Mcdonald's and find out after the fact that they've been using 50% horse meat you're damn rightWhy?> thats not what I was promisedWhat are you promised while going to Mcdonald's?>Though I don't much see the point in eating cat. ????And farming and eating chicken is OK because??????
>>94717990>Only murricans are hard against horse meat. Horse meat scandal in UK wasn't about it being horse meat, but about said horse meat being advertised as beef, so it was about getting wrong product.The Brit fag tries to back paddle after he made his entire country look like retards.
>>94721405>Why would he expect eating a creature to improve his stats?I have no fucken idea he was on this entire rant and everything.I told him to eat Surströmming if he is not getting my points however he ranted how eating fictional monster meat will increase his stats.Ultra fagot like I was saying.
>>94721446>What are you confused about?Elaborate why it is a big NO NO.
>>94723211>most venomsPoison not venom!>DigestedHere eat this frog and see what will happen!
>>94723270>and a hungry motherfucker willThe PCs are not starving.> but do remember it is in fact, a fucking foodThen eat it! Eat it and film the experiment!No talking talking only Nom Nom Nom now!>You bring up Surstromming OP, but do remember it is in fact, a fucking food.I know! The FDA or whatever certifies that this will not kill you so Nom Nom Nom now!
I'm not willing to get stabbed over the definition of cosmic law, but my character is, fuck you this is fantasy.
>>94728020>but my character is, fuck you this is fantasy.Your character violated cosmic law this summons the Arkchoptexthers who annihilate him from the multiverse for this transgression.Congratulations you character is expunged from the fabric of reality while everyone's memory and time itself is rewritten in a way that he never existed. All other characters are placed in a newly created ultraverse where your character never existed.Your character is ULTRA dead now to the point that no one knows he ever existed because he never existed after the multiverse rewrite.
>>94727965You say you're okay, but you talk like you have several types of brain damage, and you seem very damaged by your mental trauma.
>>94727977because chickens are prey creatures that naturally evolved to have incredibly fast and exploitable reproductive rates, wheras cats are predator creatures with a much worse reproductive rate. It's vastly more expensive to farm cats than chickens at all stages of civilization.
>>94728331Nah, cats breed like rabbits, almost literally. The issue is that they eat meat, so you need to farm the critters they're eating rather than eating them yourself. Even if they're barn cats eating mice, those mice are still eating your grain crops.It's just a less efficient source of meat.
>>94728354>Even if they're barn cats eating mice, those mice are still eating your grain crops.>>It's just a less efficient source of meat.However without the cats you would lose all your grain. And the grain the mice eat would be eaten either way making eating cats the best scenario.Looks like you debunked yourself cat lover boy!
Hungry cats and hungry people are two problems that solve each other.
>>94728011>Literally going lift my fridge to pass this strength check
>>94729052>Eating food is like lifting the fridge.
>>94728011I ate it. What now, hyperfaggot?
>>94729054In both cases you are allowing the PC to do something only after the player has proved that he can also replicate a similar act in real life, proving yourself incapable of distinguishing between the role and the actor. Which is pretty bad for someone involved in a roleplaying game.
>>94728354Cats don't breed like chickens, who can produce a child every two days on average.
>>94728681The best scenario is using mousetraps. People buy those instead of cats for a reason.Really, there's no good reason to have a cat.
>>94729073>I ate itVideo or it did not happen.
>>94716056>Not seduce and lift my, the GM's, fridgePouring one out for the roguechads. Y'all some sad niggas.A different perspective and function can give a sense of emotional/cognitive distance. Wowie wow wowsers, who could've imagined that?! Seems like OP should try something...I'll err on the side of caution and suggest "not sucking cocks".
>>94715760Hey, everybody, get a load of this OP who has never in his life been overcome by hunger to the point of eating days-old corpses -- human or otherwise.Everyone sings a different tune on cannibalism when their airliner crashes far from civilization.But, yeah, unless driven to that point somehow, nobody in their right mind is gonna nibble on monsters.>key word: in their right mindThe player decides *who* their character is; if their character is a cannibal, so be it! Cringe or not, that's who the character is.Dealing with such people requires a modicum of cunning. Perhaps tales of this sicko's diet spread, and the rumor reaches the ears of some Inquisition-type folks who don't like it one bit, no sir... and some other-type folks who are absolute gormonds, the kind of lunatics who GAIN STAT POWERS by -- get this -- EATING some person who already ATE several high-level monsters.It's now a race, and your troublesome player is on two lists:The Inquisitions naughty list of deathThe Supercannibals prix-fix menuBON APETIT!
>>94716563>Basically you are ranting against an Anime that does literally everything you want in the way you want.Because OP is way too chickenshit to give the monster eater the consequences he deserves. He is scared of breaking up the campaign.
>>94715760>>94715760>Why can I not eat the dead monsters?>If I do that it will increase my stats.Why would anybody ever think this? Eating a steak doesn't make you as strong as a bull and eating a bird doesn't give you the ability to fly. I don't think there's anything wrong with trying to cook and eat a monster (IRL humans eat bizarre stuff all the time), but why would you expect a stat boost?
>>94741990players extremely often want to be paid for their dumbass foibles
>>94741990Ritual cannibalism often comes with the idea of gaining strength / courage / other deisrable qualities of the consumed.Sure, it's a niche belief now (or not so niche, depending on how literally you interpret transubstantiation), but it certainly might find place in fantasy.
>>94723270>You bring up Surstromming OP, but do remember it is in fact, a fucking food. People of different cultures eat different shit, and a hungry motherfucker will eat anything short of raw fucking poison, and might try to eat poison with sufficient ignorance or sufficient hungerThat's how tapioca pudding was discovered iirc. Some guy was stranded and starving to death and decided to poison himself by eating a poisonous plant in the region, but still wanted to have a nice last meal so he cooked it into a pudding. Turns out doing so neutralized the poison and was pretty tasty to boot.
>>94742767now imagine the human cost of learning which mushrooms are okay to eat and which are not
>>94741247eating monsters isn't cannibalism, retard
>>94717990While in the orient i tried both donkey and dog, both quite delicious, and whale is a delicacy back home.But i've learnes to be careful about speaking of this to americans, especially the dog makes them really mad.
>>94715760This nigga doesn't know about cooking.
>>94742904he also posted his thread just as half of europe was done eating a ton of completely raw beef
>>94743257what did he mean by this?
>>94742825Mushrooms are fucking insane to think about, since so many extremely deadly ones look virtually identical to the edible ones
>>94729116Chickens are honestly just a evolutionary marvel that we lucked out into finding. All birds lay eggs, but chickens are pretty unique in that they just keep laying unfertilized eggs so long as you keep them over-fed. Ducks have a higher rate of egg laying compared to most birds, and even they have nothing on chickens. For the majority of birds they lay a clutch of eggs once a year and thats it. The eggs alone would make chickens an essential barnyard animal, the fact that the meat itself is also good eating just makes them exceptional. No other farm animal compares in terms of performance and payoff for food, though you will need some kind of working livestock to help pull carts and till fields.
>>94745031they also pick clean and spread and fertilize compost you put in their area which makes them even more effective in making sustenance farming less miserable
>>94742890Dogs are firmly in "pet" cathegory for most of western civilization and eating them is considered last resort, a step before cannibalism. I don't think donkey meat would raise many eyebrows, it's basically small horse. But yeah customs will vary by region one man's pet can easily become other man's dinner.I've had my share of "mystery meat" back when I lived in the country, I just try not to think about it much and I'm sure it was all heat processed, not like I have worms or anything. And yes, I got checked.
>>94744856it's not a riddle, anon, i was being literal
>>94745031>>94746562now, chickens ARE an evolutionary marvel, but you need cows too. They're one of the better animals for accelerating the nutrient cycle, I think because of their efficient digestion. What this means is that you can more quickly build up the available biomass of your farm without fertilizers by using them, rather than chickens.
>>94742825Honestly, it's probably a lot lower than we imagine.People have been feeding shit to animals to see how poison it is for longer than history.
>>94729168Post video of you having players or it didn't happen.
>>94746923That's what puzzles me, I am from Europe and I'm not aware of any common raw meat dish eaten here. There's just few niche regional things like Steak Tartare or Carpaccio
>>94747157it's just carefully cut and minced raw beef with some seasonings added into iti said half of europe because i know germany, france, and several slavic countries do it
>>94715760>doesn't cover can before opening>doesn't skin the herring>doesn't use garnishOP, you fell for the reddit meme. Eating surstromming like that is like eating raw sheep lungs and calling it haggis. It's retarded and fools no one.
>>94744933Most poisonous mushroons don't kill in small doses and can be identified by taste. Giving a small cut a lick is often enough to know if it's edible.
What if I ate tiny amounts of monster and gradually increase increase the portion size over many sessions.Can I eventually just eat them without debuffs (and then maybe get buffs from eating them)?
>>94728091actually dm tl12 stasis web stops that
>>94747157>and I'm not aware of any common raw meat dish eaten here.Mett and Carpaccio come to mind right away.
>>94746964Cow shit might be good for soil, but it's hardly unique for that and its not worth the tradeoff. You know why you have never heard of a small cattle farm? Its because cows need a HUGE amount of space. Remember that the job of the cowboy was to ride and herd cattle between pastures, because they needed more than one. Unless you live in a place with open and abundant pasture to graze on, cows are not sustainable. Cows are an extremely inefficient machine for turning grass into steak. And they are not even the only source of milk as far as livestock go. You're better off raising goats instead, with a horse or two for a work animal/travel method.
>>94751064For some, yes. And then there is the Destroying Angel mushroom, which looks almost identical to edible button mushrooms, tastes good, and has delayed symptoms such that by the time you feel sick its far too late to try to stomach pump even if you do it immediately. There is no antidote to it, it just kills you.
>>94751660This, goats are so efficient they can be raised on a boat and are the unofficial mascot of many a navy
>>94751701>unofficial mascot of many a navyhelps with the morale I guess
>>94715760Many people want to play a cool guy doing cool things. It's really not that hard to understand. Your player specifically is not playing a 'terminator robot', they just don't seem to understand that food poisoning is actually very serious.>>94715780You're a projecting niggerfaggot retard who's obviously still quivering over getting stuffed in a locker in high school and assume everyone else into TTRPGs is too. I want to play as John Wick so that I can do cool action scenes and see cool action stuff happen at the table and drop oneliners. God fucking losers like you who insist that everything has to be some intense internal projection of your own insecurities are such a blight upon this hobby. Just write out the Orc getting decapitated you useless fucking faggot, no I don't care about your epic heckin deep and emotionally vulnerable band kind backstory where your tiefling comes to terms with their own insecurities.
>>94753567NTA, but your reaction unironically makes you seem like an extremely insecure person. You really want to act tough and look cool, and the moment anything threatens that power fantasy you sperg out.
>>94753629This is exactly what I'm talking about. You're literally just projecting. I just fucking told you that I want to see and do cool action scenes and you push up your glasses and go "erhm... ackshually that's a power fantasy and you're an insecure loser?" Like no you fucking faggot, I want to see cool action scenes happen because people performing impressive physical feats are cool and I like seeing them, you're just an insuffrable faggot who can't stand to see people having fun without immediately trying to neg and discredit their experience because you're an insecure little bitch.
>>94753647This is definitely the kind of post a calm person makes.
>>94751660cows actually produce more shit per pound of food, and the shit is more useful as a fertilizer.They're better than chickens, goats, pigs, and the like at this, and it IS kind of a unique trait, as far as our domesticated food animals go.
>>94754521I can't imagine you would make this post without being quite upset yourself.
>>94753470It was also a stable source of milk and meat while on long voyages