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Bonded Houses edition

Previous Heresy: >>94703994

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
>HH1 Black Books
>HH2 Rules and Supplements
>Miscellaneous Extras (Visions and Old Rules)

『Adeptus Titanicus and Legionis Imperialis』
>Adeptus Titanicus Rules and Supplements
>Legiones Imperialis Rules and Supplements
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
>More lists
>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
Do you have a big project planned for the new year?
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Other than painting more mechanicum, I've got a bunch of old warmachine kits left to me by a friend that I want to Chaos up and use as ruinstorm daemons of Vashtorr
In rough order:
>finish the project that got sidelined by an early game (finished 1000pt list, fully painted; I got 2/3 through in time and have 16 models to go)
>finish 10 more tacticals when I figure out how to make vexillas not ugly
>finish my elite-slot melee that I currently own (23 models to go, 2 almost done)
>finish my box dread and both rescued leviathans
>finish my two heavy support squads (culverins and autocannons)
>somewhere in there, finish my 5 built characters
It's pretty much "finish everything I have pending", I don't really want to add more to the pile until it's died down some. Mix in some Necromunda projects I've just finished building and I'm set for probably 5-6 months at my current rate.
I bought my self a warhound for my birthday and got it just after christmas so i got that on my table. i would really like to buckle down and make a bitching board that is not just a mat and scatter terrain.
Man all that old convergence plastic was awful to build. You're triggering some latent PTSD with that pic
>Thread question:
>Do you have a big project planned for the new year?
Kinda toying with the idea of a small and utterly battered force of SW that just had it with Russ after the shitshow at Trisolian and decided to split from the legion.
Militia, I'm waiting for wga to ship my pledge. I'm considering getting some vehicles while I wait but with my luck they will get stuck in customs and arrive along with the rest of the stuff I'm waiting on.
I'm kind of thinking about starting Custodes.
I haven't finished my Death Guard army yet, but I keep running into the problem that GW has nothing in stock at the moment.
Finally muster the strenght to end it all.
>starting custodes.
I mean do you wanna be TFG? I would say start with just a allied detatchment of them. They are SUPER fucking strong.
I still use old ironclads, defenders and a thunderhead as my leviathan. Love how the Cygnar jacks look like.
Good luck!

Painting the 60 tac marines I am using for the 3k pt DA list I am making.
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I have to clean my hobby table up before I keep painting anything or else I'll get sidelined and won't do it.
Plus I really need to figure out where I'm gonna store these big tanks.
>I mean do you wanna be TFG?
No, I just like them, and I've had a squad of them painted up for like a year now.
I would say start with an allied detatchment still. They are REALLY fucking strong anon.
Are they?
I thought they were more balanced now because Space Marines actually have units that can stand up to them now.
I mean they'll blend a Tactical squad, but what doesn't?
Somebody needs to write lyrics for 'I like big tanks and I cannot lie' to you know which song. Too exhausted at the moment to do it myself, it's been a looong day.
Nah, marines have nothing that can compete with custodes in melee. Against custodes you gotta shoot them dead before they can charge you, if you don't you lose.
>B-but dreadnoughts!
-All- custodes come with meltabombs standard. And when hitting with WS 5, melta bombs are actually really nasty against dreadnoughts.
Just use the Megas XLR theme song with Robots swapped with Tanks
Ah, the Mechanicum anthem.
Ok, fair enough.
He's overstating their power, but it must be said that custodes are VERY binary. They get across the table – they win. Simple as that. There's like three or four units in the game that can fight with a squad of Guardians or Sentinels on something that can be considered not *entirely* one-sided.
But their shooting is pitiful for the most part and their mobility kinda pants. Gotta gun them down, basically.
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do a solar aux army
Yes, the entire army is rocking AP3 or AP2 in melee, they are all WS5 which because of the change to the WS chart means you are mogging anything not WS 5.
On top of that the most OP part about them that not a lot of people really understand is OP, is the flat I5 across the board. Its fucking brutal.
yes and no, if you wombo combo them with sisters? Bro its fucking gross. Sisters can just shut down all reactions like its nothing, then pin the balls to yourwall as custodes come in and fuck your day.

They can be VERY oppressive.
If you wanna see how bonkers broken they can get, just play a ZM game with them.
That Nemesis special rule only not activating against tactical marines I think? Is also kind of silly. Just include the bonus attack and so on in the statline at that point.
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My vox tower i made.
I don't need reactions. I have terranic greatswords.
You know mechanicum knight kits seem like low hanging fruit, I wonder why they didn't do them.
To bad they are going to be getting cut down at I5 before you get a chance to do shit.
Because knights, while cool, are not that popular as a full blown army, they got a relaly bad stigma in 1.0 which granted if you ran a full knight army in 1.0 you were kind of a dick.
Well since we're talking about them, this "leak" is apparently from a GW email, and it says we're getting a (female) Custodes Tribune character and 3.0 "soon."
The guy also said that most if not all of the Custodes kits will be moving to plastics.
The source is a shitter account and has not posted any other parts of the email and since he couldn't even crop this properly, I'm inclined to believe that his source is the deranged voices in his head.
Any 'leak' mentioning 3.0 can be discarded on it's face. It's never true.
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AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA, holy shit I can already see the redditards eating this shit up and then asking for seconds. Someone should spread the rumor of FW doing a female custodes squad box for 3.0 along with some blurry photos of conversions.
>Muh female representation.
I cant wait for a decade from now when we look back at this time and realize that trying to inject appeal to a group that is not even the target audience is always a bad idea.
Im game. Gimme a template for a previous leak and ill see what I can do.
I remember a bait leak of female space marines inside a white dwarf

maybe do something like that?
one of those promotional images of custodes on a battlefield, good lighting, text below the image describing it etc
hmm, ill see what I can do, the issue is finding game pictures of the conversions.

I suppose I could have them sorta far away and then the female stuff be in the text "shield sister Aeneya leads her sisters into combat against the foe" or whatever
This sounds like bullshit, but remember that GW has already heavily departed from the previous continuity with the HH 2.0 campaign books, so anything it's possible.
well having it be a little blurry and a picture of a physical piece of paper would help disguise any photoshop

the issue is finding a base image to photoshop on
you could also try and use some AI tools
Maybe actually put paint on something
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Did that, but it only spits out Marines unfortunately
I meant like using AI to change a models head sculpt to look more female, or for photoshop to blend in better, its still a photo of a model
Ah, my bad. Still, pretty fun stuff.
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Finished my second warmonger, ten deliverers to paint before the 10th and my event list is done.

Paint 40 each of tacs/despoilers/assaults
And diversify my legions armory with some heavy vehicles
>not covered in speakers
These are total guess tier.
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gonna try and push some small homebrew in my group : the first unnamed praetor doesn't take an hq slot; and regular centurion can be take twice in one hq slot. thoughts ?
No no, Vox is the name of the guy who built it
How bad is FW resin to work with nowadays? I've heard that they have really bad print lines because GW is incompetent and thus their 3d printed masters haven't been cleaned up before casting the molds.
Why? What problem are you solving?
lack of hq slot in marines. especially in RoWs. also some incentive to take a praetor over a delegatus and centurions instead of consuls (not that it's a very strong incentive, consuls are massive upgrades)
i have a dreadwing interemptor on my desk, it's fucking terrible
>lack of hq slot in marines
You have three slots, I feel like thats plenty.
You cant take EVERYTHING but thats the point, you have enough room to experiment and bring varied characters, but not to have everything you might want.

The advantage of a praetor over the delegatus is the greater combat power
>You have three slots, I feel like thats plenty.
when you play BA i can assure you it's not. chaplain is already mandatory if you want any kind of melee.
I too advocate for the 12 HQ slot force organization chart.
Oh, right, magos Vox Populi. A man of the people, I hear.
Just allow for unbound lists, while giving some bonus to lists that follow the chart. Solves this problem, lets people bring in whatever stupidly over powered list they're thinking of, and lets those whole follow the rules get a buff in the face of retards who can't list build like the rest of us. Respectfully
I'vd just won a box of twenty old mkIII marines at the price I'd pay for twenty nu-mkIII. I don't know what to do with them.
Its not mandatory, you just want one. Thats fine, but thats not something that should be compensated.

May as well say NL need more slots because they need those telepathy librarians and vigilators to cause pinning. They dont, they want those things, they dont NEED them.
The only legion that needed to have greater than 3 hq slots was 1.0 wolves with their gay ass rules requiring 1 hq per 1,000 points. Thankfully that was removed, gives wolves players fewer things to bitch about.
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I support more HQs.
Boo this man, boo!
You forgot the gayass WB 1.0 character tax
What, do you really want more of the Wolves players bitching?
I am a Wolves player and I hated how much they complained
No one cares about WB
I want to field more HQs.
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what kind of bonus though ? and full unbound would open another can of worm with how crowded the heavy support slot is.
truth is i want another hq slot, because i alway take 3 and it's very often a chaplain and a praetor, i have a bunch of cool minis that i want to play but feel like i can't get anywhere on the table with them
Just mix your lists up
As a TS player who manages just fine with three HQ slots I can assure you that you don’t need more. Don’t be a retard, not every squad should be a deathstar.
I actually fucking loved that rule. Getting the point where you’re adding a commander tax because your guys are rampaging morons is hilarious.
Take the cool models as a command squad
I love that rule too, I liked the wolves in 1.0 a lot. I like them in 2.0 as well. The only thing I will complain about is how much the other wolves players complain kek
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i should. i definitively suck at the game too, but god damnit is it frustrating to botch a melee phase because i need 4+ to hit.
just lemme hit something with my dawnbreakers ;_;
fair point.
>Do you have a big project planned for the new year?
Just bought a brass scorpion for my EC
Where the heck do you get those BA helmets? I really like the look of them.
>because i need 4+ to hit.
Just charge non-elite units, Fair fights are for suckers.
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i don't use command squad much, are they fun on jetbike ?
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I never encountered many wolves players, but what would they complain about? I’ve got ~4.5k of wolves and they’re actually fucking amazing. Even in 1.0 they could hold their own or consistently beat TS and they were competitive with BA and DA. Before books 8 and 9, they were pretty much the strongest legion.

On another note… I really have to get back to painting my wolves… or anything… it’s literally been a year and a half since I painted anything…
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silly little loyalist me.
really i should just bite the bullet and invest in fear and sniper rifles
>It’s a DA player.
Now the desire to change rules to make your army unbeatable makes sense. Fucking DA players.
Thats the spirit. Also try a shotgun on attached characters.
Is 6 myrmidons, 6 Domitars, 2 decimators, and a Brass scorpion "dick move" territory? Rest of the list is 2 archmagi, 1 archimandrite and 1 malagra, and 100 tech thralls under a lachrimallus tech priest auxilia.
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do i get a pass for playing 40 despoilers in a mastodon ?
good tip. i should use some inductii. anytime they win a combat there will be much rejoicing (yaaaay)
>when you play BA
why are my fellow brothers always saying retarded shit, I feel like BA players have the worst reputation as a legion. The Angel would be disappointed in you, brother, be better.
Since this thread has been talking about Custodes, fluff wise which legion would they have helped in battle? SW off the top of my head, but any others? Imperial Fists come to mind as well possibly.
none, post great grusade and horus being warmaster the custodes kinda fucked off back to earth with the Big E.
Custodes showing up was not a good thing, it means either shits really really really fucking bad, or you fucked up really really really fucking bad.
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>helping legions
on the rare occasion custodes bothered to think about them (granted the heresy forced them to do so more often), they generally held space marines in contempt and only the best of the best they ever afforded a grudging respect as adequate warriors. so they can be an allied force for any loyalist force but not because they were known to fight alongside them often. best you can do is fists and that’s just because the entire fist legion was recalled to terra and garrisoned it alongside the custodes even though they didn’t really cooperate or operate together.
One they were ordered to to help. They look down on legion and all Custodes-Marines interaction are by Emperor's or Malcador's order, like Prospero Custodes were there by order of Emperor, BA on signus had some Custodes to look for signs of treachery. Terra well it was Terra.
But as matter of fact Custodes didn't like marines and wouldn't shed a tear if all marines died.
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Are you not naming your praetors? For shame.
I name my praetors in the same way I named my titans.
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>Thousand Son Sorcerer after sacrificing 50 books to stop an incoming volkite beam
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That's bullshit but I believe it. It's a safe guess to say that the Retardes are next on the plastic sidegrade list and that they'll use it as an excuse to double down on the virtue signaling. The real question is how many of those models will actually sell considering like 2% of HH players play Retardes, 1.5% of those are filthy 40k secondaries who don't wanna start a new army and 40k secondaries won't buy anything that only has legends rules.
Custodes largely rely on their 40k plastics, so I doubt theyre getting dick unless they start updating those ones too.
>Custodes largely rely on their 40k plastics
They're 30k plastics. They were in the Burning of Prospero box first, so they are rightfully our plastic kits 40k can keep the Allurus Terminators, Dawneagle jetbikes and all those kits that don't have pointy helmets, but the standard Guard kit and those Wardens are ours by right.
>40k can keep all those kits that don't have pointy helmets
Quick question, how well does a normal power pack fit on the new assault marine torso. I want to make some tacticals out of a set of assault marines since they have different stances and it'll give them some extra variety, at first I was planning to cut off the torsos at the leg and graft on some tactical torsos to maintain a unified look, but that's seeming like one project I'm not suited for, at least not until I get a set and see what I'm working with.
I don't mind just using the up armoured torsos to represent artificer armour or again, just visual variety, but it looks like the straps on the back of the torso flow up to connect to the jump pack, and I was wondering how a normal mark 6 powerpack sits on them?
Also, fuck the 900 second wait.
Those guys and the jetpack dudes are the best looking custards
What's the proper ratio of fists to dual LC on a 10-man unit of WE Terminators you think? I want them flexible enough to meet both MEQ and other Terminators but five of each seems "off" somehow. Any thoughts? What have you found works for Assault Armies?
All lightning claws
Id say 7:3 fists:claws
Depends on what you want them to do. Imo you dont need as many claws because they simply put out many more attacks (especially since youre WE) and because killing MEQ isnt very hard, theyre only 1w after all.
This is very helpful, thank you!
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Wardens were released for the codex. They are a 40k kit.
So you are renouncing to these?
They are ours by right of "I'm going to hit you is you disagree with me" and they're just Hetaeron Guard really.
No they're resin. All resin kits are instantly fatal to modern 40k players and therefore they are 30k's by default.
Only kit released for prospero and 30k were basic custodian squad, everything else, wardens, jetbikes, allarus is purely 40k stuff made for 8th ed codex.
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What's your opinion on AK Interactive's purples? Are they very thin or a bit thicker? I'm using a purple triad by Foundry but it's so fucking thin it takes ages getting a base coat down.
Anyone gets a pass for anything running 40 despoilers in a mastodon. 30 lascannon HSS marines each with at techmarine? If it’s supporting 40 despoilers in a mastodon, do it. Actually, that sounds like it could be a badass army - throw a couple PA characters into the mix, some artillery or rapiers and a siege breaker, or some other support weapons at your fire base, and you’ve got a sexy siege-assault army.
>Wanting 40k stuff so bad you are willing to recur to violence to have it
At this point just play 40k in the first place anon
Call me a hipster, but even though I hate nu-MkIII, I fucking love the heads.
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You’d have to cut out a section of strap on the back as they have a weird shape for the new jump packs, but it could be totally doable.
My tartaros termis that I haven’t used since 1.0 did 6 claws to 4 chainfists. They weren’t intended to fight other termis, but instead to chew through any light/medium equipment they could find.

The only termis I’ve used in a 2.0 game are my varagyr and they go both ways and with a hammer.
Why must HH be more expensive? I would have bought it over regular 40k if it wasn't so much more over priced
Because its a specialist game with a higher average point cost.

HH started with players who had marine armies wanting to play historical battles, it wasnt intended as a beginners game.
To avoid having you join us. Can't say I blame them.
God fucking help you if you ever try playing necromunda.
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I just like the models okay
>hmm this is a cute little small scale skirmish game I sure it must be cheap
>look inside
>you will need 5 hardback books, 2 different special dice sets, and enough 3 dimensional terrain for multiple configurations on a 4x4 table and it all has to support miniatures
To be fair originally it was just a tile board with some 3d barricades and 1 gang each. Now it's the gang, their expansion, their ash waste vehicle(s), any of two dozen independant characters etc etc.

Really Horus Heresy is more expensive. With it's 100 CAD 20 man boxes, that can build 1-4 squads. Cheap plastic upgrade kits that you generally only need to buy one of.
VS 40K's 80 CAD boxes of 5 guys, that cost like 200 points AT MOST.
Horus Heresy, if you just buy plastics is the cheaper of the games out there. The batallion box was a full 2K list with various units and an upgrade sprue for sub 200 at FLGS. Show me a 2K 40K army for that cost.
Finally got to play another game but it's just me and another beginner and because we're retarded we're constantly looking up rules and getting things wrong and it takes forever. Fun though.
Good job, Anon
Takes time to learn, nothing wrong with getting stuff wrong. As long as you and the other guy had fun.
>Backpack compatibility

Mk6 assault marine bodies were sculpted to accept Mk6 tactical marine backpacks. Here's a shitty phone pic with an example held together with bluetac. The compatibility looks like a deliberate design decision. I myself can't decide if I like the look of it or not.

>Grafting tactical torsos onto assault legs

It's possible but not simple. It'd require greenstuff sculpting to blend the join seam. Mk6 assault bodies have the belt buckles melded into their uparmored chest plates, so you'd need to be strategic about where you placed your cuts.

If you try it out I'd suggest cutting so that the join seam on the newly assembled marine is just below the belt line, that'd make the required gap filling less visible.
I put some Mk6 backpacks on with no issue, just you have the belts coming up to the backpack. I was going to do small capes connecting to it to make it look more natural.
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So indomitus Armor development was on Terra right? Would it've been possible for an army trapped in the ruinstorm to get ahold of the plans, or is that a no go?
Just do whatever you want.
I don't think it's more expensive. Sure, if you want the big resin kits you are going to spend a ton of money but you can play 2k games without spending a ton if you buy from lgs and second hand. My WE list is 30 despoilers made with marines out of ebay (60€ total) , 10 assault dudes, 10 rampagers made with mkIII and 3d printed bits from ebay, 2 rescued land raiders I got for 70 eurobucks, a leviathan dreadnought, 3 apothecaries 3d printed and a praetor. That's like 250€ at most? Idk what can you get in 40k for that price but it's a cool fluffy army with a ton of models for not that much
constantly pausing to look things up is part of the charm, I think. Evocative of the stereotypical D&D night in someone’s basement in the 80’s. Keep it up, Anon. It adds to the cerebral enjoyment. You got any pics to share of the battle, or your models?

I recently had a “two new retards” moment myself.
>reports of mom’s friends’ son collecting strange little toys he has to assemble and paint himself???
>”you play with toys, right Anon? Teach him how to play.”
>they’re lucky he’s collecting chaos daemons and not some other game system
>have him tag along to a HH game but he’s very intent on playing 40k
>grab a match of “Combat Patrol,” Blood Angels vs Daemons
>accidentally wipe the floor with his blood letters with bolterfire and flamers
>constantly checking the rule book to make sure i’m not cheating him because surely they shouldn’t be dying this fast.

Was interesting playing 10th, was the first time I’ve played regular 40k since like 2020.
>accidentally wipe the floor with his blood letters with bolterfire and flamers
>constantly checking the rule book to make sure i’m not cheating him because surely they shouldn’t be dying this fast
TBF, if you were playing HH you probably would have wiped him even faster, since everything in 40k has invulns and wounds bloated to the nines and lesser daemons are dogshit in HH
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Gonna post a few snaps from the last battle I played a month ago just to spice up the thread. I know I love seeing battle snaps so I want to put what I want to see out in the world.

If you recognize these photos from the Discord server no you fucking don’t.

>3k points, my BA vs IW
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>Dawn Breakers arrive with Raldoron proxying Zephon, line up an assault on tactical marines with Warsmith leading them.
>In the ensuing combat Zephon instant deaths the Warsmith a lot but the Warsmith gets a single murderous strike off and kills Zephon in return.
>Except Zephon rolls the 4+ to stand up.
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The amount of half- and unpainted models is somewhat embarrassing (especially with how long I've had most of them), but here's something that doesn't look too terrible. Mine are the Dark Angels.
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>Assault marines charge into the pinned heavy support+Iron Havocs.
>I got really lucky with this game, he didn’t bring any nuncio vox save for the one his Master of Signals came with, and Night Fighting lasted into turn 2, combined with my Fear Warlord Trait and the Dawn Breakers rule, a lot of the Iron Warriors were taking deep strike pinning checks at -2 or -3.
>Plus I didn’t roll disordered deep strike.
>A few weeks later though I was reading the rules and I discovered that Dawn Breakers don’t give the -1 pinning check if they have any characters attached, so I cheated him
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>Two jump dreads slam down and make lewd faces at this Sicaran squadron.

And before you call me a WAACfag he also had two Contemptors so it wasn’t totally uneven.

Birds eye view and mid battle shots forgive a lot of minor sins of model painting. This looks awesome. How’d the battle go?
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>After blowing up the Sicarans the same dreads make lewd faces at his legion optae special campaign character (the nerd with the iPad). The Iron Warrior decides it would be prudent to push up the board towards an objective away from the Contemptors.
I’m a firm believer in half and unpainted models on the tabletop. If all you ever field is fully painted stuff you’re either just there for the status to pretend you have self esteem, or you’re a tournament/event only douchebag.

Apologies to the rare couple people who have the time, money, and motivation, and skill to paint everything they build immediately. If you’re offended by this post, and you’re preparing a bitchy reply (ideally that starts with “post models” or calling me a no-games), you’re probably not one of those people I’m apologizing to.
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>Too excited to use my legion special reaction
>Forgot I was charging into a Company Command Squad with power mauls
>Iron Warriors whiff, must have been wrong footed by my reaction
>CCS gets wiped along with the special optae campaign character, who rolls on the character wound table and lives.

Next time I play i’ll take more pictures and share them with you guys.
Lmao that's such a great pose
>what's the tablet say, boss?
>it says we're getting the fuck outta here, boys
kino shot
We only got 2 turns in before calling it with how long it was taking. I lost a lot of infantry turn one from mortar rapiers, and my sicaran to a lascannon armistos. Turn two I charged his command squad with my assault squad (bad idea), managed to not lose too much thanks to the apothecary, but the Paladin completely whiffed on the wound rolls.
I did explode the rhino with my terminators, which took out half his tac squad (but also killed one of them in the process). I also had a predator squad and Deredeo that pelted his Kratos to death. He didn't take a flare shield.
Speaking of that Sicaran, of the 3 games I've played it's exploded turn 1 every time. I like the tank but it's depressing.
per the AoDR Indomitus prototypes were worked up by the IH during the Great Crusade

Indomitus enters service around the same time as Tartaros
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>Bonus shot from a different game.
Ultras pounded my ass but I got to use these freshly painted badboys.
I want to put volkite culverins on terminators
Have I got the Legion for you
I guess I don't want to do it that badly.
Sounds like you're a coward, which means they're perfect for you
>Just as spineless as Night Lords
You are made for each other.
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Were there any marine kits that had helmets like pic related? Everything that I can find has the visor being slanted down and forwards.
Closest would probably be the plastic GK helmets.
The defiler should be an available demon engine.
Are people even playing Space Wolves and Russ now? And what's wrong with these people?
Defilers were explicitly created at the command of Abbadon the Despoiler in preparation of the first Black Crusade, on the forge world of Xanax II.
Maybe old Emperor's Children MK IV helmets?
Other than that best I can do are dank angels, dank angels special plasma boyz, imperial fistsings or MK 6 command squad, maybe autist warriors heads?
There is also posibilty of Gay Knights for knight helmets.
You could be little more specific what exactly you want.
No one cares about SW
Fair enough.
I don't care.
We have both Xana II and Abaddon in 30k, also Heresy ended Crusade Era, and Abaddon's armor was painted black
Besides it's not like Predator Annihilator wasn't created millenia after heresy and yet we can use it in 30k.
>Besides it's not like Predator Annihilator wasn't created millenia after heresy and yet we can use it in 30k.

Ever heard of a slippery slope?
I was just bringing >>94717687 anon's shitpost from earlier full circle. I'm sure there are lovely beautiful SW players out there enjoying their upside bolters and failing to protect Terra during the siege
Still can't believe how much BL turned the SW into absolute morons, and even thought it was such a good idea they published it. Like, I'm not even a fan of SW, but still feel kinda bad sometimes for how much they got mishandled.
They're from the old MKIV upgrade head set.
Someone in GW and BL have massive hateboner on SW. For some reason.
There's few legions that made it out unscathed. WS probably had the most consistent run of enjoyable progression though the heresy, which is not saying much
Not sure that's even true. Salamanders got written by Nick Kyme, who is a huge fan of the legion. Yet Salamander got mishandled almost as much as the SW.
Considering they were at the center of the Imperium Secundus arc, Sanguinius and the Blood Angels faired very well. BL treated them good.
Everybody love Salamanders. At least no one says anything bad about them, as well as about the Blood Angels.
That's not thanks to the salamander HH novels. Though those were so incredibly bad that almost nobody has read them.
I am inclined to agree, but BA lose points for their acid trip between imperium secondus and arrival at terra. I don't know what that author was on.
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>Agreed to a 2000 points HH game
>Arrive at the LGS
>Two matched of 2000 points 40k are already in progress
>Chat a bit with my opponent, leisurely set up our armies
>Play the game at a relaxed pace, we chat with onlookers a few times during it
>Game ends, pack our armies, put the board and terrain back
>The two games of 40k are still in progress

Uhm, wasn't 40k suppose to be simple and quick to play now?
Were lizards mishandled? From what I know they all died on Istvaan and did nothing for rest of heresy exept Vulkan's side quest to reach Terra.
It kinda fits into existing narrative of legion being so fucked up that it didn't create any sucessors because of low numbers. It's not like with wolves where they did everything wrong, including getting on Terra before siege and then departing because reasons.
never read their novels, because they have a reputation for being very poorly written, but that's why they are regarded as being mistreated by GW/BL
Probably new players. It's interesting, most vet gamers have been scared off to greener pastures of taken refuge in specialist games, so now a lot of the people who play mainstream 40k are people who came aboard post-8th edition, especially in the wake of Space Marine 2. So the average 40k game at an FLGS is just two people constantly referring to their datasheets and stuff, taking forever to count out their dice. As oppossed to you and your friend, who know what your're doing better.
The first people I know who dropped 10th edition 40k were two guys who started playing in 9th edition because literally every other game GW has plays dramatically better. Now the only LGS regulars playing 40k are some literal teenagers.
>taking forever to count out their dice
Oi what's wrong with that, nor everyone can just reach into a pile of dice and grab the exact number needed. Especially with my bad eye I've got to double count and make sure I'm not cheating.
I mean, my 4.5k SW army which includes Russ and a stormbird literally came out of a desire to be able to recreate BoP battles against my TS and nobody I know collected space wolves.

That being said, since I’d never paint my TS myself (could never get the red right) I’m paying a friend to which means that the only games I’ve actually played this edition with (a full army of) marines have been my SW lol.
I forgot that according to lore, the Space Wolves could only be said to have participated in one conflict. Prospero. Yes, there were also Trisolian, Alaxxes and Yarant, but they are insignificant. Kinda lame that lorewise SW fight against only TS. There is no other scenarios or mission to play against other traitors.
Even in the old lore the SW were delayed on their way back to Terra by the Alpha Legion. There's more match ups possible with a bit of creativity.
NTA but it isn’t the lack of matchups, it’s the lack of big historically significant campaigns to recreate.
Personally I think that coming up with your own conflict within the vastness of the Imperium is much more interesting. Everybody already knows the big historical battles, who fought in it, and how those ended. Creating something that hasn't been explored extensively and repeatedly is really refreshing.
my dudes took part in one "official" conflict. The breaking of Caliban. Now they just run and try to get out of the galaxy as far as possible, from both heretics and loyalists.
>calm down loyalist, it’s just a psyker meme
For me, what I really love about HH is recreating those fantastical battles and seeing all the little details come to life. It doesn’t even have to be the historical battles, but I find that the vast majority of self created stuff spends too much time on the “big” things while neglecting the charm that comes from an era where space marines are grunts. I love seeing on the tabletop all the generic marines who are cut down and forgotten as they’re caught up in something so horrific and unthinkable that it disturbs even the super human; imagining the triumph and adrenaline turn to horror and despair as an unnamed sergeant stands over the body of one that he once would call brother; trying to feel the fear and awe as the crew of an immobilized vehicle are saved by chance as a legendary commander and his elite bodyguard blunt the charge that would have seen them dead.

It’s not that you can’t have these details in a homebrew story, but it’s the minor details that shape the major events that I find so enjoyable to examine.

Finally, it’s not that you have to reenact battles in exact detail either; the most fun HH games I’ve ever had were a series of ZM boarding action games with a small rag tag TS force in a stolen SW stormbird going on a suicide mission to take down a SW cruiser. None of that happened in any of the books in detail, but there were sporadic engagements in orbit throughout the BoP, but none that changed the outcome on the whole.

If any of that makes sense.
what the fuck is this? is this how the assault marine kit comes or have you glued some of these together? seems like it’s expressly designed to inhibit easy

nothing wrong with teenagers playing, but it does make me feel old as fuck since I started as a teenager in 5th edition. I recently moved and it’s very strange to meet new gamers and now I’m finally the Longfang.

Nothing wrong with that at all Anon, I applaud your deliberate style.
>seems like it’s expressly designed to inhibit easy conversion.
That is indeed a design choice that GW has made with the new HH plastic marines.
That’s how the modern plastic kits come. To save money on mould construction and shipping, the models are made digitally and then spliced with the aid of CAD software to create high density moulds that can achieve details in the fewest number of parts. This has a side effect of meaning it’s damn near impossible to build anything that isn’t exactly that kit. It’s even crept into the resin kits with lots of split shoulder pads and half-legs, though the differences in performance of resin casting vs. injection moulding still means the resin ones tend to be in fewer larger, closer to completed pieces (or I should say, that they’re able to be).
True, it's the little things that really make stories and events interesting.
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The heads are nice but they are way too small
It sucks so much, it's especially spiteful since they gave the plastic Solar aux old split legs and torso design.
FW dark angels heads
>Uhm, wasn't 40k suppose to be simple and quick to play now?
They probably fell asleep midway
>seems like it’s expressly designed to inhibit easy conversion.
Well anon that's the point. You will only use legal james bitz provided in the box. All modern GW kits look like this.
You should be allowed 1 small HQ as an elite for each big HQ
Did 2013 event Davinite Lodge Priest had heresy 1.0 rules? I know event navigator had his rules.
Yes, think I still got a pdf of it on an external hard drive somewhere.
No but I get caught up in thinking they did sometimes. They indirectly got rules through the 1.0 militia rogue psyker three years later., the end of the fluff blurb reads:
>A small number were drawn from the animist lodges of Davin, the very same sorcerer-priests who had facilitated the Warmaster’s fall at the moment of the culmination of the Great Crusade.
i wish vexillas didn't look like shit so i could make myself run them
Blender is free.
"modeling something different is free" doesn't help when there is nothing "different" to model to make it look decent. Nothing backpack mounted looks good, the Roman style handheld poles are silly (what, are you just throwing it on the ground every time you need to use your bolter?), and I detest flags of any sort on anyone who's not a herald (including command squad banners - you get one flag per army before it's too much). There's no redesign of a vexilla that's both recognizably a vexilla and doesn't look like ass.
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You don't need vexilla's anyway. The fall back reduction rarely comes into play, and the +1 combat resolution isn't worth 10 points.

All that said not being able to appreciate the pure SOVL that is backpack mounted banners means you're a massive faggot.
Shame. Sure you can use him as coint as psyker or lord commander, but it's weird he didn't get proper rules like navigator.
>roman style are stilly
hard, hard disagree Anon. The squads colors are only entrusted to a seasoned tactical marine, and he can handle his bolter one handed you see, carefully picking his shots and holding it aloft. Also backpack banners is peak warhammer and therefore infallible. I respect your aesthetic quandary but it’s not one many other people have.
>it's not one many other people have
I know. The handheld ones are at least less ugly than the backpack ones and are probably the route I'll go, I'm just disappointed there's still no real good solutions.
>The fall back reduction rarely comes into play
I'm considering the vexillas because I've lost like, 5 or 6 squads in my last 3 games to falling back from casualties, including an originally 10 man HSS that broke before they could even shoot
It is, which is why I forget and get confused when I can't find them. I also have a memory of the non-existent rules not having the weird sprayer he wields which confuses me even more.
>doesent vant contenkar
Perfect, youre like a real NL
Skitarii are a bit too "40k" for heresy

how could I make them less "40k"?
the guns I ideally want to convert into autoguns and lasrifles
maybe a headswap with some solar auxilia helmets may do the trick? and a more gritty paintjob
-Trim purity seals.
-Swap heads for 3rd party (not Solar Aux).
-Swap guns if you can afford it; there are also 3rd party parts available, but rarely as small as Skitarii guns.
only issue with swapping guns would be trying to find ones with the same "robed" style arms, and the next best thing would be converting the existing weapons into other weapons with barrel and magazine swaps etc
actually...maybe orlock arms?
lot of rolled up sleeves, but they could fit
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Meanwhile, in Heresy...
traced slop art

i've seen that one skitarii ranger sergeant like 5 times now, he's in almost all skitarii art
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maybe tech-thrall heads?

the helmet ones, not the exposed face ones
WTF makes you think there's something wrong with them, they're in that perfect stage of GA design where they got infantry proportion and details just right. Just.dont paint them like a tard and overhighlight everything, drybrushes and blending are your friend.
Secutarii are just Skitarii with different helmets and even have Skitarii weapons like radium carbines, arc rifles, etc. They also use galvanic weapons. So, expecting 30k Skitarii to be radically different is just a sign of a mental illness.
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expanding the legion, one predator at a time
Acceptable without modification for heresy
Unacceptable for heresy
>the flight of the Epstein
What if I paint the googley eyes yellow
Visions of heresy and the old card game has a lot of them.
Soften that turret decal some more and varnish it.
I like where it is going.
Why not paint the googly eyes as googly eyes?
I'm really struggling to make myself do hobby stuff at the moment.
None of the Death Guard kits are in stock, and if I order from a recaster it's going to take over 6 weeks to get to me.
I have 10 MkIII and 10 MkVI that I could build, but I don't know what to make out of them.
I could get some more Custodes and make good on my threat to start them as an army, but I would prefer to finish my Death Guard first.
Any ideas on what I should do, and what units I should build.
>if I order from a recaster it's going to take over 6 weeks to get to me.
JFC anon, how grim. My recaster fucking ships and delivers packages faster then fucking GW does.
Are they numk3? or old mk3
I would suggest turning them Mk3 into HSS Auto canons because fuck yeah.
I've got a 5 man HSS with Multi-meltas.
So? make more.
or make them into breachers
what is your force lacking? what’s an infantry unit you’ve thought would be fun but hasn’t been a priority? like recons with shotguns or something. breachers?

also just buy the recaster to spite GW
You could use at least the Vanguard in the rules.

If you want a different body, see pic related (Wargame Exclusive). Good thing about this kit is you could have two units for one GW kit with the additional heads and arms.
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thoughts on using votann infantry for a squats militia force?
Too advanced. The basic Troops would have to be grenadiers with armory of old night minimum, and then what else can you even use? Maybe the land fortress as a land raider, but after that? Would've been better last edition when grenadiers could be given Power armor. And honestly ultimately, it'd be way too fucking expensive for a horde army.
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All depends on what you're going for. Like, full on 30k Votann or more Imperial Squats? I think the basic infantry design is fine. There's design elements you could see on some Imperial stuff, just less skulls and tubes. The backpacks are easy to change for a lot of different ones, such as Skitarii or even SoB ones. Not that you couldn't tweak the Votann packs to be more like Imperial space suit tanks. Maybe slap on SM pack thrusters or skulls on there. Think the guns are the major issue, as they sport a very different design. Problem is managing to give them new guns, thanks to the fucking hands being moulded onto the guns. You could use SM arms, since the torso is the same width as SM torsos. New HH marines have slimmer arms and smaller hands than 40k marines, so their arms could maybe work? Umbra bolters should look nice on them.
I'm saving the other Troop slots for Grave Wardens. Though I guess another 5 HS marines would be an idea.
I'm doing a Creeping Death list, and I've got a Praetor, 3 tactical squads, 2 rhinos, a HSS, a Cataphractii Terminator squad, a Dreadnought and a Leviathan Dreadnought.
I want to get Typhon, some Grave Wardens, Destroyers and some Deathshroud to replace the Cataphractii Terminators.
sounds like these guys are about to be reassigned to the destroyer corps then. luck them. either that or you could go for even more HSS to be extra WAAC.
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About 99% done now, just going to touch up the mini bases and fill in gaps. Really happy except I didn't account for the added sand making gluing the minis in decent positions a bit hard. I decided to base my EC for a city being reclaimed by the desert, not sure if the SA will get the same basing. I already decided that the SA will be painted as the Rosenritter from LotGH.
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I think deep shadows and bright colors make for a great effect.
I can’t believe you made those sculpts look ok
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very impressive, top notch stuff anon
i primed a bunch of LI blood angels tonight and i'm not quite sure i can get mine to look as neat as yours
How does using metallic paint to prime work? I got a bunch of Iron Hands second hand and I wanted to use a rattle can of silver spray paint from GW or Army Painter or something so I can paint watered down black on them so their armour has a metallic tinge to it. How would darker colors, like black and brown, work? Or lighter colors, like white and red and blue, work? What about skin colors? Will they appear sparkly and shiny?
I want to make it as quick as possible, but I don't want an army of Emma Frost clones.
I never got GW's leadbelcher spray to prime well. It always came out like a weird sheen-y grey
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Working on Horus
You can apply enough thin coats that you wont see the shine under it, however i will say this, painting atop either airbrushed or rattle can metalic paint fucking SUCKS. Its super smooth, almost like a gloss finish and paint does not like to stick to it.

To go about what you are wanting to do, i would do it this way
First prime them in black, and make sure the entire model is a nice solid black color. THEN prime again with metalic, dont use Armypainter rattle cans, thy fucking suck.
Once you got your silver model, apply a wash over it to just get into the deepest recesses.
Then you are gonna wanna air brush nulin oil over it, but you are probably going to need to apply like 3 thin airbrush coats of it to darken the metal. at that point the dried nulin oil layre will give you enough texture on the model to actually have regular paint lay on it with out it being like painting atop glass.
Damn that gold looks SLICK. I want to do dirty silver/steel but I'm not sure what color to make the suit under the armor
I use GW cans (because I’m a sucker) to prime my titans, first black then leadbelcher, though I’m layering thick over top and not doing any filters.

If you want that metallic-ish finish, you really need an airbrush to get coats thin and consistent enough, and to use the right paints. Proacryl has some excellent paints that give good coverage at thin coats, but you could also use thick(er than a wash) oils for filters as their pigments are super fine, but they’re totally different to working with acrylics.

At the end of the day, take anything I say with a grain of salt because not being able to achieve the effect your talking about is what lead me to paying a buddy a few months wages to paint my TS (though it’s 20-25k points worth over like four years…).
I don't believe it. More plastic custodes I could see. As part of a new edition box? No. Femstodes launching in HH, the much more 'conservative' and narrative concerned community? Too stupid. Unless a yuge plastic range is the attempt to shunt more 40gay players into HH or something, which would be so apocalyptically gay
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What should I buy next? Currently have a 3rd vindicator in my backlog since I need some more artillery.
A storage case
some imperial fists
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Horus? More like BORE-us
Some breachers maybe?
A Spartan, of course
It’s bait you tool.
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>finish 40 numk3 tacs
>realize i hate the model compared to the old scale
atleast i have 40 of the old ones still in box
This sounds entirely like a you problem.
>objectively superior scale
been playing for more than a decade but i have zero nostalgia for the heroic scale of the game and i don’t understand why people do. it looks like shit. numarines can look like garbage and old squat marines with goofy ass proportions can also look bad at the same time.
Y'all have fucked me up. I’ve got two sicaran arcuses (I accidentally ordered two) that I’m building and since some asshole posted a cool drawing of a conversion I’ve been wanting to do one up as a command tank. I’m thinking of getting a regular sicaran turret and sticking one gun on one side and then getting some comms and tracking array bits for the other side of the turret, and then making an RWS multi-melta a-la the South African Rogue RWS for the top: what do y’all think? I still want it to be recognizable as a sicaran, though that razorback conversion is super tempting.
Giving a shit about the scale between numarines and old marines which you will literally never notice the difference when you are playing a game unless some one points it out.
NTA but wtf are you quoting. Nobody said shit about objectively superior scale.

That being said, I’d argue the new scale (purely on scale) is better (though some of the proportions are whack - and that’s why is still heroic scale you moron) but the old sculpts are just better.
>but the old sculpts are just better.
facts. NuMk3 fucking suck.
never even mentioned scale, i think the olds ones just look way cooler
upon further reflection the word i meant to use was sculpt opposed to scale. my mistake
My honest opinion: nu mk3 looks better on line troops and heavy supports as a more refined production model, something about the helmet gives me police or stormtrooper vibes, someone meant to enforce order. Old mk3 is better for veterans, melee troops, trench fighters, the armor looks less advanced nut also more rugged, the kind of shit that'd have graffiti and pinups on the side if it was a tank. I like both and use them both in my army.
Post pic of these 40 finished numk3's
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shitty picture, i still need to base and do the eyes on a few but here
Decent for Grenadiers with the right provenances, but otherwise you'll probably want other models to represent lesser infantry.
You made them look pretty good.
Why would you buy 40 marines when you had such perfect ones on sprue yet?
i was sitting on them, impulse buy really. i might sell these or donate the nu guys, im not sure
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Since I'm running Pride is Our Armor I need to make a few cheap veterans for smaller point games where I can't be running 330 point squads. They won't be as good but I'll be able to fulfill that masculine urge to equip dudes with chainswords. I think I have a couple shotguns lying around from some of the model-of-the-month James does.
Good on you for painting them, but God all that weathering just makes the paint job look shit. Overweathering just doesn't go with a primary color.
this were my first so yes i agree somewhat. partly why i want to redo them
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Yellow is the best color for weather. They'd look great after being based.
Maybe on a nice prairie
its going to grey/brown rubble
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like this
's cool
What’s the torso/legs from on that guy? I’m not sure I’ve ever seen that bit before.
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The dark angel companions. Pretty good for artificer armor if you can get the iconography off the knees and chest.
Mechanically speaking militia rules dont do a good job of representing good quality forces, which lore wise Votaan should be and the wargear and unit types are just way off generally. Ironhead Squats are basically intended.
I keep building troop units even though I maxed out the slots and haven't been able to fit them all into a game for the past two years. Is this mental illness. They're not even all fully painted so I can't even claim autism shield
Yeah I keep wanting to make veterans. My guys are supposed to be a tank focused spearhead but now I've got a bucket of infantry and two tanks.
Meanwhile for all my tanks and Veterans and Terminators I'm still stuck with only have 40 tacticals and 2 units of 10 Despoilers as Troops. I know I need more, but my only ideas are expanding out the despoiler units into full blobs and maybe a unit of 20 breachers, but that all needs space. Alas, if only blackshields didn't make it a pain in the dick to get line.
Blackshields just use troops though? Like everyone else?
Problem is no Rites of War and no line from allies, and only 1 of the Oaths gives line, and only at a 50 point upcharge. I've only even got the 1 Herald model too so I can't use HQ slots to make up for it.
I was doubtful that you had painted 40 and were just trying to stir shit. Gj for delivering anon, shame you don't like the new mk III but they look great
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i would never be facetious. thats gay. i recently tried to buy another box of the old ones off ebay and when they arrived they turned out to be box of the new ones even though the listing picture was definitely the old ones. luckily he refunded instantly as soon as i msgd him so free marines i guess. might give those away as well
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Well, I really didn’t need any more bits for knight errants, but fuck it, I’ve already got one built and bits for four others, so I guess I’m just making a squad of them.
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Also, here's my shit. Slow painter but have continued to add units over the past decade so will remain perpetual wip
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friends of mine want me to get into 30K, but Exorcists Chapter doesnt exist back then, and I dont feel like making a whole new Marine army. I'm thinking of collecting a force of 1,000 points as Blackshields, the guys who wear black armour and are seen fighting for both sides. I like the idea of making a gang of anarchist marines who doesnt afraid of anything jsut like Zelda and Metroid.
Is there a good, all arounder all comers list I can make for 1K?
If I want to play anything more than 1K, ill just proxy my imperial guard as imperial army and add them in.
Kill yourself and go back to 40k faggot.
Low tier bait.
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That is more or less what I did with my DAs. I don't like how th Deathwing Knights look like, but I do like the look of catahpract, cenobium knights etc. I also dreaded painting my army white. So when I was starting I just took the models I want, painted them black and got my Pride of the Legion/Deathwing w40k army. After that I slowly started adding to the non terminator parts of the army.
Is there some sort of Blackshield hate I am unaware of?
got enough medics, anon? looks like an awesome collection.
I made the error of gluing the model to the base before painting, it was so hard to reach and paint inside the cloak.
Why is he so mad bro?

I like your paint job so far, what do you use for gold?
Melee veteran squad
I notice it.

Impressive, even if they are pissbois
That's just you being an autistic fuck.

t. An autistic fuck
I agree with this. The nu-mk3 pushed me into buying 3d prints instead so you get both the benefit of scale and the superior old armour look, I have some nu-mk6 but I really dislike their bulky backpack.
>nu mk3 looks better
If that makes me autistic, then that is a good thing. There is right and wrong in this world, and I refuse to gaslight myself over it.
Same. The more I see the new marine models the less I like them. Mk VI is my most favourite pattern of power armour, but somehow GW found a way to make models of it that I really do not like.
Nu Mk III is even worse.
Indeed, they could just have scaled up the old fw designs but they had to make tiny changes and makes them look like third party knock offs. I also strongly dislike the five same poses, and not separating torso and legs, having a different backpack slot making it incompatible with the older backpacks.
Live your life knowing the retards who tell you that only autistic people can see the difference in scale or that only people you don’t want to be around can tell your shit is lazy primaris crap are the ones who have the biggest complex about this shit because they realize they suck and have to double down on it to make themselves feel better.
Right and wrong are social constructs. You can like what you like, even if I think you should be boiled alive for liking certain models. Because it's only, like, my opinion man.
You're reading way to much into this. Calling each other autistic is a time honoured tradition on 4chin, a form of banter amongst the lads.
>Mk VI is my most favourite pattern of power armour
Thank you for informing me of your mental illness so I can discard your opinion
>Doesn't appreciate the PEAK which is the beak
You wouldn't have survived through Rogue Trader lol. You child.
Probably the odd individual copping out with putting their 40k chapter or warband in 30k. Blackshields are also not necessarily black, poke around the oaths and build around the ones you like. 1000pts sounds fluffy enough, they weren't large in number.
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Well of course, only salamander blackshield would be black, all other would be white.
Pro acryl dark bronze - peridot alchemy on the highlights - flesh wash - necro gold on areas that look too bronze - peridot alchemy highlight.
I'm using dark bronze as a substitute for decayed metal which I have trouble buying
Thank you fellow warmaster-bro
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I believe that the tutelaries were somehow fragments of Magnus's essence which were later mostly corrupted as he fell to Chaos, and this caused them to turn on many of the Thousands Sons. Graham McNeill said in an interview with The Amber King that he believes they were plants by Tzeentch to cause the downfall of the Thousand Sons, but later Revuel Arvida, his tutelary Ianius, and the noble shard of Magnus all fused into Janus, the first Supreme Grandmaster of the Grey Knights. Malcador was right there explicitly using sorcery to do the ritual, so I further don't believe they're just demons. Chris Wraight wrote that part of the story. There's not necessarily a contradiction between these interpretations.
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Did any of the Legions utilize camouflage colours at all? I've seen a few pics of variants from older 40K stuff, but never anything from HH proper.
Arvida's tutelary didn't fuse with him, he just took his name. It was a daemon like all others.
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yes, but it was mostly from before they met their primarchs. They've always been obssesed with pageantry
Now I want to make a SWolves Recon Squad in camo, thanks a lot...
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Which book is that from? Mine only has him as a lil one.
It's from the first edition of the game:
Is that from the new edition? The libers reuse the black books illustrations and cut/shrink them to fit all of them in. Someone should make a pdf with all of them.
>black books
I wonder when they're going to release a second edition of those. But maybe we're never going to see them again given their focus in the early war and illustrations of OOP resin minis different from the current nuMk3/6
That's what the supplements are intended to replace, at best we're getting pdfs of them on the GW platform thingy gutted out of the rules and the fluff contradicting 2.0.
That's just your headcanon that has no relation to any of the lore from the books. Which you are entitled to, but don't pretend your delusions are something real.
It's telling that the HH black books are pretty much the only FW books missing from the WH+ vault
I'm trying to find the exact quote, but Lexicanum has it sourced as the three did.
>anything not explicitly stated isn't real
It's heavily implied in the The Last Son of Prospero that they're fragments of Magnus in some capacity.
It is, although a good scan of the first book even without the rules would be pretty useful for us as it was one of the worstly scanned ones (still a great one compared to the non-hh or even non-warhammer stuff going around).
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Thanks, and yeah that's the WB exemplary battles unit. They're expensive and don't see much play
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I'm looking to get some bits proonted, which creator is closest to baseline GW in terms of proportions? Currently looking at these by RALCVSAE3D on Cults3d.
I am slowly going to compile quotes, assuming I don't get distracted. Here's proof of its own name, and prior to the noble shard.
>'Does your tutelary give you no guidance?’
>‘When I am blinded, Ianius is blinded. When I see, he sees.’
>Kalliston nodded. He reached up to wipe sweat from his brow. ‘I wish I could give you more
time, but orders have come – we are to make for the void.’
>‘So it seems.’
>‘Whose orders?’
‘>The primarch’s.’
>Arvida resisted a little longer.
- The Last Son of Prospero
Arvida's unreliable death visions in his mind do not override all the TS lore about tutelaries being tzeench daemons posing as pets.
Seniority of release and as-written words is what I'm interested in. What Graham wanted is irrelevant when Chris wrote what he has.

There was no retcon, and "seniority" is just yur headcanon.
Tutelaries always have been tzeench daemons before and after the Last son of Prospero.
Like all GW authors, Wraight is not free of having written stupid shit that was later forgotten. He's just been better at it.
There are three things that give something value. Seniority, quality, and consistency. Nothing is inconsistent with what Chris wrote. Your opinion in this, like Graham's, is literally irrelevant.
Irrelevant. It exists and is still canon. I'm slowly going through it. Maybe he did just take its name, we'll see.
Nobody cares abour your Jordan Petersonesque self help philosophy.

The whole point of the tutelaries was to show how deluded the Tsons were. That's also why they've never appeared in any other separate context in 30k or 40k, because they were fakes, just daemons bidding their time.

The Last Son of Prospero also doesn't say anything about them NOT being daemons, that's your misreading of that story. Nevermind all those scenes being in the mind of a dying man.
>Nobody cares abour your Jordan Petersonesque self help philosophy
And nobody cares about your nihilistic bullshit, lmao. Get fucked, kid. It exists.
>That's also why they've never appeared in any other separate context in 30k or 40k,
Also, if my interpretation is correct, that they are in some way representative of Magnus, they wouldn't have showed up again because all the shards of Magnus's soul, with the exception of the noble shard came together when the Thousand Sons did their ritual. So, get doubly fucked. I know Ahriman mentions his in 40k, but it's not with him anymore. Further proves my point. The absence of them does not support your idea.
>pseud bs
>fanboy headcanon
Your interpretation is wrong, and you'll know it if you had actually read the TS books, including Arvida's previous appearances in the WS saga.

The tutelaries stopped pretending during the Burning of Prospero, and the only ones who stayed around were the ones bound to their legionaries by other reasons (Like Iskandar Khayon's tutelary in the Black Legion books)
You're god damn right I'm a fanboy, and I have no idea what the fuck you're supposed to be, pretending to care but disregarding canon material. I will repeat, get fucked.
>canon material
you mean the same one that puts Kharn and the WE fucking around in Prospero when they should have been with the WB at the start of the Shadow Crusade, that one?
Revuel Arvida's story is neat, but Wraight fucked up with the timeline and several plot points trying to make the TS the origin of the BR (only to be evidently forced to stop by TPTB at the end)

But tutelaries being Magnus shards or whatever is your fucking unsupported retarded fanfiction. They've always been Tzeench daemons. That was their whole point. They don't make sense otherwise, nevermind Magnus not being sharded until Russ broke him.

Stop reading wikis and watching lore videos and go to the source material, idiot
NTA, but stupid teleporting Kharn is canon. He even shows up on the WE flagship during the siege of terra after getting decrapitated
>and go to the source material, idiot
I'M LITERALLY READING IT, you indignant prick.
>I notice it
No you dont, i guarantee you, no you dont, you just think you do.
If you put Mk6 on the table next to Mk4 on the table that is at Waist height, and you are standing up looking at them at Roughly a 45* angle or more, you are not going to notice any difference in height.
Bottom left looks like a good sisters of battle/silence character unironically
that looks like it was ripped straight out of diablo you rodent

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