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Why do people hate and clown on Ultramarines so much?
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Because of envy cuz they get a lot more shit then everyone else and they are milktoast.
Also the General is that way
I wish 40k would outright kill the imperium and just focus on everyone else. They're far more interesting.
They're the poster boys and they get jerked off really hard.
>All Space Marine chapters want to be like the Ultramarines and recognize Marneus Calgar as their spiritual liege.
That's like asking for a gangbang but without the chick.
How is this Porn?
Matt Ward lore and the fact that they are poster boys. That's it.
its because of THAT FUCKING GUY.
>Matt Ward, defiler of the 5th edition Ultramarines, and Necrons Codices and Bringer of the Ruinous Grey Knights Codex
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I don't hate the Ultramarines. In fact. I really like the Ultramarines.
Ultramarines are the baseline. They're generic intentionally. Unfortunately this also makes them one of the least interesting factions in the game. They're accessible and easy to sell to casuals and tourists, but for many more serious fans there is a feeling that the blueberry marines getting so much attention means far more interesting parts of the setting are not getting tge attention they deserve.
Ultrayawn. They're the most generic space marines.
Any depiction of a woman in any way is pornographic.
Because they're the bestest best at being the best. Success breeds jealousy.
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Absolutely disgusting.
Without the Imperium, we're just back to Eldar and Necrons trying to kill eachother again, except this time it's kind of flaccid and a bit sad compared to The War in Heaven.

The other factions all get eaten by Tyrannids and are irrelevant.
People have been clowning on smurfs since 3rd, probably earlier.
>they get a lot more shit then everyone else
They obviously fucking don't
you're a coward for cropping the first stage
Yes, and that was the reason for him to make them "cool". Because before they were just the bland vanilla marines and he tried to fix that
Envy. The same reason why air force pilots, in their lesser green flight suits, refer to thunderbird pilots in their blue flight suits as "blueberries".
its a combo of over exposure and inertia from the hate generated during the matt ward days
The problem with being generic and the poster child is that people tend to stop seeing it "other SM chapters are like Ultramarines except for X" and start seeing it as "Ultramarines can't do X like other chapters." If your point of definition is what everyone else does different rather than your own unique element you wind up seemingly lacking against everyone in comparison. Plus, lets face it, Ultramarine lore sucks.

>They're like Space Rome and shit!
>So they're full of often literal cutthroat politicking between high ranking commanders trying to secure power?
>Their economy and patronage requires constant expansion which leaves them too wrapped up in personal conflicts to effectively aid the Imperium?
>Do their commanders focus so much on waging war for prestige and power that they've ground themselves down and left their realm vulnerable to invasions by outside forces?
Even their Primarch is the boring one with any point of nuance or intrigue stripped away.
Women can't be space marines.
Why is she so smug?
she reverse mating press shota guardsmen every day
Because of people like you
They will be, Custards already got retconed to have them.
Tranny thinks xhes passing
>Chaos is irrelevant
Ultrasmurfs are fine. But overexposure of ultrasmurfs is not fine.
posterboy syndrome

ultras are cool
with the imperium blipped away in this hypothetical there would be no human psyche to fuel chaos. They'd be completely gimped.
Plus the Necrons have demonstrated they could end chaos anytime with Pylon tech
Because they're nogames nolore nerds who don't actually engage with the franchise in any form, they just base their entire opinion on a loose understanding of memes they've seen on social media.
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When a nerd is a kid they tend to really like generic good guy factions. But as you get into your teenage years you get rebellious/edgy and start liking villainous characters/factions.

Once you're grown you "own your own shadow" and your favorite characters are anti-heroes, rogues, villains seeking redemption, and the like. Everyone likes Wolverine more than Cyclops and Han Solo more than Luke Skywalker.

GW realizes this so there's a clear progression from starting the kids on Ultramarines, then they jump over to the irredeemabe evil of chaos, and then if they're still playing in your 20's/30's they like the edgier marines like Space Wolves, the blue collar vibes and resilience of the Imperial Guard, the sneaky Eldar, etc.
I always preferred Cyclops to Wolverine, and Luke Skywalker to Han Solo. I recognize that Wolverine and Han are cool and they have their own great stories to tell, but I have always preferred the more righteous "boy scout" characters. Leonardo is my favorite turtle.
Oh boy it's this thread again.
Chaos is fueled by every living thing, not just humans, Slaanesh fir example git manifested by the Eldar themselves. And Crons can't build their pilons everywhere.
They just got pushed so hard that there are only three camps of opinion on them:
You play Ultramarines, because they're the emperor's finest and you've been told so a million times. Whether you actually like them better or just decided blue was fine doesn't matter, they're your guys and you play them. Blue is (you).

You don't care about Ultramarines, because they're just Space Marines and you really don't care what color they are. You like all marines, or don't like all marines, or you play another faction exclusively, but ultimately it doesn't matter to you. Blue is fine.

You hate Ultramarines, because every SM player you've met that was annoying played them, like a solid 80% of novels and media are about them and how much better they are, you don't like Robut Girlyman playing Civ in your lore giving people even more excuses to jerk off how great the Ultramarines are and, at this point, it is simply not possible for you to be more over them. Blue is annoying.

Like there are other subfactions wanked in 40k, but none of them are so plastered over every single property to the point they're not just default, they're the presumed only form of marine.
Why do people dislike Superman and Mickey Mouse?
Nobody aside from pretentious "erm akchually the boring thing is cool" double contrarians likes the faggy mr perfect gary stu protag, and that's pretty much what ultrasmurfs have been for a long time. They're plain and bland compared to any other legion or chapter while simultanously annoyingly overexposed in vidya, cover art and so on.
And no, being well organized and a jack of all trades will never will be interesting gimmicks. Their Roman vibe isn't really distinctive either when the entirety of the Imperium and their grandma uses it to some extent.
Also their color scheme kind of sucks.
you are a homosexual
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Clowning on the smurfs dates back to at least picrel, but that was just calling them bland and boring and gay. Matt's attempt to rehab them made them so much worse and exacerbated the clowning.
>there would be no human psyche to fuel chaos
nigga an entire chaos god was created by a race besides humanity
This is 40K we're talking about. It'd be insulting if it WASN'T a boobplate.
I remember one anon in the general once claimed to have been sexually assaulted by Matt Ward at an official GW store. As the anon's tale went they were young, impressionable, and he was lured into a back room by a GW employee with the promise of free miniatures. The anon was left with a drunken Matt Ward, who smelled of boiled, unseasoned food and room temperature beer. Matt Ward insisted that anon called him Roboute, and as he pulled that anon's pants down declared he would gift anon his "geneseed" and become his spiritual liege.
>transmarine fan calling others homosexuals
The female space marine discourse has done permanent and irreversible damage to the Warhammer Community as a whole.

And I- no, WE as a whole should not care if the next female space marine drawing is just "fan art" or "gender bend and rule 63." Those tourists and "fan artists" have used that fucking excuse as a justification to infiltrate our hobbies and communities to inject their agenda and politics.

When can we start harassing and doxxing these "fan artists" who're drawing female space marines and their female Custode OCs or drawing the Primarchs as women? When can we start giving them the same treatment and attacks the same way they have done to us!? It's only right and just desserts they get a taste of their own medicine. Do not care if said artists like OP pic related or anyone just "having fun" is, there should have never been any female astartes. Even if driving away these faggots away by giving them a tafe of their own medicine results in the fandom shrinking and loosing popularity, so be it!

Better for a community to die off in obscurity but with intact purity, than allow normie slopification.

But seriously, tell these artists and fan artists who're contributing to the "female space marines" discourse with their 2D art to fuck off, they and their commie beliefs don't belong here and they should go die in a fire.
"We" need to shut the fuck up and go back wherever "we" came from. We're not here for your gay ass proxy war.
Isn't it a school night for you? Go back to bed.
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good to know even GW can't paint convincing purple glow
I tried that for ages
>So they're full of often literal cutthroat politicking between high ranking commanders trying to secure power?
Just adding that and intense factional rivalries between the different companies would make the UM much more interesting.
Chaos has proven they just have to flip the "no chaos" switch into "yes chaos" and the necrons are bamboozled by their own tech which has a reverse button for some unknown reason, like a family guy cutaway gag.
looks alright I think, then again I'm a no games cretin
Spiritual Liege.
you missed the general, I imagine they know
is that the girl from Wakfu?
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unlikely, General Mofette has bigger breasts
it's just more chaos wank by GW because chaosfags can't comprehend a world where their faction doesn't steamroll everything because "it's chaos lmao deal with it daddy GW said we win in the end :)". 40k just needs less of a focus on marines of all flavors and instead give the other imperium and xenos factions a spot in the limelight instead yet another marine vs marine slugfest or marines swooping in to save or ruin the day. that's what HH is for.
I have 2k points of Ultras with Calgar. Ultras are the best legion purely due to the Roman aesthetic.
It's sort of implied humanity had a hand in the creation of Nurgle and Khorne, with Tzeentch to a much lesser degree. The Chaos gods are all fairly young entities compared to the continuity of the Eldar, Necrons, and Orks.

Plus that one time that Deathwatch stopped the Eldar from killing or at least wounding Slaanesh.
Matt Ward writing did so damage to their perception. They're cool, not my first choice. But they're a solid chapter.
His Necron stuff did bring them some good, even if there were a lot of flaws. His Iyanden stuff was okay, just had weird bits of writing, but I think he did a good job of justifying why they are still a major craftworld.
I just really don't like anything 40k at this point, or at least all the memeable parts.
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Based goodmaxxer.
No one likes being told what the main character is in a game about Your Dudes.
I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be a Sister, just with an OC paint scheme.
You're a fag, legit.
You're all part of the problem. He's right, you're wrong. Maybe not about the doxing, but the fandom needs to not tolerate this crap.
Hummina hummina
Their symbol is a toilet seat
Fifth edition is over a decade old. People need to let go already.
There has always been female space marines
There were female space marines in rogue trader
They were female power armored adventurers and space marines were more like Starcraft marines
Blood Ravens are the best Chapter
You know why I don't like the idea of female space marines, /tg/?

Space marines are meant to be ugly, terrifying creatures that baseline humans regard as something akin to a great white shark, or other dangerous apex predator. Furthermore, space marines are born to kill until they die in horrible ways, with their chest cavities blown out, limbs ripped off, burnt to death, vaporized, melted by super-diseases, bisected, etc. I cannot take a female character seriously in either of these situations, and the latter would just disgust me.
>Space marines are meant to be ugly, terrifying creatures that baseline humans regard as something akin to a great white shark, or other dangerous apex predator.
No they aren't. Humans regard them with reverence, respect and fear of authority, and their actual appearance is only portrayed as actually unnerving in half a dozen books. In fact many Space Marines have been described as unnaturally beautiful and possessing incredible charisma and presence.
Both of you are actually right. A space marine would be kike a modern fighter jet. It's an awesome thing that you know very little about save for it being a weapon of destruction. You have a sense of awe of it, it's so beyond anything you know. It's majestic and incredible to watch. However if you actually see what one can do and does in an actual combat zone, it's terrifying. This is multiplied by a hundred if you're the one getting bombed by it.
People tend to try and feel special about themselves when they don't support the most popular thing.
I agree on everything but I do prefer wolverine to Cyclops.
I would argue that Salamanders are the generic good guy chapter
I liked Salamanders as a kid and now as an adult I'm playing 30k smurfs
i still have some nostalgia for the blueberries because we started in the late 90s but i would not personally touch those newer miniature lines or rules, im way past the marketing demographic
zoomers this primaris that dont really matter if you just play older garagehammer with your friends
>their actual appearance is only portrayed as actually unnerving in half a dozen books
Take a shot every time you read a book and see some variation of "he could have been considered handsome once."
>However if you actually see what one can do and does in an actual combat zone, it's
...actually not that impressive, because those guys are only very marginally better than normal humans (and weaker than ogryns).
i would take him back in an instant if it meant no primaris and primarchs returning
chaos is fueled primarally by humans
He should have stayed and wrote ALL 40k codexes
then literally everybody would have been happy
Because Matt Ward wanked them off too hard to the point where people started to dislike them, and Matt Ward also had them hog the spotlight too much.
>are only very marginally better than normal humans (and weaker than ogryns).
neither of those statements are true
They're the poster boys for Space Marines. The ones who aren't as much super-specialized as they are well-rounded and adaptable.Additionally, because people got mad because of Matt Ward's writing giving them ludicrous favoritism.

There's nothing really wrong with the Ultramarines in general, though I do still love the old classic of getting Rowboat Girlyman's name wrong. I do prefer talking about other chapters/legions though, since they're more unique in some ways.
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i thought they were going for the purple eye-shadow look myself
milquetoast is such a faggy expression

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