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What are your thoughts on boomer wargames?
They're not for me, but I'm glad they exist, they have a purity/refinement to them that many other things could do with striving for (refined as in they have stripped away much of what they do not need, not "refined" like "posh and expensive")
A bad combo of unrealistic pricetag, misplaced nostalgia and bad, bad design.
Nostalgia for what? The War?
old wargames, from the 80s and before.
>old wargames, from the 80’s and before

Lamo, are you fucking HG Wells? Boomer war games were born in the fucking late 80’s.
I've always wanted to try a hex and chit game, but it's an imposing genre that's hard to get into.
nta but wasn't Avalon Hills hay day in the 70s?
so when Hex and Chit stuff was at it's hight of popularity?
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I have one sitting on my desk in the office it has rules for nuclear mines I'm just not autistic enough to play vs myself.
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Works a lot better once they started moving to PC, which is fucking saying something with how clunky they are even in a digital setting. The entire ethos of the genre has been a maximalist approach to simulational fidelity, and being able to offload the dice rolling is a major enabler in how deep into the weeds you can get with that.
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I don't know what else to call it homie...
Name a single fucking tg game that ISN’T better when you offload the mechanics to a computer, what the fuck are you talking about?
Not enough graphic design to be mildly entertaining. Does not spark the imagination enough to even play.

Axis and Allies is popular for a reason. At least they have a cool map and little molded game pieces that evoke something.
Interesting as historical hobby relics, and little else. I think the 1800s baseball board games and model train enthusiasts have more value to the hobby than most people know, but wargames get the most praise for inventing the hobby because of Gygax and Chainmail.
>and little else

Boomer war gaming is practically the only place for alt-history and future-predicting war gaming.
>Does not spark the imagination enough to even play.

If looking at a map doesn't immediately conjure images of armies marching across it in your mind, you are not the target audience.
We can’t all be as autistic as you.
very fun, very hard to get on the table due to size + time + interest
HoTT and Chainmail are written shittily
>all these replies complaining about them
Jesus Christ, this really does speak to the caliber of folks posting. I don't even know if I want to call you zoomers, dopamine addicted, or just solipsistic, but being this dismissive of well wrought things you simply don't care for is smoothbrain behavior. Will I ever play one of these? Probably not, there's a couple people at the FLGS that might sit down with me for one but I'm not sure if I wanna get into the weeds with one. Does that mean I think they're garbage? Absolutely not, these are well crafted works of genuine interest.
>t. Boomer
Jank and chunk
Pen and pain
Greebles and doodles
Wargamers call chits counters.
Who the fuck calls them “chits”?
Brits, for one....
Yeah? Well we’re not calling them chips either mate
fuck off
still blows my mind how aggressively passportless you retards are in the internet age
My first wargame was Panzer Leader which was pretty fun, I remember as a kid not understanding how to play at all and just marching big stacks of infantry up a road and losing an entire armored column to a single Puma commanded by my dad.
Ive wanted to try them too, one im curious about is $100 but even after i save up that bit of cash id still have no friends to play with.
Dude, its a game. They are supposed to inspire imagination. You must be a rule lawyer or some stuffy type.
Anon if you have to go out of your way to save up $100 so that you can afford a leisure item, you probably shouldn't be spending $100 dollars on a leisure item.
Hey, I have that exact same game! Got it at a con.
Much too intelligent and complex for modern morons. Games Workshop ruined wargaming under the pretense of "making it mainstream."
>bad, bad design
Back to 40K throwing 50 D6 as you push your blob of overpriced plastic toys into your opponent, idiot.
All of them, because I don't want to stare at a fucking screen, I want to roll dice with my hands and push tiny men and vehicles around a tiny landscape.
You're a literal NPC. Why tf are you even playing tabletop games with your stunted zoomer brain? Go stare at a phone.
Welcome to /tg/ anon it's full of absolute slobbering retards that play pink-haired Tieflings in their D&D games and paint space marine chapters in tranny flag colors.

>t. zoomer moron
>t. Racist boomer no one will miss when he dies
You said it yourself, Grandpa. You don't play them. You don't know anyone who plays them. There's a chance someone might play them. Are they even good? Who knows, because neither you, nor anyone you knows is playing them.
Then what was even the point of your original post?
nta but you only have to have a fleeting curiousity in board wargames to realise many of the posts itt are retards making shit up about stuff that is or they perceive to be intellectually inaccessible to them
that's really the only bar to entry, for hopelessly nofriends losers that can't even find one other person to put up with their shit in order to play a two player game there's still solo games
Huge range of quality, style and subject matter. Grew up playing them with my dad, he'd buy a new one a month or so and I'd read the rules and we'd play them I think in an educational reading comprehension and communication mixed with history training.
A lot of the writing is obtuse and poorly done rather than accepting that rules documents are technical documents, have informal language mixed in or assumptions that were common knowledge in the playtest group/writer's area but not so much in others.
Some of them have an interest in historical theme, some in historical simulations, but oddly sometimes the ones over focused on simulation end up mechanically fucking up a story board.
If you're interested in them your best bet is picking a historical (or fictional) conflict you're into and seeing what different games are set in/of that and figuring out if you're more interested in smaller scale engagements or very zoomed out strategic stuff. If its something with a lot of material like WW2, Napoleon or the ACW you're likely better off picking a front, year or specific conflict. There's a decent amount of scifi ones too if you want that.
Overall there are some I'd play again or with the right bunch but finding people who are into it or want to play long form strategic games in a pbp sort of style aren't very common. As a family we mostly shifted to eurogames with occasional attempts at getting the less inclined to play something like Race to Moscow or The Expanse game for a bit more Wargame than Boardgame. Doesn't quite hit the same fiddly fun of hex & chit but also works better for having work, family, etc. etc.
Although we did recently set up a metal sheet on the wall at his place again to have longer strat hex & chit games on the run while we get old and die so that'll be fun.
Hex and chit games with forced retreats on their CRTs create a more interesting positional dynamic than most miniature wargames.
Always wanted to try some but the boomers don't play at the LGS. They coordinate their gaming through Facebook and are iffy on letting anyone younger than 30 player games with them. Which is understandable.
It's really surprising how little retreating there is in most wargames. Like most battles don't end in total slaughter, generally people run away long before their entire unit is wiped out...

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