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Are there any games that try to somewhat simulate 40K TT that can be played singleplayer.
SOVL does this with fantasy somewhat.
Video games.
There is a shitload of official 40k vidya, so you have a lot to pick from
Barely any simulate the Tabletop turn based experience, only Battle Sector somewhat tries, but it's not really it.
>being this dense
You want to get "tabletop experience" while playing solo. Do you have ANY fucking idea how autistic you come off as, you clueless, friendless loser?
This is a social hobby and a social activity. Whoever told you being maladjusted or outright ignoring requirement of human interaction at tabletops is gonna work - lies or was simply selling a solo game.
So either play with others, or play vidya. A "tabletop experience" is almost entirely about having a fucking human on the other side of table/mat/board

tl;dr kill yourself, loser
I mean you could play it solo. Since it's RNG based. Just RP with the armies and roll
>Genuinely not getting it
I rest my case. Now go to vidya, retard. I suggest giving TW games a shot, particularly Warhammer 2
You can just play both sides, the way wargamers have been playing solo since long before vidya existed.
None, outside of tabletop simulator. I'm sorry, anon, you'll just have to actually participate in the hobby of you want to play games. I know it must be very difficult for you to hear that.
OPR probably has tabletop simulator stuff and certainly has solo rules. Many /awg/ come with them now, solo rules have been hip since 2020 when everyone jumped on the Hikikomori train.
Old core hex wargame with the Panzer General engine did 40k, forget what it was called or if it exists anymore.
Old Chaos Gate, I think they remade it. There was the mordhime one too. BFG 1 & 2.
Incubation isn't 40k but its close enough if you want retroblock fun.
the space hulk game is probably your best bet.
Looks interesting I'll check it out, ty
OP asked for 40k tabletop, not Space Hulk.
Battlesector is the closest that comes to it
>trying to minimod
>policing /tg/ over solo play of all things
>Genuinely not getting it
>tl;dr kill yourself, loser
There's always more /v/ermin.
There is no 40K vidya simulating the tabletop game and there never will be. If such a game was made, no one in his right mind would ever buy GW's retardedly priced models again. GW is completely aware of this and will never make a digital version of the actual 40K tabletop game even though the current shitheap would work much better as a vidya because it would ruin their business.
they could make the company change the rules or design it differently in some ways to make sure players won't get the actual TT experience
And to be honest, painting in collecting is 75% of the hobby. Actually playing is optional, there are a bunch of people that collect minis, but don't play
Have sex Incel
Would it? It's not the same desu. Collecting and painting your dudes is half the fun.
This is a good call.
>that try to somewhat
What setting does Space Hulk happen in again?
Final Liberation wasn't 1:1 and lacked the order phase set up for Epic but was certainly an attempt to model that scale of game. As was Chaos Gate for 40k. It is likely notable the current business model is more inclined towards what you outline though.
its a gateway game or methadone for people getting out of the GW plantation. glhf.
Battlesector is similar, don't buy it though as it's dlc to oblivion.
Why do you think liking Warhammer means you like video games? I love collecting, painting and playing the miniatured but have zero interest in playing computer games, and know others that are the same. A truly retarded opinion you just shared. I'll give you a protip: not everyone is a shit eating, onions slurping zoomzoom raised on internet addiction and vidya consoomption.
But anon, liking the Warhammer hobby irl doesn't mean that the person likes video games.
I don't think the demographics necessarily overlap. I think it might bring over some gamers to warhammer irl if anything.
Checked out SOVL, it's pretty oversimplified, but not bad for a free passion project.Not my cup of tea, though.
An actual high quality 40K game that actually somewhat simulates TT combat would be my dream vidya, even if altered a bit. Battlesector while not bad, doesn't really try to emulate the TT style of combat.
>You want to get "tabletop experience" while playing solo. Do you have ANY fucking idea how autistic you come off as, you clueless, friendless loser?
You could have said the same thing about Temple of Apshai, Akalbeth, Wizardry, Dungeon, Rogue, or any of the other late 70's/Early 80's attempts to emulate tabletop rpgs.
Boomers have been turning tabletop wargames and roleplaying games into video games longer than home computers have existed. They were only able to do this because they had played these games extensively already.
Moving every individual models 1 by 1 so they stay in coherency with the mouse instead of your hands sounds incredibly obnoxious and retarded.
Besides, Warhammer is just a bad game, SOVL itself changed the system extensively to make it not suck
Tabletop simulator. You could play against yourself, it works since the combat is dice rolls.
Are you both semi-illiterate or simply ESL? Because the post you are replying to covers this, you fucking morons
Check "Wartile" on Steam if you dont know it already. Its also Fantasy themed tho.
People would realize that the gameplay is complete dogshit. And they dont need to buy any miniatures to get to that stage. Thats what they fear. Collectors and painters would still buy the minis but it would be in plain sight (without the mini aspect as entry barrier) how bad the gameplay actually is.
not really, closest thing is playing it on tabletop simulator
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>art is Warcrap slop
chill dude
Actually, it's AI-generated, so it's a weird Warcraft-Warhammer-generic-fantasy-fusion slop.
That's what slop implys anon-dono.
The creator of SOVL is a /tg/ anon and I'm pretty sure he's going to update the art future.
I'm the creator of SOVL and I'm actually planning on tripling down on AI slop.
Does it when OP is literally requesting vidya that tries to simulate tabletop like SOVL? Telling someone to play vidya instead of looking for a different kind of vidya is pretty retarded
what races are playable in SOVL?
Always funny to see gamelets panic when their social support net gets threatened.
Base game: Empire, Dwarfs, High Elves, Orcs, Vampires
DLC: Skaven, Beastmen, Chaos Warriors, Lizards, Wood Elves, Dark Elves
A bit off topic, are there any other miniature wargames besides Warhammer somewhat closely simulated in vidya form? I don't mean tabletop simulator, but their own game.
Plenty of solo play options for wargames out there ask in /awg/
what is the point of going generic or warcraft inspired if they aren't adding new armies? Give me Draenei, Darkspear Trolls , The Dragon Reborn, Robots and old school dr seuss Yordles
and ducks, I want ducks
Mythic kinda.
forgot what was the fantasy ciyberpunk one with mechs
Warmachine Tactics, but it's a meh game
I do wonder would Games Workshop ever greenlight that? I know that most people who play miniature wargames also do it for the love of painting and collecting minis, but could it pose a risk to driving away future buyers since they could just play it digitaly?
The last refuge of the retard.
They've tried in the past with stuff like Shadow of the Horned Rat, Dark Omen, and Mark of Chaos. They never bothered with making an exact simulation because the tabletop rules were themselves a simulation of actual warfare. Video games were meant to close the gap.
You can play Battletech digitally with Megamek. The actual Battletech game is not a very good representation of the tabletop.
Field of Glory is pretty much a miniature war game on pc
No. Personally I'm convinced that Total War only got the massive leeway it did because the decision to pull the trigger on WFB had already been made.
Even then, digital tabletop has its limits. You invariably only play Pitched Battle/Meeting Engagement and have next to zero "dicking about" allowed; no fancy special rules, no little story elements. At best you have some limited terrain setup. Just line up your 2000 pts in the same formation you always do, with the same plan you always do, and feel your joy and motivation shrivel up like it always does.
Theres been Quar video game in VR, dont know how similar it is to the tabletop.
Fire and Maneuver is a videogame that presents itself as a napoleonic tabletop wargame, but im not sure if its actually based on one

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