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This is the drawthread for simple requests intended for lazy/beginner/bad artists who just want to make quick doodles for /tg/. Come in with low expectations, and you won't be disappointed.

For people who made New Year's Resolutions to draw more, be more creative, or even to start drawing altogether, now's the time to build up some habits with fast sketches.

Let's try to keep the requests short, sweet, and /tg/-related, and aim for things you think other people might like to see and share.
I tend to prefer cute requests, but I'm up for anything, so don't hesitate to blurt out ideas so I can add them to the wall I will eventually dub "/tg/'s subconscious".
Requesting a fat, hideous, Tudor era style king for a campaign
I could use a pic for an npc, a post-apocalypse "witch" using tech to seem magic. She's a rather petite young lady wearing a ragged dress with long sleeves, a big backpack and carries a staff with several knobs and switches on it, topped by some sort of mutant animal skull.
Wanna try Slime Girl trying to wear a chainmail shirt?
Can I get some alien dude (or gal) shooting a ray gun?
Requesting a drunk skeleton
Could you do a cute voodoo witch girl with an alligator?
Requesting rhino guarding a treasure chest.
Bonus points if it's one of those weird medieval woodcut rhinos that look like a reptile.
Want to draw a fairy girl eating a mushroom?
A little girl and her dragon mom. The girl is dressed as a knight and grinning while shielding herself from the dragon's "fire breath" (which is actually warm gas or something)
And, it grows...
Based. Thank you.
slug-waifu anon here. You do cute monster girls really well!
He's Perfect
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Hot/Cute knight but with a fucked up haircut. its only a "bad haircut" in a meta sense, its a standard haircut in universe.
Every single one of these is good, though.
Is this some kind of layered-irony, meta humor?
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That's pretty intense.
I want a ragdoll gator now.
Hell yeah. Nice texture on the skin.
He looks pretty mad
Can I get a skaven on a surfboard?
How about a jackalope satyr wearing skimpy clothes made of vines and leaves?
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...man, I forgot that 4chan added a 15-minute timer before letting you post. After over a decade of this hell, is this what finally gets me to stop using this site? What is it about the last 5-ish years and every goddamn website becoming incredibly shitty?

>Hang ten-ten! Skaven skilled-best at wave-standing!
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Also put in a Pokemon card, changing Surfing Pikachu to be a bit more Skaven-like.
I've got a pretty specific request but I'll keep it light if I can, for somebody who wants to try their hand at something a bit more complex. Not looking to be picky about it though, have fun with it
>Tightly bound ratcheted plate armor across an entire body. Full surface is plate, no chainmail (think; Berserker armor but skellymode)
>Pointed claw-like hands
>Snout-like helmet with an open back that spews fire (think; Berserker armor)
>Small triangular eyes
>Collection of wires pouring out of spines along the back that spill out onto the floor, almost like a cloak or wings
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Anyone want to fix this and make it better? This was the best I could do. It'd be especially awesome if someone could make the prone dude a beakie space marine.
Wicked cute.
This sounds dope as fuck, I hope someone picks it up for you anon
Thanks, these are great!
Sad dog sorcerer sitting by his master's grave.
Nice, thank you!
I request an SFW drawing of the artist's darkest fetish.
Can you make lewd images of this fairy?
I can't really go much lewder than what can be posted on this board.
Upload the image somewhere like catbox for example and share it here. No harm done.
You are based beyond belief. Best thread on /tg/.
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I am not good at this and I'm aware it turned out barely readable, but here you go anon
The dog's expression just makes it funnier.
That's awesome, looks like she's on her way to inventing a Mad Max Mechanicus cult and you may have read my mind because I planned the skull staff to house a hidden flamethrower. Love all the little bits and extra gear she's carrying, thanks anon, great work.
Glad you like it, feel free to request whatever else from that setting
Requesting a Beholder being jabbed in the eye by the word "BEAUTY"
counter request - a retarded fighter stabbing a Beholder in the eye with the hot cleric because he heard that saying once and thinks she's purdy
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Hey wait a minute, I recognize that style.
Aren't you the guy who drew Ribbon and Cestree and all that stuff back in the day?
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There was an attempt
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That's got some silmarillion vibes
>"What will you purge after 10,000 years of xenocide?"
>"You, alien. I'd still purge you."
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Threw together some reference images for a shadow knight and his lady necromancer riding together on a stone horse.
oh fuck ribbon artist is here. i should throw them money some day and hold em at gunpoint to draw my oc
Absolutely based. Thanks a trillion, anon. Very unique
It's starting to get nice and cluttered.

Hey satan can I get a pic of just the mouse in the upper right?
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I fear what may happens next. But is anyone interested in drawing anything sumo related?
Wanna make a cute Pig orc girl?
Thanks boss

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