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>What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here:http://theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial:http://mengtzu.github.io/exalted/sakuya.html
It’ll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on /tg/. good luck

>Resources for Third Edition
>3E Core and Splats

>Errata for Third Edition

>Other Ex3 Resources

>Resources for Older Editions

>Current Quixalted Extended QE Version (Fanmade Supplement)

>Optional Quixalted Exalts

>4thchan Edition (4.2E)

>Exalted Demake/Black Vault (Now with updates):

>collection of Exalted Hacks

>stuff that might be interesting

Last thread: >>94681915

TQ: What's the most ridiculous encounter you've ever had in a game that could be described as a 'bandit gang', ideally in the North? PCs doing banditry count.
>What's the most ridiculous encounter you've ever had in a game that could be described as a 'bandit gang', ideally in the North?
I've actually played through the Invisible Fortress, so five hundred demons and ten times that many animal-demon-spawn jumping us on an open tundra. I also have a multi-tribe horde of 2.5k barbarian warriors following in the wake of their god-warstrider, a couple of Dragonblood raiders going ramming speed with their manse-ships, that one time our Dawn-Endings-Lunar circle jumped a lone DB turned out his pockets and held the nearby town's water supply for ransom would also make them count, and then finally we once ran into the Mask of Winters hanging out on the road North, chilling, and then he beat the shit out of us and kidnapped our Lunar (since the player wasn't playing anymore).
In Yu-Shan, a bunch of gangsters part of the local Heaven Dragon's tong with a bunch of God / Elemental gangsters nearly kicked the ass of the Night. Granted, Yu-Shan is sort of cheating. There's basically nowhere else in the setting where you'd have a bandit gang that strong.
>Void-Eaten Soul: The nephwracks have seen the void at
the end of all things and dreamt the dreams of dead gods.
They are insane, almost always having one or more De
rangements (p. 165), but their madness only makes them
more dangerous. Any social influence opposed by a De
rangement or the nephwrack’s absolute enmity to life is
unacceptable, as is any Psyche effect, sorcerous control,
or healing magic that would undo their madness.

...With that stuff in mind, are there any Charms a Solar could use to remove Void-Eaten Soul or at the very least overcome the Void-Eaten Soul? Not sure if there's any Charms where it ignores the Unacceptable tag.
Essence says that a second circle necromantic working is sufficient to cleanse a ghost of Neverborn taint.
Good to know the curse damnations of the dead creators of reality is only as effective as a dragon blooded necromancer
Can DBs reach second circle necromancy in essence?
they'd need a necromantic equivalent to Brigid's Mantle.
so, the mantle of soot, noted.
Is ther a complete alchemical manuscript?
I said as effective because if second circle can just remove it it’s probably only effective as a first circle effect
No? Most of the time you need equal circle sorcery to counter or defeat another spell, especially contesting directly. It's half the reason Solar Circle Sorcery is perceived as being important and given the narrative edge.
In before; second circle necromancy is extremely rare, before the Solar return, around 420s living people had potential for it by 3e.
Even less in the previous editions.
I’m just saying that means any exalt of serious power - solaroids, lunars, sidereals, most getimians, even the strawmaiden and hypothetically the puppeteer - and a lot of ghosts and some other spirits can get rid of it, which given the source of that taint is just sad
Neither Pakpao nor Janest have access to second circle sorcery/necromancy.
I also think Sidereals don't have second circle necromancy in Essence, correct me if I am wrong.
Nobody gives a shit about those non exalts and their fans deserved that fake manuscript that's ironclaw 1e in the last thread.

I'm very glad that no one posted it yet because Alchemicals should not be a thing and shouldn't be in Creation.
Get new bait.
This bait made me wonder how the scrapped meta plot would end up, probably not really different from the pseudo one, but still
The Locust Crusade is cool and I like that Transformers are going to invade Creation in a few years.
>in a few years.
It was a year 1 event, five years after the jade prison was broken.
It's about as easy as it is to get rid of fate.
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I lied, I drew Autochthon
I know that canonically there are ways to seal oaths outside the Eclipse Oath anima power, since the description of the Heptagram regularly talks about swearing students to silence on the Sidereal secret via sorcerous oaths, but do we have mechanics for any oath powers out there beyond the Eclipsoids?
There is a certain point at which I start modelling things through environmental damage rather than Legendary Size and that certainly hits it.
Ooh, someone's salty.
That turned out really cool.
Even if they are exalts (which they are not), Alchemicals should be in Autochtonia only and shouldnt have slumbering prototypes in Creation. They will steal the niche of Solars as heroes saving Creation.
Metroplex is totally a valid Jade Caste Colossus, isn't he?
Patropolis of Plex, Essence 8 Jade Caste.
Pick a different troll bait besides your junk pdf and your retard nogames restrictions on what exalts are
I can totally see a "Become a body part for something bigger." as a universal Alchemical Charm, with the only difference being that your Caste dicates which body part you become.
>Orichalcum and Adamant: Arms
>Moonsilver and Starmetal: Legs
>Soulsteel: Upper Torso and Head
>Jade: Lower Torso and Crotch.
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That's actually just a spell.
You’re right about sidereals and the puppeteer, though like sovereigns can cast second sorcery spells via a charm they are noted to potentially have access to singular second sorcery spells, the exigents backer pdf shows the puppeteer could access second necromancy in a similar fashion (the reason I say hypothetical is they don’t actually write a charm for it, but have a sidebar stating it could work, because 3e devs have a stick up their ass about having any hard necromancy spells or rules available till abyssals is out, so if you could hurry the fuck up with its art rich that’d be great, thanks). It also says the strawmaiden has the same sorcery/necromancy as lunars, as do the apocryphal hearteaters and umbrals. If that info is contradicted by the finalized version of the book, we’d all love to see it if anyone had it available, I’m sure
>You don't become a Colossus for the duration
That seems more like dbz fusion or maybe shinzo, but thanks for posting anyway
Alchemical normal limit on strength is (Essence +1 or 5, whichever higher, thanks to their passive-stat boost charm).

Lets say you're one otherwise average Alcehmical of essence 4, the minimum required to get access to this spell. You have average strength for an alchemical of this level, 3 and you're combining with your two buddies who also have strength 3.

Your strength is added together, as are your other physical stats. This means a wimpy-ass Alchemical and his two wimpy-ass friends suddenly turn into a guy with Strength 9.

Assuming the other stats track with averages here, that means Stamina 9, Natural Soak of 9B/4L, and Resistance of 6 (assuming all of you have 2 dots of resistance).

That's not quite warstrider-level power, but that is a massive increase in physical prowess and durability out of three wimpy nerds. It's not like height is a mechanical factor in 1e, only physical stats, so you could easily fluff this spell as you and your pals turning into a 5-yard high giant.

It's not like it says you /can't/ have an appearance change and size-increase, after all.
Not really, the only exalts who step on the Solar narrative are Lunars and Exigents.
The latter replaced them as the returned sun's chosen.
I like the series of ruins depicting the exalts pictures and its a shame it’s complete now, though I guess liminals may technically be old enough to have a depiction
If I were to like design the ones for Aurorals/Hearteaters, it would be the Incarnae crying ichor over the dead and mangled body of Aurora.
It'd be sad if we were talking about the peak of Nevernorn power when they are actually intentionally trying to do something rather than something that just kind of happens. Like, if it was as easy to remove the connection a Deathlord has to the Neverborn, then you'd have point.
They are Exalts as a matter of fact rather than opinion, because every edition of Exalted has stated that they're Exalts.
The settings power balance is broken, both in and out universe.
Stuff that was supposed to be seen as exceptional, like the Exalted themselves, is seen as banal or weak.
Not eldritch and industrial enough.
What does this word mean in this context?
That is both untrue and essentially unrelated to what I said.
>and a lot of ghosts
you overestimate how common that is
>spells versus workings
It is, celestial level is underrated, to the point that anon thought it is weird for a second circle necromancer to be capable of removing the taint.
Do Specters get anything like this? The only two Specter NPCs so far in 3e either don't have intimacies (Mortwright) or it's that one lady who swore vengeance against the living and just has a defining intimacy with no defense like Void-Eaten Soul.
The st was supposed to fill the blanks.
I always thought Autochthon would look more sad.
Comical even.
Second circle is and always was banal
I have zero experience with Exalted but I recently had someone describe the "social combat" system and it sounded interesting so here I am to find out more.
Nah that things still deep into the punch it in the face category.
What will happen first? Exalted 3e being completed, or Brave New World being public domain?
there's a hearthstone that emulate that power but the oath swearer get the stone as a reminder so you cant "mass produce" oaths like with the eclipse.
ive always seen alchemical patro/metro poli as prosthetic souls for autochton. to make sure he doesnt die in his sleep. like, if his prime ministers get merked, the high essence alchis are there to temporarily take the slack while he regrows them.
in my experience, if you know how to do an actual conversation, social combat just feel weird and unnatural.
the low powered super hero game?
i love that game! power packages are such a fun way to build a hero.
I meant the novel, it will enter public domain by 2028
2.5e, 3e, and Essence have different social systems that all have fairly in-depth implications in play but aren't particularly hard to master. All of them are good but with some significant flaws.

2e: You have Willpower, which is a resource that you have a pool of up to 10 and recover slowly. You have mental defense values which people usually need to roll over to effect you with mental influence. Mental influence is broken up into natural mental influence (i.e. social) and unnatural mental influence (i.e. mind control), which impact how much willpower you can be made to spend. On a social roll, people's beliefs as represented by their Intimacies increase their mental defense values, and rolling very high means they need to spend more willpower to resist. It's main flaw is that most of the things it's doing don't scale well, so the system can feel more flat than 3e/Essence.

3e: Willpower, same deal. People have Intimacies which can be minor, major, or defining. A minor intimacy is a belief or relationship that you don't really care about unless it's right there in front of you, a major intimacy is one you often reference, and a defining intimacy is one that matters to pretty much everything you do. You can invoke intimacies to resist mental influence, spending 1wp to resist essentially any social attack. It's main flaw is that 1wp resists anything and can lead to very grinding social combat where you try to slowly wear down someone's willpower.

Essence: No Willpower and it's all based on Intimacies (the 3e version) and a second set called Virtues, which are less open-ended and more generally evocative. After a social attack beats a mental defense value which can be raised/lowered by Intimacies and Virtues it can be resisted by ignoring it or going into a hard bargain, where you choose between accepting the original influence or taking an alternate offer. It's main flaw is that the resistance options are written vaguely and make defense too easy.
Our iceship was boarded by sky pirates dropping out of a frozen cloud. They were polite and sought to use shock and awe to relieve us of our possessions (even citing "is the company actually worth dying for when all this is part of their profit margin") that we spared them and pressed them into indentured servitude as part of our quest to find their hideout.

I like it. His encounter suits are more ape-y though? Then again this might be a custom one.
Unity of the Closed Fist as a God-Machine Protocol allows for up to 6 participants, presumably for the five MMs + adamant.
>“KNOW, oh prince, that between the years when the oceans drank Atlantis and the gleaming cities, and the years of the rise of the Sons of Aryas, there was an Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across the world like blue mantles beneath the stars—Nemedia, Ophir, Brythunia, Hyperborea, Zamora with its dark-haired women and towers of spider-haunted mystery, Zingara with its chivalry, Koth that bordered on the pastoral lands of Shem, Stygia with its shadow-guarded tombs, Hyrkania whose riders wore steel and silk and gold. But the proudest kingdom of the world was Aquilonia, reigning supreme in the dreaming west. Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen- eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandalled feet.”— The Nemedian Chronicles
Melee Dawn combat optimizer spends his afternoons mugging people with a rusty knife in the back alleys of Nexus. He's short and ugly and dresses like a low-brow gangster, because he is one. When asked to put on some armor and pick up a real weapon he picked up an axe and an overcoat. He has beef with the roofrats because Crow the Boy declared the roofs of Nexus would secede and become the independent nation-state of Rooftopia and he felt this trespassed on his gang's territory, so sometimes he hangs about on rooves while he's watching the streets for people to mug just to make a statement. He's not even the leader of the gang.

I needed to play harder into the hype and comedy for that campaign than I did, sadly.
Why are some people in the 3e server insisting that Cytherea's purview must remain "muh mysterious"? I know 2e supposedly handled it badly but the le mystery box writing can be annoying.
Why don't you stay there?
SLS claims that anything else is bad wrong fun, and if a writer tries to expand on the games of divinity description, what they wrote must be politely throw out asap.

I miss when the Exalted community was actually pro-fun.
...not that I don't approve, but that's just Optimus Prime but with a cog halo. It looks like Autochthon after the Solars finally cured his voidcancer for good.
That's just Nobilis
There´s more than the one with the dawn caste symbol?
Trying to find a single decent reason to not write off War along with other shit skills like Linguistics and Sail. Like there is absolutely no reason to ever use this shit.
Battle leadership is a very important skill, check out "end of line 2e" for personal uses.
If you're in 3e then the reason is 'because it's powerful in the right circumstances'. Not even in the combat optimizing sequential artillery group crap, but just simply because you don't need to be anywhere near the battlegroup (or even necessarily the battlefield) you give an Order to, so with War you can use battlegroups as effective proxy fighters that don't put you at risk.

Also, you can use Order to enhance actions other than attacking. Your successes on the roll add bonus dice to any of their actions. This makes a good warmaster an extremely powerful jack-of-all-trades generalist. You can order your men to bang their weapons against their shields as intimidation, you can order them to jump chasms, you can order them to build houses, and you can order your soldiers to find that damn thief. The flaw to this - that you need to have a squad available to order around, that their base dicepool is often low, small groups being very squishy, etc etc - should be obvious, but it's still a strong interaction.
>If you're in 3e then the reason is 'because it's powerful in the right circumstances'.
Except those circumstances don't exist. Why would I ever face an army as one big fucking chunk out in the open instead of just slitting their throats in their sleep or destroying all their food? You don't even need to use charms to hear them stomping towards you, genuinely when would this ever right circumstance take place unless both sides wanted it to?
>Except those circumstances don't exist. Why would I ever face an army as one big fucking chunk out in the open instead of just slitting their throats in their sleep or destroying all their food
Why would a master of War ever march their army in a big chunk at you in an open field? That's a fucking awful way to play War, it's just asking for them to die all at once turn one when an enemy circle slams into them. In an open field you gotta break them up into ranged, artillery, and militia groups, if nothing else. Ideally you'd also have terrain to look at and work with. War isn't just a thing that happens out in an open field. Urban combat is significantly more common and often happens with groups size 1 or 2 that're acting with some subtlety. If a size 1 group of five thugs jump you in an alleyway, they too can benefit from Order. Dragonblood specifically have good tools for proxy fighting with people like this since they have sense-riding method and wind-carried words technique, which means they don't need to be anywhere near the action to orchestrate it, but anyone can manage it if they resort to sorcery.

And then you didn't interact at all with the second paragraph of my post which points out that reducing everything to a combat situation is missing the point and half the power behind War. Even your 'they're too loud' shit doesn't make sense when good orders enhance their stealth.
>Why would a master of War ever march their army in a big chunk at you in an open field?
What, is he going to float them over to me?

If this is really the best you could come up with then I really should write it off.
Anon you've done that thing where you read one sentence and ignored the rest of the post twice now. The answers you seek are not in the first sentence.
I'm not going to type up an essay about every sentence. Your post has been read and understood in full, there just wasn't anything convincing about it.
I always wanted to make Crow the Boy my woman, sadly we never did get a chance to go to Nexus
But your question was answered two sentence after the one you quoted. The answer was that you'd split them up. This makes me think that you didn't read the post, or if you did that you didn't understand it. You can understand why that might be the case, right, and why you asserting that you had in fact done so makes me think you're not engaging honestly?
Don't worry, your ted talk gave me the answer I was looking for.
Shouldn't you instead ask why 1e left her domain a mystery? That seems like the more pertinent question.
>Why would I ever face an army as one big fucking chunk out in the open instead of just slitting their throats in their sleep or destroying all their food?
would your st not prompt you for several stealth vs awareness rolls to see if that was at all possible
That's how it was in 1e and 2e bad. Please ignore the fact that nobody knows anything about her despite the fact almost all the Yozis got some form of soul mutilation before being imprisoned and not knowing what she is capable of being a potential risk.
>Please ignore the fact that nobody knows anything about her despite the fact almost all the Yozis got some form of soul mutilation before being imprisoned and not knowing what she is capable of being a potential risk
I do think a Yozi that nobody knows much of anything about could be a thing, personally, but I would say that it would have to be due to something within their ability set. I would not be against it if the Ebon Dragon, as an example, was cast as someone that almost nobody even in the Exalted Host knows about except as a dark secret in the restricted section of dark libraries, because his themes are secrets and seduction and I could see the Exalted of the First Age (or a particular subset of them like the Fivefold Fellowship or one of the Solar political groups) actively suppressing information on him to avoid having people contact him and be turned into Akuma or agents in Creation. As another example, I could see Sacheverell having learned Quicksilver Hand of Dreams (even just the first few charms that count as CMA) in his dreams and, having used them, fading from memory. I could also see a Yozi whose own themes and powers effectively memory holed them similarly to Arcane Fate or what's going on with Forbidden Gods.

It's all up to implementation, in the end.
>but I would say that it would have to be due to something within their ability set
That was one of the things 2e did.
this game line is more autistic then most isn't it.
Yes. Less so than GURPS or D&D3.5e but more so than Godbound or D&D5e, examples picked for being 'thing you could play Exalted in' and 'D&D'.
I don't even feel like 2e handled it badly. Divine Ignition and stuff was great.

They just misunderstand that the single line from GoD where it said "about whom nothing more is known" is meant to be some sort of sacrosanct statement. Fucking Jenna Moran, the person who wrote that, continued to write more about her in 1e. It's just a weird and selective attempt to build legitimacy or something.
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If I wanted to rewrite Infernals in QE to be more like 2e, in that they just exclusively used Affinities rather than buying Affinities and Attribute Ways separately, how would I go about balancing it in terms of XP costs?
She gained a little more information here and there, the whole "you can't write about her" is a whole 3e thing.
Primordials usually don't fully look neither human nor anything we have cognition for. They look 'wrong', because they predate everything. Isidoros is not a black boar, he instead has too many eyes and tusks. Qaf is a mountain, but has no summit nor beginning. Malfeas is a city, but it is also alive and his architecture makes no sense. You can have a grand forum just after crossing a small alley and then move into an even bigger palace and then slums. And so on.

I mean, they can take the form that it's really close, but that's so boring and doesn't line up with the more cool text.

Given how Autochthon is described, I expected it to be more of a loosely connected slug of industrial and artifacts things wielded together. Kinda like Bayformers Unicron:

>Before this great artifact could be completed, the shadow of the great metal sphere that is Autochthon’s chosen form enveloped them and cast their great nation into darkness. Then and only then did they lift their eyes toward the heavens and tremble in fear of the darkness that spread out around them as the body of their god descended down upon them.
>Looking up in terror, too proud to even ask for forgiveness, they watched as silent sentinels as Autochthon’s eye glared down upon them with umbrage and indignation. They made not a whisper, nor did they raise their arms before them in a futile gesture of surrender or protection as the eye opened up into a great maw, from which a beam of pure Essence cascaded down upon them and rendered their cities into dust. By the power of the Great Maker, these beings so filled with arrogance were unmade to the very last, and their souls were drawn screaming into the belly of their god.

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>Primordials usually don't fully look neither human nor anything we have cognition for.
They can take human forms, see Gaia 1e human jotun.

>You can have a grand forum just after crossing a small alley and then move into an even bigger palace and then slums. And so on.
This is just Latin America.
As >>94743783 says and GoD further expands, every Yozi has a humanoid form - that's actually what you're seeing on the GoD cover. You've just invented some headcanon to gatekeep that though, which is fine if you want to do that at your table.
>Malfeas is a city, but it is also alive and his architecture makes no sense.
The same books you are referencing also prominently explain and display The Brass Dancer aspect of Malfeas.
>It's main flaw is that 1wp resists anything and can lead to very grinding social combat where you try to slowly wear down someone's willpower.
There's charms that boost Willpower drain. Also, won't the Storyteller most of the time not really want to go that far because then that mf is basically mindbroken and putty to any other socialite waltzing in and turning his new loyalties right the fuck around + has NO access to any abilities that use Willpower.
> Also, won't the Storyteller most of the time not really want to go that far because then
Let's be real here, most of these scenarios are not trivial affairs and most people would want to spend a lot of willpower before acquiescing and they are unlikely to be ambushed by someone abusing them afterwards.
Because presumably as the guy spec'd into War you will actually want to command armies and will find both reasons and circumstances where that is relevant. And the ST will play along because he wants to see that happen. And not like the ST doesn't have a billion tools to drop an army on your ass while you're busy with other stuff.

You argument is basically whiteroom nogames bullshit.
Nta, but who's who on the cover?
also nta but I swear to fucking god the bottom left goth chick is She Who Lives In Her Name and the main reason I say that is because in 2e she's depicted with similar hair and even colour. The back sky is green like Malfeas.
Now the question is, who is the swole jawa
Isidoros, probably. He was mentioned in the book with a one-line description as the Black Boar That Twists the Skies, whose passage pushed aside the cycles of the moon and stars and transformed destinies, so him being full of and associated with stars at that point makes sense.
Then who is Adjoran? Surely she's not the cutie at the bottom with bluish hair.
Who's the purple guy on the left then?
The woman with purple hair, or the one with a red dress.
Blue hair cutie could be Kimbery
Funny how TeD is in the center of the pic, while Malfeas is to the corner.
Is it definitely meant to be Malfeas rather than Yu-Shan?
TeD is the only dragon made of shadows, and the dude on the corner is the brass dancer.
It's shit like that that makes me convinced TeD was always supposed to be the main Yozi

Brass Dancer has some lips on him
It is because of the metaplot, Malfeas/TeD have a Magatron/Starscream relationship going on.
While Malfeas is the face, TeD is the one pulling the strings behind his back.
>it's useful because well what if the army just teleports on top of you?
Okay dude.
>>it's useful because well what if the army just teleports on top of you?
>Okay dude.
T. never read kingdom.
If an army's occupying some land you'd like to take for yourself or marching on a city you care about, you're free to go on a stealth adventure to assassinate the whole bunch, but odds are that you'd have an easier time of it just using an army of your own.
Not only what the other posters are saying, but there's legitimately many Charms or Spells in the game where an army can just suddenly appear.

Also implying your character never gets ambushed.
Not by a stampede of normies, no.
>lead by an Exalt or Spirit
then your character gets rendered available for public use because War spec'd Exalts also know how to out-strategy your single ass.
>gay fantasies out of nowhere
This conversation continues to be very telling. I wonder what arguments the pro-Linguistics crowd uses.
NTA but War has a pretty good place in the setting. Linguistics meanwhile is just navel gazing for all the fags who love yapping about etymology and how le epic language families are

Don't even get me started about Attributes, which only exist because Lunar retards need a toy.
Nah, they exist because they've always existed, starting with WoD. Lunars would work fine with Essence-based Charms, or Charms without ties to any trait, or even with Ability-based Charms.
i find it funny how when this is suggested sometimes, people screech and say how bad it'd be for lunars since it makes it harder to convert charms from previous editions

meanwhile they're completely redefining how infernals get charms in 3e so.
>i find it funny how when this is suggested sometimes, people screech and say how bad it'd be for lunars since it makes it harder to convert charms from previous editions
I've never heard anyone say that, at least not on /tg/

>meanwhile they're completely redefining how infernals get charms in 3e so.
This is absolutely something that needs more screeching about, as that removes half the fun of Infernals
>Linguistics meanwhile is just navel gazing for all the fags who love yapping about etymology and how le epic language families are
From what I saw, linguistic is used more for "set up social attack traps" and hidden messages.

1e Lunars kind of didn't have attribute charms.
But attributes kind of also exist to give the mechanics a bit more of a "crunch", it is similar to a passive skill in a video game.
>Linguistics meanwhile is just navel gazing for all the fags who love yapping about etymology and how le epic language families are
My ST used linguistics charms to set up an ancient Solar's diary as a brainwashing trap that makes anyone who reads it obsessed with pursuing his legacy.
And the Influence costs 9 Willpower to reject.
Eh, Linguistics has two real niches imo, when you're playing "Explorer in a distant forgotten land where running into people who don't share your tongue is quite likely" and "You gonna write some letters son"
The former fits in with the genre, but is often removed for convenience, the latter is a "No one takes forgery, so put ranks in it cause forgery is opposed by forgery" case, it's really only useful if you plan to use it, and it won't be too useful unless it comes up, but if it does it can be nasty cause it's potentially game or plot breaking

>Don't even get me started about Attributes, which only exist because Lunar retards need a toy.
I legitimately can't think of a game who's rules you can't fit on one page that doesn't use the Attribute + Skill divide, where the Attribute is core stats and the Skills/Abilities/whatever are more niche things and you combine both in some way to roll
Linguistic 0 grugchads just keep winning.
More exalts should just have what sidereals have which is absolutely nothing involving linguistics and just a powerful thematic set of charms.
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Do you use stuff from romance of the 3 kingdoms in your games?

Mask of Winters cultivates the dao of illiteracy for a reason.
>More exalts should just have what sidereals have which is absolutely nothing involving linguistics and just a powerful thematic set of charms.
Depends on the edition, but Blue Vervain Binding seems to always be Linguistics related
>I legitimately can't think of a game who's rules you can't fit on one page that doesn't use the Attribute + Skill divide,
The earlier Quixalted iterations did exactly that and was well liked at the time.
I literally have zero desire to ever do campaigns where not knowing the language of the other guy is important. I may sometimes do things like accent penalties or culture penalties, but the literal only time I'll do stuff like this is when it's stuff like ciphers.
Fair, I'll admit something about Quixalted caused it to never really grab my attention, but my main point still stands. The Attribute + Skill divide is still an extremely common division for a reason, with the Attributes making a good base value for wide aspects of a character's capabilities and the Skill/Ability/whatever being more narrow, but easier to raise, specializations. The "Just skills" style of game tends to be found only in very narrative focused ones where you'll have no more than a handful of stats and only occasionally roll
No one does.
Not even the official writers.
It's come up a few times in my group's games, usually either as an excuse to introduce a new NPC who does know the language and can act as an interpreter (in which case most of the interaction is filtered through them, I'm pretty sure our ST does it to cut down on NPCs) or when the party decides to interact with something the ST didn't expect us to and he has to scramble when one of us confirms that yes, our character knows that language
I have time to waste and I'm giving this game a chance but I have no clue about anything. How important is the errata? is it all technicalities or big important expansions?
Depends on the edition, 3e has no errata and is scuffed, 1e and 2e play better with it, being effectively 1.5e and 2.5e with the errata but is still scuffed, though more in the "If you know what you're doing you can break the game over your knee, if you don't know what you're doing you'll be instagibbed on a bad roll" style as opposed to 3e's "Did the devs even playtest this?" level of scuffed
I see new STs bring it up sometimes only to shortly realize how fucking awful of an idea it was and minimize it as much as possible.
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What is your favorite stealth/invisibility charm?
>New ST
Hah, no, we've been playing together for 3 years and about 5 campaigns now, same ST for all of them baring a handful of two to three session oneshots when someone else wanted to try their hand at it. Last time he introduced one of the translator NPCs was about 2 months ago give or take when we ran into an island hidden by an illusion created by an uppity volcano god where we picked up the daughter of the local shaman because because she and said shaman were the first friendly NPCs who spoke Old Realm we ran into
Similar situations have come up a couple of times in this current campaign because we're traveling around a lot, now that you've actually got me thinking about it, you've made me realize half the time has resulted in us adopting said translator (usually as a follower or something) because of how much we liked them. I'm now starting to think you've just had bad STs
Language barrier shit is always antifun dog shit no matter how many stories you make up about it.
Yeah, nah, it's a narrative tool, I think your ST is just bad at using it
Yeah, nah, it's shit.
I have to agree with the other guy, it's just shit overall.

I have done scenes where it's been meaningful and players liked it but you know? I could have done a billion other things with the time wasted over that and probably enjoyed myself way more. Language barrier is just sort of boring versus things like cultural introductions, friend of a friends, streetwise locals or information brokers or any other possible character concepts that fulfill the same theme. Those ideas are significantly more interesting than language fags
>but what if he was all of that and also language fagging was a thing
Cool? It's detracting from possible scenes because muh language barrier. genuinely not an interesting subject unless every single person at your table is autistic about the linguistic implications of Creation. These people exist and they are cordially not invited to my table.
How long did you spend on language barrier scenes? Most of the times it's happened in the games it's been pretty brief before a solution or problem unrelated to the language barrier shows it's face, usually just long enough to establish if they're hostile, if they'll be hostile if we approach, and if there's some sort of immediate problem nearby (such as the giant slime monster the tribals were just running from).
The only time my group has been in a situation with any sort of prolonged language barrier was the time were we ended up in a drinking contest with a bunch of people who spoke fire-tongue, and at that point it became less about communication and more about nonverbal wagers
nta but if you're relying on a translator for everything that limits a lot of your charm tech unless your ST is using homebrew. idk, not really convinced language barriers are good by your anecdotes so far
That’s a fair reason for not liking it, not an issue that I can recall really coming up with my group, but as I mentioned, most of the encounters weren’t terribly long. I would point out that unless the charm specifically requires you to be understood you can still make it work with a stunt IIRC, but if your character heavily relies on it I could see it being a drag
Achieving nothing and then declaring your objective complete isn't really victory
>nta but if you're relying on a translator for everything that limits a lot of your charm tech unless your ST is using homebre
It can do, yes. Personally I use language issues regularly, but for reasons. My group travels a lot and often they interfere in local small town affairs. Extras who don't matter don't speak their language, both to avoid getting them attached to wherever they're messing with, and to put a step in there before the easy solution that is just social'ing the problem away can be implemented.

I also use it to dehumanize barbarians, mutants, lone hermits, and similar such riffraff. Slaughtering the uncivilized is so much easier when they can't tell you about their theoretically rich cultural background.

>I wonder what arguments the pro-Linguistics crowd uses
They tend to have good dice tricks and you can use mass-target rules to make them into pretty effective cognitohazardous wards. The Dragonblood charms in Linguistics are very good. Beyond that Linguistics is kind of just Lore but meh.
Works for propaganda
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Did the devs ever explain their dislike for rubberman charms?
Stop shilling.
I am not shilling, just collecting coombait, but Reed kit made me think about Lunars.
Daily reminders that Nocturnals are far better than Getimians.
>Did the devs ever explain their dislike for rubberman charms?
It's not particularly hard to understand that disjointed hitboxes make things weird even in ttrpgs, right? Being able to act and grapple at a range beyond your enemies ability to do the same makes strange interactions, even where they should be reasonable. It's the same reason that logically Warstriders and similar Legendary Size beings should have bigger rangebands (or in 1e/2e, melee attack range) than puny mortals but mechanically this is not recognized. It complicates things and spreads edge cases around unnecessarily.
To this day I don't understand how they are supposed to be sympathetic.
The splat is like a less self-aware version of oblivion loyalists Abyssals, with far more gaslighting + self-entitlement.

Makes sense, but the change doesn't seem to have been caused by gameplay reasons.
>It's not particularly hard to understand that disjointed hitboxes make things weird even in ttrpgs, right? Being able to act and grapple at a range beyond your enemies ability to do the same makes strange interactions, even where they should be reasonable.
Nta, but honestly, this seems like an easy thing to fix. In fact I'm pretty sure I've seen other systems handle it fine. Just add a penalty to hit the attacker when the appendage is range but the main body isn't, maybe note after X damage is dealt it's treated as crippled until healed
>To this day I don't understand how they are supposed to be sympathetic.
>The splat is like a less self-aware version of oblivion loyalists Abyssals, with far more gaslighting + self-entitlement.
I maintain that they should have gone with a Shards of the Exalted Dream type angle with massively divergent timelines, or at least actually said that yes the other timelines are real and Getimians are primarily acting the way they are because the Loom of Fate can get them back, or turn proper Creation into the false timeline and retcon in their own actual real original timeline, or at least because it enforces the no retcon rule and they need that broken to get home. The most important thing is that the other realities need to be real. They were real in 2e and reflexively hating on 2e to the point it cripples an entirely new splat is just a bad idea.
I don’t know about entitlement exactly, just the crusader’s manifesto. like, if you were cognizant of a life lived with accomplishments of high importance and were then thrust into an existence where not only none of that happened but no one knows who you are, and you lived longer than any mortal with a brand spanking new suite of wish-fulfilling powers, what would you do?
Maybe, but the other side of it is that if you acknowledge the problem as something resolvable you either are going to have to try to find something that scales up to range differences beyond even that or you'll be implementing a bad solution that doesn't really work in Exalted. Attacking the appendage doesn't really make sense when they're a warstrider with a to-scale direlance that is hitting at what would be medium range to you, with no appendages within close or even short range. Or if the thing you're fighting is >>94735772, whose fingers are wider than houses.
Nta, but honestly, for me my first priority would be to figure out what the sudden change happened, as if it happened once it can happen again, so undoing it might not actually help anything. After that, it'd depend on what answer I got, and given the answer Getimians would get seems to be "the life you live never existed" I'd probably prioritize making a new life for myself rather than remaking existiance

Well, I'd actually say "Beings with extreme reach" and "Massive beings" are two different, but similar problems. The former, as I mentioned, can be solved by just having some basic stuff about attacking the appendage in the rules for the appendage, the latter I actually think most of the mechanics you'd need already exist, at least in 1e and 2e. Counter attack charms/effects, which at the very least would allow you to attack the weapon the warstrider/larger opponent used if not said opponent themselves, closing the distance to fight melee or keeping out of their melee range to fight ranged (though yeah, you'd need rules for ranges for melee attacks for this) like you would any other foe with greater reach than you, and charms or other effects to bypass immense soak/hardness which is what something that massive would have.
Like I get you pointing out they're problems, but they're problems that have already been solved in other systems, and the solutions would be trivial to implement as long as you implemented them from the start or were willing to go back and errata them in as options against preexisting cases if you added them mid-edition. These cases being problems are wholly problems of the dev's own creation, not anything innate to the idea of them
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>given the answer Getimians would get seems to be "the life you live never existed"
Pretty sure the whole reason for their war on heaven is that they're gaslighted into thinking that's not what happened. They search for why it happened and are told that yes, their life existed, but was destroyed by heaven and replaced with this new thing (a creative interpretation but not inaccurate), and that yes, it happened once and could happen again if they just tried to settle down and make a new life for themself.
>and that yes, it happened once and could happen again if they just tried to settle down and make a new life for themself.
That part still ends up back at the original point though, because unless overthrowing heaven is quick and easy, you're going to have to make a new life, if only one about overthrowing heaven. And if they don't erase said new life when I start growing in power, that either means they won't in which case why is this difficult again, they can't and something's screwy, or I don't have all the pieces
It's easy to balance ranged grapples by disallowing certain options.
This is really surreal to read because you guys have completely misunderstood the issue. Ranged melee attacks are things that Lunars have in 3e, the contention was whether they looked like Luffy/Mr Fantastic or HAD to be more abstract.
I don't see how we were supposed to get that from your question
I don't know why you'd respond to "Did the devs ever explain their dislike for rubberman charms" if you didn't know the context.
>unless overthrowing heaven is quick and easy, you're going to have to make a new life, if only one about overthrowing heaven
Building a large following in Creation is something that Getimians aren't known for right now for exactly this reason, though. They are well aware that they do not have friends in Heaven and the livelidhoods they create could be annihilated overnight. They have to actively fight against Heaven or everything they love in whatever new life they make might be erased.

>if they don't erase said new life when I start growing in power, that either means they won't in which case why is this difficult again, they can't and something's screwy, or I don't have all the pieces
Sidereals and Heaven absolutely can erase a Getimian's slice of life small village or new heroic tale. They're enemies of fate so it's justified and they have the power. If taking down Swar is a morning's work, then crushing something meaningful a Getimian tries to make to deny them a powerbase is lunch. Just because they haven't yet doesn't mean they won't or can't.
Neither of those really resolve my issues
>They are well aware that they do not have friends in Heaven and the livelidhoods they create could be annihilated overnight. They have to actively fight against Heaven or everything they love in whatever new life they make might be erased.
And I'd still need to create plans and contingencies to amass personal, if not political, power i.e. a life in Creation's current state, that doesn't necessarily mean creating a large noticeable following, that means accounting for and living in Creation in it's current state, not the one I came from

>Sidereals and Heaven absolutely can erase a Getimian's slice of life small village or new heroic tale. They're enemies of fate so it's justified and they have the power. If taking down Swar is a morning's work, then crushing something meaningful a Getimian tries to make to deny them a powerbase is lunch. Just because they haven't yet doesn't mean they won't or can't.
There's a difference between crushing and retconning it, and the question of "If they could just retcon everything about my life when I was a mortal, why aren't they doing it now to erase every cave I'd hide in and weapon I'd use?" is a question I'd want an answer to because holy fuck just retconning things sounds like they're willing and able to use a nuke to swat a fly so why are they not coming at me with that? Suddenly deescalating when I'm actually a threat makes no sense
Adding to >>94750521, I get what you're saying, but what I'm saying is that the main crack starts to show because based on what the Getimians are told, once they start confronting it and see Heaven's capabilities, it runs into the situation where Heaven isn't being threatening enough to match the hype and that should lead to questions, even if it's only of the "So they can only do that retcon thing once a decade? Century? What?" sort
>There's a difference between crushing and retconning it, and the question of "If they could just retcon everything about my life when I was a mortal, why aren't they doing it now to erase every cave I'd hide in and weapon I'd use?" is a question I'd want an answer to because holy fuck just retconning things sounds like they're willing and able to use a nuke to swat a fly so why are they not coming at me with that?
They're questions that could be answered.

>"If they could just retcon everything about my life when I was a mortal, why aren't they doing it now to erase every cave I'd hide in and weapon I'd use?"
Heaven's ability to gather information and aim their overwhelming power is less discerning and precise than it is far-reaching. Here I am referring to a couple of Sidereal tricks but in particular Efficient Secretary Technique being able to dig up anything you aren't actively keeping secret including your whereabouts, effectively dobbing in any Getimian who doesn't keep themselves secret. Their ability to make with the sweeping changes is large-scale by default and not cheap or easy, but it is something you can get swept under without them even really thinking about it. I want to be specific that I'm referring to astrology and Sidereal prophecy there, which can rewrite the general understanding and acknowledged history of wide swathes of the world to make it's goals happen. Actual retcon (via Pattern Spider Touch and several Sidereal charms) can happen but is targeted and rare. Getimians are also Anathema and targets of the Wyld Hunt when they are discovered.

>just retconning things sounds like they're willing and able to use a nuke to swat a fly so why are they not coming at me with that?
Neighborhood Relocation Scheme retcons entire regions but this does not make it an effective weapon. The powers of the Exalted and especially Sidereal Exalted aren't flexible in that way.
Better answers, but still worth getting a side eye from any Getimian who wants to make sure they're aware of the Sids' full capabilities because it starts to sound like you'd need multiple effects to explain the whole "Retconned your life away and reordered large swaths of the local area" thing, and given the direct retcon effects need to directly target someone, why did I, as a mortal, fall through the cracks after presumably being targeted?
And circling around back to the original question, what would I do if my life got retconned away, I'm not saying people wouldn't fall for the gaslighting, I'm saying I would go maximum paranoia about things and try to get as much info on what the fuck happened as possible and I can already see a few cracks in the explanations given so far, assuming no knowledge of the setting they could be papered over, but then that gets into the second part of the original question, I now know who caused it and how. In which case my answer probably wouldn't chance, I'd just add "Run and hide" to the "Make a new life for myself" aspect as waring against an entrenched foe who can just do all that when I'm lacking any sort of powerbase sounds stupid as hell to me, and I'd rather prioritize survival over a futile goal
>it starts to sound like you'd need multiple effects to explain the whole "Retconned your life away and reordered large swaths of the local area" thing
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised by a 3e Sidereal charm, 2e Astrological Charm, or Sidereal Martial Art regardless of edition that reordered large swathes of an area to more correctly follow Destiny's design or otherwise make wild changes.

>given the direct retcon effects need to directly target someone, why did I, as a mortal, fall through the cracks after presumably being targeted?
I think Rakan Thulio could point at Neighborhood Relocation Scheme as the kind of effect that would retcon a Getimian's original life out of existence and cause them to slip through the cracks. If some Sidereal drags a demesne through a town that a travelling hero is walking through and they get sucked under it, their Destiny could be scrapped as unworkable or sucked under and the once-hero could fall through the world. I would have called it reasonably aligned with canon if a Storyteller brought this design up as an antagonist in 2e, prior to Getimians being announced, and it's very difficult for a Getimian to disprove with a lot of evidence that it could happen, given how much does actually slip through the cracks or get mishandled when they do that. Thulio could also point at Sidereal prophecy and say that sometimes someone's name gets misplaced and the effects of their entire life story get fate'd away, with everybody forgetting about them and all their works collapsing until the un-person returns as a Getimian. Basically, he just has to say that sometimes Heaven makes mistakes and doesn't catch them, and this crushes people like the Getimian, who Heaven doesn't care about because they're the 'powerless little mortals'. This has the advantage of being true.

>I would try to get as much info on what the fuck happened as possible
>I'd just add "Run and hide" to the "Make a new life for myself" aspect
That's fair, honestly.
They are the stalkers from perfect blue, and other psychological terror movies too, portrayed as heroic figures fighting against oppression by retaking what was theirs.

But they never did anything, they are just self entitled to have what belongs to another, stuff that was never theirs and could possible be.

The example of "your wife forgot about you" is terrifying from the perspective of the wife.
Since there's a stalker who wants you as theirs; but not you as you are, they want a version that only exists in their head, if they caught you, or they will give you a ego death, or they will kill you and replace with a version more of their liking.
>But they never did anything, they are just self entitled to have what belongs to another, stuff that was never theirs and could possible be.
From their perspective it was theirs. How this part where their perspective and the perspective of the people around them are fundamentally at odds is implemented is going to matter most for them when they're finally released, I think.
>From their perspective it was theirs
That is the self entitlement in question.

>How this part where their perspective and the perspective of the people around them are fundamentally at odds is implemented is going to matter most for them when they're finally released, I think.
Yes, but from what was released, the perspective of the others is right.

Getimians are self-entitled assholes, groomed to be terrorists by an incel.
does any 3e andys actually like rakan thulio, or do people just appreciate he's been made less bad from the core? imo he ticks all the boxes of what NOT to do for an npc
>oldest living Exalt, was there around the end of the Divine Revolution
>only Sidereal known to move past his expiry date by parrying Saturn
>Essence 9 or 10
I think they are waiting for the Getimians book, but for now it seems to be "fake it until you make it" positivism, similar to pre-release Crucible of Legends.
>does any 3e andys actually like rakan thulio, or do people just appreciate he's been made less bad from the core?
I'm the one who's been justifying the Getimian position and talking about how Rakan Thulio's message is viable, mostly because it worked well enough for me and my players in Essence that I'd be willing to consider a pure Getimian game if only there was the content to support it.

I can't say that I like Rakan Thulio, though. I feel that Getimians would have been great as naturally-arising results of the world coming apart at the seams as the Loom of Fate strains and is worn away at the edges, still as enemies by default of the Sidereals but in that position because of their nature as incarnations of twisted fate naturally making the world off-kilter as a consequence of existing rather than because some the writers decided that their precious self insert's powers should be the only ones that work and their plans should be the best no matter how competent the other factions are supposed to be and the world won't unify against them because they're just so tiny and cute and unproblematic. Getimians don't need an overarching organisation. They don't need an elder backer to unite around. If you want to enable group play just allow multiple to spawn at once, it's fine.
>only Sidereal known to move past his expiry date by parrying Saturn
This in particular I hate because it retcons Chejop Kejak refusing immortality and also means that several Sidereal powers don't work. Duck Fate, as an example, would work on lifespan if it's mechanics work as they say they do, and Pattern Spider Touch could turn you into a younger version of yourself. I refuse this 'nobody's worked out life extension' bullcrap even if it's implied that it's because they're fated to die, because Sidereals have been ducking bullshit fated crap like that from day one their entire existence. Yes, Sidereals were dying of old age in 1e/2e, but it's strongly implied to be willing in 1e and the Great Curse in 2e. I consider this equally as bad as them collectively forgetting any of their abilities in the Jade Lotus Massacre, a clear way of writing Sidereal relevance and elder Sidereals specifically out of the picture without properly interacting with them as characters with foresight able to take any kind of action or initiative.
It is a poorly thought out reference to gods of pergana, in it humanity is immortal unless killed by the God of death.
But you will keep aging if he doesn't kill you, though, to the point you will become dust.
Do you have some particular reason to assume that the whole thing's supposed to be a reference to Gods of Pegana?
Saturn and 3 other Maidens were lifted from gods of pergana.

>God of the Dead: Mung, the god of death, waits for all mortals at the end of their lives, where he makes "the sign of Mung" and sends them off to whatever afterlife there may be. He is an active sender of death, rather than a passive psychopomp or overseer of the dead, and can cause mortals to endure forever (but without ceasing to age) if he so pleases

Early 3e was thoughtlessly aping pegana and Tanith Lee.
Are you confusing "lifted from" with "partially inspired by"? Because that description of Mung sounds very, very different from Saturn.
Saturn doesn't have the ability to keep people alive, nor does she personally take an active role in death except against rakan. Holden's OC invincible super gary stu.
See Rakan Thulio origins where she does it, I said it was a poorly thought out reference
It's the only place that it exists.

The writers copied Mung despite Saturn not being him, only inspired by.
>Then said the gods, making the signs of the gods and speaking with Their hands lest the silence of Pegāna should blush; then said the gods to one another, speaking with Their hands: “Let Us make worlds to amuse Ourselves whileMānarests. Let Us make worlds and Life and Death, and colours in the sky; only let Us not break the silence upon Pegāna.”

>Then raising Their hands, each god according to his sign, They made the worlds and the suns, and put a light in the houses of the sky.

>Then said the gods: “Let Us make one to seek, to seek and never to find out concerning the wherefore of the making of the gods.”

>And They made by the lifting of Their hands, each god according to his sign, the Bright One with the flaring tail to seek from the end of the Worlds to the end of them again, to return again after a hundred years.

>Man, when thou seest the comet, know that another seeketh besides thee nor ever findeth out.

>Then said the gods, still speaking with Their hands: “Let there be now a Watcher to regard.”

>And They made the Moon, with his face wrinkled with many mountains and worn with a thousand valleys, to regard with pale eyes the games of the small gods, and to watch throughout the resting time ofMāna-Yood-Sushāī; to watch, to regard all things, and be silent.

>Then said the gods: “Let Us make one to rest. One not to move among the moving. One not to seek like the comet, nor to go round like the worlds; to rest whileMānarests.”

>And They made the Star of the Abiding and set it in the North.

>Man, when thou seest the Star of the Abiding to the North, know that one resteth as dothMāna-Yood-Sushāī, and know that somewhere among the Worlds is rest.

>Lastly the gods said: “We have made worlds and suns, and one to seek and another to regard, let Us now make one to wonder.”

>And They made Earth to wonder, each god by the uplifting of his hand according to his sign.

>And Earth Was
Oh, this is the source of the yozy
>Baby's first foray into fantasy
It is from 1905, fantasy as we know it didn't exist yet, the book was called a odd form of fiction.

>A 1905 review in The Irish Independent called The Gods of Pegāna "a strange and decidedly remarkable book, cleverly but weirdly illustrated", and commented that the reader would have to decide for themselves whether or not the stories had any satirical intent.

>an attempt to create an Olympus of his own and people it with an assemblage of deities, each with a personality and a power over human life acutely conceived and visualized ... To me, [the collection] is autobiography, and all the more self-revealing because it is profoundly unconscious. As an achievement of the imagination ... this bible of the gods of Pegana is simply amazing.
>Oh, this is the source of the yozy
No, but it is definitely something 1E writers read and that influenced their writing. Explicitly and self-admittedly so, too. I think it's really weird how some people here seem to genuinely confuse being inspired by something and being wholesale taken from something.
Yes, 1e took from it, the reason for the gods/primordials created their worlds is similar, but afterwards the primordials/Incarna went the way of the gods from Flat Earth instead.
>I think it's really weird how some people here seem to genuinely confuse being inspired by something and being wholesale taken from something.
People aren't creative, so they assume other people aren't creative either
3e creative writing is literally copy-paste from jungi Ito, or elder scrolls.
Most of it isn't. If it was it'd be a little more unique. A lot of it is bland or very vague. The writers and devs are afraid of explaining how a fucking town works so you have very little to work with.

3e has a major problem with thinking that the minority of homebrew writers are the majority. They think everyone wants to write dozens and dozens of pages because they can't even fucking write mechanics for metropoli so you have to come up with your own because it's actually very important when you're focusing on a city.

I think I hate the devs at this point. I don't want to be the one to have to make up rules for stuff because they're necessary but the devs are too lazy to do so themselves.
"The bland and very vague" is them trying to copy TES/Soulsborner style lore hunt puzzles.

They copied Ito for Yu-Shan and that one island, the latter caused a fan to get heartbroken when they found out.

>3e has a major problem with thinking that the minority of homebrew writers are the majority.
It is more the other way around, 3e is actually anti-homebrew, both mechanically and lore wise.

For example, nobody did anything with the devil-stars; both because homebrewers only have the name, and the they aren't sure if the devs will actually do a write up about them or not
>It is more the other way around, 3e is actually anti-homebrew, both mechanically and lore wise.

For example, nobody did anything with the devil-stars; both because homebrewers only have the name, and the they aren't sure if the devs will actually do a write up about them or not

Yes, because they think they give enough to make homebrew. These are autists who think one person being disappointed something was explained to them is more important than the hundreds of people who need more to work with. They want everyone to be as creative to them without realizing that not everyone has the free time to do just make pages of homebrew.
>The writers and devs are afraid of explaining how a fucking town works so you have very little to work with.
so are you confused by the concept of multiple buildings being in the same place or is it more the large amounts of people?
They copied TES and Ito? I didn't know about that
From Ito they copied the hole and Uzumaki.
The face snaked army is a meaningless reference to morrowind.
I'm not sure how those don't qualify as inspirations in the same manner as Pegana was for 1e, considering the differences between Uzumaki and Aiun, or how Karvara is inspired by Numidium but is obviously not Numidium. It'd be like griping that the Ebon Dragon's motivation in 2e was a reference to Aku from Samurai Jack or Estasia's name being ripped off from a book everyone read in high school.
A culture and a people are defined by more than their geolocation. I still use 1e and even 2e depictions of locations over 3e because there's a lot missing from it.
2e TeD is a continuation of the 1e depiction.

In the Elder Scrolls case it is more "aping for creed".
I don't really like the longer write-ups in any edition. As a ST, I prefer having a short but sweet good idea I can build on to suit the needs of a campaign. I guess I give AT8D credit for coming up with new areas to fill in the map, which the Terrestrial Compasses in 2e never really got around to, but I feel like the more is written, the more I feel constrained into someone else's ideas.
I was specifically referring to the Ebon Dragon's Motivation in 2e. To paraphrase, it was "making a world where his evil is law", which is what Aku says in the intro of Samurai Jack.
>In the Elder Scrolls case it is more "aping for creed".
Or they could just like the Elder Scrolls?
What's the context of this scene? A solar and lunar get married and seven Yozis in human form show up for the wedding?
it's not
The morrowind stuff is just a cute reference
The Ito and Spiral stuff is pretty blatant though.
>, which the Terrestrial Compasses in 2e never really got around to.
I heard the writers couldn't introduce new locations, but I never got a source on this claim.
I think there's enough new stuff in Aiun that I wouldn't call it a rip-off.
The concept of the Spiral is a hefty part of it and is a really just, lame expy of that specific concept. The fact it's with tusk niggas doesn't change that.
The more work I have to do for this stupid setting the less I want to do my own work. If I want to change something or alter an area I can just do it much easier than having to decide or create a religion, local customs, technological level and regional relationships, etc. I can just make my own location if I want something to do something that's not known. I want places to feel real enough without having to put as much work as 3e is demanding.
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That's weird, why hasn't that oxygen thief retard posted an Arcane webm and said some vaguely related thing about it framed as a question he never responds to?

Anyway Night Caste vs Dex Full Moon
He uses Marvel Rivals now.
I am sure there're 2 anons doing it, one from /a/ and another from /v/.
>Seven Human form Jouten show up for you and your Mate's wedding to congratulate the two of you
Either you're very important or you should be very, very worried
Probably both
>Anyway Night Caste vs Dex Full Moon
>Lunars: Nidalee, Neeko, Wukong, Shyvana and Elise.

>Abyssals/Deathlords: Darius, Zed, Mordekaiser, Viego, Vladimir, Morgana, Yone, Vex, Yorick, Senna, Karthus, Pyke, Elise, Nautilus, Kalista, Hecarim and Thresh.
The last 3 could work as ghosts/specters.

>Alchemicals: Oriana, Galio, Gwen, Blitzcrank, Pre-arcane Viktor and Nautilus.

>Solars: too many to count.

Dragon-Blooded: Nilah (akuma), Milio, Vayne (Wyld Hunt), Annie, Qiyana, Swain (akuma) and Nami.

>Raksha: void, demons, Soraka and Ahri.

>gods/elementals: Maokai, Malphite, Skarner, the Kindred, the demigods, Soraka and Janna

>Sidereals: Ryze, Zilean, Morgana, Bard, Zoe, LeBlanc, Ekko and Soraka.

>Infernals/akuma: Swain, Brand, Nilah, Lissandra, Malzahar, Sylas, Yone, Syndra and Kayn.

>Primordial: Aurelion Sol.
Any estimates on how fast Mountain-Crossing Leap is supposed to be in real units? I'll take just about any guesses.
>Malfeas: elvis music intensifies as he breaks it down
>Szoreny: is the disco ball
>TED: tries to seduce the bride, gets beaten up
>SWLIHN: Takes notes for schlick material
>Isidoros: gets drunk and rants about how you shouldn't be enslaved to each other until Szoreny points out that they're choosing this, which makes him chill out a little
I can't identify the rest.
Calculate the area of a short range band to a long range band then realize that it's all meaningless because there's no concrete examples and make it up yourself because fuck you the devs hate you for asking.
Speed of the plot, 3e charm design is a weird form of rules heavy narrative system.
They have actually learned to give MPH outside of combat. That doesn't save solars though.
>You can jump four range bands forward or three straight up
>How much is each range band
>Fuck you, that's how much
3e Solar charms feel more like some form of high fantasy card game, than a rpg.
But without a social combat system, how will awkward spergs interact with NPCs?
Sounds neat, especially the last one.
Even without awkward spergs, you do need some kind of a social system. Social Charms need a mechanical context to work in, and besides, your real life social experiences don't actually make you capable of just convincingly roleplaying giving an inspiring speech or seducing a proud goddess, sorry. That's not to say that 3E's social influence system isn't clunky as funk, but it has the right basic idea with the focus on Intimacies.
No, you really don't. Just talk.
Social Charms shouldn't exist and if you can't roleplay then you shouldn't be playing a fucking roleplaying game.
>Social Charms shouldn't exist
So in order to play a superhumanly persuasive character in your game about human abilities taken to superhuman levels you have to be able to pull actual magic IRL, got it
There's 10 billion games that let you buy multiple Speech stats whose only system is "just roleplay bro", why don't you fuck off to them?
You really do. You're not socially skilled enough to convincingly portray superhuman or even just peak human social prowess by just talking, and you're delusional if you think otherwise. It's also beneficial to have a bit more meat to social influence than being able to either convince your ST IRL or being cringe enough to make him take pity on you.

Social Charms should be a thing because Exalts should be just as able to reach superhuman levels of performance in social infuence as in anything else. I'm all for roleplaying, but you still can't convincingly roleplay a supernaturally silver-tongued manipulator.
I did read gods of Pegāna now, since it was mentioned in these threads.

It is from where Holden got the idea of Getimians, Rakan Thulio has connections to Sacheverell because of it.
Since Sacheverell is based on Māna-Yood-Sushāī

>"In the mists before the Beginning, Fate and Chance cast lots to decide whose the Game should be; and he that won strode through the mists to Māna-Yood-Sushāī and said: “Now make gods for Me, for I have won the cast and the Game is to be Mine.” Who it was that won the cast, and whether it was Fate or whether Chance that went through the mists before the Beginning to Māna-Yood-Sushāī — none knoweth"
Fate is the Sidereals, Chance is represented by Getimians.
Did anybody here read the 1e novel trilogy? Is it any good?
>Social Charms should be a thing because Exalts should be just as able to reach superhuman levels of performance in social infuence as in anything else
Well they canonically can't do that and the whole world turned against them as a result. So yes, you do have to just roleplay.
>Well they canonically can't do that
Usurpation happened.
And? That doesn't mean they can't have superhuman social influence anymore than a Solar being able to be stabbed to death doesn't mean they can't have superhuman resilience
So unless you want to argue why Solars being able to die to blades means they're just as durable as a normal human, point to where in the books it says they can't have superhuman levels of social ability, I'll wait
They were so deeply unlikeable that the entire world united against them. This does not align with superhuman social skills.
In all three editions, sure. However, all three editions have social Charms and in all three editions Exalts are, in fact, capable of reaching superhuman levels of social skill.
Point to where in the books it says their social ability can't be superhuman anon
I just did.
See >>94760580, so again, unless your argument is just because the wyld hunt can beat a Solar to death they're not superhuman, cite your sources
I'm not arguing, I'm just stating facts: >>94760587
Don't engage with the troll, anon. He's not even putting any effort in it, he's just saying something blatantly untrue and hoping that someone'll get mad.
Point to where in the books it says their social ability can't be superhuman anon
I just did. Feel free to read that post as many times as you like.
Point to where in the books it says their social ability can't be superhuman anon
Neat thought I had about the Autocthon Soul Heirachy. With his Divine Minsters Second Circle Souls (And also maybe the Souls of The Core) six of them are built from the Magical Materiels associated with his Elemental Poles.
They'd sort of be layed out like this
>Orichalcum: Messenger
>Moonsilver: Reflective
>Starmetal: Wisdom
>Jade: Expressive
>Soulsteel: Indulgent
>Adamant: Warden
With Defining not being made with any of them.
>With Defining not being made with any of them
Considering Autochthon's self-lobotomy, it is possible that they are their own defining souls.
Honestly I could see "Put the Defining Soul of the Core inside the Core." as one of the Steps on Autobots bad idea to break through his Solipsism by replacing the brain of his World Jouten with his Fetich Soul.
Not sure how that would lead to "The Other Divine Minsters have their Defining Souls internalized as well. " though.
My only other thought was that with the Six Ministers that regulate the Elements, the Souls of theirs that directly monitor the Poles are the ones built of the Poles Magical Materiel.
In order these would be
>Orichalcum: Messenger Subroutine of the Divine Minister of Authority, Monitor of the Pole of Lightning
>Moonsilver: Reflective Subroutine of the Divine Mininster of Curiosity, Monitor of the Pole of Oil
>Starmetal: Wisdom Subroutine of the Divine Minister of Order, Monitor of the Pole Of Steam
>Jade: Expressive Subroutine of Divine Minister of War, Monitor of the Pole Of Metal
>Soulsteel: Indulgent Subroutine of the Divine Minister of the Reaches and the Far Reaches, Monitor of the Pole of Smoke
>Adamant: Warden Subroutine of the Divine Minister of Design, Monitor of the Pole of Crystal
Fetich defines the Primordial, Primordial gives rise to the 3rd Circles, it could very easily be a case of "I have altered my core nature into a matryoshka doll, so now all my 3rd Circles are also matryoshka dolls
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I will simply resolve all combat from now on by telling the ST that my moves are superior, therefore there is no need to roll.
You have to fight.
Makes sense I guess.
Also it probably means that the Defining Subroutines can do do their own take on the "Think Outside Their Own Themes" thing, but on a more narrow scale.
That or the Eye of Autocthon is the Defining Soul of the Godhead
Weekly Update
>Art Direction
Abyssals – Finals in
Miracles of the Divine Flame – Full page sketch approvals sent
Exigents – Quoting and press files
Exigents Screen – At Studio 2
Sidereals – Quoting and press files
Essence Deeds Yet Undone – Inputting errata
i’m thinking the essence adventures won’t release until next month at this rate, but we might see backer pdf of the companion around the same time
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>backer pdf of the companion around the same time
I am curious about how it will depict the Umbrals and Dream-Souled, I wonder if they will receive castes.
If a PC Solar wanted to exterminate the Dragonblooded (starting by individually ambushing and killing them, then gradually escalating to leading armies and stuff) could he actually manage that?
Like, if he specifically targets the weaker and more geographically isolated ones first, then slowly works his way up as he gets stronger and higher in Essence, can he actually accomplish that?
He's a Dawn Caste, if it helps.
Hypothetically? Yes
What's his methodology? As in, how does he actually intend to accomplish this?
According to the player, he intends to ambush and kill them when he can, support rebellions against the Dragonblooded (and kill them when they're occupied), gather and send disposable armies while he targets the leaders, and eventually use WMDs to kill those who remain.
According to him "Eventually, I'll be too powerful for any individual one or even small groups to stop me, and they can't outbreed me, so it's just a matter of time before I kill them all."
Yes and no. Yes he could hypothetically take down every Dragonblood in a 1v1 one after another if he had time to prepare and an ambush every time. No, because this scenario is not likely. Dragonblood are not weak and they are very good at quickly teaming up and spreading word of someone attacking them collectively. He's got way better chances in 3e because of how much more limited their pool of relevant abilities is, but even there Wind-Carried Words Technique will get information out if he doesn't oneshot from ambush, which he won't always be able to do, and even when it comes to the oneshot from ambush style there are some ways to counter it revolving around artifacts and unique abilities he won't always be able to know about ahead of time. Especially when it comes to Dynasts, sometimes they're going to randomly be holding a spell phylactery with a contingent spell ready to go upon ambush and he'll be shit out of luck, even if he could theoretically chase them down or bash through whatever defense is put up. There's also the part where they start retreating, hiding, and bunkering up against him.

>Eventually, I'll be too powerful for any individual one or even small groups to stop me
That part isn't true. With their population there will always be some idiot with a hyper-specific build, or someone who gets lucky, or you'll be identified well enough that they start preparing for your weak points. Dragonblood in small groups remain a threat all the way up to the 2e Essence 10 superbeing.

>they can't outbreed me
Depending on how fast he goes that might also not be true, but he he's fermenting rebellions, using WMDs, and sniping anybody out of position he might be right.

>so it's just a matter of time before I kill them all
He's not wrong but in the same way that one mortal can look at an army of ten thousand and say 'i just have to not get stabbed and it will just be a matter of time until I kill them all'.
I think they probably can outbreed you, since any human in Creation can become one.
It is possible if he is careful, in 3e, no dragon blooded is above Essence 5.
>It is possible if he is careful, in 3e, no dragon blooded is above Essence 5.
Matters a lot less than you think when you realise that Essence 6+ doesn't do anything meaningful and that no Sidereal is above Essence 7.
In all fairness he has his Circle to help him. They don't know that he's doing this specifically to kill every DB in the world, but he's got three other Solars to help him do stuff.
It does since only a few Essence 5 DBs exist.
But you said that I should roleplay instead of roll-playing, anon, and so in my roleplay I win the fight because I think its a good idea for me to win.
Six Solar Exalts working together towards unified goals of a mild hankering for conquest is an canonical existential threat once they start getting above Essence 3. Yes, a Circle of Solar Exalted is a big enough deal that exterminating the Dragonblood is a meaningful goal. The power level of Exalted goes up exponentially as more characters get added into the fray until you get to like 10-ish. Obviously it's still not going to be easy. It's also much harder to make the Dragonblood a threat when there's a whole circle of Solars simply because as a Storyteller you will never want to have enough characters on the field to make the Dragonblood an existential threat.

Still, information getting out about the circle is step one and will mean the challenges they face are a lot more meaningful and difficult, since they won't just be stamping down on unsuspecting foes. Phase two is Dragonblood putting aside their differences to smack them down, which is less far off than you would think, they've got a whole bunch of charms revolving around them suddenly making alliances out of nowhere to face down non-Dragonblood. Phase three is when they start pulling in allies and big guns from their stockpiles. Phase four is whatever remains scattering and trying to build refuges and places to hide.
You forget phase 5, dealing with DBs popping up for the next few millennia cause there's enough of the mortal population descended from them you can't be guaranteed some rando off in the sticks won't just exalt as one every now and then
is this an actual character you're playing or is this an idea you had in the shower
This is our ongoing campaign, literally.
Nah, just keep removing Dragonblood from the gene pool and causing discrimination against the stigmata associated with DB ancestry and you will reduce their breeding enough that the one-in-a-million is just well bred instead of actually Exalting. It's entirely possible to breed them out of existance. Humans aren't getting any evolutionary throwbacks far enough to be born with working tails.
Huh, so why not just knock up all the DB women and have the DB men drain their balls into tattooed Tiger-Warrior-Courtesans for the rest of their lives?
It's not an impossible long-term goal, but the player should definitely abandon this mindset:
>"Eventually, I'll be too powerful for any individual one or even small groups to stop me, and they can't outbreed me, so it's just a matter of time before I kill them all."
Trying to kill all the Dragon-Blooded is definitely not the kind of thing where success is "just a matter of time", it's a grand though utterly unhinged goal, and it's entirely likely that that the Dawn will die while pursuing that goa.
Being too powerful for any individual Dragon-Blooded is a thing that naturally occurs, it is signaled by Peleps Deled.

The as it is, is doomed to a death of thousands and one suns.
>Being too powerful for any individual Dragon-Blooded is a thing that naturally occurs, it is signaled by Peleps Deled.
It doesn't matter much when there are tens of thousands of Dragon-Blooded, however.
No. They're not that much weaker than Solars and there's a lot more of them, and they're well organized.
Also trying to kill literally all the Dragon-Blooded is likely to be opposed by more people than just the Dragon-Blooded. Like, Sidereals, obviously, but a different bunch of Solar conquerors is unlikely to react well if someone starts killing off their Outcaste Dragon-Blooded lieutenants.
Nah you have to fist-fight your ST. Just like to Social you have to actually just talk it out with them. So if your ST tells you you're not winning the fight, just punch them in the throat until they comply with your superiority.
I hope so. Though it seems a popular thing to do with homebrew exalts, I’ve always disliked the idea of having no castes/aspects or some equivalent differentiation. It always comes across as making the exalts more homogeneous, which I find to be a mistake
Been away from thread for crimbo and new year's. To those of you that have been reading the Alchemicals manuscripts, how are they so far? Don't have much hope for Charms after how they scrapped the chance of Metropoli mechanics but anything particularly egregious in the lore?

>"You can't roll to grapple, you're out of range-"
>"No, two meters is well within takedown range. HERE, ALLOW ME TO DEMONSTRATE"
Do they even have patropoli and metropoli anymore? My understanding is that an Alchemical would need to be at least Essence 8 or 9 to reach a certain size, which would make them the highest essence Exalted in the setting.
They do not no, 3e is consistently unfun and SOVLessly utilitarian in it's writing, and thus Exalt Charm powerlevel progression just fucking stops at E5 while the devs lied their asses off about Elder Essence mattering.
Hot take: After going back and rereading 2e Deathlords, I prefer them infinitely to 3e Deathlords. Not because of the concepts, some of which I conceded 3e did better as starting premises for them. But because of the writing around them giving them more varied circumstances to react to the setting as a whole, instead of being confined to their environment and having everything go relatively to plan. The Bishop was more interesting when the Neverborn patron were actively pissed at him wasting time trying to convert Creation to the worship of death.
One Solar couldn't do it, but one Solar could initiate the dominoes to cause it. I think people here have talked a lot about the Neomah Prog Bricking strategy, but there's guys out there like that one No Moon in the southwest who is making a plague to target DBs.

Maybe you won't stop DBs forever, but you could cut down their numbers to the thousand.
No, they still have metropoli.
Even all Solars at the prime of their power couldn't do it.
To be fair, all the Solars at the prime of their power weren't trying until (in older editions) all of them were ganked at a REALLY wil party, or (in 3e) some of them turned against their own kind, and the Dragonblooded had sweet-talked former enemies of the Exalted into helping to overthrow them. And in either edition, Sidereal fuckery was against them too.

(Lunars, it goes without saying, were fucking useless without their golden tardwranglers and FLED)
Which edition is best for a newbie to get into, mechanically speaking?
Yes, if the Sovereigns got it, they should too.

It isn't player facing, so they won't publish mechanics, which made them non-st facing.

>They do not no, 3e is consistently unfun and SOVLessly utilitarian in it's writing
>wasted word count on purple prose.
>and unplayable fluff too.
>a lot of descriptions of food.
>no cooking mechanics.
What's the most useful Craft and Lore?
Absolutely no one:
TED's Soul Heirachy when tries to escape the Realm Malfeas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0W-PNpA72E
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Why were first age Solars like this?

Will never stop being funny.
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It is because the devs shifted gears with the Deathlord wank, now they are even more generic dark lords.
Incredibly stupid ideas for flavor of DB's at the outer poles.
>The Abilities associated with the Aspect of that Pole have flavoured the Culture out there.
>Charms with the Elemental Keyword that inflict Aspect-specific effects will inflict the Exalts Aspect Effect and the Poles Aspect Effect when they are used, with Exalts of the Poles Aspect triggering the effect twice.
Some headcanon I had was that the Exalted should tap into the power of justice to achieve their feats. Primordial treatment of humanity is unjust = empowers the Exalted host to overthrow them despite huge power differential. First Age Solars grow corrupt = empowers DBs to overthrow them despite huge power differential.

Now the Abyssals and Infernals are riding on treatment of the Neverborn/Yozis is horrible = empowers their stolen Exalted to overturn their circumstances despite not even the FA Solars or Primordials knowing how to do it (of course this soon spirals out of control rapidly).

I know the whole justice = power thing doesn't work for Exalted morality but it made a certain sort of sense to me.
its AN explanation to why the exalted actually won against things that can just make you not exist anymore. i'll take it, its far from the worst ive heard.
>I know the whole justice = power thing doesn't work for Exalted morality but it made a certain sort of sense to me
Just go full elder scrolls, and say it is the work of the shima Akalorkhan/Boethiah
The entire point of exalted is that morality isn't objective it's made by the people who run it. You're basically just saying that it's objectively just for solars to have slaves and genocide races by dint of right which is even more fucked up.
That's why I said it wouldn't work with Exalted moraity, it works if there is some universal righteousness which powers people up.
2e or Essence
>Primordial treatment of humanity is unjust = empowers the Exalted host to overthrow them despite huge power differential. First Age Solars grow corrupt = empowers DBs to overthrow them despite huge power differential.
You're basing your assertions on your assumptions, though. The easiest way to prove this is to show how everybody else should've been able to tap into the justice force but got stomped instead.
>Exalted Host threaten to destroy all things for their greedy divine masters = Primordials empowered to save the world they created, except no
>Shogunate sees Dragonblood at war with each other, trampling all others underfoot = Lunars/Sidereal empowered to bring peace to the world, except no, deus ex diablo instead
>Great Contagion destroys howevermany lives = all the people whose charms should work on it have their powers start working, except no, deus ex machina instead
>Balorian Crusade seeks to destroy the world = defenders of the world empowered to lay it low, except no, deus ex machina instead
>The corrupt Realm preys upon the world and siphons wealth away from the Threshold = Lunars empowered to lay it low, except no

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