Ultra Edition>2024's Best Miniatureshttps://www.warhammer-community.com/en-us/articles/vjddepvh/warhammer-miniature-of-the-year-2024-who-won/>Balance Dataslatehttps://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/articles/chwd2fdd/warhammer-40000-balance-dataslate-deep-strikes-and-ap-in-the-crosshairs/>Community Links:https://www.warhammer-community.com/warhammer-40000-downloads/>3rd Party Models Pastebin:https://pastebin.com/Q33bkBUh>Torrent:Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5>10th Edition Rules:https://gofile<dot>io/d/9LvQTLhttps://mega<dot>nz/folder/Em0Rmb7I#4GR-B7y4cu5nCB5QziXM4A>How to make wargames terrainhttps://gofile.io/d/s99zDV>Secret Level animationhttps://gofile.io/d/J7muqs>Previous Thread:>>94726793 >Thread Question:Which underpowered units do you think deserve a buff?
Every time I see the Khorne Lord of Skulls model i think of this from toy story lol
eldar sluts
Post models, gentlemen. What're you working on this weekend?I just finished up these yeagirs. First Votann unit I've done in a while.
>>94730534New Death Guard char with a Plasma Gun and sword. Doesn't look like a Terminator.Sucks that we didn't get a heavy weapons squad or whatever but maybe that's to be expected since our first waves were so big.
Why does GW hate Catachans so much? More precisely, why does GW does such a terrible job of keeping their online store pics updated?The kit is old, i know that, and obviously it shows on the sculpts and on the sprues themselves. But why does GW care so little about it to make it even somewhat (!) more presentable in their onlinestore by giving it a modern paintjob? They have inhouse painters that get paid anyway. How hard can it be to let someone paint 10 Catachans to a higher standard than pic related? They didn't even bother to smooth the rim of the base ffs.
>>94730575>TermiClearly MK3 Armor.Just another Champion maybe?
>>94730579They just don't give a shit, catachans are probably getting squatted
>>94730575I'm so glad that Death Guard are getting just what they need: A foot hero
>>94730570finished my darkstrider conversion and will hopefully also finish assembling the remaining vespids.
>>94730585That they dont give a shit is obvious, and the squatting is long overdue given the age of that kit. But as long as they sell it for full price, shouldn't they at least bother enough to make it presentable?
>>94730575This is my expert reconstructionsome real big dick energy in the sword pose
>>94730606Great job anonHe's rocking the iconic death guard exposed tummy it looks like
>>94730620not sure if it's an exposed belly or some organ just hanging out in front, in any case yes, it's a bog standard nurgle marine with a cool sword
>>94730606so his right hand is just some tentaculons? I hoped he clenched that bigass sword.
>DG get another unit while TS and WE sufferLmao
>>94730645DG sell a lot better
>>94730645TS are rumored to get that big robot. WE will definitely get something when their codex rolls around.
>>94730656Because they got more fuckin models what the fuck
>>94730645It's probably a pity character due for their codex?
>>94730640no, it's a hand, it's just that we see only the thumb, the sword handle (with pommel) and part of the forearm in the photo
>>94730585Getting a new kit is not squatting Kill team catachan this year, mark my words
>>94730575I’m actually okay with this as a DG player as it reinforces that GW is going to allow us to continue with Chaos Lords. It is somehow more disappointing that we aren’t getting a repackaged Lord of Contagion or a new Lord of Poxes, but I’ll take it I guess.
>>94730560I do love pit sluts.
>>94730685ooh, that's better
>>94730560Tau sluts
>>94730560Cute but where's the cock?
>>94730570Repostan my Hormies from last night>What're you working on this weekend?Frantically painting my ass off to get up to 750 points for an upcoming league for my first game. On the block still-1x Ripper Swarm-4x Hormagaunts-6x Zoanthropes-3x Venomthropes-1x Neurotyrant (+Neuroloids)-1x Haruspex
>>94730685Ok now that's kino
>>94730712I really dislike the abs+big tits look. Abs only show at low body fat, and tits are, by definition, body fat. Abs should be on lithe, slender bodies. That Amazoness shit just looks silly.
>>94730560shapely tau
>>94730720>I really dislike the abs+big tits look.You're gay.
>>94730559There is a reason they released the Kytan after. But the old Lord of Skulls was at least respectfully updated.>>94730585GW gave them a lot of new one off minis if they're going to squat them. Seems weird.>tfw Praetorian Guard never ever because RACISM COLONIALISM IMPERIALISM in the GRIMDARKNESS OF 40K IS WRONG
>>94730712like muscles on girls but dislike Tau
>>94730570Finished some acolytes last month, polished off some BB minis, now I'm suffering through painting all the parts of a magnetized carnifex.
>>94730732Nah, both looks are fantastic separately. Lean, athletic girls are great. Thick big titty girls are great. They just sorta clash aesthetically when you mix them on one form.
>>94730713the cock is meant to be on your end of the bargain
just had another game where a squad of inceptors dropped down and killed a 10 man squad of power armoured dudes plus their attached character in a single round of shootingThen they get to blow up a tank.love these little dinguses
>>94730534Space Marine Captains should generate 1 CP. Keep the low CP cost rule, but generally let them get +1 CPMarines need non epic-hero CP generation and outside of BA smash captains, captains generally kinda suck
>>94730797What we need is generic chapter masters.
>>94730789I wonder how they'd do in Angelic Host, so they could deepstrike multiple times.
>>94730802Ideally you could just have a Chapter Master represented by ~40pt extra cost on an existing Captain, keeping all of the rules but gaining a +1 CP rule, 1 wound, 1 toughness, and 1 attack on their existing weapon.Maybe a 1 use bombardment weapon too
>>94730579Because Vietnam was 50 years ago and has left the cultural zeitgeist meanwhile WWI movies and games keep coming out at a rapid pace which is why you're seeing plastic krieg. If you want Catachans, kitbash them from historical Vietnam minis.
>>94730656Only because they have more models and none of them are objectively terrible like tzaangors and eightboundwhich also allow them to have varied playstylekhorne has and always will be the most popular chaos subfactionthen it's a tossup between nurgle and tzeentchthen in a massive powergap it's slaanesh in dead last
>>94730772I say that as a meme every so often, I find it funny oh god I am so alone
>>94730570Votaan helmets are so silly. It's not the same height as a normal head so it looks more like the Blackstone Men of Iron model.
>>94730830nurgle has surpassed khorne a long time ago
>>94730853Not at all lmaoif khorne or tzeentch were the first cult legion and had the model range DG did they would be much more prevalent on the tabletop
>>94730575I like that it's the old style of "literally just a big rusted hunk of metal" balesword instead of the weird indescribable thing that modern plaguebearers and plague marines have
>>94730570Just jump packs, heads and bases
>>94730853literally only vermintide/darktide players think this
>>94730804I think Vanguard is probably better because of the shooting strat
>>94730862>xenos would be as popular as marines if they had the same model supportthat shit again
>>94730904I accept your concession
>>94730887not too bad, try looking up one of those youtube videos on how to paint with tremors, that should help your paintjobs start to look clean, don't give up this is a nice first foray into painting!
>>94730830If you actually think that more people are playing WE than DG then you need to have your head checked
why can't other faction than Imperium and Chaos have super soldiers? I don't think the Banshees or whatever flying suit the Tau has counts
>>94730825Re-Read my post please. Besides, Spacenam exist and they are better than any historical vietnam minis (only rubicon does them in plastic anyway, and they are tiny manlets compared to anything GW does).
>>94730887You've made a lot of improvements on the highlighting, though the left shoulder pad still seems inconsistent with the rest.
>>94730802a generic captain can be your generic chapter master
>>94730911You have no ground to stand onin every game warrior is always the most popular class by a colossal margin unless it's unplayable bad because people flock to the simple unga bunga has the widest appeal, when you get into casters the basic sorcerer/wizard is always much more popular than the necromancer for the same reasonall of this transfers into people's god of choice when they get into CSMthis was only reinforced when the wave of new blood after DoW1 released started buying up all the berzerker boxes because the unit ingame had goofy ass lines that they loved>>94730919You need to work on your reading comprehension bud!
>>94730927But I'm meaning rules.Either make a new kit for chapter masters or add a chapter maste upgrade to all space marine detachments
>>94730570Painted up a chaplain. Made him 4th company.
>>94730862Thousand Sons were made their own army before Death Guard...
>>94730935Not sure I have ever read such a load of incoherent, unrelated nonsense
>>94730950I accept your concession
>>94730712>>94730720The point (from the period specific popularization of the look during the 80s) was to rule out anything natural and flaunt the novel application of BIG BOLT ONS that by design created a (imo grotesque) sense of dissonance. This was part of the era's TURBO COCAIN MONEY POWER BROKER fad of being able to flaunt that yes, I can not only afford my gear, but my lady's gear, and her great big ground breaking synthetic mams, thank you for noticing now take this key bump.>>94730732>>94730765The popularized characteristics of men of the same era that defined "power and masculinity" in the popular culture would read as wildly flamboyant today.Here is a taciturn handsome T'au female for your troubles.
>>94730749Nice look, anon. That light purple skin contrasts really well with your bronze armor and the acid-color tongues are a nice touch.
>>94730955You keep on living in that bizarro world of yours, anon. I'm sure your doing fine in there.
>>94730944And DG have nearly triple the amount of HQs and units and vehicles as Tsons or WE
>>94730920Nids do, sorta. Those are all the factions that deal in genetic augmentation. The others have other tricks.
>>94730560Based>>94730570I won't be able to finish Lukas for the next two weeks so have a WIP pic
>>94730534What are your favorite colour schemes for armor (2-3 colours going together)?Doesn't matter if you made them up, or if they're the official colour scheme. I was contemplating making a green-purple or black-lightblue colour scheme for my next project, but I would like to take more ideas in first. I already have a lot of red-black-white.
>>94730987like what? future site and reality breaking tech?
>>94730998I love the original Tau scheme
>>94730844There aren't any helmets in that unit. Just the heads for ironkyn, which are basically men of iron.
>>94730998I'm a fan of main color/metallic secondary/minor accent patterns. So like, red/bronze/yellow, green/silver/black, blue/brass/orange.
>>94730998Turquoise-gold with red and mint green accents. So basically TSons
>>94731037>Green/silver/black Sounds right up my alley, I'm doing it.
>>94730656>>94730853>DG sell a lot betterGee I wonder why
>>94730998Orange and teal
>>94730998Gold, white, and blue is genuinely my favorite color scheme for anything.Apologies for the AoS models, I haven't done any 40k models in this scheme yet.
>>94730998orange and teal
>>94731067>kharadronsI will allow it
>>94731064I will never own a lord of skulls. Also I’m more interested in tzangors and cultists in tzeench than I am in the god fucking awful rubrics.
Noob here. Is it possible to build a somewhat army that only uses a few large models?
>>94731065Which colors do be?
>>94731079They're as 40k as AoS can get.
>>94731084>Also I’m more interested in tzangors and cultists in tzeench than I am in the god fucking awful rubrics.no accounting for your bad taste I suppose
>>94731084>fucking awful rubricsyou looking to pick a fight m8
>>94731097Rubrics are by the far the worst chaos designs have to offer. The only time they got to shine was in the customization that the 3 hq sorcerer box and even then its lack luster.
>>94731067>gold white and blue
>>94731110No wonder you like Nurgle more, you have shit taste
>>94730712>30k era cavewomen tau raping legion marines
>>94731147tau weren't around in 30k yet
warhammer site down?
>>94731138I will never understand the appeal of Nurgle. The drab colors usually associated with him are boring and the model themselves are just dumb. They're disgusting but in this stupidly comedic fashion that I can't take seriously.
>need rules to play game>shared rules are free>faction rules arent>opponent can just make shit up and i cant check them
>>94731163Wahapedia, retard.
>>94731161>on no not my hecking serious toys!!!
>>94731153No race just evolves in 10k years. Plus, old lore was that ancient Tau discovered a squat ship crash and that kickstarted their technological revolution.
>>94731151Emperor's Blessings, medicae.
>>94731153That image is from 789.M35. What sort of evolution are you implying that Tau evolved from Great Crusade era animals into tool using tribesmen in under 5000 years? Humans lived in caves for millions of years.
>>94731197>>94731186tau canonically are only 2k years old in 40k
>>94731172the existence of work arounds doesnt make the this GW policy any less stupid
>"There's been a leak of upcoming unrevealed product!"Wizards of the Coast:>sends the Pinkertons to break into your house, beat you up, and steal your catGames Workshop: >"Right then, suppose we ought to reveal him now"
>>94730887Wtf lmao
what do you take as Anti-Tank in codex space marines
>>94731086Have you considered 2000pts of dreadnoughts
>>94731251Have you considered deepstriking from a chair?
>>94731245gladiatorvindicatorrepulsor executionerballistushellblasterseradicators50 predators
>>94731245predators, gladiator lancers, vindicators
>>94731064Remove Tzaangors and the Vortex Beast because they're from AoS and WHFB, respectively.
>>94731200>literally in the 10e codex, pg. 9, preceded by >>94731147 artwork on pg. 8Find Jesus.
>>94731151Much appreciated, Apothecary.
>>94731260Uhoh nodread melty. Maybe you'd feel a little better if you painted some dreadnoughts. Around 2000 points of them should do it
>>94731086imperial knights is that armyalternatively things like parking lot guard (people will hate you), nidzilla, oops all suits tau etc
>>94731186They didn't. They were stuck in a warp storm and millions of years past in there but only a few thousand did in 'real world'. It's the same shit as the warp storm that engulfed Baal during the Siege of Baal they were there for like 75 years in 'real time space'.
I wish there was a jump pack gravis captain I could attach to my Inceptors
>>94731086Space Marines (Big elite focus)Custodes Battlesuit TauAll big model Nids
>>94731251BASED dreadGOD, never stop posting.
>>94731286You don't have inceptors
>>94731286I forgot Inceptors even existed until I was looking over the new Deathwatch stuff and realized they're good in Talonstrike Teams.Do you like using them?
>>94731295You should samefag less and just post less in general.
>>94731271> remove the COOL things from the army.
>>94731251Dreadking rises
>>94731303>doubledipping on this low effort baitbad form
>>94731281The warp storm engulfed them after Land's Vision visited them in late M35 and after their world was deemed ripe for colonization. The colony ship was lost in the storm.
>>94731251This sounds like fun unironically
>>94731251>watch opponent unpack army>amusement turns to horror with each subsequent dread
>>94731151Danke, Herr Doktor.
>>94730534I can't wait till the new Death Korps of Krieg.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCembsOMCJU
>>94730920Eldar and Orks are supersoldiers from birth. They were created that way by the Old Ones. The Eldar are just majorly gimped by their psychic gifts being restricted due to Slaanesh, and the Orks lost their leadership caste that had all the smart fuckers
>>94731352a regular eldar would still get beaten by a marine right?
>>94731338Krieg Box is bloated by cavalry.. why?
>>94731360define "regular"
What should Gue'vesa look like anyways? Guardsmen with Karskin armor and fancier optics? Regular Fire Warriors with boots instead of hooves? Something else?
>>94731331RAW you can play full dread armies in the HH game (Fury of the Ancients), but it's so unfun that in practice is considered forbidden by most players
Dark Eldar refresh is coming. I can feel it.
>>94731364Suicide charges are more efficient with horses
>>94731373the latter
>>94731237>>94731348Still better than yours and it’s not even finished.
>>94731396I don't own modern death company because I'm not retarded
>>94731364No clue, but I intent to do full on retarded suicide charges with them. It's what the god emperor would have wanted surely.
>>94731396>everyone bullying me is the same person0/10
>>94731373pic related was an official GW kitbash. Basically cadians mixed with fire warriors
>>94731338people were better off buying those killteams before they got bloated instead of waiting for mainline krieg squads
>>94731436>before they got bloatedthe krieg team costs the same as it did before the 2024 boxes
>Krieg Siege Regiments can apparently be 200k strong Is this unique to them or are Guard Reigments this large semi-common?
>>94731360non-psychic Eldar warriors such as Wyches and Aspect Warriors are considered roughly as much of a threat as a Marine in a battle. It varies to some extent obviously, since both Wyches and Aspects are extremely specialized so if the marines fight tactically and exploit their weaknesses they can win. Eldar aren't as tough or as strong as Marines biologically, but are much faster and have superior reflexes. Wyches and Banshees have been shown dodging bolter shells with ease, as an example of what Eldar are physically capable of even without their psychic gifts.
>>94731331>Amusement turns to dreadOne job, Anon.
>>94731447Valhallan regiments are known to reach similar sizes.
>>94731413Where did he say that?
>>94731163Ask to see your opponents rules
>>94731453the Eldar can theoretically make physically stronger warriors should they choose so but they don't because they prefer speed correct?>>94731369average
>>94731447GW has stopped including a defined size on regiments since around 6th edition. IG regiments can be as big or as small as circumstance permits, especially now that the Imperium is in full panic mode and mashing depleted regiments together into Frankenstein's monsters of wildly disparate forces to throw them straight back onto the front lines and buy just a bit more time.
building black templar combat patrol and i have no idea what the fuck i am doingwhich of these 3 loadouts do I take?
>>94731402>>94731413Yeah, it’s just you.
>>94731296I got like 9, man>>94731298They're very fun just because you get to gamble on 6's with buffed oath
>>94731436Still pretty cheap in my lgs, but I imagine anything Death Korps would be overpriced going forward even if made of plastic instead of resin?
>>94731501Whatever you think looks cool :)
>>94731446Dont they cost more because of the tokens?
>>94731507I'm sure that would make you feel better but unfortunately for you that is not the case
>>94731520no the prices were increased entirely arbitrarily, the new krieg box with the tokens is still 65 bucks
>>94731501This >>94731519 but unironically
>>94731501Always go for what looks coolest genuinely. I'm pretty sure the Relic option was for 9th edition shit and doesn't mean anything rules-wise nowadays. Someone correct me if I'm wrong
>>94730887this fucking sucks dude
>>94731271It's mindblowingly insulting that DG got bespoke poxwalkers instead of the AoS plaguebearers while Tsons just have to use the dogshit tzaangors and invest in an upgrade sprue
>>94731501That Relic Blade looks like it would be good for making my own Judiciar.
>>94730575>>94730606So is this going to be another one of those "elite" level characters that can attach in addition to someone else? Or will this effectively be the DG power armour lord? Either way I'm sorta bummed. DG is already drowning in characters and it feels like Plague Marines are worthless unless you're attaching two of them.
>>94730887Why does it take you a full day to put on like 5 highlights?
>>94731547It doesn't matter for the sword brother sergeant in crusader squads, since he only gets a power weapon, but in sword brethren squads, the unit leader can get a master-crafted power weapon and the relic sword from the upgrade kit can be a sweet way to represent that.
>>94731488>the Eldar can theoretically make physically stronger warriors should they choose so but they don't because they prefer speed correct?Yes. The Covens like to make superhumanly strong and tough weapons of war like Grotesques and Pain Engines, but the majority of Eldar consider their current form the peak of their potential as a species. Covenites also like to infuse their own DNA with xenos DNA to strengthen and toughen themselves up. >average Eldar vs. average MarineThe average Eldar, who isn't a career warrior like a Wych or Aspect Warrior, is not a match for space marines. Commorraghans like Kabalites are quite dangerous, but don't devote themselves enough to the art of war to seriously threaten a space marine 1v1. Guardians are well-trained since even civilian Craftworlders are forced to train to defend the Craftworld regardless of their Path, roughly on par with Tempestus Scions. But both Kabalites and Guardians aren't really bringing the Eldar at their best as troops. The biggest problem the Eldar have is that they can't field enough professional warriors like Wyches/Aspects to form entire armies, so they have to fill in the gaps with Guardians/Kabalites/Covenites and those are dangerous, but a step beneath common Space Marines.
>>94730887You seem to have a very strange understanding of where to place your brightest highlights.
>>94731557Plaguebearers are a completely different unit for daemons. And daemons aren't just something from AoS.
>>94731519>>94731534I know it’s not super important for casual play, but I’m trying to kinda learn the differences between loadout options because the book doesn’t explain shit>>94731547pic related are the stat differences between the weapons at the end of the booklet (i think)
>>94731364Because>Big fuck you cannon, on theme for Krieg>New Mounted HQ named character we're trying to push because we want him to be the next Lord Solar (Solar will still be better ruleswise)>New Mounted unit sold 5 models in a box to go with him (Put in a full squad of 10 to inflate the box)>New specialized infantry which should've been the model to include twice.I know the Army launch boxes are usually supposed to primarily push the new stuff but if the Blood Angels box can include Assault Intercessors the Krieg box can include the Killteam set. Box should've been>New Krieg Commissar set>Old Death Korps KT set>New Engineers or One set of Death Riders>The Artillery piece. That provides roughly the same amount of models while actually being somewhat more friendly for multiple purchases.
>>94731610irrelevant, they would be more than serviceable as DG chaff just like tzaangors yet they still gave them their own kit while Tsons got an upgrade sprue for an AoS chaos beastman kit
>>94731611Stat sheets on the instruction booklets are massively out of that, the ones you have there are 9th edition.
>>94731611Never rely on rules on paper because they change all the time and I'm not even sure if the Combat Patrol booklets have been updated for 10th. Use wahapedia instead and you'll have a much better time. For example, in 10th edition there is no difference between the axe and the sword options for the initial pic you posted, they are simply "power weapon".
>>94731611>differences between loadout optionsBasically none for the various types of swords and axes
>>94731624Plaguebearers are already a unit that exists in 40K. Tzaangors were not at the time they were imported into 40K for the 1000 Sons. I'm not saying I don't agree that they're lame, but Plaguebearers would not be the same situation. How new to the game are you?
>>94731532>>94731520This. Prices for the KT boxes follow no system or rule at all it seems. Maybe some were just forgotten during that raise in price?
>>94731642it was done by popularitythat's why scouts are 85 dollars now
>>94731627*out of date
>>94731611Use Wahapedia if you need to check up on rules since they tend to stay up to date and will include erratas and the like.
>>94731618This. I will get the artillery from ebay once people start to sell it indvidually, and ignore that box. Maybe the following Combat patrol box will be better. I'm still hoping for an update of the Leman Russ.
>>94731585can i see the Covens?
>>94731627ah fookguess I’ll just use the power sword then and keep the relic sword (idk what it’s called) for maybe kitbashing a judiciar? My gf bought me 3 inner circle companions and apparently those are good for kitbashing>>94731627>>94731630damn, didn’t know any of that. Guess I didn’t do enough research. The big sword looks way cooler but I accidentally already glues a gun that doesn’t go with it to the model so I’ll just keep it for repurposing
What miniatures released alongside each codex we've gotten in 10th so far? Is it holding true to just a single character per faction or are most of them getting more than that?
>>94731682dark angels got a full refreshtau got an entire kroot refreshbangels got a full, but awful, refreshguard are getting a krieg refresheldar are getting a major refresh
>>94731671If it looks cool all is good. Like okay maybe you won't be able to use it in a GW-sanctioned tournament but who gives a shit. At the end of the day they're your models and unless someone is mega-autistic you'll probably be able to use anything as, well, anything in your games. Have fun with the building and painting.
cadians should get their own primarchs
>>94731670never mind got what you meant
>>94731647Thats just the Marine Tax. Mandraks cost the same, and it cant be explained by any logic, when at the same time Inquisitorial Agents and Hand of the Archon are still below 40€ and Tau pathfinders get an price increase by more than 10€ to 46€
>>94731696they have it, it's called creed, ursula creed
>>94731682I think more factions have gotten big refreshes or bunches of new models than have only gotten a single character dude.
>>94730837Me too anon. That's why I'm planning to go to the LGS more often this year to hopefully make some friends. And working out (did some runs around the neighborhood) because of the thunder bro meme that was posted last thread.
>>94730579The sly-arnold super jarhead commando in the jungle character hasn't been popular for 30 years. Even Gears of War, the closest heir of the hypertrophied macho grunt squad replaced the rainforest for ruins and mines and the wifebeaters for heavy ass armor.
>>94731658>Maybe the following Combat patrol box will be betterpic>>94731713It's a shame her tactical genius isn't as memeable as her dad's but giving kasrkin +1 BS +1 ATK and +1 SV is fun enough
>>94731585>peakso their arrogance is what prevent the exitance of a more muscular Eldar artificially or naturally
>>94731689If Bangels sell poorly I wouldn't be surprised if we get a mini-refresh in two editions, something like the Sang Guard getting replaced and maybe a unique Death Company squad.
>>94731682You're either a faction which gets a decently sized range release with your codex, or you get the consolation 1 mini prize, with a chance for a second box release via Kill Team.>Large range release:Tyranids, Space Marines, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Tau(Kroot), Eldar (upcoming), Guard (Krieg, upcoming), Emperor's Children (upcoming)>Pity releases:Orks, Necrons, Adeptus Mechanicus, Adeptus Custodes, Genestealer Cults, Imperial Agents, Adepta Sororitas, Chaos Space Marines>Kill team bonuses:Orks, Genestealer Cults, Imperial Guard, Tau, Eldar, Chaos Space Marines, Dark Eldar, Leagues of Votann
>>94731732>The sly-arnold super jarhead commando in the jungle character hasn't been popular for 30 yearsYes, there has been a noticeable drop in manliness in these last decades
>>94731749bangels sold out more than dark angels. They were the best selling thing of 40k in 2024.
>>94731749I bet somebody at GW made sure that the BA combat patrol included 2x of the new SG sprues to avoid losing money. Who the fuck was going to buy those 3 ugly mins at full price
>>94731773Oh then no chance lol good thing I don't play them
>>94731773source or gtfo
>>94731798My dad James Workshop
>female c'tanWould it fill the diversity quota without ruining a beloved faction?
>>94731658>I'm still hoping for an update of the Leman Russ.Just get the HH version, Ryza pattern looks better than Mars pattern and you can build all of the 40k versions that matter (Battle-Cannon, Demolisher, Vanquisher, Exterminator, and Executioner).>B-b-but Sponsons!There's like two different kits for them on etsy, that or just print them yourself>But I want to play the Punisher!Guard has far better anti-infantry options like Hellhounds, use your tanks to take out other tanks/monsters.>But I want to play the Eradicator!No you don't. But if you really want to you could maybe use the Volkite cannon in the Assault Tank set as a start for kitbashing
>>94731809don't know but after they made the fem custards they better make brothers of silence exactly like that for the sake of balance and fairness
>>94731818>fridge photographybased
>>94731809There's no lore issue with some of the c'tan having a "female" nature or necron given necrodermis form. But genderbending well know named c'tan or turning them into coomer shit is fucking retarded
>>94731824wouldn't that make the emperor gay, or worse bisexual?
>>94731833then how would you balance it?
> Those who stand with me, shall be my brother.
>>94731749>If Bangels sell poorly I wouldn't be surprised if they get more supportLol. Lmao, even.Them selling notably poorly would only earn them the Death Watch treatment.
>>94731818Love the SA Leman Russ. Unlikely at this point but a Krieg Upgrade Kit from GW would be nice for it.
>>94731824A small group of space marines made entirely of blanks called Soul Hunters that use their specific equipment to root daemon souls in place before trapping them in some DAoT contraption, so they can't return to the warp and reincarnate.
>>94731773in the top 10 of the best 40k miniatures of the year there are 3 dark angels kits in the top 6the only blood angel miniature is in 10th placeeven fucking vespids were more popular in 7th place
>>94731840Ban all female models from 40k and make the emperor full on gay.
>>94731851No it wouldn't braindead mongoloid, they'd been the second most popular marines for the entire lifespan of 40k for a reasondeathwatch got deathwatch'd because nobody plays them
>>94731860yeah but no one gives a fuck about that. The army box sold out instantly and they got the best rules marines could get in the entire edition. Rules sells for the waac fags.
>>94731783>uglyThey'd be fine with proper wings.
>>94731870waacfags are a loud minority, larper
>>94731861unless the grey knights are stronger or worth more than the SoS then no balance is neededI heard they are more powerful
>>94731873No they wouldn't there's plenty wrong other than the insulting wingflaps
>>94731860Wow, so you're saying people who could sit inside on their computer or phone and click to vote which mini they like the most (not buy, not use, not make, not paint, but like the most) relates to how many people bought them?No? Oh. Then what was your fucking point?
>>94731886Each their own.
>>94731873>fix them paying for 3rd party bitsFuck that, not to mention they would need their stupid stormcast heads replaced too
>>94731873They look GOOD without the wings! For fucks sakes you niggas need some red bull or something to get over your obsession with wings.>>94731874Not in 40k.
94731904you don't play anything, let alone blood angelsshut the fuck up shitstirrer
>>94731856They released the Cadian Upgrade sprue like a month after the Cadian refresh, so there's not a 0% chance of getting one.
>>94731902were they in finecast before? why do they look so shit.
>>94731713>fat old le heckin girl power lady whos' significance is being related to someone coolersigh, we could have had something cool. fat ladies are just good for minor one-off fun characters, not major leaders.
>>94731902>filename >toys make him think of cuckporn seek help
>>94731907I would never play marines. Im a good old fashion cultist fanboy.
>>94731864Had been. As in, in the past tense.But no need to get defensive anon, I'm just teasing. Your red space marines are very special boys and GW loves you.The funny thing is that the awful new models probably sold pretty well, because you are correct about the BA popularity, and marine piggies really have no taste or self control.
>>94731921yeah so nobody gives a fuck about your faggoty opinion on something you don't have an investment in
>>94731904>They look GOOD without the wings!Wrong, wings were part of the SG identity, they just needed to look articulate like in their lore to be able to fly and follow Sanguinius around
>>94731939The originals didn’t have wings and they were so much better…
>>94731919>replace all the heads with classic renaissance masks with black bald dudes painted goldI'm not the one who was thinking about black dicks when they did this
>>94731927Post your old sang guard, and they were there to support Dante, not the homosexual.
>>94731888>no blood angel kit was liked by anyone enough to make it onto the list>that actually means they were super popular guys, I swear on me mom
>>94731958Anon… I hope the porn ban in 2025 will do you some good.
>>94731962Post your new sanguinary guard
>>94731956The originals were just vanguard vets painted gold that lasted for barely an edition while the SG kit was part of the BA for 15+ years until know. It wasn't a perfect kit, but it just needed a refresh. Not a total downgrade with fucking stormcast heads
>>94731980You don’t get to play this card without your own posted models. Secondary.
>>94731979I'm thankfully not america
>>94731998Okay so you’re in the part of the world that would get me banned for mentioning. I’ll be sure my tax money gets to you after spending it on the new sang guard.
>fewer minis>less detailed>fewer options>no extra bits for kitbashingimagine defending this bullshit. Even redditors have shat on the new SG, ffs
>>94732032The amount of plastic on the new models is the same as the old ones. Bases included.
>>94731956You never owned them or even knew about them before the nu-SG rumours you larping faggot
>>94731995hypocritical much?
>post models>no u post models
>>94732082My account, good job
>>94732087WIP From back then
sure it is
Well at least we can agree that blood angels are cool, and despite their shortcomings they sold more than any other legion this last year.
>>94732082>>94732070This is really where were at now? Stealing model pics off Reddit thinking we won't get caught?
>>94732100They didn't, I bought the new dark angels and shaved off their icons to use as assault terminators and death companyMany others did too
>>94732112Look nice and smooth, but did you prime them? Those bases look like base plastic
>>94731089The drill that will pierce the heaves!
>>94732101every model posted here gets lens'd by some schizo whether you shitpost or not
>>94732126Nope, I have the infernus starter and stormcast one. I used what I got there since I saw in a tutorial that you can do that too.
>>94732136>some schizoit's literally always the same schizo that makes all the early threads
>>94731979nobody is banning porn anywhere in the world (that hasn't already) at worst they're introducing age checks. that's not a ban. even places like the UK that are doing it have left PornHub open because reasons. so it's utterly irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.
>>94732137Well you got good coverage but going forward you should definitely invest in a can or two of primer, it'll help your paintjobs hold up better over the years, citadel's primers are fine but a bit spendy, vallejo and color forge and pro acryl all have good canned primers too
>>94731818Nicely painted tank and thanks for pointing me into the HH Russ. I still would want some Krieg-exclusive plastic tank instead of those ugly horsemen.
>>94732171Thanks. Will prime my future minis.
>>94732172The Dorn tank looks unironically fine in Krieg colors. Specially removing the retarded nipple guns.
>>94732195Still a 40K tank so it’s still kinda ugly
>>94730728questionable tau
>>94730559Don't you DARE insult Rollerbob like that, fuckign cunt
>>94732202there's also the Malcador and the now OOP Macharius, but they only have Legends rules in 40k
>>94732226>>94732202While not correct I imagine most casual players would be fine with using the plastic Malcador as a Dorn proxy so long as you tell them what it is.
>>94732195I don't hate the tank per se, but it has a lot of design features that make me question the sanity of the designer. With the side skirts on and without nipple guns and sponsons, I find it to be perfectly nice tonk.
A human would find a monkey inferior but still cute or at the very least amusing, do the Eldar think similarly to humans beyond just having sheer disgust and hate towards them?
>>94732195On its own i agree. But next to other 40k tanks it will always stick out due to its round shapes. If they would retire the Chimera vehicle family and use the Dorn chassis for an APC, that would be interesting.
>>94732136It's just the slaaneshfag, he loves to think posting other people's socials means people will forget about his
>>94732240The Malcador is longer and the Dorn taller and wider...
>>94732272You know, I'd jump on the plastic Kreigers if they gave the Malcador rules again. I'd do it in a heart beat. Oh well.
>>94732272I really want pic related for Krieg. Its such an ugly/sexy beast.
>>94732259We should have got a plastic Macharius, which also has an APC variant and more.But somebody at GW really wanted to earn a bonus and the clout of being the author of a new 40k tank
>>94732259I don't mind there being more than one shape. Cast vs. welded hull and all that. And the Dorn evokes some M26 Pershing vibes.
>>94732283I really want Legions to get Dracosans. If they can use regular Malcadors, they should be able to use Dracosans. Also, Leman Russes for legions.
>>94732285Maybe in a year or two.. Next release for Solar Auxilia will be the Arvis (?) Flyer. Maybe after that the Macharius. But probably not for 40k.Still, having that thing in plastic would be awesome. Even tho that would mean i have to retire my proxies.>>94732287>And the Dorn evokes some M26 Pershing vibes.It absolutely does. If i had a Guard army with mostly "american"-inspired Russ proxies, i would absolutely go for it. With my rather german inspired guard tanks, the Dorn would stick out. Same as it does next to OG Russ and Baneblades. The Macharius on the other hand would fit perfectly next to a russ, same as the Malcador/Draco
>>94732283wouldn't that plow completely ruin the tread shape's ability to crawl over uneven terrain
>>94732285GW is a bit hesitant to make FW units in plastic. Various HH units got it because it's still a separate game. At best those units get token 40k rules through Legends before being forgotten. They want to keep the games separate, which is why 30k got their own Leman Russes.
GW gives you the chance to put one faction from any wargame, video game, movie, or TTRPG into Warhammer. No bullshit copyrighting or lore breaking for the faction is done, they just drop into 40k with a full range.What faction do you choose?
>>94732313I doubt it. Not only the Macharius has dissapeared from GW's site, it was explicitly a 40k model in the same game design space as the Dorn.I think at some point GW had to decide to keep in plastic the Malcador or the Macharius, and the first won.
>>94732259Retire almost all the chimeras except the actual chimera and make unique vehicles for each role the chimeras filled, like artillery, anti-infantry, etc.
>>94732314Are you applying reason to GWs tank designs Anon?>>94732287>>94732313There is pic related Russ proxy for example. Among those, the Dorn would look awesome.And if i'd ever do a loyal guard army, it will be some kind of US inspired.
>>94732325it's capeshit but id go for the symbiotes from Marvel I think it would make fun units with known characters getting taken over by them and they can come in many forms including ones not even slimy
>>94732313Militaries don't really care what their tanks look next to other tanks, as long as they work.
>>94732341I know the Russ' silhouette already gets derided by treadheads a lot for looking cartoonish, but this manages to look even sillier.
>>94730598Not a complicated conversion but it's always nice.
>>94732339>and make unique vehicles for each role the chimeras filled, like artillery, anti-infantry, etc.That wouldn't be good. Lore-wise having a basic chassis fulfilling all kinds of jobs does make a lot of sense in terms of logistics, and its realistic too. And it also would be a huge investment for GW, because they would have to come up with 5? different new tanks instead of having one kit with different turret or gun options. Maybe its my personal taste to like same chassis tank armies vs your taste of having unique vehicles for each job. I would bet GW chooses the cheaper route tho.Thinking about it; a huge kit similar to the baneblade, with all kinds of variants buildable from it would be the best thing for guard.
>>94732346But i'm not the military Anon, I'm a collector who likes to play with his toy tanks and their job is to look nice.
Has anyone here put the Black Templar combat patrol together and if so, are you supposed to get only 1 of each sprue?Because if so I got sprue C twice, which would be like, 2-4 extra minis
>>94732386It's the attitude that gives Custodes dreadnoughts that are just big Custodes down to having hands and wielding spears and swords as weapons. A good collector would make it work, rather than complain all of their tanks aren't cast from the same mould. People don't whine about fielding Malcadors and Sicarans next to their MkIII Phobos and Mars pattern Rhinos. They make it work.
>>94731064You forgot several kits for the death guard even
>>94732285All would be forgiven if they would just give us the Vanquisher back
>>94730570Working on chosen. Still trying to pick I head I like but I think he's turning out pretty good. will probably need to shave a bit of the top on the left shoulderpad to fit the backpack in which is not ideal though.
>>94731373This is how I do them. They are just Fire Warriors with the old Guardsman feet.I just run them Fire Warriors.I also do leg swaps for stealth sits, those are just Marine legs swaps.
>>94732465>>94732471It's not the same. It's good, but it's not comically long like the resin gun was.
>>94732486Size queen.
>>94732427>that givesNope, that is consoomer attitude.. you can just buy those tanks you like, and refuse to buy those you dont, and rather print nicer looking proxies. If GW is not releasing a plastic Malcador for example, i dont care. I have my printed ones.If they release some ugly shit like that new guard sentinel i just wont buy it and print the old ones. Im totally fine with that.
>>94732482Quite subtle, but with a bare human head in between it should look pretty good and convincing.
>>94732482The old marine scouts are perfect too.
>>94732553>Join the Tau they said>It'll be for the Greater Good, they said
What niche do hive worlds fill? Descriptions of them often include giant factories... but that role is filled (and enforced) by mechanics forge worlds. Human farms sounds good, but hive world IG aren't especially noteworthy. Colonist farming, offering people a "better life" on other worlds? Trade hubs? Hive worlds seem like great idea for stories, adventure, and cyberpunk elementss but any art/stories/games about them seem typically limited to the industrial or underhive or worse the "lol work 20 hours 6 days per week." What the fuck happens in a hive?
>>94732579Hive worlds have a lot of overlap with forge worlds. They just aren’t run by the mechanicus. Instead they’re controlled by trade guilds run by noble families. They make all the stuff you don’t need admech expertise for.
Does anybody have the new plastic terminators and the gravis marines? Could you do a size comparison? I would be indebted to you.
>>94731338Oh look, a bunch of fast attack that will be dead by turn 2.
>>94732595You're in luck, they were right next to me.
>>94732595They’re about the same profile. Aggressors are wider.
>>94732579You're thinking too practically and as though you have any sort of compassion or reason in your allegedly unrotten gourd.Hive worlds exist for one reason. Tithes. The nobles get tithes from the Hive and the Imperium reaps tithes from the nobles. There's a reason that many Hives subsist on producing the bare minimum just to keep the bureaucratic machine running.Their existence is justified by the bare minimum product of tithe they are able to produce. If anything actually profitable (talent or material) comes from it, that's just a bonus.
>>94732508>mfw my army army doesn't look homogeneous
>>94732579Just because a Forge World is a better/more efficient factory does not mean a hive can't have its own factories.>offering people a "better life" on other worlds?Yes. Especially if said world was ravaged by war and lacks colonists, a nearby hive world can easily spare a few "volunteer" colonists.>but hive world IG aren't especially noteworthyThey dont need to be noteworthy, they need to be plentyful and ready to fulfil the recruitment quota.And the hives factories need to provide the military equipment for those. Besides:Steel Legion, Firstborn, Necromunda Spiders.. these are quite noteworthy.
>>94732579>but any art/stories/games about them seem typically limited to the industrial or underhive or worse the "lol work 20 hours 6 days per week."Read Warhammer Crime then.
>trying to use games workshop's official website to see some prices on models>their site is a buggy mess that leads to 404's everywhereHow the hell has this not been fixed? It's been like this for months. How has no one told them "hey, when you updated your store website it became garbage"Is it me only? Are their ads on it and they're just blocking me from using it due to adblock or something? What is this joke?
>>94732429They're actually no longer part of Deathguard. Or Kill-Team for that matter.
>>94732641they're still in KT though?
>>94732625Enjoy buying whatever random stuff GW releases as new unit for your Army Anon. All power to you. Its not for me tho. I dont buy what i dont like.
>>94732579>What niche do hive worlds fill? >Descriptions of them often include giant factories... but that role is filled (and enforced) by mechanics forge worlds.It's still factories.Hivecities produce lot of shit as well for the sole reason that there are retarded amount of people living within hivecities.Mechanicus forgeworld, even if existing in the same planetary system, wouldn't give a shit just because some hiveworld is also producing leman russes like it does.Hivecities also probably produce lot of stuff that forgeworlds wouldn't bother with at all, like say simple combat knives or swords for guard. Or say the hivecity factories stamp out and make lot of autoguns and other stub guns meant for outfitting PDF which they then trade to other worlds for in exhange for something.Like say they send bunch of 40k equivelant of AK pattern stubguns to some agriworld, which then in return sends them food and water to sustain the population.Hivecity life for most people is basically straight from the 1700-1800s during the industrial revolution.It's not the greatest, but it ain't the worst either.
>>94732633Today the page was completely down for me around 2h ago. Looked like a DDOS or something severe actually. Maybe they had some issues and are just recovering from it.In general, the store website was working for the last few months, even with its disgusting new layout.
>>94732650Imagine doing it any other way. There are people out there who just buy any release by default.
>>94732656Anon prior to the 1900s cities had to import population from the countryside so many died.
>>94732678Well, they did not have Servitors back then, so it makes sense.
>>94732608>>94732613Very cool thank you guys.
3dproonters are the vegans of tabletop gaming.
>>94732670>Imagine doing it any other way.Like not painting your knight or titan in the same colour scheme as your regiment/chapter?
>>94732698As in "the ones who don't make it their entire identity are alright"? Because that's how I feel
>>94732711don't reply to the unprompted bait
>>94732696No worries. Old termies next to the new ones are just silly.
>>94732313A spare Baneblade turret looks good in the Dorn
>>94732713there's literally a proonter talking about how everyone should just proont instead of buying things in the thread
>>94732656>>94732678>>94732684You're going to have to get in touch with the source material and understand that Hive Worlds are allegory for the social and ecological scouring of the English past. Lots of period appropriate English rock grapples with these themes.
>>94732670Imagine, there are even those who dont even unbox those things and just store them.Some people are just braindead when it comes to hoarding
>>94732737Nope! He said if he doesn't like a sculpt he'll print one he does likework on that reading comprehension, ESL
>>94732730Yea, that looks good.Is the turret ring the same size or is there a lot of work required?
>>94732743>You're going to have to get in touch with the source material and understand that Hive Worlds are allegory for the social and ecological scouring of the English pastYes quite literally."It was a town of machinery and tall chimneys, out of which interminable serpents of smoke trailed themselves for ever and ever, and never got uncoiled. It had a black canal and a river that ran purple with ill-smelling dye, and vast piles of buildings full of windows where there was a rattling and a trembling all day long, and where the piston of the machinery worked monotonously. It contained several large streets all very like one another, and many small streets still more like one another, inhabited by people equally like one another, who all went in and out at the same hours, with the same sound upon the same roads, to do the same work, and to whom every day was the same as yesterday and tomorrow, and every year the counterpart of the last and the next."- Charles Dickens, Hard Times 1854
I need to put an end to my overthinking and actually start my painting project. Here's a list I'm thinking about hobbying out. Kinda want to idiot check my build before I commit tho, looking to get into my local weekly League. Played a bunch of 9e, not much 10e. Probably Renegade Raiders. >Abaddon>Termi Sorc>10 Cultists>5 ranged Legionaries>2x5 melee Legionaries>5 Chosen>5 Terminators>5 Lascannon Havocs>2x2 Obliterators>5 Warptalons>3x Venomcrawlers>1 RhinoI keep going back and fourth between wanting ranged Legios or Traitor Guardsman, 6 man Bike squads or Venomcrawlers,Warptalons or 5 Raptors+Lord/Haarkon, and Havocs or Predators. They all seem like a wash to me tho, give or take a few points, and I don't want to blow my hobby budget on redundant units for marginal gains.I wana try to use the Venomcrawlers with my Legion Trait to herass any unprotected enemy infantry from downtown at fucky angles, deliver Abaddon w/ Chosen buddies via Rhino, and Deepstrike or Rapid Ingress in the Terminators w/ Sorcerer. Havocs for AT shots and Oblits to kill anything. List gets better if I drop Abaddon, I know I don't have the best castle for him, but he's my centerpiece so fuck it. Anybody have any major corrections or see any gaping flaws in the list that I don't?
>>94732698I agree.
>>94732737I happily buy GW products if i like them. But if they dont make what i want, or just release ugly shit like the mentioned Sentinel will not waste my time with it.The chimera chassis here for example is og notthingham plastic.
>>94732752I appreciate them, in fact. Those people tend to sell their stuff at a heavy discount towards the end of the year. Good for christmas shopping.
>>94732764Seems like it requires to sacrifice the Dorn turret ring
>>94732791looks like shit
>>94732782That was the hottest look Brie ever had.It definitely altered my brain chemistry.
>>94732799I can see that yours looks way better Anon.
>>94732777>I need to put an end to my overthinking and actually start my painting projectThen shut the fuck up and start painting.>but wordswordswordswordswordsShut the fuck up and start painting>Anybody have any major corrections or see any gaping flaws in the list that I don't?The fact that you haven't shut the fuck up and started painting is a glaring issue
>>94732730>>94732764A Macharius turret looks event better if you can find it (or print it)
>>94732775I think it's worth remembering that Engels (and thus pretty much communism as a whole) got super anti-capitalist because he saw how bad second industrial revolution era England was. A Hive world is just a 40k twist.The saddest thing about humanity is that a lot of the crazy epic grimdark 40k things are just aspects of our real world. The 'guardsmen only lasting 15 minutes' is still a higher survival time than Stalingrad, and Hive Worlds are better than old English cities. Kinda neat worldbuilding desu
>>94732670I learned the hard way with Leviathan that I hate pushfit crap and shouldn't buy launch boxes.
>>94732777Start painting the things you will take 100% into your list and think about your listbuilding while you paint.
Who's the hottest woman in the 40k universe?
>>94732721Based and sallypilled
>>94732838Ur dad
>>94732838Lelith, but GW is apparently trying to retcon this because muh male gaze.
>>94732838female avatar of khaine
>>94732866People (women on Twitter) need to understand that the male / female gaze are terms specifically meant for FILM.
>>94732837I have the central army core I want to run from 9e, I just want to figure out what else I'm running, so that I can batch paint or hop between units with a central goal in mind. Not trying to do some stupid shit like buying 2k points of grey plastic before starting.
>>94730570did this thing yesterday
>>94732926I want those tau hooves on my balls
>>94732799I like it
>>94732979What I’m trying to say is it could use some rust effects along with some white.
Do you guys find ultra elite armies fun? To play or to play against. I know that in many ways, when you get good at the game that ultra elite armies are not meta kings or usually stay very good.But I cannot see the appeal at all. I like a good tough elite, but when an entire army is T5ish, 2+ with a 4-5+ invuln and multi wound often with ways to get even tougher I find it so dire and boring.You can shoot dozens of high strength and ap stuff into these units and its 99% odds they take non lethal at all, for a single model.Melee seems better into these units due to higher damage and damage spread, but still.
>>94730575Lame. I wanted possessed back in some form or another. Even with a dumb name, I don't care.
>>94730575Death guard shouldn’t be melee proficient, and shouldn’t have plasma weapons.
>>94730575boohoo tsons and world eaters still have fuckall, you don't deserve anything but the equal attention character model
>>94732826>The 'guardsmen only lasting 15 minutes' is still a higher survival time than Stalingrad,No? The fluff and title of the BL book is 15 hours, and the real life bit of trivia is Soviet soldiers deployed to Stalingrad on average lasted 24 hours. Is that bit of trivia true? I can't say and I can't answer the exact parameters of it. Like was it for a specific month of the battle, only the city fighting and not the Planetary Operation that encircled the Germans or something else? It would be the kind of statistic the Soviet Union would produce since per the Parshall Lecture the Soviets determined that the average lifepan of a T-34 in combat was 14 hours (6 months out of combat). 39 minutes into the video:https://youtu.be/N6xLMUifbxQ?si=XYtzAz6ypW4wldkQ
>>94733037>this faction should be flanderised
>>94732922Shut the fuck up and start painting
>>94733063In death guards case yes. They absolutely should be.
>>94733015This is my concern after finishing writing up my Deathwatch list.It looks very fun for me to have two Talonstrike teams leaving the table every turn to come back in to get the most out of their rule while my Spectrus team is moving around the board dumping precision shots into characters.But is that fun to play against?
>>94733063not what flanderization means
>>94733037Shut up
>>94733091ned flanders
>>94733015It's funny because some weapons just utterly destroy Custode-equivalent units and you get huge point values
>everybody talks about the local shop discounts>only shops in town are all owned by the same guys and sell at GW prices>shop two towns over sells for MORE than GWkill me
>>94733091the reason why anon doesn't want death guard to have melee weapons or plasma weapons has most probably with a misconception about how narrow their focus is or should be, so yes, it had to do with flanderisation
>>94733172try online orders
>>94733176amazon is the same price, ebay is the same price after shipping, nobody on marketplace/craigslist sell what I need
>>94733172I feel you. None of the shops in Boston have respectable inventory or discounts.
>>94732866>>94732907It's not the male gaze that's the problem it's the male gays.
>>94733188try facebook groups that specifically revolve around 40k trading
>>94732633New layout is dogshit UI/UX but functionally has always worked for me
>>94733188No, like smaller stores online. Which country are you from?
>>94733195male gays are indifferent or amicable to female beauty.Only bitter women hate pretty girls
>>94733174Oh wow we got a mind reader over here
>>94733172Discounts are usually given by online stores. I could go to a local store that sells gw and buy for retail prices or I could use this very same stores online shop and buy with 15-20% discount. Such cases.
>>94733216can you think of an actual reason why death guard shouldn't have melee weapons and plasma weapons
>>94733242Because it would annoy the chuds
>>94730575the hammer branding on the sprue makes me think this might be a commemorative series model, unless it's something they're going to put on every new sprue going forward.
>>94732226Can't you just proxy them as something else?
>>94732226>>94732240the malcador isn't legends it's imperial armour
>>94733356All the imperial armour models are legends
>>94733258that's not an actual reason
NEW THREAD >>94726793>>94726793>>94726793
>>94733037The only thing DG should lack is man-portable heavy weapons as it's established that they let those go to shit. And will you look at that, no man-portable heavy weapons in the army. Now I'll grant you that overt melee proficiency didn't used to be their thing aside from characters. I miss the times when Plague Marines were about being able to stand up to nearly any charge in the game. They may not fuck you up in return, but you're not killing them quickly either.
>>94730570It's coming along but it's hard to make progress with the debilitating back injury, but I need to do as much as I can before the impending surgery.
>>94733496Hope it goes well :)
>>94730570i finished one side of a 3dP DG land raider
>>94732730I normally hate the Dorn, but that reminds me of a Type 34/85.
>>94733496I hope your surgery turns out good so I don't have to keep reading about your debilitating injury every fucking time you post literally anything
>>94733523Maybe try not being terminally online next time.
>>94733037Death Guard should absolutely be proficient in melee but their weapon of choice should be bolters primarily, as it used to be. They could lose the plasma weapons.
>>94733507Panel lines are so deep they make it look like the tank is made of bricks/patio stones. What an ass 3d sculpt
>>94733523Damn, I haven't posted about it in a while. It's nice that someone remembers me.
>>94733037plague marines in melee just act like slow moving gorillas, hitting like a brick shithouse and not really caring how many times you strike them, short of a decapitation
>>94730560Delicious pits and midriff>>94730698Based
>>94733523Be quiet please
>>94731064The effort that went into DG vs TS and WE makes them look like they belong in different games
>>94733496>Knee surgery
>>94730939The highlight on the leather holster is so fucking wide my eyes read it as carved wood
>>94733608Uhoh nomodels melty
>>94731151Gracias medico
>>94731785>left RussWtf is that? A FW Leman Russ Alpha Pattern with the new HH Russ Lascannon or is it just a print?
>>94731457I suppose he... dreads naught
>>94733608How would you know how wide highlights are supposed to be when you've never painted anything before
>>94733612>>94733624>>94733635Too obvious bro. Just touch it up
>>94733642>>94733646Uh oh phoneposting samefag melty
>>94733655I respect your commitment
>>94733642>>94733646Uh oh slaaneshfag melty
Rate my WE spawn.
>>94733663Protip: don't post your fingerprints or iris online. This WILL be dug up by the Chinese Torture AI and used against you and your potential offspring
>lamentranny wakes up>thread goes to shitmany such cases
>>94733663Not enough faces.
>>94733642>>94733646So no models?
>>94733680Every poster you dislike is not your personal boogeyman as vindicating as that would be for you if true
>>94733612>>94733624>>94733635>>94733655>>94733660>>94733685You could've touched up your highlight 5 times over in the time it took to have this tantrum kek
>>94733680>people keep picking on me for shitting on everyones models>it must be one person attacking metruly deranged
>>94733696You've never touched up anything because you've never painted a model before
>>94733703>>94733705>he's phoneposting nowHoly shit dude. It's an easy fix just do it
>>94733710edgecoc please calm down
>>94733696You seem to be flip flopping back and forth with your story. Is it the lamenterfag or is it the chaplain OP whose calling you out for being a shitstirrer?
>>94733717I didn't even enter the thread until >>94733548 bro>>94733713I'm Eldar master race, not a bald obese marinepig like yourself. Just trying to help you improve your poopy mile-wide edge highlight. Sometimes I think no marinepigs even own a brush smaller than size 2 kek
>>94733734The pathetic cope of the low effort shitstirrer
>>94733738You're about as difficult to stir as Konrad Kurze you schizo faggot. Fix your highlights
>>94733734>I swear I'm not him I'm an elffag>post m-my models?>I-I can't because...>just because okay!So still no models?
>>94733741Yes yes I know you love to think you're a heckin epic troll
Just a reminder this is the model you're defending right now
>>94733752Looks much better than your death company lmao
I'm tired of this thread being run by two retards.
Quick question: If Orks are the primary antagonists in the 11th edition starter box does that mean they will get some new artwork? Is that how things commonly go for big new faction feature releases? Did the Tyranids get a lot of new art in Leviathan, for example?
>>94733772Same. The only time I witnessed anything close to cozy was when there was a thread splitting to spite the throoder. Maybe if he throods soon we can do it again.
>>94733772It's okay, once the slaaneshfag finishes his 5 models he'll spam them for a few months and then stop once it becomes apparent he won't paint anything else for the rest of the year.
I cannot for the life of me imagine having the patience to take pictures of every single step of the painting process just to upload them one image at a time on a fucking taiwanese mandolin tuning board
>>94733809Both are equally shit and have edge highlights a mile wide
>>94730939kino, don't see much ultras 4th company out there
>>94730887Why are we all shitting on these headless models and why is he still posting them when all he gets is negative attention?
>>94733822He's still waiting for his printed female heads to arrive in the mail
How could I get away with painting Dire Avengers, Swooping Hawks and Shining Spears the same scheme?I know I want them to be white with blue and metalic accents, but the other Aspect Shrines I want to paint oretty conventionally. I thought about making it so that those shrines are part of a standing army for my Craftworld, but that's kinda what Aspect Shrines are supposed to be for anyway.My Guardians are going to be metalic blue with white helmets, and my vehicles are going to be white with metalic blue accents.
>>94733822Poster is well known for shitting on everyone's models, multiple anons have had their first painted stuff trashed by this fragile loser. Also as soon as enough people critique his work he runs off to the jannies to delete anything that hurts his feefees, which is particularly funny given how often he dishes it out
>>94733772What I'm tired of is these retards not getting banned despite shitting this general up nearly 24/7. Like that guy must barely sleep just so he can shitpost as much as possible, it's absurd
>>94733837Damn I get it now.Why can’t shitposters be chill autists able to joke and take jokes at their expense in return? Is there any resident shitposter like that?
>>94733848Maybe sallyking, but he's not really a shitposter he just has the best attitude out of anyone who posts here
>>94733858most regular model posters seem like likeable people, at least when they have their models attached to their posts
>>94733752I know it's far from perfect, and my highlights aren't great cause I can never get a good brush point. Not sure what I'm really doing wrong there.Different view, please share something you've done so I can see how it's done properly. >>94733820Appreciate it! Wanted to do a small list for boarding actions, Uriel's guys felt appropriate for spaceship stuff.
>>94733822Because he made a name for himself by shitting on everybody else's models when he didn't get enough attentionLittle faggot gets what he deserves
>>94733870Ignore the DC slopper, he's just mad noones giving him bumpats for posting a pic of every edge highlight he does
>>94733870>highlighting with the pointWhy are marinepigs like this
>>94733752Unironically kill yourself
>>94733884>no model
>>94733884You aren't fooling anyone, you have no eldar, or any other painted models
>>94733884you're retarded dude
>>94733884>thinks every highlight can be down with the side of the brushthe post of somebody who's never touched a model in xir life
>>94733870>so I can see how it's done properlyStep 1 remove crayon from mouth and invest in a brush smaller than size 2Step 2 edge highlight with the belly and not the pointStep 3 resist the urge to dunk your base in goblin green paint chips and cat litterStep 4 ???Step 5 profit
>>94733870ignore the shitstirrer, he's never painted in his life94733905ignore this retard too, you can't use the side of your brush to highlight everything and this larper knows fuckall about what he's talking about
>>94733913>highlight everythingNo. Good thing he's highlighting a very defined edge on a massive marinepig holster
>>94733919Noones taking painting advice from a literal tourist shitstirrer, get lost
>>94733922>>94733927Uh oh we got some Golden Demon winners here
>>94733934>nomodels tries to shift the attention to others0/10
>>94730887We don't need or want an update on your slop every 4-6 hours
>>94733870>I know it's far from perfect, and my highlights aren't great cause I can never get a good brush point. Not sure what I'm really doing wrong there.Do them in reverse.
I don't give a shit about your stupid hatefuck jerk off sessions, but right now I'll say posting like this:>>94731237>>94731348>>94731503>>94731548>>94731566>>94733405>>94733600>>94733727>>94733809>>94733904FOR SIX FUCKING HOURS is worse for the general than 1 or 2 posts poo-pooing someone's models.
>>94733952BLanon should be protected and treasured
>>94733956It's kinda funny but not worth brapping up the general with as often as he does it
>>94733956Carnac is a crazy person. I make him spend his days here in a negative head space by posting my models.
>paint for four hours>manage to get one fifth of one space marine paintedhow does anyone have the time for this
>>94733956Sounds like someone's upset he isn't getting bumpats lmaooo
>>94733967You're too fucking slow mate
>>94733870for things with hard corners you can brush your brush's side at a 45* angle to get an easier consistent highlightand for keeping a good point make sure you're always washing your brushes after a painting session, can get a jar of brush soap for cheapand make sure you're not overloading your brush with paint cause if paint gets into the ferrule (metal clamp bit) it'll fray your tip forever
>>94733956>>94733965DC slopper samefag
Passing question from an outsider of the franchise. I think the "power of belief" that the orcs have is really interesting. I know there was some badass human soldier that they feared and it buffed him some ways, which got me thinking. In the grimdark setting have they ever tried just gaslighting or torturing orcs into altering the universe around them? Like capture a bunch, tie them to chairs, then show them mass propaganda of the power of humans, or the Emperor, or just blatantly made up shit and either empower their tools/soldiers or just will reality warping shenanigans into existence? I would think this is a very untapped powerful tool.Like show a fake video on loop to a bunch of captive orcs that has a a laser gun that turns anyone who succumbed to chaos good again or something.
>>94733967You can either speedpaint to a child's standard like the "people" ITT or put the time in.
>>94733956If you were that worried about the health of the thread you wouldn't post your models at all and would post new threads when we hit page 8 instead of page 4-6
>15 (you)slol,you can’t help yourself and you’re a crazy person
>>94733956Maybe if you didn't shit on so many anons painted stuff they'd be nicer when you post the 40th update on your wip in a week
>>94733967you'll get faster as you learn to paint, and learn the workflow for your specific models
>>94734005>on today's episode of everyone bullying me is the same person...
>>94734005>nooooo you're not allowed to reply unless you're complimenting me im going insaneee AIIIEEEEEE
>>94734036>>94734032>>94734005please kys
>>94734032>>94734036You've been samefagging for like 6 hours
I think we can all agree who the worst poster we have is but let's turn it around and focus on something postive. Do we have anyone who is the opposite, like paragons of our little autistic community? Maybe we should all strive to be like that and post good stuff instead of flinging shit every thread? The shitflinging is why we have such a bad rep on /tg/.
>>94734079I like the blue ork posters. The Christmas stompa made me smile.
>>94734079No, we all suck.
>>94734079seconding >>94734085also this guy >>94733988
>>94734079the blork poster, sallyfag, orange and tealfag, steel legionfag, black legionfag
>>94734079Black legion anon and mechanicanon are always cordial and humble.
>>94734064YO CHILL
>>94734050Hurry it's page six you can make your early thread again and pretend we don't all hate you!
>>94733988Nope thats not how it works, thats the retarded secondary understanding of the Ork gestalt field. Its not 'Anything the orks beleive in will become reality;, its 'Orks can make FTL drives with fucking scrap because they have an innate understadning of tech and their beleif in their one knowledge makes it work'. Ork DO NOT warp rality like make the Emperor alive again if they beleive hard enough. Its limited in range to where Orks are not all galaxy spanning. The orks beleive dYarrick was a real tough son of a bitch so he like any proper ork he can use a power claw. Thats the extent of the ork influence over other non ork people and their reality. They make plasma guns, ftl ships and power armour of out material you don't think they can because they think they can thats their ability. Its a weaker version of the Jokaero ability of making literally any tech out of any piece of scrap near instantly
>>94734156lol, you’re a crazy person attacking shadows
>>94734166you literally only have one insult, it couldn't be more blatant who you are
>>94734173It fits, because you’re an actual crazy person attacking shadows
>>94734166>>94734173>>94734176omfg what does it even matter? just ignore each other forever. it gives you two nothing to try to one-up each other constantly like fucking preschoolers
>>94734156The person you think I am left the thread 5 hours ago
>>94734176>>94734183You're so pathetically transparent
>>94734189>>94734197Haha, you’re crazy for real
building my first marines ever. 4 of us will be running imperial agents for the adepticon team tourney. Deathwatch have always seemed cool. Is the deep strike enhancement on the watch master a trap?
Well this was a fun thread
>>94734206>inspect elementLOL
>>94734219>patient seems to be obsessed with edging cocks...>must be stuck in the phallic stage
You sure it’s not the guy who has been at it for almost 12 years? I feel it might be the same problem.
>>94734239Are you a retard? Genuine question
you two know who you are
>it's another "schizos shadowboxing other schizos" threadCan you all just fuck off?
>>94734239it all started when the Eldar....
>>94734239Being here for that long has destroyed him.
>>94733752You’re just samefagging your mediocre model for attention.
Listening to lore vids while I paint models. Man, the Adepta Sororitas are so cool. Does anyone here have any Sister models they're particularly proud of? I'd really like to see them.
>>94733772You should always report anything you think you should always be reporting.
>sallyfag>lamentersanon>edgecoc>benThe four horsemen of the Marine Pigpocalypse, destroyers of threads, harbingers of schizophrenia, speedpainters of children's art projects
>>94734294You forgot the orange and teal tranny
>>94730570I really need to finish my thunderkin.
>>94734300At least he knows his models are shit
>>94734300>>94734316he lives rent free in your samefagging mind
>>94734294>>94734316I don't think the lamentersfag or sallyfag have ever claimed their models don't suck. The only one pretending their shit doesn't stink is EC
>>94734300What did that guy ever do to you besides pick a bad color scheme?
>>94734351Probably didn't give him bumpats for his slop, that's usually what sets him off
What ethnicity is Cadia supposed to be mainly? The 9th codex random name roll chart gives them mainly Germanic(German, Scandinavian, Dutch), Greek, and Eastern Slavic origin names so I assume a mix of those.
>>94734294>>94734300>exactly 1 minute apartYou should make your falseflagging and samefagging less obvious
>>94734351he thought he was attack me but he's just a crazy person
>>94734365Why does it matter they're space peasants drafted and born en masses. They might as well be referred to by numbers
>>94734365Cadian mostly.
Am I going to have to post my fantasy models moving forward to get some models posted in these threads
>>94734387If you wait another few hours maybe the DC slopper will be finished one more edge highlight and will post an update for us
>>94734351>Bad color schemeHis scheme is still better than your black and brown and tan death company
>>94734399I vaguely recall some faggot posting every single stroke of paint he added to an entire squad of shitty looking slaanesh cultists over the course of a few months maybe 2 or 3 years ago. Same guy?
>>94734411Yup, he also did it for a squad of arbites, and a squad of EC raptors/warp talons. He maybe paints 5-6 models a year and we see every single brushstroke while he's working on them
>>94734418Anyone who gets attention while he's trying to get attention is seen as competition. He's thrown a melty over every single regular poster at this point
>>94734392Where did you get this webm of me painting? Delete this.
>>94734455I'm in your walls
>>94734365>largest and most plentiful military force across the Imperium>mix of different ethnic inspirations in their namesAmerican most likely, though the woman commanders in Space Marine 1 and 2 had heavy accents so maybe it really is just supposed to be generic.
>>94734239no, ec, carnac is a lore-only shitposter, you would know that if you weren't a schizo
>>94734462Oh. Do you want a sandwich?
Speaking of IG, are Kriegsmen really all clone troopers? Does that mean GW really allowed a faction to be all male in the current year and didn't include a single female model or head option in any of their kits? Pretty based if you ask me.
>>94734474Its 40k, utterly disposable cloned male soldiers who are vat grown, or birthed live from women who are human baby factories goes with the area of being grimdark.
>>94734474No, the Krieg just value their own lives so little that they give their own soldiers numbers instead of names
>>94734239>>94734294Maybe if you post the names of your boogeymen more then people will believe you and start liking you
>>94734474they are all clones of the same guy, but they aren't all he/him
Why did GW to have the Emperor 'ascend' to the Golden Throne and be a corpse, instead of a barely alive but still talking leader. The earliest editions has the Emperor still personally issuing orders like the different astartes foundings. Why the change anons?
>>94734513I dunno ask /hhg/
>>94734513>Why did GW to have the Emperor 'ascend' to the Golden Throne and be a corpsebecause it's grimdark even
>>94734513no they didn't lmaohe's always been referred to as the corpse god of the imperium
Can someone recc me a 40k novel to read? I read the black templar onez the eldar one, the cain and the eisenhorn ones.Something with SM killing eldar would be great
>>94730887Looks like diarrhea
>>94734528The Emperor is still alive in that era/artwork. The Rogue Trader Compendium from 1989 has him personally deciding when new space marine chapters get made
>>94734537I recommend the current core rules, and the codex of your current faction. Everything else is fan fiction sloppa
>>94734528in the earliest rogue trader editions he was extremely old and pathetically feeble, but it wasn't because he had been mortally wounded in battle, it was just because he had gotten that old. the other anon is right, he was still "active" and giving orders rather than basically a desiccated corpse.
>>94734546you stupid retard, this is literally the intro of the first edition 40k codex
>>94734546It also had the Primarchs as just cool dudes that weren't even always Space Marines.Rogue Trader wasn't really the first edition, because so much changed between first and second. The first edition as we know it today was second edition, which is 95% the same as the current setting. First edition was like a pilot episode for a series; recognizable, but not really the same.
>>94730887why paint bad when act like a paint good? you are truthfully a smell and not a paint good. noone a fool we can see with our eye
>>94734551Wrong! >>94734562
>>94734474>Krieg >all male
>>94734562Yeah faggot I know that, I'm talking about how in the Warhammer 40,000 Compendum, which you can read here>>94729395Its says>Those chapters created at the time of the First Crusade are known as Chapters of the First Founding. There were orginally 20 of these, but only 7 survive in forty first millennium. Since the First Founding there have been twenty five other occassions when the Emperor felt it necessary to create new chapters.On page 6. He is still clearly giving orders and alive
>>94734597then you're not talking about the earliest editions you tourist faggot
>>94734597The compendium is a side product, nothing in it is canon or takes precedence over anything written in a rulebook
>>94734603>nooooo my grogslop is still relevant I'm going insane AIEEEEEIf it isn't written in the current core rules or codexes then it's fan fiction
You guys sure are yappy today.
>>94734603Was this supplemant not just a rule and fluff update betwen the bigger editions released?>>94734606By that logic wouldn't the modern warzones and fourth Tyrannic war stuff also not be canon or take precedence over past codexes?
>>94734618Just because your grogslop hadn't been relevant for 20 years doesn't mean the person reminding you of that is a bot
>>94734469With a pickle?!
>>94734622>nooo you're not tugging my cock under the table for my DC slop or my lore shitstirringYou should consider starting a geocities page, you'd get less upset if you were using your personal blog instead of pretending this is your personal blog
>>94734623>modern warzones and fourth Tyrannic war stuffAll that stuff is mentioned in rulebooks so they are canon
>>94734642Yes but the specific and detailed events that happen within them, buy your logic non of it is canon, other than the events/war are in a broad sense are occuring
>>94734623Not that anon, but usually order of canon means that side stuff is only canon if it doesn’t contradict the main stuff. In 40K, rulebooks, army books, and models supersede novels and the like. It’s one of the reasons retcons in new rulebooks are so annoying, cause so much stuff had already been written as if it wasn’t the case.
>>94734597You're talking about a single supplemental as if it was the defining narrative and they changed this later on when in reality everything before and after it has reinforced that the emperor has been dying on the throne before the legions ever split up
So, I was thinking of buying some 40k minis to use as generic stuff, especially as enemies. Then I noticed that besides the good guys, all the "bad guys" are just fucking boring with nothing going on for them. Like, Necron players, why are you playing the skeleton horde? What's the motivation?Also, another point is; if everyone in my army is super-heroes (i.e. marines) then there's no point of being a superhero. Do you play with mixed armies; i.e. imperial guard supported by marines, etc. I feel like, that would be more fun (outside of 40k context, as generic figures, I mean)
>>94734687>I was thinking of buying some 40k minisno you werent
>>94734696I am. I mainly play historicals, and has been reading some 40k slop (Nightbringer, xenos, etc.)
>>94734662ahh okay my bad anon, makes sense now thanks >>94734660Fair point. Is the fem custodes the last and biggest instance in a while of a big retcon in a codex. Can think of many others that such a reversal
Brimstone horrors are a challenge to assemble
I like his fantasy stuff, is this any good?
>>94733431>The only thing DG should lack is man-portable heavy weapons as it's established that they let those go to shit.Don't DG have no flyers beyond drones?
>>94734722They're 1 piece anon
>>94734732>Monsta-Boss of Glowing Rokk and his rad mutated boyz who are fighting off a hive fleet invasion while sieging a hive world didn't happen
NEW THREAD>>94734756>>94734756>>94734756
>>94734759Fuck off
>>94734723Dunno. I dont read about space wolves after some dude called they furries
>>94734759Looks like it's time for another split thread lmao
>>94734759Eat shit fag
I hope we get mre new shit like Malstrains. I have hope when we get darkmech, based on the Tleilaxu biotechnologists we'll get some truely fucked and cool shit
>>94734799Would definitely be neat to have more xenos weirdness interacting with chaos sortve like the chaos elves/dwarves we got for warcry
Jannies are afoot tn, doubt we'll get away with split thread, might as well just ruin the next one for the slaanesh fag instead
>>94734859The FAQ page under "Can I appeal my ban" has an IRC channel link. Use it to contact the mods directly. Make sure they know that the report function is doing nothing. Make sure they also know the page 8 rule so that the catalogue doesn't get filled with too many /40kg/ general threads.>inb4 why don't you do itI am an ESL and might mess up my English despite my best efforts and intentions.
Should I keep the scouts/Impulsor matte desert or try and do the RT Salamander scheme with em.
>>94731251I can see this working surprisingly well.