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Are there any rpgs that are centered around racing? Partially want to read rules involving high speed manuevers on tracks. Partially want to see if there's a community that paint plastic cars/motorcycles with shiny liveries I can lift for other settings.

>speed racer/f-zero/wackyrally/yellowline rpg

I vaguely recall shadowrun and 5e avernus having some kind of 'racing rules' framework.
That sort of thing suits board games more because the decision space is inherently limited by the car and track.
All the custom car games I know are some level of post-apoc (Car Wars, Dark Future, Gaslands). The Martian Racing Federation version of Gaslands is for slick sci-fi cars but I've hardly heard of anyone playing it.
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>MRF, gaslands
This looks like it's right up my ally for the hobby side, thanks.
You could try mashing some rpg modules with gaslands, could be fun.
Velo City comes to mind, although that's technically focused on skateboards, roller blades, bikes, and parkour. More of a focus on tricks, stunts and routes rather than just raw speed.
Still, could be worth a look.
All the cyberpunk games are about racing if you do it right. There's a couple different PBtA games that are about racing but your mileage may vary.
Car Lesbians
Bimbo Lesbian Martian Derbiers vs Rockabilly Wizards Ralliers from Mercury on the post apoc wasteland of Earth
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MRF also delivers on the gameplay for high speed maneuvers in the f-zero kind of way. Those hovercars are fast.
Might be able to use these games to help you out, but yeah Gaslands imho seems like a better option

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I made a swoop bike racing system for one of my star wars games. Does that count?
Yes. Post it.
Read the rules and watched a "race report". Gaslands actually looks kinda fun and not too complicated. The damage and combat aspect feels a little contrived tho.
This is your best bet, yeah
Martian Racing Federation sswitches it up by using multiple movement templates at the same time and having almost no combat other than incidental ramming.
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Looks pretty gay. Do the rules translate to a less gay means of transport?

The double blind planning phase is kind of interesting.

There a one page rules version?
Slipstream RX is kinda like F-Zero style racing, uses a deck of cards and a map, so there's lots of room to customize.
Definitely "board game" but I've just thought - are there any campaign rules for something like Formula De (if it's even still going)?
Came to say this. Add rolls and cards to the tiles of your Hallway Simulator, it's probably the simplest way to implement: terrain hazards maneuvers geography etc

It's 'line packing' when applied in a most abstract sense. How odd, compressing lines is an area OPnigga should be intimately familiar with...
...you must be a bot. No human OP would ever imply they needed help with a line packing problem. Ywn taste cock, like real humans do.
Uma Musume is technically it. It would be like turning Duck life into a RPG, and you have no idea how mad I am that they don't just make breeding games like these anymore.
F-Zero RPG is pretty fun.
Me and a couple more people are slowly working on 2e
>is there a one page version of this 20 page game
Assuming that each PC is a driver, and you don't want to actually simulate each lap and corner, you probably want to narrow down a few Driving Attributes that distinguish them
Offhand, various permutations of Cornering, Reactions, and Overtaking
Reactions help you start, and can help take action against overtakes or wrecks
Cornering determines how you build leads or narrow them down
Overtaking is self explanatory, and covers wheel to wheel battles.

Then you probably want to abstract the race into phases for the start, middle, and end.
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The issue is that the daily life of a racecar driver is pretty boring to play; go to gym, press conference, rawdog supermodel gf, cocaine party, sim time, sleep in mansion. You'd have to zazz it up with something like a criminal thriller story, spycraft or maybe some scifi bullshit. At that point, the racing quickly becomes the background and you'd be better served resolving races with skill checks in a very truncated manner as >>94767313 mentioned.
If you really want to make the racing a big part of the experience, you'd be better off running the races with a board game like Heat or Formula D. You could fudge things or give bonuses/penalties to characters based on story happenings.
What era and discipline of racing are you interested in? I'd recommend early-mid Grand Prix racing as a backdrop for a pulp campaign. Tons of room for intrigue, deadly stakes and glory to be found there.

GURPS Autoduel was the GURPS 1e RPG set in SJG's Car Wars setting. It had pretty decent rules for car building, manuevers, combat, etc.

Of course, it is GURPS, and that annoys some anons.

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