What are the best "mindless" RPGs, preferably generic ones? I'm finding as more time goes on, I want simpler and more flexible rules, but I also don't want to lose too much depth. I have been able to find flow in complicated games in the past, but I'm losing interest in juggling to many things mentally. I want to focus on the narrative while still having it be a fair and tactical game.The mechanics of Blades in the Dark looks interesting to me since the value of the die itself determines the result which requires less thinking. I've tried FUDGE, but I didn't like having to count up and down steps, so it was basically just like having modifiers for rolls. It was close, but no cigar. I may try it again and run it differently.Any other ideas? Anything mindless, fast, generic, and fair.
Fiasco and Ironsworn. You're asking for a very narrow balance of open rules and tactical elements without crunchy subsystems. You might have gotten to the point in the hobby where it's time to design your own system so it perfectly matches your preferences.
My homebrew system.
>>94741630I've spent years making a system with a friend. I've made countless mistakes. It's pretty close to what we want, but even after all this time, I still doubt it and myself. I feel like no matter what I do, I change my mind with it. At the moment it's a 1d6 or passive check+modifier+equipment system, but I crave even more smoothness and simplicity. We used to have a pool system like WoD, but maybe we could go back and add a way to make it a pool like Blades in the Dark.Maybe I'm just tired.
>>94741591>bitd>mindlessNigger you must be coming up with consequences every time some sperg does anything risky.
if you are running fantasy you are looking for 13th age
>>94741591Savage WorldsBarbarians of Lemuria
>>94744333Savage Worlds is actually fairly crunchy
>>94742908You don't have to.>>94742935>>94742957>>94744333Thank you for the suggestions, but I'm looking for something generic. Also, I don't like how Savage Worlds focuses so heavily on metacurrency and giving "Wildcard" characters (including the players) an extra die for no in-setting reason.
>>94741668Post it.
>>94749485generic in what sense?
>>94749533No, it's not done.>>94749702Setting agnostic. I don't mind if it comes with settings at the back of the book, but I can't have it inherently tied to a setting.
>>94749912Post the basic resolution mechanic and an example of it in use.
>>94749485>but I'm looking for something genericMaid works as a system for any game where the parry is a group that is subservient to an important npc.
>>94749912I find 13th age to be pretty setting agnostic, outside of the magic item books, which are tied to default iconic characters. The sci-fi supplement isn't on the wiki but isn't hard to find. With it you can run just about anything except maybe capeshit
>>94749928No.>>94749937The subservient to an important NPC part makes it not agnostic. I need something that is only mechanics, not tied to any concept. Something simulationist.>>94750332I'll check it out, thank you.
>>94753601If you can't post your superior whatever the fuck after pretnedingmit matters your advice and thanks are worthless.
>>94753619I never claimed it was superior you autistic nigger. It suffices for now, but why do you think I'm looking for systems? You are worthless and are adding nothing to the conversation.
>>94753697ntayrt but you're full of shit. See >>94741591>What are the best "mindless" RPGs, to which you replied >>94741668>My homebrew system So you think its the best. You going to post your best or be a bitchnigger while pretending to care about conversation quality?
>>94741591not the other anon who supposedly has a homebrew system, but I have one. its pretty rules-lite, so it may not be to your liking, but it at the least has a make-your-own-spell system. i find the resolution mechanic incredibly simple, but some others dont like it, so i really cant say its the best or whatever. if you read it, though, thats all i can ask for
>>94749485>metacurrency and giving "Wildcard" characters (including the players) an extra die for no in-setting reason.I don't understand retards saying this shit all the time.You can just make all NPCs wildcards if it's so important for you.But in reality all games and GMs treat PCs and NPCs important to the story as different from other NPCs, Savage Worlds just makes it explicit to keep things easier. Or just giving NPCs abilities that PCs cannot ever have. Or just designing NPCs to have shittier stats and skills than even starting PCs.You can even change an NPC from extra to wildcard or the other way around whenever it suits the campaign.
>>94741591Any system can be mindless if it offers premade characters and the session is designed around not engaging with Amy mechanics other than skill checks.
>>94741591Fewer games are mindless than the number of idiots who play them. Or request them on 4chan.
>>94761705Neat. Quick skim and a few questions. I like the poker hand dice resolution, have you looked at the stats breakdown of which point outcomes are most likely? Might be fun to do with actual poker dice. Traits and item modifiers seem very powerful, even a +1. An example of zones might help. Short editing idea>indent some paragraphs >chuck in a bit of art >weird to explain session zero for a one-shot system But overall I think its cool and you could polish this a bit and make a zine that would do decent. Thanks anon.
>>94741591I'm going to take this opportunity to shill my dungeon crawling system. It's not finished yet but unlike the other guy I'm going to post it anyways. It's not as rules-lite as >>94761705 but it's not designed to be "easy" or brainless really.It could easily become easy depending on the DM though
>>94764858>have you looked at the stats breakdown of which point outcomes are most likely?Yeah, some of the statistics in cogs are wonky, but its usually not the biggest problem in play. ultimately the resolution mechanic is supposed to feel like a minigame of sorts, and it being fun is generally more important.>An example of zones might help.It actually never occured to me to put examples for zones, probably because actually defining a zone is cancerous, and i only really went with zones because i wanted to be able to do games without totm, but things like grids or distances is more specific to figure out>indent some paragraphseh, this version is the barebones version of the game. im not too concerned about how it looks>chuck in a bit of artthat was the plan for the expanded version of the rulebook (which has a bit more supplementary stuff like sample traits and techniques), but thats been a 2-year long shitshow. word of advice: dont try to make a big kickstart project as a destitute, depressed college student>weird to explain session zero for a one-shot systemIt was originally just a system i made for one-shots, but i ended up using it for long-form stuff as well (part of why things like modifiers and focus exist). i actually ran a 2-year-long campaign in it, which actually started after the game was first "finished" so it prompted some updates as my players broke things. basic edition is actually 1.5e>make a zine that would do decentno, fuck zines. i only ever see zines because of annoying faggoty-ass artists talking about them. i despise the entire zine format by association with a lot of the people making and promoting them.>Thanks anonNo problem, anon.