Hodor editionPrevious Heresy:>>94729982>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Startedhttps://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/05/30/new-to-the-horus-heresy-heres-everything-youll-need-to-get-started/>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:https://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/downloads/warhammer-the-horus-heresy/>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)https://pastebin.com/iUqNrrA8https://pastebin.com/8riDmnhS>30k TACTICA & TIPShttps://pastebin.com/Tm2P4QLphttps://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Age_of_Darkness-Warhammer_30k/2.0_Tactics/General_Tactics>HH1 Black Books<slash>folder<slash>hrVRQLJA#wGHrhiBVzl21Gb_Vu6U67w<slash>folder<slash>NqlCmSpI>HH2 Rules and Supplements<slash>folder<slash>hrVRQLJA#wGHrhiBVzl21Gb_Vu6U67w<slash>folder<slash>1rki2Q6D>Miscellaneous Extras (Visions and Old Rules)<slash>folder<slash>hrVRQLJA#wGHrhiBVzl21Gb_Vu6U67w<slash>folder<slash>Q61izSiS『Adeptus Titanicus and Legionis Imperialis』>Adeptus Titanicus Rules and Supplements<slash>folder<slash>hrVRQLJA#wGHrhiBVzl21Gb_Vu6U67w<slash>folder<slash>IukARSLT>Legiones Imperialis Rules and Supplements<slash>folder<slash>hrVRQLJA#wGHrhiBVzl21Gb_Vu6U67w<slash>folder<slash>Fi9kQSwB>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colourshttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17Jccq0V--SwJifLVLwbisYnQeqLlS2pMSiPbGXp1Brs/htmlview>More listshttps://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/List_of_Titan_Legions>What size magnets do I need?5x1mm>Tacticshttps://1d6chan.miraheze.orug/wiki/Adeptus_Titanicus/Tactics>homemade missions:https://clawsandfists.blogspot.com/2019/09/matched-play-missions-for-adeptus.html>Thread question:How do you structure your army: by meta, by favorite model, by random models you've been painting, by "oh that looks good lemme try it," etc?
What specific units would you wanna see from a Dark Mechanicus range?How would you make them different from standard Admech?
>>94742360The stalkers and the evil swarmers and some flavorful (decent) rules. Also defilers. Also a generic ruleset that lets you build your own dreadnought/armiger equivalent with customizable wargear and stats.Distinguish them by making them melee focused so we can laugh at them when they die.
>>94742360>TQWhat looks cool. I try to recapture the horde of marines on the cover art of the first 3 BL heresy novels. Infantry is my favorite, and love that they are viable in 2.0. Mixed feelings on how bad they made blast templates.
>>94742347>TQ For my Dusk Raiders, I approached it from wanting to both build a full collection of marine stuff I liked/that fit the Great crusade theme (barring some exceptions like dreadnoughts and the sicaran that I justified as sold to them by their mechanicum benefactors. For my mechanicum, I decided from the start that I wanted a civil war scenario and so I picked several high techno arcanas for each side (reductor/thallax and cybernetica for loyalists, archimandrite/scoria, myrmidax, and malagra/aethertek for traitors), built a 3k list for each archmagos, and then used that to start building the collection, with some shared units that I justified as being under the command over the not-Scoria who was neutral until the very end of the war like domitars and thanatars.
When does this nigga come out?
>>94742347Take a few units to make sure the army can at least somewhat deal with every unit type, then fill out the rest with units that I think are cool and want to play a game with.
Which armour marks and units are considered "trad"? I want to make a trad heresy force
>>94741893Old metal GUO comes on a 60mm round from what I remember so his base would be too small. Soverign bases are 100mm-130mm. Used to be a chart for the 1.0 daemons but there isn't one for 2.0. If you're cool with sticking him on a 100mm base I wouldn't have an issue.
>>94742506The fuck you mean by "trad"
>>94742536Trad is short for tradition
>>94742509Where are the 30k daemon rules?
>>94742506Everything must be FW resin and released before 2014 and you can only use units from HH1: Betrayal
>>94742360>How would you make them different from standard Admech?By making them robot Tyranids, basically, judging by the Ligma rules for them.
>>94742550Community, Downloads, Horus Heresy, Legacies. Ruinstorm Daemons....Gods I'm still mad they made beasts elites and not troops....
>>94742556Yes that sounds trad, I need to find my old FW catalogue from 2011.
>>94742567I'll have a look, thanks
>>94742588Yeah it's got some fun stuff. I like the deflagerating hammer of wrath stuff. Pump up the number of hammer of wrath hits your sovereign gets and suddenly you have like 6 S-high, I forget exactly I think 9, deflaging hits at I-10. AND THEN you get to get your swings in.
>>94742506Just pick whatever mark you like because no matter what, people will call it a tranny mark because it doesn't have the right amount of rivets or something.
>>94742608You're right, I think I will stick with mk II, III and catapractii, they feel trad.
>>94742606That's nasty. Woah all daemon units have access to pseudo-rending on a 6?
>>94742635Yup. That's what makes them playable IMO. Barely. But I miss the 1.0 shenanagins. Like Shrikes, I had 2 of them, and they are gone now. So I got these minis that I GUESS are beasts.
>>94742680Yeah the old 1.0 was very nice and had so many options, I have a bunch of daemon models but I never finished the project. What models did you use for Shrikes?
>>94742696Yeah the trick with the deflag is that the Sovereign has access to the WB special psychic powers. So he gets +S and T and extra hammer of wrath hits. It's a stupid build DESU. But I think it's fun, when I tried it in TTS.
Is there an archive of all the sketchanon's stuff around? Or do I have to go digging through old threads?
>>94742360Harpax are fucking terrifying in LI, if they're that bad in AoD we're fucked.
Each time I hold a drop pod I can't believe how each round of its storm bolter magazine has distinct bullet and casing moulded, yet no models released today have that detail. To think we have lost such incredible technology...
What is the proportion of IRL:TTS gaming that happens in this thread?
>>94743091I ran a 12-person Legions Imperialis event on Saturday. That went down pretty well. Since the pandemic ended I don't use TTS much.
>>94743091I only play IRL. The biggest satisfaction comes from building and painting, then playing a game with the army you created. TTS has none of that. If I want to play a strategy vidya game there's way better options that fucking warhammer TTS, lol.
Would getting a Legion Siege Breaker Consul be worth it for the phosphite grenades giving +1 to wound in the Dark Angels Dreadwing Rite of Battle?Just for the grenades/nuncio vox to let you reroll grenade scatter, not for the phosphex Arquitor bombard (probably running a plasma Deredeo in my one Heavy Support slot).
Downed jetbikes for objectives / filling out units when needed.(obviously very WiP and not glued at all)Had some old Resin jetbikes to use up that were broken and missing bits so
>>94743374>Bent lamp postTrue biker's death.
>>94743385seemed fitting, it was his new years kiss
>>94742360>TQI have gotten into LI with Iron Hands. I avoided building my army around the meta because the mess that is the rules atm would have resulted in a very boring army (just infantry). Instead I tried to keep it a thematic mess of assorted units to match the state of the legion. Saying that I am running the unique Iron Hands formation because GW remembering us alone justifies using it.
Is there any use in taking SoH Reaver Attack Squads over their jump pack counter parts? I know the named character in Siege of Cthonia can take them as retinue in a land raider but I prefer not taking named characters. I see they can take dreadclaws as DT but can't charge out of them. In the Black Reaving RoW they seem a bit more annoying to get around since they can't take land raiders as DTs and the heavy support slot needs to be one less than fast attack. And yes, I'm aware of "take what you like" but I also don't want to sabotage myself
>>94743569On foot Reavers are a lot cheaper if you don't plan on wasting a heavy slot to buy a LR and that's it.Yes, their DT options are retarded for an elite melee unit. It's better to use them as a command squad despite losing the cheap chainaxes.
>>94742506That question has many answers. If you're a senile old groggoid, the answer is MK6 because of RT. If you're a Visionsfag then it's mixed-mishmash armour. If your preference is for FW black books then it's MK3 or MK4. Or, if you're an Actual Lore Accurate CHAD you use the literally, objectively correct answer and use MK5 HERESY Armour, the armour that every version of the Heresy we've been given regardless of what imagery accompanied it tells us was the most common and widely used mark during the Heresy.The choice is yours.
>>94743599>On foot Reavers are a lot cheaper if you don't plan on wasting a heavy slot to buy a LR and that's it.They're cheaper, yes, but wouldn't they have trouble getting to their intended targets on account of being shot at by numerous marine chewing weapons?>Yes, their DT options are retarded for an elite melee unit.Honestly I'm fine with them having a dreadclaw, but why can't they charge out of the dreadclaw? It not having assault vehicle is mega retarded
>>94743609yes, getting Reavers into melee is the big issue, and also they're just 3+ no inv MEQs.So you either:>buy a non-DT land raider for 10 of them, waste a heavy slot. Maybe go full retard with 20 of them on a Spartan with an apothecary>give them Deep Strike with a Warmonger or something.>make them a command squad. Lose cheap chainaxes for the expendable dudes, avoid wasting the hvy slot and gain 2+ (huge difference for survivality)>pay for the jump packs versionIMO, the jp agressors are probably the most middle ground solution without having to skew all the list to support them
>>94743640Thanks, such a shame
>>94743569>>94743609Dreadclaws used to have the Asault Vehicle rule last edition. GW most likely just forgot to include it in the copy-paste rush job that is HH 2.0, because as is Dreadclaws are just drop pods that cost three times as much points for no good reason. Being able to fly and do a handful of flamer hits isn't worth 70 points.Running infantry across the board is a lot more viable than people think this edition, specially when playing with a proper amount of terrain. Run moves adding a set value to the distance instead of D6 has made it so reliable, I don't even put my command squad in a land raider anymore. Been running a bunch of units on foot at the enemy army turn 1 before charging shit turn 2. It's so much target saturation and pressure, nobody seems to know how to deal with it. And I'm not even playing WE, or one of the other proper melee legions.
>>94743569Other than ZM where jump packs are a liability?Dreadclaws let you Charge on the turn you arrive as part of a Drop Pod Assault, which is a dedicated Rite of War representing the required co-ordination of Legion assets. Why can't you do it alongside a Deep Strike Assault as part of another Rite? Why don't you shut up, do you really want to face Fury of the Ancients with a Drop Pod Assault going on?Anyway as part of Drop Pod Assaults yes, Reavers are fine without jump packs.With the Dreadclaw you're not required to bring it down in Interceptor range/line of sight so if that's all you're deep striking you can sidestep all that Interceptor. It's a little more expensive than jump packs but faster and better protected moving across the board from cover. You're also not required to Disembark on the phase you arrive as part of a Deep Strike Assault.Finally, these (regardless of the unit you pick) are your Line units as part of Black Reaving. In any mission where Objectives are in play, assault Line units need to move forward and squat the Objective. Sitting on it with a jump pack unit encourages you to move off to try and tie up units moving nearby, either before they try for the Objective or before they move further out. But there's no difference in VP to sitting on the Objective and leaving it uncontrolled (since you have Counter Attack (1) and LA:SH there's no difference to being Charged either). So whether you take a Dreadclaw or Rhino or whatever else, those Line Reavers are still cheaper on foot if you're not tempted to waste them on pointless charges (which you will be because jump packs and good melee).
>>94743675>Dreadclaws let you Charge on the turn you arrive as part of a Drop Pod Assault,whoops, I was thinking of Kharybdis and normal drop pods, which are said to be superior to Dreadclaws anyway (that's why no Assault Vehicle)
>>94742506>>94742625Any mark can be trad for the heresy, you just need to make the internal logic of which marks you use in your army consistent. A good example of what not to do in that sense would be to use the currently available plastics and run MkVI and MkIII alongside each other without putting in a lot of effort to justify it.
Anyone here got one of these, and willing to take a picture next to a 40k Space Marine dreadnought? Need to get an idea of scale for some kitbashing.
>>94742347>TQFor collecting purposes, I pick a few units I know I want to field, then figure out what I'll need in order to support that. There's some consideration of meta in the support units, but the stuff I just want to field is sometimes downright terrible (planning out a 10 man power sword vet squad right now...).For game purposes, right now it's just "what I've been painting" since I'm a stickler for having as much of my shit painted as possible.
>>94743724Here a stock warhound I found, but since it's just an upgrade to the kit, imagine a gun on top.They really shouldn've made it a new titan. Some anon gave their direwolves raptor heads and I think it looked a million times better. With the tiny gun arms and clawed feet, a more bird of prey look to them could've made them a whole new titan, rather than just a different warhound (even if based on the same model).
>>94743853That's great, thanks anon.
Test model for Sons of Horus. Is this scheme too dark? Gimmie tips and guidance if so before I commit to painting more.
>>94744009Looks fine. How many infantry do you plan on painting? Because doing that many edge highlights on 40+ models can make you wanna deep strike off a chair.
Plastic Thanatar-Calix soon.
>>94744061The fact that the article misses out Horus Heresy getting reveals really does sell how shit warhammer community is at actually knowing what's going on.
>>94744054To start off with, basically the entirety of an Age of Darkness box. A 20 man Despoiler squad, two 10 man Tactical squads, 10 Cataphract, Preators, Dreadnaught and Spartan.>doing that many edge highlights on 40+ models can make you wanna deep strike off a chair.Understandable, but it's just always been how I've painted my models. Pic related. I painted 80 Imperial Guard infantry in the same style last year. I'm open to other styles though, if you wanna offer alternatives
>>94744073I know.>"Reveals for 40k, AoS, TOW and Necromunda.">Shows what is clearly a HH model.YFW they reveal Fires of Cyraxus and give 40k rule for all the Automata.
>>94744097>plasma TSSare they as bad as people say in this edition? how to prevent them to kill themselves?
>>94744097>it's just always been how I've painted my modelsOk then you should be fine.>>94744127The problem isn't that they kill themselves too often. The problem is that they don't kill near enough to warrant their point cost, and have to get within 12" of the enemy to do so.
>>94744127I don't leave home without 'em. Well, sometimes I do, but they're great. Love putting 8 of them inside of a Land Raider Explorator and having it be on anti-dreadnaught duty since any successful wound on them will also breach (5 lascannon shots from the Land Raider, + 8 plasma dudes will kill most unless you get VERY unlucky with rolls). Even better with the UM trait giving them +1 to hit.>how to prevent them to kill themselves?Just roll well on your armour saves. Sometimes they fail and kill themselves, that's just how it is.
anyone here who owns the plastic tech-thralls?I may need a hobby saw for it, but would it be possible to swap the legs out for something more normal? (e.g catachan legs)I want to make a mechanicum themed militia army, and tech-thralls are a good base to start for parts, I can use the torsos and heads for heavy weapon team kitbashes etc>just use augmented levy and take tech-thralls as-isno.
>>94744102>Spoiler.I would hate that because it would be shit modern 40k lore, and I like lording the superior 30k minis over the slop 40k is currently getting. I don't want to share with them.
>>94744061Congrats to necromunda for getting the calix.
I want to use a command squad with breacher shields, but I don't want my PA praetor to use one. How to give him Heavy so the unit doesn't lose it and its benefits?
>>94744369Put the praetor in Cataphractii armour. That's the only alternative. No command squads don't need to be in the same armour as the praetor anymore.
>>94744421>>94744307Don't spend all your daddy's money on toys, kids.
>>94744453Joke's on you, I never had a dad.
>>94744453Aren't you a little too old to be chatting with kids, anon?
>>94742506Have you considered kys tho?
>>94743273This.The only people I hear using that shot are losers with no models, streamers (also losers), and tourney waacfags 'training' (losers yet again).
>>94744009It's kinda dark
>>94744097Search how to paint grimdark world eaters on YouTube and apply the concepts to your SoH.Your painting isn't bad you have great technical skills.It's just all line highlights almost look cartoon-like. Maybe they are a touch too thick?Try the more gritty grimdark style for a change. I bet it will be somewhat faster too.I say all that to say if you enjoy painting this way and are satisfied, don't change anything
>>94744097https://youtu.be/dJ4uQes_D1U?si=Ow_YpvdoQlW8iEUmhttps://youtu.be/HFYb0Wpe5pw?si=KpoP_MYU19EaNG-QYou could try the FW style if you want.
>>94743724>>94743853Dire Wolves are much larger than a boxnought and a standard warhound.
>>94743724The legs of the direwolf look so wrong. The backwards knee is just too weird without the extra joint above it, like the regular warhound has. Not to mention the very strange looking feet.
>>94744061>All the comments being so sure it's gonna be a TS robot for 40k because muh rumours
>>94744756Are 40k fans actually retarded or are the vast majority of current players all people who started right around covid?
>>94744756>the guy on B&C with a TS profile picture repeatedly insisting that without further clarification it's probably the rumoured psychic mech for 40k while everyone else is telling him that it's obviously the thanatar
>>94744756Anyone who thinks TS in 40k are getting anything new aside from another character or Sigmar import is a brainlet in denial. 7th was the last time we got anything.>>94744787Probably both.
>>94744756>Read the YT comments. >Read line after line of delusional shit.>"But a u-toober said we we're getting special magic automata for 1k Sons.">"But it said no 30k."40k players should get nothing.They are the most desperate, slop gobbling animals that play tabletop games. I would unironically prefer to talk to AoS players at this point.
These 40k retards are hilarious.It is just the Thanater kit with the mortar sprue swapped out for the lascannon/graviton ram sprue.
>>94744073They could reveal it in a Heresy Thursday.Why waste a slot in an open reveal for a single model everyone knows is coming, when you could just reveal it during the games dedicated "new stuff" article.
>>94744723The dire wolf legs actually look more practical than whatever the warhound legs are supposed to be doing.
>>94744787They are actually just that retarded, why do you think everyone else can't stand them?
Ive got two more boxes of mk3, Should I get the minimum to upgrade my 2 10 man despoilers to 20 mans (16 chainswords, 4 Power lances), and make 20 breachers with 3d printed arms, or do I go for all the upgrades (16 chainswords, 4 Power Lances, power mauls, 4 power swords), make 2 bolter vexillas for my tac squads, and use the last 10 for Sniper vets? And if I do the latter, what are some good helmets for snipers? Legion doesn't matter as long as it's not too obviously Legion specific, playing Blackshields.
I got a single custode warden because I needed to pilfer it's weapon but now I've got a body with no weapon. What should I give it? I have a grey knight broadsword but it doesn't fit quite right because of the cross guard.I have a chaos terminator axe with the star of chaos engraved, should I be cheeky and give it that? I can make a polearm pretty easily.
>>94744991>what are some good helmets for snipers?anything with a bionic eye attachment.
>>94744991Not an answer to your posed question, but if you have a 20 man unit of Despoliers why take power lances? You (should( already have weight of dice on your side, getting a few cheeky attacks in first won't change too much.IMO go for axes, they're buried nice and deep behind 15 ablative wounds and can fuck up some AP 2.
>>94745008based on the pose in your pic related, you should just sculp him giving a hearty thumbs up for moral support.
They're finally making models for the beast hunt game from Doom of Molech, I see. It's been a while but I'm glad to see it getting some attention.
>>94745058I already have 4 Axes, I want a spread for variety purposes.
>>94745061>"Emperor wanted me to give you this."
>>94744991Sniper veterans are soooo many points, I don't understand why people keep wanting to build them. For the same points you can almost take two squads of 10 seekers with kraken bolters and have twice the mobile sniping shots, with better BS to boot.
>>94745293Because I need backfield line for my pride is our armor lists. I already have 20 seekers.
>>94745008Do you have some lightning claws or power fists? The arm being different doesn't matter that much with those
>>94745111Based reference
>>94744073>>94744102"But for now, here’s a taste of what’s to come in 2025. You'll find some of these miniatures revealed at LVO…">SomeReading comprehension anons, come on now...
>>94745487It was changed later.
>>94744756give them a break, the last time Lucius had a model they weren't even born
>>94745061This, use him as an objective marker.
>>94745549That would imply someone desires custodes
heres a militia list I madeits only 1000pts, as a base to startprovenances of war>cyber-augmetics>armoury of old nightHQ>Force commander (archeotech pistol, power axe, carapace armour)Troops>Infantry squad (19x lasrifles, plasmagun)>Infantry squad (19x lasrifles, plasmagun)>Grenadiers (10x volkite chargers, 10x needle pistols)>Recon squad (5x sniper rifles)Heavy Support>Leman Russ (vanquisher cannon, multilaser)>Leman Russ (vanquisher cannon, multilaserthoughts?want to expand these guys to 2k, and take around 1k pts of mechanicum allies
>>94742792Threads get killed after some 14 days
>>94743273>there's way better options that fucking warhammer TTS, lol.Such as? It has to be about 40k
>>94745892>millitia + mechYou are in the same position as me then but playing 2.0.>thoughts?What are they meant to be? Skitarii, imperial army, autokrator/tech-guard, something else? Some specific forgeworld in mind?>>94746017Archives exist. Some came before the whole automatic archiving thing too.
>>94746023>it has to be about 40kIt really doesn't to just be a better "strategy vidya game", which is all that anon claimed.
>>94746033yeah, skitarii somewhatthe regular infantrymen are some kitbashed tech-thrallsgrenadiers are actually skitarii
>>94746063Then you'll probably want to add more grens, some transport for them as slow and purposeful really slows them down and then you should start considering the arch-magos' arcana as that's going to affect the rest. Not all of them boost militia but there aren't any bad, bad choices (save for some of the traitor ones).
>>94745871Well a woman is very desirable to a lot of people.
>>94746396I think I have a burning Tzeentch icon somewhere, that'd be cheekier than the axe
>>94746123Funnily enough malagra is probably the best, because it gives you a ball of 3 characters in 1 HQ slot that can be attached to your militia for LD10
Posted my Horus yesterday. I've tried knocking back the OSL based on your feedback
>>94746636Oh yeah that's a big improvement
>>94746636I still see some on the top of his terminator plate and on the fur in weird places.I would clean that up.If you are going to try to OSL the fur only do those sections right next to his face/tube's on the left side. The dialed back lower 'helmet rim' is fine
>>94746672Yeah I'm going to go back and neaten it up. I actually like leaving it faintly on the rim. But I'm posting since I think I'm done with the head. I think I'm going to lose detail if I go over it again
>>94746636Looks great, the pose just makes me think Horus is late to get somewhere and he's rushing off
>looking at game pics in the discord >one of them is of a space Wolves vs nechanicum game >notice that one of the thanatars is modeled stepping on a Rhino wreck and behind the rhino there's a perfectly hidden tech priest unit Does this even count as modeling for advantage at that point? I don't even know if I'd be mad.Not like it mattered since he still lost turn 3 because it was space Wolves
>>94746737post it
>>94745061>>94745008Would a thumbs up count as a Vexilla?
>>94746595issue is that you cant do it as allies due to the 1 HQ slotmaybe swap the forces round? mechanicum as the primary detachment, and militia as the allies? (kinda makes more sense with the archmagos running the show rather than being second fiddle to some force commander chump)fill the mechanicum detachment up with bots, and take something like industrial stronghold+cyber-augmetics for 4 leman russ heavy support slots as alliesno lasrifles or volkite chargers on those guys though
>>94746971oh, and a chunk of infantry in the militia detachment too
>>94746971Yeah that's probably a good idea, let's you have big bots but also avoids the "every model has Dreadnought tier stats" issue that some Automata lists face.
List critique please2985/3000 ptsDay of Revelation Rite of War>HQDelegatus (WLT: Encarmine Paladin) -JP, Blade of PerditionChaplain -JP, Blade of PerditionChaplain -JP, Blade of Perdition>ElitesDawnbreaker Cohort -x9 spears, Champion with Maul of Perdition, meltabombs for the whole squadDawnbreaker Cohort -x9 spears, Champion with Maul of Perdition, meltabombs for the whole squadApothecarion Detachment -2x Apothecaries (both with JP and Blade of Perdition)>Troops20 Assault Marines (+Apothecary) -Sergeant with artificer armor and Blade of Perdition, 4 power axes, 4 plasma pistols 20 Assault Marines (+Apothecary) -Sergeant with artificer armor and Blade of Perdition, 4 power axes, 4 plasma pistols10 Recon Marines -10 Nemesis bolters, vox, auspex10 Recon Marines -10 Nemesis bolters, vox, auspex>Fast AttackContemptor IncaendiusContemptor IncaendiusContemptor IncaendiusList is meant to be hard in a league full of newly converted 40k players who have a hard time playing for narrative, plus I already own most of these models. Game plan is to Deep Strike in, lean on the Dawnbrekaers -1 pinning check, and place the Delegatus' Fear aura to pin things that really need to be pinned. Hopefully the turn before, the recons will be able to snipe our some auspex, and if there is a Master of Signal, he is priority target for as many of the Nemesis bolters I can get in LoS. First turn is preferred for that reason. Picrel not mine models.
I play a friend who has run a similar DoR list for the past couple years. It's punchy but will bounce off roughly half of the armies you're up against at that points level. People will get bored playing against you since the list is one dimensional. Since you lack tanks, expect your dreads and elites to eat a lot of heavy firepower
>>94747100Unless you are fielding 9 thanatar or something that's not really a thing anymore. Marine players can now just walk over their tacticals and krak something with 20 autohitting s6 ap3 grenades. The stats of most automata have also taken a nerf.>>94746971I think you would get more mileage out of discipline masters, they aren't ld10 but they are 12 per HQ slot, ld8 which isn't bad for militia and grant a reroll if you blam people. The problem with the few mech ICs is that most of the time they are too useful for the mech part of the list to be hanging around militia units, what mech as a list needs is some IC priest that sits in the elite slot like militia medicae but can also be handed out to allies without crippling much.
>>94747474>94747474Funny numbers.
>>94747495I'm a funny guy
>>94747495Maybe he'll make an ntr doujin
>>94746396>Loyalist Iron Warriors vs Mechanicum>Both players ignore the female Custode objective
>>94747549He would never, draw anon is too cool for that. >>94747520You need a name anon, all the cool drawfags had one and you are certainly cool in my book. Maybe a play on the numbers that you got? Instead of nanashi you get to be 474-anon or something.
>>94747682agent 47
>>94744097Lik your model a lot anon. They look great. For my in breeds, I decided that cermite works like eternite. It can be smooth and shiny(undamaged and unpainted will be metalic), can be scratched like metal (I think I could try think black lines with a different metalic colour under the black to enhance the "scratches" or just cut them in the models with a knife), but when it get grinded it starts to look like cement (since the similarity to real life eternite). For the bases I decided to "dox" myself aka we have a ton of white soil and rocks here (ton of river soil and calcium rocks) and the purple comes from the post communist mines and steel works polluting everything here. dudes look ugly, but so do I and the place around me. Will have to work on the scratches etc but what are the rest milion models I will paint for. 10 inducti down, now 10 despoilers, then 10 tacticals. By the way, for all those hardcorers who are still reading, would appriciate any tips on how to do scratches. Do you guys do a white line, then a black above it and a thing metalic one between those two? or how does it work/
i'm going to do an initiation game with a new player at the lgs. it's going to be BA vs Sallies because the DA rule is far too complicated for the base game. i was thinking of two 700pts lists.BA :>champion in tartaros>contemptor with kheres>6 veterans, sarge with thunder hammer, rest with power sword.>2 barebone tacticalsvs the sallies side>centurion in cataphractii with thunder hammer and shield>5 cataphractii, sarge with power sword, rest with power fist>2 tactical squads>predator with melta cannonthoughts ? i'm afraid the BA vets won't do much but i want to highlight the difference in WS between them and terminators, ideally the tacs eat the shots, the predator and contemptor duke it out.it's mostly a fixed scenario to showcase the basic mechanics
>>94747744ah and as for what I was trying to achive, it would be something we have a lot here.
Printed a Thunderhawk lander for my printed LI army. Think I might do SOH or DA I do think this would look sick in DA colors
>>94747775those blood angles of yours look great anon.breath taking how smooth the colours are, and how crisp everything is. the gold and how smooth it blends with the shapes of the helmets and back packs. looks just how it suppose to do.
>>94747791what are those suppose to transport? containers with troops, or were those ships big enough to transport something like rhino sized stuff. Because then it could be cool to have the normal ones transport 30 infantry and one of those transport their rides. like some sort of fast airborne deployment, the way specnaz does
>>94747825>or were those ships big enough to transport something like rhino sized stuffBingo
>>94747834That is very cool. I can only imagine how it would be to own one of those huge things. Not even to play, but just to have it at home at look at it, and everyone at school could be envious of you, for having something that big. But on the other hand building such a big thing would probably require some serious skills, I started panicing trying to aligned the hands and a weapon an infantry model holds.
>>94747682474-anon works >>94747688Or agent 47
>>94747474In you/your friend's experience, what kinds of lists should I be looking out for? Primarch's and some Mechanicum lists come to mind. I'm more conscious of turtle deployments and bubble wrapping than actual list builds.
>>94747791holy kino
is there a way to use stone gauntlet without it being oppressive and fluffyi was thinking of using the warders just as obj sitters and screening for assault marines. just 2 10 man squads as minimum req and to not be a dick. ive been told that with smaller squads its acceptable to bring apoths but im uncertain.would sticking a champion with a warder squad and fafnir with the other be waacfaggy?
>>94744317I should mine it as a boss battle for an end of campaign scenario.
>>94747825Thats a TH transport, FW used to make it in 38mm scale.It was able to transport i think like 40 dudes, and could carry either 3 Rhino chassis or 1 LR/Spartan chassis
>>94747971It's not sexy advice, but go for a mix of units to start. Avoid the temptation to build skew lists until everyone is comfortable with the rules. You can certainly do Day of Revelation, but mix it up a little.
>>94748075>Avoid the temptation to build skew listsBut Anon, I play the skew legion.
>>94742696Sorry Anon I was going to post a picture of my whole ruinstorm army but got distracted when I couldn't find it.Here is my shrike, with it's unfinished base as I look for the whole army shot. I believe it's a cockatrice from Warhammer fantasy if I recall.
>>94748157Indeed, I was being diplomatic. What I mean is try to avoid spamming the same unit in every slot. Your list indicative of a 40k mindset, which tends to suggest you'll misunderstand the premise of 30k and abandon the game within a year. I'd prefer you stick around
>>94745892Personally I would drop the needler pistols. I get what you are going for but that's too many points that just won't be used that often. As someone that's run militia, they are too squishy to invest a lot of points in. Volkite grenadiers are great but think of what your allies can do and compliment them. I SWEAR, but can't recall, if grenadiers can take needle rifles. That may be a better option for a second squad.Also Maybe the needle sniper, I forget if it's just worse stat wise though. I like the list idea though.
>>94746636lovely british skintone anon
I only have 20 veterans, 10 cataphractii, and 5 seekers, but when you count in all the mech allies I can shove in and the tanks I have and the polite 1-dread-per-1k I'm actually pretty much at 3k already. Probably closer to 4k, really.Which means once all the shit is painted it's superheavies time.
>>94748276the needle pistols are freeand yes, grenadiers can take assault needlers
>>94748347Oh, that's sort of changes things. You probably won't see much use for them, but for free why the fuck not right.I forget mech don't have access to the cool guns for anything but titan guard right? The basic mech stuff is laslocks on thralls. So the volkites are probably good to take a few of. I just think needlers are neat.
>>94748251>yfw I’ve been playing since 2015I tend to build lists with doubles of the same unit to mitigate my habit of bad dice rolling. It’s an autistic itch I have where if I put a single unit in my list a voice in the back of my head says “why not put a second one, just to be sure.” And for Day of Revelation in specific that is a skew Rite, if I didn’t want to construct a Deep Strike army I wouldn’t take DoR.
>>94748470Fair enough. I have engineering friends that tend to write lists like that duplicate units to assure everything goes according to plan. I get you
>>94748251NTA, but nearly every RoW in the game is a skew list. Their upsides are so narrow and their downsides so crippling that even in the few cases where it's even possible to take units not supported you're crippling yourself doing so. Either you get everyone on board with building full ass collections for each Legion they play so they can have varied lists (which a surprising amount of players don't like, a good chunk prefer to just build a single list with some room for upgrades or minor swaps and then start another srmy) or deal with skew.
Just about everything in the game besides infantry comes in squadrons, why wouldn't you take multiples?
>>94748592Who are you talking to and why are you talking about vehicle squadrons
>>94748608I was talking to myself don't butt in on private conversations
>>94748555The DA rites of war are like the anti skew, or GW decided four people to write each one, but they couldn't talk with each other. >>94748592my idea exactly. Plus having many tanks or dreadnoughts opens up new builds.
>>94748619Yeah DA are the one of the big exemptions, all of their RoWs would be amazing as generic RoW and yet Dark Angel players refuse to use them because they're not Deathwing.
For that Anon, my Ruinstorm army, back when it was psychic beasts and swarms as troops. Now it's elite heavy hammer of wrath dudes. I just need to print some Gors or Ungors to be my basic troops, and then do them up in the quartered paint scheme... ugh. Almost out of PP's arcane blue as well.
>>94748619He who has many dreadnoughts has few friends
>>94748656He who USES many dreadnought has few friends. He who HAS many dreadnoughts is a pretty cool guy
Seems like the leaked 40k DG model is based on nu-mk3. Interesting that they're phasing out the previous design completely considering that the rest of the 40k DG range still uses old mk3.
>>94747791Looks a bit shitty compared to the original (too boxy, the gothic arches) but yeah I assume that it's meant to be a tank transporter like the original Thunderhawk Transporter
>>94748685>army has 20 different random independent characters already>give them another one
>>94748708Please sir Marines need another 5 primaris units to replace 1 old marine unit, please be understandings.
>>94748692it's clearly based on this miniature
>>94748727I never saw the turret details on this before, sick.
>>94748634which i dont get because literally just go LOL Pride of the legion, basically the deathwing one.
>>94747791>>94748066>>94748692>>94748727YOu know what i was wrong tahts not the thunderhawk transport thats the ground transport, thats the BIG boy transport that basically shoots outta the launch bay a retarded speeds so that even AA basically cant hit it. It ca ndeliver a FUCK ton of units, able to carry 3 Land raider sized vehicles.Was also used generally as a fire base as well.IIRC as well they would launch with plating around them that woudl blow off when they enter the planet
>>94747206I'd drop a contemptor. Look to reduce dawnbreakers to 6-7x per squad including champion and look to add a 8-10 man Angel's Tears with Illiastus Assault Cannons. One of the best shooty units in the game and still thematic. I'd get a 3rd apothecary and put it in your angel's tears. 15 points kinda just hanging around too can throw an inferno pistol on your delegatus or grab a thunder hammer. Perdition weapons are cool, but there's better. I think Lance/Axe > Sword > Maul
>>94748921I think a leviathan with 2x storm cannons is good too. Only issue is it's not deep striking
>>94748842God I wish there was a game like in-between Aeronautica and BFG representing orbital operations where the main ship class was like landers and orbital defense arrays and corvettes, just so I could have models for the fleet of landers necessary to transfer my dudes from the ships to the battlefield
>>94748952As someone that runs a levi with 2X storm cannons. It's a lot of fun, a lot of dice, and a lot of dakka.
>>94748960>literally just describes LIAnon, that would be LI, they just don't have the models for ground transports yet. Alterantivly that would also be BFG but with wings of craft which they did have at one point.
>>94749027>>94748952I personally run the Stormcanon + Claw with Volkite nipples and Phosphex. Even waddling his ass up the board, he always makes points back because he will just weather a shit ton of fire that is then not hitting my other units. Leviathans are amazing.
>>94749033honestly i think it's worth the 340 points to go 2x storm cannons 2x illiastus assault cannons for ba. it's going to get shot to shit regardless and i think points wise it's worth
If the Emperor was skinny
>>94749050Oh i think its worth it no matter what, but my group also plays on a pretty terrain heavy board so getting into melee is very possible for me, and i like that S10(?) at I4 its brutal, literally.
>>94749061Someone give him a sandwich
>>94748960That is just Aeronautica.
How much of a dick move would a Salamanders Skyhunter Phalanx army with jetbikes with Dragon's Breath Heavy flamers and meltas and melta/be? I kind of want tro try it since new year new army. Could maybe even go traitors for the warlord trait, but that feels kind of old since I already have SoH and Word Bearers allies with Daemons for traitor armies.
>>94749238I mean not as big of a dick list as you think becuase at the end of teh day, sky hunters are still just T4 2W SV3. They are a lot better then outriders for sure.
>>94748656Who needs friends when I have dreadnoughts.
>>94748921Thanks for the suggestions. One of the things my collection is missing to make this list real is a second DB squad, so maybe instead of building a second one I’ll build Angels Tears cos I actually don’t have any yet. I mostly agree with your ranking of the Perdition weapons, but I think the DBs are the only unit that can actually make use of the maul, since they have Furious Charge it’s S8 Brutal(2) at Initiative on the charge.
Finally sat down and tracked down what I need to get to complete my mechanicum. >Print Archimandrite Archmagos on Abeyant Cybernetica Archmagos on Abeyant9 sets of arms for my Delaque tech priest conversions12 Servo Automata 60 Laslock Tech Thralls Paragon of Metal Artalax conversion 6 Grav Myrmidon Destructors >Buy10 Tech Priest Auxilia (Delaque with Skitarri and marine bionic heads, just bought) 2 Thanatar Cavas Thanatar CalixHonestly not as much as i expected, I can probably get these all acquired and painted by summer.
Trying to fit 2 full WYSIWYG Pride is Our Armor veteran squads, apothecaries, a deredeo, and a master of signal into 1000 points is sending me into conniptions. I'm having a blast, I'm gonna have to build and paint backup veterans to cut down on some of the expensive options I've taken on the dudes.
>>94747775Very cool BA! What dark grey did you use to highlight the black wing feathers on the front left guy, I’m looking for that for my own highlights.
>>94748727Amuses me a lot that for a 40k Chapter (at least lorewise) this is a huge lander, transporting 4 land raiders is a significant proportion of the chapter's armoury, and if its 6 rhino-sized chassis that's a company-size deployment (when you add the guys in the lander's transport compartment)And then in 30k that's the bare minimum, wouldn't raise an eyebrow, and would only be a small portion of a legion deployment
Still plugging away at these Dawnbreakers during the remote work, will need to look up how to paint gemstones, since I have the technical paints for them.
>>94750349Also these Crimson Pals, bringing me to a total of 12 Pals, though I doubt I’ll ever use that many in a single game.
>>94744061I guess HH and LI are dead games now.
>>94750683Unironically a good thing. The more GW fucks with something the more it's gonna get ruined.
>>94746055No, I meant that I'm interested in it being a 40k thing.If I merely wanted a good strategy vidya I would just play age of empires or something.But I'm not looking for a strategy vidya. I'm simply interested in 30-40k.>Then just build the minisBro I can't just own (and build) all the factions at once. It's my Skill Issue.
>>94748021>is there a way to use stone gauntlet without it being oppressive and fluffyUsing the rerollable 4++ invuln when an attack doesn't ignore your 3+ armour save is a choice. I have found Warders die as easily as tacticals without it.If you really wish to not be oppressive, you will choose to use your 3+ save over your 4++. This is the true test of character.You don't have to do it, but only then will you know you either don't want to be oppressive, or you are just posing.
>>94750347Would assume Legions made use of a wide variety of Imperial transports and drop ships during the Crusade and Heresy, not just very specific assault transports we associate with rapid chapter strike forces from the 41st millennium. Unfortunately flanderization has led to separation of equipment in 30k that didn't exist before. It's why, for example, only Marines use dreadclaws when we know they were used by the Navy. Perish the thought of letting a bunch of elite human void troops aboard. No, they must use civilian transports.
>>94750844I mean true but I do want the model range to be more developed first. Really need a Breacher/Despoiler kit to be available.
>>94748921>>94749297Angel's Tears being a Destroyer variant have Bitter Duty and so can't get apothecaries.
>>94750844>>94751254Talking about the LI range.
>>94748685No that is old mk3
>>94748213No worries, cool model
>>94751350it definitely is, but back of the leg kinda looks like like it has the nu-mk3 style flat plates instead of the old style flaring segments. might just be the shadows and poor image quality playing tricks on my eyes tho
>>94749061Pro-Ana Emperor of Stick-kind
I keep bouncing between "fuck yeah my models look awesome" and "wow these are shit I should kill myself"
>>94751661Unironically meds.Your shit is painted you are already 100x better than the average hhg gaymer
man, making a mechanicum list is hard because I have no experience with the factionwhat should I look out for? I expect cortex controllers are a big deal
>>94751711Only need those if you are running a lot of robots.
>>94744282Yup, they all have belts, so if you can cut in a straight line it should be fine.
>>94751711I mean it's kind of the same shit as everyone else, make sure you've got 1 backline line unit, at least mid field line units, and then some fast denial units that can either lock up scary things or butcher apart backline units, and make sure you're covered in being able to kill MEQ, VEQ, TEQ, and AV 14. All Cybertheurgy does is ask you to have a babysitter for your most important Automata units like thanatars or darkfire Castellax. Remember that tech priest auxilias can give you a Cybertheurgy and a Cortex Controller for 105 points (you don't need to force a double cast, just give your thanatar reactions or blank a wound every turn for cheap. Bonus if you take more techpriests to heal it's wounds from reactor overload.)
>>94751661Post your minis anon, usually it's just focusing on small flaws only you care about or nitpicking.
>>94751767Posted some SoH models I was testing a scheme on yesterday, but didn’t fully like. Tried out airbrushing today instead of the usual GW method. I am still so unsure.
>>94751798Sideways photo, killing myself for sure now
Fuck it, here are some models.
>>94751798Much improved, airbrush plus weathering is definitely the way to go. What's up with the highlight on the helmet though, did you do that by hand?
>>94751859Used panel liner to shade but it overspilled, tried to correct but fucked it a bit.
>>94751753ok, for backline I suppose some cyber-augmetic militia allies should cover that?(im that anon)give them some lasrifles for that 30" range to cover the midfieldtoss in some extra heavy weapon teams, recon squads with snipers etc for flavour
>>94751848I see your models and raise you a tiny titan. This was the last model I painted in 2024 but I have been too lazy to take a picture of it until now.
I like her hat.
>>94751905I see your tiny titan, and raise you a drop pod. First finished model of the year.
>>94751798Paint the bases and these will be well above average.
>>94752011On it boss. How would you say they should be painted?
>>94751848here's mine
>>94752056>Undrilled barrels
>>94752075NTA but as a representative of the drill-your-barrels mafia I think epic scale (on anything smaller than titan weapons at least) gets a pass as long as you paint a black dot or something
>>94752081Your membership of the drill-your-barrels mafia has hereby been revoked. All barrels MUST be drilled, no half measures.
Blackshield dread I did last night
Is there any place where black books and/or visions artworks are gathered?
>>94752163Anon.. the OP.. I beg you..
>>94752163Check the 40kg op.
>>94752154>loose chains just inches from the active chainsawAbandoning your legion and ideals is no excuse to abandon saftey standards
>>94752177>>94752190>>94752228I meant artworks which are already cataloged by Legion. Not the whole books. There is already a folder for artworks from the card game, I'm considering doing the same for Black Books, but was curious if I'm not repeating someones work.
>>94752337Oh, sorry. That would actually be a pretty cool resource, but I'm not aware of any.
God going back to working in office 5 days a week fucking sucks, I've got the parts for my Nullificators coming today but I'm not going to get home until 7pm.
>>94752367Bow and scrape to the real estate industry, Anon
>>94751999what is that spooky green?
>>94752380Thinned Dark Angels green from an ancient pot of Citadel paint (like over 15 years old) over white.
>>94752399yes but what device is that in the drop pod?
Iron Warriors build a roller coaster
>>94752423Some sort of holographic projector, to keep marines updated with data whilst they are dropping in.
>>94752470alright thanks buddy
>>94752290Safety first! Abandon the rest of your standards later.
>>94752367Make sure your mom doesn't throw them in the trash furnace!
>>94751874What units do you really want to use and what do you expect them to do?
>>94750367The Great Angel smiles on your progress, brother.
>>94752446>Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power
>>94752641to start3 thanatar-cavas for artillerythats basically a thousand points already
>>94752017Something relatively neutral that the guys will stand out from. The particular style is up to you. Since they're a cold color scheme I'd personally pick something with warm colors like desert or forest, but dark grey would probably work as well.
>>94752788So those, plus their designated repairmen and babysitter are your back line guys that you need to prevent from being charged (Also consider making one thanatar a calix to rape tanks with). What do you intend to do about terminators?
>>94752925NTA but three thanatars firing plasma bombards is already kind of excessive firepower for dealing with terminators.
>>94752925well, thanatars can already deal with terminators somewhat (S8 so ID, AP2 capability), so probably add in some plasma myrmidons?not too many, I know how good they areor, as i'll have 2 HS slots free, maybe 2 decimators, for both anti terminator and anti dreadnought duty
>>94753254Actually, what the fuck are you taking thanatars for if you're not doing it to obliterate infantry? Mech has domitars and vultarax if you're trying to rape vehicles with Automata.
>>94753298Three thanatars should be more than enough to delete any and all enemy infantry anon. Thanatars regularly get restricted to 1 or 2 at events for a reason.
>>94753299What the he'll kind of lists are you playing against where a domitar ever gets near a vehicle?
>>94753533could just be extremely stupid opponents
>>94753723So just your average warhammer player.
>thinking about a unit of vets with combi-alchem flamers and power mauls in mk5 Armor in the Reaping with Rad Grenades as trench fighters and objective clearers>run some numbers to figure out if they can do the job effectively>vs pretty much any unit not fully in artificer the mauls will Maul them (hehe) and the flamers are a waste of points at best or return fire bait at worse >vs Artificer armor it still won't do anything because they'll get their ass rated for daring to step up to a loyalist vet unit Why must everything cool be so difficult to pull off
Hello friends, I have 3k points of Marines just sat around waiting to be loved because I have no workspace to build them yet. I just wanna paint my dudes...
>>94753870If you can afford minis you can afford a little folding table or TV tray. Get to work.
help pls. i'm trying to wrap my head around a mechanicum demo list and i can't really figure out a good way to showcase the different mechanics, while mostly using units available in plastic and wrapped in a 1000-ish format
>>94753899This. I paint in my bed room using a tray on my computer desk, you have NO excuse
>>94753870You could get a sizable table for less than a predator
>>94753899I'm living with the in-laws because my house is currently under rennovation. Nowhere to store the minis once finished. Once I'm done though 3000 points of ultramarines will be finished in record time, I even had a chinaman cast me girlyman
Man I know thallax are like one of the best troop units in the game, but I wish Lachrimallus tech priest auxilia could Buff up the FNP like they do the adsecularis. I'm building 3 Lachrimallus anyway, but it'd be nice at least
>>94754181Thallax are the best troops in the game because they justify my heavy bolter heavy support squad.
>>94751848Mind posting some close ups? Would love some inspo for my own DAngels.
>>94742382Who is the Big Boss of 30k?
>>94755365Khan, alternatively, Saul tarvitz
>>94753723>>94753533You'd basically have to deploy the vehicle directly opposite the domitar as close to the edge of deployment as possible with nothing in between, then move directly towards it, then ignore it in your shooting phase to even stand a chance of losing a vehicle to a domitar on turn 1. It's more likely on later turns, but then you've ignored it for even more turns for some reason. I guess if how you use vehicles is to run them flat out directly towards things that want to punch a vehicle without any kind of protection whatsoever then you would probably find your vehicles getting taken out that way.
>>94755988he said Big Boss not Piss Ocelot
>>94754790I usually go overboard with the varnish. I could probably go back over with a bit of matte.I eventually learned how to do decals so I don't really freehand symbols much anymore because I can't really do it consistently.
>>94756077Here's the apothecary you can see in the first photo.
The thumbs up doesn't work because I'd have to remake the whole hand.Should I be cheeky with one of these options or just make a replacement spear or just slap the slightly-awkward grey knight sword on.
>>94752749Thank you very much,I appreciate the kind word. Will keep plugging away at the BA. Since my guys are music themed,” The Choir”, I thought I’d put sheet music on the side of their tanks instead of classical art. Can’t decide if it would be best to use a micron pen or a ruler, paintbrush, and really steady hand to draw the musical scale bars and whatnot. Might have the Spartan’s sheet music be genuine Classical Beethoven and the Land Raider some Britney Spears.
I wonder if it's worth giving Seekers bayonets at all. Obviously they're not supposed to get into close combat, but 10 points to give a squad a bit more power in that occasion doesn't seem completely pointless.
>>94751356Ty. I was working on some AL over the holidays, but never got to finish their bases. Doing just the bases doesn't count as first model of 2025 eh? Should I do my ruinstorm harbringer? Or paint some Space Wolves for my first full model of 2025?
>>94743954That's not the dire wolf.
Counting up all my space marines I'm actually well over 4000 points since I went a bit heavy on upgrades. That's not even counting the thallax I was thinking of including with a forge lord. I guess I'm done? Just gotta paint it all up.
>>94757366>he thinks it ever ends
>>94757378If they're just gonna drip their silly little character models down the production line, yeah. I don't want those.
>>94755365>Now do you remember? Who you are? What you were meant to do?>I cheated death, thanks to you. And thanks to you I've left my mark.>You have too. You've written your own history. You're your own man.>I'm Alpharius, and you are too... No... He's the two of us. Together.>Where we are today? We built it. This story - this "Legion" - it's ours.>We can change the galaxy - and with it, the far future.>I am you, and you are me. Carry that with you, wherever you go. Thank you... brother.>From here on out, you're Alpharius
Anyone gotten moiraxes from wtg before? I known it's a recast of plastic hybrid, but armigers are a newer kit. Any chance that it's not fucking soul crushing like the fellblade?
>>94756077>>94756085Neat, thanks anon.
>>94757366>Well over 4000Those are rookie numbers in this league you gotta pump those numbers.
>>94753533AL steal an Iron Circle Maniple and use shenanigans to Deep Strike or Infiltrate it
>>94756854Bases do not count, do whatever project you feel is most fun and take it from there.
>>94758148If the base isn't done, the model isn't finished. Simple as.
>>94751968>warp mutated cultist vaginaimagine the smell
Do we know what was going on in necromunda during the heresy?
>>94758389It got devastated during the HH, and it took the efforts of the Ironhead Squats to rebuild Necromunda.
Which weapons do you associate with the Space Wolves the most, other than Frost blades?
>>94757405I haven’t got any, but I suspect it’s no where near as bad as the fellblade. The fellblade is bad even with a good cast. I’ve built a knight mageara from WTG that I got off eBay before they had their website and it wasn’t bad - the plastic components were mostly short and thick and even the hull went together nicely.
>>94758585Upside down bolters with furry tails
>>94758187>this anon loves putting his lovingly crafted forest floor bases on a fucking desert table and talking about how the bases help "muh immersion"Bases are a "nice to have" at most. A flat black base is fine. I finish all my bases for my 28mm stuff, but I don't begrudge anyone who doesn't. It's a pain in the ass to do nice bases (ie, more than just sand paste) for, at best, no benefit to the model's aesthetic.
>>94758816The base compliments and enhances the look of the model. Playing with unpainted bases is basically the same as playing with unpainted models.>Muh bases too difficult to doSkill issue.
>>94758840"Too difficult" and "not worth hand sculpting 150+ bases no one is going to notice" are two entirely different things. Plus, haven't you ever seen models where the finished bases detract from the finished model? I'd conservatively put that at 80% of the models I've seen - mostly the ones that are just slopped-on texture paints on the base of a good model. I'd rather have flat black over ugly cracked earth in bright orange with no shade.>Playing with unpainted bases is basically the same as playing with unpainted models.Except it isn't, because the models are painted; it's just the base that exists purely to facilitate gameplay that isn't painted.
>>94758893Cope harder hobbylet.
>>94758893You don't really need much for a decent or even good base. Just some sand, PVA glue, rocks and tufts go a long way. Texture paints are also a good product.In my mind the easiest and cheapest biomes to make bases for are deserts and rocky landscapes. Just slap some sand, PVA glue and rocks on before priming, basecoat, shade some dry brushing and top it off with varnish and grass tufts. Winter bases are also rather simple, grassy landscapes can get expensive due to tufts while jungle and forrest terrain is a bitch. Cities and ruined cities also require a bit more accessories than normal.
>>94758662Seconding this.The weird furry buttplugs they cover their models with.
>>94758893> baselet copeUnpainted base? The model isn't finished. Minimal effort makes a base acceptable (texture paint, wash, overcoat color, lighter dry brush). Then you paint the rim black.No one cares how the model is painted if they are on an unpainted base
>>94758585Guns that shoot lots of bullets and flamers
>>94758893>Some people make shit bases>This means I should never do basingThat is some ass backwards reasoning. Is that also why you don't build and paint any models? Because there exist people who build and/or painted their models like shit?
>>94759035So you're completely illiterate, since I acknowledged up front that I do finish all my bases for 28mm games. I just don't refuse games with people who don't.
>>94759049Sure buddy, why else would you be performing mental gymnastics to say naked bases are better actually.
>>94759068"Fine" and "better" are two different things. A great painted base is great. The average 30k player does not work at a level where they're making a great base. And yeah, that includes me, mine aren't great by any stretch. But they're good enough to ward off the "hobbylet" bullshit from people who don't even collect or play.
>>94759080Damn, maybe you should start getting some models painted if you feel called out and start projecting this easily.
>>94758589Sweet, I think I'll order two this weekend and if those turn out well I'll order another two for a full talon.
>>94742588There's a medium sized daemon character profile in there that would be suitable for an older greater daemon.
>>94759196You know speaking of moiraxes, they seem like pretty decent Dread killers? One with a Grav pulsar and Siege Claw can strip off likely two wounds, then either maybe get lucky with a concussive proc and charge to finish the job themselves for probably mutually assured destruction, or wait for the dreadnought to come in themselves, return fire/overwatch, and again go for the mutually assured destruction with their instant deathing Brutal 2 claws.
>>94744009>>94751798Ok, finished 5 SoH by airbrush instead of using a brush to basecoat. Also finished up the bases on them. How are they looking now? I've never really used airbrush for infantry before, only doing Imperial Guard camo patterns.
>>94759298Looks great
anyone have a scale comparison between a plastic tech-thrall and an OLD cadian?
>>94759298Looks great.
LI is fun, FUN i say
>>94759373actually fuck it, i'll just get some resin tech-thralls
>>94759466Impossible, no one has fun here.
28mm scale direwolf when?It's been out long enough in ligma scale
>>94759740Never, Forge world is dead.
>>94759740We didn't even get the Warmaster titan in 28mm scale yet, which has been in AT for longer. Not to mention the long list of weapon options for all titans that are still missing for 28mm...
>>94759751The warmaster is unreasonably big, the direwolf is a reasonable size
>>94759767No titan is a reasonable size. Not even knights. Armigers are borderline.
>>94759298Looking good, and you seem to have got them out nice and fast. If I were to suggest one thing it would be a bit of weathering dust around the ankles.
>>94759790Any recommendations for brand/variant? Any videos specifically on it?I was thinking the same thing myself, a bit of orange weathering powder on the base and greaves.
>>9475975130k killed all of the titans' weapon options so there's no hope of that outside of 3d printing (which is basically the same thing at this point anyway)
>>94759751>Weapon options that dont exist in 28mm ScaleProblem Anonkun? Because i got 28mm warhound volkite Still need to decide on waht to house rule this bitch as.
>>9475988340" S8 AP2 heavy 15
>>94759809Lots of brands out there, AK, Mig, Vallejo, Tamiya. I'm not enough of an expert to know which are best, another anon might be able to weigh in there, but they're all basically just artist's pigment so I don't know that there's much difference. I'd be fairly careful about using orange tones though, people tend to try to match their base a bit more closely. I'd be inclined to use a combination of a darker and lighter earth tone, there are all sorts of tutorials out there.
>>94758585They did commission the Scorpius, so missiles?
>>94759899hmmm not bad not bad. I was thinking maybe something likeS8 AP3 Heavy 12 Breaching 4+ Deflagrate I really wanted to use the beam rules but dont know how to do it with out making it really weird.
>>94758585Twin-Linked Autocannon and Combi-bolters
>>94760031just make it the glaive volkite beam cannon but has breaching 4+
>>94759899>>94760031I love how the only consistent things about volkites is the Deflagrate rule and range being in increments of 5. AP would be consistent if they didn't decide the super-heavy gun jumps to 3 while reducing shots to 1 (with Beam). If pistols had AP6 and heavy guns had AP4, you could see there being some correlation between the size of the gun and AP. Pinning gets also thrown randomly on some guns. Unless S7 is the sweet spot between no Pinning and Beam.
How bad of an idea is using characterless scyllax as midfield line? I want some line other than the 6 blood slaughterers and 30 tech thralls I'm bringing, but lorewise my traitors don't have access castellax or thallax so my only other option is tech priest auxilia or allied Armigers
Gib plastic ursarex
>After much tedious struglle, finally finished painting my two drop pods>Somehow feel an urge to paint moreIs this what stockholm syndrome feels like?
>>94760255You should indulge that urge.
>>94760091There's a pretty bad lack of clear intent with regards to how they should scale there.
>>94760174They made the thallax torsos and legs separate for a reason
>>94760375To spite marinefags.
>>94760394I don't think marinefags want 6 pieces per leg.
>>94760499Yet they keep asking for mkv armor
>>94760610>you can't make studded legs without cutting them into several pieces>meanwhile, in the MkIV kit...
>>94760638That be lost tech. Like adding a sprue with ccws and stuff.
>>94760638The arcane technologies which allowed such details have been long lost and forgotten anon, don't be ridiculous.
>>94760638GW seems to think that multi-piece studded parts is now preferable to smeared studs. I disagree, but I don't make the calls on what molds get cut.
>>94760812Its because GW is doing everything in thier power to make thier models harder to both Pirate, and print bits for. The more awkward the cuts are, and the more they model directly to things, the harder it is to make 3rd party casts/prints of bits unless you get the offical GW bullshit.Then again, GW is out of touch with their actual consumer base, because they unironically think people actually wanted Mk6 in the first place. Which outside of RG and AL, no one really gave a shit about Mk marines other then beakie memes.
Dunno what to paint this as >dubs: iron warriors >Trips: sons of Horus >If a number ends with the number of any other legion I will paint it as that >Quads: blackshields (they spend the entire heresy space trucking)
>>94760812>preferable to smeared studsWhere are the smears on that leg? MkVI and III kits already have legs in 2-3 pieces, so cut them below the knee and print the studded greaves separate, giving you all the angles you need for the studs. Then thighs and torso front as another piece. Problems solves without any issued. The seam could be around the knee pads and joints, so it's not a problem.
>>94760837Imperial Army, carrying two squadrons of Leman Russ Strike Tanks.
>>94760638Still don't understand why plastic Mk VI got that weird split shoulder pad, when Mk IV has studded shoulder pads which are just fine.
>>94760858Because GW has a needless obsession over shit no one actually gives a shit about in the name of making their models more of a pain to build and can charge more for it.
>>94760858>which are just fineThey're not, since the studs on the edges are smeared. You could do the pads as single piece with a mould with more than two parts (Baneblade kit has the sponson guns with drilled barrels off the sprue), but it'd make it even more complex, so I'm guessing they prefer the consoomer suffers. Meanwhile, gunpla models can have parts with working joints already moulded on the sprue with no assembly required...
>>94760889>since the studs on the edges are smeared.Literal non issue and the only people i have ever complain about muh smeared studs, were shit painters any way and smeared or not, it would still look like shit if they painted it.
>>94760842The smears in the MkIV set are more on the shoulders, but IIRC (it's been a while since I painted the last of mine) the leg set with a studded left knee had minor smearing on the knee. Small enough you'd never notice, but the shoulder smearing was small enough too and that didn't stop GW.
>>94761028Lets be honest not even the mk6 studs are good enough, I've seen retards drilling out the studs and replacing them with ball bearings. Anyone's whose autistic enough to actually like studs will just do them themselves, so why bother.
>>94761028Yes, the legs with the knee studs have smearing on some of the studs. The ones without studs on the knee are free from any smearing I'm able to see. But the point is merely to show that with proper posing and planning, we can have smear free studded legs without cutting them into a dozen pieces.>>94760925>average LIgma infantry enjoyer
>>94761056>fine with smeared studs>not fine with a seam in the middle of a shoulder padThe duality of autism.
>>94761062I fully agree with you. The technology is there. GW is not willing to embrace it.
>>94761056People who actually give a shit about studs are the same retards that bitch about the scale of Mk4 and Mk6.Put Mk6 next to mk4 on the table, at waist height, looking down at it at like a 45 degree angle, you are not going to notice a fucking difference unless some one points it out.
>>94761073No I don't like studs in general and I think mk6 is a shitty meme Armor whose sole relevance is nostalgia. Stud likers are often the worst kinds of autists who are the type to think anything not covered in mud, weathering, strapped on kit, or other modern milsim crap that you can't even tell what Legion they are underneath is "true heresy"
I got the AoD box for xmas to start my army. I am just wondering what I should do with the space marines and am in two minds.3x10 man tactical squads with 1x10 man heavy weapon squad, this allows me to stick them in rhinos.2x15 man tactical squad and 1x10 man heavy weapon squad. I'm thinking of giving them lascannons because I like lascannons
>>94761100Build to run 2x15 and you'll still be able to run 3x10 legally without changing any models.
>>94761100>3x10 man tactical squads with 1x10 man heavy weapon squad,>2x15 man tactical squad and 1x10 man heavy weapon squad.Anon....you know you can just make 3 10 man tac squads then run them as either 3x10 or 2x15....you just say the SGT is one of the regular tacs.Math anon...math.
>>94761084>you can't see the MkIV is a head shorter when looking from an upward angleIn other news, you can't tell the difference between piss and rain unless someone tells you they're pissing on you.
>>94761118>You cant tell the difference between them from the way you will be looking at them 90% of the time while playingYeah i know, im right.
>>94761105>>94761109Of course. I am a retard. Either way I was buying Rhinos anyway
>>94761124Whatever helps you cope and sneed, friend.
>>94761160>Cope and sneedAnon, I'm not the one that gives a shit about scale between nu marines and old marines.
>>94761165There's people who don't mind having poopy butts either.
>>94760499Thallax are a contender for least reasonable infantry kit ever made. 6 parts per leg, something like 10 for the torso.
What is your favourite variant of Terminator? I for one love Cataphractii
>>94761399Anything but Tartaros.
I suspect have have light autism and ADHD, what about /hhg/?
>>94761094You must be fun at parties.
>>94761399Indomitus will always be the best looking variant of tactical dreadnought armour.
>>94761496I prefer MkIV Castraferrum with an ACOG and a silencer, myself.
>>94761496Is there a HH version different to 40k or do people just use old firstborn terminators for them?
>>94761496Nah its good looking but not the best.Nothing, and i mean nothing, will look better the a cataphractii terminator with a combi bolter and a power claw. Does not matter if its good or not, it looks sexo.
>>94761537>FirstbornDo not use that word in here. People do just use the old plastic terminators, with the crux terminatus shaved off.
>>94761427If it weren't for the lack of power armour and gene implants /hhg/ would literally be the IW legion.
>>94761537>firstborn terminatorsAre those a DA unit?
>>94761427I am certain you have it
>>94761638Listen I'm sorry I'm just returning to the hobby and trying to get my head around all the slop they added to 40k. Which is why I'm here because I read those rules and didn't like what I saw
>>94761537You can use the new Terminators, but they're fucking massive compared to the current Heresy Terminators.
small park prototype for imperialis
>>94743722>and run MkVI and MkIII alongside each other without putting in a lot of effort to justify it.That makes perfect sense for most of the guys who actually did get MkVI though, even with the HH 2.0 retconsThe problem would be mixing stuff like MkVI and MkII when that finally dropsYes I'm huffing copium
>>94743722>justify it.I have a permit.
How good are aircraft in Legion Imperialis? Are they as useless as they are in normal HH where they're pretty much automatically killed as a reaction? Also is it true you can easily play with just one box of the new admech set + 2 Warhounds and a Reaver?
>>94762409namefags go home to reddit
>>94762186Based nature enjoyer.I've always been tempted to make a sort of Deku Tree terrain piece
>>94761537The old terminators work well but 30k indomies have the option to recieve standard power weapons or have fist/shield combos which the kit doesn't include.
>>94762700nature is fun. i plan to do ruined parks as well
>>94762763The tree looks pretty massive.
>>94762974It's a Primoak
>>94762986Fucking Cawl.
New bread>>94763293>>94763293>>94763293
>>94747206That looks like the single most boring list I have ever seen. Looks very WAAC too. 0/10, try again