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How is it that some of us cherish miniatures, understand that miniature wargaming is primarily about the miniatures, creating worlds and stories and scenarios in miniature. About different sculptors and manufacturers etc etc etc.

And some people throw a dozen plastic Eagles they've spent time painting in a box because they don't match the "meta" of one of GWs more genteel games, LotR SBG

How do we educate people into seeing the light?
Those birds are so fuckin mad about being left in the box holy shit.
I genuinely don't know how to answer your question, anon. I keep my chaos warriors secured safely in a metal toolbox with magnets. Several of my regular opponents keep their models in plastic ziplock bags. It's not even just the ones who don't paint, or who paint poorly. Even the ones who paint well just toss their models in a bag and call it a day.
It's downright peculiar.
How is that some of us fail to realize the basic truth that wargaming is and always was about the rules and that miniatures are just fancier pawns/chits for plebs easily amused by shiny things?

two can play this game
Just like how actual crack addiction is kind of self-inflicted hell, forcing yourself to spend thousands on plastic crack metachasing and grinding out paint jobs in a row to meet tournament standards is also one.
they are fine just resting in a box, they only have to be secured for transportation. Also varnishing makes a big difference.

That's not at all how miniature wargaming originated though. It came from people collecting miniatures for their RPGs and then wanting to get them all out at once for a big battle.
Do you not know about historical miniature wargaming?
That came first. Then RPGs. Then dnd and Warhammer wanting to have mass battles with the rpgonutees.
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Dont underestimate the human nature to compete and challenge.
You can actually do both Anon. I love my minis, but at the end of the day, they are just that.

Every couple of years i go over my shelves and display cabinets and move stuff out that i am no longer enjoying to look at. They end up in boxes, sometimes with foam to protect them, sometimes with just some kitchen towel wrapped around them, sometimes not even that.
At some point you just need to make some space for new stuff.

This Anon here is right btw: >>94744917
Nothing will break if you place models randomly in a box, and then not move the box (or just move it carefully to the basement or garage). It only gets a problem when the box is handled roughly. If it just sits somewhere, its completely fine. Plastic is durable.
I don't think I'm underestimating it, I'm estimating it exactly at its value. It's masochism to be the best at the worst kinds of things.
Yeah, it's always baffling on gameday to see the shoeboxes or cheap plastic tubs full of minis audibly rattling around. Or ones with a visible layer of dust/pet hair. And often, they're painted better than my own.

And these dudes aren't slobs, they treat their and my minis with respect on the table, it's just the transportation and storage.

I wouldn't go as far to say my minis are a prize possession or anything, but I've spent too much time and money to treat them like that.
>That's not at all how miniature wargaming originated though. It came from people collecting miniatures for their RPGs and then wanting to get them all out at once for a big battle.
It absolutely did not. Miniatures wargaming for fun was a thing before any kind of pen and paper RPG. It was a thing for military training long before that.

Go and read Little Wars by HG Wells. This is the first instance of a for-fun miniatures wargaming being published. (they may have existed before but only between friends, all systems published earlier were for military training and very dependent on having a GM)
To add - find a PDF scan, not just the text. There are some lovely illustrations and photographs.
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Depends what you're there for, but GW absolutely encourage chopping and changing because it makes them more money.

Sadly the only games in my area are WAACfags doing exactly this. Massive, unpainted armies mashed into cramped L-shaped cardboard ruins to cower out of LoS the whole game, instantly killing anything that so much as looks like its about to break cover before hiding again. Like the wallflower player in vampire LARP, sat in a corner with maxed out potency and celerity just hoping somepne will start something.

Nothing but spamming the latest 'meta' picks for them, they never paint their minis so just grab three of whatever youtube tells them is currently OP. They genuinely don't understand that I'd take months to paint up "just one more" unit of ten heavy intercessors so my army will finally last more than a single turn, honest, this time it'll be different. My requests to stick to the rules as they were on codex launch (Because painting a whole army literally takes me a year) absolutely baffle them. "But it's more balanced" they cry, as I get tabled on turn 1 yet again.

So every match I, as a reward for painting and modelling a full army to a high standard, get 10 points for painting and a firm goodbye at the end of turn 1.

Doing what I do is a hell of a lot more effort and, if even one WAACfag gets rolling, it's going to net you a hell of a lot less playtime as a reward.

Pic related, I got a single game with him before he was banned.
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The plastic is, the paint perhaps less so. Though at least it's not as perilous as metal; had some armies back in the day (GW, Historical, Other) that were probably objectively crap but they were MINE; unfortunately even high-gloss varnish didn't protect them quite as much as I'd hoped over time.
Because they see them as game tokens and expect them to be sturdy enough to be just put into storage.
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I agree. Probably (Rich) kids got tin soldiers and played Wargames without a ruleset but as pretend to play.
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It wouldn't surprise me if some people invented more formal rulesets - perhaps some military officers who wanted a more for-fun version of what they'd been doing in training? If they did, they didn't publish it.
Just go read about kriegspiel and historical wargaming instead of yammering like you have any idea. It's growth and change is very well documented and has been for a long time.
Yeah, I was explaining it in terms that someone who thought miniature wargaming somehow came from RPGs might understand.
Yes, the post Little Wars development of recreational wargaming is pretty well documented but there is nothing prior to that and it would be ridiculous to assume that it simply did not exist.
It's probably just the availability of lots of comparatively cheap toy tin soldiers at the time, and Wells being just not-giving-a-shit enough to revisit his childhood with them. I know I used to play dice games with my "Army Men" long before I even knew there were games that weren't Snakes and Ladders or Ludo.
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Totally agree with you dudes, and I honestly feel the same about people who sell their entire armies. How much time did you spend painting those guys? I'm far too sentimental and love miniatures too much--would be like selling my fucking child.

I secretly dislike people who do any of this lol.
To be fair I've sold my tau to a friend apart from a single mini I kept as a display piece. I didn't play them any more and I know he'll actually use them.
The Iggles deserve better.
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My opinion is that it is the other way around. Military used it for planning and teaching. Than the metal-forgers saw they could sell it to kids.
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Sorry that i dont know that much. Before that i only knew that it comes from war planning. But you could write it in a less demeaning way.
Quick question relevant to storage:
I have about a coffee table of hand-me-down, minis I plan on stripping and storing for possible future projects or test minis.
Is wrapping them securely in paper towels and putting them in a ziplock bag sufficient for keeping them from getting fucked up if they stay in a box for a long time?
I could but I won't. Learn how to research and become less ignorant. You have the entire internet and obviously time to waste. Your hurt feelings are deeply irrelevant here.
If you're planning on stripping them, then that should be fine as long as you don't jostle them too much and they don't have long, fragile pieces like spears that could bend or break.
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>and they don't have long, fragile pieces like spears that could bend or break.
I have about 30 elvish spear men(I think from pic related) and eight horse riders with lances.
Miraculously, none of them are broken, but from the same collecction, a space marine Chaplin, techmarine, and some kitbash I don't recognize ALL have broken swords. Ezekiel is also present and his sword is intact, which I believe is a small miracle as well. Metal > Resin in this case I guess.
Okay, so, I thought about it, and I think I can wrap them in paper towls, sandwich them between two pieces of card board, tape that, and put it into a bag and they should be fine.
Sort of like a splint. And they're on square bases which should make it easy to keep them straight.
Could also isolate the extra fragile lads and put them inside a tupperware container inside of the box for an extra layer of protection.
It's just a bunch of useless plastic toy soldiers my guy. People spend time on them because they have nothing better to do, not because this shit is actually precious.
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>not because this shit is actually precious.
You are objectively and spiritually wrong.
In terms of scarcity, many people think along the vein of:
>Just print more!
but printing shit has a few huge objective costs: You have to get the machine set up, source material, spend TIME running it, and there's even an error rate!
And when I say 'print' I mean all forms of creating miniatures. Every method has various trade-offs, like 'traditional' injection molding is the most efficient for time but they're heavy machines and you need a mold while resin printers can print anything and even do things like have holes for gun barrels, but take way more TIME.
GW, and every other miniature company, cannot just 'print money'. They have to factor in these costs, especially TIME, because what you spend on printing one product is time spent not printing another that might make you more money.
Ergo, minis, like trading cards, are backed by more then just artificial scarcity. As for 'nothing better to do', it's for the soul and keeping your cognitive abilities by honing your creativity and challenging yourself. So, spiritually, they have real, intrinsic value. Just about everyone who spits in the face of these sorts of hobbies I've found has been an insufferable person who hates money.

I mean, what are you? A Commie?
E-sports is deflating though, years of hype men pumping millions of dollars into it to make it profitable has ended.
Got to put the models you're not using somewhere.
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And humans are just a pile of meat, and the earth is a ball of dirt, and nothing means anything, right?
Is it? I thought it is just games that run its “time of attention“ course of events.
And we dont have any real new games that can be played as E-Sport. Maybe Marvel Rivals?
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I researched enough to have this discussion. Because i talked about the things holes between the official research and data. Because you dont have enough info about normal life or kids from that time. Just books or text that survived. Plus some elites that have left some infos.
why would you ever paint like in pic rel and not with tape or sumtin' to mask

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