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Here's an easy one.

Anne sells Apples, she lives at number 15.
Eddie sells Elephants, he lives at number 58.
Mark sells Mice, what house does he live at?
Damn, didn't expect someone to get it that fast.
If a man in a butcher's stall
Stands five feet six inches tall
What does he weigh?
You cheeky fucker. correct
You can swallow it and it can fill you, and some would die for it, but the dying and starving would abandon it in a heartbeat
my dick
Both correct
Six men get in line for the dentist. The first one gets two teeth pulled. The second one gets three teeth pulled. When the dentist goes to get the third person, nobody is left in line.
Did they die?
How does that work?
Whos buried in Grants tomb?
The first part of the answer is what number the first letter is of the alphabet so A=1, B=2 etc and the second part is how many letters make the singular for the noun. This means M=13 and mouse=5 hence 135 being the answer.
No, who's on first
That's what I'm asking!
Thank you. I figured something like that, but couldn't put it together for some reason. That reason probably being that I'm very stupid.
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Here's a riddle literally none of you will get right:
What color is this dress?
What does a rock become when it is completely submerged in water?
Ceci n'est pas une robe
A wet rock.
It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, cannot be heard, cannot be smelled.
It lies behind stars and under hills, and empty hills it fills.
It comes first and follows after, ends life, kills laughter.
That won't prevent the dentist to get his due teeth.
Either the previous dudes had friends for moral support or the others left because they saw how much of a quack the dentist was.
What they actually needed was some molar support!
Feathers or glass?
The dentist didn't use anesthesia and the remaining people in the room left out of fear.
Feathers would be sold by Freddy who lives at number 67, Glass would be sold by Gary who lives at number 75
Gold and white.
The other 3 were in the wrong line.
Two of them were boys with their gay fathers?
I got nothing.
First two pulled the teeth of the other men?
I’m always hungry, I must be fed
The last finger I lick will soon turn red
What am I?
What number comes next in this sequence?
>Post riddles.
But what comes after riddles?
Ulysses and Julia Grant. And because I know what the trick is meant to be with the question:
>Middle English burien, birien, beryen, going back to Old English byrgan, byrian, going back to Germanic *burgjan-, probably meaning "to conceal" (whence also Old Norse byrgja "to close, shut, hide"), zero-grade derivative from the base of *bergan- "to keep safe"
>half the posts are ciphers
There's more than one dentist.
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The answer to every riddle is a quickdrawn gunshot to the face of the riddleasker, followed by an entirely non sequitor laconic quip.
In that lighting, the dress is roughly #7F85A9. A pale blueish shade. The filigree is roughly #7D6F3E, a golden brown.

This is just based on the image that's being served. I'd need to see it in better lighting to see what color it properly is.

Though generally speaking, when I'm applying the different hues of indoor lighting, including daylight (a blueish white), it winds up shifting into a more white and gold look.

But again, would really need to see it in person and in better lighting to be sure.
Baste and Macedonianpilled

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